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Unit One: The Environment

How Sane Are We (Anuradha Chaudhary)

Literal Comprehension:

This essay is written by Anuradha Chaudhary and she focuses on the consciousness of
environment and need of its conservation. As we are responsible for destroying nature
its conservation is also our responsibility. We should not destroy anything in nature,
they are not only for us; they are the gifts handed over to give or hand over our many
generations. But there is vast destruction of nature in the world but less effort for saving
and conserving nature. We think ecology and politics are closely linked although many
people do not see any link between them. As elections are held to select our
representatives, the representatives, whom we trust best, become ministers. So we
easily think that they make only good decisions always for all but our representatives or
ministers are wrong; they do just opposite; they think only their benefit, chair, party and
vote. Many people think that political leaders are trustworthy so, who trust them cannot
believe that they are irresponsible towards nature.

Chloroflurocarbons(CFC) are man-made chemicals. They cause 20% of the

greenhouse effect. They cause to deplete the ozone layer which is like a shield around
earth. This absorbs 99% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays. If the rays reach the earth, they
will affect ecosystem, decrease agricultural productivity, weaken human immune
system, cause skin cancer and eye cataracts. In 1920 CFCs were first made to use in
refrigerators, spray cans, computer chips, air-conditioners etc. In 1974, the world’s
scientists disclosed the fact that there is link between CFCs and the ozone layer, but
nations and CFCs producers turned deaf ears towards the warning. Only in 1985, it was
believed that there is a link between CFCs and the ozone layer. Then the world’s
nations signed a document to stop CFCs productivity by 2006.

The decision of phasing out CFCs globally is a rational decision but the writer does not
think they are honest to the decision. They could stop the use of CFCs immediately and
use cheaper and harmless chemicals to substitute CFCs. But their decisions lack
implementation. By allowing people to use CFCs for some more times, we are causing
destruction to ourselves. Here the writer relates the science fiction “War with the Newts”
by Karel Capek. Where the newts are exceptionally clever water animals which could
give men pearls. Men gave them knives to keep themselves safe from sharks. Their
number increased so largely that they even went to the country to live and endangered
the existence of human beings. Like the newts we are destroying our own dwelling and
worsening our environment and air.


We human being is considered the supreme creature of all the other many creatures in
the world; we think ourselves wise, witty, clever, intelligent, enthusiastic and responsible
creature. But, we are so sane that we destroy our own home and ourselves not only
other creatures. We think only inheritance of the natural things here and do whatever
thing we like. The essay also implies that human cannot make rational decisions.
Neither general people choose rational political leaders as their representatives nor do
the elected representatives make right decisions in time. Moreover, they are not honest
too. They are only worrying about the next election but not about the future of people
and other creatures. They know that CFCs are depleting ozone layer but are not doing
anything to stop the use of this harmful chemical. They make decisions but have no
courage and take no initiation of implementation. Thus, we are spoiling environment by
electing such leaders and they are spoiling the future of mankind.

Critical thinking:

This essay is mainly focused on environmental degradation and importance of its

conservation. In this essay the writer criticizes the governments, politicians and factory
owners who use harmful chemicals like chloroflurocarbons. She gives emphasis on its
conservation because we are responsible for its destruction. She criticizes sharply to
the leaders and the people who elect such leaders but she does not think the scientists
should also be equally careful about the harmful effects of the chemical. Not only
leaders and scientists all we are equally responsible for this problem and should be
careful for its solution.


Reading literary tests is very beneficial. Literature gives not only pleasure or
entertainment but a vast knowledge about different fields. As I read this essay, I got a
lot of information from this essay. I knew about the ozone layer and its usefulness. I also
knew the bad sides of air conditioners and refrigerators. Before this I was careless of
these things; I would not feel anything while using AC and fridge, but now I feel I am
guilty of polluted nature when I use these appliances. I have seen many people
suffering from skin cancer, respiratory problems and other many diseases. This might
have been caused by the ultra violet rays of the sun and the depleted ozone layer. Now
I will try to convince all my relatives and families about these problems.

Don’t Cut Down The Trees,Brother

Woodcutter(Author:Balkrishna Sama)
Literal Comprehension:

The poem “Don’t Cut Down the Trees, Brother Woodcutter” is composed by Nepali poet
Bal Krishna Sama. The main theme of the poem is about conservation of nature.
Specially, the poet argues that trees are very important in our lives and they need to be
protected. The poet considers the trees as our dead mother who are silent observers,
but they protect us from natural calamities. The poet personifies the tree. The tree is like
our mother that is around us and takes care of us. When we remember our childhood,
we find that most of the time we play around the tree. It gives us fruits and flowers as if
our mother cares us. Thus, no child is hungry. Their leafy lips kiss us and when they
feel tired, they sigh and weep. They never speak a word. They are able to tolerate and
their pains and grieves are only for our sake. They never complain.

Further, the poet says that in winter the family sits around the fire burnt from the wood,
and sing and talk. In the winter, the trees are covered with white frost that makes them
bow at us. Nevertheless, we are ignorant. We do not understand all the scarifies and
tolerance that the trees endure to sustain our lives. They silently and secretly pass the
cold nights dreaming of our happy and cheerful days we spent during our childhoods
under their guardianship. They also hear us singing the songs they had taught us. They
bless our laugher all the time. They always love us. But, they cannot express their inner
thoughts to us. It does not mean that they are lifeless, ignorant and thoughtless. They
wait for us until winter ends. As soon as spring arrives, they again spread out their arms
and appeal us not to cut off their arms.


In this pro-environment poem, the poet is trying to be more concerned with the
pressing problems of deforestation and environmental degradation. He repeats the idea
of considering the earth and its plants as respectful and forgiving to us, the selfish
humans who ceaselessly fell down trees for fulfilling their present needs. The poet is
indirectly criticizing the human act of clearing the lands, thus, making the life of our
children and grandchildren insecure. The trees need to be saved for our future in case
the human species may become extinct.

Critical Thinking:

The poem “Don’t Cut Down the Trees, Brother Woodcutter” has contemporary message
to all the generation. Keeping the environment balance is the up most property for the
benefit of human beings. Some of the ideas presented in this poem are not common to
cover all sorts of ecological parts.

