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Technologic Papers

Bureau of Standards
S. W. STRATTON, Director

No. 100
determination of absolute viscosity by
short-tube viscosimeters


WINSLOW H. HERSCHEL, Assistant Physicist

Bureau of Standards


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By Winslow H. Herschel

I. Introduction 4
II. Units for expressing viscosity 5
III. Formula for determining viscosity by capillary- tube experiments 6
IV. Reynolds's formula for critical velocity 7
V. Methods of finding the relation between kinematic viscosity and time of
discharge 8
1. Archbutt and Deeley 's equation ; 8
2 Higgins 's graphical method 9
3. Ubbelohde 's equation 9
4. Meissner's comparison of the Engler and the Saybolt Universal
viscosimeters 11
VI. Graphical methods for studying the laws of flow through capillary tubes . . 12
1. Griineisen 's diagram 12
2. A new diagram
VII. Applications of the new diagram 13
VIII. Conditions affecting the accuracy of measurements with technical vis-
cosimeters 15
1. Starting the flow 15
2. Stoppage of the outlet tube 16
3. Error in filling 17
4. Error due to bubbles in the measuring flask 17
5. Control of temperature 18
6. Method of viscosimeter comparison without temperature control . .
IX. The relation between kinematic viscosity and time of discharge for the
Engler and the Saybolt Universal viscosimeters 20
1. Suitable liquids 20
2. Dimensions of instruments and methods of making adjustments. . 21
5- Hi$rcrins's
•=.- method 26
4. Tentative equations for the Engler and the Saybolt Universal
viscosimeters 26
Equations for instruments of standard dimensions
5. 32
X. Applications of the new equations for the Engler and the Saybolt Uni-
versal viscosimeters ^3
1. Ratio of kinematic viscosity to time of discharge ^^
2. Comparison of viscosimeter readings at standard temperatures. .
XI. Ratio of times of discharge of the Engler and the Saybolt Universal
viscosimeters 36
XII. Methods of saving time in viscosmetry 37
1. Estimation of the time of discharge from the number of drops

per minute 37
2. Estimation of the normal time of discharge from the time found

with abnormal volumes put in and discharged 39

XIII. Conclusion 46
Appendixes 47

4 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

In the determination of viscosity for technical purposes the
Engler and the Saybolt Universal viscosimeters are the ones most
commonly used in the United States. With the former it is cus-
tomary to express results in " Engler degrees" obtained by divid-
ing the time of discharge for the liquid being tested by the time
for water at 20 C (68° F). With the latter instrument results
are expressed as the time of discharge, in seconds, of the liquid
being tested. There is, however, a growing demand for the ex-
pression of results in absolute or cgs units, but unfortunately the
outlet tubes of these instruments are so short that there is con-
siderable doubt as to the applicability of the formula showing the
relation between absolute viscosity and time of discharge, which
may be used in determining absolute viscosity by means of a long
capillary tube.
Before this formula can be used it is necessary to decide upon
the coefficient of the kinetic-energy correction and the correction
to the measured length of tube, which is necessary to allow for
other end effects. A formula must be selected for finding the
average head and means found for determining under what con-
ditions the formula is applicable; that is, within what limits of
velocity there will be viscous flow as distinct from hydraulic or
turbulent flow.
These subjects have been investigated both in the literature and
by original experiments and the sources of error in viscosity deter-
minations are considered at length. Tentative formulas are given
for the determination of absolute viscosity from the time of flow
with normal volumes put in and discharged, while diagrams are
given which may be used to estimate the viscosity when abnormal
volumes are used.
A method is given by which each operator of a viscosimeter
may obtain the relation between viscosity and time of discharge
for his own instrument, without use of the tube dimensions, which
are difficult to determine with sufficient accuracy; and tables of
viscosities of the necessary calibrating liquids are given in an
appendix. This method is especially necessary because the Say-
bolt Universal viscosimeter has never been standardized as to the
dimensions of its parts and their allowable tolerances, so that all
data in regard to it must be regarded as merely approximate.
Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeter s 5


The words viscous and viscosity are not commonly used by
every one who has observed that a viscous liquid will flow slug-
gishly. In automobile parlance a viscous oil is said to be "heavy,"
while an oil of lower viscosity is called "light," these terms having
no reference either to the density, which is usually expressed in
degrees Baume, nor to a light color, which is spoken of as "pale."
For purposes of calculation, the viscosity of a liquid may be
denned * as the force which will move a unit area of plane surface,
with unit speed relative to another parallel plane surface, from
which it is separated by a layer of the liquid of unit thickness.
This absolute viscosity, expressed in cgs units, is called by the
somewhat abbreviated name of dynes per square centimeter,
although strictly speaking 1 dyne/cm 2 is the unit of pressure.
Except where otherwise noted, viscosities in this paper are ex-
pressed in Poises in accordance with the suggestion of Deeley and
Parr. 2 The reciprocal of the Poise is the unit of fluidity. Table
1 gives other units of viscosity, with references to articles in which
they occur, and the required conversion factors.


Units of Viscosity

1 dyne-second per square centimeter= 1 Poise 8

1 pound-minute per square inch= 4.137X 10 6 Poises*
1 kilogram-second per square meter= 98.07 Poises 6

1 poundal-second per square incn=2143 Poises 6

Unfortunately none of the units of Table i have been generally

employed by oil refiners and jobbers, although, according to

Denton, 7 tests for viscosity have been in use for over 30 years.
In the oil industry in the United States viscosity is usually meas-
ured by an instrument called a viscosimeter or viscometer, which
permits a certain volume of oil to discharge through a short
capillary tube, the "viscosity," so called, being reported as the
time of discharge in seconds, a value which is of little significance
unless the make of instrument is stated and is well known.
With the Engler viscosimeter, which is the instrument most
commonly used in Germany, it is customary to express viscosi-
Clerk Maxwell, Scientific Papers, 2, p. 7, 1890: O. Reynolds, Phil. Trans. R. S. 177, pt. 1, p. 164, 1886.
2 R. M. Deeley. and P. H. Parr, Phil. Mag., 26, p. 87, 1913.
» A. C. McLaughlin, Jour. Am. Soc. Mechanical Engrs, July, 1914, p. 263.
* M. D. Hersey, Trans. A. S. M. E., 37, p. 167; 1915.
R. Camerer, Zeit. f Lir das gesamte Turbinenwesen, 1907, p. 461.
W. K. Lewis, Jour, of Ind. and Eng. Chem., 8, p. 627; 1916.
J. E. Denton, Trans. Am. Soc. Mechanical Engrs, 9, p. 369; 1887-88.
6 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

ties in "Engler degrees," which is a purely arbitrary scale found

by dividing the time of discharge for the liquid being tested by
the time for distilled water at a temperature of 20 C (68° F).


Poiseuille undertook about
an experimental investi- 1838
gation of the flow in capillary tubes, and found that the discharge
increased as the first power of the pressure and as the fourth
power of the diameter of the tube and was inversely proportional
to its length. Subsequent investigators have confirmed this
result mathematically, and found that if ju represents the viscosity

fii.l£* U
t 128M/
where Q = discharge in time t.

P = difference in pressure between the two ends of the tube

I= length of tube, of diameter d
It had been noted by were
Poiseuille that although his results
usually concordant and, as now known, agreediswith equation
(1) they did not agree with this law when the velocity was very
high in his shortest tubes. Equation (1) would give fairly accu-
rate results for a very long tube, but requires correction for use
with most viscosimeters, since part of the pressure is in reality
expended in setting the liquid in motion and not in overcoming
viscous resistance. Hence a " kinetic-energy correction " must be
deducted from P in order to get the effective pressure, and values
of the viscosity, calculated from Poiseuille's formula, equation (1),
will always be too high.
As pointed out by Couette, 9 the measured length of tube /
requires correction to allow for "end effects" other than the loss
of head causing acceleration. Making the necessary correction to
P, as well as to /, equation (1) may be written 10

M icg d 4

(h-™^) (2)
7 128 Q
J. Iv. M. Poiseuille, Memoires de l'institut, savants ctrangers, 9, pp. 433-544;
M. Couette, Annales de chimie et de physique, 21, p. 469; 1890.
This is equivalenc to equation (la) of E. C. Bingham, Scientific Paper No. 278, Bureau of Standards,
p. 319; 1916.
Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 7

where p = viscosity in Poises

= diameter of tube, in centimeters
(7+X) = effective length of tube, in centimeters
Q = discharge (cubic centimeters) in time seconds t,

v = mean velocity in the tube, in centimeters per second

m = coefficient of the kinetic energy correction
g = acceleration of gravity =981 cm/sec.

h = head in centimeters of liquid of density 7 in grams per

cubic centimeter
In deriving equation (2) from equation (1) the pressure, P, is

expressed by g y h since in short-tube viscosimeters, such as are

used for technical purposes, the pressure is usually produced by

a head of the viscous liquid. The expression - is known as the

kinematic viscosity, and it is evident that in order to determine

true viscosity with an efflux viscosimeter, densities must be
determined by an auxiliary instrument. In most viscosimeters
the discharge takes place under a decreasing head, and the deter-
mination of the average head is not always a simple matter.
Proper values for m and X must also be determined, from theory
or experiment, before equation (2) can be used. It is usual to
assume that X is proportional to the radius of the tube, so that
2 X = nd (3)

where wis a constant to be determined.


It has been found that after a certain velocity of flow is exceeded
and turbulence appears, equation (2) will no longer apply, and
after an intermediate regime of rather unstable conditions, a fur-
ther increase of velocity will produce a second stable regime of
turbulent or hydraulic flow. If the viscosity of water at o° C
(32 ° F) taken as 0.017921 it may be calculated from data given
is ,

by Reynolds " that when turbulence begins " Reynolds's criterion "
will have the value
= 2010. x


This value, which is usually taken as 2000, is only an approxima-

tion,and applies only to pipes of considerable length, as used by

Reynolds. This investigation has shown that it does not at all
hold for short tubes.
" O. Reynolds, Phil. Trans. R. S., 174, pt. 3, p. 948; 188.3.
8 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

According to Flowers 12 the principal types ot technical viscosim-

eters were devised, shortly after the publication of Reynolds's
work, so that with the standard, water, the velocity would fall
just below the critical value, as determined by equation (4). He
says, further, that Reynolds's results have been "taken errone-
ously" to mean that below this velocity no eddies would occur,
even with short tubes. Hayes and I^ewis 13 also find that the
critical velocity is exceeded with most of the viscosimeters in com-
mon use.



For any given viscosimeter, when a constant volume, Q, is

allowed to run out, equation (2) becomes

*-**-! (5)
7 t

in which A and B will be constants if X, m, and h are constant.

