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GENERATION 3 (01/2016)
0. General Infos / Updates BigRep

General Infos
Whenever an update in the technical manual appears you can download this
updated subchapter in the reseller portal. Recent changes will be listed in the
Please replace updated subchapters in the printed manual.
0. General Infos / Updates BigRep

Chapter Overview / Versiontracker

Chapter No. Topic Last Update
I Mechanics I-A Overview 2016-04-07
I-B Table / Bed 2016-04-07
I-C End stops 2016-04-07
I-D Portal 2016-04-07
I-E Extruder 2016-04-07
I-F Spool cabinet 2016-04-07
I-G Machine base with brakes 2016-04-07
II Electric II-A Overview 2016-04-07
II-B Control Unit 2016-04-20
II-C Security stops 2016-04-07
II-D Extruder Wiring 2016-04-07
II-E PC 2016-04-07
III Software III-A Overview 2016-04-07
III-B Firmware 2016-04-07
III-C Config 2016-04-07
III-D GUI 2016-04-07
III-E Pronterface 2016-04-07
III-F G-Codes / M-Codes 2016-04-07
IV Setup IV-A Overview 2016-04-07
IV-B Operating Environment / Requirements 2016-04-07
IV-C Unpacking 2016-04-07
IV-D Visual inspection 2016-04-07
IV-E Photo Documentation 2016-04-07
IV-F Electric Setup 2016-04-07
IV-G Assembling 2016-04-07
IV-H Basic Function Test 2016-04-07
IV-I Pre Autoleveling 2016-04-07
IV-J Auto Leveling 2016-04-07
IV-K Extruder 2016-04-07
IV-L Test Prints 2016-04-07
V Maintenance V-A Overview 2016-04-07
V-B Replacing Print Bed Tape 2016-04-07
V-C Replacing Nozzle 2016-04-07
V-D Replacing Extruder 2016-04-07
V-E Check stepper value axis 2016-05-07
V-F Lubricate 2016-04-07
V-G Belts 2016-04-07
V-H Leveling 2016-04-07
V-I Software 2016-04-14
VI Appendix VI-A General Info 2016-04-07
VI-B Shipping/requirements/Unpacking 2016-04-07
VI-C Maintenance Config Overview 2016-04-20
VI-D Getting Started Simplify3D 2016-05-23
0. General Infos / Updates BigRep

Changelog / update history for technical manual

New chapter structure all versions
VI-D New Subchapter ‘Starting Guide Simplify3D’ all versions

II-B New jumper settings in config for ONE.3b only ONE.3b
VI-C Maintenance Config Overview: new config all versions
VI-C New stepper values in config for ONE.3b only ONE.3b
VI-C New jumper settings in config for ONE.3b only ONE.3b
I. Mechanics BigRep

I Mechanics
I-A Overview
* 2016-04-07


Frame Bed

Red marked screws must be provided with toothed washer to guarantee proper

I-A 1/3
I. Mechanics BigRep


x G I E

A Control panel (Fig. 3-2)

incl. touch screen
B Z-guide shafts (4 pcs)
C Z-lead spindels (4 pcs)
D Filament guide
E Print Bed
G Mobile machine base (4 pcs)
I Extruder (2 pcs)

I-A 2/3
I. Mechanics BigRep

M Filament spool holder P

N Control cabinet S
O Main switch with door
P Emergency stop button
R Touchscreen
S Reset
T USB port

I-A 3/3
I. Mechanics BigRep

I-B Table / Bed

* 2016-04-07
›› BigRep ONE comes with a heated (aluminum) printing bed, incl. polyamide
printing tape which can be replaced.
›› The heated bed and polyimide tape ensures that the first layers stick to the
›› The attachment of the bed is directly mounted to the frame.
›› The bed is heated by two heating mats, glued to the rear side of the table.
›› The bed is float mounted to assure expansion while heated.
›› The height of the bed can be adjusted – but this is only necessary once
during the setup and should not be done by the customer.
›› The adjustment of the bed is important to ensure correct leveling proce-
›› The bed can be heated up to 85°, 60° is regular printing temperature.

I-B 1/1
I. Mechanics BigRep

I-C End stops

* 2016-04-07
End stops are the datum of each axes and make sure that the printer knows where
it is.
In general you need at least 3 end stops, 1 for each axis to define the homing
BigRep end stops (see figure next page)
BigRep ONE comes with 6 optical end stops, two for each axis. The three addi-
tional end stops make sure that the printer always knows the maximum position
of each axis, even when the operator used the wrong build volume during slicing.
X- and Y-end stops are both fixed and not allowed to change.
The height of the Zmin end stop has to be adjusted during the setup to define the
correct ratio between end stop and height of the printbed.
→ To adjust the correct height for Zmin end stop please have a look at → V-H Lev-

I-C 1/2
I. Mechanics BigRep

1 Xmin Homeposition X-axis

2a Xmax End position X-axis
2b Ymin Homeposition Y-axis
3 Zmin Homeposition Z-axis 3
1 2
4 Zmax End position Z-axis

1 2


I-C 2/2
I. Mechanics BigRep

I-D Portal
* 2016-04-07
BigRep has three moving Axis, X, Y and Z. If you are standing in front of the printer
the movement of the axis is as following:
›› X-Axis: moves the extruder in X direction from left to right.
›› Y-Axis: moves the X-Axis Y direction from front to back
›› Z-Axis: moves the X-Axis and Y-Axis (portal) up and down
Mechanical Description
X-Axis and Y-Axis are driven by one stepper motor (Nanotec) each + belt and pul-
Z-Axis is driven by one stepper motor (Nanotech) + belt and several pulleys
Please have a look at section V - Maintence of the technical manual for further in-
All motors and pulleys can be replaced if needed.
X- and Y-Axis are using self-lubricated carriages and have to be lubricated with
industrial grease about once a year. We recommend mineral oil-based lubricants.
All belts have to be lubricated with silicon spray about once a year.
It is important to check the tension of the belts, which should be around 20Hz.
As Silicon and Grease react with each other, please make sure that you never put
silicon spray at the X- or Y-Axis.

I-D 1/
I. Mechanics BigRep

I-E Extruder
* 2016-04-07


c f

d e k

a Filament guide with sponge k Pin hole

b Lever filament drive l Screws to remove front cover
c Idler wheel m Main filament drive wheel
d Filament cooling fan n Hot end with nozzle
e Hot end cooling fan o Nozzle
f Knob for extruder attachment screw p Filament cooling duct
g Main cooling fan q Access hole for screw to
h Electrical connectors remove hot end

The extruders are the main unit for 3D printing with the BigRep ONE. The extruder
contains the hot end (n) where the filament is heated and then squeezed through
the nozzle (o).
The BigRep ONE is equipped with two extruders which can be changed individ-
ually. Given the two extruders, the two nozzles can be used simultaneously for
separate printing projects (with the same or differing diameters), e.g. to print ad-
ditional support material for supporting structures alongside the main object.
If you want to use other nozzle diameters than the ones installed, the extruders
need to be retrofitted. You can either replace the entire extruder or only the hot
end. In both cases the extruder must first be removed from the machine.

I-E 1/6
Extruder Features
Filament cleaning sponge (filament must be fed
through this when loading new filament)
Main cooling
2x Screws to Lever to release idler fan (always on)
remove wheel spring. Push to
Front Cover the right to load /
unload filament

BigRep Logo
(lights up when
extruder is

Knob for extruder Idler wheel spring

attachment screw adjustment 2x Electrical
(different sizes)

I-E 2/6
Hole + Slot
(aligns to printer when
Access hole for screw installing extruder)
to remove hot-end

Hot-end cooling
fan (always on)
Filament cooling fan
(turned on/off by
software during print) Nozzle heater
Left Front Right (HOT, do not touch!) Back
I. Mechanics BigRep
Mounting the extruder Step 1:
Extruder slides straight
back onto X-Stage mount

Step 2:
First engagement is with the attachment screw. User
begins screwing it in by hand to pull extruder back

I-E 3/6
Step 3:
Pins line up with extruder hole / slot

Step 4:
User hand tightens attachment screw to
secure extruder Step 5:
User makes 2x electrical
connections on back of extruder
I. Mechanics BigRep
Adjustment to set height of nozzle

T0 extruder shown in “up /

lifted / standby” position
T1 extruder shown in “down /
lowered / active / printing” position

Adjustment knob to adjust height of extruder &

printing nozzle. Note: This adjustment must be
done when extruder is in the “down” position

Locking nut, used to lock the rotation of the

adjustment knob after the nozzle height is set

I-E 4/6
I. Mechanics BigRep
User Accessible Components
Shown with front cover removed

Main filament
drive wheel

I-E 5/6
Idler wheel
Turn this direction to
increase idler wheel
spring pressure
I. Mechanics BigRep
I. Mechanics BigRep

Auto Leveling
BigRep ONE comes with an auto leveling X-Axis to Bed
The laser sensor is mounted to the X-Axis left from the extruder
The sensor measures the distance between X-Axis and Bed
Before you start a print, the sensor measures (with 3 points) the distance be-
tween Axis and Bed + automatically levels correct z-height during a print in case
the planarity is not 100% correct in total
The laser cannot balance minimums and maximums within the bed.

I-E 6/6
I. Mechanics BigRep

I-F Spool cabinet

* 2016-04-07

adjustable roller
adjustable sponge

I-F 1/1
I. Mechanics BigRep

I-G Machine base with brakes

* 2016-04-07
To change the height and for horizontal alignment adjust the idler wheel at the
machine base as shown and check the frame’s horizontal alignment with a spirit

I-G 1/1
II. Electric BigRep

II Electric
II-A Overview
* 2016-04-07
Printer configuration: 200-240V, needed: at least 200V & 16 Amp
Preassembled Schuko Plug can be replaced

II-A 1/1
II. Electric BigRep

II-B Control Unit

* 2016-04-20
Control Unit is preassembled, directly connected at the back of the printer.
To open the control unit the operator has to use the key (delivered with the ma-
chine) + has to turn the main switch to the left position (next to “off”)
The control unit has to be closed at any time during the machine is running. Cus-
tomers are never allowed to open the control unit.
Due to security reasons the machine cannot be switched on when the control
unit is open.
In case maintenance is needed, BigRep Service Staff is allowed to open the con-
trol unit and switch the machine on. In order to do so you have to tape the securi-
ty switch at the top of the control unit.