○ For instance, those who live in hot place do they find frost on the top of the trees
during winter?
○ How could the poet understand the feeling of the tree?


After reading this poem, once I felt to think of our dense forest found in Terai belt.
There was “Charkose Jhadi” which was the great economic source of Nepal. Now we
do not find it. if the then government was alerted like the poet Sama even nowadays we
could find that dense forest. Thus, I appeal citizens and the government to conserve the
forest whatever is left for our future generation.

Unit Two: Natural Science

To know a fly(Vincent G.Dethier)
Literal Comprehension:

‘To Know A Fly’ is an essay based on scientific experiment written by Vincent Gaston
Dethier.He was (1915 – 1993) ,an American psychologist and entomologist.He was a
pioneer in the study of insect-plant interactions.It has presented the view that every
scientific experiment is to be carried out consciously and carefully because any
experiment carried randomly may not give appropriate and acceptable result. The
experiment always begins with act of faith over reality, cause and effect relationship,
discovery by reason, our senses. It continues with an observation and a question. The
scientist in fact alters the condition, observes a result and draws a conclusion.
Therefore a man willing to conduct an experiment needs to be careful and conscious
enough in this concern, since the most commonly committed scientific sin is the lack of
proper experimental control.

The text presents one example of carefully carried out experiment and the next the
randomly conducted experiment. Once a gentleman by cutting off flea’s hind legs draws
a conclusion that it hears from the hind legs since it couldn’t jump despite his order and
he had already tried by amputating other parts of it. Similarly the next man concluded
from his experiment that the intoxicating quality lies in glass not in water and even not in
other alcoholic substances like bourbon, rum, scotch, rye, and gin and so on since all
these substances were mixed with water. This kind of confusing correlation with cause
and effect gives rise to fallacy and scientific sin.

Finally, the text presents the extraordinary capacity of fly to test and identify the
sweetness in substance. This is the most fruitful experiment conducted through shrewd
observation. It extends out its proboscis and tastes the food item to ensure either it is
sweet or not. It is too much sensitive. It tastes the food through the proboscis.


As a piece of scientific writing, the text is trying to present the importance of experiment
and alerts that one must be careful and conscious to carry out the experiment.
Otherwise, it harms more than it helps. Similarly, presenting an experiment on fly
informs the reader that nature has given every creature with own distinct qualities. In
this, it is useless to regard human as superior creature in the world.

Critical Thinking:

The text presents the ideas on scientific experiment and its importance. Naturally, one
must be conscious and careful but in every experiment such excessive consciousness
doesn’t work. Since many scientific discoveries are taking suddenly and in random
experiments. No scientist works being fixed on his invention.Whatever the discoveries
take place, it is sudden and strange.


As I went through the story, it really impressed me. I used to think that experiment is just
to get the conclusion and they are easy. Everything is there and to experiment is to mix
the things and observe them carefully. But now I know that to perform experiment needs
a lot of care and knowledge. More than that, after reading it, I came to know and accept
the fact that nature has equally empowered its creatures with distinct qualities.

Unit Three: Humor and Satire

King John and The Abbot of Canterbury

Literal Comprehension:

Once the king of England was quite jealous and suspicious of the prosperity of the

Abbot of Canterbury. So he thought that the abbot might make a conspiracy against his

throne. The king decided to get rid of him. So he called the abbot and asked three

nonsense questions on the condition that he would behead him if he failed to answer

the questions within fifteen days. The questions were: What is the exact price/value of

the king with his crown of gold on his head among the noblemen? How quickly he may

ride the whole world about? What does the king think at the moment? It made him too

sad. He tried his best to find the answer by consulting the professors visiting the

university but couldn’t. Finally, his own shepherd promised him to help him. So one day,

in order to answer the questions raised by the king, the shepherd changed himself as

the abbot and went to the palace. One by one he answered that the value of the king

was twenty nine pence less than the savior, for the second he responded that it takes a

whole day if he rose and ran in the speed of sun that rotates around the earth and for

the last, he responded that the king might be thinking that he was the abbot of

Canterbury but he was wrong because he was a simple shepherd to abbot.. Finally, the
disguised shepherd i.e. the abbot exposed all the truths. The king pardoned them and

withdrew all his charges.


From the moral point of view, the poem is much impressive. Through the poem, the

poet proves that the bookish and formal education is not so much effective and useful to

solve the practical problems. On the one hand, it has a great lesson that people and

their knowledge shouldn’t be judged on the ground of their profession and appearance.

Thus the text has taught a great lesson that makes it clear that much is learnt through

their daily life activities than from the universities. So the so called ignorant ones in

terms of getting formal education aren’t to be ignored and devaluated.

Critical Thinking:

The poem seems to be much humorous and satirical. So far it imparts the idea of

human knowledge and wisdom, it is appropriate but in whatever way the King Abbot

and the Shepherd are presented, they don’t seem believable and convincing. Since the

king fails to recognize the shepherd changed as abbot. Similarly, the shepherd is

presented in such a way that doesn’t fit him to be more than that it mocks the formal

education. It is too difficult to accept it.


Reading this poem, I am too much impressed with the fact that only the formal

education doesn’t make people capable, rather they may learn many things from the

practical experiences too. Having seen in my village, I come to know that many old

people are capable of doing various things which other educated men don’t know. So

people can learn many things from their practical knowledge and experience.

Third Thoughts (E.V. Lucas, England (1868 – 1938))

Literal Comprehension:

Once the writer’s friend while visiting New York bought a painting thinking that it was by
Turner. He got it at cheap price since the seller was also confused about its originality.
With the painting he went to London and sold it at fifty pounds. He was so much happy
that he decided to share the profit with seller of New York. At first, he decided to share
fifty percent of his profit and wrote a letter but having no stamp, he went to his room.
Again at about 3 AM, he thought it quite inappropriate to share the profit but still thought
of sending ten pounds only. His thinking kept on changing and couldn’t sleep well.
Again. he thought of sending five pounds thinking that if he shared, the Goddess would
be angry and he thought it was he who knew the value of the painting. If he had known
it, he wouldn’t have given him at such cheap rate, so it is wrong to send him the profit.
Finally, he decided to send only a pound.Early in the morning, he went outside and
spent all his money in gambling. Finally, he concluded that buying and selling are
straightforward matter. Everyone in this matter tries to get benefit. The buyer once
paying to the goods has no obligation to the dealer.

