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Corrigendum No. 1
and Amendment No. 1

Non-alloy steel tubes

and fittings for the
conveyance of water
and other aqueous
liquids — Technical
delivery conditions

The European Standard EN 10224:2002, with the incorporation of

amendment A1:2005, has the status of a British Standard

ICS 23.040.10; 23.040.40


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BS EN 10224:2002

National foreword
This British Standard is the official English language version of
EN 10224:2002, including amendment A1:2005. Together with BS EN 10311 it
will supersede BS 534:1990, which will be withdrawn upon publication of BS
EN 10311.
The start and finis hof text introduced or altered by CEN amendment is
indicated in the text by tags  . Tags indicating changes to CEN text carry
the number of the CEN amendment. For example, text altered by CEN
amendment A1 is indicated by  .
Changes made by CEN letter of correction January 2003 are indicated by a
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee
ISE/8, Steel pipes, to Subcommittee ISE/8/-/5, Pipes for water and sewage,
which has the responsibility to:

— aid enquirers to understand the text;

— present to the responsible international/European committee any

enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the
UK interests informed;
— monitor related international and European developments and
promulgate them in the UK.

A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on

request to its secretary.
The British Standards which implement international or European
publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Catalogue
under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or
by using the “Search” facility of the BSI Electronic Catalogue or of British
Standards Online.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity

from legal obligations.

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Engineering Summary of pages
Sector Policy and Strategy This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
Committee, was published pages 2 to 59 and a back cover.
under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy The BSI copyright date displayed in this document indicates when the
Committee on document was last issued.
11 December 2002

Amendments issued since publication

Amd. No. Date Comments

© BSI 14 March 2006 14334 3 February 2003 Implements CEN letter of correction
Corrigendum No. 1 January 2003

15787 14 March 2006 See national foreword

ISBN 0 580 40972 4

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December 2005
+ A1

ICS 23.040.10; 23.040.40

English version

Non-alloy steel tubes and fittings for the conveyance of water

and other aqueous liquids - Technical delivery conditions
(includes amendment A1:2005)

Tubes et raccords en acier non allié pour le transport de Rohre und Fittings aus unlegierten Stählen für den
liquides aqueux, incluant l'eau destinée à la consommation Transport wässriger Flüssigkeiten einschließlich
- Conditions techniques de livraison Trinkwasser - Technische Lieferbedingungen
(inclut l’amendement A1:2005) (enthält Änderung A1:2005)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 19 August 2002. Amendment A1 was approved by CEN on 25 April 2005.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the official

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2002 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide Ref. No. EN 10224:2002 + A1:2005 E
for CEN national Members.


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EN 10224:2002 (E)


Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 5
1 Scope............................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Normative references .................................................................................................................... 5
3 Terms, definitions and symbols ................................................................................................... 7
4 Classification and designation ..................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Classification.................................................................................................................................. 7
4.2 Designation..................................................................................................................................... 7
5 Information to be obtained by the manufacturer........................................................................ 8
5.1 Mandatory information .................................................................................................................. 8
5.2 Options............................................................................................................................................ 8
5.3 Examples of an order..................................................................................................................... 9
6 Manufacturing process.................................................................................................................. 9
6.1 Steel manufacturing process........................................................................................................ 9
6.2 Deoxidation process...................................................................................................................... 9
6.3 Product manufacture and delivery conditions ........................................................................... 9
7 Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 10
7.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 10
7.2 Chemical composition................................................................................................................. 11
7.3 Mechanical properties ................................................................................................................. 12
7.4 Appearance................................................................................................................................... 14
7.5 Soundness.................................................................................................................................... 14
7.6 Dimensions of tubes.................................................................................................................... 15
7.7 Tolerances for tubes.................................................................................................................... 17
7.8 Types and dimensions of fittings............................................................................................... 20
7.9 Tolerances for fittings ................................................................................................................. 25
7.10 End preparation of tubes and fittings for butt welding............................................................ 26
7.11 Reaction to fire ............................................................................................................................. 28
7.12 Dangerous substances................................................................................................................ 28
8 Inspection ..................................................................................................................................... 28
8.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 28
8.2 Inspection documents ................................................................................................................. 28
8.3 Content of inspection document................................................................................................ 29
8.4 Summary of inspection and testing ........................................................................................... 30
9 Sampling of tubes and fittings ................................................................................................... 32
9.1 Frequency of testing.................................................................................................................... 32

9.2 Location, orientation and preparation of samples and test pieces ........................................ 33
10 Test methods................................................................................................................................ 35
10.1 Chemical analysis ........................................................................................................................ 35
10.2 Mechanical tests .......................................................................................................................... 35
10.3 Leak tightness test....................................................................................................................... 36
10.4 Non-destructive test of the seam weld of welded tubes.......................................................... 36
10.5 Non destructive testing of the welds of fittings........................................................................ 37
10.6 Visual examination....................................................................................................................... 37
10.7 Dimensional inspection............................................................................................................... 37
11 Retests, sorting and reprocessing............................................................................................. 38

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EN 10224:2002 (E)

12 Marking ......................................................................................................................................... 38
13 Protective coating or lining......................................................................................................... 38
14 evaluation of conformity ............................................................................................................. 39
14.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 39
14.2 Initial type testing......................................................................................................................... 39
14.3 Factory production control ......................................................................................................... 40
Annex A (informative) Size range of tube manufacturing processes .................................................. 42

Annex B (informative) Relationship between outside diameter and nominal size (DN)..................... 43
Annex C (informative) Jointing ................................................................................................................ 44
C.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 44
C.2 Sleeve joints for welding ............................................................................................................. 44
C.3 Flange joints ................................................................................................................................. 45
C.4 Slip-on type couplings................................................................................................................. 45
C.5 Push fit and gasket type couplings............................................................................................ 50
C.6 Special joints ................................................................................................................................ 51
Annex D (informative) Coatings and linings ........................................................................................... 52
D.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 52
D.2 Coatings........................................................................................................................................ 52
D.3 Linings .......................................................................................................................................... 52
D.4 Relevant European Standards, published or under development.......................................... 53
Annex ZA (informative) Clauses of this European Standard addressing the provisions of
the EU Construction Products Directive ................................................................................... 54
Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................. 59

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EN 10224:2002 (E)


This document EN 10224:2002 has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISS/TC 29, "Steel
tubes and fittings for steel tubes" the secretariat of which is held by UNI.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by June 2003, and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by September 2004.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative annex ZA, which is an integral part of this
Annexes A to D are informative.
This document includes a Bibliography.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
 Another European Standard covering tubes for the conveyance of water and aqueous liquids is:
EN 10312, Welded stainless steel tubes for the conveyance of water and other aqueous liquids —
Technical delivery conditions.
Compliance of a product with this Standard does not confer a presumption of fitness of the product for
the transport of water intended for human consumption within the meaning of the Directive
89/106/EEC. However, until the operation of the envisaged European Acceptance Scheme for
construction products in contact with water intended for human consumption and the revision of the
present document, products complying with this document may be used for the transport of water
intended for human consumption if they comply with the relevant national, regional or local regulatory
provisions applicable in the place of use.

Foreword to amendment A1

This document (EN 10224:2002/A1:2005) has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISS/TC 29
“Steel tubes and fittings for steel tubes”, the secretariat of which is held by UNI.
This Amendment to the European Standard EN 10224:2002 shall be given the status of a national
standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by December 2005,
and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by December 2005.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

4 --`,``,,,`,`,`````,```,,,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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EN 10224:2002 (E)


This European Standard applies to tubular products in non-alloy steels for use with all types of
aqueous liquids.
In respect of potential adverse effects on the quality of water intended for human consumption,
caused by the product covered by this standard:
a) This standard provides no information as to whether the product may be used without restriction
in any of the Member States of the EU or EFTA;

b) It should be noted that, while awaiting the adoption of verifiable European criteria, existing
national regulations concerning the use and/or the characteristics of this product remain in force.

In addition to the requirements for the manufacture of tubes and fittings this European Standard
contains requirements for the end preparation of tubes and fittings for butt welding and guidance is
given in annex C on other types of jointing commonly used in piping systems for carrying aqueous
A range of commonly used coating and lining materials are identified in annex D of this standard for
information. The purchaser may select a coating and/or lining material suitable for the application
which should be applied in accordance with the appropriate standard. European Standards for
coatings and linings for steel tubes are being prepared in CEN and are listed in a table in annex D.

1 Scope
1.1 This document specifies technical delivery conditions for the products listed below when
used for the conveyance of water and other aqueous liquids:

 seamless and welded non-alloy steel tubes;

 end preparation of tubes and fittings for butt welding;

 fittings fabricated from tube;

 fittings fabricated from plate or strip.

NOTE This European Standard contains informative annexes giving guidance on tube sizes relevant to
each manufacturing process covered, the relationship between nominal outside diameter (D) and nominal size
(DN), on jointing other than butt welding, and on corrosion protection.

1.2 This European Standard covers a range of tube outside diameters from 26,9 mm to 2 743 mm.

2 Normative references

This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other
publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the
publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any
of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or
revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including
EN 287-1, Approval testing of welders - Fusion welding — Part 1: Steels.

