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Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2001) 47, 87–91

High rates of resistance to cephalosporins among viridans-group
streptococci causing bacteraemia in neutropenic cancer patients

Anna Marrona*, Jordi Carratalàa, Fernando Alcaideb, Alberto Fernández-Sevillac and

Francesc Gudiola

Services of aInfectious Diseases, bMicrobiology and cClinical Haematology, Hospital de Bellvitge,

Institut Català d’Oncologia, Ciutat Sanitària i Universitària de Bellvitge, University of Barcelona, Spain

The prevalence of resistance to cephalosporins among viridans-group streptococci causing

88 (18%) cases among 485 bacteraemias in neutropenic cancer patients was studied. Rates of
resistance to ceftriaxone, ceftazidime, cefpirome and cefepime were 22, 53, 14 and 34%, respec-
tively. Previous administration of β-lactam therapy was the only factor significantly associated
with bacteraemia due to cephalosporin-resistant strains; only 11 (16%) of 68 patients infected
with cephalosporin-susceptible bacteria had received these antibiotics compared with 10 (50%)
of 20 patients infected with cephalosporin-resistant bacteria (P  0.0052).

Introduction an outpatient basis, because of its favourable pharmaco-

kinetic characteristics.5
In recent years, viridans-group streptococci (VGS) have The aims of the present study were to determine the
become a major cause of bacteraemia in neutropenic can- prevalence of resistance to cephalosporins among VGS
cer patients. There has also been an increase in the severity causing bacteraemia in neutropenic patients and to identify
of clinical manifestations and mortality caused by these risk factors associated with the development of bacter-
organisms.1 Fulminant infections, adult respiratory distress aemia due to these resistant strains.
syndrome (ARDS) and -streptococcal shock syndrome
are being observed in many centres. The emergence of
strains resistant to multiple antibiotics in this group of
organisms, which have long been considered very suscept- Materials and methods
ible to penicillin (MIC  0.12 mg/L), constitutes another
cause of great concern.2,3 The study was carried out in a 1000 bed university hospital
Combination of an aminoglycoside with an antipseudo- for adults, where prospective surveillance of all cases of
monal β-lactam drug has been one of the most frequently bacteraemia in neutropenic (500 granulocytes/mm3)
used empirical treatments for febrile episodes in neutro- patients with cancer is performed regularly. For the pur-
penic patients with cancer. In many regimens the β-lactam poses of the present study, we examined all episodes of viri-
compound is ceftazidime. Recently, some institutions have dans streptococcal bacteraemia in neutropenic patients
reported a decline in the frequency of infections caused by with cancer documented from January 1986 to December
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, especially among patients with 1996. The diagnosis of viridans streptococcal bacteraemia
solid tumours and lymphomas. This fact, along with the was established by the presence of two or more sets of
increase in Gram-positive bacteraemia, has prompted blood cultures positive for VGS. Cases in which a single
evaluation in empirical regimens of third-generation blood culture yielded these bacteria were included only
cephalosporins, with higher activity against Gram-positive when signs of septicaemia were present.
organisms (e.g. ceftriaxone) instead of the commonly used To identify factors associated with cephalosporin-
ceftazidime.4 Recently, ceftriaxone has also been increas- resistant viridans streptococcal bacteraemia, a comparison
ingly used to treat low-risk febrile patients with cancer on between cases due to cephalosporin-susceptible bacteria

*Correspondence address. Feixa Llarga s/n, 08907 l’Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain. Tel: 34-93-3357011 (ext. 2487);
Fax: 34-93-2607637; E-mail: [email protected]

© 2001 The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
A. Marron et al.

