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The 20th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 27 – September 01, 2017


L. Perdomo1,2, A. Alfonso1,2, F. Santamaria1 and F. Roman2
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Crr 7 # 40B-53 Bogotá, Colombia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Ciudad Universitaria, Bogotá, Colombia
[email protected]

Abstract: This article presents the results obtained from the sensitivity study of induced
transient overvoltages on electrical distribution networks, due to lightning discharges. This
research is part of the development of a recording system of transient overvoltages, which
involves telecommunication strategies and electromagnetic compatibility criteria for
designing printed circuit boards. In addition, by having multiple recorders connected to an
electrical distribution network of less than 13.2 kV, it is possible to infer some characteristics
about the origin of the registered disturbances. The results of induced transient voltages
on the electrical distribution network allow us to determine the dimension of the voltage
conditioning system, specifically the capacitive divider, with respect to magnitude and
The analysis was carried out by varying the plane of incidence of the TEM wave on the
distribution network, in order to emulate cloud-to-ground, cloud-to-cloud and intracloud
lightning discharges. The frequency response of the induced transient overvoltage was
also verified on one edge of the network. In addition, the variation in matched and non-
matched loads on the edges of the electric distribution network was analyzed to show the
reflections caused by changes in characteristic impedances. Subsequently, the
comparison of the frequency spectrum of the transient overvoltage was made at the
recording point.
Based on the sensitivity study, the actual model of the capacitive divider was selected. To
do this, the variation in the components of the present model of high- and low-voltage
capacitors was considered to select those that would transmit the signal to the transient
overvoltages to recorder reliably. The noise and the difference with the source signal were
identified to make adjustments at later stages regarding hardware or firmware aimed at the
proper processing of the signal. The study was developed on the software CST studio
through the Cable Studio module.

1 INTRODUCTION This type of analysis is performed to select the

elements that allow the conditioning of transient
Induced high voltages on the distribution networks overvoltage levels in aerial distribution networks to
in areas of energy due to close atmospheric levels acceptable by electronic elements. Similarly,
electrical discharges affect the normal operation of the conditioning system must be designed for a
the devices connected to those networks, even bandwidth in which the entire constitutive frequency
causing damage to them [1]. spectrum of the transient overvoltage can be
The magnitude of the induced voltages depends on
multiple variables such as network topology, For this reason, this study starts from the
discharge current front time and ground resistance. identification of the levels of induced transient
Depending on the combination of these variables, a overvoltage on distribution networks resulting from
magnitude higher than 20 kV can be obtained at low atmospheric electric discharges, together with the
voltage [2], hence the importance of calculating constitutive frequency components.
induced voltages. To that end, several methods
have been developed based on the solution of The design of the signal conditioning system is
Maxwell's equations, such as finite-difference time- performed based on the results obtained from the
domain algorithms, the Cooray-Rubinstein formula, sensitivity study of the induced transient
among others [3]–[6]. overvoltage.

The development of prototypes that allow the The development of this study is a contribution to
adequate recording of transient overvoltages, research on electrical disturbances in distribution
resulting from atmospheric electric discharges, networks as well as the development of prototypes
starts from the study of transient overvoltages in the that allow their characterization.
time domain and frequency [7]–[12].

The methodology implemented for the evaluation of

induced voltages on distribution networks, on the
one hand, involves the adequate reproduction of the
lightning current. On the other hand, a conductor
coupled to a ground plane is implemented through
resistances at their ends. Within this model, the
induced transient voltages are analyzed when an
atmospheric cloud-to-ground electric discharge
occurs and when an atmospheric cloud-to-cloud
and intracloud discharge occurs. In both cases, an Figure 1: Distribution of current for different points
analysis of the time domain and frequency will be of the channel varying the relative permittivity.
performed for induced transient voltages on
distribution networks. The work presented in [6], developed in the module
MWS of the CST Studio program, is used as a basis
Finally, the design and selection of constituent to carry out the analysis of induced voltages on
components are developed for the appropriate distribution networks; its implementation is
treatment of the transient signal to be registered. performed in the module of Cable Studio.
For this reason, the voltage divider and the
operational amplifier are evaluated in signal- 2.2 Geometric Model
follower mode in the time and frequency domains.
The geometric model consists of the discharge
2.1 Return stroke current channel through which the return stroke current
flows and the distribution network in which induced
Return stroke current, resulting from the electric transient voltages analysis is performed. Blue color
discharge, which has been the main source for the units along the discharge channel identify the
current analysis of induced voltages in the line, is "Lumped Elements" monitors, and the red color unit
based on the model presented in [6]. identifies the injection point of the return stroke
current. The characteristics of the distribution
The model consists of a thin conductor, which acts network studied (Section 2.2.1 and 2.2.2) are: The
as a monopole antenna, excited at its base by a conductor gauge is 2/0 AWG or 67.4 mm 2 area, and
lumped current source. The source is located is 6 m above the reference plane (PEC plane) as
between one end of the conductor and a plane with shown in Figure 2.
PEC (Perfect Electric Conductor) characteristics.
The conductor is surrounded by a dummy dielectric
in order to provide particular permittivity and relative
permeability characteristics.