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EN 10224:2002 (E)

EN 288-1, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Part 1:
General rules for fusion welding.
EN 288-2, Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials — Part 2: Welding
procedure specification for arc welding of steels.
EN 288-3, Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials — Part 3: Welding
procedure tests for arc welding of steels.
EN 571-1, Non Destructive Testing — Penetrant testing — Part 1: General principles.
EN 910, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Bend tests.
EN 1290, Non-destructive examination of welds — Magnetic particle examination of welds.
EN 1350-1, Fire classification of construction products and building elements — Part 1:
Classification using test data from reaction to fire tests.
EN 1435, Non-destructive examination of welds — Radiographic examination of welded joints.
EN 1714, Non-destructive examination of welds — Ultrasonic examination of welded joints.
EN 10002-1, Metallic materials - Tensile testing — Part 1: Method of test at ambient temperature.
EN 10020, Definition and classification of grades of steel.
EN 10021, General technical delivery requirements for steel and iron products.
EN 10052, Vocabulary of heat treatment terms for ferrous products.
EN 10168, Iron and steel products — Inspection documents — List of information and
EN 10204, Metallic products — Types of inspection documents.
EN 10220, Seamless and welded steel tubes — Dimensions and masses per unit length.
EN 10233, Metallic materials — Tube — Flattening test.
EN 10234, Metallic materials — Tube — Drift expanding test.
EN 10246-1, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 1: Automatic electromagnetic testing of
seamless and welded (except submerged arc welded) ferromagnetic steel tubes for verification of
hydraulic leak-tightness.
EN 10246-3, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 3: Automatic eddy current testing of
seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection of imperfections.
EN 10246-5, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 5: Automatic full peripheral magnetic
transducer/flux leakage testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc welded)
ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal imperfections.
EN 10246-7, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 7: Automatic full peripheral ultrasonic
testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc welded) steel tubes for the detection of
longitudinal imperfections.
EN 10246-8, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 8: Automatic ultrasonic testing of the weld
seam of electric welded steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal imperfections.
EN 10246-9, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 9: Automatic ultrasonic testing of the weld
seam of submerged arc welded steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal and/or transverse
EN 10246-10, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 10: Radiographic testing of the weld
seam of automatic fusion arc welded steel tubes for the detection of imperfections.
EN 10246-17, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 17: Ultrasonic testing of the tube ends of
seamless and welded steel tubes for the detection of laminar imperfections.
EN 10256, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Qualification and competence of level 1 and
level 2 non-destructive testing personnel.

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EN 10224:2002 (E)

EN 10266, Steel tubes, fittings and structural hollow sections — Definitions and symbols for
use in product standards.
CR 10261, Iron and steel — Review of available methods for chemical analysis.
EN ISO 377, Steel and steel products — Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for
mechanical testing (ISO 377:1997).
EN ISO 2566-1, Steel — Conversion of elongation values — Part 1: Carbon and low alloy steels
(ISO 2566-1:1984).
EN ISO 14284, Steel and iron — Sampling and preparation of samples for the determination of
chemical composition (ISO 14284:1996).

3 Terms, definitions and symbols

3.1 General

For the purposes of this European Standard the terms and definitions given in EN 10020, EN 10021,
EN 10052 and EN 10266 and the following apply.

The symbols used in this European Standard are defined in EN 10020, EN 10021, EN 10052 and
EN 10266.
Other symbols for sampling and testing are given in the appropriate sampling and testing standards
referenced in clauses 9 and 10

effective length
actual length that a tube contributes when correctly assembled in a run of piping

allowable operating pressure (PFA)
maximum hydrostatic pressure that a component is capable of withstanding continuously in service

organization for which a person works on a regular basis. The employer may be either the tube or
fitting manufacturer or a third party organization providing non-destructive testing (NDT) services

4 Classification and designation

4.1 Classification

All steels covered by this European Standard are classified as non-alloy steels in accordance with
EN 10020.
4.2 Designation

4.2.1 For products covered by this European Standard the steel designation consists of the number
of this European Standard (EN 10224) and either the steel name in accordance with EN 10027-1 and
CR 10260 or the steel number in accordance with EN 10027-2 (see Table 1).

4.2.2 The steel name consists of the following:

 the capital letter L for line pipe;


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EN 10224:2002 (E)

 the specified minimum yield strength of the steel for wall thicknesses less than or equal to
16 mm, expressed in MPa1 (see Table 3).

5 Information to be obtained by the manufacturer

5.1 Mandatory information

The following information shall be obtained by the manufacturer at the time of enquiry and order.
5.1.1 Tubes

a) the quantity (mass or total length or number );

b) the term ‘tube’;

c) the designation (see 4.2);

d) the dimensions (see 7.6);

e) the options required (see 5.2).

5.1.2 Fittings

a) the number;

b) the type of fitting (see 7.8);

c) the designation (see 4.2);

d) the dimensions (see 7.8);

e) the maximum and, where vacuum conditions exist, the minimum, allowable operating pressure
(see 7.1);

f) the options required (see 5.2)

5.2 Options

A number of options are specified in this European Standard and these are listed below. In the event
that the purchaser does not indicate his wish to implement any of these options, at the time of enquiry
and order the products shall be supplied in accordance with the basic specification.

Option: 1) The type of tube, seamless or welded shall be as specified (see
Option: 2) The weld area of electric welded tubes shall be heat treated (see
Option: 3) The maximum copper content shall be specified (see 7.2.1).
Option: 4) A product analysis shall be supplied (see 7.2.2).
Option: 5) Rectification of the body of submerged arc welded tubes and fittings by welding shall not be
permitted (see 7.4).
Option: 6) The tubes shall be supplied in approximate lengths (see 7.6.2).

1 1 N/mm2 = 1 MPa

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EN 10224:2002 (E)

Option: 7) The tubes shall be supplied in exact lengths (see 7.6.2).

Option: 8) The ends of tubes and/or fittings shall be prepared for butt welding (see 7.10.1).
Option: 9) An alternative bevel end preparation for butt welding shall be provided (see
Option: 10) Products shall be supplied with specific inspection and testing (see 8.1).
Option: 11) An inspection certificate 3.1.A or 3.1.C or an inspection report 3.2 shall be supplied (see 8.2).
Option: 12) The type of leak tightness test shall be as specified (see 10.3.1).
Option: 13) The hydrostatic test shall be carried out at a pressure of 1,5 x P.F.A. (see 10.3.2).
Option: 14) The method of non-destructive testing for the welds of fittings shall be as specified (see 10.5).
Option: 15) The tubes and fittings shall be supplied with a temporary mill protection (see clause 13).
Option: 16) The tubes shall be supplied with a coating and/or lining (see clause 13).
5.3 Examples of an order

Example 1
5 km of submerged arc welded tubes in accordance with EN 10224 with an external diameter of
914 mm and a thickness of 10,0 mm made from steel L275 with preparation of tube ends for butt
welding and subjected to specific inspection and testing.
5000 m - tube - EN 10224 - L275 - 914 u 10,0 - Options 1: SAW, 8 and 10.
Example 2
5 gusseted bends in accordance with EN 10224 with external diameter of 914 mm and thickness of
10,0 mm made from steel L275, with a 30q angle for operation at 10 bar gauge pressure, supplied
with an inspection certificate 3.1.C, and temporary mill protection.
5 - gusseted bends - EN 10224 - L275 - 914 x 10,0 - 30q - 10 bar - Options 11, 3.1.C and 15.

6 Manufacturing process

6.1 Steel manufacturing process

The steel manufacturing process is at the discretion of the tube or fittings manufacturer.
6.2 Deoxidation process

The steel shall be fully killed.

6.3 Product manufacture and delivery conditions

6.3.1 General

All NDT activities shall be carried out by qualified and competent level 1, level 2 and/or level 3 NDT
personnel authorized to operate by the employer.
Qualification shall be in accordance with EN 10256 or, at least an equivalent to it.
NOTE 1 It is recommended that level 3 personnel are certified in accordance with EN 473, or, at least, an
equivalent to it.

The operating authorization issued by the employer shall be in accordance with a written procedure.
NDT operations shall be authorized by a level 3 individual approved by the employer.
NOTE 2 The definitions of level 1, 2 and 3 can be found in appropriate standards e.g. EN 473 or EN 10256.

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EN 10224:2002 (E)


6.3.2 Tube Tube shall be manufactured from one of the steels specified in Table 1 and by one of the
following processes.

a) Seamless (S);

b) Butt welded (BW);

c) Electric welded (EW);

d) Submerged arc weld (SAW).

The welds of butt welded tubes shall be longitudinal; the welds of electric welded and submerged arc
welded tubes shall be either longitudinal or helical.
The tube manufacturing process is at the discretion of the manufacturer unless the type of tube,
seamless or welded, is specified by the purchaser.
Option 1 The type of tube, seamless or welded, is specified by the purchaser. The tubes shall then be
marked with an S or W as appropriate (see also 12.1e).
NOTE The manufacturing process is related to the tube diameter and thickness. Information on the typical
range of sizes and thicknesses available for each process is given in annex A. The tubes shall be supplied as welded, hot finished, cold formed or cold finished at the
discretion of the manufacturer. However, to achieve the required properties a heat treatment may be

The purchaser may specify that the weld area of as welded EW tubes shall be heat treated to produce
properties similar to those in the body of the tube.
Option 2 The weld area of EW tubes shall be heat treated. The delivered tubes shall not include welds used for joining together lengths of the hot or
cold rolled strip prior to forming except as specified in For helically welded submerged arc welded tubes the weld joining lengths of strip may be
part of the delivered tube provided that the weld is made by the same method of welding as the
helical seam weld.

6.3.3 Fittings Fittings shall be manufactured from tubes manufactured in accordance with this standard
or from plate or strip made from one of the steel grades in Table 1. All welds of fittings made from plate or strip and all fabrication welds shall be arc welds
and the preparation for welding and the welding shall be carried out to qualified procedures using
competent welders. Procedures in accordance with EN 288-1, 2 and 3 carried out by welders qualified
in accordance with EN 287-1 meet this requirement.

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EN 10224:2002 (E)

7 Requirements

7.1 General

Tubes and fittings, when inspected and tested in accordance with clauses 9 and 10, shall comply with
the requirements of 7.2 to 7.10 as appropriate. In addition to the requirements of this European
Standard the general technical delivery conditions specified in EN 10021 apply.

Fittings shall be designed to withstand a pressure of not less than 1,5 times the allowable operating
7.2 Chemical composition

7.2.1 Cast analysis

The cast analysis of the steel shall comply with the requirements of Table 1.

