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APICS & IBF present:

Best of the Best

S&OP Conference Europe
15–16 May 2014 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Presented by

About the Best of the Best S&OP Conference
Now in its seventh year, the Best of the Best S&OP Conference is renowned as a global gathering of the
brightest minds in the industry. The Best of the Best S&OP Conference presented by the APICS Foundation and
the Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning (IBF) is the leading educational and networking event for
professionals in the field. Educational sessions in Amsterdam will cover a range of in-depth topics to help you
implement or improve S&OP within your organization.

Attend the Best of the Best S&OP Conference and learn to:
̥̥ Effectively use forecasting and demand planning in your S&OP process
̥̥ Employ integrated business planning techniques
̥̥ Enhance collaboration across sales, marketing, finance and supply chain
̥̥ Extend S&OP outside your organization and throughout the supply chain
̥̥ Manage and mitigate risk
̥̥ Use S&OP to enhance new product launches

The Best of the Best S&OP Conference features companies recognized for innovation
and S&OP success, including:
̥̥ AB InBev ̥̥ John Deere & Company ̥̥ Norgine
̥̥ Alvarez & Marsal ̥̥ KPN ̥̥ StrataBridge
̥̥ Danone ̥̥ Lancaster Research ̥̥ Trek Bicycle
̥̥ GlaxoSmithKline Centre for Forecasting ̥̥ Wolf Oil Corporation
̥̥ Goodyear ̥̥ Nokia

2 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

Table of Contents
Schedule at a Glance 4
Educational Sessions 6–11
Presenters 12–13
Accommodations and Travel 14
About APICS and
the APICS Foundation 15
About IBF 15

3 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

Schedule at a Glance
Thursday, 15 May
Time Program Location

7:30–8:30 Registration, Networking Breakfast and Exhibitor Connections Rose Foyer

8:30–8:45 Welcome Address and Conference Overview Rose I and II

8:45–9:45 Keynote Presentation Rose I and II

9:45–10:15 Networking Break and Exhibitor Connections Rose Foyer

Level I: Where’s My Interpreter? The Difference Between Demand Planning, Forecasting and S&OP*
Rose I
10:15–11:15 Level II: Building a Foundation for S&OP: Implementing Short Life Cycle, Long Lead Time
Rose II
Product Planning at Trek Bicycle*

Level I: Change Management: The Key to Successful S&OP* Rose I

Level II: Achieving S&OP Success by Improving Forecasting Performance* Rose II

12:25–13:30 Lunch and Exhibitor Connections @TheLobby

Level I: Getting Ready for a Successful Executive Review* Rose I

Level II: CPFR and the Extended Supply Chain* Rose II

Level I: Metrics and Measurements: Tools to Drive S&OP Performance* Rose I

Level II: Making your S&OP More Robust to Manage the Demand for New Products* Rose II

15:40–16:00 Networking Break and Exhibitor Connections Rose Foyer

Level I: What’s Holding You Back? Starting or Revitalizing an S&OP Project* Rose I
Level II: The Art and the Science of Forecasting* Rose II

17:00–18:00 Attendee Reception Rose Foyer

Friday, 16 May
Time Program Location

7:30–8:30 Networking Breakfast and Exhibitor Connections Rose Foyer

8:30–9:30 Level I: Supply Chain as Innovation Driver: Aligning New Product Planning with S&OP* Rose I
Level II: Cash Flow Forecasting: Financial Integration and S&OP* Rose II

9:40–10:40 Level I: Resolving Conflict: Aligning for Action and Building Consensus* Rose I
Level II: Is Global S&OP Right for You?* Rose II

10:40–11:10 Networking Break and Exhibitor Connections Rose Foyer

11:10–12:10 S&OP Panel Discussion Rose I and II

*This educational session qualifies for 1 elective contact hour toward the APICS S&OP Education Certificate.
Learn more at

4 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

Keynote Presentation
Thursday, 15 May

Ken Fletcher
Vice President, Supply Chain
Goodyear Dunlop

Additional Learning Opportunities

Stay an Extra Day
The IBF Certified Professional Forecaster (CPF) Exam is Saturday, 17 May.
For details, visit

Earn the APICS S&OP Education Certificate

Attendees can receive up to 5 elective contact hours toward the APICS S&OP
Education Certificate, which shows a demonstrated commitment to and understanding
of the principles and functions of sales and operations planning. View the schedule at a
glance to see which sessions qualify for the education certificate.

