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Space Syntax in Healthcare Facilities Research:

A Review
Saif Haq, PhD, and Yang Luo

Abstract The theory and methods of Space Syntax have
been developing for the last 40 years. It began in
Space Syntax is a theory and method that has been
the United Kingdom and is now known world-
developing for the last 40 years. Originally conceived as
a theory of “society and space,” it has expanded to other wide. Beginning with the idea that spatial layout
areas. An important aspect of this is technical; it allows the generates material preconditions for social life as
quantification of layouts, and unit spaces within a layout, so
understood by movement, encounter, avoidance,
that the environment itself can produce independent vari-
ables in quantitative research. Increasingly, it is being used etc. (Hillier & Hanson, 1984; Hillier, Leaman,
to study healthcare facilities. Space Syntax has thereby Stansall, & Bedford, 1978), Space Syntax has
become relevant to healthcare facilities researchers and
designers. This paper attempts to explain Space Syntax to a
proceeded in two ways. One was creating and
new audience of healthcare designers, administrators, and developing a theory, and the other was construct-
researchers; it provides a literature review on the use of ing a method to analyze layouts according to that
Space Syntax in healthcare facility research and suggests
some possibilities for future application. theory.
Key Words: Space Syntax, spatial measures, layout analy-
sis, nursing, behavioral outcomes
The second was more mathematical and techno-
logical, ultimately leading to the development of
Author Affiliations: Dr. Haq is Associate Professor in the College of various computerized software packages. These
Architecture at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX. Yang Luo is a PhD
student in the LPMD program in the College of Architecture at Texas allowed Space Syntax to expand into the study
Tech University.
Corresponding Author: Saif Haq, PhD, Associate Professor, College
of urban development, traffic flow, crime distri-
of Architecture, 1800 Flint Ave., Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX bution, environmental cognition, wayfinding,
79409-2091 ([email protected])
Preferred Citation: Haq, S., & Luo, Y. (2012). Space Syntax in health- productivity in office settings, movement in mu-
care facilities research: A review. Health Environments Research &
Design Journal, 5(4), 98–117.
seums and shops, and so on. Essentially the Syn-
tax method identifies unit spaces within layouts,



Table 1. Articles by Publication Date

Before 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Journal 2 2 1 5 5
Conference 1 4 2 2
Total 3 2 4 7 7

Table 2. Articles by Topic

Issues No. of Articles
Wayfinding in healthcare settings 7
Nurses’ behaviors Entries to patient rooms 3
Spatial positioning in MSUs 3
Nurse walking patterns 1
Patients’ preference and Preference for bed privacy 2
satisfaction Perceived quality of care 1
Hospital building Accessibility to gardens 1
development Spatial arrangement over history 1
Types of MSUs 1
Theoretical models Face-to-face interactions 1
Nurses’ communication 1
Hospital extension design 1
Evacuation in hospitals 1

analyzes their relationships to other units, and on cal review should entail a discussion that includes
this basis alone calculates numerical values for these settings. To keep the focus of this paper on
each unit space. These can then be used as inde- healthcare design, the authors concentrate only
pendent variables in quantitative research. Since on research findings and architectural implica-
the late 1990s, Space Syntax has increasingly tions for this design sector. Thus, this paper is
been applied to the study of healthcare facilities. more of a meta-analysis than a critical review.
Because of this shift in focus and the many re-
lated publications since that time, Space Syntax It began with a literature search for relevant pub-
has become relevant to healthcare researchers. lications. In addition to electronic databases,
Web sites of Space Syntax biannual symposiums
This paper presents the use of Space Syntax in re- for proceedings were included. In total, 30 ar-
searching healthcare environments. It should be ticles were located. Short papers or those that
pointed out that the precedents of this research used long-term facilities or restrictive buildings
were in non-healthcare environments and a criti- as research settings were not included. In total,

also important to note that, although there are

Since the late 1990s, Space different versions of Space Syntax software avail-
Syntax has increasingly able, they were all developed in academic settings
and are true to Syntax concepts. Because theory
been applied to the study of and methods are the focus here, software is not
healthcare facilities. discussed. Readers who are well versed in Space
Syntax may choose to skip the following section.
24 quality articles were included in the review.
The earliest publication was from 1990 (Peponis, Space Syntax
Zimring, & Choi, 1990), and the majority were Individual spaces in the built environment, and
from 2009 and 2010 (see Table 1). Most articles the connections between them, create specific
reported empirical research that used Space Syn- opportunities for movement and visibility. A
tax methods to quantify the environment as a set simple example might be that an ambulatory
of predictor variables for a specific behavior such patient can go to an examination room only
as nurses’ spatial positioning in medical-surgical after passing through the receptionist area and
units (MSUs) or visitor movement in the public by the nurses’ desk. Similarly, in terms of vis-
areas of hospitals. Other articles were theoretical, ibility, while moving about, new information
using Syntax concepts to comment on and add to (about the environment) is received and previ-
results obtained in previous research studies (see ous information (which was available at an ear-
Table 2). Some researchers used hospitals as suit- lier location) passes beyond visibility. These are
ably complex and convenient experimental set- the characteristics of layout. In other words, the
tings in which to undertake environment-behav- number of rooms or spaces and the positions of
ior studies. In such cases, the results obtained are walls, doors, windows, etc., are important fac-
naturally considered more applicable to health- tors for the movement and visibility of an im-
care buildings. mersed peripatetic person.