Table 1 — Chemical composition limits of the cast analysis

Steel grade C% Si % Mn % P% S%
Steel name Steel max max max max max
L235 0252 0,16 0,35 1,20 0,030 0,025
L275 0260 0,20 0,40 1,40 0,030 0,025
L355 0419 0,22 0,55 1,60 0,030 0,025
For steel L355 additions of niobium, titanium and vanadium are permitted at the discretion of the
manufacturer. In this case the inspection documents shall state the level of these elements.
Elements not included in Table 1 may be present but shall not be intentionally added to the steel
without the agreement of the purchaser, except for elements which may be added for finishing the
cast. All appropriate measures shall be taken by the steelmaker to prevent the addition of undesirable
elements from scrap or other materials used in the steelmaking process.
A maximum copper content lower than that permitted by EN 10020 may be specified by the purchaser
to facilitate subsequent forming operations.
Option 3 The maximum copper content is specified lower than that permitted by
EN 10020 for non alloy steel.

7.2.2 Product analysis

For products supplied with specific inspection and testing, and when specified by the purchaser, a
product analysis shall be provided for each grade of steel supplied.
Option 4 A product analysis shall be provided for each grade of steel supplied.
Table 2 specifies the permissible deviations of the product analysis from the specified limits for cast
analysis given in Table 1.


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EN 10224:2002 (E)

Table 2 — Permissible deviation of the product analysis from the specified cast
analysis limits given in Table 1

Element Limiting values Permissible deviation

% %
C d 0,20 + 0,02
> 0,20 + 0,03
Si d 0,55 + 0,05
Mn d 1,60 + 0,10
P d 0,030 + 0,005
S d 0,025 + 0,005
Cu d 0,35 + 0,05
> 0,35 + 0,07
NOTE When welding tubes or fittings produced according to this European Standard account should be
taken of the fact that the behaviour of the steel during and after welding is dependent not only on the steel, but
also on the conditions of preparing for and carrying out the welding.

7.3 Mechanical properties

7.3.1 Tensile test for tubes and fittings

The minimum yield strength, tensile strength range and minimum elongation for the tubes and fittings
covered by this European Standard shall be in accordance with Table 3.
For even curvature bends and fittings made from plate or strip the tensile test properties shall be
determined after forming.
NOTE The tensile test properties may be affected by subsequent heating or reheat treatments. Purchasers
who intend to heat or reheat treat any of the products are advised to discuss the application and proposed
heating or reheat treatment with the manufacturer.


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Table 3 — Mechanical properties at room temperatures
Steel name Tensile Minimum yield strength Minimum elongation Diameter of For the drift expanding
strength Re MPa A% mandrel for the testc
Rm MPa for thicknesses in mm (Lo = 5,65 — So) weld bend test % increase in d/D d ratio
T d 16 T > 16 lb tb d 0,8 > 0,8
L235 360 to 500 235 225 25 23 3T 10 12

L275 430 to 570 275 265 21 19 4T 8 10
L355 500 to 650 355 345 21 19 4T 6 8
Re shall be ReH, or if a yield phenomenon is not present, Rp0,2 or Rt 0,5. See 10.2.1.
l – longitudinal
t – transverse
Applicable only to tubes of diameter less than or equal to 150 mm and thicknesses less than or equal to 10 mm.
d = D-2T

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7.3.2 Flattening test for tubes

Except as permitted by 7.3.3 BW and EW tubes shall pass a flattening test in accordance with
10.2.2. No cracks or imperfections shall be permitted in the metal or in the weld except that
cracks originating at the edges of the test piece which are less than 6 mm long and which do not
penetrate through the wall shall not be cause for rejection.
7.3.3 Drift expanding test for tubes

The drift expanding test may replace the flattening test for tubes up to and including 150 mm
diameter and 10 mm thickness at the discretion of the manufacturer.
BW and EW tubes shall pass a drift expanding test in accordance with 10.2.3. No cracks or
imperfections shall be permitted in the metal or in the weld, except that slight incipient cracking at
the edges of the test piece shall not be cause for rejection.

7.3.4 Weld bend test for tubes and fittings The weld of submerged arc welded tubes and the seam weld of fittings and fittings
components made from plate or strip shall pass a weld bend test in accordance with 10.2.4. on
the root and face of the weld using a mandrel of diameter specified in Table 3. No cracks or
imperfections shall be permitted in the weld metal, fusion line, heat affected zone or parent metal,
except as permitted in The opening out of an imperfection due to incomplete root penetration or lack of
fusion shall not be cause for rejection, provided that the imperfection has sound metal at the back
and on each side of it. Cracks originating at the edges of the test piece which are less than 6 mm
long and which do not penetrate through the wall shall not be cause for rejection.

7.4 Appearance

Tubes and fittings shall be free from external and internal surface defects which can be
established by visual inspection in accordance with this European Standard.
The outside surface condition, and where practicable, the inside surface condition shall be such
that surface defects, and/or surface imperfections requiring rectification, can be identified.
It shall be permissible to rectify surface imperfections by grinding or machining provided that after
so doing the wall thickness in the rectified area is not less than the specified minimum thickness.
All ground or machined areas shall blend smoothly into the contour of the tube.
Surface imperfections which encroach on the minimum permissible wall thickness shall be
considered defects and shall not be permitted. Rectification of such defects in SAW tubes by
grinding or machining followed by welding shall be permitted on the body of SAW tubes and on
fittings unless option (5) is specified by the purchaser.
Option 5 Rectification of the body of SAW tubes and fittings by welding shall not be permitted.
Rectification of the weld seam of BW and EW tubes is not permitted. Rectification of the seam
weld of SAW tubes and fittings made from SAW tubes in accordance with an established
procedure shall be permitted. The rectified tube or fitting shall be tested in accordance with 10.3
and 10.4 or 10.5 as appropriate.

7.5 Soundness

7.5.1 General

Tubes and fittings shall meet the requirements for soundness and freedom from internal
imperfections specified in 7.5.2 and 7.5.3.

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7.5.2 Leak tightness

All tubes and fittings shall be leak tight. Leak tightness shall be demonstrated either by a
hydrostatic test in accordance with 10.3.2 or by an electromagnetic test in accordance with
NOTE SAW tubes are tested in accordance with 10.3.2.

7.5.3 Soundness of welds

The welds of all tubes and fittings shall be shown to be sound when tested in accordance with the
requirements of 10.4 for tubes and 10.5 for fittings.

7.6 Dimensions of tubes

7.6.1 Outside diameter and thickness

The outside diameters and thicknesses of tubes appropriate to this European Standard are given
in Table 4. With the exception of tubes of 2 642 mm and 2 743 mm diameter, they are in
accordance with ENV 10220.
NOTE Other diameters and/or thicknesses may be available by agreement with the manufacturer.


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Table 4 — Tube outside diameter and thickness

Outside diameter

1 2 3 2 2,3 2,6 2,9 3,2 3,6 4 4,5 5 5,4 5,6 6,3 7,1 8 8,8 10 11 12,5 14,2 16 17,5 20 22,2 25
508 559

1) Note 1: Series 1 = Tubes for which all the accessories needed for the construction of piping system are standardized
Note 2: Series 2 = Tubes for which not all the accessories are standardized
Note 3: Series 3 = Tube for special application for which very few standardized accessories exist


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7.6.2 Length

Tubes shall be supplied in random lengths in accordance with Table 5 unless otherwise specified
by the purchaser.
NOTE 1 The range of lengths depends upon the tube manufacturing process.

The purchaser may specify the delivery length either as an approximate length within the range
6 m to 16 m (see option 6) or as an exact length (see option 7).
NOTE 2 Approximate lengths and exact lengths differ in the tolerance on the length (see 7.7.6).

Option 6 The tubes shall be supplied in approximate lengths. The length within the range 6 m to
16 m shall be specified by the purchaser.
Option 7 The tubes shall be supplied in exact lengths. The length shall be specified by the

Table 5 — Random lengths - specified length ranges and minimum average lengths

Specified length ranges Minimum average length in 100 % of

order item
m m
3-8 6
4-12 8
5,5-14 11
6,5-16,5 13
7,5-18 14,5

7.7 Tolerances for tubes

7.7.1 General

Except as specified in 7.10, the tolerances on the diameter and out of roundness of tubes shall
not exceed the values specified in 7.7.2 and 7.7.3 for the appropriate method of manufacture.
7.7.2 Outside diameter

Except as specified in 7.10.1 the tolerances on outside diameter shall be as given in, and Seamless tube

The tolerance on outside diameter shall not exceed r 1 % of the diameter with a minimum of
r 0,5 mm. Electric welded and butt welded tube

The tolerance on outside diameter shall not exceed the values given in Table 6.

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Table 6 — Tolerance on the outside diameter for EW and BW tubes

Outside diameter Tolerance

d 219,1 r 1 % of diameter with a minimum of r 0,5 mm
> 219,1 r 0,75 % of diameter Submerged arc welded tubes

The tolerance on the outside diameter shall not exceed r 0,75 % of diameter with a maximum of
r 6 mm for diameters up to and including 2 032 mm. For tube of diameter greater than 2 032 mm
the tolerance shall be agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
7.7.3 Out of roundness

For tubes with a ratio of outside diameter to thickness (D/T) less than or equal to 100, the out of
roundness, calculated in accordance with the following equation, shall not exceed 2 %.
(D max D min )
Out of roundness (O) = 100
D max is the maximum outside diameter (mm) and D min is the minimum outside diameter (mm)
measured in the same plane.
For tubes with D/T greater than 100 a maximum for the out of roundness shall be agreed between
the purchaser and the manufacturer.
7.7.4 Wall thickness

The tolerance on thickness shall not exceed the values given in,, or for the
corresponding method of manufacture. Seamless tubes

The tolerance on thickness shall not exceed the values given in Table 7.

