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School MORMS Grade Level 11

Teacher LENIE L. LOZARES Learning Area Understanding Culture,
Society and Politics
Teaching Date June 25 to 29 , 2018 Quarter 1
Relate their observations on social differences, social change, and identities, and discuss their
OBJECTIVE/S interrelatedness;
Demonstrate an interest and willingness to explore the origins and dynamics of culture,
society and politics.
The significance of studying culture, society, and politics

Adopt an open and critical attitude toward different social, political, and cultural phenomena
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS through observation and reflection.

Demonstrate curiosity and an openness to explore the origins and dynamics of culture and
LEARNING COMPETENCIES w/ LC Code society, and political identities. - UCSP11/12SPUIa-2
( Skills )
Analyze social, political, and cultural change. -UCSP11/12SPUIb-3

Starting points for the understanding of culture, society, and politics

Observations about social, political, and cultural behavior and phenomena
(examples: food taboos, istambay, political dynasties, elections)

Observations on social, political, and cultural change (examples: texting, transnational

families, local public services, youth volunteerism)


Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics –Rex Bookstore and C&E Publishing Inc and
Textbook Phoenix.

Additional Materials from Learning Resource

(LR) portal

REVIEW Ask the class about the previous lesson.

What they learn in the previous lesson.

Ask the students if they really understand the past lesson ?

Picture Analysis
MOTIVATION Show pictures to the students and ask them what they have observed in the pictures. Let
them describe what they see.
Is the behavior in the picture unique to Filipino Culture?
Why do you think Filipinos Behave that way ? or why do you think they practice such
Refer to the attached Activities

ABSTRACTION Social , Cultural and Political Change

APPLICATION 1. Interactive discussion

2. Problem-based learning (situational questions)

During the last five minutes of class ask students to reflect on the lesson and write down what
ASSESSMENT they’ve learned. Then, ask them to consider how they would apply this concept or skill in a
practical setting.


Assistant Principal II

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