Omitting the separate term for the kinetic-energy correction, Arch-
butt and Deeley 14 write
H = kyt (6)

where k, the ratio of kinematic viscosity to time of discharge, is a

variable to be found by experiment. If the kinetic-energy cor-
rection is negligible, as with very viscous oils, k is a constant, and
it follows from equation (6) that if two liquids with viscosities of
/*! and ju 2 have times of discharge, tx and t2 respectively, then ,

equation (6) becomes simply the Ostwald formula

It will be noted that equation (7) can not be derived from equa-
tion (5) except on the assumption that the kinetic-energy correc-
tion is negligible, and very serious errors are frequently caused by
the use of equation (7) when this assumption is not warranted.
Archbutt and Deeley give tables of viscosities and densities of
solutions of glycerol and water for use in finding the variable, k,
forany given viscosimeter. Having obtained experimentally the
times of discharge for several solutions, for the instrument in ques-
A. E. Flowers, Proc. A. S. T. M., 14, pt. 2, pp. 577, 582; 1914.
iJ H. C. Hayes and G. W. Lewis, Jour. A. S. M. E., 38, p. 629; 1916.
L. Archbutt and R. M. Deeley, Lubrication and Lubricants, p. 180; 1912.
Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 9

tion, values of k may be calculated from equation (6). Interpo-

lated values of k may then be used to find the viscosities of other
Higgins gives a method for finding values for the constants
in equation (5) . By combining equations (5 and 6)

Then if values of k are plotted as oidinates against values of -

as abscissas, the points lie on a straight line. The intercept of this

line on the ordinate where 1/t 2 = o gives the value of A and the ,

slope of the line gives the value of Z?.

Speaking of the Redwood viscosimeter, Higgins says: "The

value of A is, however, obtained more accurately from the slope
of the curve connecting p/y and t, for values of t greater than 200.
For these values B/t is negligibly small compared with At." In
this case the kinematic viscosity is proportional to the time, as in
equation (7). It is evident that the value of 200 seconds applies
only to the Redwood viscosimeter, and that for any other instru-
ment a decision would have to be made as to the appropriate
Ubbelohde's tables are computed from the formulas

7 A rvro F 3-513 4-072 t 3-513 *w (9)

n = 0.01797 Zy (10)

where E
is a measure of viscosity known as "Engler degrees,"

which obtained by dividing the time of discharge, t, for 200


cubic centimeters of the liquid to be tested, by the time, tw for ,

distilledwater at 20 C (68° F) tw expressed in seconds, is known

. ,

as the water rate. The constant 0.01797 * s taken as the viscosity

of water at o° C (32 F).
Concerning the "empirical" formula, equation (9), Ubbelohde
says: "The formula was derived and confirmed by comparative

W. F. Higgins, Collected Researches, The National Physical Laboratory, 11, p. 12; 1914.
18 For methods of determining the equation of a curve which will fit a faeries of experimentally determined
points, seeC. T. Brady,jr., Engineering News, 63, p. 163, 1913;"^". H. Herschel, Bull. Soc. for the Promotion

of Engineering Education, 5, p. 33, 1915; J. B. Kommers, The Wisconsin Engineer, 20, p. 106; 1915.
L. Ubbelohde, Tabellen zum Englerschen Viskosimeter, pp. 9, 27; 1907.
1392°— 17 2
io Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

tests with a capillary apparatus which gave specific viscosity

directly," specific viscosity being defined as Zy = z. No detailed
account of these tests appears to have been published. 18 Hayes 19
says that Ubbelohde's formula ''is only claimed to be approxi-
mate," but it has been generally accepted as at least the best
formula available for converting Engler time into Poises. 20 Ubbe-
lohde 21 himself admits elsewhere that his equation does not apply
to liquids of greater fluidity than water, while maintaining that
it was "derived but has been experimentally con-
firmed." Speaking of liquids with a viscosity, expressed in
Engler degrees, of i or less, he says:
For such thinly fluid substances almost identical Engler values are obtained for
liquids which in reality have very different viscosities, * * * viscosities can not
be deduced from the Engler values for such thin liquids. (See my article Die Zahig-
keit des Leucht-petroleums und ein Apparat zu ihrer Bestimmung, Zeitschrift " Petro-
leum," 4, No. 15.)

It is therefore evident that Ubbelohde's formula does not apply

when the viscosity is below a certain value which must be deter-
mined by further experiments. Assuming, however, that equa-
tions (9 and 10) apply to water at 20 C (68° F), the kinematic
viscosity is given by the formula

u /4.072 3. si^ w \
iA t

, v
7^)°- OI 797 (11)

Since the water rate a constant for any given instrument, equa-

tion (11) is seen to have the form of equations (2 and 5) and it is

perhaps to this fact that Ubbelohde refers when he says that equa-
tion (9) has been derived "theoretically."
As shown in the first section of Appendix 1 equations (2 and 11) ,

may be used to find what values of m and n would have to be as-

sumed in equation (2) in order to agree with equation (9) The .

value for m, thus found, is 0.8862, which is a check on Meissner's

value of 0.8989 for a similar but not identical constant, y. 22 The
value of n is found to be 1 .30, or somewhat less than the value of
1.64 proposed by Higgins. The most probable values of m and n
for the Engler instrument will be discussed later, together with the
cause of the inaccuracy of the Ubbelohde formula.
L. Ubbelohde, Chem. Ztg., 81, p. 38; 1907-
19 H. C. Hayes, in discussion of paper by Hayesand Lewis, loc. cit., p. 632.
20 G. B. Upton and A. E. Flowers, Proc. A. S. T. M., 15, pt. 1, pp. 296, 317, 1915; P. C. Mcllhiney, Jour,
of Ind. and Eng. Chem., 8, p. 433, 1916; W. F. Higgins, loc. cit. also The Petroleum World, June and July,

Ubbelohde, Gen. Elec. Rev., 18, p. 968, (translated from the German journal "Petroleum"); 1915.
22 Meissner, Chemische Revue iiber die Fett- und Harz- Industrie, VI, pp. 202-209; 1910. He uses
equation (2) with X=o, and the coefficient, m (which he calls/) is chosen "so that n for water will have the
correct value."
Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters ii



If km and k s are values of the variable k of equation (6) for the

Engler and Say bolt 23
viscosimeters, respectively, then, when the
kinetic-energy correction is negligible

= &e tn = ks ts (12)

2e ka
from which — = -j— = constant = Kr , Jy
ts &E

Meissner 24
gives the time of discharge for the Saybolt and Engler
instruments, for liquids of five different viscosities, as in Table 2.


Relative Times of Discharge for the Engler and Saybolt Viscosimeters, According to

Liquid Time,
average of
two in-

Sec. Sec.
Water at 20° C (68° F) 50.94 28.55 1.784
Rape oil at 50° C (122° F)_... 233.6 169.1 1.381
Machine oil at 50° C (122° F) 357.0 258.6 1.381
Rape oil at 20° C (68° F) 730.8 515.6 1.417
Machine oil at 20° C (68° F). 2491.0 1759. 1.416

It will be seen from the column, which was not given by

Meissner, that the minimum K
does not occur for the
value of
maximum viscosity as it would according to Meissner's formulas
for the two instruments. It is therefore necessary to attribute
the discrepancy to experimental error, to surface tension or to
some other cause not taken into account in deriving these equa-
tions. If it is assumed that the kinetic-energy correction is neg-
ligible in all Meissner's tests with oil, then, excluding the test with
water, the average value of K is 1.399. As shown in the second
section of Appendix 1 Meissner's method of averaging leads to a

value of K = 1.391, and with the help of this value, and Meissner's
23 When the Saybolt viscosimeter is referred to in this paper, the Saybolt Universal is meant, and this

should not be confused either with the earlier forms of Saybolt instrument (see W. M. Davis, Friction and
Lubrication, p. 44, 1904), nor with the latest form with a cover (U. S. Patent No. 1132621, of Mar. 23, 1915).
Much that is said concerning the Saybolt instruments which have been used in this investigation may not
apply to the form with a cover.
W. Meissner, loc. cit., 19, p. 30; 1912.
1 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

•equation for the Engler instrument, it may

be found that for the
Saybolt instrument n = i. 21 and m = o.88.
These are not essen-
tially different from the values previously found from Ubbelohde's
equation for the Engler instrument. It will be noted that in
spite of Meissner's disregard of n in his equation for the Engler
instrument his own equations are equivalent to taking n into
account for the Saybolt instrument.


Griineisen has investigated under which
the conditions
Poiseuille's simple formula, equation (1), holdsgood with an error
of not over a designated amount. He finds that for any series of
tests with a given tube the velocity which will cause a given per-
centage error in the viscosity is

dy <a> N
or, in other words, the error depends merely upon two quantities,

Reynolds's criterion, ——
vd y
, and the ratio of length to diameter of

tube. This latter ratio determines the error due to n, this con-
stant depending upon the diameter and being independent of
the length. It follows that if Reynolds's criterion is plotted

against , and the percentage departure from Poiseuille's law

recorded for each point, lines of constant error may be drawn.

The viscosity in Poises, which must be known in order to calcu-
late the percentage error, is ordinarily determined by a long-tube
viscosiineter. When a series of tests has been made with such
an instrument, with a each succes-
slightly higher pressure for
sive run, it is usually found that the viscosity, calculated from
equation (1) or equation (2), has a constant value for the lower
pressures where the error due to velocity is negligible. This con-
stant value is taken as the true viscosity. If it is found that there

is a regular decrease in the apparent viscosity, as the pressure is

decreased, the value approached, as the velocity approaches zero,

must be considered as the true viscosity. If equation (2) is used,
the fact that the apparent viscosity did not vary with the velocity
E. Griineisen, Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen der Physikalisch Technischen Reichsanstalt, 4, pt. 2,
p. 152; 1905.
Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 13

would, if the kinetic-energy correction were appreciable, be an

indication that the assumed value of m was sufficiently accurate.
The assumption in regard to X could not be checked without the
use of a second tube.
The apparent viscosity, as calculated from equation (1), will be
called /x
to distinguish it from the true viscosity n. Then the
percentage error in the viscosity as calculated by equation (1)
will be
( —— 1 100 = percentage error (15)


In Fig. 1 Reynolds's criterion, ——

, has been plotted against

the percentage error in the Poiseuille formula, ( 1

100. An
advantage of this form of diagram is that, without the use of
logarithms, straight lines are obtained, from which values of m
and n may be derived. has the advantage, as compared with
Higgins's method, of retaining Reynolds's criterion as a warning
when the velocity is too high for equation (2) to apply. If a line
on Fig. 1 represents a series of tests on a single tube, with veloci-
ties all below the critical value so that equation (2) will apply,
then, as shown in the third section of Appendix 1, the tangent of
the angle between this line and the axis of abscissas will have
the value
tanfl= , (16)
v y
100 met

and the value of the percentage error, at the point where the
calibration curve, extended, intersects the axis of abscissas, is

equal to
/7+X so nd
(-T—ij l0o=-r-=-r-
\ 100X . .

( I7 )

If, as maintained by Couette, X always has a plus value, all cali-

bration curves must intersect the axis of abscissas to the right of

the origin. It follows from equation (16) that a straight line on
Fig. 1 indicates that m does not vary with the velocity.


shows points calculated from tests of Poiseuille and Holde
Fig. 1

with water of given temperatures. 26* As shown in the fourth section

24 For the first published mention of this diagram, see Jour, of the Wash. Acad. Sciences, 6, p. 155; 1916.
26a See Mitteilungen aus den Koniglichen technischen Versuchsanstalten, Erganzungsheft 1, p. 9; 1895.
14 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

fQQ ZOO 300 400 500 600 700 BOO 300 /OOP H OP
Vercenlaqe error in Toiseailie formula.