The story presenting the constant changing nature of human mind seems to be full of
humor and satire. Basically thinking with the nature of businessman’s mind it proves
that human mind can never be rigid and fixed. Especially in business their mind keeps
on changing. At another level, it sheds light on human earning since the earning as that
of writer’s friend has no meaning at all in life. The most important thing in the story is
that in business buying and selling are straight forward dealings. It has nothing to do
with human consideration, sympathy and faith. Once goods are sold or bought they
have nothing to do with them since then.

Critical Thinking:

The story offers a great deal of humor and satire. But in many respects, it doesn’t seem
appropriate and convincing. The first is: Does anyone want to share his profit? It is so
much unbelievable. Similarly, the seller of any good knows its quality and the cost. Does
any seller sell his good without knowing it?


As I went through the story, it reminded me of my own events that I experienced earlier.
Once I had been to my village after a long time from the city. I had taken a beautiful
watch there. Everyone liked it, one of my friends promised to pay Rs 500 for it ,so I gave
it to him. I got Rs 300 as profit, and so I got extremely happy.

Who Was to Blame(Anton Chekhov (1860 – 1904))

Literal Comprehension:

This story is an incomplete list of stories sketched by ‘Anton Chekhov.’ This story deals
with a mental person humors. In the story the narrator compares his life with a little
kitten. The writer of the story has made his uncle and little kitten as the main character
and Parsakova, the maid as a female character. The story begins with training the kitten
to kill the rats as they used to disturb the uncle sometimes by nibbling the top of hat and
sometimes by nibbling the corner of the grammar book. In course of training, the kitten
was unable to catch the mice as it was difficult for it to match with the speed of little
mice. The kitten was under strict environment of rules and regulation of narrator uncles.
Being several times failed in the uncle test and experiment, the uncle threw the little
kitten away. Years passed, the thin frail kitten had turned into a solid and sagacious tom
cat. On the way to his house, one day he saw the same cat which was still fail in its
mission which made uncle realize his wastage of his precious time that he spent on
training it. So does the narrator in the story never learn the Latin English grammar as it
was beyond his interest.

Interpretation :

The central idea of the story is that a creature cannot be trained forcefully. It is against
their will to learn. To learn anything, a person must have keen interest and early
eagerness. In course of time, it automatically get adjusted with the environment and be
practical to their duties and responsibility. No creature can adjust in a strict environment
as in the story too the little kitten was forced to catch the mice, which was beyond its
mental and physical ability. So, as the narrator in the story also couldn’t learn the Latin
grammar as it was beyond his interest.

Critical thinking:

This story reveals the fact that no one can be trained forcefully. It is a good and a
knowledgeable story but I am unsatisfied with some parts of it. Do any cars runs away
when they see a rat in reality? Is keeping a cat only the way to get rid of rat? How can a
teacher not understand the feeling of cat? It is possible to raise such question for the
reader like me.

Assimilation :

Before reading this story I used to think that a person can be trained with good skills,
physically and mentally. But after reading this story I came to know that nobody can go
beyond one’s interest. There are so many such things that creature adopt themselves in
the change of time from the nature. Such things are not to be taught by anyone.
The Clock Tower(Bhupi Sherchan (1936 – 1989))

Literal Comprehension:

The speaker in this poem describes the conduction of an old pensioner. The poem has
compared the old pensioned senior vet with clock tower, Ghantaghar. He is old,
rejected and has distributed all his things to his relatives. All his military equipments are
gone. The old pensioner has jealousy too; so, he has kept two souvenirs of his army
life. They are an old-modeled, large, round pocket watch and the ancient hat. The clock
tower is like a pensioned senior vet who is passing t=long and sand days of the old age.
It has a clock on its neck and a cap like the old vet on its head. It is standing forever on
the bank of Ghantaghar and it is brooding.


The loneliness of the old man is powerfully presented through the image of the clock
tower symbolically. Like the clock tower which is old, neglected and waiting its end day,
the old man has also the same fate- old, rejected and dejected. The poem has revealed
the bitter reality of the old age. Ranipokhari was built by the king Pratap Malla in 1727
BS in the memory of his son. It was a token of consolation to his wife. Thus, by looking
at the lake the old man remembers his past and is mollifying (lessening) his suffering.

Critical Thinking:

Time is most powerfull thing. It turns a handsome man to an old and ugly person who
has nothing except memories. We all are victims of the time. The poem aptly points out
the power of time. The vet is sitting under the tower, time, which itself is the curse of for
human being. The poem has used the power of imagery in a powerful way. Without
stating the history of Ranipokhari it invites readers to know why the old man is looking at
the Ranipokhari, queen’s lake.


In our life as well, when we grow older, nobody talks to us. We want to share our
experiences, but nobody would have time to listen us. Thus we lament and curse time
because it is time that changes us to an old and ugly things. We have to wait silently to
death. We cannot stop the passage of time, time is powerful than us. We have nothing
except lamenting on the bygone days. I met an old man in Pashupati area. He reported
all his grief within five minutes to an unknown like me.

Unit Four: Critical and Creative Thinking

The Burden of Skepticism(Carl Sagan (1934 – 1996))

Literal Comprehension:

Skepticism is found in everyday life. If we have to buy a used car we examining it even
if we do not have any ideas about the car. If we buy it without examining, we know that
we may have to be sorry for it. In some cases we use skepticism, but in politics and
commercials we do not use it. So we cheated a little. But if we do not use it in the case
of medicine we have we have to bear a great loss.


If we study the whole history of mankind, we find that they have always accepted some
kind of popular belief system. The reason for this is that all human needs are never
fulfilled. These unfulfilled needs may be satisfied by these beliefs. It is natural for us to
have a desire to take our dead relatives. And we would be happy when we learn that
our spirit does not die and our existence will not come to an end forever.

