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Republic of the Philippines 4.

That defendant Estate of Luisa Villa Abrille (now Heirs of Luisa

SUPREME COURT Villa Abrille) is the owner of a parcel of land in the City of Davao
Manila containing an area of FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE
(525.652), more or less, under Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-
G.R. No. L-39248 May 7, 1976 1439 of the Registry of Deeds of Davao City, issued in her name;

REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, represented by the DIRECTOR OF 5. That deceased Luisa Villa Abrille during her lifetime caused the
LANDS, plaintiff-appellee, subdivision of the aforesaid parcel of land into two lots designated as
vs. Lots Nos. 379-B-2-B-1 and 379-B-2-B-2 under subdivision plan
HEIRS OF LUISA VILLA ABRILLE, defendant-appellant, LAND (LRC) Psd-69322 which was approved by the Land Registration
DAVAO CITY, defendants.
6. That under Subdivision Plan (LRC) Psd-69322, Lot No. 379- B-2-
Solicitor General Estelito P. Mendoza, Assistant Solicitor General Octavio R. Ramirez B-1 contains an area of 30,100 Square Meters while Lot No. 379-B-
and Atty. Baltazar Llamas plaintiff-appellee. 2B-2 contains an area of 577,679 Square Meters or a total area of
607,779 Square Meters, which is 82,127 Square Meters more than the
Jose R. Madrazo, Jr. for defendant-appellant.
original area covered in Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-1439 in
Gregorio Bilog, Jr. for defendant Land Registration Commissioner. the name of said defendant Luisa Villa Abrille;

