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 Listings

Doshi, Balkrishna, Yoshikatsu Tsuboi, and Mahendra Raj. Tagore hall. Ahmedabad: Vastu Shilpa Foundation,

In this memorial theatre, the city honors both Tagore, the legendary artist and Tagore,
the towering personality.
© Vastu Shilpa Foundation
A large entrance with its transparent foyer reveals details of the voluminous concrete
structure and enables both informal and formal interactions among performers, critics
and the public. The detached bowl-shaped seating sans balcony adds greater intimacy to
artists despite of the exposed concrete structure and the floating acoustical clouds. The
folded plate roof of 110ft span, incorporates the services.

© Vastu Shilpa Foundation

© Vastu Shilpa Foundation

© Vastu Shilpa Foundation
© Vastu Shilpa Foundation
© Vastu Shilpa Foundation
© Vastu Shilpa Foundation
© Vastu Shilpa Foundation

Site plan for the first version, note the "Boîte à miracles" © FLC/ADAGP

Renovation of Tagore Memorial Hall - Master Plan © Vastu Shilpa Foundation

Renovation of Tagore Hall - Basement Plan showing proposed conference hall facilities © Vastu Shilpa Foundation

Renovation of Tagore Hall - Basement Pan © Vastu Shilpa Foundation

Renovation of Tagore Hall - First and Second floor plans, proposal showing arthists' accomodation and caretakers'
apartments © Vastu Shilpa Foundation
Renovation of Tagore Hall - Third Floor Plan © Vastu Shilpa Foundation

© Vastu Shilpa Foundation

Tagore Memorial Theatre, Ahmedabad, 1965. Mahendra Raj and BV Doshi © Ariel Huber, Lausanne

© nicholas iyadurai/Flickr
 Jeanneret-Gris, Charles-Édouard. Sanskar Kendra City Museum. Association City Museum Ahmedabad.
Paldi, Ahmedabad, 1954.

A series of rigid frames in reinforced concrete folded plates provide the outer shell to this hall. Vertical folds
are 17m high, increasing in depth from 1.15m at the base to 2.4m at the top with a constant plate thickness of
15cm. Horizontal folds are 2.4m deep and span 33.5m with a plate thickness of 10cm increasing to 15cm near
the supports.

Inside the hall, a 'seating bowl' with a capacity of 700 is supported on an independent structure. Sculptural
columns and cantilevers of this bowl dominate the lobby area. The hall, located on the banks of Sabarmati
River, is supported on individual and strip footings resting on a sandy strata.

Source: Mahendra Raj Consultants

© nicholas iyadurai/Flickr
© nicholas iyadurai/Flickr

© Vastu Shilpa Foundation

© Vastu Shilpa Foundation

© Vastu Shilpa Foundation

© Vastu Shilpa Foundation

© Vastu Shilpa Foundation

© Vastu Shilpa Foundation

Content Related to this Document

01. Doshi, Balkrishna, and Yoshikatsu Tsuboi. Competition Entry for the Design of a Civic Square and City
Hall, Toronto. Ahmedabad: Vastu-Shilpa Consultants, 1957.
02. Doshi, Balkrishna, and Yoshikatsu Tsuboi. Entry 339: Doshi In Competition Entry for the Design of a Civic
Square and City Hall. Toronto: Toronto Public Library, 1958.
03. Doshi, Balkrishna, Yoshikatsu Tsuboi, and Mahendra Raj. Tagore Hall, Presentment. Ahmedabad: Vastu
Shilpa Foundation & Mahendra Raj Archives, 1967.
04. Doshi, Balkrishna, and Yoshikatsu Tsuboi. Study Model towards a design proposal for Premabhai Hall.
Ahmedabad: Vastu Shilpa, 1958.

See Also

 Doshi, Balkrishna, Yoshikatsu Tsuboi, and Mahendra Raj. Tagore Hall, Presentment. Ahmedabad: Vastu Shilpa
Foundation & Mahendra Raj Archives, 1967.

Document Metadata
EndNote - RIS

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