Learn more at

Best of the Best S&OP Conference

Do you have colleagues in North America? Tell them about the Best of the Best Conference
in Chicago. Learn more at

5 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

Educational Sessions
About Concurrent Sessions
To help you select the best session to meet your needs, sessions are divided into two levels:

Level I
Gain insights into the best practices, techniques and tools of successful S&OP.

Level II
Delve deeper into S&OP and learn the skills needed to make the most of the process.

Thursday, 15 May
Level I
Where’s My Interpreter? The Difference Between Demand Planning, Forecasting and S&OP
Jonathon Boult, CPF, Sales Operations Manager, Goodyear Dunlop
Rose I

Many diverse terms exist in the world of forecasting and planning. It’s important to clarify the relationship between
demand planning, forecasting and S&OP. Learn what steps you can take to make immediate improvements in your
demand planning and forecasting processes to help drive supply chain excellence. Recognize when you have done
all you can to make a forecast more accurate, and mitigate the effects of errors and diminishing returns.

Attend this session to:

̥̥ Arrive at a consensus-focused, numbers-based forecasting process
̥̥ Implement lean forecasting techniques to drive continuous improvement
̥̥ Communicate root causes and recommendations across functions

Level II
Building a Foundation for S&OP: Implementing Short Life Cycle, Long Lead Time
Product Planning at Trek Bicycle
Darrin Landes, Manager, PLM and Supply Chain Planning Systems, Trek Bicycle Corporation
Ben Lassanske Manager, Forecasting/Supply Planning, Trek Bicycle Corporation
Rose II

For Trek to be a leader in an industry that is becoming as much about fashion as function, highly flexible supply
chain processes and systems are needed. This is especially true for building a proper foundation for S&OP.
In addition, a clear vision, robust planning system, excellent master data and planning processes and skilled
people (planners and IT resources) are all critical for success. This presentation will cover Trek’s implementation
of new planning systems/processes and much more tactical areas where Trek has found success. For example,
picking the right level for forecasting units, executing model year changeover, and breaking down a unit
forecast through different color and size options, will also be discussed.

Attend this session to:

̥̥ Recognize planning capabilities needed to be competitive—such as forecasting short life cycle items,
using bills of material to reduce lead times and maintaining master data
̥̥ Enable capabilities (system/process implementation)—setting a clear vision, picking the ideal system
and establishing a realistic launch plan
̥̥ Learn how Trek merged planning processes and systems after a recent acquisition in a short period of time

6 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

Educational Sessions
Thursday, 15 May (cont.)
Level I
Change Management: The Key to Successful S&OP
Rachel Stafford, CPF, Business Process Improvement Lead, Norgine
Rose I

Change management is an approach to transitioning individuals, teams and organizations from the current state
to a desired future state. In the current environment of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, change
management is more important than ever before. You will learn to recognize when it’s the right time to make a
change in order to move S&OP forward, as well as what it takes to power the transformation necessary for an
effective S&OP process.

