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Ganesha Mantras For Success


Mantras are powerful combinations of sounds, letters and words. Mantras give rise to some very powerful vibrations
that can work on the different aspects of the individual and transform them to perfection. Mantras give good health,
wealth and happiness. They lead a man successfully in his spiritual journey. The Hindu tradition has given us a
treasure of mantras for anything and everything. Whatever be your goal in life, you can achieve it by chanting the right
mantra sincerely with faith. Here are some powerful mantras for achieving different objectives in life.

“Vakratunda Maha-Kaaya Surya-Kotti Samaprabha

Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvadaa ||”
Meaning - This is perhaps the most popular Ganesh mantra that means “I bow down to the Lord with a curved
trunk and huge body with the splendour of a crore of suns. Let him remove the obstacles in my way and move
my actions towards success.”
Chanting this mantra can win the blessings of Ganesha for the successful completion of the task at hand. It
also helps the individual attain health, wealth, good luck, fame, prosperity and success in life.

“Aum Ekadantaya Viddhamahe, Vakratundaya Dhimahi,

Tanno Danti Prachodayat॥
Meaning - The Ganesh Gayatri mantra given above means, “I meditate on the single tusked god with a
curved trunk and omnipresence. Let the elephant faced one bless me with a superior intellect.
This mantra promotes courage, righteousness and a clear vision and enhances the ability to make good
decisions in life.

“Om Gam Ganapataye Namah”

Meaning - This Bheej mantra or the seed mantra contains the sound that represents Lord Ganesh. The
mantra says, “I bow do minds and intellect.” Chanting this mantra is said to ward off the negative thoughts
and ensure success in all the undertakings.
Chanting this mantra as many times as possible before starting any work can give a clear way to success.

“Om Ganesh Rinnam Chhindhi Varenyam Hoong Namaah Phutt”

Rinn Harta is yet another name of Lord Ganesh. This term means the giver of wealth. The root words of this
title are derived from two words namely ‘Rinnam’ and ‘Harta’ meaning debts and remover respectively.
Praying to Lord Ganesh is said to remove the debts and bring abundance in one’s life.
Chanting this mantra is believed to remove the debts of a person and bless them with wealth and prosperity.

“Om Namo Siddhi Vinayakaya Sarva kaarya kartrey Sarva vighna

prashamnay Sarvarjaya Vashyakarnaya Sarvajan Sarvastree Purush
Aakarshanaya Shreeng Om Swaha.”
Meaning - The Siddhi Vinayak mantra is perhaps the most important of the Lord Ganesha mantras for
success. The mantra says, “Oh the Lord of happiness and wisdom, you are the one who can make anything
possible. You remove obstacles in life and you are the happiness of every man and woman on the earth.”
This mantra is chanted to attain success, enlightenment and prosperity.

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Maa Lakshmi Mantras
Offer Maa Lakshmi a red rose or a lotus flower and do a jap of these mantras for 125000 times. To gain best results,
these mantras should be chanted on Shukla Panchami, Purnima, Shubh nakshatra and during Chandravali.
When chanting these mantras, ensure you keep a deity of maa Lakshmi in front of you. She is the dynamic energy of
Lord Vishnu and bestows one with the blessings of luxury, abundance, wealth, and prosperity. She helps relieve all
miseries related to finances and debts.
Do a japa of this mantra 125000 times within a span of 72 days and a havan should be performed post this japa. This
is a Shodashopachar vidhi for Maa Lakshmi.

ॐ ीं ं ल ं भु वन महाल यै अ मांक दा र य नाशय चु र धन दे ह दे ह ल ं ं ीं ॐ

Om Shring Hring Kling Tribhuvan Mahalakshmyai Asmaakam Daaridray
Naashay Prachur Dhan Dehi Dehi Kling Hring Shring Om ?

This is a special Diwali Lakshmi mantra which needs to be recited 108 times into 21 times.

ॐ ीं ं ल ं ऐं स ॐ ं क ए ई ल ं ह स क ह ल ं सकल ं स ऐं ल ं ं ी ॐ।
Om Shring Hring Kling Aing Saung Om Hring Ka A Ee La Hring Ha Sa Ka Ha
La Hring Sakal Hring Saung Aing Kling Hring Shring Om?

This is a daily mantra that one must chant before going to office.

ॐ ीं ं ीं ं ल ं ीं महाल मी मम गृहे धनं पू रय पू रय चंतायै दूरय दूरय वाहा ।

Om Hring Shring Kreeng Shring Kreeng Kling Shring Mahaalakshmi Mam Grihe
Dhanam Pooray Pooray Chintaayai Dooray Dooray Swaha

Chant this Mahalakshmi Mantra to seek blessings from Mahalakshmi Maa for wealth and prosperity.

ॐ सवाबाधा व नमु तो, धन धा यः सु ताि वतः। मनु यो म सादे न भ व य त न संशयः ॐ

Om Sarvabaadhaa Vinirmukto, Dhan Dhaanyah Sutaanvitah | Manushyo
Matprasaaden Bhavishyati Na Sanshayah Om ||

Recite the Lakshmi Gayatri Mantra for success in life.