One of the difficulties encountered was that the In architectural terms, these features are best seen
concepts and measures of Space Syntax were not in the layout of a building, and Space Syntax is
clearly explained in many of the articles, and that the theory that deals with layout. Fundamentally,
the terminology was homonymous with com- it considers a plan drawing as a set of “connect-
mon words. Because this paper is intended for ed” spaces (either directly to adjacent spaces or
designers, clients, researchers, and students who through a series of intermediate spaces), analyzes
focus on healthcare design and who may not these “connections”, and on that basis assigns
have a thorough understanding of Space Syntax, numerical measures to each space. These analy-
it begins with a quick introduction to its con- ses provide quantitative measures of individual
cepts, theories, methodology, and variables. It is spaces and of the entire layout.



3 9

23 8








20 18

a b
Figure 1. City Hospital (a) ground floor plan (b) public corridor system.

24 4 3 2 10 1 5 4 16 11 14

1 4 10
a b c
Figure 2. Relationships to adjacent corridors from (a) corridor #1, (b) corridor #4, and (c) corridor #10.

Space Syntax also has different computerized soft- the connection pattern anywhere (a door added
ware to analyze plan drawings according to its the- or removed, a corridor closed off, etc.) will change
oretical foundations. It is very important to under- the value of that space. In most instances, the nu-
stand that because Syntax measures of a space are meric measures of spaces are statistically compared
based on how the space is connected to all other to a performance variable, and depending on the
spaces, any change in the number of spaces in the strength of this comparison, conclusions are made.
plan (called the spatial system), or any change in It must be mentioned that Space Syntax also pro-


and 10 are 4, 3, and

Step Depth
4, respectively. After
19 7 considering immedi-
20 18 22 6 ate connections, it can
17 21 5 19
be seen that each cor-
9 13 15
ridor is progressively
7 12 4 23 9 7 20 18 22

3 Tertiary
connected to faraway
6 8 16 14 11 24 2 3 8 6 17 21

corridors through a set
5 10 23 2 1 5 15 12 13
of secondary, tertiary,
1 Primary
24 4 2
and sequentially deeper
3 4 16 11 14

corridors. For example,
Figure 3. Relationships to all other corridors from (a) corridor #1 and (b) corridor corridor # 1 is con-
#10. These are also called justified graphs. nected to corridor # 10
through corridor # 4.
vides measures for entire layouts. This is discussed Each level of connection is called step depth. Thus,
in a later section of this paper. corridor # 10 is directly connected (i.e., one step
depth) to corridor numbers 4, 16, 11, and 14; it
Let us consider the example of “City Hospital.” has secondary connections (i.e., two step depths)
Figure 1a shows the plan, and Figure 1b shows the to corridor numbers 1, 5, 15, 12, and 13; it has
public corridor system. Assume that each corridor tertiary connections (i.e., three step depths) to cor-
is an individual space and is identified by numbers ridor numbers 24, 2, 3, 8, 6, 17, and 21, and so on,
1 through 24. The entrance is at X, which leads until all of the other 23 corridors are connected.
to corridor # 1. This corridor (i.e., # 1) connects
directly to corridor numbers 24, 4, 3, and 2. Each All the connections encountered from corridor
of these corridors is, in turn, connected to other numbers 1 and 10 are indicated in Figures 3a
corridors. For example, corridor # 4 is connected and 3b as a graph. This also shows that each cor-
to corridor numbers 10, 1, and 5; corridor # 10 ridor has a different relationship to all the other
is connected to corridor numbers 4, 16, 11, and corridors in the spatial system. If one considers
14; and so on. This relationship of connections can any corridor, it will be directly connected to cer-
be graphically illustrated as a system of nodes and tain corridors, and at varying step depths to all
links, as shown in Figure 2a, 2b, and 2c for cor- others. For example, corridor # 19 is seven step
ridor numbers 1, 4, and 10, respectively. depths from corridor # 1 (Figure 3a), but five step
depths from corridor # 10 (Figure 3b).
In Space Syntax terms, the number of direct con-
nections to other spaces is called connectivity. Thus Figure 3a shows that corridor # 1 needs seven step
the connectivity values of corridor numbers 1, 4, depths to connect to all 23 other corridors, whereas



corridor # 10 needs only five step

depths (Figure 3b). Thus, corri-
0.545 0.499

dor # 1 has a “deep” relationship

to all corridors, and corridor #

1.204 1.613

10 has a comparatively “shallow”