Fig. i. —A new diagram for studying the laws of flow through capillary tubes
Most of Poiseuille's tests agree very closely with his formula. The excessive errors shown in Figs, i
and 3 are due to the selection of tests of high velocity, to which, as recognized by Poiseuille, the formula
does not apply.

Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 15

of Appendix 1 the work of calculation may be simplified by using


constants which depend on the dimensions of the tube, while true

viscosities and densities may be taken from Appendix 2. Poi-
seuille made his experiments with glass tubes of various lengths,
while Holde used Engler instruments with tubes of abnormal
dimensions, so that the lengths varied from 6.8 to 7.1 diameters,

the normal value being

Q =7.02.
Archbutt and Deeley's
J cali-
bration of the Redwood viscosimeter was made with glycerol solu-
tions, for which they give the viscosities and densities. The lines
for the Engler and the Saybolt Universal viscosimeters are calcu-
lated from equation (9) and equation (36) of the second section of
Appendix 1 by assuming values of the time of discharge. It will
be noted that the upper end of the line for the Engler viscosimeter
agrees fairly well with the average of the points calculated from
Holde 's tests.
Archbutt and Deeley's tests, when plotted on Fig. 1, show a
curved line, but this curve is based on too few points to be con-
clusive. Poiseuille's shortest tube, A-7, had a ratio of length to

diameter of —^1
= 7.04, and
' ™ tests on this tube also give
& a curved

line. Other tests of Poiseuille, with longer tubes, give lineswhich

are straight at their lower ends. No definite conclusion can be
drawn from 1 as to whether the curvature of the lines for
Poiseuille's tube, A-7, and for the Redwood viscosimeter, is due
to experimental error or is correct. While the question mark,
which is Poiseuille's, shows that the length of the tube, A-7, is
probably in error, only the position of the line on the diagram,
but not its shape, would thereby be affected.
One object of this investigation was to determine whether tests
on short tubes, such as are used in technical viscosimeters, could
be correctly represented by straight lines on a diagram similar to
Fig. 1, or, in other words, whether m and n of equation (2) are


In using the Engler and the Saybolt Universal viscosimeters,
the following sources of error have been noted


In the Saybolt instrument the flow is started by removing a
cork from the bottom of a tube which is concentric with and
1 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

extends below the lower end of the capillary tube. When the
cork is inserted and the oil container is filled, the oil is prevented
from flowing out by the compressed air inside the larger tube
between the cork and the lower end of the capillary tube. If the
cork leaks, as may easily happen, especially with very mobile
liquids such as gasoline or hot water, this space will become filled
and its contents will fall into the flask or upon the table as soon as
the cork is removed. It should be noted that this liquid has not
passed through the capillary tube during the measured time and
that consequently it is a source of error if any of it falls into the
flask. The flask usually supplied with the Saybolt instrument
has a mouth \% inches in diameter, and the use of a smaller
diameter (for example, yi inch, as in the tests here described)
would tend to reduce this error.
The cork should not be inserted while the liquid is flowing, as in
this case also some liquid is trapped in the space above the cork.
To wait for all the liquid to flow out, in case of a retest, causes
considerable delay if very viscous, but this difficulty
the liquid is

may be avoided by using a glass rod to cover the upper end of the
capillary tube; afterwards, however, inserting the cork, removing
the rod, and using the cork to start the flow.
With some oils considerable trouble was experienced by the
deflection of the jet from its vertical direction, so that it touched
the outer tube, into which the cork is inserted, and left the instru-
ment more nearly horizontally than vertically. Apparently this
was due to a drop of a rather gummy oil forming a connection
between the jet and the walls of the outer tube.


Since the diameter of the capillary tube of the Saybolt instru-
ment is less than thatof the Engler it might be expected that more
difficultywould be experienced with stoppage. If the time of
discharge for the Saybolt instrument were too large, due to stop-
page, and the Engler outlet tube were clear, the ratio of time,
Engler, to time, Saybolt, would be too low, and there is reason to
believe that this occurred not infrequently. While the plunger
furnished with the Saybolt instrument is convenient for blowing

out the capillary tube, it hardly compensates for the much greater
inaccessibility of the tube as compared with that of the Engler
instrument. It was always easy to see that the Engler tube was
clear or to get at it to clean it. Advocates of the Saybolt instru-
ment suggest the apprehension that splinters from the wooden
Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 17

skewer used to stop the upper end of the Engler capillary tube
might become lodged in the tube, but no difficulty was experienced
on this account and I believe the fear to be groundless. It is
possible that with years of use the tube might become enlarged
near the upper end from wear, but this could be detected by the
change in the water rate. On the other hand, the anxiety that
the Saybolt outlet tube might be stopped was always present,
although relieved by swabbing it out with a thread wound around
a broom straw, and noting that the time of discharge was not
changed. To avoid danger from lint, paper was always used to
clean the oil container of the Engler instrument.


With the Sa}^bolt instrument the oil container is filled until it

overflows into a gallery and then the gallery is emptied by using a

pipette. With the Engler instrument the oil level is adjusted until
three sharp points, equally spaced around a circle, just pierce the
surface of the liquid. These gage points are similar to what is
known to hydraulic engineers as a "hook gage" which is used to
measure the height of water above a weir where extreme accuracy
is desired. From experience with both methods, if care is taken,
I believe more accurate filling of the oil container may be obtained
with the Engler instrument, but with careless work the error would
be greater than with the Saybolt instrument unless, indeed, the
blunder was made of forgetting to empty the gallery or not remov-
ing enough of the liquid with the pipette. Very viscous oils cling
to the sides of the gallery and may flow down and
fill the gallery

too full has been partly emptied. On the other hand,

after it

with the Engler instrument a very viscous oil will adhere to the
skewer, thus increasing the amount by which the liquid surface is
lowered when the skewer is withdrawn. An electric lamp con-
nected to an extension cord was found convenient to get a better
light on the gage points when filling the Engler instrument.


The direction is usually given to let the jet fall into the flask
without touching the neck, because otherwise there is an error
due to the time required for the oil to flow from the point where
it str kes the neck to the graduation. With many oils, however,
this method of procedure gives rise to bubbles, which may cause a
greater error, due to uncertainty as to the instant when the menis-
cus reaches the graduation. All things considered, I believe it is
1392°— 17 3
1 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

preferable to avoid the bubbles by letting the jet strike the neck
when necessary, which is fortunately not apt to be the case with a
very viscous oil. Any error that may be caused by the flow of
oil down the neck may be decreased by the selection of flasks

which have the graduation near the top of the neck.

With the Engler and the older forms of Saybolt instruments
the constant-temperature bath is heated only by a Bunsen burner.
By fastening the Engler burner to a leg of the tripod with a piece
of wire, so that it could be slipped up and down but could not

swing and overheat the capillary tube or break the flask, the Engler
burner was much more convenient to use than the Saybolt, as the
temperature of the bath could be adjusted by the position of the
burner as well as the size of the flame. On this account, and
because the burner could not be considered an essential feature of
a viscosimeter, the Saybolt burner was discarded entirely and the
Saybolt bath was heated by placing it on the Engler tripod.
It is evident that if the bath was heated no higher than the
temperature at which the oil was to be tested, the time required
for the oil to heat up would be excessive, and that from practical
considerations it is necessary to have the bath at a slightly higher
temperature. The oil being tested will therefore increase in tem-
perature during the run, and the best result will be obtained if the
average temperature of the oil during the run is the temperature
desired. With the Engler instrument the thermometer may be
left in place throughout the run, and the temperature at the end

is as easily noted as at the beginning, though perhaps not so accu-

rately. But where the thermometer has to be withdrawn when

the run is started, the temperature at the end of the run can only
be estimated from the rate of rise of temperature before the ther-
mometer was withdrawn. To get the average temperature during
the run allowance must be made for the time lost in withdrawing
the thermometer and in emptying the gallery before the run is
It was found that there was a tendency for the temperature of
the oil to increase when tests were made at room temperature,
and this was doubtless due to the heat of the hand applied to the
flask. It was therefore found necessary either to work at a tem-
perature sufficiently above the room temperature so that more
heat was lost by radiation than was gained in this manner or to
Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 19

avoid surplus heat by keeping the temperature of the bath below

that at which tests were made.
Since viscosity is not proportional to temperature, there is an
inaccuracy in averaging temperatures. Two methods have been
found convenient in keeping the temperature changes as small as
possible. When the has reached the desired temperature the

bath may be cooled to the temperature of the oil by siphoning off

part of the water and refilling the bath with cold water. If
other means of heating are available, it is more convenient to keep
the bath as near as possible to the temperature desired and heat
the oil outside the viscosimeter. It is necessary to allow for a
slight fall in temperature when the oil is poured into the visco-


With very mobile liquids the greatest error was in starting and
stopping the watch, but it was assumed that this was practically
eliminated by taking an average of 10 runs. This rule was
adhered to for all tests except those with mixtures of kerosene and
spindle oil used in obtaining Figs. 9 and 10. It was found that with
the most careful work the difference between the maximum and
minimum values of the time of discharge was rarely less than one
second for each minute of the average time, which would bring
extreme values slightly less than 1 per cent from the average.
With the more viscous oils the greatest error was due to diffi-
culty of temperature control, a difficulty which became the more
serious with the more viscous oils, which changed in viscosity the
more rapidly with the temperature. Therefore I used a method
which would give correct results, provided that the temperature
was either constant or varied uniformly. Three viscosimeters,
two Saybolt and one Kngler, were placed side by side on the bench
and the baths emptied so that the instruments were practically
all in one air bath at room temperature. Then tests were made
in the order Saybolt No. 580, Engler, Saybolt No. 727; Saybolt
No. 727, Engler, Saybolt No. 580, which gave two tests for each
instrument, and the average temperature for each instrument
would be the same, provided that the length of time lost and spent
in operations was always the same, and the rate of change of
temperature of the room was uniform.
20 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards



The number of easily obtainable liquids of which the viscosity

is accurately known
very limited
is Rayleigh 27 says: "The

viscosity of water may be diminished (to about one-fourth) by

heating it, or increased by admixture of alcohol." Bingham and
Jackson 28 recommend water, and both alcohol and sucrose solu-
tions. Redwood 29 proposed, and later adopted rapeseed oil as
a standard, though, as pointed out by Meissner, there is consider-
able doubt as to whether even the best refined oil will not suffer
considerable change in viscosity with time. Archbutt, in dis-
cussing Redwood's proposal, said that in a number of tests with
a certain viscosimeter he found that "the viscosity varied from
ioo to 109, whilst one or two samples went as high as 127 on the
same scale. These samples were all genuine by chemical tests,
and he supposed the oil which gave the high results to be summer
rape, which is said to be more viscous than winter rape." Pre-
sumably any other vegetable oil would be of uncertain viscosity,
both on account of variations in viscosity between different
samples when fresh and on account of changes in viscosity of any
one oil with time.
Long-tube viscosimeters are usually completely inclosed so
that there can be no loss of the liquid being tested by evaporation.
With instruments which discharge into the air evaporation is a
serious source of error at high temperatures if solutions or mix-
tures are used which change in viscosity upon the loss of the more
volatile constituent. Alcohol and sucrose solutions are both open
to this objection, but it is to be noted that the viscosity of an
alcohol solution of approximately 50 per cent alcohol does not
change very rapidly with a change in concentration.
There is a great need of an easily obtainable liquid having a
viscosity greater than 0.024 Poise, which is the value for a 50 per
cent alcohol and water solution at a temperature of 25 ° C (77 F).
Of the 72 chemical compounds investigated by Thorpe and
Rodger 30 only 6 fatty alcohols have a viscosity greater than the
50 per cent solution of ethyl alcohol and water, the highest value
Lord Rayleigh, Report British Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1, p. 38; 1909-10.
E. C. Bingham and R. F. Jackson, Scientific Paper, Bureau of Standards, No. 298; 1917.
29 B. Redwood,
Jour. Soc. for Chem. Industry, 5, p. 127: 1886.
*> T. E. Thorpe and J. W. Rodger, Phil. Trans. R. S., 185, pt. 2, p. 572: 1894.
' .

Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 21

recorded being 0.141 79 Poise for dimethyl ethyl carbinol at zero de-
grees C (32 ° F) The highest viscosity measured by Bingham and

Jackson for a 60 per cent sugar solution at ii.6i°C (52.9°F) was

=1.102 Poise. For a calibrating liquid of greater vis-

cosity castor oil is sometimes used, for which Archbutt and

Deeley 31
give a viscosity of 2.729 Poises at ioo° F (37. 8° C).
The by them is 11. 156 Poises for ''extra
highest viscosity given
L. L." cylinder same temperature. MacMichael 32
oil at the
suggests for a standard testing fluid "a high-grade neutral min-
eral oil of high viscosity, such as some of the medicinal oils now
on the market," the viscosity of this oil to be determined by the
long-capillary-tube method and the oil to be supplied by some
' '

' recognized authority.


The tests which are to be described were all made with three
Saybolt Universal and one Engler viscosimeter. These instru-
ments had been previously used by Waidner, 33 together with other
instruments. The principal dimensions of the Saybolt Universal
viscosimeter, according to Meissner and Gill, are given in Table 3,
which also contains dimensions of the Engler viscosimeter used in
this investigation,with the normal dimensions of the Engler
instrument according to Ubbelohde for comparison.


Dimensions of Saybolt Universal and Engler Viscosimeters


No. 752

Mean diameter of outlet tube centimeters. 0.178 0.180

Length of outlet tube do 1.41 1.30
Length of outlet tube, in diameters do 7.93 7.22
Diameter of oil container do 2.968 3.000
Head on lower end of tube, at start do 12.688 12.60
Head on lower end of tube, at end do 4.016
Average head do 7.538
Capacity of container cubic centimeters. 70

Loc. cit., p. 190. See also Kahlbohm and Raber, Abh. d. Kaiser Leop. Carol deutsch akad. der Natur-
forschungen, 84, p. 203, 1905; Proc. A. S. T. 15, pt. 1, p. 302, 1915.
B R. F. MacMichael, Jour. A. S. M. E., 38, p. 1003; 1916.
M C W. Waidner, Proc. A. S. T. M., 15, pt. 1, p. 284; 191s-
22 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

TABLE 3— Continued
Dimensions of Saybolt Universal and Engler Viscosimeters —Continued

No. 2204 U
Normal Tolerance

Mean diameter of outlet tube, top centimeters. 0. 2925 0.290 ±0.002

Mean diameter of outlet tube, bottom do 0. 2829 0.280 ±0.002
Length of outlet tube do 2. 00 or 1.97 2.00 ±0.01
Length of outlet tube in diameters do 6. 94 or 6. 83 7.02
Diameter of oil container do 10. 584 10.60 ±0.1
Head on lower end of tube, at start do 5.184 5.200 ±0.05
Head on lower end of tube, at end do 2.911 a 2. 934
Average head do 3.939 a 3. 959
Capacity of container cubic centimeters . 247 Not specified. Not specified.

a According to Meissner.

It was stated that on account of unevenness of the top edge

of the capillary tube in Saybolt instrument No. 765 the measure-
ment of the mean length may be in error by 0.03 or 0.04 cm. It
was found that the tubes of Saybolt instruments Nos. 580 and
727 have very nearly the same dimensions, but that instrument
No. 765 has a considerably larger and longer tube. On this account
it was considered that this instrument was probably not so close
to the standard instrument, with which all others are compared
by Mr. Saybolt, and hence less work was done with this instru-
ment than with the other two. It will be noted that the length
of the capillary tube, as given by Gill, does not agree very closely
with the length as given by Meissner.
Table 4 shows the results obtained with liquids of known
viscosity. Normal volumes were discharged, i. e., 200 cc with
the Engler and 60 cc with the Saybolt instruments. The dis-
cordance of readings in the case of water with the Engler instru-
ment is due to the tendency for the water to swirl, unless it is
absolutely still when the skewer is withdrawn. Ubbelohde 34
especially warns the operator when finding the water rate that
" before the beginning of the test the water should stand perfectly

still and should also be disturbed as little as possible in with

drawing the skewer."

This difficulty is not encountered with the Saybolt viscosim-
eter, presumably on account of the much smaller diameter of
the container.

*4 Tabellen, p. 24.
Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 23


Time of Discharge for Liquids of Known Viscosity for Four Viscosimeters, With
Normal Volumes Put in and Discharged

Saybolt Universal
No. 2204 U
Temperature, No. 580 No. 727 No. 765

Time, Time, Time, Time, Time, Time, Time,

seconds seconds ratio seconds ratio seconds ratio

32.1 32.0

4.0 56.3
5.0 31.6 :::::::::::::::::::::-:::i::::::::::::i:::::::::::-:i::::::::::::
5.5 55.5
6.0 31.2

7.0 30.7 30.8

8.0 :... 5,.
9.0 54.7 '

10.0 54.2 30.3 1.788

11.0 30.2
12.0 30.1
13.0 53.6 30.0 1.782 30.0 1.790
14.0 53.4 a 29.7 1. 791
15.0 53.3 29.4 1.818 a 29.4 a 1.811

16.0 53.0 29.3 1.811 29.2 1.817 28.6 1.850

52.4 1. 788 } f 1.788 f
17.0 29.4 \ 29.4 i 1 1
J }
1 53.1 } 1. 810 I I 1.810 f \

52.1 f 1. 805 f 1.801
18.0 |
52.9 I 28.8 |
1.835 [
28.9 I 1.830 1

I 52.6 | 1. 822 | 1.818 1

19.0 J |"
1 52.0
20.0 J
28.5 1.801 28.3 1.813 28.0 1.832
1 51.3
20.5 51.3
21.0 511
23.0 28.6
24.0 27.5
24.5... 50.3
25.0 27.8
27.0 27.5

27.5 27.6
30.0 49.6
31.0 27.1
40.0 26.7
26.2 1.822 26.4 1.810 25.8 1.848
50.0 47.7 J
1 26.8 1.788 26.1 l 1.830
25.6 1.801 25.4 1.819 25.2 1.833
75.0 46.2 j

i 25.7 1.801 25.7 1-799

a At
24 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

TABLE 4— Continued
Time of Discharge for Liquids of Known Viscosity for Four Viscosimeters, With
Normal Volumes Put in and Discharged —Continued

Saybolt Universal
No. 2204 U
Temperature, No. 580 No. 727 No. 765

Time, Time, Time, Time, Time, Time, Time,

seconds seconds ratio seconds ratio seconds ratio

16.0 806.3 553.4 1.458 534.6 1.510

20.0 625.3 436.9 1.432 434.8 1.438
21.0 602.5 414.5 1.451 416.0 1.449
24.0 497.3 341.0 1.459 353.4 1.410
30.0 387.3 270.6 1.431 277.6 1.397
278. 197.3 1.408 200.0 1.389
37.8 J
i 280.9 192.6 1.460 192.7 1.459 193.0 1.455
50.0 193.8 130.2 1.488 132.2 1.465
133. 1.560 f 1.560 1.557
65.6 J 1 85.5 J
85.5 } 85.7 J
1 134.8 1 1.575 1 1.575 J i 1.573
f 115.4 76.9 1.500 76.7 1.505 f 1.712
75.0 |
i 118.3 75.4 1.569 72.7 1.628 1 1.753
100.0 85.7 52.0 1.651 51.5 1.664


15.0 63.0 35.3 1.788 .

20.0 60.7 34.0 1.788 34.0 1.788

25.0 58.0
30.0 56.4 31.0 1.821
35.0 55.2
40.0 53.8 29.2 1.838



10.0 58.5 33.0 1.773 32.8 1.782

15.0 56.5 31.6 1.792 31.6 1.790 1

20.0. . 55.5 30.4 1.822



10.0 62.3
20.0 69.3 40.2 1.725 40.2 1.725


10.0 .. 632.4 443. 5 1.428

25.0 266. S 164.4 1.622
30.0 214.4 130.6 1.646
35.0 174.5
40.0 156.0
45.0 144.1 75.2 1.918
50.0 118.3
54.4 93.6 56.2 1.665
Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 25

TABLE 4— Continued
Time of Discharge for Liquids of Known Viscosity for Four Viscosimeters, With
Normal Volumes Put in and Discharged —Continued