ॐ ी महाल यै च व हे व णु प यै च धीम ह त नो ल मी चोदयात ् ॐ ।।

Om Shree Mahalakshmyai Cha Vidraahe Vishnu Patrayai Cha Dheemahi
Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat Om ||

Chant the Lakshmi Beej Mantra to gain wealth and prosperity in abundance.
।।ॐ ीं य नमः ।।
|| Om Shring Shriye Namah ||
ॐ ऐं ं ीं ये ठ ल मी वय भु वे ं ये ठायै नमः ।।
Om Aing Hring Shring Jyesth Lakshmi Swayambhuve Hring Jyesthayai
Namah ||
।। ॐ ं ीं ल मी नृ संहाय नमः ।। ।। ॐ ल न ीं ल मी दे यै नमः ।।
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|| Om Hring Kshraung Shring Lakshmi Nrisinghay Namah || || Om Kling
Kshraung Shring Lakshmi Devyai Namah ||
।। ॐ ीं ं ल ं ीं स द ल यै नमः ।।
|| Om Shring Hring Kling Shring Sidhda Lakshmyai Namah ||
।। ॐ ऐं ं ीं ल ं सौ: [ ___ ] जगा सु यै नमः ।।
|| Om Aing Hring Shring Kling Sauh [___] Jagatprasutyai Namah ||

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Once you choose a mantra to chant, you must not chant them aloud to be heard by all. Chant them seated in sitting
posture keeping your spine in a straight position. Sit in front of the altar and chant the mantras in cycles of 21 or 108.

Lord Hayagreeva
Worshipping Lord Hayagreeva and chanting his mantras regularly can help conquer negative energies and move
successfully in life

Om Akshareshwaraya Vidmahe Mantra Rajaya Dheemahe

Tanno Hayagreeva Prachodayat
Om Vagishwaraye Vidmahe Hayagrivaye Dhimahi
Tanno Hayagreevah Prachodayat

Chanting the powerful mantras of Saraswati can help dispel ignorance, remove the mind from the clutches of negative
thoughts and infuse highly positive energy in it for overwhelming success.

Saraswati Gayatri Mantra

Om Vageeshwaryae Vidmahe Vagwadeenyae
Dhimahe Tannah Saraswati Prachodayat

Saraswati Sloka For Positive Thinking

Om Arham Mukha Kamala Vasini Papatma Kshayamkari
Vad Vad Vagvadini Saraswati Aim Hreem Namah Svaha॥

Shiv Mantras For Positive Thinking

When you seem to have lost all your confidence and fallen a prey for negative thoughts, take refuge in the power of
Mahamrutyunjaya mantra and see your life get transformed for better. Mahamrutyunjaya mantra infuses extreme
levels of self-confidence and bestows energy to body, mind and spirit.

Shiv Moola Mantra

Om Nama Shivaya

Mrutyunjaya Mantra
Om Tryambakam Yajaamahe
Sugandhim Pushtti-Vardhanam
UrvaarukamIva Bandhanaan
Mrtyor-Mukssiiya Maamrtaat

Hanuman Mantra For Positive Thinking

Hanuman Moola Mantra

Om Shri Hanumate Namah॥

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Hanuman Gayatri Mantra
Om Anjaneyaya Vidmahe Vayuputraya Dhimahi।
Tanno Hanumat Prachodayat॥

Hanuman Sloka

Manojavam Marutatulyavegam Jitendriyam Buddhimatam Varishtham।

Vatatmajam Vanarayuthamukhyam Shriramadutam Sharanam Prapadye॥

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Maa Katyayani - 6th Form Of Maa Durga

Maa Katyayani Nullifies Kundli Doshas

How to chant the Katyayani Mantra
 Use a Chandan Mala
 Offer red flowers
 Seat Maa Katyayani on a red asan and sit yourself on a red asan
 Wear red clothes for this puja
 Do a jaap of 1,25,000 times of the Katyayani Mantra
 The best time for chanting mantras is during the Shukla paksha, in Chandramavali, in Shubh Nakshatra and
during a shubh tithi.

Benefits of Katyayani Mantra

 Resolve marital issues
 Cures delayed marriage
 Removes Kuja or Mangal Dosha in the horoscope
 Bestows peace and happiness in married life
 Grants boon of progeny
 Meet desired husband/soul mate
 Clears path for love marriage

Katyayani Mantra

का याय न महामाये महायो ग यधी व र । न द गोपसु तं दे वप तं मे कु ते नमः

Katyayani Mahamaye Mahayoginyadheeshwari | Nandgopsutam Devipatim
Me Kuru te Namah ||

Katyayani Mantra For Delayed Marriages

हे गौ र शंकराधा ग यथा वं शंकर या । तथा मां कु क या ण का तकातां सु दल

ु भाम
Hey Gauri Shankarardhangi Yatha Tvam Shankarpriyaa| Tatha Mam Kuru
Kalyaani Kaantkatam Sudurlabhaam ||

Katyayani Surya Mantra For Delayed Marriages

ॐ दे वे ा ण नम तु यं दे वे य भा म न । ववाहं भा यमारो यं शी लाभं च दे ह मे
Om Devendrani Namastubhyam Devendrapriya Bhamini | Vivaaham
Bhagyamaarogyam Sheeghralabham Cha Dehi Me ||
Katyayani Marriage Mantra

