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Damper Application


application guide
A technical bulletin for engineers, contractors and students in the air movement and control industry.

New UL Test Standards for Life Safety Dampers

To address the changing requirements in
building codes, system design, and product
application, Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
is continually revising and upgrading their
Standards for Safety to assure end users that
products will perform their intended function
in a reliable and safe manner.
Evolution of UL 555 and UL 555S
The first edition of a UL Standard for Safety
(UL 555) for fire dampers was published in
1968. It was not until 1983 that UL developed New UL test standards for Life Safety
a Standard for Safety (UL 555S) for smoke Dampers will take effect in July 2002
dampers. Over the years there have been
numerous changes to these standards. In July
2002 the 6th edition of UL 555 and the 4th edition of Fire Dampers are evaluated for use as either:
UL 555S will take effect. a) Fire Dampers for Static Systems Ð for HVAC
JULY 1, 2002 is the deadline for all manufacturers of systems that are automatically shut down in the
life safety fire, smoke and combination fire/smoke event of a fire.
dampers to comply with new testing requirements b) Fire Dampers for Dynamic Systems Ð for HVAC
for UL 555 (Fire Dampers) and UL 555S (Smoke systems that are operational in the event of a fire.
Dampers). This article will review the new c) Combination Fire and Smoke Dampers Ð for
requirements dampers must comply with to retain locations in HVAC systems where a fire damper
their UL listings. and a smoke damper are required at a single
UL 555 - Fire Dampers Testing/Rating Requirements
Fire Dampers are intended for use where air ducts To meet the requirements for UL 555, dampers are
penetrate or terminate at openings in walls or subjected to the following battery of tests:
partitions, in air transfer openings in partitions, and ¥ Fire Endurance and Hose Stream Test
where air ducts extend through floors as specified ¥ Cycling Test
in the Standard for Installation of Air Conditioning
¥ Salt Spray Test
and Ventilating Systems, NFPA 90A. In a fire
emergency the fire damper is designed to close and ¥ Dynamic Closure Test (not required for Fire
prevent the spread of fire from one side of the wall Dampers for Static Systems)
or partition to the other. ¥ Duct Impact Test

P.O. Box 410 • Schofield, WI 54476 • 715.359.6171 • Fax 715.355.2399
Copyright © 2001 Greenheck Fan Corp.
Greenheck Product Application Guide