II-B 1/7
II. Electric BigRep

Overview of components

1. UPS(*) 12. USB panel jack

2. Time relay 13. Inductor box

3. Door position switch 14. Boogieboard

4. Power supply 24V 15. Optocoupler filament sensor
5. Mainswitch incl lock 16. Relay bed
6. Power supply 48V 17. Emergency stop (+bumpers)
7. Motor end stage 18. Automatic fuse
8. Fuse motor end stage 19. EMC filter
9. Fuse power supply 20. Voltage supply
21. Grounding terminal + cable bushing
10. Auxiliary relay power
11. RJ45 panel jack 22. Grounding terminal + c.b. signal

* The uninterruptable power supply (UPS) fuse must be removed prior to any transport.
( )

II-B 2/7
II. Electric BigRep

1. fan

2. thermostat (35°)

3. case documents

4. grounding

5. door lock main switch

6. fuse panel

7. air filter

8. grounding

Fuse panel

II-B 3/7
II. Electric BigRep

Boogieboard is the electronic control center of the printer, which operates all of
the electronic elements of the printer. The boogieboard also contains a SD-card
with firmware and config. The LEDs at the boogieboard tell us if something is not
working proper.

II-B 4/7
II. Electric BigRep

1. BED: Led´s on when heating
2. End stops: LED´s 1 on when end stops are not triggered
3. Filament out sensor T0 and T1: LED´s on when filament in
4. Emergency-Stop: LED´s on when not hit
5. Extruder heating T0: LED´s on when heating
6. Extruder heating T1: LED´s on when heating
7. Extruder T0/T1: green if extruder is not activated (upper position)
8. Extruder T0/T1: red if extruder is activated (lower position)

II-B 5/7
II. Electric BigRep

UPS onboard
UPS ensures that the PC will have power for a short time in case of a current pow-
er interruption.
Due to security reasons the fuse of the UPS is plugged out during transportation
and has to be plugged in before the setup.
There is one spare fuse delivered with every printer.
After the machine is switched off, the operator has to wait 30s before it is al-
lowed to switch on the machine again. Otherwise the PC wont start.

II-B 6/7
II. Electric BigRep

Jumper Settings Output Motors

Output of each motor has to have correct jumper settings (white switches on blue
Each output comes with green and red LED´s which display issues in case the
motors are not working proper:
›› All LED´s green: everything working proper
›› All LED´s red: bug --▷ needs replacement
›› Single LEDs red: fuse triggered, if not faulty wiring or replacement is needed
Note: Different jumper settings for Y Motor depending on printer version. Please
note also the information in VI-C Maintenance Config Overview from 2016-04-20.

X Motor (all printer versions) Z Motor (all printer versions) T0, T1 Motor (all printer versions)
Leadshine DM556 Leadshine DM556 Leadshine DM442
OFF ON Switch number Function OFF ON Switch number Function OFF ON Switch number Function
X 8 32 microsteps X 8 32 microsteps X 8 32 microsteps
X 7 32 microsteps X 7 32 microsteps X 7 32 microsteps
X 6 32 microsteps X 6 32 microsteps X 6 32 microsteps
X 5 32 microsteps X 5 32 microsteps X 5 32 microsteps
X 4 half standstill current X 4 half standstill current X 4 same standstill current
X 3 2,7 A rms X 3 3,1 A rms X 3 1,69 A rms
X 2 2,7 A rms X 2 3,1 A rms X 2 1,69 A rms
X 1 2,7 A rms X 1 3,1 A rms X 1 1,69 A rms

Y Motor (not for ONE.3b and higher) Y Motor (only for printers ONE.3b and higher)
Leadshine DM556 Leadshine DM556
OFF ON Switch number Function OFF ON Switch number Function
X 8 32 microsteps X 8 8 microsteps
X 7 32 microsteps X 7 8 microsteps
X 6 32 microsteps X 6 8 microsteps
X 5 32 microsteps X 5 8 microsteps
X 4 half standstill current X 4 half standstill current
X 3 2,7 A rms X 3 2,7 A rms
X 2 2,7 A rms X 2 2,7 A rms
X 1 2,7 A rms X 1 2,7 A rms

II-B 7/7
II. Electric BigRep

II-C Security stops

* 2016-04-07

In order to bring all moving parts to a stop in an emergency:

›› Press the emergency stop button (P) on the control panel (A) or
›› Activate the safety edge at the top and bottom of the frame (J) by applying
gentle pressure
Emergency stop activation does not turn off the power supply. To turn off the
power supply, always set the main switch (O) to Off.
To start the machine after an activated emergency stop, unlock the emergency
stop button by turning it to the right. Then press Reset (S).
To start the machine after having activated the safety edge, press Reset (S).
In both cases the printer has to be restarted.

II-C 1/1
II. Electric BigRep

II-D Extruder Wiring

* 2016-04-07
Important: Plug out the main connectors to the printer at the back only when the
machine is switched off!
Faulty wiring means replacement of extruder.
Only wiring which can be replaced by service staff is thermocouples and heating
S/N can be found under the top cover.

II-D 1/1
II. Electric BigRep

* 2016-04-07
›› Linux PC
›› Pronterface and BigRep GUI preinstalled
›› Operator can switch between Pronterface and GUI during the machine is
›› Pronterface recommended for maintenance
›› Hard drive on-board – data/printing files can be saved at the machine.
›› Preinstalled G-Codes for setup and maintenance
›› Can be connected to the Internet via Ethernet cable (at the left side of the
control unit)
›› Open the back-cover of the PC with 4 hex screws
Open the back-cover of the PC with 4 hex screws

1 Emergency Stop 5 CAT Cable Ethernet Connection

2 Reset Button 6 Display Port
3 USB 7 Boogieboard Connector USB
4 Connector USB Port 8 Power supply
Important: USB cables have to be plugged in at the ports displayed:

II-E 1/1
III. Software BigRep

III Software
III-A Overview
* 2016-04-07
›› Linux System incl. Pronterface preinstalled
›› Printer is based on smoothieware []
›› Config File is part of the firmware and defines all settings of the BigRep ONE
›› Pronterface and BigRep GUI preinstalled
›› With Pronterface the user can operate the printer
›› Optional: BigRep GUI
›› Slicing software is not part of the printer. Recommended Slicing Software:
simplify3d. Presettings at BigRep Customer/Reseller Portal.

III-A 1/1
III. Software BigRep

III-B Firmware
* 2016-04-07
›› Smoothie is a free, open-source, high performance and modular G-code
interpreter and CNC control system for the Smoothieboard 32bits control-
ler. []
›› Smoothie is a firmware. That is a program that executes on a micro-control-
ler, basically a very simple/small computer used for very specific tasks. The
micro-controller is located on a controller board, for example Smoothie-
board (BigRep: Boogieboard), where it executes the Smoothie firmware.
›› This program receives instructions from your computer ( typically G-code,
generated by CAM software), and executes them, for example by moving
stepper motors in a coordinated fashion, and operating tools.
›› Firmware is written by BigRep and based on the open source smoothie
project, like many other FDM 3D Printer and/or CNC milling machines.
›› Firmware updates will be pushed automatically to the printer by BigRep if
connected to the Internet.

III-B 1/1
III. Software BigRep

III-C Config
* 2016-04-07
›› Config file defines all operational settings of the printer
›› Example: Acceleration of axis, buffer smoothieboard, offset, stepper values
›› Most of the values are not allowed to change
›› Small amount of values are allowed to change and have to be changed in
case hardware is replaced (for example new extruder):
›› Stepper Value Extruder (flowrate)
›› Stepper Value X-Axis, Y-Axis and Z-Axis
›› Offset nozzle T0-T1
›› Z-Probe Offset
Part of config file

You will find the full config in VI-C Maintenance Config Overview

III-C 1/1
III. Software BigRep

* 2016-04-07

›› GUI (Graphic User Interface) is made by BigRep, based on Pronterface and

allows the user to operate the machine customer-friendly
›› GUI will start automatically after switching on the printer
›› It is possible to switch between Pronterface and GUI at any time
›› Advanced mode included

III-D 1/2
III. Software BigRep

Menu Structure

Start Screen

Reset Printer
Connect / Disconnect
Turn Off
Prepare Print

Prepare Print Advanced Mode Print Advanced Mode

Home & Level Feedrate override, Load / Change Object, Feedrate override,
Temperature & Material Extrusion override, Filament Setup, Extrusion override,
Load / Change Object Console, Move Print Heating Setup, Homing, Console, Move Print
Print Head Reset, Pause, Stop Head

Home & Level Temp. & Material Load / Change Object Move Print Head
Home All Axes Select Etruder or Bed Select Drive, File, X/Y-Movement, Z-Mo-
X-/Y- /Z-Homing Extruder on / off, Confirm vement, X/Y-Speed,
Auto Bed Leveling Set Temp, Extrude, Z-Speed, Home all,
Change Filament Home X/Y/Z

Change Filament
Select Filament, Edit
Filament Parameters

III-D 2/2
III. Software BigRep

III-E Pronterface
* 2016-04-07
Pronterface is a free, open source software
Access to Pronterface: hitting “exit UI”
In case the BigRep GUI is not working due to any software bugs the operator can
always switch to pronterface

III-E 1/1
III. Software BigRep

III-F G-Codes / M-Codes

* 2016-04-07
›› M-Codes tell the machine what to do. For example reset settings = M999
›› Pronterface and GUI are both using M-Codes and G-Codes to operate the
printer. For example when you hit the button “reset”, M-Code m999 will be
›› Not every M-Code can be used with the Graphic User Interface
›› If needed the operator can directly use M-Codes in Pronterface and BigRep

Most important G-/M-Codes

›› M190 SXX° wait till bed temperature is reached
›› M109 SXXX° wait till extruder temperature is reached
›› M140 SXX° h heat bed
›› M104 SXXX° heat extruder
›› M114 monitoring position axis
›› M119 monitoring if end stop is triggered
›› M561 delete plane (autoleveling)
›› M221 SXXX% flowrate extruder
›› M220 Sxxx% set speed
›› M999 reset
›› M106 SXXX% Fan speed
›› M107 Fan off
›› M105 a displays bed and extruder temperature
›› G1 X100 Y100 Z10 F5000 example of manually drive X100mm Y100mm
Z10mm with speed 5000mm/min

III-F 1/8
III. Software BigRep

›› G90 XXX XXX XXX XXXXX drive to position

›› G32 Autoleveling
›› G92 resets position
›› G28 homing
›› T0 activate left extruder T0
›› T1 activate right extruder T1