।।ॐ ं का याय यै वाहा ।। ।। ं ीं का याय यै वाहा ।।

||Om Hring Katyaynyai Swaha || || Hring Shring Katyaynyai Swaha ||

Katyayani Mantra For Early Marriage

ॐ का याय न महामाये महायो ग यधी व र ।न दगोपसु तं दे व प तं मे कु ते नमः ।।
Om Katyayani Mahamaye Mahayoginyadhisvari | Nandgopasut Devi Patim
Me Kuru Te Namah ||

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Katyayani Mantra For Hassle-Free Marriage

हे गौर शंकराधा ग ण । यथा वं शंकर या । तथा माँ कु क या ण।का त कांता

सु दल
ु भाम ्।।
He Gauri Shankarardhangini| Yatha Tvam ShankaraPriya | Tatha Mang
Kuru Kalyani | Kant Kanta Sudurlabham ||

Katyayani Mantra For Desired Soul Mate

ॐ दे वे ा ण नम तु यं दे वे य भा म न। ववाहं भा यमारो यं शी ं च दे ह मे ।।
Om Devendrani Namastubhyam DevendraPriy Bhamini| Vivaham
BhagyaMarogyam Shighram ch Dehi me ||

Katyayani Mantra For A Blissful Married Life

ॐ शं शंकराय सकल ज मािजत पाप व वंस नाय पु षाथ चतु टय लाभाय च प तं मे
दे ह कु -कु वाहा ।।
Om Shang Shankaray Sakal Janmarjit paap Vidhvans Naay Purusharth
Chatustay Labhay ch Patim me Dehi Kuru-Kuru Swaha ||

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Powerful Mantras for Finding a Job


Surya Mantra – For Job And Abundance:

ऊँ ां ीं सः सू याय नमः।।
Meaning: “I Salute the Great Sun God for his Divine Grace.”
How To Do?
This Mantra brings amazing results for the people looking for job and prosperity. It is better that you start
this mantra on a Sunday morning, as it is the day of Surya Dev himself. It is believed that chanting 6 mala
of this mantra, every day for continuous 40 days, will bring positive results in your life.

Hanuman Mantra – For Promotion:

ॐ ी व दे हाय रामभ ताय वायु पु ाय नमो: तु ते ।
Meaning – “Oh the one with a thunderbolt like strong body, the most illustrative devotee of Lord Rama
and the son of Vayu Dev (Lord Air), I bow down to you and worship you!”
How To Do?
This mantra is beneficial for the people looking for success in their career. For amazing benefits, make
sure that you start chanting this mantra of his day – Tuesday. Sit in front of the idol/picture of Lord
Hanuman at the nearest temple. Chant this mantra in the multiples of 5 and orbit the temple in the same

Lakshmi Ganapati Mantra – For Dream Job:

ॐ गम ीम सव स ाधाये ीमगाम नमः

This mantra is a combination of Mahalakshmi beej mantra and beej mantra of Ganapati. This is why this
mantra is highly powerful. This mantra addresses Lord Ganesh, the one who bestows prosperity to his
How To Do?
To bring out the maximum benefits from this mantra, start chanting it on a Sunday. The best time to chant
this mantra is early in the morning. You can chant this mantra as many times as you want. This mantra
gives amazing results when a devotee chants this mantra with true dedication and sincerity.

Shakti Mantra – Success In Career:

ॐ ऐं ं ल ं चामु डायै व चे ||
This mantra cannot be translated. This mantra addresses Maha Shakti and asks her blessings to get
overwhelming success and prosperity in life.
How To Do?
Maa Shakti is known to protect her devotees from all the dangers and enemies. By chanting this mantra,
you can overcome your fear and troubles. You need to chant this mantra regularly in the morning and see
amazing results unfolding in your life. You can chant as many malas as you want.

Gayatri Mantra – For Courage And Energy

ॐ भू भु वः वः त स वतु वरे यं भग दे व यः धीम ह धयो यो नः चोदयात ||

Meaning: We worship the glory of that most adored Supreme Lord, the creator, whose divine light
illuminates all realms. May this divine light illuminate our Spiritual Consciousness.
How To Do?
There are three specific times in a day, when Gayatri mantra should be chanted. This are: before sunrise,
afternoon time and before sun set. Another thing is that this mantra should never be chanted with a loud

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Ramcharitmanas Mantra: For Getting Job:
व व भरण पोषण कर जोई | ताकर नाम भरत अस होई ||
Meaning: He who can take care of all the necessities of the entire world, his name will be as famous as
Bharat (Younger brother of Lord Ram)
How To Do?
This mantra is very powerful and helps the people looking for a job. However, to get effective results, one
has to chant this mantra regularly for 21 days or until you get the desired results. The best time to chant
this mantra is early morning. You should recite this mantra at least 108 times or 1 mala in a day.

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3 Effective Lakshmi Kubera Mantras to Attract Wealth & Prosperity

Each of these mantras have a different purpose and have different end results as well. Please read this article entirely
before chanting the mantras.