Attend this session to:

̥̥ Build and align the right metrics to support change throughout the organization
̥̥ Identify change management issues and the path forward to guide groups through building a guiding coalition
̥̥ Use change management techniques as a catalyst for positive momentum for an S&OP implementation

Level II
Achieving S&OP Success by Improving Forecasting Performance
Dr. Chaman L. Jain, Chief Editor, IBF’s Journal of Business Forecasting (JBF)
Professor, St John’s University
Rose II

A large part of S&OP is managing demand. How can we effectively manage demand without accurate
forecasts? This session discusses what can be done to improve forecasts. You will learn the fundamentals of
forecast error, what data to use and how much, what to look for to identify problems and what to do if there is
a problem. This session also will talk about the fundamentals of models and modeling, essential for improving
forecast accuracy, as well as the institutional and political hurdles that stand in the way of greater forecast
accuracy and S&OP success.

Attend this session to:

̥̥ Discover what role forecast accuracy plays in the S&OP process
̥̥ Understand the requirements for improved forecasting performance
̥̥ Learn for to forecast error benchmarks

7 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

Educational Sessions
Thursday, 15 May (cont.)
Level I
Getting Ready for a Successful Executive Review
Sandra Labinjoh, Demand Management Leader, Norgine
Rachel Stafford, CPF, Business Process Improvement Lead, Norgine
Rose I

The executive review component of the S&OP process is essential, and it’s critical to have adequate preparation.
But what steps should you take? What are the best practices? What are the keys to success? Gain an understanding
from a supply chain leader on the S&OP executive review. Learn to develop and maintain a planning playbook and
provide transparency to the executive team on execution.

Attend this session to:

̥̥ Identify what characteristics make a good executive review
̥̥ Design an effective executive review
̥̥ Train the executive team to be stewards of the S&OP process

Level II
CPFR and the Extended Supply Chain
Jordi Zwart, Partner Manager, KPN
Rose II

Alignment of the supply chain all the way to your customer’s customer is essential to improving demand
response. How do companies forge strategic relationships and manage multiple S&OP processes? Many
manufacturer-retailer trading partners use collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR)
strategies to jointly plan supply chain activities. Learn how to enact CPFR at your own organization and
connect it to your internal S&OP processes.

Attend this session to:

̥̥ Identify good candidates for CPFR relationships
̥̥ Define metrics that can help drive alignment in the CPFR process
̥̥ Think holistically about the connection of customer and internal S&OP processes

8 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

Educational Sessions
Thursday, 15 May (cont.)
Level I
Metrics and Measurements: Tools to Drive S&OP Performance
Debashis Sinha, Senior Demand Manager, GlaxoSmithKline
Rose I

More than ever before, C-level executives are demanding measurable results from their investments, including
those in the supply chain function. It is imperative for supply chain executives to measure their contribution
toward achieving the organization’s strategic objectives. Measurement drives action, but what in S&OP needs to
be measured? What is the right frequency and granularity? Learn how successful organizations plan, measure and
review supply chain performance and business impact to attain a positive return on investment.

Attend this session to:

̥̥ Define S&OP metrics and match them to business scorecards
̥̥ Align measurements cross-functionally against supply chain strategy
̥̥ Avoid the pitfalls of typical measurement systems

Level II
How to Minimize Political Biases to Improve Forecasting and Increase the Effectiveness of S&OP/IBP
Sebastian Guerrero, EMEA Network Planning Manager, Danone
Rose II

Efficiently reaching the agreed-upon forecast without many arguments between stakeholders is often a challenge.
Each area of the organization has its own needs, which leads to bias and conflict. The innovative approach we
will present in this conference session benefits from applying a simple and effective mathematical methodology
that tackles common biases regularly found in the forecasting process. This new methodology also creates better
conditions for enabling an improved effectiveness in the S&OP/IBP process. In this session, you’ll hear our journey
and lessons learned in this innovation pilot we implemented at one of Danone’s country business units that yielded
excellent results.