The physical characteristics of the model are:

conductor radius (lightning channel) a = 0.23 m,
εr = 4, μr = 1, PEC plane area = 10x10 m2. A
discrete 10-m long port is inserted between the PEC
plane and the lightning channel, acting as a current
source. The magnitude of the return stroke current
is 12 kA and its maximum ascent ramp is 40 kA/μs,
according to [13].

Three current monitors are located along the

channel (150 m, 300 m and 600 m) with a resistance
of 1x10-5 Ω. Figure 1 presents the behavior of the
lightning current along the channel, following the
work presented in [6].Similarly, Figure 1 presents a
comparison of the relative permittivity behavior Figure 2: Implementation of the 3D model in Cable
when values εr = 4 and εr = 9 are assumed. Studio.
However, the results presented in this work use a
value of relative permittivity εr = 4 as a reference. In Figure 2, the yellow lines represent the terminal
impedances location; the blue line represents the
distribution network. It is important to note that in the
3D model, the terminal impedances values have not
yet been assigned.
Figure 3 shows the interaction of the 3D model with Then, the assessment of induced transient
the schematic electrical model, which allows to overvoltages on the distribution network is
evaluate the transient overvoltages depending on performed by varying the length of the conductor,
the terminal impedances values. In this sense, the keeping the value of the coupling resistances
terminal impedances are introduced, as external constant. The constructive parameters are: distance
resistors to the 3D model and the PEC plane that between the discharge channel and the distribution
acts as reference to the distribution network, is network: 10 m; variation in the length of the
directly connected to the reference of the electrical distribution network: 20 m, 50 m and 100 m
diagram. Figure 3, shows the location of the considering fixed terminal loads of 50 Ω and 450 Ω.
terminal impedances between the reference and the
distribution network. 2.2.2 Second case
The second development includes the analysis of
induced voltages on distribution networks based on
intracloud and cloud-to-cloud discharges. For this
purpose, the same type of lightning current
generator was considered, but the geometry of the
line varied, in order to emulate a current flow over
the distribution network.

The physical characteristics of the model are: length

of the distribution network: 35 m; height of the line
over the reference plane: 6 m; height above the
reference plane for current flow: 1,000 m. At one
end of the distribution network, a load of 450 Ω was
set and at the other end it was varied. The values
assumed for the study are 50 Ω, 100 Ω and 450 Ω.
Figure 3: Model implemented in the CST Design
Studio module of the CST Studio program. 3 RESULTS
Figure 4 shows the characteristic impedance of the The results presented in this section allow the
distribution network model. The constant line along identification of the voltage levels; the different
the frequency presents an approximation of the elements that interact in the distribution networks
characteristic impedance when the ohmic and are subject to these levels.
dielectric losses are not considered. The non-linear
curve has both types of losses. The induced voltage loops without considering the
reflections in the distribution network cause the
frequency response shown in Figure 5. It is possible
to infer that the first zero-crossing occurs at 30 kHz,
that is to say, this type of signal has a high
component in very low frequency and low frequency

Figure 4: Characteristic impedance of the

distribution network.

2.2.1 First case

To study the induced voltages, we analyze the case
of a conductor of the distribution network with fixed
length and variable loads connected at their ends. Figure 5: Response in induced voltage frequency in
The constructive parameters are: distance between the 3D model, provided by the voltage meter.
the discharge channel and the distribution network:
10 m; length of the distribution network: 20 m; one 3.1 Induced voltage
of the coupling loads at the ends with a fixed value
of 50 Ω and the other with a variation of 10, 50 and Figure 6-Figure 9 presents the results in the time
110 Ω. The measurements were made on the domain for induced transient overvoltages resulting
changes of characteristic impedance. from a return stroke current in a discharge channel.
3.1.1 First case Figure 8: Induced voltages with fixed terminal
impedances of 450 Ω, variable lengths in the
Figure 6 shows that the peaks reached by each
distribution network of 20 m, 50 m and 100 m.
overvoltage are 1.8 kV, 8.5 kV and 16.7 kV for the
length of 20 m in the distribution network and
3.1.2 Second case
terminal impedance of 10 Ω, 50 Ω and 110 Ω
respectively. Figure 9 shows that the peaks reached by each
overvoltage are 712.3 V, 1.29 kV and 3.57 kV for
the length of 35 m.