relationship. If the relationship is 1.263 1.541

flipped, it means that it will be

easier to come to corridor # 10
from all other corridors, on av-
erage, compared to corridor #1.
Similarly, if the relationship of all 0.761 1.659

corridors to all other corridors

in the system is determined, the (a) Integration-n (b) Integration-3

shallowest relationship of all be- Figure 4. Space Syntax analysis of the public corridors of
comes evident. This is expressed “City Hospital.” (a) Integration-n analysis (b) Integration-3 analysis.
by a numerical value termed inte-
gration. Space syntax theory has a
mathematical equation to determine the integration lar to the previous example, a new integration
value, which considers both the number of corri- value can be calculated based on connections
dors one is connected to as well as the step depth at two step depths only. This value is called
of all those connections.1 A corridor with high inte- integration-3 or local integration. Because the
gration is, on average, closely connected to all other previous example used all the spaces in the
corridors in a given layout. Conversely, a corridor system, it is also known as integration-n or
that is distant from all other corridors, on average, global integration.
is called segregated.
Space Syntax software usually produces a table
Returning to Figures 3a and 3b, one can make with Syntax values and a color-coded diagram
additional observations. For example, it is matching the plan drawing to indicate the dis-
possible to stop counting at two step depths, tribution of those values. Figure 4 presents an
or after level 2 (see dotted line in Figure 3). In analysis of City Hospital using the software
this case, corridor # 10 is connected to nine “Spatialist” (Peponis, Wineman, Rashid, Bafna,
other spaces and corridor # 1 is connected to & Kim, 1998). In the image, corridors are shad-
only seven (and step depth also varies). Simi- ed such that higher integration-n (Figure 4a) or
See Hillier & Hanson (1984) for this mathematical equation. Also
integration-3 (Figure 4b) values are shown by
keep in mind that this equation includes a comparison to an “ideal” the darker shade and vice versa. The numerical
diamond-shaped system, which allows the integration values of values of select corridors are also shown.
different spatial systems to be mutually compared.


in the literature use axial

lines as units (Hillier &
Hanson, 1984). In
Space Syntax, axial lines
are defined as the set of
longest and fewest lines
that can cover all con-
vex spaces in a layout.
This can also be con-
sidered the set of fewest
(straight-line) walking
paths to go to all the
spaces. For simplicity, in
Figure 5. Integration-n analysis of axial lines in a hypothetical MSU. Higher integration this paper each corridor
values are shown by darker lines, and thicker lines indicate the integration core.
is considered an axial
line. An axial line anal-
ysis of a hypothetical
MSU is shown in Figure
5. The top 10% of inte-
grated lines is indicated
by the thicker lines. This
is called the integration
core. The distribution
of the integration core
in the plan is of special
interest to designers and
will be described later.

Figure 6. Integration-n analysis of the convex spaces of a hypothetical MSU.

In addition to lines,
Higher integration values are indicated by darker lines.
each room can be con-
sidered a unit space and
The preceding description is (very) simplified to fa- be subject to Syntax analysis; this is called convex
cilitate understanding by a broader audience. The (space) analysis.2 Figure 6 shows the same MSU
unit spaces considered are straight corridors. Actu- as in Figure 5, but here each space is taken as one
ally, Space Syntax is quite particular about the iden- 2
See Hillier & Hanson (1984). Strictly speaking, convex analysis is
done with convex spaces as units. These are spaces in which every
tification of unit spaces; the predominant analyses point on the perimeter is visible from every other point within.



i.e., when furniture is

considered, the analysis
shows the accessibility
structure. It should be
noted that because axial
lines indicate routes for
potential movements,
Syntax analysis of axial
lines is also called acces-
sibility analysis.

Earlier it was men-

tioned that Space Syn-
Figure 7. Integration-n analysis of the visibility pattern in a hypothetical MSU. Higher tax can also be applied
integration values are indicated by darker lines.
to measure entire lay-
unit. Note that open areas (like the nurses’ sta- outs or plan drawings.
tion) are broken up into multiple segments. This The first such value is intelligibility, the correla-
is usually done according to the research question tion (r-value) between the connectivity and inte-
being explored. However, a certain arbitrariness gration-n values of all spaces in the layout. If this
is involved, so this type of analysis is somewhat value is high, then presumably a good sense of
uncommon. global connections is perceivable from unit spac-
es. Aside from the intelligibility value, sometimes
Another, perhaps even finer unit is a tile. A set the average values of unit spaces such as mean in-
of square tiles (of a convenient dimension) can tegration, average mean depth, and so on are used
be laid on any floor plan. Walls and furniture, to quantify an entire spatial system.
wherever they occur, break up the relationship of
tiles to one another. This system can be used to One final concept needs explanation: the isovist
uncover the relationship of each tile to adjacent (Benedikt, 1979). It is hypothetical 360-degree
tiles, and sequentially to distant tiles, in the same visibility from a particular point within a layout.
manner as the corridors were examined earlier. In tile analysis step-depth 1 approximates an iso-
Thus, the connectivity, integration-n, and inte- vist. An example from the center of a nurses’ desk
gration-3 values of each tile can be calculated (see is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 7). Theoretically, when the tiles are laid
at eye level and only walls break up the inter-tile A good number of research studies have investi-
relationships, then analysis will yield the visibility gated the relationship of function to Syntax vari-
structure of a layout. When placed at knee level, ables. This forms the background of the research