Attend this session to:

̥̥ Effectively conduct and reach consensus at the demand review meeting
̥̥ Learn how an efficient demand review meeting can leverage the effectiveness of S&OP/IBP
̥̥ Successfully approach a change in the demand planning process

9 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

Educational Sessions
Thursday, 15 May (cont.)
Level I
What’s Holding You Back? Starting or Revitalizing an S&OP Project
Sven Smets, CPF, Demand and Forecasting Specialist, Wolf Oil Corporation
Rose I

Despite being recognized as a key business operation, many S&OP programs fail to meet desired goals or returns.
Some organizations have let programs wither into less-than-effective reporting committees, while others have not
yet gotten started. However, S&OP still holds promise as a major driver of significant business improvements. In
this session, you will examine the factors that may be holding back your S&OP and see how you can start a new
S&OP process or inject life into an existing one.

Attend this session to:

̥̥ Drive organization decision making through the S&OP program
̥̥ Build and maintain active participation of key stakeholders in the process
̥̥ Use change management techniques to drive the process forward

Level II
The Art and the Science of Forecasting
Liesbet De Munck, Demand Planning Coordinator WEZ, AB InBev
Sven Crone, Director, Assistant Professor, Lancaster Research Centre for Forecasting
Rose II

Most companies now use sophisticated software that enables users to generate hundreds or thousands of
forecasts quickly. For some products, the statistical forecast may be the best, but for others, human judgment
wins out. In this session, participants will learn when judgment can help or hurt the forecast and what type of
statistical models to use depending on the nature of the business.

Attend this session to:

̥̥ Discover what types of data quantities and patterns lend themselves to different modeling techniques
̥̥ Track forecast accuracy to quantify the value-add of judgmental overrides
̥̥ Decide when to apply “art” versus “science” in forecasting

10 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

Educational Sessions
Friday, 16 May
Level I
Supply Chain as Innovation Driver: Aligning New Product Planning with S&OP
Ville Hovatta, Director, Mobile Phones Supply Planning, Nokia
Rose I

Growth is a business imperative. Effective new product launch processes are essential, but demand error for new
products is high. Innovation is one of the few tools companies can use to adapt to new patterns of consumer
behavior while improving top- and bottom-line performance. A well-designed new product introduction process
needs to keep the consumer in mind every step of the way. Participants will learn today’s strategies and best
practices for forecasting new products.

Attend this session to:

̥̥ Manage uncertainty throughout the new product launch process
̥̥ Drive alignment between the intersection of S&OP and the new product launch process
̥̥ Apply various forecasting techniques for new product launches

Level II
Cash Flow Forecasting: Financial Integration and S&OP
Richard Loretto, Senior Director, Alvarez & Marsal
Rose II

Cash flow, working capital, tax efficiency and profitability are keys to business success. Integrating supply
and demand principles with financial processes improves decision making. Companies that operate with one
integrated set of numbers—operational and financial—find it easier to focus on all areas to achieve strategic
goals. Understand how to balance processes to ensure that mix and volume adjustments are balanced against
financial objectives to drive a successful supply chain strategy.

Attend this session to:

̥̥ Look into the future to balance the multiple financial drivers of profitability
̥̥ Use S&OP as the basis for cash flow forecasting
̥̥ Tie units and dollars together in your S&OP process, enabling the business to run with one set of numbers

11 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

Educational Sessions
Friday, 16 May (cont.)
Level I
Resolving Conflict: Aligning for Action and Building Consensus
Dave Hinchman, Manager, JD-QPS and OF Integration Enterprise Strategic Quality
Joseph Hillebrand, Staff Engineer, Order Fulfillment, John Deere & Company
Rose I

Why is S&OP so difficult? One reason is that S&OP can engender conflict when it brings into focus different views
on how to solve a problem. It’s the role of S&OP to enable professionals to build consensus out of inevitable
disagreements. How can professionals effectively do this and manage conflict? Understand the drivers of conflict
and how to move forward with effective communication.

