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Question Bank
Semester VII

Department of Electrical Engineering

Question Bank for PSOC (ELET- Sem VII)


Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits

EEC701 Power System Operation and Control 5

1. To impart knowledge in power system operation and its control.
2. To study steady state and transient analysis in power system.
Outcomes: Students
1. Student should be capable to analyze power system problem and find
out its solutions.
Module Detailed Contents Hrs.

01 Load Flow Studies:

Network model formulation, Y bus formation and singular matrix
transformation. Load flow problem, Gauss Seidel (GS) methods. Newton 10
Raphson methods (NR) (Polar, Rectangular form). Decoupled, Fast
Decoupled load flow and comparison. Concept of DC loads flow.
02 Economic System Operation:
Generator operating cost:- input-output, Heat rate and IFC curve,
Constraints in operation, Coordinate equation, Exact coordinate equation,
Bmn coefficients, transmission loss formula. Economic operation with 08
limited fuel supply and shared generators, Economic exchange of
power between the areas Optimal unit commitment and reliability
03 Automatic Generation and control:
Load frequency control problem, Thermal Governing system and transfer
function. Steam Turbine and Power system transfer function.
Isolated power system:- static and dynamic response PI and control
implementation Two area load frequency control, static and dynamic
response Frequency biased Tie line Bias control-implementation and effect
Implementation of AGC, AGC in restructured power system, under
frequency load shedding, GRC, Dead band and its effect.
04 Inter Change of Power and Energy:
Multiple utility interchange transaction, Other types of transactions, Power
Pool. 04

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Question Bank for PSOC (ELET- Sem VII)

05 Power System Stability:Types of Stability Study, Dynamics of synchronous

machine, Power angle equation, Node elimination technique, Simple Systems,
Steady state stability, Transient stability, Equal area criteria and its applications, 10
Numerical solution of swing equation, Modified Euler‟s method.
06 Voltage stabilty:
Introduction, reactive power transmission, short circuit capacity, Problems
of reactive power transmission, rotor angle stability and voltage stability,
surge impedance loading, P-V and V- Q curve, various methods of voltage 04
control –shunt and series compensation.
Voltage Control- Tap changing transformers, Booster transformers, Static
voltage compensators, Thyristorised series voltage injection

Internal Assessment
Internal assessment consists of two tests out of which one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or
course project.
End Semester Examination: Some guidelines for setting the question papers are as, six
questions to be set each of 20 marks, out of these any four questions to be attempted by
students. Minimum 80% syllabus should be covered in question papers of end semester
Term work:
Term Work shall consist of minimum four programs or four Simulations based on above syllabus
and four tutorials covering the entire syllabus

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Question Bank for PSOC (ELET- Sem VII)

Contents Hrs

Network model formulation, Y bus formation and singular matrix transformation.

Load flow problem, Gauss Seidel (GS) methods. Newton Raphson methods (NR) 10
(Polar, Rectangular form). Decoupled, FastDecoupled load flow and comparison.
Concept of DC loads flow.

Unit Contents Marks

1 Load Flow studies 5M

Questions Marks
1. What are the assumptions made in Fast decoupled load flow studies? (May-16) 5M
2. In a two bus system,bus no:1 is a slack bus with V1=1<0 pu and bus no:2 is a 10M
load bus with demanded power of SD = 2.8+j0.6 p.u. The transmission line
connected between the buses 1 and 2 has impedance of Z=0.02+j0.04pu. Using
Gauss-Siedel method, calculate V2 at the end of 2nd iteration. ( May-16)
3. Compare GS and NR method of load flow studies(May-16,Dec-16, Dec-15) 10M
4. Write notes on Ybus matrix formation by singular transformation method 5M
(Dec-16, Dec-15)
5. Write steps involved in Gauss Seidel method for load flow analysis of a three bus 10M
system in which two buses are PQ buses and one bus is connected with a
generator. (Dec-16)
6 What are the types of buses and explain need of slack bus in load flow studies 5M

7 For the three bus system determine the magnitude of shunt succeptance of the
line connecting bus 1 and 2 for following YBUS
−13 10 5
j[ 10 −18 10 ]
5 10 −13
8.For the network shown in figure obtain the complex bus bar voltage at bus 2 at
the end of second iteration using G-S method.Line impedances are given in
p.uGiven bus 1 is slack bus with V1=1<0, P2+jQ2 = -5.6+j1.46. Assume V30=
1.02<0, V20=1<0(Dec-15)

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Question Bank for PSOC (ELET- Sem VII)


Contents Hrs

Economic System Operation:Generator operating cost:- input-output, Heat rate and

IFC curve,Constraints in operation, Coordinate equation, Exact coordinate equation,
Bmn coefficients, transmission loss formula. Economic operation with limited fuel
supply and shared generators, Economic exchange of power between the areas 08
,Optimal unit commitment and reliabilityconsiderations