Full List of G- / M-Codes

G-Code Description Example

G0 Move to the given coordinates. To the G0 X10 Y-5 F100
contrary of G1, if there is a tool it will most
of the time be off during this kind of move.
This is a "go to" move rather than a "do
while going to" move. The F parameter
defines speed and is remembered by sub-
sequent commands ( specified in millimet-
res/minute ) (command is modal)
G1 Move to the given coordinates, see above G1 X20 Y-2.3
for difference with G0. Takes the same F F200
parameter as G0. (command is modal)
G2 Clockwise circular motion : go to point G2 X10 J5
with coordinates XYZ while rotating
around point with relative coordinates IJ
(command is not modal)
G3 Counter-clockwise motion : see above G3 Y5 X10 I2
(command is not modal)
G4 Dwell S<seconds> or P<milliseconds> G4 P1000
G10 Do firmware extruder retract G10
G10 L2 set workspace coordinates G10 L2 P1 X0
G10 L20 org/docs/html/gcode/coordinates.
html and
G11 Do firmware extruder un-retract G11
G17 Select XYZ plane (command is modal) G17
G18 Select XZY plane (command is modal) G18
G19 Select YZX plane (command is modal) G19

III-F 2/8
III. Software BigRep

G20 Inch mode : passed coordinates will be G20

considered as Inches, so internally transla-
ted to millimeters (command is modal)
G21 Millimeter mode ( default ) : passed coor- G21
dinates will be considered as millimeters
(command is modal)
G30 Simple Z probe at current XY, reports G30 - G30 F100
distance moved down until probe triggers.
optional F parameter defines the speed
of probing, zprobe.slow_feedrate is used
when not supplied
G31 Report current Z probe status G31
G32 Uses Z probe to calibrate delta endstops G32 - G32 R -
and arm radius, use R parameter to select G32 E - G32 EK
only arm radius calibration and E to select - G32 I0.02
only endstop calibration. I to set target
precision, J to set probe_radius, K to keep
current endstop trim settings. In Zgrid
module, it starts the grid probing
G28 Home The given axis, or if no axis specified G28
home all axis at the same time (edge)
G53- use workspace coordinates http:// G54
tes.html and
G90 Absolute mode ( default ) : passed coordi- G90
nates will be considered absolute ( relative
to 0.0.0 ) (command is modal)
G91 Relative mode : passed coordinates will G91
be considered relative to the current point
(command is modal)
G92 Set current position to specified coordi- G92 X0 Y0 Z0

M-Code Description Example

M3 Starts the spindle. Only if spindle module M3 S5000
is enabled. The S parameter sets the speed
in rotations per minute

III-F 3/8
III. Software BigRep

M5 Stops the spindle Only if spindle module is M5

M17 Enable stepper motors M17
M18 Disable stepper motors M18
M20 List SD card files M20
M21 Initialize the SD card. This does nothing in M21
Smoothie but is kept for compatibility
M23 Select a file M23 file.gcode
M24 Start or resume SD card print M24
M25 Pause SD card print M25
M26 Abort a SD card print M26
M27 Report print progress M27
M28 Begin write to SD card. Use M29 to indicate M28 file.gcode
end of file.
M29 End write to SD card. Used to end file write M29
started with M28.
M30 Delete a file on the SD card M30 file.gcode
M32 Select a file, and start playing it M32 file.gcode
M82 Set absolute mode for extruder only M82
M83 Set relative mode for extruder only M83
M84 Disable steppers M84
M92 Set axis steps per mm M92 E200
M104 Set Extruder Temperature - S<tempera- M104 S190
M105 Read current temp M105
M106 Turn fan ON M106
M107 Turn fan OFF M107
M109 Set Extruder Temperature and Wait - M109 S190
M110 Set current line number -N<line number> M110 N123
M112 Halt all operations, turn off heaters, go
into Halt state
M114 Show current position of all axes, XYZ will M114
be the last requested position, whereas
ABC is actual current position of the actu-

III-F 4/8
III. Software BigRep

M117 Display message on LCD, blank message M117 hello world

will clear it or M117

M119 Show limit switch status M119

M120 "Push" the current feed-rate and seek-rate M120
so that another one can be temporarily
used, then the current one can be restored
M121 "Pop" the current feed-rate and seek-rate, M121
see M120
M140 Set Bed Temperature - S<temperature> M140 S55
M190 Set Bed Temperature and Wait - S<tempe- M190 S55
M200 Set E units for volumetric extrusion - M200 D3.0
D<filament diameter> set to 0 to disable
volumetric extrusion
M203 Set maximum feedrate your machine can M203 X100 Y100
sustain <mm/sec> Z100 E10

M204 S<acceleration> Set acceleration in mm/ M204 S1000 Z100

sec^2 Z<acceleration> NB Z only applies E500
to Z only moves E<nnn> Set extruder only
move acceleration
M205 X<junction deviation> Z<z junction de- M205 X0.05 S30.0
viation> S<minimum planner speed>, Z
junction deviation only applies to z only
moves, 0 disables junction deviation for Z,
-1 uses global junction deviation
M206 Set homing offsets M206 X10 Y3 Z0.5
M207 set retract length S[positive mm] F[feed- M207 S4 F30 Z1
rate mm/min] Z[additional zlift/hop] Q[zlift
feedrate mm/min]
M208 set retract recover length S[positive mm M208 S0 F8
surplus to the M207 S*] F[feedrate mm/
M220 S<factor in percent>- set speed factor M220 S50
override percentage
M221 S<flow rate factor in percent>- set flow M221 S50
rate factor override percentage for current

III-F 5/8
III. Software BigRep

M301 Edit temperature control PID parameters M301 S0 P30 I10

X<i_max> Y<max_pwm> D10 X255.0000
M303 Begin PID auto-tune cycle E<hotendid> M303 E0 S185 -
S<temperature> Tune extruder
- M303 E1 S100 -
Tune printbed -
M304 Abort PID auto-tuning M304
M305 Set parameters for the thermistor, whe- M305 B4066
re B is beta, R is r0 and X is t0; P is the ID
from the thermistors list (use console
command thermistors to get a list).
M306 Set homing offsets based on current M306 Z0
position, subtracts current position from
homing offset for specified axis
M360 Scara Morgan: Move to Theta 0 degree po- M360 or M360 P0
sition. Adding P0 will save the current arm
position as the Theta 0 degree position
M361 Scara Morgan: Move to Theta 90 degree M361 or M360 P0
position. Adding P0 will save the current
arm position as the Theta 90 degree
M364 Scara Morgan: M364: Move to Psi + Theta M364 or M344 P0
90 degree position. Adding P0 will save the
current arm position as the Psi + Theta 90
degree position
M370 Z grid strategy: clears the ZGrid and the M370 M370 X9 Y11
bed levelling is disabled until G32 is run
again. Specify X and Y values to change
grid size
M371 Z grid strategy: moves the head to the next M371
calibration position without saving for
manual calibration
M372 Z grid strategy: move the head to the M372
next calibration position after saving the
current probe point to memory - manual
M373 Z grid strategy: completes calibration and M373
enables the Z compensation grid

III-F 6/8
III. Software BigRep

M374 Z grid strategy: save calibration grid. opti- M374 S123

onal S parameter saves a custom file with
numerical extention
M375 Z grid strategy: load calibration grid. M375 S123
optional S Parameter loads a pre saved
custom grid
M400 Wait for the queue to be empty before M400
answering "OK"
M500 Save some volatile settings to an override M500
M501 Load config-override file optionally spe- M501 - loads
cifying the extension config-over-
ride, M501
test1 - loads
M502 Delete the override file, reverting to config M502
settings at next reset
M503 Display overridden settings if any M503
M504 Save the settings to an override file with M504 test1 -
specified extension saves to con-
M557 Defines probe points M557 P1 X30 Y40.5
M561 clears the plane and the bed leveling is M561
disabled until G32 is run again
M565 defines the probe offsets from the nozzle M565 X3 Y4.5
or tool head Z-2.37

M600 Suspend print in progress (use console

command resume to continue)
M665 Set arm solution specific settings: Delta M665 L341.0 R350
- L<arm length> R<arm radius> Z<max Z430
M666 On a delta sets trim values for the M666 X-0.1 Y-0.2
endstops. (Positive values will crash physi- Z-0.3
cal endstops.)
M906 Set Current in milliamp for SPI drivers, only M906 A1000 B1100
if the driver is handled by the motorcontrol
M907 Set Current control via digipot for each M907 X1.0 Y1.0
axis (current in amps) Z1.0 E1.5

III-F 7/8
III. Software BigRep

M909 Set microsteps (1/n), ONLY for advanced M909 A16 B64
drivers handled by motordriver module,
M909.1 will also set the steps/mm accor-
M910.x setup advanced driver chips that support M910
SPI setup, parameters are specific to each
chip see chip docs
M1910.x Move a given number of steps, without M1910 X100 F100
acceleration ( for testing only ) M1910.1 will
stop the motor
M957 (with Spindle module enabled) Report the M957
current spindle speed and PWM value
M958 (with Spindle module enabled) Report M958 P0.1
the current spindle PID parameters. M958
Px.xx Ix.xx Dx.xx will set them (to save the
new values, you need to edit config file
M999 Reset from a halted state caused by limit
switch, M112 or kill switch

III-F 8/8
IV. Setup BigRep

IV Setup
IV-A Overview
* 2016-04-07
Setup has to be done by BigRep staff or certified
BigRep Reseller.
Printer comes preassembled (excl. spool cabinet)
in a wooden, IPPC certificated, box:
›› Weight ca. 750 kg / 1.650 lbs (500 kg / 1.100
lbs printer + box)
›› Dimensions: [Length x Width x Height]
225 x 200 x 200 cm
Printer runs through longterm QS testing before it leaves BigRep facility.
Power supply has to be changed if needed.
Printer comes with preassembled Schucko Plug, which can easily be changed.
Setup regularly takes two business days, incl. testprint and instruction .
Scope of Delivery (depending on model)
›› BigRep ONE (incl. 2 extruders)
›› 2 hot ends (preassembled, nozzle diameter 1mm)
›› 1 separate hot end with nozzle, diameter 1mm
›› Hex key for exchanging hot ends
›› Scraper to remove objects
›› 2 electrical fuses for the UPS (in the control cabinet)
›› 25mm spacer (for leveling)
Additionally in the Advanced Kit
›› PVA pack
›› Nozzle cleaning station
›› Extended run-time UPS
›› Web access + web-cam

IV-A 1/1
IV. Setup BigRep

IV-B Operating Environment / Requirements

* 2016-04-07
Make sure the ground is leveled and has sufficient load-bearing capacity!
Make sure there is enough free space between the machine and the ceiling (at
least 1m to the device)!
Take particular care to ensure that there is enough free space behind the control
cabinet at the back of the printer.
Make sure that there is a free zone of at least 1m around the device.