that uses Space Syntax in hospi-

tal buildings. Before moving on
to the literature review of Space
Syntax in hospital buildings, it
should be reiterated that
1. Space Syntax inherently forces
a serious look at layout in a
more detailed way than mere
typology. In fact, Syntax val-
ues can vary within the same
type if the connections within
it are changed. In other words, Figure 8. Isovist of a nurse standing behind a circular desk.
because Syntax variables are
based on the pattern of con-
nections between one space and all others, any proposed floor plan, it has the potential to
change in a connection anywhere will change be a powerful tool for testing before detailed
the values of all spaces. Thus, the effects of small design or construction. In this way, evidence
changes within the same type—or within the can be directly applied and tested during the
same plan­if new connections are introduced or preliminary design phase.
existing ones are closed off—can be measured.
2. Space Syntax evaluates the configuration of The next section of this article reviews research
spaces in a manner more precise than simple articles that have used Space Syntax to investi-
descriptions of configurations such as “cen- gate outcomes in healthcare buildings. In gen-
tralized” or “decentralized” (MSUs for ex- eral, these studies deal with visitors’ wayfinding
ample.) in public areas, nurses’ movement and spatial
3. It enables the “measurement” of layouts as a positioning within MSUs, patients’ preferences
whole, and the individual units within them. regarding privacy and perceived quality of care,
It provides numerical values so that architec- evacuation patterns in hospital buildings, layout
tural plans or individual spaces within them analysis, and design proposals.
can become independent variables in statisti-
cal analysis. Visitor Wayfinding in Public Areas of
4. Generally, Space Syntax articles publish the Hospital Buildings
plans of the buildings being studied. This Peponis et al. (1990) were arguably pioneers in
makes the publications more valuable to ar- using Space Syntax for hospital building research.
chitects. Using axial lines to represent the public corridor
5. Because Space Syntax can be modeled on a system, they analyzed the ground floor plan of a



100-bed hospital to determine corridor integra- 3. The distribution pattern of staff and visitors
tion values. The intersections of those corridors, in a hospital building is similar to that of pe-
called nodes, were given the average integration destrians in an urban setting, i.e., on average,
values of the corridors that led to them. more integrated spaces have more people.

Fifteen volunteers carried out a variety of explora- Using the previous study as a starting point, Haq
tion and wayfinding tasks in the public corridors (1999) analyzed the public corridor system in the
of this hospital. Behavior data were the frequency ground floor of a 21-story hospital complex. He
of line and node use. Analysis revealed that dur- had 31 volunteers carry out exploration and way-
ing exploration of the hospital, integration-n val- finding tasks similar to the previous study, but
ues accounted for 57% of the variation in cor- the subjects began from three different entrances.
ridor use and 60.5% of intersection (node) use. The collective results closely matched those of Pe-
Additionally, in the wayfinding part of the study, ponis et al. (1990), i.e., the use of corridors and
there was a marked tendency for lost volunteers intersections in exploration and wayfinding situ-
to return to more integrated intersections (r = ations correlated quite highly with their integra-
.754). This suggested that, when in doubt, visi- tion values (r = 0.620 in exploration and r = .662
tors preferred to go to more integrated areas. in wayfinding ).

Previous results from studies in urban settings had The author also separated the data into three
shown that the “natural” distribution of pedestri- groups corresponding to the three entrances.
ans in streets was in proportion to the integration Regression analysis with public connectivity and
values of those streets (Hillier, Burdett, Peponis, & mean depth as predictors suggested that people
Penn, 1987; Peponis, Hadjinikolaou, Livieratos, & who had entered from entrances with a lower
Fatouros, 1989). To compare that with the situation mean depth had a better opportunity to explore
inside a hospital building, the authors also studied the entire hospital. In other words, the Syntax
the distribution of staff and visitors throughout the value of the entry space had an effect on way-
day and reported that the density of moving people finding. This study confirmed the importance of
correlated well to integration values (r = .520 for all corridor and node integration-n values as predic-
people, and r = .523 for staff only). From this, the tors of exploration and wayfinding, and it con-
following lessons were learned: tributed the importance of the mean depth of the
1. Visitors engaged in exploration tend to use entry point as a factor for successful wayfinding.
corridors in proportion to their integration-n
values. Later Lu and Bozovic-Stamenovic (2009) used
2. When in doubt about where to go, more visi- the same experimental methods with 31 partici-
tors tend to gravitate to areas with higher in- pants in three Chinese hospitals. One of them
tegration values. exhibited traditional design principles, one did