and those due to cephalosporin-resistant strains was car- Results

ried out. For this purpose, susceptibility to cephalosporins
was considered to be the same as that to ceftriaxone. Over the study period, 485 episodes of bacteraemia were
During the study period, norfloxacin was used as pro- documented among neutropenic cancer patients. Eighty-
phylaxis. Ceftazidime or imipenem plus amikacin were the eight (18%) of these episodes were caused by VGS. Strains
empirical antibiotic regimens most commonly used for were identified as Streptococcus mitis group (n 72),
febrile episodes. Vancomycin was added to the initial regi- Streptococcus salivarius group (n 7), Streptococcus
men of patients in whom infection due to Gram-positive sanguis group (n 5), Streptococcus milleri group (n 3)
bacteria was initially suspected and also to those who had and Streptococcus mutans group (n 2). One episode was
not improved after initial therapy for 48 h or who worsened caused by S. mitis and S. salivarius groups concomitantly.
before that time. Table I shows the in vitro activities of nine antimicrobial
Severe mucositis was defined as the presence of multiple agents against the 89 VGS isolated from blood cultures.
ulcerations covering 25% of the oral mucosa. Serious Thirty-five (39%) isolates showed some degree of resist-
complications included the following: septic shock (defined ance to penicillin with an MIC range of 0.25–16 mg/L, with
as a systolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg and evidence of 20 isolates (57%) being highly resistant. Rates of resistance
peripheral hypoperfusion) and ARDS (adult respiratory to erythromycin, imipenem and ciprofloxacin were 36, 7
distress syndrome; defined as respiratory failure with bilat- and 38%, respectively (MIC ranges 1–32 mg/L, 2 mg/L
eral pulmonary infiltrates and neither evidence of cardiac and 2–32 mg/L, respectively). All isolates were susceptible
failure nor isolation of organisms in respiratory specimens). to vancomycin. Twenty isolates (22%) were resistant to
In the study of risk factors, prophylactic norfloxacin and ceftriaxone (MIC range 2–8 mg/L) and 47 (53%) to cef-
prior β-lactam therapy were considered to be present when tazidime (MIC range 2–256 mg/L). Susceptibility to
they were given during the 2 weeks before viridans strepto- fourth-generation cephalosporins was tested in 35 of 89
coccal bacteraemia developed. Attributable mortality was isolates. Cefpirome was more active than cefepime; five
considered when it occurred within the first 7 days from isolates (14%) strains were resistant to cefpirome and 12
the bacteraemia and after excluding other causes of death. (34%) to cefepime (MIC range 2–4 mg/L).
Overall mortality was defined as any death occurring A comparison of the clinical findings in patients with
within 30 days from the bacteraemia. cephalosporin-susceptible and cephalosporin-resistant viri-
VGS recovered from blood cultures were classified dans streptococcal bacteraemia is shown in Table II. Prior
according to the taxonomy and nomenclature proposed by administration of β-lactam antibiotics was the only factor
Bruckner & Colonna6 which includes five species/groups, significantly associated with cephalosporin-resistant cases;
namely the Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus sanguis, 11 (16%) of 68 patients with cephalosporin-susceptible
Streptococcus milleri, Streptococcus salivarius and Strepto- bacteraemia had received β-lactam antibiotics as compared
coccus mutans groups. They were identified by standard with 10 (50%) of 20 patients with cephalosporin-resistant
methods, including colony morphology and the production bacteraemia (P 0.0052). Ceftazidime was the prior β-
of acid from trehalose, sorbitol, lactose, mannitol, sucrose, lactam most frequently given to patients with cephalo-
inulin, raffinose, glycerol, arabinose, maltose and sorbose. sporin-resistant bacteraemia (eight of 10 patients). In fact,
The isolates were additionally tested for reactions on aes- four patients developed breakthrough bacteraemia due to
culin agar and bile–aesculin agar, growth in 6.5% NaCl resistant strains while receiving ceftazidime. The other
broth, ammonia production from arginine, pyruvate util- β-lactams given to patients with bacteraemia due to
ization, sodium hippurate hydrolysis and hydrolysis of cephalosporin-resistant isolates were imipenem in two
starch. The antimicrobial agents tested were penicillin, cases (one patient received both imipenem and ceftazi-
ceftriaxone, ceftazidime, cefepime, cefpirome, imipenem, dime) and amoxycillin–clavulanate in one case. In patients
erythromycin, ciprofloxacin and vancomycin. The MICs with cephalosporin-susceptible bacteraemia, the β-lactams
were determined by the microdilution method.7 Strains used were ceftazidime in nine cases and imipenem in two
were classified for penicillin susceptibility according to the cases.
NCCLS criteria,8 as follows: susceptible (MIC  0.12 mg/L), Ten of the 88 patients (11%) developed serious compli-
intermediately resistant (MIC 0.25–2 mg/L) and highly cations: ARDS plus septic shock in five patients, ARDS in
resistant (MIC  4 mg/L). VGS were considered to be three patients and septic shock in two patients. The VGS
resistant to cephalosporins when the MIC was 2 mg/L.8 isolated from five of these 10 patients were resistant to
Streptococcus pneumoniae ATCC 49619 and Staphylo- ceftazidime (MIC range 2–32 mg/L), with three of them
coccus aureus ATCC 29213 were used for the quality con- also being resistant to ceftriaxone (MICs 2–8 mg/L) and
trol. cefepime (MIC range 2–4 mg/L). Attributable mortality
We used 2 or Fisher’s exact test when appropriate for was 9% (eight of 88 patients) and overall mortality was
analysis of categorical variables and Student’s t-test for 22% (19 of 88 patients). The comparative study did not
analysis of continuous variables. show significant differences between cephalosporin-sus-
ceptible and cephalosporin-resistant bacteraemic episodes

Cephalosporin-resistant viridans streptococci

regarding the development of serious complications or in


mortality rates.