7. That on March 27, 1967 or ten days after the approval by the Land
Registration Commissioner, said Luisa Villa Abrille was able to
secure an order from the Court of First Instance of Davao in LRC
This case was originally appealed to the Court of Appeals where it was docketed as (GLRO) Doc. No. 9969, directing the Register of Deeds for the City
CA-G.R. No. 47438-R. The Court of Appeals certified it to this Court for final of Davao and Province of Davao, to correct the area of Certificate of
consideration and resolution of the pure question of law involved. Title No. T-1439 and thereafter to cancel the same and issue in lieu
thereof TCT Nos. T-18886 and T-18887;
The factual background of the case is as follows:
8. That on March 30, 1967, the Register of Deeds concerned
On May 9, 1969, a Complaint for Annulment of Certificate of Title was filed by the
registered Lot 379-B-2-B-1 and issued TCT No. 18886 therefor, in
Republic of the Philippines (represented by the Director of Lands), with the Court of
the name of Luisa Villa Abrille and on the same date registered Lot
First Instance of Davao, Branch 1, alleging, among others, the following:
No. 379-B-2-B-2 and issued TCT No. 18887 in the name of Luisa
3. That defendant Commissioner of Land Registration and defendant Villa Abrille;
Register of Deeds of Davao City whose Offices are at España
9. That the registration of Lot No. 379-B-2-B-2, which includes the
Extension, Quezon City and Davao City, respectively. "(are included
aforementioned excess area of 82,127 Square Meters, was not in
in this complaint, the first being the public Official charged under the
accordance with law for lack of the required notice and publication as
law with the approval )." subdivision surveys of private lands while
prescribed in Act 496, as amended, otherwise known as the Land
the second is the Official vested with the authority to issue
Registration Law;
certificates of titles, pursuant to the provisions of Act 496, as
amended, otherwise known as the Land Registration Law; 10. That the excess or enlarged area of 82,127 Square Meters as a
result of the approval of the subdivision survey (LRC) Psd-69322
was formerly a portion of the Davao River which dried up by reason plans have already been registered and the titles issued, to recall the titles and to take
of the change of course of the said Davao River; hence a land appropriate steps for their cancellation.
belonging to the public domain; and
Some private persons, as actual possessors and occupants, tried to intervene in the
11. That as a consequence thereof, Transfer Certificate of Title No. case as movant-intervenors but they were denied standing in court by the trial court in
18887 which covers Lot No. 379-B-2-B-2 of Subdivision Survey its order of August 16,1969.
(LRC) Psd-69322, wherein the excess area of land belong to the
On January 6, 1970, the parties litigants submitted in court their "Agreed Stipulation
public domain (not private land) is null and void ab initio.
of Facts" and pray that judgment be rendered by the trial court on their case based on
On June 10, 1969, defendant Register of Deeds of Davao- City filed her answer their stipulation of facts. The "Agreed Stipulation of Facts" of the parties reads as
averring that she, "in the performance of her ministerial duty, honestly and in good follows:
faith effected the registration of Subdivision Lot No. 379-B-2-B-1 and Lot No. 379B-
COME NOW the parties assisted by their respective attorneys, and
2-B-2 and the issuance of corresponding TCT No. 18886 and TCT No. 18887 therefor,
unto the Honorable Court, most respectfully submit the following
respectively, in view of the approval of the Land Registration Commissioner of
stipulation of facts and allege:
Subdivision Plan (LRC) Psd-69322, and in view of the Order of the Court of First
Instance of Davao to correct the area in Certificate of Title No. T-1439, to cancel the 1. That Lot 379-B-2-B was originally registered on June 28, 1916 in
same and to issue in lieu thereof TCT Nos. T-18886 and T-18887". the Registry Book of the Register of Deeds of Zamboanga as Vol.
A27, Page 40 under Original Certificate of Title No. 5609, Case No.
On July 2, 1969, herein defendant-appellants filed their answer admitting the
1, G.L.R.O. Rec. No. 317, in the name of Francisco Villa Abrille Lim
allegations contained in paragraphs 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 of the complaint; that they admit
Juna, father of Luisa Villa Abrille;
the increase in area of the land of their predecessor but that the increase in area of the
land was acceded to and concurred in by the defendant, Land Registration 2. That upon the death of the original owner, the said property was
Commissioner, and the same was duly noted and approved by the Court of First inherited by Luisa Villa Abrille and Transfer Certificate of Title No.
Instance of Davao; that they admit the issuance of TCT Nos. T-18886 and T-18887 T-1439 was issued in the name of said Luisa Villa Abrille;
out of Certificate of Title No. T- 1439 in the name of their predecessor-in-interest
3. That subsequently, by virtue of an approved subdivision plan Psd-
Luisa Villa Abrille but that TCT No. T-18886 had been cancelled and in lieu thereof,
69322 by the defendant, Land Registration Commissioner, Transfer
TCT No. T-19077 was issued in favor of Gaudencio Consunji, and, TCT No. T-18887
Certificate of Title Nos. T-18886 and 18887 were issued by the
had likewise been cancelled and several Transfer Certificates of Title were issued
defendant, Register of Deeds of Davao, copy of which subdivision
thereunder; that the subject increase of area was made in accordance with law and
plan is hereto attached as Annex "A", and made integral part hereof;
existing jurisprudence; and that Luisa Villa Abrille, predecessor-in-interest of herein
defendant-appellant, as riparian owner was entitled under the law to claim, as she did, 4. That Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-18886 was subsequently
the increase or excess in area of her original land as her own. cancelled by virtue of deed of sale, and Transfer Certificate of Title
No. T-19077 was issued in the name of Gaudencio Consunji a
On August 12, 1969, defendant Commissioner of Land Registration prays for a
purchaser in good faith and for value;
judgment on the pleadings and avers in his answer that he has no knowledge of the
subject matter of the complaint since the subdivision plan involved therein was 5. That the said subdivision plan Annex "A" was also approved by
approved by the then Commissioner of Land Registration, Antonio Noblejas; and that the Court of First Instance of Davao, Branch IV, through an Order
on February 19, 1968, the then Commissioner of Land Registration, Antonio Noblejas, dated March 27, 1967, copy of which order is hereto attached as
issued LRC Circular No. 167 directing the Register of Deeds throughout the Annex "B" and made part hereof;
Philippines to, among others, deny the registration of subdivision plans with increased
6. That the said Order Annex "B" was issued by the Court of First
or expanded areas and to withhold the issuance of the corresponding titles, or if the
Instance of Davao, Branch IV, on the strength of the Report of the
defendant, Land Registration Commissioner, copy of which report is 10. That the portion of land subject of the increase adjoins Lot 379-B-
hereto attached as Annex "C" and made integral part hereof; 2-B and abuts the Davao River;

