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Structural Design

• Loads and Load Sources

– Designing or Critical Loads
– Load Information / Estimation
• Piece Parts Analysis
– Margin of Safety Definition
– Factors of Safety to use
– Summary Table
• Important Structural Concepts
– Primary/Secondary Structure
– Failsafe & Fracture Critical Structure
– Aerospace Materials
– Structural Failure
UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis
MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
• "Designing Load" is the load that determines one or
more structural characteristic of the part:
– shape, thickness, strength, stiffness, material...
• Critical Load (somewhat synonymous) is more exactly
the load that gives the minimum margin of safety (MS)
for a part
– MS represents the amount of extra structural capability you
have over the applied load (elbow room)
• Examples of Critical Loads
– pressurization loads for a rocket casing
– launch loads for a spacecraft
– thermal loads for a propulsion subsystem
– crash loads for a car
UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis
MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Load Sources
• Where do these loads come from?
• For every part (subsystem) in your design, you should
review every phase of its life and identify all loads that
have the potential to be critical:
– manufacturing & assembly
– test (qualification, proof test)
– transportation (truck or launch)
– operation
– contingencies (crash landing)
• Obtain or estimate loads
– look up loads in reference books
– ask other groups to determine loads
– guestimate for the purposes of starting analysis
• Calculate all margins of safety
UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis
MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Launch Vehicle Loads
• Max Q - Aerodynamic Loads
– Q = ρ V2 / 2
– maximum pressure and bending on vehicle
• Max g's
– usually occurs at stage burnout
– maximum axial load on vehicle and payload
• Abrupt environmental & vehicle changes
– internal and external pressure drop
– dramatic thermal changes
• Staging shock loads
– high g's, high frequency
• Random vibration and acoustics
– equiv. g's = sqrt (π PSD fn Q / 2)
• Some of these loads apply to payload as well
UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis
MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Launch Vehicle Failures
• LV failures are tied to the following subsystems
– Propulsion (70%)
– Avionics (11%)
– Separation (8%)
– Electrical (7%)
– Structural (2%)
• Structural Failure Relatively Rare
– AmRoc, Shuttle, Pegasus
• Propulsion or Control System Failure More Common
– Conestoga, LLV, Ariane V

UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis

MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Spacecraft On-Orbit Loads
• Accelerations
– orbital accelerations
– gravity gradient
– spinning
– on-board disturbances
– thrusting (attitude control, reboost)
• Thermal Loads
– sun / shadow thermal gradients
– eclipse effects (thermal snap)
• Other Special Cases
– EVA loads (corners & edges)
– rendezvous & docking
• Generally spacecraft are designed by launch loads!
UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis
MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Planetary Vehicle Loads
• Vibration loads from traversing rough terrain
• Launch / landing loads
• Maneuvering loads
– tight turn
– driving on an incline
– loosing traction / support on one wheel
• Crash loads
– driving into a big boulder
– rolling vehicle in unstable soil
– safety is primary consideration

UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis

MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Piece Parts Analysis
• Structural analysis of a system consists of at least
the following three tasks
– Load Cycle Modeling (system-level) - iterative process
– Piece-Part Analysis (static) - minimum margins of safety
– Fracture and Fatigue Analysis (dynamic) - safe life
• Piece Parts Analysis
– Identify all loads on each part / subsystem
– Calculate margins of safety
– Tabulate minimum margins of safety
• Example: OTD Boom Piece Parts Analysis

UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis

MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Factors & Margins of Safety
• Limit Loads: maximum loads expected (applied loads)
• Yield Load and Ultimate Load
• Factors of Safety : numbers imposed by the Customer
(or your own good sense) that reflect
 how uncertain you are of the load or structure
 how safe you want to be
 examples: 10 for bridges, 5 for ground handling equip, 2 for a/c

• Margins of Safety are calculated as follows:

Allowable Load
MS = − 1.0
Applied Load x FS
• Beware: There are other definitions of these terms in engineering, but the
above approach is the most common in Aerospace
UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis
MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Primary Structure
• Primary, Secondary, & Tertiary Structure
– Primary structure is the system's backbone (carries all of
the major loads imposed on vehicle)
– Secondary structure includes all essential appendages and
support structures (such as solar arrays, antennas, & fuel
– Tertiary structures are less-essential mounting hardware
(brackets, component housings, connector panels)
• Example of primary structure
– Thin-walled cylindrical launch vehicle
– Challenge is to figure out how to react shear & torsion
– Buckling of skin is most common failure mode
– Buckling of a cylindrical section:
σcrit = E t / R sqrt [3(1-ν2)]
UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis
MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Critical Structure
• Critical Items List (CIL) contains all parts that
– are deemed criticality 1 by FMEA (ie, single point failures)
– are fracture critical (ie, stressed to the point where a flaw will grow to
critical size)
• Failsafe & Fracture Critical Structure
– Catastrophic failure is generally defined by customer
– Failsafe structure can take redistributed loads after failure (ie, not
single point failures); shall release no hazardous mass; shall not change
dynamics significantly; shall have no fatigue problems
– Low-risk structure is not primary structure; has only a remote
possibility of failure; will not propagate a crack in 4 lifetimes
σmax < Ftu / [ 4 (1-0.5 R) Kt ]
– Fracture critical parts must be labeled and analyzed as such, then
inspected, treated, and tracked more carefully than conventional parts
• Crack Growth Analysis (FLAGRO)
– All FC parts must be shown good for four lifetimes of load cycles with an
initial flaw (determined by NDI)

UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis

MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Aerospace Materials
• Comparison of specific stiffness, specific
strength, and buckling parameter for a variety of
aerospace metals and composites
• Definition of Structural Failure
– Detrimental Yield vs Textbook Yield
• deformation that detrimentally affects functionality of
• 0.2% Tresca yield condition (assumes system linear in
first place)
– Ultimate Failure
• any material rupture or loss of functionality

UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis

MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Material Strength & Stiffness
• Typical Yield & Ultimate Strengths
– aluminum yld: 37 ksi ult: 42 ksi
– low strength steel yld: 36 ksi ult: 58 ksi
– high strength steel yld:102 ksi ult:116 ksi
– Titanium yld:134 ksi ult:145 ksi
• Stiffness versus Strength Designs
– aluminum w: 0.10 E/w: 100 σu/w: 420
– Low σu steel w: 0.28 E/w: 102 σu/w: 204
– high σu steel w: 0.29 E/w: 98 σu/w: 390
– titanium w: 0.16 E/w: 109 σu/w: 906
Conclusion: for aerospace structures - titanium and

UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis

MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Structural Analysis

• Some key structural formulas that are handy to

have for early (back-of-the-envelope) design
– Spring & Beam Stiffnesses
– Beam Natural Frequencies
– Euler Buckling Loads
– Stresses in Simple Pressurized Shell
σhoop = p R / t ; σlong = p R / 2 t
– Random Vibe and Acoustic Equivalent g's

UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis

MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Structural Analysis

• Definition of Example Problem

• Definition of Load Cases
• Analysis of Stresses
• Tabulation of Margins of Safety
• Identification of Critical Load Case

UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis

MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Structural Example

• Storage canister for

ISS solar array
deployment system
• 200 lb tip mass
• Cantilever launch
• Thin-wall aluminum shell

UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis

MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Loads Sources

• Launch
– Accelerations
– Pressurization
– Acoustics
– Random Vibration
– Thermal
• Crash Landing
• On-Orbit

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MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Structural Parameters
R = 25 in l = 100 in t = 0.10 in lbs
ρ = 0.10 3
π 4
I = ( Ro − Ri ) ≅ πR t = 4800 in
4 3 4 in
E = 1 × 10 psi α = 13 × 10
7 −6

in ⋅° F
Wcanister = 2πρtRl = 157 lbs Wtip = 200 lbs

in σ Ty = 37 ksi σ Tu = 42 ksi
g = 386.4
sec 2 A = 2πRt = 15.71 in 2

UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis

MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Launch Accelerations
±4.85 g FOS = 1.4
±5.8 g
MR Wtip
σ LA = + gx
±8.5 g I A
M = gtransverse (Wcanister hCG + Wtip htip )
gtransverse = 5.8 + 8.5 = 10.3 g
2 2

M = 10.3(157 ⋅ 50 + 200 ⋅ 100) = 286, 900 in ⋅ lb

(286900inlb)(25in) 200lb
σ LA = 4
+ 2
4800in 15.71in
σ LA = 1494 + 61.75 = 1556 psi
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MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Pressurization Loads
FOS = 3.0

PR (14.7 psi )(25in)

σ Hoop = = = 3675 psi
t 0.1in
σ Longitudinal = = 1838 psi
UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis
MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Launch Vehicle Vibration Environment
Frequency (Hz)
1 10 100 1000 10000


Power Spectral Density



UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis

MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Random Vibration Loads
πfn PSD FOS = 3.0
RLFn =

1.732 EIg
f1 = = 80 Hz
2π Wtip l + 0.236Wcanister l
3 3

fn ξ
RLF = 7.93 g
<150 Hz .045 M = 220, 700 in ⋅ lbs
150-300 Hz .020
>300 Hz .005
σ RV = = 1150 psi
(repeat for each axis)
UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis
MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Thermal Loads
FOS = 1.4
∆l = α ⋅ ∆T ⋅ l
∆l = 13 × 10 ⋅ −100° F ⋅ 100 = .13 in
Assume support structure shrinks only half as
much as canister

.5 × .13
σ Thermal = Eε = 10 ⋅ 7
= 6500 psi

UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis

MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Launch Loads Summary
Load Source Limit FOS Design
Stresses Stress
Launch 1556 1.4 2178
Pressurization 3675 3.0 11,025

Random 1150 3.0 3450

Thermal 6500 1.4 9100

Total 25,750 psi

Allowable Load 37, 000

MS = −1 = − 1 = 43.7%
Design Load 25, 750
UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis
MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design
Observations about Launch Loads

• Individual loads could be applied to same

position on canister at same times -
conservative approach is to use
superposition to define worst case
• 43% margin indicates that canister is
substantially overbuilt - if launch loads
turn out to be critical load case, redesign
to lighten structure and reduce mass.

UNIVERSITY OF Structural Design and Analysis

MARYLAND Principles of Space Systems Design

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