#1 Lakshmi Kubera Mantra

|Om Shree Mahalakshmyai Cha Vidmahe
Vishnu Patnyai Cha Dheemahi Tanno
Lakshmi Prachodayat Om|
Meaning of this mantra: I offer salutations to Maa Mahalakshmi and bow my head in honor of Lord
Vishnu’s wife. I seek her blessings to fulfill my desires.
Please note: This Maa Mahalakshmi mantras offers quick results. If your wish is fulfilled, it is upto you to
continue chanting this mantra.

#2 Lakshmi Kubera Mantra

|Om shrim hrim kleem eng saung Om
Hrim ka ee ii la hrim ha sa ka la hrim
Sakal hrim saung eng klim hrim sri Om|
Mantra Meaning: This is a Lakshmi Beeja Mantra and when chanting this mantra, you need to invoke the
name of the deity of whom you are seeking blessings.
For MahaLakshmi or Maa Durga, you can chant the names of ten forms of Maa Durga including Lakshmi,
Saraswati and Kaali. Ensure complete focus on the goddesses when chanting this mantra.

#3 Lakshmi Kubera Mantra:

|In shrim krim om kuber lakshmi kamla
Devnayae dhan karshinyae swaha|
Mantra Meaning: Dear Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kubera, I pray to thee! Bless me with prosperity and
Please Note: This mantra is effective for quick results and this mantra is a Beeja Mantra, hence very
effective. However, it must chanted on a daily basis during prayers. No errors should occur when
chanting this mantra else it can bring about harm.

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The Most Powerful Durga Mantra

To seek Maa Durga’s protection, one needs to chant the below mantra. This mantra is not a simple line in Sanskrit but
it holds the great power that resolves all issues and helps relax one’s mind.

Powerful Durga Mantra -

||Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaye Vichche||
Benefits of chanting this Durga mantra are:
 Strengthen the mind, body, and soul
 Improves concentration
 Enhance positivity in life and attitude
 Invoke prosperity and happiness
 Boosts sexual life
 Additionally, this mantra helps boost intellectual capacity and one can chant this on behalf of their kids as well.
 This mantra is beneficial for financial health and helps bring in more wealth too. If you are a stock market investor,
chanting this mantra will help you from the uncertainty of stocks.
 It helps build inner power, develop happy relationships and eradicate ignorance and negativity.
 If you are low on confidence, fearful and nervous, this mantra acts as a self-esteem booster. It helps attain inner
peace not only for the individual but for all their loved ones as well. It helps stay calm and cool.
 Chanting this mantra with complete faith helps to fulfill desires as well.

How to do
 Ensure you have bathed and dressed in clean clothes to wash away the impurities. Your aura needs to be pure to
absorb positivity. This mantra should be recited 108 times or until the multiple of 108. Friday is an auspicious day
for this Mantra chanting.
 Sit facing towards the east or north.
 Sit on a durrie or rug.
 Do the mantra jaap for 108 times using a crystal rosary or mala or rudraksha mala. Your hands and fingers should
be folded in the Gaumukh position.

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Powerful Mantras for Life

Mantra For Success

Success is the essence of every effort in life. Often you might confront some difficulties, challenges and obstacles in
your path. Chanting this Surya mantra can boost up your self-confidence and open the doors to success.

Surya Mantra For Success

“Aum Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaya Namah”
How to chant
Chant this mantra early in the morning after bath. Sit facing east in a way seeing the rising sun if
possible and chant six rosaries of this mantra for 41 days. You will see the obstacles clearing and
success coming to you smoothly.

Mantra For Love

When you fall in love with someone, you can chant the mantra for love to win the heart of the individual you love. This
Kali mantra can also remove the obstacles in the path of your love life and make you successfully realise your love

Kali Mantra For Love

“Om Hreem Kali Kapalini Ghornadini Viswam Vimohya Jagnmohya Sarv
Mohya Mohya th: th: th:”
How to chant
Sit in front of Mother Kali picture in your home. Sit on a mat after bath and chant the mantra 108 times a
day for 21 days to see your love coming to you.

Mantra For Money

Money is very essential for human life. Often you might face financial crunch and its consequences on your life. When
you need money for genuine reasons, chant the following Lakshmi mantra to see your difficulties disappear like mist
and money coming to you in lucky ways.

Lakshmi Mantra For Money

“Om Shring Hring Kling Tribhuvan Mahalakshmyai Asmaakam Daaridray
Naashay Prachur Dhan Dehi Dehi Kling Hring Shring Om”
How to chant
Use rosary made of crystal beads or lotus stem beads to chant the mantra. Offer lotus flowers to goddess
Lakshmi. Chant the mantra in cycles of 21 X 108 for 21 days to see desired results.

Mantra For Vashikaran

If your love is not coming through and the person is adamant, you can chant the powerful vashikaran mantra to charm
the individual and win them in your favour.

Kamdev Mantra For Vashikaran

“Om Kshan Ksham Kshah Sau H H Sah: Thah: Thah: Thah: Thah: Swaha”
How to chant
Chant this mantra 21,000 times in installments every time while preparing food. While chanting the mantra,
keep thinking of the person you love. Regularly eat the food cooked thus and you will find your love getting
attracted towards you.