Table 7 — Tolerance on thickness for seamless tubes

Outside Tolerance on thickness for T/D ratio (%)

mm d 2,5 > 2,5 > 5,0 > 10,0
d 5,0 d 10,0
d 219,1 r 12,5 % or r 0,4 mm whichever is the greater
> 219,1 r 20 % r 15 % r 12,5 % r 10 % Electric welded and butt welded tubes

The tolerances on thickness excluding the weld area shall not exceed r 10 % or r 0,3 mm,
whichever is the greater.
The minimum thickness in the area of the weld shall be not less than that permitted for the body
of the tube.

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The external weld bead of electric welded tube shall be removed by trimming and that of butt
welded tube shall be rolled flush.
The height of the internal weld bead shall not exceed (0,5 + 0,05T) mm. Submerged arc welded tubes

The tolerance on thickness excluding the weld bead shall not exceed r 7,5 % of thickness.
The height of the internal and external weld bead shall be not greater than the values given in
Table 8.

Table 8 — Maximum height of weld bead for submerged arc

welded tubes

Thickness Maximum bead height

mm mm
d 12,5 3,5
> 12,5 4,5
7.7.5 Tube ends

Tubes shall be supplied with plain ends cut nominally square to the axis of the tube unless the
purchaser specifies end preparation for butt welding in accordance with 7.10. The ends shall be
free of excessive burrs.
NOTE Information on the end preparation for jointing other than butt welding is given in annex C and
may be agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

7.7.6 Length Approximate length

The lengths supplied shall not deviate from the specified length by more than r 500 mm. Exact length

The lengths supplied shall not deviate from the specified length by more than the value given in
Table 9.

Table 9 — Tolerance for exact length

Length L Tolerance on length

mm Tube outside diameter
< 406,4 mm t 406,4 mm
2 000 < L d 6 000 10
mm 25
0 0

6 000 < L d 12 000 15

mm 50

0 0

L > 12 000 +by agreement


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7.7.7 Straightness

The tubes shall not deviate from straightness by more than 0,2 % of the total length measured at
the centre of the tube length.
7.8 Types and dimensions of fittings

7.8.1 General

The fittings covered by the requirements of this European Standard are even curvature bends,
gusseted bends, and tees, the dimensions for which shall be in accordance with 7.8.2, 7.8.3
and 7.8.4 respectively.
7.8.2 Even curvature bends
--`,``,,,`,`,`````,```,,,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- For general applications, the dimensions of even curvature bends, formed by
manipulation of tubes, for tubes with outside diameters from 26,9 mm to 323,9 mm shall be as
given in Table 10 (see Figures 1 and 2). The purchaser shall specify the outside diameter, wall
thickness and angle of the bend at the time of enquiry and order (see 5.1.2.d).

NOTE 1 Tighter radius bends may be agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer.

NOTE 2 Bends are commonly specified with angles of 11° 15’, 22° 30’, 45° and 90° but they may be of
any angle as required by the purchaser. The bending radius R (see Figures 1 and 2) for tube with outside diameters greater
than 323,9 mm up to and including 1 016 mm shall be specified by the purchaser at the time of
enquiry and order (see 5.1.2.d).

NOTE Even curvature manipulated bends in diameters greater than 1 016 mm may be available by
agreement with the supplier. The length of straight S, specified in Table 10 shall be the minima applicable to
bends prepared for butt welding. The lengths of straight S may be modified to suit other types of
joint but shall be not less than the values specified in Table 10 or 1,5 D for tubes of diameter
greater than 323,9 mm. When bitumen lining is required on even curvature manipulated bends of diameter
greater than 168,3 mm, the tube length in the bend shall be limited to 1 800 mm or a gusseted
bend used.

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Table 10 — Dimensions of even curvature bends: tube outside diameters from sizes 26,9 mm
to 323, 9 mm inclusive

Dimensions in millimetres
Tube Bend
Minimum R S mina
Diameter thickness

26,9 2,6 100 100

33,7 2,6 125 100
42,4 2,9 160 125
48,3 2,9 200 125
60,3 3,6 250 150
76,1 3,6 325 150
88,9 4,0 400 150
114,3 4,5 500 150
139,7 4,5 625 190
168,3 4,5 750 225
219,1 5,0 1000 300
273 6,3 1250 375
323,9 7,1 1500 450
See Figures 1 and 2.

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S min.
S min.

Figure 1 — Even curvature bend of 90°

S min. R

Figure 2 — Even curvature bend less than 90°

7.8.3 Gusseted bends

Gusseted bends shall be of the general form shown in Figures 3 or 4 or 5 dependent on the angle
of the bend. For bends with angle T greater than 45q in tubes of 457 mm diameter and above, the
bend radius R shall be not less than 1,0 D. For other conditions the bend radius R shall be not
less than 1,5 D. The diameter, thickness, the type (1, 2 or 3) and the angle T shall be specified by
the purchaser and the dimensions L and R agreed between purchaser and manufacturer at the
time of enquiry and order.

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Figure 3 — Gusseted bend type 1, T d 30°



θ R

Figure 4 — Gusseted bend type 2, 31° < T d 60°


R L3

Figure 5 — Gusseted bend type 3, 61° < T d 90°

7.8.4 Tees

Tees shall be supplied with plain ends (see Figure 6) or with ends suitable for sleeve joints (see
Figure 7) or with flanges attached to the branch and/or the barrel (see Figure 8). Dimensions of
standard tees shall be as given in Table 11. The purchaser shall specify the diameter and wall
thickness of the barrel and branch.
When sleeve joint tees or tees with flanges on the branch and/or on the barrel are required the
dimensions F, E and H shall be as shown in Figures 7 and 8 as appropriate.
NOTE For information on the dimensions of sleeves see C.2.

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Table 11 — Dimensions of tees: tube outside diameters from sizes 26,9 mm to 2 743
mm inclusive

Dimensions in millimetres
Barrel Branch
Diameter F (Min) G E H
D or D1
(See Figure 6) 0,5 D plus
26,9 150 150 75 75
33,7 150 150 75 75
42,4 200 200 150 100
48,3 200 200 150 100
60,3 240 200 100 100
76,1 240 200 100 100
88,9 250 200 100 110
114,3 270 200 100 130
139,7 280 200 110 140
168,3 290 200 110 140
219,1 370 250 110 150
273 410 250 130 160
323,9 450 250 130 180
355,6 530 300 150 200
406,4 600 300 150 230
457 to 711 1,5 D 1 but with 300 230 300
minimum of 0,5 D
762 to 914 380 300 300
1 016 to 2 540 380 380 380
2 642 400 400 400
2 743 420 420 420
NOTE 1 Dimensions F, G, E and H should be rounded to the nearest 10 mm.
NOTE 2 The effective length of the barrel of tees with sleeve joint for welding equals 2 F.
NOTE 3 Any barrel may have a branch of equal or smaller diameter attached to it.
NOTE 4 Reinforcement may be required to prevent overstressing.



Figure 6 — Plain end tee for butt-welded joint


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Figure 7 — Sleeve joint tee for welding

Figure 8 — Tee with flanged branch

7.9 Tolerances for fittings

7.9.1 General

The ends of fittings (except for socketed or flanged tees) shall be prepared to match those of the
tubes to which they are to be joined.
7.9.2 Bends

Bends shall be supplied with plain ends cut nominally square to the axis of the bend unless the
purchaser specifies end preparation for butt welding in accordance with 7.10. The ends shall be
free from excessive burrs.

NOTE Information on end preparation for jointing other than butt welding is given in annex C and may
be agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

Tolerance on the angle between the end faces shall be within r 1° of the specified bend angle T
(see Figures 1 to 5).

The radius R of the bend shall be within r 1 % of the specified radius.

The minimum wall thickness of even curvature bends shall be not less than that permitted in the
tube of equivalent material to which it is intended to be connected.

The tolerance on leg length L1, L2 and L3 for gusseted bends (see Figures 3 to 5) shall be
r 35 mm for outside diameters less than or equal to 219,1 mm and r 70 mm for outside diameters
greater than 219,1 mm. When a fixed leg length is specified the tolerance on the leg length shall
be r 6 mm.

7.9.3 Tees

Plain end tees shall be supplied with the ends cut nominally square to the axis of the barrel and
the branch as appropriate unless the purchaser specifies end preparation for butt welding
with 7.10. The ends shall be free from excessive burrs.


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NOTE Information on end preparation for jointing other than butt welding is given in annex C and may
be agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

The tolerance on the angle of branch relative to the axis of the barrel shall be r 1q.
The tolerance on the dimensions E, F, G and H (see Figures 6 to 8) shall be r 6 mm.
7.10 End preparation of tubes and fittings for butt welding

7.10.1 General

The purchaser may specify that the ends of tubes and fittings shall be prepared for butt welding in
accordance with 7.10.2 to 7.10.4.
Option 8 The ends of tubes and/or fittings shall be prepared for butt welding.

7.10.2 Diameter tolerance at tube and fitting ends

The tolerance on the outside diameter of the tubes for a distance of 100 mm from each end and
for a distance to be agreed at each end of fittings, shall be in accordance with Table 12. Out of
roundness shall be within the limits for the diameter tolerance for tubes and fittings with D/T less
than or equal to 100. For D/T values above 100 the out of roundness shall be agreed between the
purchaser and the manufacturer.

Table 12 — End tolerance on diameter (D)

Outside diameter End tolerance
d 219,1 r 0,5 mm or r 0,5 % D whichever is the greater
219,1 < D d 2 032 r 1,6 mm
> 2 032 r 3 mm
7.10.3 Squareness of ends

The ends of tubes and fittings shall be at right angles to the axis of the tube or fitting within
1,6 mm measured across the diameter as shown in Figure 9.

a) Tube

26 --`,``,,,`,`,`````,```,,,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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b) Bends


c) Tees

Figure 9 — Squareness of ends

7.10.4 Bevelled ends The ends of tubes and fittings of thickness less than 3,2 mm shall be supplied without
bevelled ends. Tubes and fittings of thickness equal to or greater than 3,2 mm shall be supplied with
ends bevelled as shown in Figure 10 unless option (9) is specified by the purchaser.