New and Revised Testing/Rating UL 555S - Smoke Dampers

Smoke Dampers are intended to restrict the spread
There are significant changes between the 5th and
of smoke in HVAC systems that are designed to be
6th editions of UL 555 in the test procedures and
automatically shut down in the event of a fire, or
published ratings. Manufacturers must meet the
assist with control of pressure differential across
following new and revised testing requirements
smoke barriers when the HVAC system is part of an
being implemented for fire dampers.
engineered smoke control system. They are also
intended to restrict the spread of smoke when the
Dynamic Closure Test (not required for Fire
smoke control fans shut down.
Dampers for Static Systems)
The test evaluates a damperÕs ability to close against Smoke Dampers are evaluated for use as either:
a given heated airflow and remain closed with a a) Smoke Dampers Ð For use in HVAC systems
given pressure against the closed damper. As a where ducts pass through smoke barriers.
result, a flow and pressure rating is obtained for the
b) Combination Fire and Smoke Dampers Ð For
locations in HVAC systems where a fire damper and
Testing Using Heated Air Ð The temperature of the a smoke damper are required at a single location.
air passing through the damper will be increased
Testing/Rating Requirements
until the heat responsive device (typically a fusible
link or electronic sensor) releases and allows the To meet the requirements for UL 555S dampers are
damper to close. This test will more closely simulate subjected to the following battery of tests:
the mode of operation for the damper in a typical ¥ Cycling Test
field application.
¥ Temperature Degradation Test
Minimum Airflow and Pressure Ratings Ð ¥ Salt Spray Test
Minimum allowable airflow of 2,000 fpm; pressure ¥ Flame Spread Test
rating of 4 in. wg for Dynamic Dampers. Airflow ¥ Smoke Develop Test
ratings exceeding the minimum 2,000 fpm must be
¥ Accelerated Aging Test
in 1,000 fpm increments (i.e. 3,000 fpm, 4,000 fpm,
etc.). Pressure ratings exceeding the minimum 4 in. ¥ Operation Test
wg must be in 2 in. wg increments (i.e. 6 in. wg, ¥ Leakage Test
8 in. wg). Revised Testing/Rating Requirements
Factor of Safety Ð To obtain a given airflow rating, a To improve reliability, safety and application of
damper must function at an actual airflow rate at smoke dampers, testing requirements for the
least 400 fpm higher than the given rating. To obtain Cycling Test, Temperature Degradation Test,
a given pressure rating a damper must remain Operation Test and Leakage Test have been revised.
closed with an actual pressure against the closed
damper at least 0.5 in. wg higher than the rating. Cycle Test
For example, to achieve a dynamic closure rating of The purpose of this test is to assure dampers will
2,000 fpm and 4 in. wg the damper must operate remain functional after expected cycling over the
against an actual airflow rate of at least 2,400 fpm life of a building. As smoke control systems have
and pressure of at least 4.5 in. wg. evolved, many smoke dampers serve a dual
purpose Ð ventilation control during regular
Bidirectional Ratings Ð To prevent the dampers operation of a buildingÕs HVAC system and as a
from being installed incorrectly they must now be traditional smoke damper role in a fire emergency.
tested with airflow in both directions through the To address this, dampers with two position
damper. actuators must now cycle open and closed 20,000
times. This is a significant increase over the 5,000
cycles required by the 3rd edition of UL 555S.

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Damper Application No. DA/100-01

Greenheck Product Application Guide

Operation Test tested with airflow in both directions through the

Smoke dampers and combination fire and smoke damper.
dampers are subjected to an airflow operation test at Leakage Test
the rated temperature of the damper. Temperature
The 3rd edition of UL 555S allowed dampers to be
ratings range from ambient and upward starting at
closed against no airflow and then leakage tested
250¡F and rising in increments of 100¡F.
using ambient (room) temperature air. To simulate
The third edition of UL 555S required operational real life conditions, dampers must now meet
testing using ambient temperature air, regardless of required leakage performance after an Operational
the temperature rating. The fourth edition requires Test for smoke dampers or Dynamic Closure Test for
operational testing at levels equal to the combination fire/smoke dampers. In addition, the
temperature degradation rating of the damper. damper leakage must be determined while the
(Typically 250¡F or 350¡F.) In addition, effective June damper is exposed to the same temperature air as
2000 actuators were required to be factory installed. the damperÕs temperature degradation rating.
Testing Using Heated Air Ð The temperature of the Bidirectional Ratings Ð To prevent the dampers
air passing through the damper will be increased from being installed incorrectly they must now be
until it reaches the same temperature used to tested with airflow in both directions through the
establish a Temperature Degradation Rating for the damper.
damper. The damper and its actuator will remain
exposed to this heated air for 15 minutes to allow all Greenheck’s commitment
components to come to temperature. After 15 We are committed to providing engineers,
minutes the damper will be cycled closed, the contractors and building owners equipment they
pressure against the closed damper measured and can rely on. We have exceeded industry standards
the damper reopened. The damper is allowed to for many years by establishing our own
cool and the procedure will be repeated three times requirements for bidirectional Operational and
at ambient temperature. The heat is re-introduced Leakage ratings, minimum Temperature ratings,
and one additional cycle is conducted at the rated minimum Flow ratings and minimum Pressure
elevated temperature. ratings for our fire, smoke and combination fire
smoke dampers.
Minimum Airflow and Pressure Ratings Ð A
minimum allowable airflow of 2,000 fpm and Greenheck has invested heavily in a state-of-the-art
pressure rating of 4 in. wg must be achieved. testing laboratory. A special test chamber and
Airflow ratings exceeding the minimum 2,000 fpm furnace were developed to conduct elevated
must be in 1,000 fpm increments (i.e. 3,000 fpm, temperature damper tests. The facility and
4,000 fpm, etc.). Pressure ratings exceeding the laboratory personnel meet or exceed AMCA and UL
minimum 4 in. wg must be in 2 in. wg increments requirements. As a result of our commitment to
(i.e. 6 in. wg, 8 in. wg). performance safety and quality, Greenheck is the
first manufacturer in the industry to comply with
Factor of Safety Ð To obtain a given airflow rating a these new UL testing requirements.
damper must function at an actual airflow rate at
least 400 fpm higher than the given rating. To obtain The UL requirements will become mandatory for all
a given pressure rating a damper must remain dampers manufactured after JULY 1, 2002. As new
closed with an actual pressure against the closed product requirements are met, Greenheck and your
damper at least 0.5 in. wg higher than the rating. local Greenheck representative will keep you
For example, to achieve a dynamic closure rating of informed. We are ready to provide the products you
2,000 fpm and 4 in. wg the damper must operate need and help you update your specifications so
against an actual airflow rate of at least 2,400 fpm you too can meet tomorrowÕs requirements today.
and pressure of at least 4.5 in. wg.
Use the chart on page 4 as a quick reference to
Bidirectional Ratings Ð To prevent the dampers compare the old UL test standards to the standards
from being installed incorrectly they must now be that will take effect in July 2002.

