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Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

Progress Test Files 1–6

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Practical English A

1 Underline the correct word(s) in each sentence.
Example: Are / Is / Do you John Jackson?
1 Where they are / are they / they’re from?
2 A Is she American?
B No, she not / she isn’t / is not.
3 A What / How / Where old are you?
B I’m twenty-six.
4 He’s old man / a old man / an old man.
5 That’s an umbrella / umbrella / a umbrella.
6 Are this / those / that your books?
7 I have a sister. His / Her / She name is Paula.
8 Where is Jack / Jacks / Jack’s father?
9 They are very expensives / expensivs / expensive watches.
10 It’s a nice bag / a bag nice / nice bag.
11 Do / Is / Does she like tea?
12 Mark and Jane teach / teachs / teaches German at school.
13 Anne doesn’t / don’t / do not eat meat.
14 He has / have / haves pasta for lunch.
15 I drink never wine / never drink wine / drink wine never.
16 A Do you always get up at 6:00?
B No, sometimes / never / always I get up at 7:00.


2 Complete the questions or answers with the correct auxiliary verb.

Example: A Do you like fruit?
B Yes, I do.
1 A Where _______ they?
B They’re at the party.
2 A _______ Carol drink coffee?
B I don’t know.
3 A What time _______ they get up?
B At seven thirty!
4 A How _______ you today?
B I’m fine. Thank you.
5 A _______ Peter from Australia?
B Yes, he’s Australian.
6 A What _______ people do in the winter in your country?
B They often go skiing.
7 A Are you cold?
B Yes, I _______.
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Progress Test Files 1–6

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Practical English A

3 Complete the sentences with one word from below.

am don’t We doesn’t never is Their
Example: Where do you live?
1 Peter _______ on vacation.
2 Jane and I come from New York. _______ are American.
3 Paul isn’t Canadian. He _______ come from Canada.
4 A Do they live in Japan?
B No, they _______.
5 I live in _______ old house.
6 I have two sisters. _______ names are Sheila and Penny.
7 A Do your parents sometimes go to restaurants?
B No, they _______ go to restaurants.

Grammar total 30

4 Complete the sentences with the correct word.
Example: Nice to meet you.
Hello meet excuse
1 Ana is from _______.
Spanish Mexican Brazil
2 Joe and Susie have three _______.
child childs children
3 The opposite of slow is _______.
fast short cheap
4 My grandmother is ________ years old.
seven-sixty sixty-seven six-seventy
5 Mrs. Jones has two children – a son and a _______.
daughter sister wife
6 I always _______ coffee in the morning.
eat cook drink
7 On weekends – Saturdays and _______ – I always get up late.
Thursdays Mondays Sundays
8 Jenny is _______ – she works in a hospital.
a waitress a lawyer a doctor
9 In the morning, I always _______ the radio.
watch read listen to
10 What _______ is it?
time hour clock
11 Teachers usually work in _______.
hotels schools hospitals
12 Jerry doesn’t _______ Portuguese.
speak live make
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Progress Test Files 1–6

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Practical English A

13 I go _______ work by bus.

to at on
14 In the evenings, I watch _______.
magazines television gym
15 In the winter, in the north, it’s often very _______.
hot cold tired
16 I don’t like to exercise. I _______ go to the gym.
always never sometimes

5 Complete the description with the correct verb from below.

have get play read go watch take have listen to go

On Sunday mornings, I don’t work, so I 1 ________ up late. I 2 ________ a shower. I

usually 3 ________ eggs and coffee for breakfast, then I 4 ________ the newspaper. In the
afternoon, I 5 ________ tennis or I 6 ________ to the gym. Then I 7 ________ something to
eat. In the evening, I 8 ________ TV or I 9 ________ the radio, or sometimes I 10 ________
to the movies.

6 Complete the dialogues with the question words and prepositions from the
When What Where Who How When
What When

on in at in on from in on
Example: A When do you usually go out with friends?
B On Friday nights.
1 A _______ do you live?
B I live in the city. But I go to my parents’ house _______ weekends.
2 A _______ time do you get up?
B _______ eight o’clock.
3 A _______ old are you?
B I’m 22 _______ Thursday.
4 A _______ do you do?
B I’m a police officer. I work _______ the morning.
5 A _______ is that?
B It’s my sister’s husband. He’s _______ Italy.
6 A _______ do you watch TV?
B _______ the evening.
7 A _______ do you go on vacation?
B _______ the summer.
Vocabulary total 40
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Progress Test Files 1–6

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Practical English A

9 Match responses a-k to questions or phrases 1-10.
Example: How old are you? c
1 Five dollars? Here you are. ____a____
2 What time is it? ________
3 What’s her name? ________
4 What kind of coffee is that? ________
5 Where is she from? ________
6 Is this your laptop? ________
7 It’s twelve thirty. ________
8 How much is a cup of coffee? ________
9 What time do you start work? ________
10 How do you spell your name? ________

a I’m twenty-three.
b It’s two thirty.
c Oh, no. I’m late!
d R-O-B-E-R-T-O.
e Yes, it is. It’s new.
f At eight thirty.
g Thanks. Here’s your change.
h It’s a cappuccino.
i It’s Marcia Lewis.
j She’s from Brazil.
k It’s three dollars and fifty cents.

Grammar, Vocabulary,and Practical English total 80

Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Progress Test Files 1–6

Reading A

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

A day in the life of a mail carrier

Peter Simpson is a mail carrier. He comes from a small town in Pennsylvania
but now he lives and works in Chicago, a big city in the United States.
Today, on World News Web, we ask Peter about his life and his job.

How do you start a normal working day, Peter?

Well, I get up at three thirty in the morning. I have breakfast and take a shower. I eat
eggs and I always drink a lot of coffee before I start work. It’s dark outside and it isn’t
easy to get up when it’s so early and so dark. Then I walk to the mail sorting center.
It’s about 20 minutes from my house.
What do you do at the mail sorting center?
I work with ten other mail carriers. We work for four hours putting letters into bags. It
isn’t difficult to do but we work very fast.
Then what do you do?
At about 8:30, I take my big bag of letters and walk outside. On a normal day, I
deliver letters to 600 addresses.
Do you like your job?
Yes. Well, usually. I don’t like it when it rains. And I don’t like working on Saturday
morning when everybody is in bed. But I meet a lot of people. Old people are very
friendly and I always talk to them. Some old people don’t talk to many people in a
day so I think it’s important to say hello and be friendly. And after lunch I’m free. I
don’t work in the afternoon, so I can go shopping or go biking when other people are
at work. That’s great!

Example: What does Peter do?

He’s a mail carrier.
1 What time does Peter get up? _______
2 Where does Peter live? _______
3 What does Peter eat and drink for breakfast? _______
4 Who does Peter work with? _______
5 What time does Peter leave the mail sorting center to start his walk? _______
6 Does Peter like working on Saturday? _______
7 What does Peter do in the afternoon? _______

Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Progress Test Files 1–6

Reading A

2 Read the text again and check () True or False.

Example: Peter Simpson is a teacher.
True False 
1 Peter lives in a small town.
True False
2 Peter doesn’t take a shower in the morning.
True False
3 Peter thinks it’s difficult to get up in the morning.
True False
4 Peter goes to the mail sorting center by car.
True False
5 Peter lives 20 minutes from the mail sorting center.
True False
6 Peter works in the mail sorting center for five hours every morning.
True False
7 Peter often delivers letters to six hundred houses in a day.
True False
8 Peter doesn’t meet many old people in his job.
True False

Reading total 15

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