These studies were expanded even further by Haq

The Syntax value of the (2003). He took a detailed look at different Syn-
tax variables and different ways to characterize
entry space had an effect on
plans from the Space Syntax perspective. These
wayfinding. seemed to highlight integration-3 as the more
important predictor of wayfinding in hospital
not, and the other was considered in-between. buildings (.805, .829, and .775 for integration-3,
Here too, the authors found high correlations versus .691, .819, and .637 for integration-n, re-
between Syntax values and both the exploration spectively, for the three hospitals).
and wayfinding use of spaces. Thus they recon-
firmed the importance of integration values in In the later study Haq, Hill, and Pramanik (2005),
wayfinding and exploration, and demonstrated created a one-to-one scaled virtual reality (VR) of
that these factors remain stable irrespective of one hospital used in the earlier experiments. This
the design principles of individual buildings. VR was totally devoid of all landmarks, people,
smells, and other “real-world” variables. All the
Haq and Zimring (2003) continued their ear- corridors had the same color, finish materials,
lier work by adding two more large hospital and lighting. Using a joy stick, 32 subjects car-
complexes (including City Hospital of Figure ried out the same experimental procedures, and
1) to the previous study and using a total of the data were analyzed in exactly the same man-
128 subjects. In addition to the tasks explained ner. A comparison of the results with those from
earlier, the subjects were also required to point the real hospital building showed a remarkable
to unseen locations that they had visited be- similarity. The correlation of the exploratory use
fore, and sketch plans of the hospitals. The mo- of corridors with integration-3 was .775 in the
tivations of this study were the confirmation real hospital and .702 in the virtual setting. Also,
of previous results; a comparison of the pre- the corridors drawn in the sketch maps correlated
dictive powers of integration-n, integration-3, to integration-3 at r = .697 in the real hospital
and connectivity; and most importantly, an and at r = .823 in the virtual one. In this manner,
exploration of the relevance of Space Syntax previous findings regarding the predictive power
variables in spatial cognition. The results re- of axial integration-3 for visitor wayfinding and
confirmed the value of Space Syntax analysis, spatial cognition in hospital buildings were em-
and also suggested that connectivity is strongly phasized.
featured in the cognitive maps of participants
as seen in the sketch maps (31%, 46%, and For the purposes of this paper, the preceding se-
67% of the variance in sketch maps in the ries of studies discussed confirms three things:
three hospitals, respectively). 1. Syntax variables play an important role in
suggesting which corridors will be used more



by exploring and wayfinding visitors in hos-

pital buildings. Nurses who were assigned to
2. More integrated corridors are also more like- rooms with higher integration
ly to be “mapped” in cognitive knowledge,
and thus may play a larger role in wayfind- values entered those rooms
ing. These conclusions are reinforced by sim- and the nurses’ stations more
ilar results from experiments in seven large
hospital buildings in two cultures and were frequently.
also verified in a laboratory setting using VR
movement patterns within MSUs in five large
to control all extraneous environmental vari-
hospitals (Hendrich et al., 2009). An important
ables. In short, an integration analysis of a
concept developed by the authors was that nurs-
hospital plan is a powerful indicator of which
es’ movement during a shift is influenced by their
corridors visitors can be expected to walk in
patient room assignments during that shift. It is
and have a better memory of.
not the entire floor layout, or even the entire unit
3. A mean depth analysis of entry doors will
layout, but a subset that is a nurse’s main respon-
indicate which entry poses more wayfinding
sibility, and this was hypothesized to be of con-
sequence in nurse movement. This subset, called
assignment, was quantified by averaging the axial
In a later study, Tzeng & Huang (2009) used
integration values of all the rooms in a particular
Space Syntax not to identify independent envi-
nurse’s assignment. Thus, spatial variables were
ronmental variables, but to select destinations for
assigned to each nurse.
their research on signage. For this experiment,
they needed to pinpoint the most difficult-to-
Movement rates were collected by the use of radio
find location from the point of view of configura-
frequency identification badges that were worn
tion, so they selected the most segregated areas in
by 53 nurses covering 143 nursing shifts. The de-
the plan. In this way the researchers were assured
pendent variable of this study was the number
that the subjects were relying more on signage
of entries into patient rooms and nurse stations.
than the building itself for wayfinding decision
Generalized linear models indicated that the in-
making, and that more sign-use data could be
tegration value of nurse assignment predicted a
collected. So in a different way, these authors up-
nurse’s entries into patient rooms and nurses’ sta-
held the findings of previous research, i.e, Syntax
tions at a significance level of 99.9%. In other
analysis can identify areas of potential wayfinding
words, nurses who were assigned to rooms with
use (or not) and cognitive understanding.
higher integration values entered those rooms and
the nurses’ stations more frequently. This suggests
Nurse Entries to Patient Rooms
that “altering the spatial properties of nurse as-
Axial line integration was also used to study nurse
signment will change the way nurses move, either