Attend this session to:

̥̥ Identify the major characteristics of effective S&OP communication
̥̥ Quickly identify problems, avoid roadblocks and take the right steps when things go off course
̥̥ Use change-management techniques to drive processes forward

Level II
Is Global S&OP Right for You?
Chris Turner, Co-Founder, StrataBridge
Rose II

“Global” is everywhere, but it can mean very different things to different organizations. One size does not fit all.
A global S&OP process should be based on the drivers and cycles of the supply chain. Successful companies
design governance processes to ensure that plans are made at the right level and that regions have feasible plans
to execute. You will learn that implementing a global S&OP process depends on the geographical landscape of
production and sales.

Attend this session to:

̥̥ Define what planning globally but acting regionally means for your organization
̥̥ Consider cultural differences when creating work groups composed of people from different countries
̥̥ Develop effective and efficient processes that mitigate time and distance issues across global teams

S&OP Panel Discussion
Rose I and II
Planning and decision-making processes have succumbed to increased pressure. Professionals involved in S&OP
are experiencing previously unseen levels of external volatility and uncertainty, internal stresses in the pursuit of
elusive sources of growth, and increasingly complex and interdependent relationships both inside and outside
their organizations. Attend this panel to hear how S&OP is adapting to contend with these trends and what you
can do to counter these pressures in your company.

Use #BOTBSOP to join the conversation on your

social media networks.

12 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

Jonathon Boult, CPF
Sales Operations Manager, Goodyear Dunlop

Jonathan Boult is currently sales operations manager at Goodyear Dunlop UK Tyres Ltd. During
his time in supply chain, he was part of the regional project team that launched demand
planning via SAP in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region. After being a demand
planner for two years, he became demand planning manager and a business process expert
representing his country in regional conferences. Directly reporting to the S&OP manager, he
played a key part in helping UKIE become the first country cluster to achieve Class “A” S&OP in
the EMEA organization. He is a graduate of DeMontfort University, holds IBF’s CPF certificate
and has completed a Level 5 Diploma from the Chartered Managers Institute.

Dr. Sven Crone

Director, Assistant Professor, Lancaster Research Centre for Forecasting

Sven Crone is an assistant professor at LUMS, one of Europe’s leading business schools, and
the director of the Lancaster Research Centre for Forecasting. With 15 people, Lancaster
is the largest research unit dedicated to improving forecasting—from consulting on the
most accurate forecasting methods, to streamlining S&OP processes, to selecting the
most suitable forecasting software or tuning your existing system. Sven has been providing
successful training courses for the IBF since 2004.

Liesbet De Munck
Demand Planning Coordinator WEZ, AB InBev

Liesbet De Munck found her passion for supply chain management after one class in the field
during her studies of commercial engineering. During the last 10 years, she has worked in
seven different functions in four different companies, in the private market (Melexis and AB
InBev), the Flemish government and as head of a research group where her team optimized
and computerized the supply chain of over 50 companies. Supply chain management forms
the leitmotiv of her career. At AB Inbev, she drives improvement projects on demand planning
and S&OP as demand planning coordinator for Europe.

Joe Hillebrand
Staff Engineer, JD-QPS and Order Fulfillment, John Deere & Company

Joe Hillebrand is a quality and production system factory advisor for John Deere’s
Construction and Forestry Platform. He has 15 years’ experience at John Deere, including roles
in marketing, operations, production control, IT, engineering and order fulfillment. He received
his BA from the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business and his MBA from the University
of Phoenix. Joe is an APICS member and is currently pursuing CPIM certification.

David L. Hinchman
Manager, JD-QPS and Order Fulfillment, Integration, John Deere & Company

In his role as manager of JD-QPS and OF Integration for John Deere, Dave Hinchman is
responsible for leading John Deere’s quality and production system for order fulfillment for the
supply chain, and lean manufacturing globally. With more than 35 years of experience at John
Deere, he has held various leadership positions in operations, manufacturing engineering,
supply management, IT, production planning and order fulfillment, and has worked with nearly
every factory and product line across the globe. Dave has a BSIE from the University of Illinois
and an MBA from the University of Iowa, and is an APICS CPIM certification designee.

