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Topic: Rule 58


G.R. No. 114170. January 15, 1999

 Prosperity: gave a loan to Metropolitan Fabrics, Inc. As security, Metropolitan
mortgaged seven parcels of land.
 Metropolitan: loan amounted to P10.5 million. Defaulted in the payment of the loan.
 Prosperity: foreclosed the mortgage and, in the ensuing public bidding, became the
highest bidder and purchaser.
 Metropolitan: negotiated for the redemption of three lots.
 Prosperity: acceded to the request on the condition that petitioner be given a right
of way on the existing private road which forms part of the area to be redeemed by
private respondent. The parties’ agreement was embodied in a Memorandum of
 Prosperity: filed an injunctive suit; sought the issuance of a writ of preliminary
mandatory injunction requiring respondent “to allow to proceed with the MWSS
installation project over the road lot in question, to allow petitioner’s and its tenants’
delivery trucks and other vehicles access to the same at any time and without
undergoing unnecessary searches, and recognize petitioner’s right of way over the
said lot.”
 Metropolitan: counterclaim; alleging that petitioner’s right to undertake excavations
on the access road was not provided for in the Memorandum of Undertaking. As
counterclaim, private respondent alleged that it was petitioner which caused damage
to private respondent’s tenants by undertaking, without its consent, construction
works on the access road which raised its level to about a meter and caused serious
flooding of the nearby buildings whenever it rained; and that, as a result, its tenants
demanded compensation for damage to their merchandise and equipment
occasioned by the flooding. Private respondent prayed for P2.1 million as
 TC: required the parties to submit position papers in connection with petitioner’s
prayer for a preliminary mandatory injunction.
 RTC: granted the preliminary writ and later issued the writ upon filing of the required
bond by petitioner.
 CA: set aside the questioned orders after finding that the trial court had acted with
grave abuse of discretion in issuing them

Issue: Whether the issuance of the writ of preliminary mandatory injunction was proper
Held: NO
 As held in Pelejo v. Court of Appeals, to justify the issuance of the writ of preliminary
mandatory injunction the following must be shown: (1) that the complainant has a
clear legal right; (2) that his right has been violated and the invasion is material and
substantial; and (3) that there is an urgent and permanent necessity for the writ to
prevent serious damage.
 The right of the complainant must be clear and unmistakable because, unlike an
ordinary preliminary injunction, the writ of preliminary mandatory injunction requires
the performance of a particular act or acts and thus tends to do more than maintain
the status quo.
 The word “passage” does not “clearly and unmistakably” convey a meaning that
includes a right to install water pipes on the access road since the ordinary meaning
of the word is that it is “the act or action of passing: movement or transference from
one place or point to another,” and its legal meaning is not different, which is the
“act of passing; transit; transition.”

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