Saybolt Universal
No. 2204 U
Temperature, No. 580 No. 727 No. 765

Time, Time, Time, Time, Time, Time, Time,

seconds seconds ratio seconds ratio seconds ratio

20 41.2 |
30 |
40 1

26. 32 70 cc put in and 60 cc discharged

22.10 60 cc put in and 50 cc discharged
8.70 60 cc put in and 20 cc discharged
17.90 50 cc put in and 40 cc discharged
11.34 45 cc put in and 25 cc discharged
9.06 45 cc put in and 20 cc discharged

be noted that the water rate for Saybolt No. 765 is a

It will
littlelower than for the other two Saybolt instruments, but that
there is substantial agreement in the time of discharge for olive
oil. Meissner has discussed mathematically the different methods
of final adjustments in viscosimeters, by changing the
making the
head, as done with the Redwood instrument; by reaming the

capillary tube, as is probably the method adopted with the

Engler; and by shortening the tube, as appears to be the method
employed with the Saybolt instrument. He concludes that an
error in the head may be compensated by a change in diameter of
the tube, and vice versa, but that the length of the tube should be
accurately specified, with suitable tolerances. It follows from
this that if instruments are adjusted by shortening the tube, they
will agree at one viscosity but not at another, and this seems to be
confirmed by the tests of Table 4.
As no been claimed for the tapered
theoretical advantage has
capillary tube of the Engler instrument, it seems probable that it

was designed with regard to ease of manufacture. This thought

was suggested by experience with steam-turbine nozzles, which
were brought to the exact diameter required by means of a tapered
reamer. This has the advantage over a cylindrical reamer that
the reamers do not have to be kept so nearly up to standard size,
since when one becomes smaller with wear it merely needs to be
thrust in farther. In making a capillary tube for a viscosimeter,
a tube of the right taper, but longer than necessary, might be
1392°— 17 4
26 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

prepared, and then this could be cut off at the right points so as
to give a tube of the required length and correct diameters at the
two ends.
The constants by finding the
of equation (8) could be determined
time, t} two different viscosities. It is neces-
for liquids of only
sary, however, to know what are the limits of the validity of
equation (8) and what liquids are suitable for purposes of test.
Over 500 tests, or 5000 runs, were made to answer these questions.
A graphical method, such as Higgins's, has the advantage over
a purely numerical method, in that tests which are evidently dis-
cordant may be rejected. As will be shown later, it has been
found that for the Saybolt and Engler instruments, all tests should
be rejected for which Reynolds's criterion has a value in excess
of 800. In calculating this value it would be sufficiently accurate
to use the normal value of the tube diameter. For other types of
instrument the value of the criterion might vary, depending upon
the ratio of length to diameter of outlet tube, but additional
experiments are needed before the value of the criterion for the
critical velocity can be predicted from the dimensions of the tube.
Fig. 2, for the Engler instrument, has been obtained from data
of Table 4. If the usual practice is followed by using only tests
with water at 20 C (68° F) and with one or more liquids of fairly
high viscosity, the dotted line would be the result. It is evident,
however, that this line is incorrect because it does not agree with
tests with water at other temperatures or with alcohol and water


and 4 have been calculated from data of Tables 3,
Figs. 3 4, and
10. Two series of tests by Couette are also shown on Fig. 3. In
both figures Reynolds's criterion is plotted against the percentage
error in Poiseuille formula due to end effects, the necessary cal-
culations being made as for Fig. 1.

Fig. 3 shows a break in the curves for both viscosimeters at

points where the ordinate has a value of about 1000. Since the

value of Reynolds's criterion, —

-, calculated from tests with water

at 20 C found to be about 1 500 for the Saybolt and 1 750

(68° F) , is

for the Engler instrument, as shown on Fig. 1 it follows that water


at that temperature is not a suitable liquid for testing purposes, as

also appeared from Fig. 2.

Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 27

The dotted Ubbelohde's formula for the Engler

line in Fig. 3 for
instrument, taken from Fig. r. If equation (9) were correct

throughout the entire range, the dotted line would coincide with
0.00 iS


""^ water
00O1 t (time of- discharge)

.0001 COOZ .0QO3 .0004

Fig. 2. Higgins's method for obtaining the ratio between kinematic viscosity and time
of discharge for the Engler viscosimeter

the curve for the Engler readings. The discrepancy between the
two gives the magnitude of the error in using Ubbelohde's formula,
Fig. 3 shows that the greatest error in this formula will be for a
liquid having a viscosity of about 0.015 (as for 10 per cent alcohol
28 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

solution at2o°C (68° F) ) or for a value of Reynolds's criterion of

about 1000, and that this error will amount to about 20 per cent.
Ubbelohde's curve is fairly close to the true curve for values of




3000 ~



Vercentaye error in PoiseuiUe formula

Fig. 3. Determination of critical velocity by the new diagram

Reynolds's criterion of 1750 and zero, so that the error in his

equation is mainly in the kinetic-energy correction. It is evident
from equation (16) that the true value of m
must be greater than
0.89, the value previously found from Ubbelohde's equation, pro-

Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 29

vided equation (23) is used for calculating the average head, as

was done in plotting these curves.
Tests with abnormal filling have been omitted from Figs. 3 and

4 so as not to obscure the diagrams, but by plotting to a larger

Vercentaqe error in VoiseuiMe formula

/oo zoo 300 400 soo

Fig. 4. Determination of equations for the Engler and the Saybolt Universal

scale was found that the more nearly constant the head, the

nearer the points lie to the calculated curves for 1.12. That m—
Boussinesq's value of 1.12 is correct, within the limits of experi-
mental error, if the average head is correctly determined, is also
3° Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

shown by Poiseuille's tests in Fig. i , where the

were drawn as lines
calculated for m=i.i2, and are seen to agree with the experi-
mentally determined points, except for the shorter tubes and for
the higher velocities.
Values of n have been found graphically from Poiseuille's data,
with the help of equation (17), and are given in Table 5. They
show that n is probably variable and is always positive.

Values of n from Poiseuille's Data

1,/d n

111.0 6.5
67.4 5.4
47.8 4.7
16.45 3.3
39.8 0.0
77.2 7.8

The last three values are probably less accurate because Poi-
seuille's readings were taken at higher velocities.

The value of —j- , which has been selected for the Saybolt instru-

ment as most
in accordance with these considerations and with
Fig. 4, from which values of 1.10 and 1.11 were computed
is 1.05,

for the Engler instrument with tube lengths assumed as 2.00 and
1.97, respectively, taking as the ratio of time, Engler, to time,
Saybolt, the experimentally determined value of 1.45.
The above assumptions in regard to I and X are equivalent to
taking a value of n of 0.8 for the Saybolt instrument and of 1.3
and 1.5, respectively, for the Engler.
In order to find values of m from equation (16), readings were
taken on Fig. 4 of the percentage error at points where Reynolds's
criterion had a value of 1000, as given in Table 6. The value for
the Engler instrument, with an assumed tube length of 1.97, is
calculated from the percentage error for an assumed length of 2,
as read from the dotted extension of the experimental curve.

Percentage Error in the Poiseuille Formula When Reynolds's Criterion Has a Value
of 1000

Instrument error

Saybolt 385
Engler, tube length assumed, 2.00 cm 470
Engler, tube length assumed, 1.97 cm 478.7
Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 3i

It was found that m had a value of 1 .03 for the Engler instru
ment and 0.97 for the Saybolt, and that the equations for obtain
ing kinematic viscosity would be
- = 0.0021^ t (Saybolt) (18)
7 t

0.00147 t-^ (Engler) (19)

For the sake of comparison other equations which have been

obtained for the same purpose have been collected in Table 7,
dropping figures which are not significant.

Equations for Determining Absolute Viscosity from Times of Discharge of Short-

Tube Viscosimeters

Authority forkinematic

Calculated from Ubbelohde's equations. 0.00144 t-

Calculated from Meissner's equations .00157 t- 3J38


Flowers .00157 t-

Higgins .00144 t-

Upton .00143 t


Calculated from Meissner's equations 0.00219 t-

Flowers .00219 t-

Upton .00193 t-

Calculated from Meissner's equations 0.00260 t-

Flowers .00263 t-

Higgins .00260 t-

Upton .00232 t-

Examination of Table 7 shows that there are practically only

two values given for the constants of equation (5) for the Engler
instrument, Meissner and Flowers differing from the others because
32 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

they have used only one corrective factor, /, instead of the two
factors n and m. Upton's equations for the Saybolt and Redwood
instruments are different from those given by other authorities
because based on different experimental data. The constants
which I have calculated from Meissner's equations are the same as
those calculated by Flowers, except for the Redwood viscosimeter.
In regard to this instrument Flowers says that Meissner's con-
stants do not check very well with test results and that he has
therefore recalculated the constants.


must be remembered that equations (18) and (19) were de-
rived from tests on certain instruments which happened to be
available for experimental purposes, the dimensions for the Engler
instrument being given in Table 3.
Ubbelohde, 35 in speaking of the report of the committee of the
American Society for Testing Materials in 1914 on comparative
data on the time of discharge of the Saybolt, Saybolt Universal,
Redwood, and Engler viscosimeters, says
The investigation can not, however, be considered as finished, and will not be de-
scribed in more detail here, as within a short time the standardization will be given
out by the International Petroleum Commission in Karlsruhe (Drugs, Oils, and
Paints, 26, Nos. 6 and 7, 1910: Petroleum, Berlin, 6, 2029, 1911.).

Waidner states that the Bureau of Standards has entered into

negotiations with Mr. Saybolt with a view to defining the dimen-
sions of the Saybolt Universal viscosimeter and to adopting
suitable tolerances. Until this has been done equation (18) can
not be corrected to apply to a viscosimeter of standard dimensions.
It will be seen from Table 3 that the diameter of the capillary
tube of Engler viscosimeter No. 2204 U is a little too large, the
head is a little too small, and the length of tube may be a little
shorter than the mean prescribed length. The net effect of these
deviations from the average standard dimensions has been calcu-
lated by Meissner's method, and it was found that the water rate
should be 50.3 seconds. This value does not agree with the data
of Table 4 for the Engler with distilled water, but it might be
assumed that the higher water rate actually found was due to
some roughness of the inlet, which would have an effect when the
flow was in the hydraulic regime but would not appreciably
increase the time of discharge in the regime of viscous flow. If,

then, equation (19) is taken as applying to an instrument having

36 Gen. Electric Rev., loc. cit., p. 969.


Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 33

a water rate of 50.3 seconds and is corrected in accordance with

equation (9) so that it would apply to a normal instrument
having a water rate of 51 seconds, it would become

^ = 0.00145*-^ (20)

while assumed that the experimentally determined water

if it is

rate of 51.3 seconds is due to causes which influence viscous as

well as hydraulic flow the equation would be

^ = 0.00148*-^ (21)
y t

In view of the many uncertainties involved, neither equation (20)

or (21) can be regarded as much to be preferred to equation (19),
and they are mainly as showing to what extent a change
of interest
of water rate will change the constants of equation (5)



If A and B are taken from any equation

of the form of equation
(5), the kinematic viscosity may
be calculated for any assumed
values of t. The change of regime must not, however, be over-
looked, and if values of the kinematic viscosity are desired for the
hydraulic regime, they can not be calculated from equations (18)
and (19). However, the value of the factor k of equation (8)
changes so rapidly with a change of t for these low viscosities that
accurate determinations can not be made with the Saybolt or
Engler viscosimeters, no matter what equations are used. The
curves of Fig. 5 have been calculated from equations (18) and
(19) for values of the Engler time above 56 seconds and for Say-
bolt time above 31 seconds.


Fig. 6 may be used for conversions between the different
methods of expressing so-called viscosity, commonly in use in
the United States, approximate estimates of the readings at
commonly used temperatures, ioo°, 130 and 210 F having ,

been recommended as standard temperatures by a committee of

the American Society for Testing Materials, and 50 and ioo° C
38 For other conversion diagrams, see Gill, loc. cit., p. 164-168; J. R. Battle, Lubricating Engineer's Hand-
book, p. 61, 1916; Society of Automobile Engineers Data Sheets, 2, p. 18, 1916.
34 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

being commonly employed with the Engler viscosimeter. 37 Lower

temperatures are sometimes used, but with oils with a paraffin
base such determinations are of little significance on account of
the influence of the varying condition of the paraffin. Fig. 6
shows the rate of change of viscosity with change of temperature
which may be expected, on the average, with oils having a paraffin
base. Oils with an asphalt base may show a higher rate, and
compounded oils a lower rate of change.



