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Stanley Plotkin, Section Editor

Hepatitis B and the Need for a Booster Dose

Elke Leuridan and Pierre Van Damme
Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Institute, World Health Organziation Collaborating Centre for the Prevention
and Control of Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, University of Antwerp, Edegem, Belgium

After several decades of vaccination against hepatitis B virus in newborns, infants, adolescents, and adults, the
question remains whether a booster dose is ever needed. Long-term protection is most commonly measured
through 4 methods: the anamnestic response after administration of a booster dose, infection rate in vaccinated
populations, in vitro B and T cell activity testing, and seroepidemiological studies. Long-term protection is
present despite a decrease in anti-hepatitis B surface antibodies over time. The exact mechanism of long-term
protection, however, is not yet fully understood. There is no need for boosters in immunologically potent
persons as long as a full course was adequately administered that respected the recommended timelines, as
evidenced by studies conducted up to 20 years after the original immunization course. However, a booster dose
should be planned for immunocompromised patients, based on serological monitoring.

Over 2 billion people worldwide have been exposed to improvements. Vaccination is an easy and cost-
hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, and at least 378 mil- effective measure to prevent disease and infection.
lion are chronically infected and are at risk for severe Additionally, vaccination eliminates the incidences
disease and death [1]. Different degrees of endemicity are of persistent HBV infection and chronic liver disease
recognized. If seroprevalence of hepatitis B surface an- and diminishes the pool of chronic carriers, thus
tigen (HBsAg) is .8%, the region is considered to be of limiting transmission of infection to susceptible
high endemicity; if HBsAg seroprevalence is 2%–8%, the contacts [2].
region is considered to be of intermediate endemicity; A complete standard vaccination schedule exists in 3
and if HBsAg seroprevalence is ,2%, the region is doses that are most commonly administered as a 0-, 1-,
considered to be of low endemicity. Hepatitis B is and 6-month schedule. A 3-dose course induces pro-
a bloodborne and sexually transmitted infection. Peri- tective antibody concentrations in .95% of healthy
natal and horizontal transmission is evident in countries infants, children, and adolescents and in .90% of
where the disease is highly endemic and within house- healthy adults [3, 4]. The minimum spacing of doses is 4
holds containing HBsAg carriers, but administering the weeks between doses 1 and 2, 8 weeks between doses 2
vaccine at birth adequately controls perinatal trans- and 3, and 16 weeks between doses 1 and 3 [5]. The
mission. primary hepatitis B immunization series, starting at
Currently, the therapeutic options for treating birth, consists of at least 3 doses of vaccine (1 mono-
chronic HBV infection are difficult to implement and valent at-birth dose followed by 2 monovalent or
are not yet fully effective, leaving room for further combined vaccine doses). Four doses may be given for
programmatic reasons, administered according to the
schedules of national routine immunization programs
Received 28 December 2010; accepted 29 March 2011.
Correspondence: Elke Leuridan, MD, Vaccine and Infectious Disease
Institute, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1,Antwerp, B-2610, Belgium The term ‘‘booster’’ refers to a vaccination given some
([email protected]).
time after a primary vaccination series and with the aim
Clinical Infectious Diseases 2011;53(1):68–75
Ó The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious
of providing rapid protective immunity against a sig-
Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: nificant breakthrough infection (ie, infection resulting
[email protected].
in serological test results positive for HBV and/or clin-
DOI: 10.1093/cid/cir270 ical disease) [1].