Figure 6: Induced voltages with length of the

network of 20 m, terminal impedances of 10 Ω, 50
Figure 9: Induced voltages with length of network
Ω and 110 Ω.
of 35 m, intracloud discharge at 1,000 m above the
reference plane and terminal impedances of 50 Ω,
Figure 7 suggests that for the case of fixed terminal
100 Ω and 450 Ω.
impedances of 50 , the peaks reached by each
overvoltage are 8.5 kV, 78.9 kV and 128.9 kV for
3.2 Resistive-Capacitive Divider
lengths of 20 m, 50 m and 100 m, respectively, in
the distribution network.
In order to verify the response of the capacitive
divider to transient overvoltages due to atmospheric
electrical discharges, the SPICE model of each
component of the constitutive divider (High and Low
Voltage Branch) was implemented in CST Design

The constitutive elements of the resistive-capacitive

divider are: for the high voltage branch, a resistance
of 1 kΩ in parallel with a capacitance of 10 pF, and
in the low voltage branch, a resistance of 1 Ω in
parallel with a capacitance of 10 nF.

Figure 7: Induced voltages with fixed terminal An overvoltage whose waveform corresponds to
impedances of 50 Ω, variable lengths in the 1.2/50 μs was applied and the peaks of the transient
distribution network of 20 m, 50 m and 100 m. overvoltages were compared in the high and low
voltage sides. It was possible to determine that the
Figure 8 suggests that for the case of fixed terminal real ratio of the capacitive divider is 1.021, as shown
impedances of 450 , the peaks reached by each in Figure 10.
overvoltage are 17.9 kV, 328.5 kV and 526.5 kV for
lengths of 20 m, 50 m and 100 m, respectively, in
the distribution network.

Figure 10: Response in the time domain of the

capacitive divider.
Figure 11 shows the frequency response of the
capacitive divider. As can be seen, the frequency
response is adequate up to 30 MHz, thus meeting
the requirement for the conditioning of the transient
voltage signal with respect to each frequency

Figure 13: Response in frequency of the

operational amplifier in signal follower mode.

3.4 Integration of Voltage Divider with Signal


The integration of the voltage divider model with the

Figure 11: Frequency response of the capacitive signal follower demonstrates the correct operation
divider. of the conditioning of the voltage signal. Figure 14
shows the connection of the different constituent
3.3 Signal decoupling elements and includes the interaction of the
microstrip line.
In order to carry out the decoupling of the signal at
the output of the capacitive divider, with respect to
the electronic units arranged for the recording of the
transient overvoltage, the implementation of a high-
speed operational amplifier was performed in signal
follower mode.

The technical characteristics of this unit are:

bandwidth: 200 MHz; exchange rate: 4,100 V/μs;
high output current: 100 mA; high open-loop gain:
85 dB, conditioned for operations ± 5 V and ± 15 V
and ideal for ADC/DAC systems.
Figure 14: Model of integration of the voltage
When applying a transient signal whose peak is 3 divider with the signal follower.
V, rise time is 0.3 μs and fall time is 15 μs, the
operational amplifier presents a response like that Figure 15 shows the frequency response of the
shown in Figure 12. The ratio of the peak integrated voltage conditioning model; an ideal
magnitude of the input transient signal to the output performance up to 30 MHz is observed.
signal is 0.999.

Figure 15: Frequency response of the voltage

conditioning model.
Figure 12: Response in the time domain of the
operational amplifier in signal follower mode.
According to Figure 13, the operational amplifier
Induced transient overvoltages on distribution
configured to follow the input signal has a good
networks can reach levels of 270 kV. This would
frequency response up to 50 MHz. The resonance
cause damage to the windings of the transformers
frequency is in the 141.9 MHz band.
or flutter along the networks, since their basic Gómez, “Transient surges analysis in low
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Edición especial doctorado, pp. 41–50, 2014.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Member, C. A. Nucci, S. Guerrieri, B. Kordi, J.
Chang, and S. Member, “Current and
This research is promoted by the National Fund for Electromagnetic Field Associated With
Funding of Science, Technology and innovation Lightning – Return Strokes to Tall Towers,” vol.
"Fondo Francisco José de Caldas" of the 43, no. 3, pp. 356–367, 2001.
Administrative Department of Science, Technology
and innovation - COLCIENCIAS (Contract:
FP44842 - 321 2015).

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