Table I. In vitro activities of nine antimicrobial agents against 89 strains of VGS isolated from blood of neutropenic patients with cancer





98.1 Over recent years, penicillin-resistant VGS have been

increasingly isolated worldwide. In South Africa, 38% of



strains isolated from blood cultures between 1988 and 1991
were found to be resistant to penicillin.2 A recent study
conducted in the USA, which included mostly non-

neutropenic patients, showed that 56% of VGS recovered



from blood cultures were resistant to penicillin.3 In addi-

Cumulative percentages of isolates for which the MICs (mg/L) were

tion, some studies dealing with neutropenic patients with

cancer9 have also shown an increasing incidence of viridans




streptococcal bacteraemia caused by penicillin-resistant

strains. Nevertheless, experiences regarding the activities
of cephalosporins against VGS isolated from the blood of



neutropenic cancer patients are limited.10 In the present




study, a substantial proportion of isolates were resistant to

ceftriaxone. Importantly, ceftazidime was found to be the


least active of the cephalosporins tested. Regarding the



activities of the fourth-generation cephalosporins, we

found that the rate of resistance to cefepime was higher
than that to cefpirome.


According to our data, prior β-lactam therapy appears to



be a major predisposing factor for the occurrence of bac-

teraemia caused by resistant strains. It should be noted,

however, that these resistant strains are particularly preva-


lent in countries with a high incidence of penicillin-resistant

pneumococci, such as Spain and South Africa. Interest-
ingly, several in vitro studies have demonstrated the poten-


tial for transfer of resistance determinants to penicillin and

cephalosporins between these two streptococci species.
Thus, the selection pressure of exposure to β-lactams can
Activities of cefpirome and ceftazidime were tested in 35 of the 89 strains.



promote the enrichment and spread of resistant VGS as

well as resistant pneumococci.
In our experience, the outcome in patients with cephalo-
sporin-resistant viridans streptococcal bacteraemia was not



worse than that in patients with cephalosporin-susceptible

viridans streptococcal bacteraemia. However, it should be
pointed out that our study was not designed to address this



issue. Further studies specifically analysing the clinical


significance of resistance to cephalosporins are needed,

both for bacteraemia and for other serious infections
caused by VGS that are occasionally treated with cephalo-



sporins, such as endocarditis or, less frequently, meningitis.


A recent study11 of the outcome of bacteraemia in

neutropenic cancer patients found that six of nine patients
with viridans streptococcal bacteraemia who died had been
empirically treated with ceftazidime. In contrast, all patients

who survived had received vancomycin in the initial anti-




biotic regimen. Thus, in light of our findings of a high per-


centage of VGS showing increased MICs to ceftazidime,

we believe that, at least at institutions where penicillin-
resistant VGS are prevalent, ceftazidime should not be

A. Marron et al.

Table II. Comparison between cephalosporin-susceptible and cephalosporin-resistant VGS

bacteraemia in 88 neutropenic patients with cancera

Cephalosporin-susceptible Cephalosporin-resistant
Variable bacteraemia (n 68) bacteraemia (n 20) P

Age, years: mean (range) 43.3 (16–80) 36.9 (16–63) NS

male 38 (56) 11(55) NS
female 30 (44) 9 (45)
Underlying disease
acute leukaemia 33 (49) 12 (60) NS
other malignancies 35 (51) 8 (40)
Bone marrow transplantation
yes 24 (35) 7 (35) NS
no 44 (65) 13 (65)
Severe neutropeniab
yes 64 (94) 18 (90) NS
no 4 (6) 2 (10)
Severe mucositis
yes 30 (44) 8 (40) NS
no 38 (56) 12 (60)
Prophylaxis with quinolones
yes 56 (82) 13 (65) NS
no 12 (18) 7 (35)
Prior β-lactam therapy
yes 11(16) 10 (50) 0.0052
no 57 (84) 10 (50)
Species of VGSc
S. mitis group 54 (78) 19 (95) NS
other 15 (22) 1 (5)
Serious complications
yes 8 (12) 2 (10) NS
no 60 (88) 18 (90)
Overall mortality 15 (22) 4 (20) NS
Attributable mortality 6 (9) 2 (10) NS

Data are presented as number (%) of patients. NS, not significant.

Cephalosporin susceptibility was determined on the basis of ceftriaxone MICs.
Fewer than 100 granulocytes/mm3.
One episode was caused by S. mitis group and S. salivarius group concomitantly.

administered empirically to neutropenic patients suspected strain was found to be resistant to vancomycin. These
of having viridans streptococcal bacteraemia. In recent findings should be considered when choosing empirical
years, some authors have advocated the use of ceftriaxone4 antibiotic therapy for febrile episodes in this population of
in order to provide a better coverage of Gram-positive patients.
infections. This antibiotic has also been increasingly used
to facilitate outpatient therapy for low-risk patients with
cancer.5 Therefore, our results demonstrating high rates of
resistance to this agent are of great clinical relevance. Acknowledgement
Although fourth-generation cephalosporins showed a
better activity than ceftazidime, a significant proportion of This work was supported by a grant from Fondo de Investi-
strains of VGS were also resistant to these agents. Imi- gaciones Sanitarias (93/1081, 93/1196) and Fundació
penem was the most active of the β-lactams, and no August Pi i Sunyer.

Cephalosporin-resistant viridans streptococci

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