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METHODS Based on those studies that confirmed immune memory [29],
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the
Starting from the article by Banatvala et al [6], we examined Canadian National Advisory Committee on Immunization ad-
literature and insights regarding the need for booster doses against vised, in 1991 and 1992, respectively, that a booster dose no
hepatitis B published since 2002. A Medline search was conducted longer be administered to fully vaccinated healthy subjects [30,
using the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed online search 31]. Tilzey highlighted the discordance between the recom-
engine. Keywords included ‘‘hepatitis B,’’ ‘‘booster,’’ and ‘‘vacci- mendations in the United Kingdom and the United States, be-
nation.’’ The starting year was not defined, and the end date was cause the former still recommended booster doses in 1995 for
July 2010. Any ‘‘related article’’ hyperlinks were followed for each HCWs if anti-HBs levels had waned [32]. Finally, on the basis of
retrieved article. The reference list of the retrieved articles was also the literature and available follow-up data, a European con-
used to identify related literature. No language priority was sensus group stated in the Lancet in 2000 that there was no
chosen. In the Cochrane library, no review was encountered on recognized need for booster doses in healthy, fully vaccinated
hepatitis B booster doses, with the exception of a review related to infants, adolescents, and adults [33].
the vaccination of health care workers (HCWs). These reports meant tremendous cost savings, especially in
developing countries with high HBV endemicity [33]. Immuno-
PRESENT EVIDENCE compromised people (eg, human immunodeficiency virus–
positive and chronic renal failure), however, have slower primary
Even at the beginning of the HBV vaccination program, the and secondary immune responses and a lower peak after vacci-
most evident way to investigate the duration of protection was nation. All recommendations advise that these specific groups
via the measurement of hepatitis B surface antibodies (anti- undergo serological monitoring and receive a booster dose if anti-
HBs). In 1989, Jilg et al [7] compared 3 different schedules in HBs levels decrease below 10 mIU/mL. Intravenous drug users,
young healthy adults (range, 22–26 years of age). With an en- persons with risky sexual behavior, travelers, residents in mental
larging interval between dose 2 and dose 3, a higher geometric institutions, those who have close contact with carriers, and im-
mean concentration (GMC) of anti-HBs was induced after the migrants do not need boosters [1].
complete series. For the first time, a correlation was demon- Over the years, data for longer post-vaccination follow-up
strated between the peak titer 1 month after a complete series periods have become available. Banatvala et al [6] described
and the duration of the presence of antibodies: the higher peak accumulated data from long-term follow-up studies among
value, the longer the persistence of anti-HBs [7]. This finding infants, children, and adults. In Tables 1 and 2, information
was subsequently confirmed in several different studies [8, 9]. published in the last 10 years is added to that mentioned in the
The protective cutoff level was set at $10 mIU/mL anti-HBs, paper of Van Damme and Banatvala [40]. To date, no com-
based on vaccine efficacy studies [10–12]. Additionally, data pelling evidence has been found to suggest that a booster dose is
from The Gambia supported the use of peak antibody response needed, even after more than 20 years of follow-up data ac-
as the best indicator of protection against carriage [12]. quisition.
Among children who respond to the complete primary 3-dose For adolescents (11–15 years of age), a 2-dose schedule at
vaccination series with anti-HBs concentrations of .10 mIU/mL, 0 and 4–6 months with an adult dosage is an effective alternative
15%–50% have low or undetectable concentrations of anti-HBs for a 3-dose (pediatric dosage) schedule [41]. After 10 years of
5–15 years after the start of the vaccination series [13]. In adults, follow-up in the Czech Republic, 85.9% of the adolescents (aged
anti-HBs concentrations decrease rapidly within the first year 12–15 years) vaccinated with the 2-dose schedule had anti-HBs
after primary vaccination and more slowly thereafter. A decrease levels of $10 mIU/mL, as did 85.1% of those who received 3
was noticed to a level of ,10 mIU/mL in 7%–50% of vaccinated pediatric doses [41]. However, the adolescents who were vac-
adults within 5 years after vaccination and in 30%–60% within cinated with the 2-dose schedule had slightly lower GMC 10
9–11 years after vaccination [13]. years after receiving the doses. In Belgium, a 5-year follow-up
In 1989, Wismans measured the anamnestic response to study showed fewer adolescents (aged 11–15 years) had anti-
a booster vaccine in vivo, after anti-HBs levels had decreased to HBs levels of $10 mIU/mL if vaccinated via the 2-dose schedule
below the seroprotective level [14]. Excellent humoral responses (79.5%, compared with 91.4% of those vaccinated with 3 doses),
were shown, indicating immune memory for HBsAg. Despite but after a challenge dose, all subjects mounted a rapid anam-
low or undetectable antibody levels years after vaccination, the nestic response, indicating immune memory [42].
acquisition of HBsAg seemed to be rare. Immune memory was In this article, four main methods are used to approach the
confirmed in studies following challenge with HBV vaccine concept of long-term protection: the anamnestic response to
(Table 1) and in vitro production of anti-HBs in circulating B booster vaccinations, the measurement of infections in vacci-
cells [28]. nated populations (HBsAg/hepatitis B core antibody [anti-HBc]

