How To Find Pump Size and Pump Head Calculation

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How to find pump size and pump head calculation

(with formulas & explanation) in plumbing design

for potable water supply system?

Pump System Diagram

Flow Rate
Usually, the flow rate of liquid a pump needs to deliver is determined by the process in
which the pump is installed. This ultimately is defined by the mass and energy balance
of the process.
For instance the required flow rate of a pump feeding oil into a refinery distillation
column will be determined by how much product the column is required to
produce. Another example is the flow rate of a cooling water pump circulating water
through a heat exchanger is defined by the amount of heat transfer required.
Total Differential Head
The total differential head a pump must generate is determined by the flow rate of liquid
being pumped and the system through which the liquid flows.
Essentially, the total differential head is made up of2 components. The first is the static
head across the pump and the second is the frictional head loss through the suction and
discharge piping systems.

Total differential head = static head difference + frictional head losses

Static Head Difference
The static head difference across the pump is the difference in head between the
discharge static head and the suction static head.
Static head difference = discharge static head – suction static head

Discharge Static Head

The discharge static head is sum of the gas pressure at the surface of the liquid in the
discharge vessel (expressed as head rather than pressure) and the difference in
elevation between the outlet of the discharge pipe, and the centre line of the pump.
Discharge static head = Discharge vessel gas pressure head + elevation of
discharge pipe outlet – elevation of pump centre line

The discharge pipe outlet may be above the surface of the liquid in the discharge vessel or it may
be submerged as shown in these 3 diagrams.

Pump Discharge Above Liquid Surface

Submerged Pump Discharge Pipe

Discharge Pipe Enters The Bottom Of The Vessel

Suction Static Head

The suction static head is sum of the gas pressure at the surface of the liquid in the suction vessel
(expressed as head rather than pressure) and the difference in elevation between the surface of the
liquid in the suction vessel and the centre line of the pump.

Suction static head = Suction vessel gas pressure head + elevation of suction vessel liquid
surface – elevation of pump centre line
Note: gas pressure can be converted to head using:Gas head = gas pressure ÷ (liquid
density x acceleration due to gravity)

Pump Suction

Frictional Head Losses

The total frictional head losses in a system are comprised of the frictional losses in the
suction piping system and the frictional losses in the discharge piping system.
Frictional head losses = frictional losses in suction piping system + frictional
losses in discharge piping system
The frictional losses in the suction and discharge piping systems are the sum of the
frictional losses due to the liquid flowing through the pipes, fittings and equipment. The
frictional head losses are usually calculated from the Darcy-Weisbach equation using
friction factors and fittings factors to calculate the pressure loss in pipes and fittings.
Darcy-Weisbach equation:

In order to calculate the frictional head losses you therefore need to know the lengths
and diameters of the piping in the system and the number and type of fittings such as
bends, valves and other equipment.
Net Positive Suction Head Available

The net positive suction head available (NPSHa) is the difference between the absolute
pressure at the pump suction and the vapour pressure of the pumped liquid at the
pumping temperature.
It is important because for the pump to operate properly, the pressure at the pump
suction must exceed the vapour pressure for the pumped fluid to remain liquid in the
pump. If the vapour pressure exceeds the pressure at the pump suction, vapour
bubbles will form in the liquid. This is known as cavitation and leads to a loss of pump
efficiency and can result in significant pump damage.
To ensure that the pump operates correctly the net positive suction head available
(NPSHa) must exceed the net positive suction head required (NPSHr) for that particular
pump. The NPSHr is given by the pump manufacturer and is often shown on the pump
Net positive suction head available = absolute pressure head at the pump suction
– liquid vapour pressure head
Pump Power
Pumps are usually driven by electric motors, diesel engines or steam
turbines. Determining the power required is essential to sizing the pump driver.
Pump power = flow rate x total differential head x liquid density x acceleration
due to gravity ÷ pump efficiency

How To Size A Pump Example

Let’s look at an example to demonstrate how to size a pump.

30000 kg/hr of water needs to be pumped from one vessel to another through the
system shown in the diagram below. The water is at20C, has a density of998 kg/m3 , a
vapour pressure of0.023 bara and a viscosity of1cP. We’ll assume that the pump
efficiency is70%.
The calculation is presented below:
Pump flow rate =30 m3/hr
Pump total differential head =134.8 m
Net positive suction head available =22.13 m
Pump power =15.7 kW

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