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Guidelines To Chant Powerful Mantras

Mantras are the sound form of divine energies. Therefore they must be chanted with purity of heart and sincere
It is highly beneficial to chant mantras in the early morning after taking bath and sitting in front of the altar on a mat or
wooden plank.
Never use mantras for selfish or evil purposes as they can turn against you.

Shanti Mantra
Peace Is Highly Essential For A Life
Shanti or peace is highly essential for a life of fulfilment and happiness. Peace can be disturbed by several factors
both internal and external. Quite often we cannot dictate peace unless it is divinely blessed. Vedas contain a galaxy of
Shanti Mantras that pray for peace. These mantras invoke the blessings of the almighty to ensure peace on the earth
by setting right the internal and external environment in which we live. Here are a few powerful Shanti mantra chants
and their meanings.

Peace For All

Om sarveshaam swastir bhavatu Sarveshaam shantir bhavatu
Sarveshaam poornam bhavatu Sarveshaam mangalam bhavatu
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah Sarve santu niraamayaah
Sarve bhadraani pashyantu Maakaschit duhkha bhaag bhavet
Meaning: May all live in auspiciousness, peace, fullness and prosperity. May everyone be happy; May
everyone be without diseases; May everyone see only auspicious things around; May none suffer from

Prayer For Peace Within

Om asato maa satgamaya Tamaso maa jyotir gamaya Mrityor maa
amritam gamaya
Meaning: Lead us from falsehood to truth; Move us from darkness to light; Take us from death to

Prayer For Fulfillment

Om poornamadah poornamidam Poornaat poornamudachyate
Poornasya poornamaadaya Poornamevaavashishyate
Meaning: Fullness there and fullness here. From that fullness (Supreme Soul) emanated this fullness
(individual soul); Even when the fullness is separated from the fullness, fullness alone remains both
here and there.

Prayer For Peace From Universal Forces

Om sham no mitrah sham varunah sham no bhavatvaryamaa
Sham na indro brihaspatih sham no vishnururukramah
Namo brahmane namaste vaayo twameva pratyaksham
Brahmaasi twaameva pratyaksham brahma vadishyaami
Tanmaamavatu tadvaktaaramavatu Avatu maam avatu vaktaaram
Om shantih shantih shantih!
Meaning: May the universal energies like Mitra, Varuna and Aryaman be happy with us. May Indra and
Brihaspati do only good to us. We bow down to Brahma. We deem Vayu (Air) as the Brahman or life
force. I declare that you are visible Brahman; I declare that you are the eternal order (Rtam) in the
universe; May him protect me and my teacher. Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

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Peace During The Learning Process
Om saha naavavatu sahanau bhunaktu Saha veeryam karavaavahai
Tejasvi naavadheetamastu maa vidvishaavahai
Om shantih shantih shantih
Meaning: May the almighty protect us both ( the teacher and the student). May He lead us towards
enjoying liberation. May both of commit ourselves diligently to unravel the mystery of the holy texts.
May our studies move towards fulfilment. May we never quarrel with each other and let there be peace
everywhere around.

Prayer To The Supreme Power For Peace

Namaste sate te jagat kaaranaaya
Namaste chite sarva lokaashrayaaya
Namo dvaita tattwaaya mukti pradaaya
Namo brahmane vyaapine shaashvataaya
Meaning: I worship that supreme being, the source of all the universe. I salute that consciousness and
the support of all worlds. I salute the eternal one without a second that grants us liberation. I salute that
all pervasive Brahman which pervades over all the directions.

Prayer To The Supreme Lord To Keep The Evils Away

Om vishwaani deva savitar duritaani paraasuva
Yad bhadram tanma aasuva
Meaning: Oh the all-pervading Supreme Lord, you are the most effulgent creator of the universe. We
repose our complete faith and trust in you. Keep all the evil far from us and bestow all that is good to

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Best Mantras for Everything

Best Mantras For Everything

Since times immemorial, Humans have been falling back on powerful mantras in their lives for everything. Here are
the best mantras for everything that you can chant without any restrictions on place and time. When chanted with
devotion, faith and concentration, your chosen mantra can help you achieve anything on the earth if the desires are
genuine and harmless. This collection brings you miracle mantras from all over the world.

Mantra Of The Most Compassionate Buddha

“Om Nama Shivaya Shivaya Nama Om”
Meaning: Lord Shiva is the most compassionate one among all gods. Chanting Shiva mantra
continuously can liberate man from sorrows and sufferings and lead him to immortality. Shiva
mantra helps overcome fears of all kinds and enhance the productivity of humans in every walk
of life.

Best Mantra For The Welfare Of Everyone On The Earth

“Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu”
Meaning: This mantra translates into “Let all the beings everywhere be happy and peaceful”.
When we pray for the welfare and happiness of all beings, naturally we feel expansive and get
the divine protection for our own lives. Chant this at the end of meetings, congregations, pujas
and prayers.

Best Buddha Mantra For Healing

"Tayata Om Bekanze Bekanze Maha Bekanze Radza Samudgate
Meaning: This mantra of Lord Buddha is chanted for success, happiness and healing any
diseases. This mantra can benefit people and animals at all times and in all situations.