Critical Thinking:

There are many channels who claim that they can contact with the spirit of a person
long- long ago. But these spirits do not answer any specific questions and they answer
only general and vague (unclear) questions. Their specific answer would have helps us
a lot to know about the society of the past.


Skepticism is dangerous. So it is not taught in school. Skepticism and openness to new

ideas are equally necessary for human progress. If we are too open, we will not be in
opposition to tell a difference between what is good and what is bad. But, on the other
hand, if we are too skeptical, no new ideas will find any place. Scientist forms new ideas
in to their minds in the form of hypothesis and examining them closely. If their ideas are
proved correct they will be accepted. If they are proved false later on, the scientists will
accept that they have made a mistake. But religious and political leaders never accept
what is against their principles, however wrong their ideas may be.

Mr. Know-All (W. Somerset Maugham, England (1874 – 1965)

Literal Comprehension:

When the First World War ended, the writer ‘Somerset Maugham ‘ decided to go to

Japan from America by ship. It was very difficult to get a good seat in the ship. But he

managed to get in cabin seat in the ship. His cabin partner , max Kelada , was much

talkative. At first the writer thought that he was a Negro but later he came to know that

he was also an Englishman. However, he hated his chatty nature. He introduced with

everyone in the ship and conducted a lottery action. He said that he had good

knowledge of everything. So they called him ‘mr. know all’. Although alcohol was strictly

prohibited to carry, he uttered writer to have cocktail “mix wine”. Once the writer, Mr.

kelada, Mr and Mrs Ramsays got chanced to have dinner in the same table. Mr.

Ramsays was in the consular service posted at Kobe, Japan. He had spent one year in

alone in japan because his salary was very low. Now he had come to take his wife with

him. Mr. kelada said that he was going to japan to examine pearls. He saw a pearls

chain around mrs Ramsays neck and said that they were original. When Mr. Ramsays

told him to guess the price, he said that they could cost upto 30,000 dollars.but when

Mr. Ramsays said that they were false, he didn’t believe and they had bet of one

hundred dollars. When Mr. Kelada was going to check the pearls, Mrs ramsay looked

nervous. Although the pearls were original , Mr. kelada said that they were false to save
Mrs. Ramsays. The next day when she returned his money, the writer was surprised to

know the reality. He also know that Mr. kelada was really mr. know all. Then he began

to like Mr. kelada.


The writer may be trying to show humanity and nature of women. Outer cover can never

represents the inner reality. Although Mr. kelada is hated by all, he is proved to be the

best example of humanity. He became fool and lost money and prestige but he saved

the happy married life of Mr and Mrs Ramsay. This story also shows the duel character

of women.

Critical thinking:

Although this story gives the moral lesson. Some ideas of the writer are not convincing.

After reading this story we can ask some questions. If alcohol was not allowed to carry

how did Mr. kelada offer cocktail to the writer? Did Mr. kelada know everything? Then

why did people hate him?

I am very much affected by this story. After reading this story, I know that we can’t judge

people from their appearance. This story also taught me that it is not easy to understand

the character and secrecy of women. Now I won’t believe in women easily.

Keeping Errors At Bay(Bertrand Russell, England (1872 –


Literal Comprehension:

This essay by Bertrand Russell providing multiple examples of mistake that people
generally commit in their day to day life. His main idea is to provide suggestions to avoid
the mistakes. We need careful, serious, critical and analytical mind to get rid of these
errors. This essay deals with the ideas of avoiding errors that happen in our daily life
situations. We can remove many foolish opinions by observing the related facts. When
observations are impossible, we have to compare our ideas with those of the others. If
there are evidence and knowledge, there will be no wrong understanding. Visiting
different places and observing societies of the world also helps us to purify your own
opinions. Knowing others idea makes us less dogmatic. If we have one-sided idea
about anything, we will not find out the truth, such situation, we will make our good
points more important. Fear and prejudice of different types create obstacles from
learning the truth or reality. So we should be very careful while doing any work. We
should not take as granted anything without proper observation.

To do error is in human nature but to do mistake is not excusable. Human make errors
knowingly or having known about that error is not human. This is somewhat punishable
also. We cannot find truth without proper understanding. The essay tries to tell us why
human beings are unable to see the truth. They do not see the matter. They have
illusion that they know everything without knowing it properly. It says that we have some
mistakes generally we do not compare our idea with that of others. We unnecessarily
feel pride and ignore things. Therefore, we commit crimes or errors. This is human but
to do mistake knowingly cannot be human. There are solutions for errors but not the
knowingly committing mistakes.

Critical Thinking:

Russell gives very concrete idea about errors and their solutions. He says how and why
we do errors and how can we correct them. After reading this story I came to know and
have some questions. The essayist has presented a scientific way of thinking. By
comparing and contrasting, we can judge our own ideas. I agree with many things which
the essayist says but there are some questions in my mind. Who can remain without
doing any error? How can one know that it is error and this not? Can we change our
mind not to doing errors? Why people cannot find out the fact easily? How we can
compare such things to those of the others? What are the forms of the truth? How to
know that whose idea is right or wrong? Because of these reasons generally people
commit errors in life.


Generally, we think right whatever we do. This essay gave me lots of ideas about errors
and their types as well as their remedies (solution). I started to realize my mistakes in
my life as I sometimes used to stubborn and think everything right. I started to honour
other’s ideas. I also came to know why people mistake while making ideas. A wise man
should look at the things from different sides. We should be comparative and
multidimensional perspectives should be used. I came to know that we can do errors in
every work every time but that is only found out after its proper judgment.

Unit Five: Drama

The Tiny Closet (William Inge (1913 – 1973))

Literal Comprehension:

Mr. Newbold, a roomer in a mid western city in the USA, calls his landlady Mrs. Crosby.

He asked her not to let anyone open his room because as long as he lives there it is his

own room. Mrs. Crosby consoles him and he goes out. Then she calls-up her friend and

both of them enter his room out of curiosity. Mr.Newbold also came in, but hides himself

when the ladies came down stairs. Earlier the landlady supposed that he might be a spy

or a criminal or a lunatic or a communist. But now she has seen many beautiful hats in

his room. She holding a women’s large and graceful hat in her hand, then she find her

hat- making roomer quite unusual. His cleanness has also surprised her. After this

event she can not tolerate him and plane to send him out of her house. Mr. Newbold

weeps at his helplessness, when the lady goes in to her kitchen later he recovers and

takes a great hatpin in his hand and calls her with the intention of killing her.