increasing or decreasing the number of trips to trips to patient rooms, nurses’ stations, and sup-
patient rooms and nurses stations” (Hendrich et port spaces. Results indicated that although syn-
al., 2009, p. 16). tactic variables could project entries into patient
rooms, this was not the case with visits to nursing
A different result from the same study suggested stations or support areas.
that there is a positive correlation between the
number of entries into patient rooms and the to- Even later, using the same data, Heo, Choudhary,
tal time spent there. So nurses who have more Bafna, Hendrich, and Chow (2009) carried out a
integrated assignments will enter patients’ rooms slightly different analysis. They described nurse
and the nurses’ station more frequently, spend assignments with more Syntax variables: axial in-
more time in patient rooms, and have a better tegration, visual connectivity, path distance, visual
opportunity to interact with other nurses in the step-depth, and number of turns. They also divid-
unit. All of these are factors in providing more op- ed nurse movements into 10 categories and in-
portunities for surveillance, more social support vestigated the influence of syntactic variables on
for one another, more time in patient rooms, and each. Essentially, their conclusions were that “the
ultimately better care. This study demonstrated total number of entries to assigned rooms has
that considering layout properties through Space positive correlations to (assignment) integration
Syntax techniques when creating nurse assign- and total number of assigned rooms, negative
ments could be beneficial to patient care. increases to connectivity and visual step depth”
(Heo et al., 2009, p. 41:10). In this study too the
Although Hendrich et al. (2009) did not publish authors found that axial integration was the most
the floor plans of the hospital MSUs studied, nor significant predictor. One important note is that
show the Syntax analysis, two subsequent articles here the researchers published color versions of
did so and reported additional research consid- the axial and visibility analyses, making the syn-
ering more spatial variables. Choudhary, Bafna, tactic analysis easy to understand.
Heo, Hendrich, and Chow (2009) took the same
data and undertook slightly modified research. Spatial Positioning of Nurses and a
These authors did both axial and visibility analy- New Space Syntax Measure
ses of the five MSUs and considered three syn- Nurse movement and spatial positioning, being
tactic variables for nurse assignments: average function driven, may not be adequately captured
axial integration of assigned rooms, average visual by traditional Syntax analysis, which does not
connectivity of the corridors outside the rooms, consider task or motivational requirements. For
and average visual step depth of the rooms from example, the observation of patients is vital for
the nearest nurses’ station. The number of rooms nurses. Therefore, they might more likely be posi-
assigned and the units were additional variables. tioned in areas that provide better surveillance of
Generalized linear modeling was used to predict patient rooms. With this inspiring idea, Lu, Pe-



ponis, and Zimring (2009) devised targeted visual

connectivity, a measure that represents a number Proportionally more nurses
of unique targets that can be seen from one point. were situated in areas of higher
They developed a special programming script to
expand the capabilities of the Space Syntax soft- visibility toward patients.
ware called “Depthmap” (Turner, 1998) and used
it to analyze a 20-bed neural intensive care unit of Two subsequent articles (Lu, 2010; Lu & Zimring,
Emory hospital. 2010) demonstrated further applications of tar-
geted visibility analysis. In them, the authors
The targets were patient rooms, and targeted vis- re-analyzed three hospital layouts identified and
ibility values ranged from 0–9, which was the studied earlier (Trites, Galbraith, Leckwart, &
minimum and maximum number of beds that Sturdavant, 1969; Trites, Galbraith, Sturdavant,
could be seen simultaneously. The authors noted & Leckwart, 1970). The research verified what
946 staff members’ (nurses and doctors) location the previous studies had predicted: that “...radial
and activity within the unit over a period of 2 design was superior to the double- and single
weeks. Simple correlational analysis indicated corridor-design, and the double-corridor design
that the density of nurses at any location corre- was superior to single-corridor design in terms
lated to the targeted visibility values at r = .924. of efficiency and patient satisfaction”(Lu, 2010,
When split by interacting status, i.e., whether a p. 56). In a later research article, Seo, Choi, and
nurse was interacting with another, the correla- Zimring (2011) used targeted visibility analysis
tion of interacting nurses was .894. Thus, pro- not to generate independent predictor variables,
portionally more nurses were situated in areas of but to describe two MSUs, one small and the
higher visibility toward patients, and when nurs- other large, in a study of nurse walking patterns.
es had to interact with others, the preferred lo- In their conclusion, they claimed that although
cations were within the overlapping view toward nurses tend to have less interaction with patients
many patients. in large units, they do not walk longer distances
than nurses in smaller units. Their study also
This study shed light on a general understanding suggested that visibility, the presence of substa-
that nurses, perhaps intuitively, position them- tions, and the location of medications can help
selves in locations that offer more surveillance decrease nurse movement in MSUs.
opportunities. Space Syntax visibility analysis,
specifically targeted visual connectivity, can as- Privacy Preferences in Wards
sist either in identifying such locations in existing Two publications used visibility integration values
buildings or in making changes to plan proposals and reported on the relationship between privacy
so that such locations coincide with nurses’ sta- preferences vis à vis bed locations in multibed
tions or other nurse areas. wards (Alalouch & Aspinall, 2007; Alalouch,