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Linear dimension in millimetres

Figure 10 — Butt-weld end preparation

Option 9 An alternative bevel end preparation for butt welding shall be provided; the
purchaser shall specify the type of preparation required.
7.11 Reaction to fire

The tube and fitting material is class A12) , but see clause 13.

 7.12 Dangerous substances

Tubes and fittings, produced in accordance with this document, shall not release any dangerous
substances in excess of the maximum permitted levels specified in the relevant European
Standard for the material or permitted in the national regulations of the member state of

8 Inspection

8.1 General

Compliance with the requirements of this European Standard shall be checked by non-specific
inspection and testing (see EN 10021) unless option (10) is specified by the purchaser.
Option 10 The products shall be supplied with specific inspection and testing (see EN 10021).
8.2 Inspection documents

When products according to this European Standard are checked by non-specific inspection and
testing, a test report type 2.2 in accordance with EN 10204 shall be supplied.

2) In accordance with Commission Decision 96/303/EEC of 4th October 1996 amended by Commission
Decision 2000/603/EC of 4 October 2000 the material is class A1 and therefore does not require to be
tested for reaction to fire.


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When products according to this European Standard are checked by specific inspection and
testing (see option 10), an inspection certificate type 3.1.B in accordance with EN 10204 shall be
supplied unless option (11) is specified by the purchaser.
Option 11 For products checked by specific inspection and testing an inspection certificate
type 3.1.A or 3.1.C or an inspection report type 3.2 in accordance with EN 10204
shall be supplied. The type of document to be supplied shall be specified by the

When an inspection document 3.1.A, 3.1.C or 3.2 is specified the purchaser shall notify the
manufacturer of the name and address of the organization or person who is to carry out the
inspection and produce the inspection document. In the case of an inspection report 3.2 it shall
also be agreed which party is to issue the document.
8.3 Content of inspection document

8.3.1 General

The content of the inspection document shall be in accordance with EN 10168 as given
in 8.3.2 for non-specific inspection and testing and in 8.3.3 for specific inspection and testing.
8.3.2 Non-specific inspection and testing

For tubes with non-specific inspection and testing the test report shall contain the following codes

and information:
A Commercial transactions and parties involved
B Description of products to which the test report applies
C02 Directions of the test pieces
C10-C13 Tensile tests
C50-C69 Bend test (Weld), flattening or Drift Expanding Test
C71-C92 Chemical composition
D01 Marking and identification, the surface appearance, the shape and the dimensional
D02-D99 Leak Tightness Test, NDT of the weld
Z Validation

8.3.3 Specific inspection and testing

For tubes supplied with specific inspection and testing the inspection document shall contain the
following codes and information:

A Commercial transactions and parties involved

B Description of products to which the inspection document applies
C02 Direction of test pieces
C10-C13 Tensile tests
C50-C69 Bend Test (weld), flattening or Drift Expanding Test
C71-C92 Chemical composition

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D01 Marking and identification, surface appearance, shape and dimensional

D02-D99 Leak Tightness Test, NDT of the weld
Z Validation
8.4 Summary of inspection and testing

8.4.1 Tubes

Inspection and testing shall be carried out as summarized in Table 13 for non-specific inspection
and testing and in Table 14 for specific inspection and testing.
8.4.2 Fittings

Fittings or components of fittings which are manufactured from tubes or formed into tubes prior to
the completion of the fitting shall be tested at the tubular stage in accordance with 8.4.1 and Table
15, where applicable. Fittings or components not tested as a tube, or when forming has been
undertaken, shall be tested in accordance with 8.4.1 and Table 15, where applicable.
Even curvature bends previously tested as a tube shall only be subject to a tensile test in
accordance with 10.2.1 after forming.
All welds which have not been tested as part of a tube shall be tested in accordance with 10.5
before the application of any coating or lining material.
Fittings shall be subject to visual examination (see 10.6) and dimensional inspection (see 10.7).

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Table 13 — Requirements for non-specific inspection and testing of tubes

Type of test Seamless tube Electric welded Submerged arc Butt welded
tube welded tube tube
Cast analysis 1 representative 1 representative 1 representative 1 representative
Tensile test Manufacturers Manufacturers Manufacturers Manufacturers
procedure procedure procedure procedure
Flattening testa Manufacturers Manufacturers - Manufacturers
procedure procedure procedure
Drift expanding - Manufacturers - Manufacturers
Testa procedure procedure
Weld bend test - - Manufacturers -
Leak tightness All All All All
test hydrostatic or hydrostatic or hydrostatic hydrostatic or
electro-magnetic electro-magnetic electro-magnetic
Visual See 10.6 See 10.6 See 10.6 See 10.6
Dimensional See 10.7 See 10.7 See 10.7 See 10.7
Non-destructive - All All including All
test of the weld skelp end welds
of helically
welded tube
The drift expanding test is an alternative for electric welded and butt welded tubes of outside
diameter equal to or less than 150 mm and thicknesses less than 10 mm.

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Table 14 — Requirements for specific inspection and testing of tubes

Type of test Seamless tube Electric welded Submerged arc Butt welded
tube welded tube tube
Cast analysis 1 per cast 1 per cast 1 per cast 1 per cast
Tensile test 1 per test unit 1 per test unit 1 per test unit 1 per test unit
Flattening test 1 per test unit 1 per test unit - 1 per test unit
Drift expanding - 1 per test unit - 1 per test unit
Weld bend test - - 2 per test unit -
Leak tightness All All All All
test hydrostatic or hydrostatic or hydrostatic hydrostatic or
electro-magnetic electro-magnetic electro-magnetic
Visual See 10.6 See 10.6 See 10.6 See 10.6
Dimensional See 10.7 See 10.7 See 10.7 See 10.7
Non-destructive - All All including All
test of the weld skelp end welds
of helically
welded tube
Product analysis one per grade of steel
The drift expanding test is an alternative for electric welded and butt welded tubes of outside
diameter equal to or less than 150 mm and thicknesses less than 10 mm.

9 Sampling of tubes and fittings

9.1 Frequency of testing

For non-specific inspection and testing the tests shall be carried out by the manufacturer in
accordance with his own procedures (see EN 10021).
For specific inspection and testing, the tests shall be carried out on the products to be supplied or
on test units of which the product to be supplied is a part (see EN 10021).
9.1.1 Test unit

When specific inspection and testing is carried out the test unit shall consist of the number of
tubes or fittings specified in Table 15 of the same type, specified diameter, specified thickness,
steel grade and manufactured using the same processing conditions e.g. welding process, heat
In addition, for fusion welded products, the test unit shall consist of products which have been
welded using the same type of flux and filler wire.

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Table 15 — Number of tubes or fittings in a test unit

Outside diameter Number of tubes Number of fittings

d 48,3 1000 100
> 48,3 d 114,3 400 100
> 114,3 d 323,9 200 100
> 323,9 100 100
NOTE Any residual fraction of a test unit should be considered as a test unit.
9.1.2 Number of sample products

One sample tube or fitting shall be selected for the mechanical tests (one per test unit), and
where appropriate, the product analysis (one per steel grade).
9.1.3 Type of test and number of tests

See 8.4.
9.2 Location, orientation and preparation of samples and test pieces

9.2.1 General

Samples and test pieces shall be taken from the end of a tube or fitting in the final delivery
condition in accordance with Figure 11 and EN ISO 377.
9.2.2 Product analysis

Samples for product analysis shall be taken from the test pieces or samples for mechanical
testing or from the whole thickness of the tube at the same location as for the mechanical test
samples, in accordance with EN ISO 14284.

9.2.3 Tensile test

The test piece for the tensile test shall be either a full tube section or a test piece taken from the
sample tube or fitting in accordance with EN 10002-1.

The test piece may be taken either longitudinally or transversely at the discretion of the

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1 Seamless tube
2 Longitudinally welded tubes
3 Strip end weld
4 Helically welded tubes
W Sample of the weld
WS Sample of the strip end weld
w Width of the strip

Figure 11 — Location and direction of test pieces for the tensile and weld bend test

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9.2.4 Flattening test

The test piece for the flattening test shall consist of a full tube section in accordance with
EN 10233.
9.2.5 Drift expanding test

The test piece for the drift expanding test shall consist of a full tube section in accordance with
EN 10234.
9.2.6 Weld bend test

The test pieces for the weld bend test shall be in accordance with EN 910.

10 Test methods

10.1 Chemical analysis

The elements to be determined shall be those in Table 1. The choice of a suitable physical or
chemical analytical method for the analysis shall be at the discretion of the manufacturer. In cases
of dispute the method used shall be agreed, taking into account CR 10261.
10.2 Mechanical tests

Mechanical tests shall be carried out at a temperature between 10 qC and 35 qC.

10.2.1 Tensile test

The tensile test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 10002-1 and the following determined:

 tensile strength (Rm);

 upper yield strength (ReH);

If a yield phenomenon is not present, the 0,2 % non-proportional extension proof

strength (Rp0,2) or the 0,5 % total extension (Rt0,5) shall be determined. In cases of
dispute, the 0,2 % proof strength (Rp0,2) shall apply.

 the percentage elongation after fracture with reference to a gauge length Lo of 5,65—So.

If a non-proportional test piece is used, the percentage elongation value shall be converted to the
value for a gauge length Lo = 5,65—So using the conversion tables given in EN ISO 2566-1.
So is the original cross-sectional area of the gauge length.
10.2.2 Flattening test

The flattening test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 10233.

