AWS Certificate Notes

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AWS Certified Solutions Architect Notes

10,000 foot - Part 1

Exam tips : difference between a region, availability zone and edge locations

Region is a physical location consisting of two or more availability zone

AZ is one more discrete data centers each with redundant power, networking and

Edge locations are endpoints for AWS used for caching typically consisting of
cloudfront & Amazon CDN

10,000 foot - Part 2

Compute Services
EC2 Container Services (Docker containers at scale)
Elastic beanstalk (upload code and automatically will autoscaling and
Lambda (code you upload to the cloud without worrying about underlying
Lightsail - VPS service
Batch - Batch computing in the cloud

Storage Services
S3 - simple storage service
EFS - Network attached storage
Glacier - Data Archival
Storage gateway - on prem to sync data with cloud

RDS (Aurora, mysql, oracle. Any relational db
Dynamo DB (for non relational db
Elasticache - caching for DB
Redshift -

Migration Hub - tracking services as you migrate to AWS
Application Discovery - automated discovery tool for applications
DB Migration services - easy way to migrate from onprem db to cloud
Snowball - storage and migration

Networking & Content Delivery

VPC - virtual public cloud (fundemental to all exams)
Cloudfront - caching near user
Route53 - DNS service (its like a phone book directory)
API gateway - a way of creating apis for other services
Direct connect - running dedicated line from on-prem to was cloud

Developer tools (they don’t come in architect exam)

Codestar - project managing your code for teams
Codecommit - place to store your code (code repository)
Codbuild - compile, run tests, produce software packages
CodeDeploy - automate app deployment to EC2
Codepipeline - model and visualize and automate the process to release your
Xray - debug analyze servless apps
Cloud9 - IDE environment to write your code

10,000 foot - Part 3

Management Tools

Cloudwatch - Monitoring service

Cloudformation - a way of scripting infrastructure - cloud formation templates
reuseble to deploy infrastructure (there is open source)
Cloudtrail - logs changes to your infrastructure
Config - monitors the config of your entire environment - you have a calendar with
all changes
Opsworks - automating the config of the environment
Service Catalog - managing a catalog of IT services that are approved for use -
used by big org for governance (not covered in exams yet)
Systems Manager - interface to manage your resources (running patches across 1000s
of servers)
Trusted advisor - advice across multiple disciplines (if you forgot ports open, how
to save money on aws)
Managed services - can help in managing services

Cloudformation very important for Architect exam

Trusted advisor

Media Services (non are featured yet)

Elastic Transcoder (shows video properly on dif devices
Medialive - broadcast live video streams
Mediapackage - prepares video for internet delivery
Media store - storage optimized for media
Mediatrailor - targeted advertising on screens

Machine Learning (not yet in exam)

Sagemaker - makes it easy to use deep learning when coding
Comprehend - centimeent analysis around data
Deeplens - artifical aware camera (camera can figure out whats it looking at)
Lex - what powers Alexa service - chatting to your customer
Machine Learning - entry level - throw dataset and will analyze it and predict
outcome (recommended products in amazon retail for example)
Polly - takes text to speech, sounds really human
Recognition - Video and image recognition
Amazon Translate - Machine translation service
Transcribe - takes audio to text

Athena - allows you to run sql queries in s3 buckets - Serverless
EMR (it comes in exam) - Processing large amounts of data (big data)
Elastic Search
Kinesis (huge topic) - investing large data into aws (social media feeds)
Kinesus video stream
Quicksight - BI tool
Data Pipeline - a way to move data between aws services
Glue -
10,000 foot - part 4

Identity & Access

IAM - Identity Access Management (u need to know inside out)
Cognito - Device Authentication on mobile phones
Guardduty - Monitors for malicious activity on your account (not yet in exams)
Inspector - agent to run tests (does my ec2 have security, you can run it weekly or
more) - it comes in exam
Macie - will scan s3 buckets for personal information and will alert you
Certificate Manager - SSL for free
Cloud HSM - encryption keys
Directory services - integralte your microsoft directory with AWS
WAF - Web App Firewall - App level, stops sql injections etc
Shield - DDOS mitigation
Artifact - Audit & Compliance, download compliance reports (PCI reports, etc)