7. That much later on, Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-18887 was 11. That the parcel of land subject of the increase is fully planted with
by virtue of an Order of the Court of First Instance, Branch 1, in coconuts, bananas and other seasonal crops by the defendants,
Special Proceedings No. 1357, entitled: In the Matter of the Testate through their predecessor-in-interest;
Estate of Luisa Villa Abrille, approving a project of partition
12. That the increase in area could have taken place very long time
cancelled, and in lieu thereof, the following Transfer Certificates of
ago as the coconuts planted thereon had long been fruit bearing;
Title were issued to the following named persons, to wit:
13. That Transfer Certificate of Title No. 18886 does not contain any
(a) T-20690 - Huang Siu Sin;
portion of the increase in area;
(b) T-20692 - Huang Siu Sin;
14. That of the certificates of title issued based under subdivision
(c) T-20701 - Josefino Huang; plan (LRC) Psd-71236, only Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. T-
20725; T-20701; T-20713; and T-20690 contain the increase in area;
(d) T-20702 - Josefino Huang;
while all the other certificates of title issued under subdivision plan
(e) T-20703 - Josefino Huang; (LRC) Psd-71236 do not contain any increase in area;
(f) T-20732 Huang Siu Sin, et al.; 15. That the parties agree that the issuance of the Order Annex "B"
was without notice to the Director of Lands.
(g) T-20733 - Huang Siu Sin, et al.;
The trial court thereafter rendered its decision dated January 27, 1970,
(h) T-20713 - Miguel Huang;
which reads as follows:
(i) T-23015 - Miguel Huang;
This is an ordinary civil action for annulment of certificate of title
(j) T-20725 - Milagros Huang; instituted by the Republic of the Philippines, represented by the
Director of Lands, against the Estate of Luisa Abrille, represented by
(k) T-20726 - Milagros Huang;
Huang Siu Sin, Administrator, the Land Registration Commissioner
which certificates of title were issued on the basis of a subdivision and the Register of Deeds of the City of Davao. Because the residue
plan LRC Psd-71236 duly approved by the defendant, Land of the intestate estate of Luisa Villa Abrille had been divided among
Registration Commissioner, copy of which subdivision plan (LRC) Huang Siu Sin, Josefino Huang, Milagros Huang, Miguel Huang and
Psd-71236 is hereto attached as Annex "D" and made integral part lap Tong Ha, heirs, they were directed to appear and to substitute for
hereof; the intestate estate and they did.
8. That the parties admit that there was an increase in the area of Lot The parties submitted the following stipulation of facts:
379-B-2-B, but the same was with the knowledge of the defendant,
xxx xxx xxx
Land Registration Commissioner and the court of First Instance of
Davao, Branch IV; The increase in area of the land covered by Original Certificate of
Title No. 5609 of the Register of Deeds of Davao in the name of
9. That the parties admit that no registered owner has been affected or
Francisco Villa Abrille Lim Juna and subsequently by Transfer
prejudiced in the increase in area as only Luisa Villa Abrille as the
Certificate of Title No. T. 1439 in the name of Luisa Villa Abrille and
registered owner holds property adjacent to the parcel of land in
finally, based on subdivision plan (LRC) Psd-71236, by Transfer
Certificates of Title Nos. T-20725 in the name of Milagros Huang, Commissioner of Land Registration and transcribed by the Register
T20701 in the name of Josefino Huang, T-20713 in the name of of Deeds of Davao in the registry, for the reason that no initial or
Miguel Huang and T-20690 in the name of Huang Siu Sin, is from original registration proceedings have been instituted by the owner.
525,652 square meters to 607,779 square meters, or 82,127 square And the only way by which a title to the land in question can be
meters. issued for the first time is for the Land Registration Commissioner to
issue a decree of registration based upon final judgment rendered by a
The remedy sought by defendant heirs of Luisa Villa Abrille in order
court of competent jurisdiction after trial.
to include the increase in area was a petition for approval of
Subdivision Plan (LRC) Psd-79322 recommended by the WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered cancelling Transfer
Commissioner of Land Registration in his Report, and for issuance of Certificates of Title Nos. T-20725, T-20701, T-20713 and T-20690
new title under Section 44, Act 496, as amended, filed with this court, and directing the Register of Deeds of Davao to issue new certificates
which was assigned to Branch IV. of title in lieu thereof after the portions consisting of 82,127 square
meters, the land involved, shall have been segregated therefrom in
Even pursuant to Section 44 of Act 496 under which the aforesaid
accordance with law.
remedy was sought, notice before the hearing is required. The parties
admit that there was no notice to the persons interested, including the Not satisfied with the judgment of the trial court, defendant Heirs of Luisa Villa
Director of Lands, before the petition was heard. Abrille brought the case on appeal to the Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals,
however, in its Resolution dated July 22, 1974, certified the case (CA-G.R. No.
Worse, the increase in area could not have been included in Transfer
47438-R) to this Court for consideration and final disposition.
Certificates of Title Nos. T-20725, T-20701, T-20713 and T-20690
even assuming arguendo that the same belonged to the owner of the Defendant-appellant maintains that the lower court erred in holding the approval of
land to which it is adjacent by the simple expediency of a petition for Subdivision Plan (LRC) Psd-69322 of no legal effect merely on ground of lack of
approval of subdivision plan and issuance of new titles, because a notice to interested persons, and in ordering the cancellation of Certificates of Title
subdivision of a registered land under Section 44 of Act 496 does not Nos. T-20725, T-20701, T-20713 and T-20690. It is the contention of the defendant-
authorize the inclusion of land or area not embraced in the titled or in appellant that since the government agencies having to do with lands know all the
excess of what is stated in the title. And the approval by the Court of time the increase in area in subdivision plan Psd-69322, and the government agencies
such subdivision plan does not lend validity to it. The subdivision concerned tolerated if not abetted the ultimate inclusion of the involved increase in
must be limited to the area stated in the title. Neither amendment of area, defendant-appellant should not be made to suffer the effect of the allegedly
the title under Section 112 of Act 496 would be a valid remedy 1. wrong procedure or step taken in the approval of the aforementioned subdivision plan.
Besides, defendant-appellant claims that it is their honest belief that the legal remedy
The heirs of Luisa Villa Abrille.. owners of the adjacent estate, might
taken by them in seeking the approval of their subdivision plan concerned was well
have acquired a registrable title to the land in question but to bring it
within the law, particularly the provision of Section 44 of Act 496, as amended.
under the operation of the Land Registration Act, a petition for
registration under Act 496 should have been filed. More so when the Plaintiff-appellee, on the other hand, maintains that the approval of the subdivision
title acquired is by continuous possession for at least 30 years under a plan, with the increase in area, by the defendant-appellant Land Registration
claim of ownership And even assuming that the land is an accretion, Commission does not lend validity to the said subdivision plan; and that the issuance
the fact that the riparian estate is registered does not bring ipso facto of the four transfer certificates of title (Nos. T-20725, T-20701, T-20713 and T-20690)
effect its accretion thereto under the operation of the Land over the increased area in question is improper and invalid notwithstanding the
Registration Act. No decree of registration of the land based upon conformity of the Land Registration Commissioner and the subsequent order of the
final judgment promulgated by a court of competent jurisdiction after Court of First Instance of Davao, Branch IV, approving the subdivision plan
due publication, notice and hearing, has been issued by the
concerned, as the required giving of notice to all parties interested in defendant- 3. Setting of the date for the initial hearing of the application by the
appellant's petition for approval of subdivision plan was not at all followed, Court;

