Aip 2018 2019 SSG Revised and Finalized

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SCHOOL YEAR 2018 -2019
Instruction: List down the activities that are required in each school year to implement the school improvement projects. Indicated for every activity are the schedule and venue,
budget, and the person (s) responsible.

LEARNERS’ 1. Intervention to  Empowered the 1. Three (3) Phases of  SSG Officers, June-March Bond paper 160.00 MOOE
HOLISTIC Socially and 100% of SSG Peer Counseling Advisers and the 2018/
DEVELOPMENT Psychologically Officers as Peer Seminar-Workshop in General Assembly La Filipina
Disturbed Counselors consortium with USeP of Class National
Learners  Reduced by 20% Tagum Campus Guild of Presidents High School
(ISPDL) of students’ Peer Facilitators.  USeP GPF Adviser
absenteeism, 2. Conduct of Grade Level and Peer
gang activities, Patrol before the start Facilitators
cutting classes, of the First Period, After  All Students
gambling, Recess, and before the  SK Officials and
jumping over the start of the afternoon Religious Youth
fence and class. Leaders.
bullying. 3. Weekly Monitoring  All those who can
 Conducted two through Classroom contribute to the
(2) Youth Presidents. attainment of this
Forums with 4. Close connection with goal.
elected SK the School
Disciplinarian and
Officials and Formation Center
Religious Youth 5. Constant Dialogue with
Leaders from alleged Gang Leaders
surrounding 6. Creative ways to block
Feeder marked spots where
Barangays. student jump over the
7. Regulate areas that
students stay whenever
they cut classes.
8. Intensify campaigns
against bullying and
other forms of school
9. Youth Forum with SK
Officials and Religious
Youth Leaders.
2. Academic  Helped at least 1. Study Hub  SSG Adviser July –March Chalk 200.00 MOOE
Supplication 100 students 2. Subject Tutorial  SSG Officers 2018/La Bond Paper 160.00 IGP
Program who experiences 3. Free Printing  General Assembly Filipina (A4) 200.00
(ASP) difficulties in a  Coordinating National Paper 140.00
certain subject Council High School Ball pens 300.00
area  Subject Snacks 5,000.00 SOLI/PTA
 Fostered Coordinators Printer Inks
improvement in  LFNHS Alumni
the learner’s  PTA Officers
grades through
providing free
printing to all
students and
promoting group
3. Club  Executed the 1. Club Recruitment Day  SSG Adviser June 2018 Awards and 500.00 IGP
Empowerment mandate of the 2. Club Recognition Day  SSG Officers Certificates 500.00 SSG Funds
Program CBL to form a 3. Establishment of the  General July 2017 300.00 PTA
(CEP) Campus Campus Coordinating Assembly, November
Coordinating Council Campus 2018
Council of Club 4. Club Exhibition Day Coordinating
Presidents 5. Regular Council Council and Club LFNHS
 Recognized and Meetings Officers
legitimized  Principal
100% of Campus  All interested
Clubs and Students
 Formed the CCC
and convened
twice a month.
4. Leadership  Conducted two 1. School Based  SSG Adviser July- August Tarpaulin 600.00 MOOE
Exploration And (2) Phases of Leadership Seminar for  SSG Officers 2018/ Certificates/ 250.00
Development School Based GA and CCC and all  Class Presidents August – Holder 150.00
(LEAD) Leadership interested students.  Campus September Frame 160.00 SSG Funds
Seminar 2. Team Building Activities Coordinating School Bond paper 160.00 PTA
 Conducted 6 with EsP Department, Council Gymnasium Construction 4,000.00 IGP
Batches of Team USeP Tagum GPF, and  General Assembly paper 500.00 Registrati
Building SK Officials  Resource Speaker Honorarium on Fee
Activities Snacks

5. Economic and  Conducted 6 1. Financial Literacy  SSG Adviser July- August Bond Paper 200.00 IGP
Livelihood Batches of Seminar  SSG Officers 2018/ Snacks MOOE
Programs Financial 2. Livelihood Trainings:  Class Presidents August – Certificate 300.00 SSG funds
(ELP) Literacy Seminar a. Siomai Making  Campus September holder/frame 200.00 PTA
for Students b. Bead Works Coordinating SSG Office Token 1,000.00
 Conducted 4 c. Cookie Baking Council
livelihood d. Munchkin Making  General Assembly
training for  Resource Speaker
students who
wanted to earn.
6. SSG Election for  Conducted with  Automated elections  SSG Adviser June Desktop
Additional 100% efficiency  Appointment  SSG Officers 2018/La Computers
Grade Level elections for  COMELEC Filipina Snacks 300.00 MOOE
Representatives addition of grade  General Assembly National Bond Paper 160.00 SSG Funds
And Election of level  Campus High School (A4) 170.00 PTA
officers of SY representatives Coordinating Laptops 50.00 IGP
2019-2020 in compliance to Council ( computer 60.00
DECS order no.  ICT Teachers room ) 164.00
37 s. 2001 10 pcs pentel
 Appointed pen
Members of the 10 pcs Manila
seven Paper
Permanent SSG 10 pcs Cartolina
Committees 1 ream long
 Appointed Bond paper
additional grade
 Elected new set
of officers for SY