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Table 1. Studies in Different Populations in Regions With Different Endemicity During the Past Decade, Using Anamnestic Response to
a Booster Dose as a Measure for Immune Memory if Anti-HBs Decreased <10 mIU/mL

Duration of
Year of Vaccinated No. of doses or follow-up, Anamnestic
Reference publication population No. of subjects Country schedule in months years response
[15] 2003 Infants 70 1 41 Samoa 3 doses; 0.1.6 starting at 5 or 9 100% after 5 years,
birth, booster at 5 or 93% after 9 years
9 years
[16] 2004 Infants of carrier 116 UK 3–4 doses, starting at birth 10 86%
[17] 2004 Infants of carrier 78 1 113 China 4 doses, starting at birth 15 97.3–96.7%
mothers 1 infants
from noncarrier
[18] 2007 Adolescents 620, 11 lost Italy 3 doses 11 91.7%
[19] 2005 Adolescents 550 Canada 3 doses 5 99%
[20] 2005 Infants and recruits 1212 children, Italy 3 doses: 3.5.11 months 10 97% children and
446 recruits and 0.1.6 for recruits 96% recruits
[21] 2006 Infants 94 Iran 3 doses starting at birth 10 95.8%
[22] 2007 Adolescents 255 The Gambia 3 doses 15 92.3%
[23] 2007 Infants; recombinant 166 Alaska 3 doses starting at birth 5–7 99%
Adolescents; 138 Alaska 3 doses starting at birth 10–15 88%
recombinant vaccine
Adolescents; plasma 74 Alaska 3 doses starting at birth 12–15 71%
[24] 2007 Infants of 37 Alaska 3 doses starting at birth 15 51% after 2 weeks,
carrier mothers 62% after 1 month
[25] 2008 Infants 872 Taiwan 3 doses starting at birth 15–21 70.3%
[26] 2009 Young adults 127 Taiwan 3 doses starting at birth 18–23 75.6% after 1 month;
20% after 1 week
[27] 2009 Children 186 Germany 3 doses 1 1 7–9 98.9%
NOTE. Anti-HBcs, anti-hepatitis B surface antibody.

seroconversion), and in vitro testing for T and B cell activation. boosting illustrate the prolonged duration of protection against
Additionally, seroepidemiological research gives an idea of the hepatitis B, even after the disappearance of vaccine-induced
changes in the carrier rate in vaccinated populations and the serological anti-HBs (Table 1).
impact of immunization programs. Instead of testing 1 month after booster administration, some
The definition of a breakthrough infection with HBV found investigators have been testing immune responses earlier. Fifteen
most often in the literature is an infection characterized by the years after immunization, in Alaskan children who received 3 doses
development of anti-HBc, without clinical features and without starting at birth, only 51% showed an anamnestic response 2
carrier state development. Infection with acquisition of HBsAg, weeks after a 5-lg booster dose, whereas 62% showed a response
a significant breakthrough infection, has been reported in in- after 1 month [24]. Jan et al [26] also measured early anamnestic
fants of carrier mothers, related to the maternal viral load, as responses in Taiwanese students vaccinated at birth, 18–23 years
well as in one HCW [36, 43]. earlier. A low percentage of anamnestic responses were encoun-
tered after 1 week (20.5%). However, titers equaled those in other
Anamnestic Response to Booster Dose as a Way to Demonstrate studies after 1 month (75%), revealing that anamnestic immune
Long-term Protection responses need time. Nevertheless, those who had the earliest
Cohorts of vaccinated people are followed up around the world; anamnestic response in the study of Jan et al [26] were those who
the current longest duration of follow-up is 23 years after pri- ended up with the highest levels of anti-HBs 1–6 months after the
mary vaccination [26, 44]. Regardless of the endemicity in the booster dose. As the incubation time is, on average, 90 days from
country [20, 45] and regardless of natural boosting [17], an- exposure to onset of jaundice and 60 days from exposure to onset
amnestic responses measured shortly after vaccine-induced of abnormal alanine transaminase levels, the stimulation of