This play might be trying to tell us that we should try to live a normal life. Mr. Newbold,

being a man, was unusually neat and clean and he would not allow anyone to go into

his room. So the landlady was suspicious of him and went into his room secretly with

her friend. As result she was victimized. It may also be interpreted to mean that jealousy

and over curiosity are harmful.

Critical Thinking:

This play has beautifully presented how curiosity leads to destruction. But are all the

land ladies are as curious as Mrs.crosby and break into the tenant’s room? Are men as

coward as Mr. Newbold? Do they weep when they are helpless? Can such a coward

produce any harmful things to the landlady?


When I read this play I came to know many things about human nature. It is human

weakness to have a desire to eat the forbidden apple. When the secrecy is disclosed, it

makes people more terrible. Human beings are never satisfied with their present

situation. The more they know, the more they are upset.

Unit Six: Love

To His Coy Mistress (Andrew Marvell, England (1621 – 1678))
Literal Comprehension:

“To His Coy Mistress” is a beautiful love poem composed by Andrew Marvell, an

English poet, tries to woo his coy mistress to participate in the lust game in the prime of

youth and beauty. The poet has a shy beloved and she doesn’t become ready to fulfill

the poet’s desire. So, the poet says that if they had enough time, he would spend

hundreds of years to admire her youth and beauty. He would admire her eyes and

forehead for one hundred years. He would gaze and praise her each breasts for two

hundred years each. He would spend 30,000 years to see and admire the rest parts of

her body and finally, he would touch her heart. He says that she is so much praise-


But the poet finds the winged chagrins not always hurrying near. Her youth and beauty

doesn’t always remain the same. One day she will reach her beauty marble grave.

There she’ll not hear the poet’s love song. Worms will try to destroy her long preserved

virginity. No one will embraces her shyness and participate to enjoy like two birds of

love. He also suggests her to swallow all the sweetness of youth being both of them a

ball. He also tells her the bitter reality that the sun also sets after rising.


The poet may be trying to show the importance of romantic love at the prime of youth

and beauty. He says that life is brief and death is inevitable. Do, he suggests us to fulfill
our desire and enjoy life fully when we are young. He says that if we miss the enjoyment

of youth, our life will be absurd after death. That is why, he also tells her beloved to

enjoy life fully to surpass time and death.

Critical thinking:

This poem is beautiful, romantic and appealing. The poet persuades his beloved to

involve into romantic and productive love game. However, some ideas of the poet are

questionable. Should we be so lusty? Why doesn’t the beloved refuse the sex appeal?

Is love limited only in youth? So, I am fully convinced.


This poem impressed me a lot. After reading this poem, I came to realize that time is

limited and we are headings towards the grave. Also I understood that I have also

determined to enjoy much in the prime of youth.

The Telegram on The Table (Parshu Pradhan, Nepal (1943))

Literal Comprehension:
In this story Pranshu Pradhan has presented the bitter reality of Nepalese youths who

come to he town from their villages and the never like to go back to their village. They

dream to go to the foreign country where they think that there is heavenly pleasure and

hey could earn enough money. In reality there is full of struggle.

Krishna a boy come to Kathmandu from his remote village and learned English

language. Then he started to work as a tourist guide to describe the historical places to

the tourists. In the beginning he used to go to his village at the time of Dashain. But

now, he completely forgot his village, Parents and even his wife. He demanded to go to

the foreign country as a foreign girl would marry with him and she would take him to her

country. He thought that his wife was the obstacle for his next marriage. He hoped for

the death of his wife because it would be the freedom for his plan. Unfortunately his wife

died and he got a telegram about the news of his wife’s death. He becomes happy and

though it was his wish fulfillment. Those, a friend come to express his condolence and

he just said “Thank You” for but he couldn’t because of the poor condition of his room.

One evening he suddenly remembered his past and the poor background. He also felt

that an Image of women came into his mind. The image was of his wife dead. He

realized his mistake that he become happy t the death of wife. He read the telegram

again and he tore it into places he started to weep.

This presents the bitter reality of Nepalese youths who come to town from their villages

and they never like to go back. They dream for the foreign country and though there is

heavenly pleasure there. But in reality there is also struggle. Krishna, the young boy

also dreams to get married with a foreigners and to go to the her country. But at last he

realized his reality and his dream was not fulfillment. It also shows that we should learn

to live with reality about not in dream.

Critical Thinking:

Many people think that their life, would be happy if they get go to in the foreign country.

But Pradhan has exaggerated. Some issues here in his chapter. How could a person

forget his wife completely? How could he be happy at the death of this wife? There is no

any evidence about that bad relationship between Krishna and his wife. Man can dream

for better future but he can’t forget the present completely.


This story taught me the lesson that way the town is over crowded people like to come

to the town but they never like go to back to their villages. It also taught me the lesson

that dream may not be true for all the time. We should learn to live reality. We all have

ambition but over ambition are bad. We should not forget our past, background and

reality which are with us.

A Painful Case (James Joyce (1882 – 1941))

Literal comprehension:

Mr. James Duffy, a middle aged bachelor lives an adventure less life in the beginning.

But adventure comes when he meets Mrs. Emily Sinico by chance. They see each other

at concert and make appointments and finally he visits her regularly at her home. Their

friendship grows. He shares his intellectual life with her. She enjoys the break in her

solitude (loneliness) but one night she makes the mistake of catching of his hand

passionately and pressing it to her cheeks. He leaves her forever. But four years later,

Mr. Duffy reads in the paper of the lady’s death. She has been knocked down by a train

in a state of intoxication (drunkenness). Mr. Duffy’s first reaction is one of hatred at such

excessive drunkenness and of self-righteousness. On second thoughts however he

feels uneasy and after a fit at self-pity realizes the burden of loneliness.


This story tells as about loveless. It describes two painful cases: a man who denies (say

“No”) love and a woman vainly search for it. It also tells us about loneliness. Lonely

people fail to communicate with each other. But they realize the value of love and

companionship only when it is very late.