Mantra To Remove Obstacles And Pave Way To Success

“Om Gum Ganapataye Namah”
Meaning: This Ganapati mantra is one among the most powerful mantras as it contains the
bheej (seed) sound in it. This mantra can remove all obstacles in life and clear the mental
afflictions and confusions in the chanters. It can pave way for success in all walks of life.

Best Lakshmi Mantra For Prosperity And Wealth

"Om Shrim Maha Lakshmyai Namah”
Meaning: Goddess Lakshmi is the giver of all forms of wealth, happiness, prosperity and
auspiciousness. Chanting the Maha Lakshmi mantra can please the goddess and pray for
material prosperity and happiness in families.

Money Mantra From Buddhism

“Om Vasudhare Svaha”
Meaning: Lord Buddha is a compassionate Lord. This money mantra from Buddhism prays the
Lord to give wealth and prosperity to the chanter. Money is the basis of leading a decent and
comfortable life on the earth and also to secure the ends of life. Financial security is one of the
basic necessities for every human. Chant this mantra as many times as possible and see the
changes in your life.

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Best Mantra To Chant Before Going To Interviews
"Pravisi Nagar Kijal Sab Kaaja Hrudaya Rakhi Kosalpur Raja"
Meaning: This mantra is dedicated to Lord Sriram. Chant this mantra while appearing for an
interview or before starting for an important task connected to your family or business. This
mantra will help make the universal forces act in your favour to make your travel a success.

Mantra For Overall Success

"Krishna Krishna Mahaayogin Bhaktaanaam Bhayankara
Govinda Permaananda Sarvey Mey Vash Maanay"
Meaning: This mantra addresses Lord Krishna and prays for his blessings for the success of
any undertaking. Chant this mantra during the most crucial moments of your life and you will
find success coming to you quickly.

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Best Healing Mantras

Best Healing Mantras

Healthy mind and healthy body are the two wings that help soar up human life to great heights. Several things can
affect the health including the heredity, environment, mental afflictions, germs, foods, addictions, weathers and many
others. Whatever be the reason of poor health or an unhappy mind, you can fall back on these highly powerful and
best healing mantras to gain protection.

The Most Powerful Healing Mantra

Scriptures say that Maha Mrityunjaya mantra is the most powerful healing mantra that one can ever come across in
their life. This very powerful mantra can work on the body, mind and soul of the chanter to cure and rejuvenate them.


Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam!
Urvaru Kamiva Bandhanaan Mrutyor Moksheeya Maamritaat!!
Meaning: I meditate on the three eyed Lord Shiva. He is present in all of us in the form of fragrance. May the
Lord free us from sufferings and worldly bonds as a ripe cucumber is automatically released from the plant.

Healing Mantra For All Physical Problems

Dhanvantri mantra is the ultimate recourse for curing all kinds of diseases. Lord Dhanvantri is the incarnation of Lord
Vishnu. He emanated from the ocean of milk carrying the pot of nectar (the immortal ambrosia) when the gods and
demons churned it to attain immortality. Dhanvantri is the god of all healers and chanting Dhanvantri mantra can
remedy all physical problems.

Healing Mantra For All Physical Problems

Om Shri Dhanvantraye Namaha
Meaning: This mantra praises Lord Dhanvantri and seeks his blessings and protection for all
problems. Dhanvantri is the god of Ayurveda. His blessings can ensure sound health and a happy

The Universal Healing Mantra

The universal healing mantra is said to be the most powerful healing mantra to get a healthy body, mind and soul.
Notably, anyone can chant this mantra irrespective of the religion, creed, culture and nationality. This powerful mantra
can work on all aspects of the human personality and elevate them to higher states of perfection and refinement.

The Universal Healing Mantra

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung
Ra – Sun god
Ma – Moon god
Daa – Mother Earth
Saa – The eternal Self
Saa Say – The Supreme Reality
So – identifying the individual self with the higher self
Hung – Infinity, vibrations and reality

This powerful healing mantra addresses all the universal forces and directly establishes the communication between
the individual self and the universal self. Chanted universally by all people of all religions, this mantra can cure all
diseases of the body, mind and soul and purify an individual to perfection.

Mantra To Cure The Sinuses:

Chanting this mantra can remedy all the sinus related problems, respiratory diseases, asthma and

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Mantra To Cure The Ear Problems:
This mantra can remedy all the ear related problems, hearing disabilities and lack of balance while

Mantra To Cure The Eye Problems:

This eye mantra can cure the diseases of the eye and helps achieve a sharper vision.

Mantra To Cure The Throat Problems:

Gaa Gha
This is a very powerful mantra to cure the throat related ailments and help achieve a great voice and
speech abilities.

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Bhairav Mantra For Success

Lord Bhairav Is A Ferocious Manifestation Of Lord Shiva

Lord Bhairav is a ferocious manifestation of Lord Shiva. However, he is very compassionate and easily pleased. By
worshipping Lord Bhairav, you can conquer your enemies and win over all kinds of fears. The best time to worship
Lord Bhairav is during the Rahu Kaal on Sundays. Lord Bhairav guards the temples and he is the Kotwal of Goddess
Shakti temples also. Choose from the following mantras of Lord Bhairav for succeeding in all the ventures you take up
in life through the Lord’s blessings.