13 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

Ville Hovatta
Director of Mobile Phones Supply Planning, NokiaVille

Hovatta is a recognized expert in both finance and supply chain management. He has held
leadership roles in major finance transformation programs, as well as in business control and
sales and operations planning. Currently he is director of mobile phones supply planning at
Nokia, facilitating global S&OP processes for Nokia’s sub-100 USD mobile device portfolio.

Richard Loretto
Senior Director, Alvarez & Marsal

Richard Loretto has 20 years of international performance improvement experience, most

recently as executive director, commercial operations for Western Europe, Middle East and
Africa for Avon Cosmetics. He implemented an S&OP process for Avon, significantly improving
forecasting across markets, and enhancing cash flow and gross margins. Previously, Richard
held positions with Procter & Gamble and was a principal consultant with Deloitte. He began
his career with Unilever in the United Kingdom. He earned a master’s degree in economics
from Cambridge University and is a Chartered Management Accountant.

Debashis Sinha
Senior Demand Manager, GlaxoSmithKline

Debashis Sinha is the senior demand manager for GlaxoSmithKline, one of the leading
pharmaceutical companies in the world. He manages the demand and supply of the
globally sourced pharmaceutical products at GSK’s facility in Dubai. Debashis’s expertise
in managing and improving GSK’s planning process, including new product introduction
(NPI) and launch planning, inventory management, supply sourcing, order management,
warehousing, distribution and shipping, ensures a high customer service level in the most
cost-effective manner. Earlier he worked at Total Lubricants Middle East. Debashis has a
degree in mechanical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology and an MBA in
project management from the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts in Dubai. In addition,
he pursued a global MBA in logistics and supply chain management from the S.P. Jain Centre
of Management.

Sven Smets, CPF

Demand and Forecasting Specialist, Wolf Oil Corporation

Sven Smets is an experienced demand and forecasting specialist and has worked for several
multinationals over the past eight years. Currently he is responsible for implementing an
S&OP process at Wolf Oil Corporation. The company has shown significant growth figures
after introducing its restyled brands on a global level through local sales channels (indirect
sales model). In this challenging environment, the company culture of doing business is
moving from make-to-order to make-to-stock.

14 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

Rachel Stafford, CPF
Head of Demand Planning, Norgine

Rachel Stafford is currently a supply chain consultant at Norgine Ltd, a leading independent
European specialty pharmaceutical company. She is working on business process improvement
and the implementation of the S&OP process. Before taking up her current post, Stafford gained
valuable supply chain experience through her work with several FMCG companies such as
McCormick, General Mills, Spotless Punch and Pernod Ricard. Rachel is CIPS-qualified and has
previously lectured in several CIPS courses at the Thames Valley University.

Chris Turner
Cofounder, StrataBridge

Chris Turner works with a range of clients worldwide, across industry sectors, on strategy
development, innovation and joined-up decision making. He has worked with leadership
teams around the world, helping them to articulate, share and realize their strategies through
alignment, integrating decision making and capability building. Chris’s clients include Astra-
Zeneca, Bakehouse, Coca-Cola, Compass Minerals, Lantmannen Unibake, Mars, Mass Mart
SA, PZ Cussons, SC Johnson and Shell.

Jordi Zwart
Partner Manager, KPN

Jordi Zwart is currently the contract manager for the service proposition at KPN Consumer
Market Mobile in the Netherlands. In this function, Jordi is responsible for the logistics and
the S&OP process for and with the partner as well as the overall perceived service by the
customer and number of calls. In prior functions, Jordi has implemented S&OP in a “service
to the customer” organization, which KPN is, and experienced and dealt with the resilience
(especially from marketing and sales) to forecast accurately.