- 400 r
-300 — o -


-uj- -200 o



Ki Hematic vis* :osit J


<U o.2 <?.3 0.4 tf.S* 4?.6 o.7

Fig. 5. Ratio of kinematic viscosity totime of discharge, as calculated from the new

As an example of the use of Fig. 6, if an oil gives a value of 168

seconds, Saybolt time, at 130 F (54.4 C), by following the ordi-
nate of this value it may be seen that this corresponds to a value
of 4.8 Engler degrees at the same temperature. Also if the oil is

cooled to 50 C (122 F) the reading obtained with the Engler

instrument would be 5.7 and the Saybolt reading would be 198
seconds. At ioo° F (37.8 C) the corresponding values would
be 10.65 Engler degrees and 375 seconds, Saybolt. On the other
hand, if the temperature was raised to 210 F, at which, for the
purposes of this approximate estimate, the viscosity is practically
the same as at ioo° C, the readings would be 1.6 Engler degrees
and 50 seconds Saybolt.
87 D. Holde, Zeit. des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, 56, pt. 2, p. 1461, 1912.

Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 35

/oo zoo 300 40O BOO

Fig. 6. Comparison of readings of the Engler and the Saybolt Universal viscosimeters
at standard temperatures

This diagram applies only to paraffin base oils, and should be used only for rough estimates.
36 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards


A question of great practical importance is the ratio of the
times of flow of the Engler and Saybolt viscosimeters when the
normal volumes, 200 and 60 cc, respectively, are discharged.
For very viscous liquids, when the kinetic-energy correction is
negligible, this ratio is a constant as by equation (13), assuming
that the effect of surface tension or any other influence not con-
sidered in equation (2) is negligible or constant. Table 8 gives
the time ratios for the Engler and Saybolt instruments, and also
for the Engler and Redwood as determined by several investi-

Ratios of Times of Discharge for the Engler, Saybolt, and Redwood Viscosimeters
for High Viscosities

Ratio according to
Meissner Upton Flowers Higgins

Engler -Saybolt.
. 1.39 1.35 1.39
Engler-Redwood. 1.65

1.62 1.67 1.81

These values were obtained from the constants in their equa-

tions, omitting the last terms, which represent the kinetic-energy
Onaccount of the large experimental error which could not be
avoided, even after the method of operation without temperature
control had been adopted, it was necessary to make a great many
tests, so that, even if the plotted points appeared like the milky
way, the center line of the band would be close to the true value
and the danger of showing nonexistent humps, as with the dotted
line on Fig. 7, would be avoided. The results of these tests are
shown in Fig. 7, together with those of Meissner and of committees
of the American Society for Testing Materials. 38
Taking the values of the time ratio for tests, where the time,
Engler, has a greater value than 300 seconds, and where the ratio
may be assumed nearly constant, 13 tests on Saybolt instrument
No. 727 gave an average of 1.457, and 12 tests on Saybolt No. 580
gave an average of 1.444. The points at which the instruments
begin to drip are indicated on Fig. 7, but they do not appear to
88 Proa, 10, p. 142, 1910; 14, pt. i, p. 356, 1914.

Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 37

correspond with any marked changes in the time ratio. If drip-

ping begins at much lower viscosities than indicated, it would
serve as a warning that the liquid was not running freely through
the capillary tube.
Morgan and Ronceray 40 have shown that the size and con-
dition of the end of the tube have a marked effect on the forma-
tion of drops. This is the reason for prescribing the outside
diameter of the capillary tube in the Engler instrument.



D=A.S.TN. / |6>/0_
a=A.S."T/W., /9<4-
<!> = Meissner, tests
* = Herschel, temperature controlled
o -Herschel, temperature uncontrolled

sHefSchel formula

Mei ssner formula


100 100 500 400 500 600 100 800 900 WOO 1100 IZQO 1300 1400

Time, Encjler, in Seconds

Fig. 7. Ratio of kinematic viscosity totime of discharge, as calculated from the new


Advantage was taken of the longest runs to determine the rela-
tion between number of drops in the first and last minute and the
time of discharge. The results are shown in Fig. 8, which should
be used only for a very rough determination of viscosity on
account of the variation in the size of a drop with the surface
tension. It might serve, however, to inform the operator of a

J.L. R. Morgan, Jour. Am. Chem. Society, 37, pt. i, p. 1461, 1915.
i0 P. Ronceray, Annales de chimie et de physique, 22, p. 107, 1911.
38 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 39

had counted the drops in the first minute,

viscosimeter, after he
whether he had time to attend to other work before again taking
up his stop watch.


Another method of saving time with the Engler instrument is
to put more than the normal quantity of about 240 cc into the oil
container so as to increase the head, or more commonly to decrease
the time of discharge by using less than the normal volume. The
latter method also makes it possible to use the Engler instrument
when only a small amount of the liquid is available for test.
Holde 41 put in 45 cc of oil and ran out 20 cc, but gives no reason
why he chose these amounts. He finds that the conversion
factor necessary to get the normal time for 240 cc put in and 200
cc run out is 7.24, and considers that his results, which depart by
at most 6 per cent from this average value, show a satisfactory
Ganz 42
undertook to check Holde, and also obtained conversion
factors for other abnormal volumes put in and discharged, as
shown in Table 9. Since the variations in Ganz's values are inde-
pendent of the viscosity of the oil used in the tests, they may be
considered due to experimental error.


Conversion Factors Obtained by Ganz

Volume of oil put in (cubic centimeters) 45 45 50 60 120

Volume of oil discharged (cubic centimeters) 20 25 40 50 100

Factor to change time of discharge to that for 240 cc

put in and 200 cc discharged
Lowest 6.91 5.36 3.46 2.64 1.60
Highest 7.63 5.87 3.79 3.05 1.76
7.43 5.55 3.62 2.79 1.65

It is evident that conversion factors for any abnormal filling or

volume discharged may be calculated if the average head can be
determined. The average head, which must be used in equation
(2), is not half the sum of the initial and final heads, h +h 2 but t

can only be obtained from a formula based on an assumed relation

D. Holde, Mittheilungen ausden Koniglichen technischen Versuchsanstalten, 17, p. 62; 1899.
L. Ganz, Chemische Revue iiber die Fett-und Harz-Industrie, 6, p. 218; 1899.
40 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

between head and time of discharge. If, as in hydraulics, it is

assumed that v = c^2gh, and hence the time varies inversely as -y/h,

the average head will be 43

Meissner bases his formula for average head on equation (i)

and finds

K~K / x

lOge kL - lOge h 2

This assumes time of discharge proportional to i/h. Since equa-

tion (23) was obtained on the assumption that the kinetic-energy
correction could be disregarded, it evidently would not strictly
apply to very fluid oils Holde 44 investigated the
nor to water.
effect of an excess or deficiency in the volume put into the oil
container, but his variations in volume are not of sufficient mag-
nitude to check the accuracy of equations (22) and (23). These
equations have been used to calculate conversion factors for the
heads used by Ganz and for other abnormal heads, and the re-
sults are given in Table 10. Instead of calling the normal filling
240 cc, as given by Ganz, the value of 247 cc has been used, because
this was found to be the volume required to fill Engler visco-
simeter No. 2204 U up to the gage points. The calculations were
made for a cylinder with a flat bottom; that is, the dishing of the
bottom of the oil container was ignored. The dishing was found
to hold 31 cc, so that the calculations are in error in all cases in
which the volume left in the container at the end of the run was
less than that amount. It will be seen from the table that the
conversion factors calculated from the various equations do not
differ greatly.
Tests were made with a
variety of oils using the abnormal fill-
ings indicated in Figs. 9 and 10 in order to find to what extent
Meissner's formula held good, and within what limits of viscosity.
It was to be expected that it would cease to hold good when the
kinetic-energy correction became appreciable, but that above a
certain time of discharge the factor needed to find the time for
the normal filling of 247 cc put in and 200 cc discharged would be
J. T. Fanning, A Practical Treatise on Hydraulics and Water Supply Engineering, p. 221, 1893;
M. Merriman, Treatise on Hydraulics, p. 70, 1916.
44 D. Holde, Mittheilungen aus den Koniglichen technischen Versuchsanstalten, Erganzungsheft, 1, p. 5;
— )

Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 4i

•if -






A = t»bbe!oWde


^ o -Hersche.1


1 00 >
300 400 500 600 700

Time, seconds, for norma\ filling,


FlG. 9. Validity of Meissner's formula for average head, for the Engler viscosimeter with
abnormal volumes put in and discharged
42 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

a constant. That this is the case is shown by Fig. 9, which indi-

cates that the factor may
be considered constant for Engler times
of over 300 seconds with the normal filling. In drawing the curves
of Fig. 9 the tests for liquids having an Engler time of less than

55 seconds and data for fillings of — and — have been omitted.

It will be noticed that the curves turn down at the left end when
more than 200 cc have been put into the oil container at the start,
and that they turn upward when less than 200 cc have been used.

The curves for fillings

& of
— -
and ^- are
200 & because the

calculated factor is practically the same In drawing all

for both.
curves it has been assumed that, starting from the left end, the
curves would rise or fall, as the case might be, until tangent to
the straight line indicating the calculated value of the factor. This
procedure might be questioned in the case of those fillings in which
less than 31 cc are left in the container at the end of the run, but
has been adhered to even then on account of the lack of con-
cordance in experiments made with the more viscous oils, especially
with the smaller fillings. Ganz evidently experienced the same
difficulty. On the whole, it may be concluded that his conversion
factors should be used with considerable caution and that the
calculated values of Table 10 are in all probability much more
accurate, in cases where the Engler time is over 300 seconds. For
less viscous oils, the conversion factor is best taken from Fig. 9 or
Fig. 10. Ubbelohde 45 takes as the conversion factor when the
normal amount is put in and 100 cc discharged, a value of 2.353,
which he says is constant for Engler times of from 390 seconds
up and is less for more fluid oils. When the normal amount is
put in and 50 cc discharged, he gives 5.030 as the conversion

45 Tabellen, p. 25.
Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 43

Calculated Conversion Factors for Engler Viscosimeter to Change Time of Discharge

to Time for Normal Filling

Factor if
average Factor from Factor from
head equals Fanning's Meissner's
Volume Volume half the formula, formula,
put in runout sum of equation equation
initial and (18) (19)
final heads

cc cc
247 200 1.000 1.000 1.000
447 200 1.562 1.580 1.587
447 100 3.404 3.467 3.488
447 60 5.860 5.973 6.017
347 200 1.281 1.291 1.295
347 100 2.843 2.891 2.910
347 60 4.925 5.021 5.055
307 200 1.169 1.175 1.177
307 100 2.618 2.662 2.678
307 60 4.550 4.634 4.669
247 100 2.281 2.318 2.331
247 60 3.989 4.067 4.091
247 50 4.843 4.941 4.973
147 100 1.719 1.742 1.750
147 60 3.052 3.108 3.089
120 100 1.567 1.586 1.592
107 60 2.678 2.727 2.742
70 60 2.332 2.371 2.384
60 50 2.742 2.791 2.809
60 20 7.277 7.453 7.484
50 40 3.357 3.420 3.439
45 25 5.428 5.536 5.575
45 20 6.855 7.022 7.049