Bhairav Mantras
“Om Batuk Bhairvaye Namaha”
“Om Hreem Bum Batukaya Apadudharanaya Kuru Kuru Batukaya Hreem Om
Namaha Shiyaye ”
“Om Hraam Hreem Hroom Hrime Hroum Ksham Kshetrapaalaaya Kaala
Bhairavaaya Namaha”
“Om Jlong rahom Krom Uttarnath Bhairavay Swaha”

Gayatri Mantra Of Lord Bhairav

“Om Kaalakaalaaya Vidhmahey Kaalaatheethaaya dheemahi Thanno Kaala
Bhairava Prachodhayaath”
“Swarnat Vijaya Vidmahe Sula Hastaya Dhimahi Tanno Kala Bhairavaya

Lord Bhairav Shabar Mantra

“Bhairon Oochike Bhairon Koode Bhairon Shor Machave
Mere Kehna Na Karei To Kalikaa Ka Poot Na Kehve
Shabad Sancha Purho Mantra Eeshwaro Vacha”
Procedure To Chant Bhairav Mantra
Sit in front of a picture of Lord Bhairav or place Shree Bhairav Yantra in front of your while chanting any of these
mantras. Offer coconut, vermilion, mustard oil lamp, flowers and any special dish to the Lord and chant the select
mantra during the full stretch of Rahu Kaal time (4:30pm and 6:00pm) on Sunday. Sincere and dedicated chanting of
these mantras can bless you with the fulfillment of any of your desires.

Dos And Don’ts During Bhairav Puja

Start the chanting of the chosen mantra on a Sunday during the Rahu Kaal. Do puja to the Lord and start off with the
mantra chanting doing as many cycles as you can. Keep a count with a Rudraksha Mala. Continue the chanting
regimen till you complete the cycle of 1,25,000 mantras. On the last day of the chanting, do an elaborate puja to Lord
Bhairav and say your prayers. Never use the mantra for any evil purpose as there are chances for the mantra to revert
on you.

Follow These Rules During The Mantra Chanting

 Maintain a strict cleanliness of both body and the mind
 Never resort to falsehood
 Observe celibacy
 Eat only once on the days of mantra chanting
 Do not eat outside food on these days and strictly avoid non-vegetarian foods
 Do some good acts of charity and give money, clothes and food to the needy people
 Visit Lord Shiva and Bhairav temples and give alms and blankets to beggars

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Some Easy Ways To Please Lord Bhairav
 Along with the chanting of these mantras, you can also please Lord Bhairav in the following ways.
 Donate sesame seeds and mustard seeds to the needy
 Light mustard oil lamp in front of Lord Bhairav on Sundays during Rahu Kaal
 Feed black dogs and take good care of them
 Give clothes and food to the needy on Sundays and your birthdays
 Light sesame oil lamp in the doorstep of the house on Tuesdays

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Shri Suktam-The ultimate way to please Goddess Lakshmi

The glory and the divinity of Goddess Lakshmi have been spoken well in our spiritual scriptures. She has also been
adored by our great saints like Shri Adi Jagadguru Shankaracharya, Shri Vallabhacarya, shri Nimbarkacharya and the
like. We all know that Goddess Lakshmi is the divine consort of Lord Vishnu and that she emerged as one of the
fourteen ‘Rattan’ that emerged from the ocean during the Samudra Mathan. She has commonly been referred to as
“SHRI” meaning prosperity. In Astrology, she is the presiding deity of Venus. Therefore Friday, the day of Venus is
considered highly auspicious to worship Mahalakshmi. Any kind of worship to Goddess Lakshmi strengthens the
potential of Venus to deliver benefit results

Lakshmi and wealth

Loosely the term Lakshmi has been linked with finance/wealth but interestingly it is just one of the aspects related to
the divine mother. Almost everyone worships the divine mother for money and improving finances in their lives.
Remember that partial worship/prayer would yield partial results only. Shri Lakshmi assumed eight forms, known as
“ASHTA LAKSHMI” to eradicate poverty of eight kinds. Our scriptures say that a human being can face poverty on
eight fronts so it is very important to eradicate all with the divine blessings of Shri Lakshmi.

The following are the eight forms of Shri Lakshmi.

 Adi Lakshmi (Maha Lakshmi)
 Dhan Lakshmi ( bestower of wealth)
 Dhanya lakshmi (bestower of agricultural wealth)
 Gaja Lakshmi (bestower of power of royalty)
 Var Lakshmi ( bestower of beautiful boons)
 Santan Lakshmi ( bestower of progeny)
 Vijay Lakshmi ( bestower of success)
 Vidya Lakshmi (bestower of knowledge)

Why chant Shri Suktam

Now it is very difficult to worship all the forms of Goddess Lakshmi yet we would not like to miss on anyone of them. A
recitation called “Sri Suktam” solves this problem. Sri Suktam is originally a part of Rig Veda. No one wrote the Vedas
so no one technically authored Sri Suktam. The word Sukta means a statement of appreciation. The recitation of Sri
Sukta has been praised by the gods themselves as well as the great sages and saints that appeared on this earth. It is
even said that Shri Lakshmi may ignore any other recitation but she would never ignore the prayers through recitation
of Shri Suktam and Shri Kanak Dhara stotra. Therefore being dear to Goddess Lakshmi, this stotram is very fondly
chanted by a lot of people who wish to receive the blessings of the divine mother.