The weld of welded tubes shall be positioned at 90° to the direction of flattening and the test piece
shall be flattened until the distance between the platens is not greater than 67 % of the original
outside diameter.

10.2.3 Drift expanding test

The drift expanding test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 10234.

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One end of the test piece shall be expanded using a cone with an included angle (E) of 60q until
the increase in outside diameter is not less than the appropriate value given in Table 3.
10.2.4 Weld bend test

This weld bend test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 910.
The test pieces shall be bent through an angle of 180° around a bar of the diameter specified in
Table 3.
10.3 Leak tightness test

10.3.1 General

The tubes shall pass a leak tightness test. The test shall be either a hydrostatic test in accordance
with 10.3.2. or an electromagnetic test in accordance with 10.3.3. The choice of test is at the
discretion of the manufacturer unless option (12) is specified.
Option 12 The purchaser shall specify the type of leak tightness test, hydrostatic test
(see 10.3.2) or electromagnetic test (see 10.3.3).

10.3.2 Hydrostatic test

The tube shall withstand the test without leakage or visible deformation. The hydrostatic test shall
be carried out at a test pressure of 70 bar or P, calculated from the following equation, whichever
is the lower, unless option (13) is specified by the purchaser.

20 ST
P is the test pressure in bar
D is the specified outside diameter (mm)
T is the specified wall thickness (mm)
S is the stress in MPa corresponding to 70 % of the specified minimum yield strength
(see Table 3) for the type of steel concerned.
NOTE This hydrostatic leak tightness test is not a strength test.

Option 13 The hydrostatic leak tightness test shall be carried out at 1,5 u PFA
(allowable operating pressure) provided that this value is not greater than P
as calculated from the above equation.

10.3.3 Electromagnetic test

When an electromagnetic test for leak tightness is carried out the tubes shall be tested in
accordance with EN 10246-1.
10.4 Non-destructive test of the seam weld of welded tubes

10.4.1 General

The non-destructive test of the seam weld of welded tube shall be carried out in accordance
with 10.4.2 for electric welded or butt welded tube and 10.4.3 for submerged arc welded tube.

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10.4.2 Electric welded tube and butt welded tube

The test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 10246-3, EN 10246-5, EN 10246-7 or
EN 10246-8 to acceptance level 4. The test method is at the discretion of the manufacturer.
10.4.3 Submerged arc welded tubes General

The non-destructive test shall be carried out in accordance with and when applicable in
accordance with Ultrasonic test of the weld seam

An ultrasonic test of the weld seam in accordance with EN 10246-9, to acceptance level U4, shall
be carried out over the whole length of the tube. When the weld seam cannot be tested
automatically the test shall be carried out manually.
In addition, an ultrasonic test in accordance with EN 10246-17, acceptance level U4 or a
radiographic test in accordance with EN 10246-10, image quality R2, shall be carried out over a
distance of 200 mm along the weld at each end of the tube. The test method is at the discretion of
the manufacturer. Ultrasonic test for skelp end welds

Skelp end welds for helically welded tubes shall be tested using a manual ultrasonic test to the
requirements of EN 10246-9 acceptance level U4, or by the radiographic test method in
accordance with EN 10246-10 image quality R2. The test method is at the discretion of the
10.5 Non destructive testing of the welds of fittings

The seam weld of fittings or fittings components which have not previously been tested (i.e. as a
tube) shall be tested in accordance with 10.4.3.
All welds other than seam welds shall be tested by one of the following methods:
a) Penetrant testing in accordance with EN 571-1;

b) Magnetic particle testing in accordance with EN 1290;

c) Ultrasonic testing in accordance with EN 1714;

d) Radiographic testing in accordance with EN 1435.

The method of non-destructive testing is at the discretion of the manufacturer unless a specific
method from those given above is specified by the purchaser.
The acceptance level shall be agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer.
Option 14 The method of non destructive testing is specified by the purchaser from those
listed in 10.5
10.6 Visual examination

Tubes and fittings shall be visually examined for compliance with the requirements of 7.4.
10.7 Dimensional inspection

Tubes and fittings shall be inspected for compliance with the requirements of 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9
and where specified in 7.10. A gauge is normally used for measurement of outside diameter.


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However, for tubes with outside diameter equal to or greater than 406,4 mm a circumference tape
may be used.

11 Retests, sorting and reprocessing

For retests, sorting and reprocessing the conditions of EN 10021 shall apply.

12 Marking
12.1 Each tube and fitting shall be legibly marked by stencilling or other indelible marking with
the following information in the sequence indicated:

a) the manufacturer’s name or identification mark;

b) the number of this European Standard;

c) the steel name (see 4.2.2);

d) in the case of specific inspection and testing;

 an identification number (e.g. order or item number) which permits the correlation of the
product or delivery unit with the related inspection document;

 the mark of the inspection representative when specific inspection is required;

e) when the type of tube, welded or seamless is specified (see option 1) the letter, S
(seamless) or W (welded), as appropriate.

Marking on the tube shall commence not more than 300 mm from one end.

12.2 For tubes that are bundled and fittings which are bagged, the information given in 12.1,
shall be either stamped on one or more metal or other durable tags, or printed on banding clips or
straps, which shall be securely attached to each bundle or bag. Not more than one steel grade
shall be included in any one bundle or bag.

13 Protective coating or lining


The tubes and fittings shall be supplied bare unless option 15 or option 16 are specified at the
time of enquiry and order.
Option 15 The tubes and fittings shall be supplied with a temporary mill protection.
Option 16 The tubes and fittings shall be supplied with a coating and/or lining, the
type of coating/lining shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order.

Products supplied coated, when the coating contains more than 1,0 % by weight or volume
(whichever is the lower) of homogenously distributed organic material, shall be tested and
classified according to EN 13501-1.
For information on the type of coating/lining available see informative annex D.

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 14 Evaluation of conformity

14.1 General

The compliance of tubes or fittings with the requirements of this document and with the stated
values (including classes) shall be demonstrated by:

 initial type testing (ITT);

 factory production control (FPC).

14.2 Initial type testing

14.2.1 General

ITT is the complete set of tests or other procedures described in the technical specification,
determining the performance of samples of products representative of the steel tube and fitting
designs. Initial type testing shall be performed to show conformity with this document on first use
of this document for non-alloy steel tubes or fittings being put onto the market and:

 at the beginning of the production of a new or modified steel tube or fitting design or change
to the raw material;

 at the beginning of a new or modified method of production.

In the case of type testing on steel tubes or fittings for which initial type testing in accordance with
this document was already performed, type testing may be reduced:

 if it has been established that the performance characteristics compared with the already
tested steel tubes and fittings have not been affected or;

 if historical data is available (see 14.2.4).

The results of all type tests shall be recorded and stored for at least 5 years.

14.2.2 Characteristics

All characteristics in Clause 7, for which the manufacturer is stating a value, shall be subject to
ITT by tests and/or tablulated values in accordance with the relevant subclasses of Clause 7, with
the exception of ‘Release of dangerous substances’. This may be assessed indirectly by
controlling the content of the substance concerned, providing the manufacturer is able to
demonstrate the content, or lack, of the identified substance(s) and that the manufacturing
process does not increase the level of any established subtance(s).

14.2.3 Product families

For the purposes of testing (including FPC testing) steel tubes or fittings may be grouped into
families, where it is considered that the results for a characteristic from any one product is
common to all tubes or fittings within that family.

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 14.2.4 Use of historical data

Tests previously performed on the same steel tube or fitting design in accordance with the
provisions of this document (same characteristic(s), test method, sampling procedure, system of
attestation of conformity, etc.) may be taken into account.

14.2.5 ‘Deemed to satisfy’ provisions and use of reference tabulated data

In those cases where conformity with this document is based on ‘deemed to satisfy’ provisions or
tabulated values, type testing shall be limited to the verification of whether the steel tube or fitting
meets the requirements to use those values, classes or levels, unless better values, classes or
levels are being claimed.

14.2.6 Sampling

ITT shall be performed on samples of non-alloy steel tubes and fittings representative of the
maufactured types in accordance with Table 16. The frequency of testng or assessment shall be
in accordance with Clause 8.4.

Table 16 Characteristics and compliance criteria for initial type

testing of tubes and fittings.

Characteristic Requirement Clause Assessment Method Compliance Criteria

Yield Strength 7.3.1 & Table 3 10.2.1 Pass
Dimensional Tolerances 7.6, 7.7, 78, 7.9 or 7.10 10.7 Pass
as applicable
Tightness: Liquid 7.5.2 10.3.2 or 10.3.3 Pass

14.3 Factory production control

14.3.1 General

The manufacturer shall establish, document and maintain an FPC system to ensure that the
products placed on the market conform with the stated performance characteristics. The FPC
system shall consist of procedures, regular inspections and tests and/or assessments and the use
of the results to control feedstock and any other incoming materials or components, equipment,
the production process and the product.

An FPC system conforming with the requirements of EN ISO 9001, and made specific to the
requirements of this document, shall be considered to satisfy the above requirements.

The results of inspections, tests or assessments requiring action shall be recorded, as shall any
action taken. The action to be taken when control values or criteria are not met shall be recorded
and retained for the period specified in the manufacturer’s FPC procedures.

14.3.2 Equipment

Testing — All weighing, measuring and testing equipment shall be calibrated and reqularly
inspected according to documented procedures, frequencies and criteria.


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Manufacturing — All equipment used in the manufacturing process shall be regularly

inspected and maintained to ensure use, wear or failure does not cause inconsistency in the
manufacturing process. Inspections and maintenance shall be carried out and recorded in
accordance with the manufacturer’s written procedures and the records retained for the period
defined in the manufacturer’s FPC procedures.

14.3.3 Feedstock and components

The specifictions of all incoming feedstock and components shall be documented, as shall the
inspection scheme for ensuring their conformity.