15 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

Accommodations and Travel
Getting to the Best of the Best Conference Europe
The Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe, taking place 15–16 May, is hosted at the Crowne Plaza
Amsterdam-Schiphol. This hotel is in the center of Hoofddorp, near the Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.

Crowne Plaza Amsterdam-Schiphol

Planeetbaan 2, 2132 HZ
Hoofddorp, Netherlands
Telephone: +31 23 565 0000

The Crowne Plaza Amsterdam-Schiphol will offer a courtesy rate of €129 plus 6 percent city tax for attendees
based on availability. This special includes breakfast. Please use group code AP1 when booking your hotel.

For a list of restaurants and activities in the area, visit the Crowne Plaza Amsterdam-Schiphol concierge.

Travel to Amsterdam
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport
Distance to hotel: 2.1 miles
A direct rail link connects the Amsterdam Schiphol Airport to Amsterdam Central Station.
Cost: €3.60 (one way)

For more information on the train system, visit

For information on local buses and schedules, visit

About Amsterdam
Amsterdam, located in the province of North Holland, is the capital of Netherlands. This highly cultured city offers
an array of arts, including theater, artwork, music, photography, film, dance and museums. City attractions include
Oude Kerk, Madame Tussauds, the Diamond Museum, Artis Zoo, the Heineken Experience and much more.
Amstelpark is also hosting the Taste of Amsterdam from 15 to 18 May 2014. Learn more about food and attractions

Best of the Best S&OP Conference Exhibitors

CIMCIL is an independent training center for operations and supply chain management
since 1993. CIMCILs’ offerings include workshops, in-depth training programs and
educational business simulation games. Its goal is to excel in guiding its clients through the
APICS certification process, and related certifications such as IBF, SCC and others. Lean
management is a key component, aiming at building the competencies for a sustainable lean
business system and recognized lean certifications (IIBLC).

Supply Chain Movement inspires decision makers with the personal views of supply chain

directors, facts and figures, helpful insights and tools and visualizations of complex issues.
With over 21,000 members worldwide, SCM has an active supply chain group on LinkedIn. The
MOVEMENT website provides a platform where experts from around the world are sharing their views on
current and future issues.

16 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

About the Organizers

APICS is the leading professional association for supply chain and operations
management and the premier provider of research, education and certification
programs that elevate end-to-end supply chain excellence, innovation and
resilience. APICS Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) and
APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) designations set the industry
standard. With over 37,000 members and more than 250 international partners,
APICS is transforming the way people do business, drive growth and reach global
customers. For more information, visit

APICS Foundation
The APICS Foundation advances supply chain and operations management and
innovation through research, publications, education and talent development.
Organizations and academic programs gain access to the information they need
to contribute to the success of supply chains and meet enterprise goals through
the foundation’s exceptional network and resources. For more information, visit

The Institute of Business Forecasting & Planning (IBF) is a membership organization
recognized worldwide as the premier full-service provider of demand planning,
forecasting, S&OP education, benchmarking research, training, certification, world-
class conferences and advisory services. For almost three decades, the IBF has been
helping businesses improve their forecasting and planning performance in an effort
to enhance growth and improve their bottom line. It has been said that no other
organization on the globe has as much depth in its educational content for demand
planning and forecasting as IBF.

Having some of the world’s most well-known global companies as its members,
the IBF is constantly finding and disseminating better ways to manage demand,
improve supply chain efficiency and increase organizational performance.

By becoming an IBF member, you can ensure that you stay current with proven best
practices, link with global professionals facing similar challenges, ascend in your
career and bring your organization to world-class levels in performance. The IBF is a
pioneer in developing a demand planning and forecasting certification program that
can help boost your credentials, as well as give management greater confidence
in its people. The IBF is known for two levels of certification: Certified Professional
Forecaster (CPF®) and Advanced Certified Professional Forecaster (ACPF®). For more
information, visit

Visit to learn more about the

Best of the Best S&OP Conference in Chicago.

17 Best of the Best S&OP Conference Europe

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