Critical Thinking:

The writer has presented the extra married love in this story and laughed at the main

character because he refused such love. Living in the conservative Nepali society, we

agree with James Duffy, not with the writer. How can we accept the love between

married woman and a bachelor? How such a moralist did realized his mistake? How

could he reel sorry for Mrs. Sinico?


When I read this story I identified myself with Mrs. Sinico. I do not support her immoral

love if she really wanted it. But I support her desire for friendship. Life is really lonely

and hard to live if there is no one to love. In such a situation, one must have a friend.

Otherwise, one become weak and starts drinking.

The Lady With The Dog(Anton Chekhov (1860 – 1904))

Literal Comprehension:

Gurov saw Anna at Yalta, a seaside town. Both of them had arrived there for their

holiday. Anna’s husband was expected to join her there. But when he did not come

Gurov went to her hotel and made love with her. Anna was sorry for what she had done.
Then, Gurov consoled and both of them spent the day together, dining, lunching, and

visiting places. When Anna got a letter from her husband, she went back home. But she

told Gurov that she would never visit him. Gurov also went home in Moscow, but he did

could not forget Anna. He met her at the theater and she promised to come to Moscow.

After this, she would see him in Moscow once in every two or three months. Although

they were growing older, they felt that they loved each other more and more. But they

were forced to live separately. They were planning to live in the same city and see each

other openly. But it would be very difficult.


This story might be trying to tell us that true love beginning when people become more

experienced and when they have cross the barrier of lust (passion). It may also be

interpreted to mean that human beings are puppets in the hand of fate. We do not know

whom we love and whom we marry. Anyway, this story stands as a remarkable proof of

the writer’s belief in the value of human love.

Critical Thinking:

This story has beautifully presented the unlawful love of two married persons. Both of

them do not love their spouses. But plan to live in the same city seeing each other

openly. Will their plan be successful? Will their spouses accept their love? Should they
not be punished for their unlawful love? These are some of the question which arias in

our minds when we read this story.


After reading this story I realize how important love is in human life. It is the only shelter

for human beings. Wealth and education do not makes one’s life complete if there is no

one to love truly.

Unit Seven: Life and Death

No Smoke From The Chimneys(Siddhicharan Shrestha (1912
– 1992))

Literal Comprehension:

The poem “No Smoke from the Chimneys” is written by famous Nepali poet

Siddhicharan Shrestha (1912 – 1992) and translated by Michael Hutt into English. In

this poem the poet has expressed a freedom fighter as the speaker. The speaker tells

that he is busy wiping up blood from a broken head so that Death not to call him. The

people who are engaging in the protest against the monopolized political entity are

seriously injured, but they are not afraid. The people are not caring to food for freedom

and justice; they have no time for cooking. Therefore, nothing including the Lady’s
(Death’s) calling can stop the speaker’s advancing feet or distract him from taking part

in the protest.


The speaker of this poem may be trying to express that freedom is more important than

food or fear of death. Therefore, people do not get diverted or stop when they once

have come out of their house to the streets. This poem is all about politics which

describes a time when the Nepalese people were fighting for democracy against the

Rana regime.

Critical Thinking:

While appreciating the speaker’s idea in poem, I did not like the name ‘Lady’ used for

death. In our society, the word ‘leady’ means nice and sincere women who deserve

respect and value. But the speaker of the poem has shown Death as a beautiful lady.

This isn’t quite matching. The title of the poem has unable to reflect the real mood of the


Now I know how the Nepalese people fought against the autocratic rule for the freedom.

The death could not discourage them from establishing democracy in the country.

Otherwise, my generation would not have been enjoying the freedom.

On The Eve of His Execution (Chidiock Tichborne (1558-


Literal Comprehension:

Although young, the poet is very unhappy. There is no sign of happiness. There is only

pain. His corn field is full of weeds. He can hope unsuccessfully for better future. But

there is no sign of better life after waiting for such a long time. Although he is alive he

feels that his life has ended. People have heard his story, but nobody has spoken on his

behalf. As a young man he could live so many more years, but because of his execution

he has loosed everything in life. He is uncared and ignored. Death has followed him

from the womb and life has become merely a shade although he has everything

necessary for life, he is going to be executed.


This poem expresses the feeling of a healthy person who is going to be executed

young. The poet is living the remaining moment of life strongly. The oncoming death
has made him observe his whole life. He evaluates what life has given him. As his

execution is unexpected everything in his life is unexpected and unnatural.

Critical Thinking:

This poem has three stanzas. It is an elegy. It express controlled feeling. It is so well

expressed and natural and so skillfully composed that it is regarded as the little

masterpiece in literature. The music of the line is serious but not saddening. The

seriousness is emphasized by the repetition of the rhymed refrain as though the poet

were expecting the slow tolling of the bell announcing his heath.


When I read this poem I identified myself with the poet. I felt vaguely what a young man

feels when he is sure to die. I realized that all my connecting with the world would be cut

off if I die soon. I felt a unknown kind of emptiness in life.

To An Athlete Dying Young(A. E. Housman (1859 – 1936))

Literal Comprehension:
One day the young athlete won the race sponsored by competing municipalities. After

his victory he was given a public procession and praised throughout the town. The

whole town proudly watched all this. Next year the young athlete is being carried

through the town once again, not for a victory, but for a memorial, along the same route,

but this time in a coffin. The home that the athlete is taken to today is his grave. The

athlete is praised for his timely death. The athlete is praise because he will know only

victory. He will never know how temporary fame is, nor will he feel the pain of fame

fading away. The young man will never know the pain of not winning in the same race

the next year, and he is always be remembered as a hero by the living. The death hero

can never see his record beaten. He is lucky not to be among those who live longer

than their achievements. He should be proud of his winning which he will take to the

grave with him. He will always be remembered for his success in life which was signified

by the garland that he once wore in his hair.


This poem might be trying to tell us that fame is more short-lived than the life itself. So

one should try one’s best to maintain be honour. It may also be interpreted to mean that

one should always live a famous life by sacrificing anything.