Key ones are IAM, Inspector, Cloud HSM, Directory Services, WAF, Sheild,
certificate manager

Mobile Services
Mobile Hub - connect mob app to cloud
Pinpoint - targeted push notifications
Appsync - updates mobile data
DeviceFarm - testing your app on real devices
Mobile Analytics - Analytics for mobile

None are relievent to exam


Application Integration
Step Functions - way of managing diff lambda function
MQ - Message MQ
SNS - Notification service (billing alarms)
SQS - Decoupling your infrastructure
SWF - Simple workflow service - amazon uses this for online ordering

SNS/SQS/SWF exam heavy

Customer Engagement
Connect - Contact Center in the cloud
Simple Email Service - sending large amount of email
SES does come up in exam

Business Productivity
Alexa for business - brand new service

Only workdocs will come up

Desktop & App streaming

Workspaces is a VDI solution
Appstream 2.0 - a way of streaming an application to a device (citrix)
None appear in exams

IOT Device management - managing millions of iot devices

Game Development - Gamelift

Identity Access Management 101

Centralized control - shared access - identity federation - multifactor auth

Temporary access

Users - end users

Groups - collections of users with one set of permission

Roles - roles assigned to resources

Policies - they can be attached to users/roles/groups

IAM is available across the world, it doesn’t matter what region you are in

Secret key id can only be used to programmatically access services

Billing alerts & alarms - control costs on aws

Policy are made of java script json

Root account is the account u create at first - has access to all

New users have no permission when created

Access Key id & secret access key are NOT used to login - this is only used through
api and command line - you can only view these once, if you loose them, you have
to regenerate them

You have to setup multi factor auth on your root -

Power users - access to all was services except for management of groups and users
within IAM

Implement multi factor authentication for all accounts to additionally secure IAM

S3 101

Object based storage not block based storage - store files NOT OS
Files can be unto 5 TB
S3 is a universal name space

You receive HTTP 200 code if the upload is successful

Data consistency model for S3

-Read after write consistency for PUTS of new objects
-Eventual Consistency for overwrite PUTS and Deletes (takes time to propagate
S3 is simple key value store - objects consist of
Key (name of the object)
Value (data itself)
Version id (important for versioning)
Metadata (data about the data)
Subresources (access control list (who can access), torrent

S3 is built for 99.9% availability

Amazon grantees 99.99999999 (11 9s) durability
Tired storage available
Lifecycle management
Supports versioning
You can do encryption

S3 - Infrequently Access - data accessed less frequently, lower fee but charged a
retrieval fee

Reduced redundancy storage - a little lower durability (thumbnails generation

Glacier - very cheap but used only for archival - takes 3-5 hours to retrieve

(there will different scenarios for S3 storage types)

Review S3 storage tiers

S3 - you are charged for storage, number of requests, storage management pricing,
data transfer pricing, transfer acceleration

Exam tips
S3 is object based
Files from 0 to 5tb
Files are stored in buckets
S3 has a universal name space
Read after write consistency for puts
Eventual consistency for overworkite puts and deletes
We have different classes (S3, S3 Infr Access, S3 Reduced rerundancy, glacier)
What makes up an object (Key (name), value (data), version, meta data, sub
resources (access control, torrent)

successful uploads - 200


S3 - Lab 1

-Encryption, can be client side or server side (3 types, KMS S3 Managed keys, SSEC)
- By default buckets are private and all objects stored inside are private

S3 - Lab Version Control

Once you enable versioning, you cannot disable it, you can suspend it.
You need to think of versioning before enabling it

This is a test, to check versioning in the lab, not a study note

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