Aspinall, & Smith, 2009). The study was under-

taken in the United Kingdom, where 79 subjects Patients feel more secure
studied six different types of multibed wards and when they are more visible
selected bed locations that they would prefer to
be in and would dislike being in from the point
(to the nurses).
of view of privacy. Additionally, they also ranked living homes. The variables for the analysis were
the wards according to perceived privacy. Analy- taken from earlier research where quality-of-life
sis revealed that beds with lower integration (and data had been gathered from 432 subjects in 36
lower control) were preferred for privacy, and homes. This had been done by observation, proxy
those with higher integration values were dis- information from caregivers, and structured in-
liked. Similarly, preferred wards were those with terviews (in some cases). Convex and axial analy-
low mean integration (and high control values). ses were done to produce 10 different syntactic
variables for each building. However, only two of
In the second paper, the authors presented ad- them were significant.
ditional analysis. The sample of 79 subjects was
nicely split between males and females (45 and Concerning the life quality of residents, their
34), European and Arab (31 and 38), and hav- findings indicated that mean global axial integra-
ing been previously hospitalized (31 out of 79). tion was positively associated with the proportion
When split according to these divisions, the data of time residents were active, and residents were
showed no difference in terms of gender or eth- active longer in buildings with greater mean in-
nicity. However, people who were previously hos- tegration. Also, mean integration-3 of the public
pitalized chose more integrated locations. This spaces was positively associated with residents
is interesting because more integrated locations being engaged more frequently in enjoyable ac-
were also areas subject to greater potential sur- tivities. It must be mentioned that cultural values
veillance and less privacy. This finding suggests might have played a role, but this was not inves-
that patients feel more secure when they are more tigated in the research.
visible (to the nurses), even if this means being in
less private areas. Historical Development of Hospitals
Lemlij (2005) used Space Syntax concepts to
Perceived Quality of Care in Senior study changes across a century in the spatial de-
Living Homes velopment of a mental hospital in the United
Space Syntax was used to understand the spa- Kingdom. Using axial integration and depth
tial relationship of perceived “quality of life” in studies, the author compared two wings built in
36 senior living homes in England (Hanson & the 19th century to two built in the 20th century
Zako, 2005). This was the first time that Space and concluded that buildings constructed in the
Syntax techniques were applied to study senior 20th century had a less rigid layout and provided



more choices along the public corridors. These nurses’ stations, and this was taken as an indicator
changes are in keeping with social acceptance of of higher nurse productivity.
the innovative normalization principle of that
time, which stated that the living conditions of Accessibility to Gardens
mentally ill patients should be kept as normal The accessibility of hospital gardens as a factor
as possible for everyday activities. The change in of their usability was a concern for Pasha (2010),
building layout reflected this shift in healthcare who studied four gardens in two children’s hos-
philosophy and was identified by using Space pitals in Texas. She began by interviewing de-
Syntax. signer representatives and analyzing the gardens
using the “children’s hospital garden evaluation
Analysis of MSU Types system.” One variable in this evaluation system,
Kim and Lee (2010) used convex space and vis- called location and boundaries, is similar to the
ibility analysis to compare “user costs” among Space Syntax notion of accessibility. Two gar-
three different types of hospital wards (deep, shal- dens scored equally in this category. The author
low, and courtyard), described earlier by Weight then used visibility analysis and isovist studies of
(2005). User costs are related to healthcare out- the Space Syntax method to further investigate
comes, such as clinical outcomes, infection rates, all four gardens. She concluded that the Syntax
staff morale, and so on, and over the lifetime of evaluation and location and boundaries category
a hospital, user costs can be up to eight times of the children’s hospital garden evaluation sys-
higher than the sum of operational, maintenance, tem triangulated and thus supported one anoth-
construction, and design costs. er. She also noted that the number of volunteers
available, physical accessibility with IV poles and
This research included two types of Syntax analysis such, supervision, etc., are important factors that
in three ward types. It was assumed that higher in- should be considered in hospital garden design in
tegration values in select areas would reduce some addition to accessibility and visibility.
aspects of user costs. For example, convex space
analysis showed that nurses’ stations were located Theoretical Models
in more integrated corridors in the deep plan type. Some authors used Space Syntax concepts and
Integrated locations were regarded as providing research results from other settings to comment
more surveillance opportunities and being more on related aspects of healthcare facilities and to
accessible to physicians. Also, the deep plan had propose theoretical models. Unlau, Ulken, and
higher mean integration values and was more in- Edgau (2005) suggested a hypothetical model of
telligible. Thus, this type was taken to reduce costs evacuation in complex buildings via the concept of
associated with controlling users’ behaviors. A sec- “emergency vulnerability.” This was described as a
ond analysis, that of visibility, indicated that in the function of five environmental factors, and two of
deep plan type more integrated areas are near the them were taken from Space Syntax (the integra-