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memory cells should trigger anti-HBs production rapidly enough Bauer et al [28] analyzed B cell memory by co-cultivation of
so that subjects reach the appropriate level for protection within 2 isolated B cells with CD41 T cells and the identification of
months and can therefore be considered protected against in- anti-HBs-secreting cells by enzyme-linked immunospot assay
fection, or at least against the clinical consequences of infection. In (ELI spot). Their results showed significant numbers of HBsAg-
addition, even an absent anamnestic response following such specific memory T and B cells present in all vaccine recipients
a booster vaccination may not necessarily mean that individuals despite the absence of specific antibodies. Lu et al [17, 25]
are susceptible to HBV infection [24]. conducted a 15- to 18-year follow-up in infants; 63% had no
Some authors suggest that other factors influence long-term anti-HBs in the long term. A booster dose was administered to
protection. Boxall et al [16] report the influence of hepatitis B seronegative children, and 28.7% showed no anamnestic re-
immunoglobulins (HBIG) co-administered with the hepatitis B sponse (10% of the total population). In this last group, HBsAg-
vaccine at birth on immunological memory induction in specific interferon (IFN) c and interleukin 5-secreting peripheral
countries where the disease has low endemicity; the study sug- blood mononuclear cells remained negative in 27.2% of subjects
gests that early administration of HBIG could lead to a more after booster administration (enzyme-linked immunospot as-
rapid loss of memory. The potential influence by the type, say). The timing of the enzyme-linked immunospot assay test
number and composition of candidate vaccines administered is was different (after 28 days) compared with that in study by
another issue. Samandari et al [23] reported that 31% of ado- Bauer et al [28] (after 10 days). There is a possibility that the
lescents who, 12 to 15 years earlier, had been vaccinated with the latter measurement resulted in an underestimation of the cel-
plasma-derived vaccine (3 doses) at birth did not respond to lular immunity.
a booster dose, compared with only 17% of adolescents vacci- Chinchai et al [48] reported long-term follow-up in both
nated at birth with the recombinant vaccine (3 doses). humoral and cellular immune parameters in Thailand, and
69.9% of participants showed a seroprotective titer after 18–20
Measurement of Infections as a Way to Measure Long-term years. In addition, 81.8% of participants who displayed IFN-
Protection c-producing cells were also positive for anti-HBs, but only 50%
Table 2 gives an overview of follow-up studies using anti-HBc, of participants who displayed anti-HBs were positive for IFN-
HBsAg, or HBV DNA to measure infections and protection in c-producing cells. However, the results are difficult to compare
vaccine recipients. with those of other studies because of the methods used.
Breakthrough infections occur in 0%–17.7% of the general To summarize, the exact immunological mechanism of long-
population [22] and in up to 33.3% in children of carrier term protection is not well understood, and recent studies raise
mothers [25] after 15 years of follow-up (Table 2). In long-term even more questions.
follow-up studies, breakthrough infections do occur, illustrated
by the seroconversion of anti-HBc antibodies, but few clinically Seroepidemiology as a Way to Measure Long-term Protection
significant infections are diagnosed and few new carriers are The results of effective implementation of universal hepatitis B
reported [34, 37, 46]. programs have become apparent in terms of a reduction not
From a public health point of view, the likelihood of be- only in the incidence of acute HBV infection but also in the
coming a hepatitis B carrier is even more important. Viviani et al carrier rate in immunized populations. Seroepidemiological
[47] recently published the evaluation of 24 years of a hepatitis B studies have been performed to measure the effect of hepatitis B
vaccination program in The Gambia: 67% vaccine efficacy vaccination programs in vaccinated populations, including the
against development of anti-HBc and 96.6% vaccine efficacy long-term protection the vaccination programs can give. Epi-
against carriage was reported. The impact on hepatocellular demiological research in Thailand in the population of those
cancer had already been seen: the risk of hepatocellular carci- 0–60 years old showed a significant decrease in the carrier rate in
noma attributable to HBV at age ,50 years was 70%–80% lower the younger population (ie, in the subset of the population that
than that for historical cohorts. was vaccinated) [49]. Several epidemiological studies have been
performed in Taiwan. One such study, in a cohort of university
T- and B-Cell Activity as a Way to Measure Long-term Protection students, revealed the major impact of vaccination on the carrier
Memory B lymphocytes are elicited through vaccination and rate, which decreased from 9.8% before vaccination to 0.8% in
involved in long-term immunity and protection against hepatitis the vaccinated cohort after 23 years [50, 51]. The average annual
B [11]. The response of an increase in antibodies to a booster incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma among children 6–14
dose is a result of triggering memory B lymphocytes, sensitized years of age during 1981–1986 was 0.7 cases per 100,000 pop-
through an initial exposure to antigen, which remain capable of ulation, whereas during 1990–1994, it was 0.36 cases per 100,000
rapid proliferation, differentiation, and production of specific population [52]. Ni YH et al [53] stated that, after a 20 year
antibodies upon a subsequent encounter with the same antigen. follow-up period, no booster administration is needed, based on