Damper Application No. DA/100-01

Greenheck Product Application Guide

Use this chart as a quick reference to compare the old UL test standards to the standards that will take
effect in July 2002.
Old UL 555 Test Standards for New UL Test 555 Standards for
Fire Dampers Fire Dampers
(5th Edition) (6th Edition, effective July 2002)
¥ Tested with ambient temperature air utilizing ¥ Temperature sensor must release to close damper
a manual release
¥ No minimum airflow requirement ¥ Airflow Ratings: 2,000, 3,000, and 4,000 fpm
¥ No safety factor built into ratings Minimum test requirements: 2,400, 3,400, and
4,400 fpm
¥ No minimum pressure requirement ¥ Pressure ratings: 4 in., 6 in., and 8 in. wg
Minimum test requirements: 4.5 in., 6.5 in., and
8.5 in. wg
¥ Unidirectional ratings ¥ Bidirectional testing required

Old UL 555S Test Standards for New UL 555S Test Standards for
Smoke Dampers Smoke Dampers
(3rd Edition) (4th Edition, effective July 2002)

¥ Two position actuators - 5,000 cycles ¥ Two position actuators - 20,000 cycles
¥ Tested with ambient temperature air ¥ Tested at rated temperature for 15 minutes prior
to test
¥ No minimum airflow requirement ¥ Airflow Ratings: 2,000, 3,000, and 4,000 fpm
¥ No safety factor built into ratings Minimum test requirements: 2,400, 3,400, and
4,400 fpm
¥ No minimum pressure requirement ¥ Pressure ratings: 4 in., 6 in., and 8 in. wg
Minimum test requirements: 4.5 in., 6.5 in., and
8.5 in. wg
¥ Unidirectional ratings ¥ Bidirectional testing required
¥ Actuators may be field mounted ¥ All actuators must be factory installed
(effective June 2000)
¥ Tested with ambient temperature air ¥ Tested with air at rated temperature
¥ Tested with a unit that has not been exposed ¥ Tested after Operation Test and/or Dynamic
to the Operation and/or Dynamic Closure Test Closure Test
¥ Four leakage classifications ¥ 4th Leakage classification eliminated
¥ Unidirectional ratings ¥ Bidirectional testing required
¥ No actuation required ¥ Test with actuator holding damper closed

4 Damper Application No. DA/100-01

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