Fig.: Free zone

Once printing has started, the device may not be made accessible to any unau-
thorized persons!
To allow for a satisfactory printing process, make sure to:
›› Avoid high humidity
›› Keep the temperature in the operating environment between +15 °C and
+40 °C
›› Avoid strong drafts during the printing process
›› Avoid direct exposure of the device to sunlight
›› Not operate the device on surfaces particularly sensitive to vibrations
›› Avoid serious indoor air pollution with dust (e.g. sanding dust)

IV-B 1/1
IV. Setup BigRep

IV-C Unpacking
* 2016-04-07
There are two possibilities to get the printer out of the box:
1. Use a forklift and belts and lift the printer out of the box
2. Use the front side of the box as a ramp and pull out the printer by hand. The
front side comes with preassembled angle brackets
Electric Screwdriver, Phillips Head, Knife [Optional: Forklift Truck & Belts]
Please mention: This is a job for at least two people. It is ok if the second person
is one of the customer’s staff. As the box comes with a preassembled ramp and
the printer has wheels, it is possible to pull the printer out of the box [option no1]
without a forklift truck [option no2]
1. Open the front side of the box (labeled as front) with an electric screwdriver.
The front side of the box will be used as a ramp in case you do not have a
forklift available.


2. Open the back side of the box with an electric screwdriver.
3. Loose all of the wooden fixing/transport security beams

IV-C 1/5
IV. Setup BigRep

4. Take away the security foam under the table

5. Loose the brackets at each of the four wheels of the printer.

6. Now the printer is ready to be pulled out of the box. We have two options
Option 1
Use a forklift and belts and lift the printer out of the box
a. Take off the lid and both sides of the box – use the electric screwdriver to
unscrew all screws
b. Put the belts under the frame at two sides of the printer.

IV-C 2/5
IV. Setup BigRep

c. Use a lift truck and lift the printer from the upper side:

d. Done
Option 2
Use the front side of the box as a ramp and pull out the printer by hand. The
front side comes with preassembled angle brackets.
If you choose Option 2, it is not necessary to take away the sides and the lid
of the box.
a. Make sure that all 4 brakes are loosen
b. Lay down the ramp at the front side of the box, with the flat (outside)
side up. Make sure that there is no space between box and ramp.
c. Now gently pull out the printer straight out of the box with at least two

IV-C 3/5
IV. Setup BigRep

7. After the printer is pulled out and at its final location, you can take away all
of the transit support

8. A
t the end loose the accessories box and spool holder from the printing
table. Please note: The printing table already comes with orange kapton
tape assembled. So please do not remove the orange kapton tape.

IV-C 4/5
IV. Setup BigRep

IV-C 5/5
IV. Setup BigRep

IV-D Visual inspection

* 2016-04-07
See separate Visual Inspection List on reseller portal

IV-D 1/1
IV. Setup BigRep

IV-E Photo Documentation

* 2016-04-07
Take pictures from: S/N Numbers, Axis, Printer from each side, Bed, Control Unit,
Spool holder

IV-E 1/1
IV. Setup BigRep

IV-F Electric Setup

* 2016-04-07
If there is no standardized power network a local electrician should always do
the electric setup!
›› Printer configuration: 200-240V, needed: at least 200V & 16 Amp
›› Preassembled Schuko Plug can be replaced
›› Clients in the US have to make sure to provide a proper power supply
›› In most countries there has to be a local electrician during the setup
›› Always make sure that the client is informed about the power supply
needed and a local electrician is onside during start of the setup

IV-F 1/1
IV. Setup BigRep

IV-G Assembling
* 2016-04-07
Spooler cabinet
If there is no standardized power network a local electrician should always do the
electric setup (see 4.5).
1. Take the spool cabinet from the printing bed.
2. Use the eight screws you will find in the accessories box .
3. Assemble the spool cabinet at the back wall of the printer above the control
Table / Bed
The screws at the frame of the table have to be loosen after transportation in
order to ensure expansion while heated:
1. Unscrew all 8 Torx (T20) by 2-3 turns.
If possible a second person should hold the cabinet while the first person
screws in the 7 (2x M8x30. 5xM8x40) screws.
IMPORTANT: Use gloves while working with these screws as they are lubricated.
Plug in Fuse UPS
1. Open control unit.
2. Take Fuse next to USP and plug it in .
3. Close control unit.
Machine has to be switched off during assembling the extruders!
Assemble both extruders at T0 and T1:
1. Take extruders out of accessories box.
2. Put Extruder T0 to the left bracket (with the pins).
3. Use the preassembled screw at the front to attach the extruder to the
4. Connect both marked plugs to the back of the extruder.

IV-G 1/1
IV. Setup BigRep

IV-H Basic Function Test

* 2016-04-07
Main switch & Security Stops
1. Check main switch
2. Check emergency button
3. Check both emergency bumper
Check for Updates
Connect the printer with the Internet (RJ45).
1. Select ‚Turn off Printer‘ and select ‚Exit UI‘ This will return you to Linux OS
2. Click the bottom left corner (run) and select ‚accessories‘, then ‚LX Terminal‘.
3. This will give you ‚Terminal (text command line) control of the machine
4. To VIEW the current version, type sudo apt-get update (checks availabili-
ty, password required) and apt-cache policy bigrep-one
You should see info like:
Installed: 0.5.X
Candidate: 0.5.X
5. To update software type in update_one (password required)
6. Turn on and off machine twice!
Current version: Updated Version:
Touch Screen
Calibrate if necessary: Go to Terminal Tools / screen calibration in Linux
Check if screen is reacting
End Stop Functionality
Drive manually over the max position of each axis and check if end stops are trig-
gered. For example: X MAX --> G1 X1100 F5000. Note position:
Xmin: Xmax: Ymin: Ymax: Zmin: Zmax:
Do not use more than F5000 (speed) - otherwise you would drive into X Motor
Test Heating Units
1. Bed: Heat up to 60 °, check time
2. Heat T0/T1 to 220° and check tolerance
Bed should be heated by 2°/min. Tolerance T0/T1 +/- 3° up and down

IV-H 1/2
IV. Setup BigRep

Basic Test Retraction/Extrusion

Test if extruder feeding wheel is moving:
1. Extrude T0
2. Retract T0
3. Extrude T1
4. Retract T1
Use 50mm length without having filament between feeding wheels

IV-H 2/2
IV. Setup BigRep

IV-I Pre Autoleveling

* 2016-04-07
Leveling/Calibration: Setting up Lasersensor
1. Check table mounting
Angled ==> Z-Min sensor bottom edge = 10m
Straight ==> Z-Min sensor bottom edge = 65mm
2. Home Z
3. Start PRO-Mode by pressing „Down“ for 3 Seconds at lasersensor
4. Look for option „SenS2 and confirm by pressing „Teach“
5. Change to the Komparativ-Mode (N2) with „up“ and „down“ and confirm by
pressing „Teach“
Leveling/Calibration: Printbed
It can be possible that u need to change the z-height (calibration height) from
6.5mm to max 8mm. (G1 X100 Y100 Z8 F5000)
Straight Table Holder:
1. Heat the bed to 60° - Important!
2. Check z-min sensor height - between lower edge z-sensor-holder and or-
ange iron sheet you need 65mm with STRAIGHT TABLE HOLDER, 10mm with
3. Turn the extruders adjusting screws clockwise to the highest possible posi-
4. Home all axis
5. Drive now to the 4 positions to calibrate the table - on all 4 measure points
you need to lift up/down the table till the „lasersensor AWLS“ shows +4900
-G1 X100 Y100 Z6.5 F5000
-G1 X100 Y980 Z6.5 F5000
-G1 X1000 Y980 Z6.5 F5000
-G1 X1000 Y100 Z6.5 F5000
-Counter the screw nuts to each other and check the +4900 again
Angled Table Holder:
Follow the same procedure like straight table holder except the distance between
Z-min sensor bottom edge and orange iron sheet which is by 10mm!
Leveling/Calibration: Lasersensor AWLS
1. Check the printer position in z, it must be the same value from „leveling bed“
(6.5mm to max 8mm --> same height you used before)
2. Drive to the position G1 X100 Y100 with F5000

IV-I 1/2
IV. Setup BigRep

3. Press „Teach“ on the lasersensor AWLS

4. Drive printer 9.9/9.8mm up in Z from current position (--> G91 [relative mode]
enter & G1 Z9.8 F5000)
5. If „error41“ is displayed, go 0.1mm down
6. Press „Teach“ ==> „GooD“ should be displayed
change back to absolute mode with G90 + Enter
7. Request position with M114
8. Get the shown Z value for the config line:
leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling probe offsett --> values
are displayed like this: X, Y, Z (for example: 150, 75, 16.2)
Leveling/Calibration: Extruder
Make sure that both extruders are at the highest position (turn adjusting screw
clockwise) and heated to 220°, bed to 60°.
1. Choose T0
2. Take feeler gauge 0.5mm and drive to absolute Z-position 0.5mm G1 X100
Y100 Z0.5 F700
3. Choose T1 and drive to the position G1 X100 Y100 Z0.5 F700
4. Calibrate second extruder
5. Start Firstlayer_adhession test (Starting high = 0.2mm), use vernier caliper!
6. If Extruder is to close the Z-probe Value needs to be decreased
7. If the Extruder is to far away the Z-probe Value needs to be increased

IV-I 2/2
IV. Setup BigRep

IV-J Auto Leveling

* 2016-04-07
Preform „Height_Profile_measurement_withG32_G4dwell.gcode“ and type in
height profile in the appended Matrix table.
Tolerance: min./max. Point +-0,2mm

IV-J 1/1
IV. Setup BigRep

IV-K Extruder
* 2016-04-07
Extruder extrusion test/calibration flow rate
1. Heat up both ext. sides to 220° and change the extrusion length to 300mm
and speed to100 mm/min.
2. Make sure you have filament inside extruder tubes and they both reach the
end of the nozzle
3. Measure 300mm and 400mm from the upper end of the teflon tube on top of
the extruder mark both with a pen
4. Press Extrude
5. After extrusion stops, measure the real length of extrusion. If the length of
extrusion differs from 300mm, you have to adapt the stepper value settings
in the config
In case it is more or less than 300mm, for example 260mm:
300/260 = 1,15 --> multiply 1,15 with the present config value and and change the
value within the config + save config
When you change any value in the config you have to save it!
Filament Out Sensor
1. Cut the filament above the extruder on T0 and T1
2. Print test-sample
3. Check if printer stops immediately when filament pass through feeding
4. Change filament and press resume
5. Note if extruder starts with last line printed

IV-K 1/1
IV. Setup BigRep

IV-L Test Prints

* 2016-04-07
Flow Consistency
Print G-Code Constant_flow_test_both_extruders.gcode ! Hold the result
against light and check uniformity of the Layer
Dual Extrusion Accuracy
Print Winkel_dual_extr_accuracy.gcode : both angle have to be placed exact on
above the other
When test failed:
1. Measure the offset from x,y-angle from the print object
2. Change value in config
3. T0 X-offset and T1 Y-Offset
Final Test Sample
Run official Testsample overnight (1mm nozzle)
Check all results - have a look at manual „check testprint“