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Table 2. Data on Studies in Different Populations in Regions With Different Endemicity During the Last Decade, Using Measurement of Hepatitis B Markers as Markers for

Breakthrough Infection in Vaccinated Populations


Breakthrough infections: Increase in

Year of Vaccinated No. of No. of doses or Duration of anti-HBc antibody positive anti-HBs
Reference publication population subjects Country schedule follow-up, years Method and/or HBsAg positive antibodies, %
[34] 2001 Adolescents 334 Alaska 3 Doses: birth (0–8 d), 16 2 Consecutive 1.8% anti-HBc; 0.9%
24–103 d, 146–286 d anti-HBc OR 1 HBV DNA positive
anti-HBc and
[35] 2001 Infants of 522 Italy Birth 1 3 doses 5–14 HBsAg, anti-HBc 3.3% anti-HBc; 3 infants
carrier mothers carrier HBsAg
[36] 2003 Infants of 112 China 3 Doses: 0, 1, and 6 months 16 2 Consecutive 3.5% Infants HBsAg; 21.1
carrier mothers or 0, 2, and 8 months or anti-HBc; HBsAg 8.9% anti-HBc
0, 1, and 2 months
[16] 2004 Infants of 116 UK 3–4 Doses starting at birth 15 HBsAg, anti-HBc 1.7% anti-HBc
carrier mothers
[17] 2004 Infants of 191 China 4 Doses starting at birth 15 HBsAg, anti-HBc 33.3% anti-HBc; 1 infant
carrier mothers HBsAg
[37] 2005 General population 1578 Alaska 3 Doses: 0, 1, and 6 months 15 2 Consecutive 1% anti-HBc, 3 infants 5.4
anti-HBc OR 1 HBsAg, 3 infants HBV
anti-HBc 1 1HBV DNA positive
[21] 2006 Infants 146 Iran 3 Doses starting at birth 10 HBsAg, anti-HBc 7.5% anti-HBc
[38] 2006 Adolescents 1350 The Gambia 3 Doses 15 HBsAg, anti-HBc 13.8% anti-HBc, 0.7% HBsAg
[25] 2008 Young adults 6156 Taiwan 4 Doses 15–21 HBsAg, anti-HBc 4.1% anti-HBc
[39] 2009 Infants of carrier and 204 Thailand 3 or 4 Doses: 0, 1, and 6 15–17 HBsAg, anti-HBc 2.9% (6 of 204) HBsAg,
noncarrier mothers months or 0, 1, 2, and acquired in the first year
12 months of life; 26% (53 of 204) anti-HBc

NOTE. Anti-HBc, anti-hepatitis B core antibody; d, days; HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.