Critical Thinking:
The speaker has praise the athlete because he died when his name is at the top. But I

disagree with the speaker. I think that life is meant to be lived, not no die just for the

sake of honour. But, if the speaker is consoling the athlete to accept the sure death I

agree with him.


By reading this poem I realized how certain death is. One has to die whether one is

young or old, whether one is famous or notorious. But it is better to die young than to

live long being notorious.

The Great Answer(Fulton Oursler, USA (1893 – 1952))

Literal Comprehension:

In a French village near the Spanish border, a lot of refugees had gathered. They all
wanted to cross the border and sail safely to the USA. If they were cut by the Gestapo,
the secret German police, they would be either impression or murdered. Among the
refugees were a young mother and her 4 years old daughter. They all met at the foot of
the mountain. A guide was leading them all. On the way the weakest old man said that
he was tired and unable to climb further, but he asked them to leave him there to die.
However the guide insists that the old man should keep on climbing with the child on his
shoulder until he died. After this two more old man said the same thing, and they also
had to carry the child. After they all had crossed the border safely the three old man felt
stronger a, freer and livelier than others

This story might be trying to tell us that life is full of struggle and that those who worked
harder even at the critical moment are sure to get success. It may also be interpreted to
mean that success welcomes those who are never tired of hard labor.

Critical Thinking:

This short story has beautifully presented the great answer for the riddle of life. Norman
people worded hard but that work harder untiringly enjoy the fruit of hard work better. If
we read this story literally we may disagree with the writer. We wonder how the weakest
and oldest man can carry the child, when he himself is unable to word. But there are
many moment in our life when even young people like as feel like the three old men.
The only solution to our problem at such a moment is to do like the old man .


This story brought a great change in my life. Now my philosophy of life has become to
work untiringly. There is no limitation of age for a hard worker. If hard work tries to
discourage as , we should do even harder work.

A Tale(Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala, Nepal (1914 – 1982))

Literal Comprehension:

Once upon time, a man went in to the jungle and started penance to win supreme
knowledge and godhood. He conquered his flesh and mind and achieve a state of
unending meditative delight. Indra, the king of gods was afraid that the sage might
seized his throne through penance. Then he sent a beautiful nymph to destroyed the
sage’s penance. The attractor posture of he nymph in the river made the sage open his
eyes involuntarily. Then both of them married and led a domestic life. They help the
needy people in the village. But the villagers were suspicious of him and they always
blamed the woman for his downfall, but the sage had the same inner peace even when
he was leading the domestic life.

This story might be trying to tell us that after you get supreme knowledge, it is not
necessary for you to live in the jungle, and that you will enjoy the same happiness
everywhere. It may also be interpreted to mean that to an enlightened person the joy
derive from any source is similar.

Critical Thinking:

For modern people this story is unacceptable from many point of view. Are god there in
the heaven? Are god so envious (jealous) of human beings? Are god so helpless that
they really need the help of ordinary human beings?


This story reminded me the story of Vishwamitra and Menaka a nymph, had destroyed
the penance of the sage Vishwamitra and they had become the parents of Sakuntala. It
also convince me how powerful sexual passion is. It never dies. I have understood my
own passion better and tried to use it correctly.

Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening(Robert Frost, USA

(1874 – 1963))

Literal Comprehension:

This poem composed by Robert Frost, presents the scene of the speaker’s returning

home at dusk in his own house sleigh. He stops to enjoy the peace and solitude of the

occasion. The snow is falling softly. The woods are attractive. There is no other human

to break the silence. But the horse finds no reason for stopping. It is growing dark.

There is no house in sight and miles stretch before them. Reflecting on his horse’s

impatience, the speaker agrees that he should move on to keep the commitments he

has made and only then, he can sleep.


In this poem, the poet feels the sense of death and life. Dark, evening, solitary place,

far from village or society give the sense of death. The poem tells us that we should do

our work and journey to go death. The poem tells us that we should do our work and

journey to go miles. Similarly, the poem also imparts us that although beauty and peace

of the world and our personal burdens may interrupt us from fulfilling our duty, we

should move on to fulfill our promises and responsibilities to humanity before we die. In

other words, it can be thought of as a statement of man’s everlasting responsibility. A

man should walk through the dark and nothingness, but he/she should not be attracted

towards temptation.

Critical Thinking:

This poem is a symbolic poem. Here the forest, snow etc symbolize the hardship of life.

And, the horse sleep means he has many responsibilities and duties in life to do before

he dies. This poem is very beautiful one. We can notice the rhyming pattern to mark its

beauty. Every third line of each stanza rhymes with other three lines of the following

stanzas. In the last stanza, the third line has the same rhyming pattern, which suggests

that there will be no new stanza, It shows that simple words make a beautiful poem. It

as a symbolic poem compares our life with the events of that evening. Like in our life

there are problems, hardship but we are compelled to go ahead without stopping. Here

the owner is the god because all things on the earth are created by god and he is the
owner of these things but he is unseen and far from here. We have many things to

complete before our death.


Generally, life and death poems by romantic poets are definitely interesting and

beautifully composed. The analogy between life and the worldly things is very much

lifelike. The poem reminds us that our life is very short but we have to do many things

before our death. This world of god is very beautiful and we can enjoy a lot because he

does nothing us; he has left for us. Like him, I also get a lot of inspiration from this

poem. When I feel sad and unable to do anything I read this poem. This poem gives me

a lesson of human life and responsibility. It makes us aware about our life and its length

as well as our duties to be done before death. Like the poet, I am very much conscious

about our life, duties and death.

New Year (Parijat (1934 – 1993))

Literal Comprehension:

This poem is composed by Parijat. Here, when the speaker sees the mind that chases

March away and the sum which climbs up the hill, she realizes the arrival of the New

Year. She can pre-assume that a New Year day has arrived by seeing the nightingale

flying here and there, and buds of flowers.

The third stanza begins with “but”, and it shows the contrast in the poet’s thinking. When

New Year comes, we expect some new thing but the poet again describes the same old

thing. She sees the mason wasps returning lazily to their same old nests, which is in the

dark and dirty ceiling of her house. The arrival of New Year should have brought new

thing but the mind is busy in same old dreams. Seeing this, she feels to paint the nature



The poem brings reversal in expectation of the readers. The poem consists of 12 lives.