tion value of a space and the isovist area from its Second, they studied the change of intelligibility
geometric center). The authors analyzed one wing across time as the hospital expanded and noticed
of a general surgery building in Istanbul to illus- that with increased physical growth, campus
trate this proposal. However, no empirical work intelligibility decreased. This suggested that al-
was done to evaluate this. Rashid (2009) used though additions made logical sense in their own
information gained from investigating work envi- terms, their overall relationship with the campus
ronments and Space Syntax notions to propose a became weak. Lack of intelligibility meant that
model for effective face-to-face interactions among local positions provided few cues about the over-
clinicians in MSUs, and Trzpuc and Martin (2010) all logic of the plan. Third, they observed the
described the importance of accessibility and vis- densities of use in major corridors and found
ibility for studying nurses’ communication. poor correlations between movement densities
and integration values.
Application of Space Syntax in
Architecture From these studies they formulated three criteria
As far as applications in design, unfortunately, for evaluating the master plan. (1) Does the integra-
there are few examples in healthcare settings.3 Pe- tion core spread to include all the departments? (2)
ponis, Zimring, and Scanlon (1996) used Space Would the integration core be better matched with
Syntax to test two alternate master plans proposed different categories of movement? And (3) will over-
for extending a large urban hospital. They began all intelligibility be improved? Subsequent analysis
with both traditional and Space Syntax analysis. of the master plans not only identified the more ap-
The traditional approach included the pattern of propriate one; it also allowed the authors to suggest
expansion, communication, and connection be- some evidence-based improvement schemes.
tween departments and buildings; path analysis
between destinations; and identification of the Another example considered not a new develop-
front door. Space Syntax analysis included the ment scheme, but an academic post-occupancy
identification of the integration core, which is the evaluation (POE) of the renovation and expansion
top 10% of the integrated lines. Because previous of a major urban hospital (Haq, 2001). This com-
Space Syntax studies in urban environments have plex had undergone major changes that included a
suggested that these would be locations that more new “front door” on the opposite side of the old
people would traverse, hospitals should consider one, rearrangements of the sequence of services and
more investments here. Interestingly, the authors destinations, and the addition of a new clinic build-
found that the integration core included some ing. The Space Syntax integration core suggested
back-of-house activities. that the spatial structure still favored the old door
and that pedestrian walkways outside the building
were more integrated than the major paths that
Obviously there are more in the industry; most of them are in
nonmedical settings. were designed inside. Based on such analyses, some



simple connections were envisioned and tested with tionship of Syntax variables to more traditional
Space Syntax. This allowed the authors to find a ones used in research and considered in design.
strategic connection which, if implemented, would
have produced an integration core that mediated The next extension might be experiments in VR,
both the new development and the existing spatial where researchers could add more factors for con-
structure, leading to a more user-friendly layout. sideration while controlling others and exploring
interactions. Furthermore, it should be remem-
Concluding Comments bered that Space Syntax was originally proposed to
Environment behavior researchers have constantly understand the sociology of space. Therefore, nu-
been challenged to consider the environment in very merical calculations should be applied to the social
precise and measurable ways. After a thorough lit- needs of the space, i.e., Who are the users? What
erature review, Chaudhury, Mahmood, and Valente are their needs? How do they interact? And what
(2009) identified noise, lighting, furniture design, are their behavioral patterns? Researchers have the
and architectural design/layout as “… key physical responsibility to contemplate these questions—not
environmental variables that have the most real or only in the contexts described in this paper, but also
potential effect on workplace errors…” (Chaudhury to develop new applications for Space Syntax.
et al., 2009, p. 765). In their discussion of layouts,
they had to rely on general descriptive terms such as Finally it should be emphasized that the authors’
views, privacy, room, and MSU types. Most layout intention was not to compare Space Syntax with
evaluation methods are qualitative and descriptive, other theories and methods. Rather, it is another
as indicated earlier. In contrast, Space Syntax pro- theory that has been tested in different environ-
vides a robust quantitative tool. It does this by the mental settings and could be useful when applied
precise identification and measurement of spaces appropriately to healthcare settings, especially
that can in turn be investigated quantitatively with when paired with a suitable research agenda.
regard to human behavior and cognition.

Topological analysis of the Syntax method leaves References

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Implications for Practice

• Space Syntax has computerized tools that generate visual outputs (an integration
map or integration core) that map the layouts being tested. Thus, they are immedi-
ately useful to the practitioner at different stages of layout design: parti proposals,
layout concepts, and more detailed plans. In this manner, plan drawings can be
evaluated against evidence at various stages, functions can be repositioned, or other
plan changes can be made and then retested.
• Because Space Syntax provides numerical/quantitative measures of each space, and
of entire layouts, it can be used for POEs or to compare different proposals.
• As evidence mounts regarding the predictive power of Space Syntax for wayfinding,
cognition, nurse positioning, and other aspects of improved efficiency, it can be
used as a predictive and a marketing tool where the potential effects of a design can
be understood beforehand, changes made accordingly, and hypotheses developed
for the research team.

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