The essence of Shri Suktam

Sri Suktam is a prayer directed to Agni Dev, the fire god. It is interesting to note that Lord Vishnu happens to be the
Yagya Narayana and all the Aahutis in a Yagna are dedicated to Lord Shri Vishnu himself. After personally receiving
all the offerings made in the sacrificial power, it is Narayana who distributes the offerings that are due to different gods
and goddesses as intended by the performer of the sacrifice. So technically, the prayer to Agni Dev (JATVED) is
actually dedicated to Lord Shri Vishnu who is the husband of Goddess Lakshmi. It is a wonderfully composed prayer
in which the glory, radiance, beauty, divinity, motherhood, and blessings of Mother Lakshmi have been meticulously
described and all forms of Lakshmi are beautifully depicted.

The glories of Lakshmi

Lakshmi is the consort of Lord Vishnu, the protector of the entire universe. She was the daughter of Bhrigu, who took
refuge in the ocean of milk during the time when the demons captured all the worlds. While the ocean was churned by
the gods and demons, Lakshmi emerged from the ocean. She shone with brilliance and splendor and exceptional
beauty. She was given a choice to choose the one whom she will marry. At once, Lakshmi garlanded Lord Vishnu and
accepted him as her consort. Shri Lakshmi is Adi Shakti herself. All the gods and human beings have sought her
shelter at the time of their grief and she has satisfied the prayers of all. One should habitually recite Shri Suktam so
that he/she is able to overcome all the problems in life, enjoying a prosperous and happy life on the earth.

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The beauties of Shri Suktam
Shri Suktam gives a glorious picture of Lakshmi describing her in gorgeous terms. The hymn dwells on the brilliance
and splendor of Lakshmi and describes the golden and silver ornaments she wears. It is said the mere touch of
Lakshmi would give an individual cattle, horses, progeny, wealth, fame, servants and any other comforts one can
name. She nourishes of all the worlds and ensures there is no wants of any kind on the earth. Prosperity rules on this
earth only because of her and anything and everything about Lakshmi is splendid and amazing. Once the softly
glowing one is satisfied with her devotee, she reveals herself to them and makes them worthy of all gifts and

The benefits of chanting Shri Suktam

The recitation of Sri Suktam satisfies the divine mother to the utmost level and she showers her blessings upon her
children. One important prayer among the different suktas relates to destruction of Jyeshtha Lakshmi (Kshupti Paasaa
Malaam Jyeshtaam Alakshmir Nashayaam Aham). Shri Lakshmi has an elder sister known as Jyeshtha Lakshmi and
she is potent to do everything opposite what all Shri Lakshmi does. She rules grief, unhappiness, obstacles, conflicts,
abusive language, delays, failure etc. The recitation of Shri Suktam helps and eradicates the existence of Shri Jyeshta
Lakshmi from one’s life. Also remember that it is actually Shri Jyestha Lakshmi who has owl as her mount but Shri Adi
Lakshmi has Garuda as her mount. So while meditating on Lakshmi, one should recall the image of Shri Lakshmi with
Garuda and Jyeshta Lakshmi riding on an owl. Hence, chant Shri Suktam and get all your wishes fulfilled.

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Food habits and Astrology

The colours we like most are those which are weak in our aura. In today's time, we find most of the people wearing
more of red and black.

The colour red rules direction and black rules infection. The younger generation lacks direction and their bodies are
full of infections due to faulty eating habits. We attract what we lack. We can tell so much about a person by observing
his/her eating habits. Let us see how-

Those with Weak Food they like Result

Sun Will put more salt in their food This will result in weak bones, baldness,
problems related to heart and stomach.
Moon Will prefer rice to breads.they This will result in weak resolve, very
like juices with there food. emotional and problems with elderly
Mars Likes hot and very spicy food. They are likely to suffer from diabetes
They like consuming halwa and generally lack support from
Mercury Like eating eggs They suffer from weak memory
and weak nervous system.
Venus Like curd and foods prepared They may suffer from sexual weakness
in desi ghee.. and problems related to the opposite sex
Jupiter Likes chanaa daal and food They generally lack support from elders.
items prepared from besan
Saturn Llike urad ki daal. They like Legs and feets are weak areas.
bitter and cold foods. They
are fond of alcohol and
chewing of tobacco.
Rahu Llike urad ki daal. They like They are pot bellied and likely to suffer
bitter and cold foods. They much physically. They lack
are fond of alcohol and discrimination and have weak will power.
chewing of tobacco plus
smoking in larger quantities
Ketu Likes to eat food items made They suffer problems related to nerves.
of paneer and khataa, They also suffer from piles and acute
chatpatta food acidity.

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