IV-L 1/1
V. Maintenance BigRep

V Maintenance
V-A Overview
* 2016-04-07
Regular maintenance which has to be done in a certain range of time is very little:
›› Lubricate Axis
›› Lubricate Belts
›› Check security stops
›› Check tension of belts
Expendable items/Replacements
›› Printbed tape
›› Nozzle
›› Extruder
All items + BigRep Filament can be ordered at with a re-
seller discount

V-A 1/1
V. Maintenance BigRep

V-B Replacing Print Bed Tape

* 2016-04-07
Both layers are bigger than necessary. So no need to be super accurate. At the
end you will cut away the overlapping tape. You can order new printbed tape at
›› Cleaner (alcohol)
›› Roller (hard)
›› Knife
›› 2 Persons
›› 2 printbed tapes
1. Preparation
a. Heat the table to 40°
b. Take-off the old tape
c. Clean the whole table with a strong cleaner like alcohol
e. Move the Z-Axis up to about 50-80cm

2. First layer
a. You need two persons
b. Take one tape and pull off the first part of the protection film (yellow)

V-B 1/5
V. Maintenance BigRep

c. One person is standing in the back, holding up the tape at both ends
(no pressure, just hold it up to avoid that it sticks on the bed to early)
d. The second person starts to push the tape onto the bed with using the
roller (high pressure)

f. Go on in straight lines and try to avoid bubbles (You can get rid of them
afterwards with using a needle)


V-B 2/5
V. Maintenance BigRep

3. Second Layer
a. Start with the second layer, overlapping the first layer for at least 1cm
and go on similar to the first layer



4. Cut off the overlapping part of the second tape

a. Use some straight metal part to make it more easy to have a straight cut

V-B 3/5
V. Maintenance BigRep

c. Cut off one straight line of the second tape, choose a gap between both
tapes of 1-2mm (high pressure needed)
d. Pull off the overlapping line

5. Last steps:
a. Use the roller for all edges and borders again
b. Cut off the overlapping parts at the borders

V-B 4/5
V. Maintenance BigRep

d. Switch off bed heating


V-B 5/5
V. Maintenance BigRep

V-C Replacing Nozzle

* 2016-04-07
Please also have a look at the manual V-D Replacing Extruder as you have first to
dismount the extruder
1. Prepare
a. Please first dismount the extruder (manual p. 62). Before you dismount
the extruder, please make sure that you pulled out the old filament
a. After you dismounted the extruder please make sure that the hot end
cooled down
2. First loosen the heating elements:
a. Unscrew the 2mm hex screw at the bottom back side
b. Pull out the heating elements --▷ if they got stuck please you the hex key
to pull them out from the back side

3. Now loosen the screw which holds the hot end into the extruder

V-C 1/3
V. Maintenance BigRep

4. Pull out the loosen hot end

5. Assemble new hot end

V-C 2/3
V. Maintenance BigRep

a. Take a new hot end (yellow tube 0.5mm, blue tape 1mm) and push it into
the extruder --▷ there is one adjust pin (marked red) which defines the

b. Push the hot-end flush mounted into the extruder

c. Screw in heating elements

6. Reassemble the extruder at the machine

V-C 3/3
V. Maintenance BigRep

V-D Replacing Extruder

* 2016-04-07
No tools needed.
Also have a look at manual chapter 7.2.
IMPORTANT – Only change the extruder when machine is switched off
1. Switch off the machine

2. Make sure that there is no Filament left in the extruder. If so please have a
look at manual.
3. Make sure that the hot ends cooled down.
4. Pull out both plugs at the extruders back
a. Turn the inner safety lock (red marked in right figure) anticlockwise and
then pull out the plug

V-D 1/2
V. Maintenance BigRep

5. Loose the clamping bold at the extruders front side (no tools needed), turn
anticlockwise and make sure that you hold the extruder with the other hand

6. Take the new extruder and attach it to the plate with using the dowel pins
(marked red)

7. Screw on the clamping bold at the extruders front side (no tools needed),
turn clockwise and make sure that you hold the extruder with the other
8. Attach both plugs at the extruders back
a. Screw on the security lock clockwise
9. Restart the machine

V-D 2/2
V. Maintenance BigRep

V-E Check stepper value axis

* 2016-05-07
In case there is an issue with correct measurements of the prints, the stepper
values of each motor have to be checked. The stepper values tell the printer how
many steps per mm have to be done for each axis. Example for X-Axis.
1. Home
2. Drive to G1 X200 Y200
3. Use laser as 0 position
4. Drive to G1 X500 F3000
5. Measure the distance with metering rule (use laser)
6. In case it is more or less than 500mm, for example 490mm:
500/490 = 1,02 --▷ multiply 1,02 with the present config value and change
the value within the config + save config

Check stepper value feeding wheel

Beneath the axis the stepper value for extruder feeding wheel is most important,
as this value has to be changed after hardware replacement and/or change of
1. Mark 300mm of filament (from top of extruder)
2. Extrude 300mm of filament
3. Measure the filament which is extruded
4. In case it is more or less than 300mm, for example 260mm:
300/260 = 1,15 --▷ multiply 1,15 with the present config value and change the
value within the config + save config

V-E 1/1
V. Maintenance BigRep

V-F Lubricate
* 2016-04-07
Regularly clean and lubricate the X-guide rail (H), Y-guide rail (F), Z-lead spindles
(C), and Z-guide shafts (B).
Please only use approved industrial lubricants. We recommend mineral oil-based
lubricants for rolling or plain bearings.
Regularly check the lubrication of individual components. Ensure that they are
always covered by a thin lubricating film.
Lubricate X, Y and Z belt with silicon spray.
To lubricate the Z-Belt, you have to open the cover at the top of the machine in
each edge.
To lubricate X and Y belts you have to open the cover of the axis.

V-F 1/1
V. Maintenance BigRep

V-G Belts
* 2016-04-07
All belts have to have a certain tension, measured in Hz. In order to measure the
tension you have to open the covers of the axis, manually hit the belt like a guitar
and measure the tension with a trumeter. The tension of X and Y Axis should be
around 15-18 Hz.
You can lower or increase the tension of the belts by using the screws at the
brackets which holds the belts to the axis.
Belts can easily be replaced.
You have to open the cover of the axis, loosen the screws at the brackets (4 in
total), take away the old belt and guide the new belt through the pulley.

V-G 1/1
V. Maintenance BigRep

V-H Leveling
* 2016-04-07
1. Check table mounting
a. Angled ==> Z-Min sensor bottom edge = 10m
b. Straight  ==> Z-Min sensor bottom edge = 65mm
2. Home Z
3. Start PRO-Mode by pressing „Down“ for 3 Seconds
4. Look for option „SenS2 and confirm by pressing „Teach“
5. Change to the Komparativ-Mode (N2) with „up“ and „down“ and confirm by
pressing „Teach“
6. Drive the printer to the absolute position (6.5mm)
7. Screw the table up/down until the sensor shows „+4900“ on the posi-
tions  x100y100 - x100y980 - x1000y100 - x1000y980
8. Lock nuts of the table and check again
9. Drive the printer to the absolute position (6.5mm)
10. Press „Teach“ at position x100y100
11. Drive printer to 9.9mm/9.8mm at the actual position
a. If error 41 go 0.1 down
12. Press „Teach“  ==> „GooD“ should be displayed
13. Request position with „M114“
14. Get the shown Z Value for the config (leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.
probe_offsets -150,-70,Z-Value) (should be around 16.5)
15. Activate HOLD-Mode
16. Turn both Extruder Heads to the top position with help of the adjusting
screws (x100y100)
17. Calibrate Extruder
a. if feeler gauge 0.5mm drive to absolute Z-Position 0.5mm
18. Perform Firstlayer_adhession test (Starting high = 0.2mm), Use vernier
a. If Extruder is to close the Z-probe Value needs to be decreased
b. If the Extruder is to far away the Z-probe Value needs to be increased

V-H 1/1
V. Maintenance BigRep

V-I Software
* 2016-04-14
How to Update new software
1. Stop a print, or wait for print to stop (naturally)
2. Select ‚Turn off Printer‘ and select ‚Exit UI‘ This will return you to Linux OS
3. Click the bottom left corner (run) and select ‚accessories‘, then ‚LX Terminal‘.
This will give you ‚Terminal (text command line) control of the machine
4. To VIEW the current version, type sudo apt-get update (checks availabili-
ty, password required) and apt-cache policy bigrep-one
You should see info like:
Installed: 0.5.X
Candidate: 0.5.X
5. To update software type in update_one (password required)
6. Turn on and off machine twice!
Change config
1. Open X-Term in Linux
2. Go to sudo leafpad /mnt/boogie/config
3. Enter password
4. Change setting
5. Save config
6. Turn the machine off and on after saving new values

V-I 1/1
VI. Appendix BigRep

VI Appendix
VI-A General Info
* 2016-04-07
Where do I find technical information as a reseller?
›› Technical Manual – will be updated continuous
›› Setup List
›› Onepager freight/setup for clients
›› Reseller Portal at ▷ the reseller portal contains customer FAQs,
technical manuals for resellers, a online platform/forum and includes a
ticketing system
Which materials can I use for my clients?
›› Official User Manual
›› Posterguide
›› Customer Portal at ▷ each customer will get a login to a perso-
nal customer portal, incl. guides, FAQ and a ticketing system

VI-A 1/1
VI. Appendix BigRep

Bigrep – Shipping/requirements/Unpacking page 1/2

VI-B Shipping/requirements/Unpacking
* 2016-04-07

1. Shipping
a. Shipping: Do you like to handle the shipping?
b. Unloading: Do you have a forklift/lifttruck? yes no
(loading-forks at least 71inch/180cm long)
yes no

If not: please let us know as soon as possible, we will provide you a quote
from our freight forwarder and handle the shipping - also door to door if

2. Measurements Shipping Box

a. Printer will be shipped preassembled (except spoolholder) in one IPCC certified wooden box:

Weight: ca 800 kg (500 kg printer + box)

Dimensions: Lenght Width Height

225 cm 200 cm 200 cm


3. Electricity

a. The printer comes with a 200V - 240V configuration and an european Schuko plug which
can be replaced by a local plug if necessary.
b. Maximum power consumption is 2700 watt, average 1500 watt.
c. You need at least 200 volt and 16 ampere.

If you do not have a standardized power supply, it his highly recommended to

provide the power supply by an authorized electrician !

4. Delivery Address

a. Could you please confirm the delivery address:

Delivery address: Name and phone number of

contact person:

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VI. Appendix BigRep

5. Setup

a. Setup and introduction will take 2 business days.