In the course of experiments here described use was made of

isobutyl alcohol, of which a sufficiently large quantity (247 cc)
could not be obtained to fill the Engler instrument to the gage
points. Attempt was therefore made to get a probable value for
the normal time by using abnormal fillings and making use of
conversion factors. If Fig. 9 were employed to obtain these con-
version factors, the calculations would have to be made by suc-
cessive approximations, since the required factors depend upon
the Engler time for normal filling, which is unknown. The
factors were therefore plotted in Fig. 10 against the time of
discharge for abnormal filling. Table 11 shows the method of
estimating the normal time of discharge for 247 cc put in and 200
cc run out for isobutyl alcohol at 20 C (68° F). The second
44 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

M I I I I I J I I M I 14

Fractions represent Volumes, in cc,
1put in and discharged.



a *Hoide
x =Qanz
b -Meissner's formula
°t* -Herschel

Ami zs

xAv. x x



so I

* a * AV -

p 2o 4a 60 so too /zo /4o /eo /do zoo zzo z4o zeo zso

Li MINI Time
for abnormlal fiHinq, seconds-
I I I I II i


Fig. io. —Conversion factors for the Engler viscosimeter with abnormal filling

Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 45

point from the bottom, on the Bngler curves of Figs. 3 and 4, is

calculated from this estimated time. 48


Normal Time of Discharge of Isobutyl Alcohol, at 20° C, with Engler Viscosimeter

Volume Factor Normal

Volume put in
Time from time of
Fig. 10 discharge

cc cc sees sees
70 60 26.32 2.61 68.6
60... 50 22.10 3.12 68.9
50 40 17.90 3.78 67.7
45 25 11.34 6.15 69.7
45 20 9.06 7.70 69.7
60. 20 8.70 7.90 68.8


account of the small capacity of the oil container of the
Saybolt instrument only a few tests were made with the container
only partly full. These tests are given in Table 12, the volume
discharged being 30 cc in every test. Diagrams similar to Figs.
9 and 10 would be of little value for the Saybolt instrument, but
these tests were made to show the effect of a more constant head.

TABLE 12 k

Times of Discharge for Saybolt Universal Viscosimeters with Abnormal Volumes Put
in and Discharged

Liquid Temperature Time

Viscosimeter No. 580, 44 cc put in, 30 cc discharged: °C sees

Water 3 18.36
Do o
10 per cent ethyl alcohol 15 18.06
Isobutyl alcohol 15 25.96
Viscosimeter No. 727, 40 cc put in, 30 cc discharged:
Water 3 18.56
Do 3 18.64
10 per cent ethyl alcohol 15 17.98
Do 20 17.80
60 per cent sucrose solution 25 107. 86

Do 54.4 32.58

J. W. Rodger, Phil. Trans

46 For the viscosity and density of isobutyl alcohol, see T. E. Thorpe and
R. S., 185, pt. 2, p. 538, 1894; I- Pierre and E. Puchot, Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., 22, p. 306, 1871; E. C.
Bingham and Miss J. P. Harrison. Zeit. fur physikalische Chemie, 66, p. 1, 1909.
46 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

The conclusions from this investigation for short tubes, such as
are used in the Engler and the Saybolt Universal viscosimeters,
are as follows
1 The value of the product of the velocity of flow and diameter
of tube, divided by the kinematic viscosity, must not be greater
than 800 if the flow is to be viscous rather than turbulent.
2. Consequently water is not a suitable liquid for use in finding

the relation between viscosity and time of discharge, and Ubbe-

lohde's equation and all others based upon it are seriously in

3. A small but positive amount must be added to the measured

length of tube to get the effective length.
4. Boussinesq's value of 1.12 for the coefficient of the kinetic-
energy correction would be approximately applicable if the
average head could be correctly determined.
5. If the average head is determined by Meissner's formula,
which is the best available, although unsatisfactory and far from
accurate, a lower value must be used for the coefficient.
It is desirable that each operator of a viscosimeter should be
able to obtain the relation between viscosity and time of dis-
charge for his own instrument without use of the tube dimensions,
which are difficult to determine with sufficient accuracy. Tables
of data in regard to suitable liquids for this purpose are given in
Appendix 2. If Higgins's method is used, it is not necessary
to determine the tube dimensions.
Washington, April 14, 191 7. .



For water at 20 C (68° F), ^ = ^ = 51 seconds 47 and the kine-

matic viscosity, from equation (9), would be 0.010045 instead of
the best available value of 0.010068. To correct for this dis-
crepancy, the constants of equation (9) were multiplied by the fac-
tor 1. 00501 and the viscosity of water at o° C corrected, giving

- = (4.0924 — 3.5306) 0.01 792 1 = 0.010068 (24)

or in general

^ = 0.073340 */* w -0.063272 Ult (25)

which, with K = 51 , reduces to

-=0.0014380^-3.2269/2 (26)
Now equation (2) may be written in the form

in which the mean head, h, calculated from equation (19) was

found to be 3.9583 cm (checking Meissner's value of 3.959 cm),
Q = 2oo cc, £ = 980.665 cm per second, 2 I = 2.0 cm, and X with the
help of equation (3) may be written 0.1425 n, since 0^ = 0.285 cm.
Then equation (27) reduces to

(2+0.1425 n)
-=0.0031428 t- 1
Q ^78 Ttt

When the kinetic -energy correction is negligible, combining

equations (26) and (28) gives

- = 0.001 4380 = ,

0.0031428 t
v yj
+0.1425 n

7 2

*> Meissner gives the water rate as 50.94, but such exactness seems unwarranted, and Ubbelohde merely
indicates by his tables that the time should lie between 50 and 52 seconds.

48 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

from which w = 1.3021. Substituting in equation (28) this value

of n, with t = 51 when the kinematic viscosity is 0.010068, the value
of mis found to be 0.88621.
Similarly, for Engler instrument No. 2204 U, for which the
diameter of the oil container is 10.584 cm and the initial head on
the lower end of the capillary tube is 5.184 cm, the avergae head
was found to be 3.9392 cm. As regards the length of tube it was
stated "the extreme length of the capillary tube was found to be
20.0 mm+ 0.1 mm, while the length of the capillary measured
inside between the points at the ends of the tube where the round-
ing begins was found to be 1.970 mm +0.05 mm."
With a mean diameter of 0.287 cm, equation (28) becomes

(/ + 0.1435 n)
^ = 0.0032158 £-7.9578 m/t (30)

It will be noted that the last term remains unchanged, being in

fact simply - —— • Using the experimentally determined water

rate of 51.3 seconds, equation (30) becomes

+0.1435 n) ^ = 0.16497-0.15512
(/ m (31)

while from equation (25)

^ = 0.0014296 *- 3.2459/* (32)

By combining equations (30) and (32) it is found that if

/ = i.97, n = 1.9474 (33)

l = 2.oo, w = 1.7382 (34)

and then, with the help of equation (31), 7^=0.91748 in either

case, whether the length is 1.97 or 2 cm.



From the dimensions of Saybolt viscosimeter No. 752, given by

Meissner, equation (35), which is of the same form as equation
(30) of section 1, may be obtained.

(1.411 + 0.089?*)- =0.0030368/ -2. 3873m/* (35)

, .

Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 49

Meissner gives for the Saybolt instrument the equation

h= 228.7^/

-=0.08019 E— 0.07013/E
=0.0015723 fe-^- 1

E being the viscosity in Engler degrees. For a very viscous oil,

when the kinetic-energy correction is negligible, equation (36)
simplifies to

K =t =— «
= i.^qos
oy D (37)

and from a combination of equations (35) and (37), with equation

(28) of section 1

K "0.0031428(1.411 +o.o8 ns)
~ 1 '^°^


Since the value of ue (i. e., n for the Engler instrument) is known,
ns is the only unknown quantity in equation (38) and it is found ,

to be 1. 2 1 09. This leaves m

the only unknown quantity in equa-
tion (35), if Meissner's value of £ = 28.55 * s taken for the water
rate and the kinematic viscosity is equal to 0.010068 as in section 1
Substituting these values m
is found to be 0.87791.


From equations (i) and (2) and the definition /*'

ft' (l+\)gk
K6 ^ J
H l(gh-mv 2 )
If, in Reynolds's criterion, the viscosity is expressed as in equa-
tion (8),
-12V (I + X)
Reynolds's criterion = _ mv2) (40)

But from equations (1) and (2), when Reynolds's criterion is zero
and the kinetic-energy correction is zero,

-=-,- (41)
\x I

so that from equation (15) the percentage error will be 100X//

50 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

under these circumstances. If the angle between the calibration

curve of a capillary tube and the axis of abscissas is called 6 then,

t 0_ Reynolds's criterion
IOO /V- (42)
\M / )
from which, with the help of equations (15), (39), and (40),

tan ^^ loomd
orm= ^xM_
100 tan 6 v ^°'



vdy _ ^Qdy K y<pt

T~^aWx-~^~ l

where <p is the fluidity, the reciprocal of the viscosity.

M ' Td'ghyt K' ,-:k

^T^m yip
^ (45)

K t and K 1
are constants for a given viscosimeter for a given
volume put in and discharged, and unlike Archbutt and Deeley's
factor, k, they do not vary with the velocity. With the help of
viscosities given in Archbutt and Deeley's calibration table, page
1 80, values of y may be interpolated from table on page 179, in
order to get values of Reynolds's criterion from equation (44).

In calculating — these values are not needed, as it is simpler to

use values of k =— -. The mean head was calculated from Meiss-

ner's formula, which, in order to save finding two natural loga-
rithms) is preferably written.

h ^ h -h
x 2


Bingham and Jackson 48 have given tables of fluidities, vis-

cosities, and densities of standard liquids for calibrating vis-
cometers or viscosimeters. When using short- tube instruments,
however, the kinematic viscosity, or viscosity divided by the
density, is more often the physical constant required. Since it
appeared that Bingham and Jackson calculated viscosities from
E. C Bingham and R. F. Jackson, Scientific Paper No. 298, Bureau of Standards; 1917.

Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 51

fluidities,the fluidities given in their tables have been used, in

preference to the viscosities, in calculating the kinematic vis-
cosities of Tables 13 and 14. Viscosities are given in centipoises
(cp). Since the centipoise is one-hundredth of the cgs unit of
viscosity and the fluidity is the reciprocal of the viscosity expressed
in cgs units,

viscositv, in cp 100 ,.