The first six lines describe the changes brought by the arrival of New Year. Then the

seventh line begins the contrast but the poem does not include any contrast rather it

describes the same old workings. The last two lines show the poet’s desire to rebel

against nature.

Critical thinking:

The poem teaches a lesson that life without changes has no value. All the routine works

are meaningless if there is no change. The poet enjoys the arrival of New Year; but,

soon she remembers all her works does not guarantee the changes and freshness in


I find the speaker pessimistic towards life. We should have determination. If there is no

change after our work and determination, we should understand that our work is not

sufficient to bring changes in life. We should take lesson from our part.

Contents of The Dean Man’s Pockets(Jack Finney (1911 –


Literal Comprehension:

Tom Benecke did not go to the cinema with his wife. Because he wanted to prepare a

report for his boss to read at the weekend. This report was a path to reach the top in his

organization some time in the distant future. when he open the door for his wife to go, a

rush of wind drifted the yellow sheet of paper and it slipped out of the window on the

ledge of the eleventh story of the building in New York. This sheet was necessary to

prepare the report and it contented the material he had collected by spending two

month. Without thinking seriously, he opened the window forcefully and came out on the

narrow ledge. To get the paper he moved sideways along the ledge by holding onto the

projected bricks. When he bent down to pick up the paper, he saw the whole city bellow

and he almost fainted and fall down. After he picked it up he came back to the window

unknowingly. The window was closed and he could not open it. He asked for help, but
nobody cared. He could not wait for his wife to return. He had risked his life for a sheet

of paper. Finally he broke the window and came in. as he was going to his wife, the

paper was drifted again but he laughed at it.


This story might be trying to tell us that ambition is the root of many troubles in life. If

people were satisfied with what they got in their life, they would be very-very happy. It

may also be interpreted to mean that happy family life is better than the roll of life.

Critical Thinking:

This story has clearly expressed the near-death experience of a person. But the

behavior of Tom is exaggerated. how can a person walk on the ledge of the eleventh

story? How sane is he? Does ambition make man so mad that he risks his life for such

an unimportant thing?


By reading this story I came to know how dangerous ambition is. Although we may not

behave like Tom we ignore many risky moment in life. When we are in danger, we
realize our foolishness. But the moment we are out of danger,. We forget the risk. This

story has clearly brought out human thoughtlessness.

We are Breaking the Silence About Death

Literal Comprehension:

Elisabeth Kublor – Rose work with the dying people in the mid 60 ‘s. Before that time

the topic to death was banded. Now death has become a fashionable subject. Through

her best selling book ” on death and dying” she has alert a new way of handling dying.

She has suggested that the people should die in their own homes rather than in a

strange hospital. After working with the dying people for a long time, she has pointed

out five psychological stages people usually experience when they know that they are

going to die soon. These stages are denial, anger or rage, bargaining, depression and

acceptance. These reaction are not limited to dying but can take place with any change

or lost.


The dying person denies or says “No” when he first knows that he is going to die. The

denial makes it easy for him to bear the force of death. At the unconscious level, a

person never believes that he will die. From their refusal he begins to hope. Kublor
Rose suggest that we should take about death with the patient and arrange to complete

all possible things.

Critical Thinking:

This passage has clearly expressed how the topic death has become a fashionable

subject. But The Behavior of dying person is at the unconscious level. This stages or

levels are denial, anger or rage, bargaining, depression and acceptance.


When a patient stop denying, he begins to be angry. He is angry seeing other healthy

people. When his anger becomes less, he starts to bargaining with god. He wants to

become good if he is given some more time to live. After he has accepted his death

partially, he becomes depressed. He feels sorry for the past mistakes or incomplete

tasks. He want to passed time in isolation. Finally he accept death peacefully and he is

not worried about making his life longer. He settles everything. His own diseases also

does not worry him. He enjoy the present moment without thinking of the future. He

lives the full life.

The Five Stage of Grief

Literal Comprehension:
When the speaker lost her husband, someone suggest that she should go through the

five stage of grief. First of them was denial. She denied his absence and gave him the

toast and the paper at the breakfast table. But he hide behind the paper. Then she was

angry. Therefore she burned to the toast and took the paper from his hand forcefully

and start to read it herself. The third stage was bargaining. What could she exchange

for him? What would she gain if she remain silent after quarreling? Before she decided

she was depressed (sad). Their relation was poor and weak. Then she hope for

improvement but it was useless. Afterward she accepted his loss but she realize that

the matter did not end there. It start again because in conjugal life this kind of grief is a



This poem might be trying to tell us that the relation between the husband and the wife

is always changing. They can not always live happily compromising with the reality. In

their life grief is a circular staircase.

Critical Thinking:

Linda Pastan has clearly expressed the bitter experience of a married woman when her

relation with her husband becomes bad. This poem is in the form of prose. It sound like

drama. The speaker is addressing her husband and pouring her emotions. The poet has

use green and neon for “flickering hope.”


When I read this poem I came to know more about the life of the married couple. They

have almost similar experiences everywhere in the world. This poem also reminded me

of Cublor Ross who has charted five psychological stages of grief.

Where The Mind is Without Fear(Rabindranath Tagore,


Literal Comprehension:

The poet imagines the perfect heaven. There people feel no fear and they are equally

respected and they can walk raising their heads. There people can get knowledge freely

without any disturbances. The world there is no divided into smaller countries by any

kind on narrow border line. People there will speak the truth and work untiringly until

they get perfection. There superstition and tradition do not block the region and people

always come to the logical conclusion. In such a world of freedom the poet wants god to

wake up all his countrymen.


This poem might be trying to tell us the value of reason, knowledge, freedom,

universality and honesty. The poet may be trying to create some kind of utopia, that is ,
an ideal and perfect place where everyone lives in harmony and everything is for the


Critical Thinking:

This is a prose poem. It is read like a conversation. The poet is talking to the almighty

father. It may sound idealistic but it is the poet who can imagine a better world. This king

of should our target. We should try to reach it as closely as possible.


This poem has thought be to live a fearless life. It has also inspired me to live a better

life. It has made me forget my present unhappy condition and imagine a utopian world.

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