Please fill in a date that would suit your company:
Possible dates:

6. Set-up site / Requirements

• Make sure that the floor is level.

• Ensure sufficient ceiling clearance (minimum 1 m from unit to ceiling).
(printer size - Height: 200cm Length: 230cm Width: 180cm)
• Ensure that the floor can bear the weight of 500 kg!
• The machine may not be accessible to unauthorized personal especially
after initiation of the print process.

Ensure for a good printing environment at printer location:

• Avoid high humidity

• The temperature in the operating environment may not exceed 40°C / 104°F
• Avoid strong drafts during the printing process
• Avoid direct sunlight on the machine
• Do not install the machine on a floor that could be subject to vibrations
• Avoid dusty operating environments (e.g. cutting dust)

7. Unpacking and Moving BigRep

Moving Box: The box can be moved with a standard hand pallet truck
Moving Printer: The printer comes on wheels and can easily be moved after unpacking

It is not recommended to do the unpacking by your own – our team is more

than happy to support you during the entire setup ! In case you have to do
the unpacking by your own please contact BigRep Customer Experience!

8. Additional Information

Filament and Spare Parts:

Seminars and Academy: please write an email to [email protected]
Customer Portal: If you do not have a login to your personal customer portal,
including FAQs and ticketing system, please send us an email
([email protected])

VI-B 2/4
VI. Appendix BigRep

Visual Inspection BigRep THEONE

S/N Printer: ______________________________________________
S/N Control Unit: ______________________________________________
S/N Extruder 1: ______________________________________________
S/N Extruder 2: ______________________________________________
GUI Version: ______________________________________________

1 General Visual Inspection

 Frame
o Anodized?
o No: scratches, cracks etc?

 Frame Cover
o Correct Colour?
o No: scratches, cracks etc?
o Detent Edge Disc: correct position?
o Washers at both sides?

 Dragchain
o Proper wiring within dragchain?
o All strain-relief existing?
o All dragchains roper fixed ?

 Bed
o No scratches?
o Polyimide film (orange tape) proper glued, no bubbles?
o Loosen screws at the side of the bed?

 Control Unit
o Both identification plates existing?

 Spool Holder
o No scratches?
o Correct ?
o Free movement of drivers roller?

 Back Wall
o No scratches?

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VI. Appendix BigRep

Abnahme Protokoll V1.3

final acceptions test-protocol V1.3

Informationen Seriennummern
informations serial number
Kunde Drucker
customer printer
Adresse Schaltschrank
customer adress control cabinet
Postleitzahl Extruder 1
postal code extruder 1
Auftragsnummer Extruder 2
order number extruder 2
Software Version X-Y Rahmen
softwareversion x-y frame
Mechanik i.o. n.i.o.
Achsen verfahren Y
moving axis
Funktionstest Extruder left
functiontest extruder rechts
Elektrik i.o. n.i.o.
linker Extruder
left extruder
Funktionstest Heizungen rechter Extruder
functiontest heaters right extruder
Sicherheitseinrichtung emergency button
safety system Sicherheitsschaltleiste
safety shutdown board
Warranty starts with the date of signature - or differently agreed, please document below
FAT 1 - Abnahme ohne Einschränkung
acceptance without restrictions
FAT 2 - Abnahme mit vereinbarten Nachbesserungen
acceptance agreed rework

BigRep Kunde
manufacturer customer


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VI. Appendix BigRep

VI-C Maintenance Config Overview

* 2016-04-20
Only for One.3b: Config/Stepper changes
Changing the Stepper Value
Since the transmission of the new system is 3.33 compared to the old one, the
new value for beta_steps_per_mm would be 53.3 x 3.3 = 177.7. However, high
values seem to influence the firmware, so the number of microsteps for the step-
per motors is changed, too. The microsteps were 32 and are now 32 / 4 = 8, so the
new value is 177.7 / 4 = 44.4.

Old New
beta_steps_per_mm 53.33 44.44

This results in changed dipswitch positions at the stepper driver of the Y-axis. It is
found in the cabinet to the left. Check the labels.

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VI. Appendix BigRep

The dipswitches 5- have to be changed as shown in the table below:

Old Value for Y-axis New Value for Y-axis

Microsteps 32 8
Steps per revolution 6400 1600
Switch positions Switch Switch
number number
X 8 X 8
X 7 X 7
X 6 X 6
X 5 X 5
X 4 X 4
X 3 X 3
X 2 X 2
X 1 X 1

Changing the hysteresis of the heater control for the bed

The controller for the temperature of the bed is controlled with a bang-bang-lo-
gic, which means turning off at max value and turning back on a min value. This
range is set in the config file, the old value is 1 °C. This means that the heater will
turn off at 1 °C above the setpoint ant turn on again at 1 °C below the setpoint. For
a smoother temperature control, the value is changed from 1 to 0.1.

Old New
temperature_control.bed.hysteresis 1 0.1

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VI. Appendix BigRep

CX – Config file
Manuals Gen3

Categorie Title Tools No. Nr.

Overview config – Version 04 2016

#Version: 1.32
# NOTE Lines must not exceed 132 characters
# Robot module configurations : general handling of movement
G-codes and slicing into moves
default_feed_rate 4000
# Default rate ( mm/minute ) for G1/G2/G3 moves
default_seek_rate 4000
# Default rate ( mm/minute ) for G0 moves
mm_per_arc_segment 0.5
# Arcs are cut into segments ( lines ), this is the length for

# these segments. Smaller values mean more resolution,

# higher values mean faster computation

mm_per_line_segment 0
# Lines can be cut into segments ( not usefull with cartesian

# coordinates robots ).
pause_z_move 5
# amount of z move in mm for pause and freeze routines

# Arm solution configuration : Cartesian robot. Translates mm

positions into stepper positions
alpha_steps_per_mm 53.33 # X-Axis stepper value; change if necessary after testing X-
Steps per mm for alpha stepper Axis steppers.
beta_steps_per_mm 44.44 # Y-Axis stepper value; change if necessary after testing Y-
Steps per mm for beta stepper Axis steppers.
gamma_steps_per_mm 3049 # Steps Z-Axis stepper value; change if necessary after testing Z-
per mm for gamma stepper Axis steppers.

# Planner module configuration : Look-ahead and acceleration

planner_queue_size 16 Buffer (lines) – NEVER change this value without
planner_queue_size_service 4
acceleration 300 # Acceleration in X and Y – NEVER change this value,
Acceleration in mm/second/second. without instructions!
z_acceleration 10 Acceleration in Z – NEVER change this value, without
# Acceleration for Z only moves in mm/s^2, 0 disables it, instructions!
disabled by default. DO NOT SET ON A DELTA
acceleration_ticks_per_second 1000
# Number of times per second the speed is updated
junction_deviation 0.05
# Similar to the old "max_jerk", in millimeters,

# see

# and

# Lower values mean being more careful, higher values means


# faster and have more jerk

#minimum_planner_speed 0.0
# sets the minimum planner speed in mm/sec

# Stepper module configuration

microseconds_per_step_pulse 1
# Duration of step pulses to stepper drivers, in microseconds
minimum_steps_per_minute 1200
# Never step slower than this
base_stepping_frequency 100000
# Base frequency for stepping, higher gives smoother movement

# Cartesian axis speed limits Max speed for each axis – NEVER change this value
x_axis_max_speed 100000 without instructions.
# mm/min
y_axis_max_speed 35000
# mm/min

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CX – Manuals Gen3

z_axis_max_speed 700
# mm/min

# Stepper module pins ( ports, and pin numbers, appending "!"

to the number will invert a pin )
alpha_step_pin 1.0
# Pin for alpha stepper step signal
alpha_dir_pin 1.1 #
Pin for alpha stepper direction
alpha_en_pin 0.15
# Pin for alpha enable pin
alpha_current 1.5
# X stepper motor current
alpha_max_rate 100000.0
# mm/min

beta_step_pin 1.4
# Pin for beta stepper step signal
beta_dir_pin 1.8 #
Pin for beta stepper direction
beta_en_pin 0.16
# Pin for beta enable
beta_current 1.5
# Y stepper motor current
beta_max_rate 35000.0
# mm/min

gamma_step_pin 1.9
# Pin for gamma stepper step sign
gamma_dir_pin 1.10 #
Pin for gamma stepper direction
gamma_en_pin 0.17
# Pin for gamma enable
gamma_current 1.5
# Z stepper motor current
gamma_max_rate 300.0
# mm/min

# Serial communications configuration ( baud rate default to

9600 if undefined )
uart0.baud_rate 115200
# Baud rate for the default hardware serial port
second_usb_serial_enable false
# This enables a second usb serial port (to have both

# and a terminal connected)

leds_disable false
# disable using leds after config loaded
play_led_disable false
# disable the play led
msd_disable false
# disable the MSD (USB SDCARD) when set to true (needs special
dfu_enable false
# for linux developers, set to true to enable DFU

# Extruder module configuration

extruder.T0.enable true #
Whether to activate the extruder module at all. All
configuration is ignored if false
extruder.T0.steps_per_mm 171 # Stepper value (flowrate) extruder T0 – change if
Steps per mm for extruder stepper necessary after testing flowrate
extruder.T0.default_feed_rate 600 #
Default rate ( mm/minute ) for moves where only the extruder
extruder.T0.acceleration 500 #
Acceleration for the stepper motor, as of 0.6, arbitrary ratio
extruder.T0.max_speed 50 #

extruder.T0.step_pin 1.14 #
Pin for extruder step signal
extruder.T0.dir_pin 1.15 #
Pin for extruder dir signal
extruder.T0.en_pin 0.18 #
Pin for extruder enable signal

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extruder.T0.mv_pin 0.4! #
Pin for extruder moving signal, for multi extruder usage
extruder.T0.fan_en_pin 0.0 #
Pin for associated fan to cool the filament

# extruder offset
extruder.T0.x_offset 86.75 Offset (distance) of both extruders/nozzles to each
# x offset from origin in ### mm 80.75 mm distance nozzle + other in X direction. Change if necessary after testing
6mm extruder.t1.offset ### dual extrusion.
extruder.T0.y_offset 6 # Offset (distance) of both extruders/nozzles to each
y offset from origin in mm other in Y direction. Change if necessary after testing
extruder.T0.z_offset 0 # dual extrusion.
z offset from origin in mm