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seroepidemiological findings, because no new carriers received first vaccination series were implemented has increased. We
a diagnosis in the different vaccinated birth cohorts. In The have data for .20 years, which demonstrate that, in healthy
Gambia, childhood HBsAg prevalence decreased from 10% to individuals, the specific immune memory for HBsAg can outlast
0.6% after the introduction of the universal infant immuniza- the presence of vaccine-induced antibodies, conferring effective
tion program [54, 55]. In Malaysia, HBsAg seroprevalence in 7- protection against acute disease and the development of
to 12-year-old children decreased from 1.6% in 1997 to 0.3% in a HBsAg carrier state, even in those showing waning or disap-
2003 after implementation of a universal infant program in 1990 pearance of anti-HBs [2, 6, 9, 11, 61]. Persistence of anti-HBs at
[56]. Recent data from Hawaii show a reduction of 97% in the a concentration of $10 mIU/mL is not necessary for protection,
prevalence of HBsAg after the initiation of the infant hepatitis B because it is immune memory that matters.
vaccination program in 1991. The incidence of new acute hep- Based on current scientific evidence, booster vaccination
atitis B infection in children and adults was reduced from 4.5 against hepatitis B for immunocompetent children and adults is
cases per 100,000 population in 1990 to 0 cases in the period not recommended for long-term protection [20, 26]. Immu-
from 2002 through 2004 [57]. In Bristol Bay, Alaska, 3.2% of nocompromised patients, however, should be monitored and
children were HBsAg positive before universal hepatitis B vac- receive a booster vaccination if their anti-HBs levels decrease
cination; 10 years after introduction of a universal program, no below 10 mIU/mL [33].
child under 10 years of age was HBsAg positive [46]. Although The question that remains to be answered is how long immune
most studies were conducted in regions with high endemicity, memory will last. Early evidence suggests that the answer will
data from countries with low endemicity also show beneficial come from the power of the initial immune response and from the
impact on disease incidence. For example, in Catalonia, Spain, time since primary vaccination [17, 23]. Long-term follow-up
the HBsAg carrier rate decreased from 1.5% to 0.7% and the studies during the third decade after vaccination administration
anti-HBc antibody prevalence decreased from 15.6% to 8.7% at are needed to confirm the duration and persistence of immune
15 years after introduction of preadolescent HBV vaccination memory. In addition, studies that follow-up birth cohorts vacci-
and vaccination of infants of carrier mothers [58]. Likewise, in nated .20 years ago are needed as those individuals become
Italy, where a universal vaccination program was started in 1991 sexually active and potentially exposed to HBV infection.
for infants as well as for adolescents, surveillance data have
shown a clear overall decrease in the incidence of acute hepatitis Acknowledgments
B cases, from 11 cases per 100,000 in 1987 to 3 cases per 100,000
Potential conflicts of interest. P. V. D. acts as chief and principal
population in 2000 and 1.6 cases per 100,000 population in 2006
investigator for vaccine trials conducted on behalf of the University of
[59, 60]. This decrease was even more striking for people be- Antwerp, for which the University obtains research grants from vaccine
tween the ages of 15 and 24 years, in whom the incidence de- manufacturers; speakers’ fees for presentations on vaccines are paid directly
to an educational fund held by the University of Antwerp, and P. V. D.
creased from 17 cases per 100,000 population in 1990 to less
receives no personal remuneration for this work. E. L.: no conflicts.
than 1 case per 100,000 population in 2003 [20]. All authors have submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential
Conflicts of Interest. Conflicts that the editors consider relevant to the content
of the manuscript have been disclosed in the Acknowledgments section.

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