= rr — 100 X kinematic viscosity

-- 3 - ,
r, »i^ J

fluidity X density

In Tables 13 and 14, the densities of water for temperatures

up to 41 ° C (105. 8° F), were taken from Chappuis 49 and those for
higher temperatures were taken from Thiesen. 49
•Densities for the alcohol and water solutions of Table 13 were
taken from the work of Osborne, 50 extrapolation being necessary
for temperatures below io° C (50 F) and above 40 C (104 F).
The constants given by Osborne were used in making these extra-
polations. The densities at o° C (32 F) obtained in this manner
are subject to error, due to the maximum in the density of water
at 4 C (39. F). The magnitude of this error may be judged by
comparing, in Table 13, the densities calculated from Osborne's
data with those calculated from the tables of Landolt-Bornstein. 51
In view of the difference between the two authorities in the density
of pure alcohol, no attempt was made to correct the extrapolated
densities of the solutions to allow for the influence of the maximum
in the density of water.
The extrapolated values for densities of solutions at high tem-
peratures may be compared with the values ot Schwers, 52 while
densities of pure ethyl alcohol are given by Ramsay and Young. 53
Densities of sugar solutions of Table 14 have been calculated
from the data of Plato, 54 extrapolation being necessary for temper-
atures above 6o° C (140 F). The change in density for a differ-
ence in temperature of 5 C (9 F) was found to be within 0.0004
of the difference in density calculated from the data of Gerlach. 55

19, Bureau of Standards; pp. 42, 43, 5th ed.; 1916.

49 Circular No.
50 N. S. Osborne, Scientific Paper No. 197, Bureau of Standards, pp. 424, 402; 1913.
&l Physikalisch-ehemische Tabellen, p. 303; 1912.
52 F. Schwers, Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas, 28,
p. 263; 1909.
53 w. Ramsay and S. Young, Phil. Trans. R.
S., 177, pt. i, p. 136, 1886; S. Young, Sci. Proc. Royal Dub-
lin Soc, 12, p. 441, 1909-10.
54 F. Plato, Zeit.
des Vereines der deutschen Zucker-Industrie 37, p. 1079, 1900; Landolt-Bornstein, loc.
at., p. 311; E. O. von Lippmann, Die Chemie der Zuckerarten, 2, p. 1078, 1904.
50 Th. Gerlach, Zeit.
des Vereines fur die Rubenzucker-Industrie, 14, p. 354, 1864; Dingler's Polytech-
nisches Journal, 172, p. 31, 1864.
52 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards


Ethyl Alcohol Solutions


Per cent Viscosity Density from 100X from data of
alcohol by Fluidity kinematic
incp B. S. data Landolt-
weight viscosity

55.8 1.792 0.99987 1.792 0.99985

10 30.2 3.311 .98479 3.362 .98472
20 18.8 5.319 .97551 5.453 .97553
30 14.4 6.94 .96524 7.195 .96488
39 13.8 7.25 .95113 7.619 .95092
40 14.0 7.14 .94930 7.524 .94916
45 14.4 6.94 .93954 7.391 .93962
50 15.2 6.58 .92917 7.080 .92928
60 17.4 5.75 .90720 6.335 .90715
70 21.0 4.762 .88420 5.386 .88427
80 27.1 3.690 .86030 4.289 .86044
90 35.6 2.732 .83498 3.272 .83506
100 56.4 1.773 .80627 2.199 .80597


65.8 1.519 0.99999 1.519

lb 38.8 2.577 .98452 2.618
20 24.6 4.065 .97413 4.173
30 18.9 5.29 .96257 5.497
39 17.8 5.62 .94776 5.928
40 17.9 5.59 .94588 5.906
45 18.2 5.50 .93593 5.871
50 19.0 5.26 .92542 5.687
60 21.6 4.63 .90326 5.125
70 25.6 3.906 .88013 4.438
80 32.0 3.125 .85615 3.650
90 43.3 2.309 .83078 2.780
100 61.6 1.623 .80206 2.024


76.5 1.308 0.99973 1.308

10 45.9 2.179 .98393 2.214
20 31.6 3.165 .97252 3.254
30 24.7 4.05 .95977 4.218
39 22.8 4.39 .94431 4.645
40 22.8 4.39 .94238 4.654
45 23.0 4.35 .93226 4.664
50 23.9 4.18 .92162 4.540
60 26.5 3.77 .89927 4.196
70 30.6 3.268 .87602 3.730
80 36.9 2.710 .85197 3.181
90 47.6 2.101 .82654 2.542
100 68.2 1.466 .79784 1.838


87.7 1.140 0. 99913 1.141

10 55.8 1.792 . 98304 1.823
20 38.2 2.618 . 97068 2.697
30 30.7 3.26 . 95686 3.404
39 28.4 3.52 . 94079 3.743
40 28.3 3.53 . 93882 3.764
45 28.5 3.51 .92852 3.779
50 29.1 3.44 . 91776 3.744
60 31.8 3.14 . 89523 3.513
70 36.1 2.770 .87187 3.177
80 43.3 2.309 . 84772 2.724
90 55.5 1.802 . 82227 2.191
100 75.1 1.332 . 79360 1.678
Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 53
TABLE 13—Continued
Ethyl Alcohol Solutions —Continued

Per cent 100 X
Viscosity Density from from data of
alcohol by Fluidity kinematic
in cp B. S. data Landolt-
weight viscosity

99.5 1.005 0.99823 1.007

10 65.0 1.538 .98187 1.567
20 45.8 2.183 .96864 2.254
30 36.9 2.71 .95382 2.841
39 34.7 2.88 93720
. 3.075
40 34.4 2.91 .93518 3.108
45 34.7 2.88 .92472 3.116
50 34.8 2.87 .91384 3.144
60 37.4 2.67 .89113 3.000
70 42.2 2.370 .86766 2.731
80 49.8 2.008 .84344 2.381
90 62.1 1.610 .81797 1.969
100 83.3 1.200 .78934 1.521


111.9 0.894 0.99708 0.896

10 75.6 1.323 .98043 1.349
20 55.1 1.815 .96639 1.878
30 45.9 2.18 .95067 2.292
39 42.5 2.35 .93353 2.520
40 42.5 2.35 .93148 2.526
45 41.9 2.39 .92085 2.592
50 41.7 2.40 .90985 2.636
60 44.6 2.24 .88699 2.528
70 49.1 2.037 .86340 2.359
80 57.2 1.748 .83911 2.083
90 70.2 1.424 .81362 1.751
100 91.2 1.096 .78506 1.397


124.9 0.801 0.99568 0.804

10 86.2 1.160 .97875 1.185
20 64.4 1.553 .96395 1.611
30 53.4 1.87 .94741 1.977
39 50.0 2.00 .92979 2.151
40 49.4 2.02 .72770 2.182
45 49.5 2.02 .91692 2.203
50 49.6 2.02 .90580 2.226
60 51.9 1.93 .88278 2.183
70 56.6 1.767 .85908 2.057
80 65.3 1.531 .83473 1.835
90 78.2 1.279 .80922 1.580
100 99.7 1.003 .78075 1.285


138.4 0.723 0.99406 0.727

10 99.4 1.006 .97685 1.030
20 75.1 1.332 .96134 1.385
30 63.3 1.58 .94403 1.673
39 58.6 1.71 .92597 1.843
40 58.3 1.72 .92385 1.857
45 57.7 1.73 .91291 1.898
50 58.0 1.72 .90168 1.912
60 60.1 1.66 .87851 1.894
70 65.4 1.529 .85470 1.789
80 73.8 1.355 .83029 1.632
90 87.2 1.147 .80478 1.425
100 109.4 .914 .77641 1.177
54 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards

TABLE 13— Continued

Ethyl Alcohol Solutions —Continued

Per cent Density

Viscosity Density from 100 x from data of
alchohol by Fluidity kinematic
in cp B. S. data Landolt-
weight viscosity

152.5 0.656 0.99225 0.661

10 110.2 .907 .97475 .931
20 86.2 1.160 .95856 1.210
30 73.1 1.368 .94055 1.454
39 67.9 1.473 .92208 1.597
40 67.5 1.482 .91992 1.610
45 66.9 1.495 .90884 1.645
50 66.7 1.499 .89750 1.670
60 69.1 1.447 .87417 1.655
70 74.4 1.344 .85025 1.581
80 83.1 1.203 .82578 1.457
90 96.6 1.035 .80028 1.294
100 119.9 .834 .77203 1.080


0, 167.0 0.599 0.99024 0.605

10 123.2 .812 .97247 .835
20 98.5 1.015 .95561 1.062
30 84.1 1.189 .93696 1.269
39 77.9 1.284 .91810 1.398
40 77.6 1.289 .91592 1.407
45 76.5 1.307 .90471 1.445
50 77.3 1.294 .89325 1.448
60 78.7 1.271 .86976 1.461
70 84.1 1.189 .84573 1.406
80 92.5 1.081 .82121 1.316
90 106.5 .939 .79572 1.180
100 130.8 .764 .76761 .996


182.0 0.549 0.98807 0.556

10 136.3 .734 .97002 .756
20 110.2 .907 .95253 .953
30 95.2 1.050 .93327 1.126
39 89.0 1.124 .91406 1.229
40 88.3 1.132 .91185 1.242
45 87.1 1.148 .90050 1.275
50 86.6 1.155 .88893 1.299
60 88.7 1.127 .86527 1.303
70 94.2 1.062 .84114 1.262
80 103.3 .968 .81657 1.186
90 117.9 .848 .79110 1.072
LOO 142.5 .702 .76315 .920
Absolute Viscosity by Short-Tube Viscosimeters 55


Sucrose Solution

Per cent Viscosity 100X

Temperature, °C sucrose Fluidity Density kinematic
in cp
by weight viscosity

55.80 1.7921 0. 99987 1. 7923

26.29 3.804 1.08546 3.504
6.77 14.77 1. 18349 12.48
.42 238 1. 29560 184

65.84 1. 5188 0. 99999 1.5188

31.71 3.154 1. 08460 2.908
8.65 11.56 1. 18192 9.78
.64 156 1. 29341 121

10. 76.47 1.3077 0. 99973 1. 3081

37.71 2.652 1. 08353 2.447
10.21 9.794 1. 18020 8.299
.91 109.8 1.29117 85.11

15. 87.69 1. 1404 0. 99913 1. 1414

44.11 2.267 1. 08233 2.095
13.39 7.468 1. 17837 6.338
1.34 74.6 1. 57.90

20. 99.50 1.0050 0. 99823 1. 0068

51.02 1.960 1. 08094 1.813
16.13 6.200 1. 17648 5.270
1.77 56.5 1. 28644 43.92

25. 111.91 0.8937 0. 99708 0.8962

58.69 1.704 1. 07940 1.579
19.28 5.187 1. 17439 4.417
2.28 43.86 1. 28399 34.16

30. 124. 89 0.8007 0. 99568 0.8043

66.51 1.504 1.07767 1.395
22.82 4.382 1. 17214 3.739
2.96 33.78 1. 28144 26.36

35. 133. 40 0.7225 0. 99406 0.7269

75.12 1.331 1. 07575 1.237
26.58 3.762 1. 16994 3.216
3.77 26.52 1. 27882 20.74

40. 152. 45 0.6560 0.99225 0.6611

83.82 1.193 1.07366 1.111
30.78 3.249 1.16759 2.783
4.70 21.28 1.27615 16.67

45. 167.00 0.5988 0. 99024 0.6047

93.42 1.070 1.07141 .9991
35.13 2.847 1. 16508 2.443
5.82 17.18 1. 27341 13.49

50. 182. 00 0.5494 0. 98807 0. 5561

103. 07 .970 1.06898 .9076
40.05 2.497 1. 16248 2.148
7.14 14.01 1. 27058 11.02

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