Before Us, therefore, for consideration and final resolution, in order to arrive at a 4. Transmittal of the application and the date of initial hearing
judicious disposition of the case at bar, is whether or not the lower court erred in together with all the documents or other evidences attached thereto
ordering the cancellation of Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. T-20725, T-20701, T- by the Clerk of Court to the Land Registration Commission;
20713 and T-20690 which cover the increased area in question totalling 82,127 square
5. Publication of a notice of the filing of the application and date and
place of the hearing in the Official Gazette;
After a careful and thorough deliberation of the matter in controversy, We are of the
6. Service of notice upon contiguous owners, occupants and those
opinion and so hold that the lower court acted correctly in ordering the cancellation of
known to have interests in the property by the sheriff;
Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. T-20725, T-20701, T-20713 and T-20690 which
admittedly covered the increased area of 82,127 square meters under Subdivision Plan 7. Filing of answer to the application by any person whether named in
(LRC) Psd-71236 (and formerly under Psd-69322) for the City of Davao. the notice or not;

Certainly, the step taken by defendant-appellant in petitioning the court for the 8. Hearing of the case by the Court;
approval of their Subdivision Plan (LRC) Psd-69322 and then Psd-71236 to include
9. Promulgation of judgment by the Court;
the questioned increased area of 82,127 square meters is, to say the least, unwarranted
and irregular. This is so, for the increased area in question, which is not a registered 10. Issuance of the decree by the Court declaring the decision final
land but formerly a river bed, is so big as to give allowance for a mere mistake in area and instructing the Land Registration Commission to issue a decree
of the original registration of the tracts of land of the defendant-appellant formerly of confirmation and registration;
belonging to and registered in the name of their grandfather, Francisco Villa Abrille
11. Entry of the decree of registration in the Land Registration
Lim Juna. In order to bring this increase in area, which the parties admitted to have
been a former river bed of the Davao River, under the operation and coverage of the
Land Registration Law, Act 496, proceedings in registrations of land title should have 12. Sending of copy of the decree of registration to the corresponding
been filed Instead of an ordinary approval of subdivision plan. Register of Deeds, and

It should be remembered that recourse under Section 44 of Act 496, which the 13. Transcription of the decree of registration in the registration book
predecessor-in-interest (Luisa Villa Abrille) of the herein defendant-appellant took, is and the issuance of the owner's duplicate original certificate of title to
good only insofar as it covers previously registered lands. In the instant case, part of the applicant by the Register of Deeds, upon payment of the
the tracts of land, particularly the area of 82,127 square meters, has not yet been prescribed fees.
brought under the operation of the Torrens System. Worse still, the approval of
Hence, with the foregoing requisites not having been complied with, the lower court
Subdivision Plans (LRC) Psd-69322 and Psd-71236 was without notice to all parties
committed no error in its appealed decision dated January 27, 1970.
in interest, more particularly the Director of Lands. For an applicant to have his
imperfect or incomplete title or claim to a land to be originally registered under Act WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is hereby affirmed in toto.
496, the following requisites should all be satisfied: No special pronouncement as to costs.
1. Survey of land by the Bureau of Lands or a duly licensed private SO ORDERED.
Teehankee (Chairman), Makasiar, Muñoz Palma and Martin, JJ., concur.
2. Filing of application for registration by the applicant;

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