14.3.4 Design process

The factory production control system shall document the various stages in the design of
products, identify the checking procedure and those individuals responsible for all stages of

During the design process itself, a record shall be kept of all checks, their results, and any
corrective actions taken. This record shall be sufficiently detailed and accurate to demonstrate
that all stages of the design phase, and all checks, have been carried out satisfactorily.

14.3.5 Product testing and evaluation

The manufacturer shall establish procedures to ensure that the stated values of all declared
performance characteristics are being maintained during regular production and record the results
of these as part of the production control system. These records shall be retained for the period
defined in the manufacturer’s FPC procedures and shall include at least the following:

 identification of the product tested;

 dates of sampling;

 test methods used;

 test and inspection results;

 dates of the tests;

 identification of the responsible authority within the factory.

14.3.6 Inspection

Inspection of non-alloy steel tubes and fittings shall be in accordance with Clause 8.

14.3.7 Non-conforming products

The manufacturer shall have written procedures which specify how non-conforming products shall
be dealt with. Any such events shall be recorded as they occur and these records shall be kept for
the period defined in the manufacturer’s written procedures.


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Annex A

Size range of tube manufacturing processes

Table A.1 gives an indication of the range of sizes and thicknesses of tube generally available
from the manufacturing processes covered by this European Standard. Sizes and thicknesses
outside the indicated range may also be available.

Table A.1 — Tube sizes generally available from manufacturing processes covered by this
European Standard
Dimensions in millimetres

Manufacturing process Outside diameter range Thickness range

Seamless (S) 26,9 – 711 2,0 – 100
Butt Welded (BW) 26,9 – 114,3 2,0 – 6.3
Electric Welded (EW) 26,9 – 610 1,4 – 16
Submerged Arc Welded (SAW) 168,3 – 2743 6,3 – 50


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Annex B

Relationship between outside diameter and nominal size (DN)

Table B.1 — Relationship between outside diameter and nominal size

Outside DN Outside DN Outside DN

diameter diameter diameter
mm mm mm
26,9 20 168,3 150 813,0 800
33,7 25 219,1 200 914,0 900
42,4 32 273 250 1016,0 1000
48,3 40 323,9 300 1067,0 1050
60,3 50 355,6 350 1118,0 1100
76,1 65 406,4 400 1219,0 1200
88,9 80 457 450 1422,0 1400
114,3 100 508 500 1626,0 1600
139,7 125 610 600 1829,0 1800
711 700 2032,0 2000
2235,0 2200
2540,0 2500
2642,0 2600
2743,0 2700


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Annex C


C.1 General

C.1 to C.5 give information on the more commonly used types of joint for piping systems carrying
aqueous liquids, except for the preparation for butt welding, requirements for which are given in
7.10 of this European Standard.
Where appropriate, guidance is given in this annex on the preparation of tubes and fittings to
accommodate the types of joint described.
NOTE This annex will be shortly superseded by EN 10311.

C.2 Sleeve joints for welding

C.2.1 General

Sleeve joints for welding should comply with C.2.2 or C.2.3.

The joints shown in Figure C.1 may differ in detail from one manufacturer to another, however the
minimum dimensions identified should be respected.
On tubes and fittings of outside diameter smaller than 711 mm the joint should be welded on the
outside only. On tubes with outside diameter 711 mm and larger, welding may be either inside, or
outside, or both inside and outside.
The dimensions recommended for sleeve joints for welding apply when they are shaped or made
on tubes and/or fittings.
C.2.2 Type 1 joints

For type 1 joints (see Figure C.1) the tubes should be supplied with spigot end parallel and sleeve
end either parallel or with the diameter tapered by approximately 0,8 mm on diameter per 25 mm
length of sleeve.
For outside diameters up to and including 168,3 mm the minimum length of sleeve should be
50 mm. For outside diameters greater than 168,3 mm the minimum length of sleeve should be
75 mm.
The depth of penetration of the spigot into the sleeve anywhere around the circumference should
be not less than 30 mm but should also be sufficient to accommodate any holes made in the
sleeve to permit testing of the joint if applicable. When used to accommodate small changes in
pipeline direction, the spigot should additionally penetrate the sleeve around the whole
circumference to an average depth of not less than 40 mm.
At maximum penetration, the spigot may locate in the undimensioned transition area between the
sleeve and the tube body. Care should be taken in expanding the tube end to prevent excessive
weld gaps between the spigot and sleeve.
Specific details of the end preparation of tubes and fittings for use with these types of joint should
be agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer at the time of enquiry and order.
Assembly of sleeve joints on site in preparation for welding may require mechanical aids
e.g. props, jacks, wedges.

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C.2.3 Type 2 joints

For type 2 joints (see Figure C.1) the tubes should be supplied with the spigot end and the sleeve
end parallel. The collar forming the sleeve should be fabricated with not more than one
longitudinal weld and should be welded externally and internally to the sleeve tube. The minimum
sleeve length should be (150 + 2T) mm, where T is the wall thickness of the sleeve, to ensure an
adequate space between the spigot end and the internal collar weld to effect the inside joint weld,
if required.
C.2.4 Welding collars

Welding collars should be as shown in Figure C.2 and should be at least equal in thickness to the
adjoining components; the length of sleeve should be not less than 250 mm.
When positioned for welding the collar should be a good fit on the outside diameter of the
components to be joined. To ensure good welding conditions the gap should be not greater than
6 mm.

C.3 Flange joints

C.3.1 Flange joints should have flanges in accordance with EN 1092-1 or prEN 1759-1, as
appropriate to the design conditions (see Figure C.3).

The purchaser should specify the type of flange required.

C.3.2 Welding should be carried out to procedures in accordance with EN 288 Parts 1, 2 and 3
by welders qualified to EN 287-1.

C.4 Slip-on type couplings

C.4.1 Slip-on type couplings for use with plain end tube should be of the general form shown in
Figure C.4.

C.4.2 The lengths of the coupling sleeves (S) should be as given in Table C.1.

The details of the joint shown in Figure C.4 may differ from one manufacturer to another but the
dimensions identified should be maintained.

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All dimensions are in millimetres

75 min.

Type 1 (parallel sleeve)

75 min.

Type 1 (taper sleeve: taper approximately 0,8 mm on diameter for each 25 mm on length of

Type 2 (collar sleeve)

1 Workshop fabrication weld
* For guidance

Figure C.1 — Sleeve welded joints (These figures are idealized and do not take into
account tolerances or site assembly conditions)

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Dimension in millimetres

75 75
min. min.



1 Pipe
2 Collar
3 Weld

Figure C.2 — Welding collar

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1 Gasket
2 Weld

a) Plate flange
b) Loose flange
c) Welded neck flange

Figure C.3 — Flange joints

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Table C.1 — Slip on type couplings – lengths of coupling sleeves

Dimensions in millimetres
Tube Size Sleeve length Tolerance on
outside diameter sleeve lengths
d 60,3 80
76,1 to 323,9 100 r3
355,6 to 914 150
1016 to 1829 178
2032 and 2743 254
NOTE 1 Other sleeve lengths may be used for special service conditions but are not
covered by this standard.
NOTE 2 Coupling sleeves with a form of centre register may be specified by the

Table C.2 — Slip on type couplings - tolerances on outside diameter D over length L

Dimensions in millimetres
Tube Size Tolerance Length L
outside diameter on D over which
D tolerance applies
d 114,3 r 0,8 100
139,7 to 323,9 + 1,6/- 0,8 100
355,6 to 1422 r 1,6 150
1524 to 1829 r3 150
2032 to 2743 r3 200

C.4.3 When slip on type couplings are used the tube ends for length L should be within the
tolerances on outside diameter as specified in Table C.2 when checked by measuring the
circumference and should permit the passage of a ring gauge which has a bore 1,6 mm larger
than the maximum permissible diameter of the tube.

C.4.4 Surface irregularities such as peaks, flats or depressions should blend smoothly into the
surface of the tube and their height or depth should not exceed 0,25 mm.


Figure C.4 — Slip-on type couplings

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C.5 Push fit and gasket type couplings

C.5.1 Push fit and gasket type couplings should be of the general form shown in Figure C.5.

C.5.2 The insertion depth, socket size and wall thickness should be as given in Table C.3. The
details of the joint shown in Figure C.5 may differ from one manufacturer to another.

The connection is produced by inserting the tube spigot end into the socket end which contains a
rubber gasket. By inserting the spigot end into the socket, the rubber ring is deformed in an axial
direction and seals the connection by the resilience present in the rubber ring.
The connection in diameters up to and including 323,9 mm is suitable for operating pressures up
to maximum 40 bar. For larger diameters the maximum operating pressure is related to the
diameter and thickness of the tubes. To absorb axial forces in the connection, special rubber rings
may be required.

Table C.3 — Insertion depths, socket sizes and wall thicknesses for push fit and gasket
type couplings

Dimensions in millimetres
Tubes Nominal wall Insertion depth Socket
Outside diameter thickness Outside diameter
114,3 3,2 110 151
117,5 3,2 110 151
139,7 4,0 110 178
144 4,0 110 178
168,3 4,0 131 203

219,1 4,5 133 258

273 5,0 143 312
323,9 5,6 150 366

355,6 5-7,1a 120-150 405

406,4 5-7,1 120-150 455
457 5-7,1 120-150 510
508 5-7,1 120-150 560
610 5-8 120-200 660

610 8 200 690

711 8 200 791
813 8 200 893
914 8 200 994
1 016 8 200 1 096
Dependent on maximum working pressure.


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EN 10224:2002 (E)


1 Seal

Figure C.5 — — Push fit and gasket type couplings


C.6 Special joints

Other types of joint are available. If such joints are to be used any special requirements for the
end preparation of the tube should be specified by the purchaser and agreed with the
manufacturer at the time of enquiry and order.