# firmware retract settings when using G10/G11, these are the

defaults if not defined, must be defined for each extruder if
not using the defaults
#extruder.T0.retract_length 3 #
retract length in mm
#extruder.T0.retract_feedrate 45 #
retract feedrate in mm/sec
#extruder.T0.retract_recover_length 0 #
additional length for recover
#extruder.T0.retract_recover_feedrate 8 #
recover feedrate in mm/sec (should be less than retract
#extruder.T0.retract_zlift_length 0 #
zlift on retract in mm, 0 disables
#extruder.T0.retract_zlift_feedrate 6000 #
zlift feedrate in mm/min (Note mm/min NOT mm/sec)

delta_current 1.5 #
First extruder stepper motor current

# Second extruder module configuration

extruder.T1.enable true #
Whether to activate the extruder module at all. All
configuration is ignored if false
extruder.T1.steps_per_mm 171 # Stepper value (flowrate) extruder T1 – change if
Steps per mm for extruder stepper necessary after testing flowrate
extruder.T1.default_feed_rate 600 #
Default rate ( mm/minute ) for moves where only the extruder
extruder.T1.acceleration 500 #
Acceleration for the stepper motor, as of 0.6, arbitrary ratio
extruder.T1.max_speed 50 #

extruder.T1.step_pin 1.16 #
Pin for extruder step signal
extruder.T1.dir_pin 1.17 #
Pin for extruder dir signal
extruder.T1.en_pin 0.19 #
Pin for extruder enable signal
extruder.T1.mv_pin 0.5! #
Pin for extruder moving signal, for multi extruder usage
extruder.T1.fan_en_pin 0.1 #
Pin for associated fan to cool the filament

extruder.T1.x_offset 6 # x
offset from origin in mm ## if T1 is activated and G1 XO was
run the result is 6mm distance to the endstop ##
extruder.T1.y_offset 6 # y
offset from origin in mm
extruder.T1.z_offset 0 #
z offset from origin in mm
epsilon_current 1.5 #
Second extruder stepper motor current

extruder_lift_enable true
# only active extruder is down, other inactive extruders are
lifted up
extruder_lift_wait 1400
# because off slow movement of the lift, we have to wait to be
sure the nozzle is down, in ms

# filament detect settings, according to the strategy with

different behaviour for different sensors

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VI. Appendix BigRep

CX – Manuals Gen3

filament_detector_strategy.binary.enable true
# binary strategy module should be loaded
# the mapping of a filament detector to the appropriate
extruder is 1:1 according the order within this config file
filament_detector.T0.enable true
# set to trueif filament detection should be used
1.25! # pin on the boogieboard used for the
filament detector
binary # binary enabling means on/off sensor like
endstops, i.e. only filament availability is supervised

# encoder enabling means additional measuring of the filament

passed the sensor, besides filament availability
filament_detector.T1.enable true
# set to true if filament detection should be used
1.26! # pin on the boogieboard used for the
filament detector
binary # binary enabling means on/off sensor like
endstops, i.e. only filament availability is supervised

# encoder enabling means additional measuring of the filament

passed the sensor, besides filament availability
# parameters for binary strategy
#filament_detector_strategy_binary.T0.debounce_count 100
# uncomment if you get noise on your endstops, default is 100
#filament_detector_strategy_binary.T1.debounce_count 100
# uncomment if you get noise on your endstops, default is 100

# parameters for encoder strategy

#filament_detector_strategy_encoder.T0.bulge_pin nc
# pin used from encoder strategy to detect nozzle jams
#filament_detector_strategy_encoder.T0.seconds_per_check 2
# how many seconds between checks, must be long enough for
several pulses to be detected, but not too long
#filament_detector_strategy_encoder.T0.pulses_per_mm 1
# the number of pulses per mm of filament moving through the
detector, can be fractional

# Laser module configuration

laser_module_enable false
# Whether to activate the laser module at all. All
configuration is

# ignored if false.
#laser_module_pin 2.5
# this pin will be PWMed to control the laser. Only P2.0 -

# can be used since laser requires hardware PWM

#laser_module_max_power 0.8
# this is the maximum duty cycle that will be applied to the
#laser_module_tickle_power 0.0
# this duty cycle will be used for travel moves to keep the

# active without actually burning

#laser_module_pwm_period 20
# this sets the pwm frequency as the period in microseconds

# Global temperature control parameter settings

temperature_control.common_heater_power 400 # common
heater power, which must be shared with each heater

# Hotend temperature control configuration

temperature_control.T0.enable true #
Whether to activate this ( "hotend" ) module at all.

temperature_control.T0.sensor pt100 #
temperature_control.T0.pt100_pin 0.24 #
Pin for the thermistor to read
temperature_control.T0.heater_pin 2.0! #
Pin that controls the heater

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CX – Manuals Gen3

#temperature_control.T0.beta 4066 # or
set the beta value
All configuration is ignored if false.
#temperature_control.T0.bang_bang true

temperature_control.T0.p_factor 31.5 #
permanently set the PID values after an auto pid
temperature_control.T0.i_factor 3.978 #
temperature_control.T0.d_factor 62 #
temperature_control.T0.K1_factor 0.95 #
factor used for smoother PID temperature control mechanism

temperature_control.T0.heater_power 100 #
maximum used power from this heater
temperature_control.T0.max_pwm 255 #
max pwm, 64 is a good value if driving a 12v resistor with
temperature_control.T0.max_temperature 260 #
Max temperature in °C allowed for hotend heater.
temperature_control.T0.min_temperature 10 #
Min temperature in °C, which is recognized from the
temperature sensor.

#temperature_control.T0.readings_per_second 20
#temperature_control.T0.set_m_code 104 #
#temperature_control.T0.set_and_wait_m_code 109 #
#temperature_control.T0.designator T #

# T1 temperature control configuration

temperature_control.T1.enable true #
Whether to activate this ( "hotend" ) module at all.

temperature_control.T1.sensor pt100 #
temperature_control.T1.pt100_pin 0.26 #
Pin for the thermistor to read
temperature_control.T1.heater_pin 2.1! #
Pin that controls the heater
#temperature_control.T1.beta 4066 # or
set the beta value
All configuration is ignored if false.
#temperature_control.T1.bang_bang true

temperature_control.T1.p_factor 31.0 #
permanently set the PID values after an auto pid
temperature_control.T1.i_factor 3.978 #
temperature_control.T1.d_factor 62 #
temperature_control.T1.K1_factor 0.95 #
factor used for smoother PID temperature control mechanism

temperature_control.T1.heater_power 100 #
maximum used power from this heater
temperature_control.T1.max_pwm 255 #
max pwm, 64 is a good value if driving a 12v resistor with
temperature_control.T1.max_temperature 260 #
Max temperature in °C allowed for hotend heater.
temperature_control.T1.min_temperature 10 #
Min temperature in °C, which is recognized from the
temperature sensor.

#temperature_control.T1.readings_per_second 20
#temperature_control.T1.set_m_code 104 #
#temperature_control.T1.set_and_wait_m_code 109 #
#temperature_control.T1.designator T #

# Heatbed temperature control configuration

temperature_control.bed.enable true #

temperature_control.bed.sensor pt100 #
temperature_control.bed.pt100_pin 0.25 #
Pin for the thermistor to read

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CX – Manuals Gen3

temperature_control.bed.heater_pin 2.4 #
Pin that controls the heater
#temperature_control.bed.beta 4066 #
or set the beta value
All configuration is ignored if false.
#temperature_control.bed.p_factor 13.7 #
permanently set the PID values after an auto pid
#temperature_control.bed.i_factor 0.097 #
#temperature_control.bed.d_factor 24 #
#temperature_control.T0.K1_factor 0.95 #
factor used for smoother PID temperature control mechanism

#temperature_control.bed.max_pwm 255 #
max pwm, 64 is a good value if driving a 12v resistor with
temperature_control.bed.max_temperature 120 #
Max temperature in °C allowed for heated bed.
temperature_control.bed.min_temperature 0 #
Min temperature in °C, which is recognized from the
temperature sensor.

temperature_control.bed.bang_bang true #
set to true to use bang bang control rather than PID
temperature_control.bed.hysteresis 0.1 #
set to the temperature in degrees C to use as hysteresis
when using bang bang
#temperature_control.bed.readings_per_second 20
#temperature_control.bed.set_m_code 140 #
#temperature_control.bed.set_and_wait_m_code 190 #
#temperature_control.bed.designator B #

# Switch module for fan control true
# M106
# M107
# 2.2!
# pwm
# pwm output settable with S parameter in the input_on_comand 255
# set max pwm for the pin default is 255

#switch.misc.enable true
#switch.misc.input_on_command M42
#switch.misc.input_off_command M43
#switch.misc.output_pin 2.4
#switch.misc.output_type digital
# just an on or off pin

# automatically toggle a switch at a specified temperature.

Different ones of these may be defined to monitor different
temperatures and switch different swithxes
# useful to turn on a fan or water pump to cool the hotend
#temperatureswitch.hotend.enable true #
#temperatureswitch.hotend.designator T
# first character of the temperature control designator to use
as the temperature sensor to monitor
#temperatureswitch.hotend.switch misc
# select which switch to use, matches the name of the defined
#temperatureswitch.hotend.threshold_temp 60.0
# temperature to turn on (if rising) or off the switch
#temperatureswitch.hotend.heatup_poll 15
# poll heatup at 15 sec intervals
#temperatureswitch.hotend.cooldown_poll 60
# poll cooldown at 60 sec intervals

# Switch module for spindle control

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CX – Manuals Gen3

#switch.spindle.enable false

# Endstops
endstops_enable true
# the endstop module is enabled by default and can be disabled
#corexy_homing false
# set to true if homing on a hbit or corexy
alpha_min_endstop 1.18v!
# add a ! to invert if endstop is NO connected to ground
alpha_max_endstop 1.19v!
# NOTE set to nc if this is not installed
alpha_homing_direction home_to_min
# or set to home_to_max and set alpha_max
alpha_min 0
# this gets loaded after homing when home_to_min is set
alpha_max 1065
# this gets loaded after homing when home_to_max is set
beta_min_endstop 1.20v!
beta_max_endstop 1.21v!
beta_homing_direction home_to_min
beta_min 0
beta_max 1070
gamma_min_endstop 1.22v!
gamma_max_endstop 1.23v!
gamma_homing_direction home_to_min
gamma_min 0
gamma_max 1000

# optional order in which axis will home, default is they all

home at the same time,
# if this is set it will force each axis to home one at a time
in the specified order
homing_order XYZ
# x axis followed by y then z last

# optional enable limit switches, actions will stop if any

enabled limit switch is triggered
alpha_limit_enable true #
set to true to enable X min and max limit switches
beta_limit_enable true #
set to true to enable Y min and max limit switches
gamma_limit_enable true #
set to true to enable Z min and max limit switches

alpha_fast_homing_rate_mm_s 50
# feedrates in mm/second
beta_fast_homing_rate_mm_s 50
# "
gamma_fast_homing_rate_mm_s 4
# "
alpha_slow_homing_rate_mm_s 25
# "
beta_slow_homing_rate_mm_s 25
# "
gamma_slow_homing_rate_mm_s 2
# "
alpha_homing_retract_mm 5
# distance in mm
beta_homing_retract_mm 5
# "
gamma_homing_retract_mm 5
# "

