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Corpus vs Sto Tomas G.R. No.

186571, August 11, 2010


Gerbert, a former Filipino, acquired Canadian citizenship through naturalization on Nov 29, 2000. On
January 18, 2005, Gerbert Married Daisylyn, a Filipina, in Pasig. Gerbert left for Canada soon after the
wedding. He returned in April 2005 to surprise Daisylyn, but was shocked to discover that his wife was
having an affair. Gerbert returned to Canada and filed a petition for divorce. The Canadian Court granted
Gerbert’s petition in 2005.

Two years later, Gerbert found another Filipino. Desirous of marrying his fiancee in the Philippines,
Gerbert filed a petition for judicial recognition of foreign divorce with the RTC. The RTC denied Gerbert’s
petition. It ruled that only the Filipino spouse can avail of the remedy, under Art 26(2), in order for
him or her to be able to remarry under Philippine Law.

Issue: 1st Issue: W/N Art 26(2) of the Family Code extends to alients the right to petition for the
recognition of a foreign divorce decree? (No)

2nd Issue: Does the unavailability of Art 26 (2) to aliens strip Gerbert of legal interest to petition
the RTC for the recognition of his foreign divorce decree? (No)

Held: 1st issue: Art 26 (2) was included in the law “to avoid the absurd situation where the Filipino
remains married to the alien who, after obtaining a divorce, is no longer married to the Filipino.” The
legislative intent is for the benefit of the Filipino spouse, by clarifying her marital status.

Without Art 26 (2), the judicial recognition of the foreign decree of divorce, whether in a proceeding
instituted precisely for that purpose, or as a related issue in another proceeding, would be of no
significance to the Filipino spouse since our laws do not recognize divorce as a mode of severing marital
bond. Hence, only the Filipino can invoke Art 26 (2) of the Family Code; the alien can claim no right under
this provision.

2nd Issue: The foreign divorce decree intself, after its authenticity and conformity with the alien’s
national law have been duly proven according to our rules ofo evidence, serves as a presumptive
evidence of right in favor of Gerbert, pursuant to Sec 48 Rule 39, which provides for the effect of foreign

Hence, direct involvement or being the subject of the foreign judgment is sufficient to clothe a
party with the requisite interest to institute an action before our courts for the recognition of the
foreign judgment.

The starting point in any recognition of a foreign divorce judgment is the acknowledgment that our courts
do not take judicial notice of foreign judgments and laws because as a rule, “no sovereign is bound to
give effect within its dominion to a judgment rendered by a tribunal of another country.”
This means that the foreign judgment and its authenticity must be proven as facts under our rules
on evidence, together with the alien’s applicable national law to show the effect of the judgment on the
alient himself or herself.

The recognition may be made in:

1. An action instituted specifically for that purpose, or

2. Another action where a party invokes the foreign decree as an integral aspect of his claim or defense.

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