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EN 10224:2002 (E)

Annex D

Coatings and linings

D.1 General
A large number of external and internal coatings and linings are available for tubes and
fittings. The following is a non-exhaustive list of some of the more common types used in
conjunction with the tubes and fittings specified in this document.

D.2 Coatings
a) Bitumen;

b) Coal tar;

c) Epoxy/Epoxy modified;

d) Polyethylene;

e) Polypropylene;

f) Polyurethane/Polyurethane modified;

g) Hot dip galvanising.

D.3 Linings
a) Cement mortar;

b) Epoxy/Epoxy modified;

c) Thermoplastic;

d) Hot dip galvanising.

For the transport of water intended for human consumption refer to Introduction.


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EN 10224:2002 (E)

D.4 Relevant European Standards, published or under development

Work item Title


EN 10288 Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore pipelines -
External two layer extruded polyethylene based coatings
EN 10240 Internal and/or external protective coatings for steel tubes -
Specification for hot dip galvanised coatings applied in
automatic plants
EN 10289 Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore pipelines -
External liquid applied epoxy and epoxy-modified coatings
EN 10290 Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore pipelines -
External liquid applied polyurethane and polyurethane
modified coatings
prEN 10300 Steel tubes and fittings for on and offshore pipelines -
Bituminous hot applied materials for external coating
prEN 10298 Steel tubes and fittings for on and offshore pipelines -
Internal lining with cement mortar
EN ISO 1461 Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles -
Specifications and test methods (ISO 1461:1999)
prEN 10310 Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore pipelines —
Internal and external two layer epoxy resin and polyamide based
prEN 10301 Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore pipelines —
Internal coating for the reduction of friction for conveyance of non-
corrosive gas.
prEN 10329 Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore pipelines—
External field joint coatings

EC 029106 Steel tubes and fittings for and on offshore pipelines—External

concrete coatings

EC 029107 Steel tubes and fittings for and on offshore pipelines—External

coating for thermal insulation

NOTE Other coating/lining standards are foreseen.

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EN 10224:2002 (E)

Annex ZA

Clauses of this European Standard addressing the provisions of


the EU Construction Products Directive

ZA.1 Scope and relevant characteristics

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate M131 (Pipes, Tanks and Ancillaries
not in contact with water intended for human consumption) given to CEN by the European
Commission and the European Free Trade Association.

The clauses of this European Standard shown in this annex meet the requirements of the
mandate given under the EU Construction Products Directive (89/106/EEC).

Compliance with these clauses confers a presumption of fitness of the construction products
covered by this annex for the intended uses indicated herein; reference shall be made to the
information accompanying the CE marking.

WARNING: Other requirements and other EU Directives, not affecting the fitness for
intended use may be applicable to a construction product falling within the scope of this

NOTE 1 In addition to any specific clauses relating to dangerous substances contained in this standard, there may be
other requirements applicable to the products falling within its scope (e.g. transposed European legislation and national
laws, regulations and administrative provisions). In order to meet the provisions of the EU Construction Products
Directive, these requirements need also to be complied with, when and where they apply.

NOTE 2 An informative database of European and national provisions on dangerous substances is available at the
Construction web site on EUROPA (accessed through

This annex has the same scope as Clause 1 of this standard with regard to the products covered.
It establishes the conditions for the CE marking of tube or fittings intended for the use indicated
below and shows the relevant clauses applicable (see Table ZA.1).

Construction Product: Non-alloy steel tube and fittings

Intended uses: In installations for the transport/disposal/storage of water not

intended for human consumption.

The requirement on a certain characteristic is not applicable in those Member States where there
are no regulatory requirements on that characteristic for the intended end use of the product. In
this case, manufacturers placing their products on the market of these Member States are not
obliged to determine nor declare the performance of their products with regard to this
characteristic and the option “No performance determined” (NPD) in the information
accompanying the CE marking (see ZA.3) may be used.

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EN 10224:2002 (E)

Table ZA.1 ņ Relevant clauses

Essential characteristic Requirement clauses in Levels Notes

this (or another) European and/or
Standard classes

Reaction to fire 7.11 Ferrous Class

are Class

Yield strength 7.3.1, Table 3 - MPa

(From product standard)

(crushing strength, internal and

external pressure strength,
longitudinal bending strength,
maximum load for admissible

Dimensional tolerances 7.7 (The height of the - Pass/fail

internal and external weld
bead is not a requirement of
the mandate a), 7.8, 7.9,

Tightness: Liquid 10.3 - Test method

+ Pass

Dangerous substances 7.12 - Parts per

million (ppm)

Durability b Clause 13 - NPD

(provided by

When required, for the calculation of crushing strength, internal and external pressure strength,
longitudinal bending strength, or the maximum load for admissible deformation, the weld bead is assumed
to be flush with the surface of the tube.

Durability is dependent on the method of protection and/or thickness of coating.

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EN 10224:2002 (E)

ZA.2 Procedure(s) for the attestation of conformity of non-alloy steel tube and

ZA.2.1 System of attestation of conformity

The system of attestation of conformity of non-alloy steel tube and fittings, indicated in table
ZA. 1, in accordance with the Decision of the Commission 99/472/EC of 1999-07-17 as given in
the Annex III of the mandate for (Pipes, Tanks and Ancillaries not in contact with water intended
for human consumption) is shown in table ZA.2 for the intended use and relevant level class.

Table ZA.2 ņ Attestation of conformity systems

Product Intended use Level or class Attestation of


Non-alloy steel In installations for the - 4

Tube and fittings transport/disposal/storage of
water not intended for human

System 4: See Directive 89/106/EEC (CPD), Annex III.2. (ii), Third possibility

The attestation of conformity for the non-alloy steel tube and fittings in Table ZA.1 shall be
according to the evaluation of conformity procedures indicated in Table ZA.3 resulting from the
application of the clauses of this European Standard indicated therein.

Table ZA.3 ņ Assignment of evaluation of conformity tasks for tube

or fittings under system 4

Evaluation of
Tasks Content of task conformity clauses
to apply

Tasks under Factory production control Parameters related to all

the (FPC) relevant characteristics of 14.3

responsibility Table ZA.1

of the
manufacturer Initial type testing (ITT) All characteristics of
Table ZA.1

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EN 10224:2002 (E)

 ZA.2.2 Declaration of conformity

When compliance with this annex is achieved, the manufacturer or his agent established in the
EEA, shall prepare and retain a declaration of conformity, which entitles the manufacturer to affix
the CE marking. This declaration shall include:

 name and address of the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the
EEA, and place of production,

 description of the product (tube or fittings for use in installations for the
transport/disposal/storage of water not intended for human consumption), and a copy of the
information accompanying the CE marking, Annex ZA of this European Standard);

 provisions to which the product conforms (i.e. Annex ZA of this EN);

 this product is not intended for use in heating networks where elevated temperature
properties are required;

 name of, and position held by, the person empowered to sign the declaration on behalf of the
manufacturer or his authorised representative.

The above mentioned declaration shall be presented in the official language or languages of the
Member State in which the product is to be used.

ZA.3 CE Marking

The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the EEA is responsible for
the affixing of the CE marking. The CE marking symbol shall be in accordance with Directive
93/68/EEC and shall be shown on the accompanying commercial documents. The following
information and characteristics shall accompany the CE marking symbol (where relevant):

 name or identifying mark and registered address of the producer

 last two digits of the year in which the marking is affixed;

 number of this European Standard [EN 10224];

 product name and description e.g. pipe + description of area of use;

 Specified yield strength MPa;

 Dimensional tolerances-

 Tightness: Liquid — and method used

 Dangerous substances

 Reaction to fire i.e. Class A1 (uncoated) or Class coated;

 Durability (where relevant) i.e. coating type and thickness.;

The NPD option may be used when and where the characteristic, for a given intended use, is not
subject to regulatory requirements in the country of destination.

Figure ZA.1 gives an example of the information to be given on the commercial documents.

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EN 10224:2002 (E)

CE conformity marking, consisting of the

“CE”-symbol given in Directive

01234 Identification number of the certification


AnyCo Ltd, P.O. Box 21, B - 1050 Name or identifying mark and registered
address of the producer
Last two digits of the year in which the
marking was affixed

EN 10224 No. of European standard

SAW steel pipes for use in installations for the

transport/disposal/storage of water not intended for
human consumption or other aqueous products. Grade Description of product
L275 – 914 x 10.0mm
National regulations establish the suitability of this
product if intended to be used in contact with water information on regulated characteristics
intended for human consumption.

This product is not suitable for use at elevated

temperatures (e.g. in heating networks)

Yield strength (min.) 275 MPa

Dimensional tolerances Passed

Tightness: Liquid (hydrostatic test) Passed

Reaction to fire: Class A1

Dangerous substances NPD or

Dangerous substance 'x' less than 'y' ppm

Durability: NPD (provided by coating)

Figure ZA.1 – Example CE marking information

In addition to any specific information relating to dangerous substances shown above, the product should also
be accompanied, when and where required and in the appropriate form, by documentation listing any other
legislation on dangerous substances for which compliance is claimed, together with any information required by
that legislation.

NOTE European legislation without national derogations need not be mentioned.

58 --`,``,,,`,`,`````,```,,,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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EN 10224:2002 (E)


EN 473 Non destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel — General

EN 1092-1 Flanges and their joints — Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and
accessories, PN designated — Part 1: Steel flanges.

prEN 1759-1 Flanges and their joints — Circular flanges, for pipes, valves, fittings and
accessories, class designated — Part 1: Steel flanges — Nominal pipe sizes 1/8
to 24.

EN 10027-1 Designation systems for steel — Part 1: Steel names, principal symbols.

EN 10027-2 Designation systems for steel — Part 2: Numerical system.

CR 10260 Designation systems for steel — Additional symbols.

EN 13501-1 Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 1:

Classification using test data from reaction to fire tests.

EN ISO 9001 Quality management systems- — Requirements (ISO 9001:2000).


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