#endstop_debounce_count 100
# uncomment if you get noise on your endstops, default is 100

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# optional Z probe
zprobe.enable true #
set to true to enable a zprobe
zprobe.probe_pin 1.28v #
pin probe is attached to if NC remove the !
zprobe.slow_feedrate 2 #
mm/sec probe feed rate
zprobe.return_feedrate 4 #
mm/sec probe return feed rate
#zprobe.debounce_count 100 #
set if noisy
zprobe.fast_feedrate 500 #
move feedrate mm/sec
zprobe.probe_height 30 #
how much above bed to start probe, value must be higher than
the probe z trigger on position
zprobe.max_bed_tilt 3 #
offset of z-min, which will not trigger z min endstop, because
of tilted plane

# associated with zprobe the leveling strategy to use

leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.enable true
# a leveling strategy that probes three points to define a
plane and keeps the Z parallel to that plane
0.0,200.0 # the first probe point (x,y) optional may be
defined with M557
500.0,800.0 # the second probe point (x,y)
800.0,200.0 # the third probe point (x,y)
leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.home_first true
# home the XY axis before probing
leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.tolerance 0.01
# the probe tolerance in mm, anything less than this will be
ignored, default is 0.03mm
leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.probe_offsets -150,- G32 Autoleveling Z-offset. Change if necessary after
70,15 # the probe offsets from nozzle, must be x,y,z, preleveling procedure. Only last value (Z) allowed to
default is no offset. Z is positive if below nozzle change. [X=-150, Y=-70, Z=15]
leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.save_plane true
# set to true to allow the bed plane to be saved with M500
default is false

# Pause button
pause_button_enable true

#Emergency Stop button

e_stop_button_pin 1.24!
# pin to indicate that the emergency button was pushed

#USV Battery Failure

usv_pin 1.27
# pin to indicate that the usv has got a failure

# Panel
panel.enable false
# set to true to enable the panel code
panel.lcd smoothiepanel
# set type of panel
panel.encoder_a_pin 3.25!^
# encoder pin
panel.encoder_b_pin 3.26!^
# encoder pin

# Example for reprap discount GLCD

# on glcd EXP1 is to left and EXP2 is to right, pin 1 is
bottom left, pin 2 is top left etc.
# +5v is EXP1 pin 10, Gnd is EXP1 pin 9
reprap_discount_glcd #
#panel.spi_channel 0
# spi channel to use ; GLCD EXP1 Pins 3,5 (MOSI, SCLK)
#panel.spi_cs_pin 0.16
# spi chip select ; GLCD EXP1 Pin 4
#panel.encoder_a_pin 3.25!^
# encoder pin ; GLCD EXP2 Pin 3

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CX – Manuals Gen3

#panel.encoder_b_pin 3.26!^
# encoder pin ; GLCD EXP2 Pin 5
#panel.click_button_pin 1.30!^
# click button ; GLCD EXP1 Pin 2
#panel.buzz_pin 1.31
# pin for buzzer ; GLCD EXP1 Pin 1
#panel.button_pause_pin 2.11^
# kill/pause ; GLCD EXP2 Pin 8 either
#panel.back_button_pin 2.11!^
# back button ; GLCD EXP2 Pin 8 or

# pins used with other panels

#panel.up_button_pin 0.1!
# up button if used
#panel.down_button_pin 0.0!
# down button if used
#panel.click_button_pin 0.18!
# click button if used

#panel.menu_offset 0
# some panels will need 1 here

#panel.alpha_jog_feedrate 6000
# x jogging feedrate in mm/min
#panel.beta_jog_feedrate 6000
# y jogging feedrate in mm/min
#panel.gamma_jog_feedrate 200
# z jogging feedrate in mm/min

#panel.hotend_temperature 185
# temp to set hotend when preheat is selected
#panel.bed_temperature 60
# temp to set bed when preheat is selected

# Example of a custom menu entry, which will show up in the

Custom entry.
# NOTE _ gets converted to space in the menu and commands, |
is used to separate multiple commands
custom_menu.power_on.enable true # Power_on #
custom_menu.power_on.command M80 #

custom_menu.power_off.enable true # Power_off #
custom_menu.power_off.command M81 #

# Only needed on a smoothieboard

currentcontrol_module_enable true

return_error_on_unhandled_gcode false

# network settings
#network.enable false
# enable the ethernet network services
#network.webserver.enable false
# enable the webserver
#network.telnet.enable false
# enable the telnet server
#network.ip_address auto
# use dhcp to get ip address
# uncomment the 3 below to manually setup ip address
#network.ip_address #
the IP address
# the ip mask
# the gateway address
xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx # override the mac address, only do this if
you have a conflict

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VI. Appendix BigRep

VI-D Getting Started Simplify3D


Slicing (creating G-Code) is a fully automatic process

– BUT settings used are crucial.
We do recommend and provide you with needed
presetting's for simplify3d. How to prepare:
1. Hardware: Make sure you have at least 8 GB ram
2. Install Simplify3D from
3. Buy a Simplify3D license
4. Download the BigRep factory file from your
customer portal
5. Double click the BigRep factory file - presetting's
will be loaded automatically

NOTE: This is a quick start guide, especially made for using simplify3d with your BigRep. You will find the most
important settings and descriptions to get started. For in depth knowledge about the software and each single setting,
we recommend to visit


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Slicing – model settings + place surface on bed

Most important:
• Avoid support
• Use correct size/measurements
• Place the model directly to the bed

In detail:
• Import Model: click at File / Import Model and
load a new .stl file
• Rotate: click at the model (1.), rotate in X,Y or
Z direction (2.)
• Scale: choose percentage or millimeter, before
uniform scaling recommended (2.)
• Last step: click at Center and Arrange (3.)


Slicing – most important settings

To choose the settings for your print, open the

process and go to advanced settings, most
important categories are:
• Extruder
• Layer
• Additions
• Infill
• Support

Note: Find a detailed description for each

categories at the following pages.

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VI. Appendix BigRep

Slicing – most important settings: Extruder

Most important:
• Choose the correct extruder (T0, T1)
• Choose the correct nozzle diameter you have
installed at the machine (.5 or 1mm)

In detail:
• Extrusion Multiplier = Flowrate, choose 1 as
• Extrusion Width = Single Outline Width, 10-20%
more than nozzle diameter is recommended,
but not a must
• Ooze Control = avoid overflow during z-moves,
standard values are recommended

Slicing – most important settings: Layer

Most important:
• Layer Height (resolution)  choose
between .6 and 1mm with 1mm nozzle &
between .2 and .5mm with 0.5mm nozzle

In detail:
• Top Solid Layers = number of solid layers at
the top of your sample. Choose at least 2.
Increase if you use little infill.
• Bottom Solid Layers = number of solid layers
at the bottom. 3 are recommended and
most often sufficient
• Outline/Perimeter Shells = number of loops
at the “walls”. Choose the correct amount to
avoid gaps or little infill structure.
• Start Points = the “seam” for z-moves.
Choose start point to for example “hide” the
seam in the back

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Slicing – most important settings: Additions

Most important:
• Always choose at least a skirt with one outline
to avoid imperfections within the first line of
your print

In detail:
• Skirt = One outline with offset
• Brim = Skirt with no offset and several lines.
Choose Brim to avoid warping and to ensure
that the print sticks to the bed more solid.
• Raft = Brim with layers also underneath the
print object.

Skirt Brim Raft

Slicing – most important settings: Infill

Most important:
• Choose at least 10% infill, more than 30% are
most often not necessary

In detail:
• Internal Fill Pattern = determines the infill
geometries. Recommended geometries are
Grid (fast) and Honeycomb (solid)
• Interior Fill Percentage = determines the interior

solid (honeycomb)
fast (Grid)

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Slicing – most important settings: Support

Most important:
• Activate / Deactivate Support
• Choose Extruder – whether you want to use
same material or special support material.

In detail:
• Support Infill Percentage = how solid your
support will be. 20% is most often a sufficient
• Dense Support Layers = interface between
support and model. Should be at least 2.
• Support Pillar Resolution = determines the
resolution of each support pillar. 1.5mm is
recommended for small parts. Up to 5mm for
big prints.

Preview and Transfer G-Code

Most important:
• Click at Prepare to Print to slice your model and to
enter the preview mode
• Inspect different layers and feature types
• Change settings and slice again if necessary
• Get build time and amount of material (note:
these values are appr.)
• Save your G-Code to Disk (USB-Stick)

In detail:
• Show in preview = determine the preview mode.
Recommended: Build table, Toolhead, Retractions
& Coloring Feature Type
• Preview By = use the slider next to End, to inspect
layer by layer
• Save Factory File = Click at File-Save Factory File
to save

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Advanced – Customized Support

Most important:
• Check automatic support
• Remove/add single structures

In detail:
• Activate = click at Tools/Custimze Support
• Support Pillar Resolution = determines the
resolution of each support pillar. 1.5mm is
recommended for small parts. Up to 5mm for
big prints.
• Generate Automatic Support = Generates before
supports structure similar to the regular slicing after
• Remove existing supports = remove single
support pillars
 To use your customized support structures,
just click at Done and start slicing

Advanced – Using Multiple Processes

Most important:
• You can create as many different processes
(settings) in z-direction or layers as you like to
• Use different extruders (materials or colours)
for different layers within one print
• Especially for different infill settings very useful

In detail:
• Add = create a new process. Settings will be
• Layer Modification = click at Advanced within
your process settings. Determine the start- and
stop height of the selected process
• Prepare to Print = Make sure to Select All
processes after you clicked at prepare to print

Process 1 – 15% infill & 0.8mm layer Process 2 – 40% infill & 0.6mm layer

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Advanced – Sequential Printing – Printing Part by Part

Most important:
• When you do not want to print several
models at once layer by layer, you can also
print them part by part
• Be aware of max height clearance between
X-Axis and Bed to avoid crashing into a print

In detail:
• Preparation: Create single processes for
each model
• Select Models = within your process settings
click at Select Models and choose one
• Prepare to Print: After you clicked at Prepare
to Print, select Sequential printing: object-by-

Advanced –avoid small infill geometries

Most important:
• Try to avoid small gaps between walls
• Gaps will either be filled with small infill
structure (takes a long time) or be hollow

What to do:
• Option 1 - Add another loop:
Go to Layer settings and increase
Outline/Perimeter Shells
• Option 2 – Increase Extrusion Width:
Go to Extruder settings and increase Extrusion
• Last step: Change settings, slice again, inspect
tool path

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