7. Advocacy,  Promoted and 1. Clean and Green  Waste June 2018- Tarpaulin 350.00 MOOE
Awareness, supported six Campaign Management March 2019/ Log book 160.00 IGP
Outreach, and (7) major issues 2. Social Works Coordinator LFNHS Bond Paper 160.00
Extension concerning the a. Bereaved Family  SSG Officers Printer’s Ink DONATIO
whole students. b. Severely Ill Students  SSG Adviser Bond Paper 250.00 N
and Parents  Classroom Certificate 150.00
3. National Drug Advisers holder 150.00
Education Program  General Assembly Snacks 300.00
Echo  Campus Tarpaulin 1,000.00
4. Anti-Smoking Coordinating Champorado 500.00
5. Feeding Program Council Pancit Lomi 650.00
6. SSG Publication Bread 200.00
Certificates 150.00
Tarpaulin 500.00
Snacks 500.00
Signage 1,200.00
8. Awards, Awarded,  Giving of certificates of  Principal June 2018- Awards and 500.00 MOOE
Appreciation appreciated recognition to those  Asst. Principal March 2019 certificates
and Recognition and recognized well- students who perform  Classroom La Filipina
disciplined student exemplary duties and Advisers NHS
traits like: responsibilities as  SSG Adviser
 Honesty, student  WM Coordinator
helpfulness,  Guards
and etc.
 For having clean
and organized
classroom and
area of
SUPPORT TO 1. Brigada Eskwela  Encouraged 1. Flower planting Administration May 2018/ Bolo 700.00 Donation
MANDATED 2018 students to 2. Ground Cleaning Stakeholders La Filipina Rag 225.00 MOOE
DEPED participate in 3. Preparing and cleaning Partners National Brooms 120.00 SSG Funds
PROGRAMS the Brigada of the New SSG Office SSG Officers High School Water ( PTA )
Eskwela SSG Adviser Dispenser with
 Prepare and help Cold and Hot
at least three (3) mechanism
event or
2. Gulayan sa  Produced a  SSG Vegetable Garden  SSG Officers July – Bamboo/ MOOE
Paaralan vegetable garden  Classroom December Lumber 1,500.00 SSG Funds
at the back of the Officers 2018/La Wire PTA
SSG Office.  SSG Adviser Filipina NHS Nails 250.00
 SSG Officers Seedlings
 Classroom Garden soil 300.00 MOOE
 GsP Coordinator

3. World Teachers’  Organized the  Recognized the efforts  SSG Officers September Tarpaulin 750.00 MOOE
Day Launching Program for of the second parents in  General Assembly 2018 Balloons 10.00 Classroom
and Culmination educators the school during the  Campus La Filipina Certificate 500.00 Funds
Day  Recognized flag ceremony and Coordinating NHS Snacks 4,000.00 with
Teachers for during the culmination Council Fare 200.00 advisory
their valuable day  Subject Teachers Decoration 100.00 MOOE
service  Showed different  Students SSG Funds
presentation to honor  Resource Speaker PTA with
their teachers non-
and non-

INCOME 1. PEEL ( Pay to  Served as  Students pay one peso  SSG Officers June 2018 - 20 pads of 450.00 IGP
GENERATING Earn, Earn to Income per entry. ( One  Classroom March 2019 paper
ACTIVITIES AND Learn ) Generating question per week ) Presidents La Filipina 20 ballpens
PROJECTS Project  Studentry NHS per week
 Accomplishment  General Assembly
Report  Classroom
2. Intramurals Day  Boosted  Sport Events  SSG Officers August 2018 Construction IGP
students self-  Conduct IGP such as:  General Assembly ( tentative ) Paper 160.00
confidence, 1. Message on Air  Campus La Filipina Cartolina
sportsmanship, 2. Movie Marathon Coordinating NHS glue 60.00
camaraderie and 3. Others Council
skills  Subject Teachers 40.00
 Equipped
 Facilitated IGP

3. Mr. and Ms.  Served as an  Search/Pageant  SSG Officers February Awards and 600.00 SSG Funds
Valentines avenue for IGP  Other events  General Assembly 2018/La Certificates PTA
 Campus Filipina Tokens 1,000.00 MOOE
Coordinating National Tarpaulin 800.00 IGP
Council High School Snacks 300.00 Registrati
 Judges on Fee
 Classroom

4. T-shirt and Polo  Raise significant  T-shirt and Polo  SSG OFFICERS June 2018-
Printing amount from t- Printing  Classroom March 2019
shirt and polo President
printing of the  Mr. Eugenio
school logo with
Mr. Eugenio

TOTAL Php. 37,319.00

Prepared by: Submitted to:


SST I/SSG Adviser SSG President School Principal II

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