Unit Contents Marks

2 Economic System Operation 20M

1. Draw and explain heat rate curve and input output curve(May-16) 5M

2. Derive the expression for exact coordination equation(May-16, Dec-16) 10M

3. Two generators rated 200 and 400 MW are operating in parallel.The droop 10M
characteristics of their governors are 4% and 5% resp. from no load to full
load. Assuming those generators are operating at 50 Hz at no load, how a load
of 600 MW would be shared between two units. What will be the system
frequency at this load? If load is now suddenly reduced by 200 MW what will
be now system frequency and load shared by each unit at this load.Assume
free governor operation. (May-16)
4. Write short notes on AGC in restructured power system (May-16) 5M
5. Draw input output curve and IFC curve of a generation unit (Dec-16) 5M

6. Incremental fuel costs in rupees per MWh for a plant consisting of two units 10M
𝑑𝐶 𝑑𝐶2
are:𝑑𝑃 1 = 0.2 𝑃𝐺1 + 40; = 0.4 𝑃𝐺2 + 30.Assume that both units are
𝐺1 𝑑𝑃𝐺2

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Question Bank for PSOC (ELET- Sem VII)

operating at all times and total load varies from 40MW to 250 MW and the
maximum and minimum load on each unit are to be 125MW and 20MW
resptly. How will the load be shared between two units as the system load
varies over full range. (Dec-16)

7. The fuel cost functions for three thermal plant in Rs/h are given as 10M
Where P1, P2 and P3 are in MW.The total load PL is 800MW.Neglecting
transmission line losses and generator limits, find the optimal dispatch and the
total cost in Rs/h.(Dec-15)
8. Derive formula for Bmn coefficients in transmission loss formula(Dec-15) 10M

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Question Bank for PSOC (ELET- Sem VII)


Contents Hrs

Automatic Generation and control: Load frequency control problem, Thermal

Governing system and transfer function. Steam Turbine and Power system transfer
function. Isolated power system:- static and dynamic response PI and control
implementation Two area load frequency control, static and dynamic response 12
Frequency biased Tie line Bias control-implementation and effect ,Implementation of
AGC, AGC in restructured power system, under frequency load shedding, GRC,
Dead band and its effect.

Unit Contents Marks

3 Automatic Generation and control 20M


1.What is area control error?(May-16) 05M

2.A system consists of two plants connected by a tie line and a load is located at plant 2. 10M
When 100 MW are transmitted from plant 1, a loss of 10MW takes place on the tie line.
Determine the generation schedule at both the plants and power received by the load when 𝜆
for the system is Rs.25per MWhr and the incremental fuel costs(IC) are given by the equations
below: (May-16)
3.Explain dynamic response of load frequency controller with and withgout integral 10M
control action(May-16)
4.Write short notes on AGC in restructured power system(May-16,Dec-15) 05M
5.For two area load frequency control obtain incremental tie line power equation and draw its block
diagram representation. (Dec-16) 10M
6.Explain proportional and integral line frequency control(Dec-16) 10M
7.Draw and explain turbine speed governor system and explain(Dec-16) 10M

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Question Bank for PSOC (ELET- Sem VII)


Contents Hrs

Inter Change of Power and Energy: 04

Multiple utility interchange transaction, Other types of transactions, Power Pool.

Unit Contents Marks

4. Inter Change of Power and Energy 10M

1. Explain diversity interchange(Dec-16) 5M

2. Write short notes on Power pool and its advantages and disadvantages (Dec-16) 10M

3. Write short notes on power pool and transactions(May-16) 5M

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Question Bank for PSOC (ELET- Sem VII)


Contents Hrs

Power System Stability:Types of Stability Study, Dynamics of synchronous machine,

Power angle equation, Node elimination technique, Simple Systems, Steady state 10
stability, Transient stability, Equal area criteria and its applications,
Numerical solution of swing equation, Modified Euler‟s method.

Unit Contents Marks

5. Power System Stability 10M
1.What are the assumptions made in transient stability studies? (May-16, 5M

. 2.Derive the swing equation for a synchronous machine that describes the rotor 10M
3.Explain how equal area criteria can be used for stability analysis(Dec-16) 5M
4.Explain step by step method for solution of swing equation (Dec-16) 10M

5.Define power system stability and classify it on the basis of nature of 5M


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Question Bank for PSOC (ELET- Sem VII)


Contents Hrs

6.1.Voltage stabilty:Introduction, reactive power transmission, short circuit capacity,

Problems of reactive power transmission, rotor angle stability and voltage stability,
surge impedance loading, P-V and V- Q curve, various methods of voltage control 04
–shunt and series compensation.
6.2.Voltage Control- Tap changing transformers, Booster transformers, Static
voltage compensators, Thyristorised series voltage injection

Unit Contents Marks

6. Voltage stability, Voltage Control 20M


1.Write short notes on P-V curve for voltage stability analysis(May-16) 5M

2. Consider a power system where a single machine tied to an infinite bus

through two parallel lines. Derive the critical clearing angle for stability if a
sudden short circuit occurs at the midpoint of one of the parallel lines. The
maximum power transmitted under pre-fault, during fault and post fault is
PmaxI, PmaxII, PmaxIII.(May-16)


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