Mil C 27487F

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19 September 1986
16 July 1980




This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies

of the Department of Defense.


1.1 Scope. This specification covers cam- locking type, quick-disconnect

coupling halves.

1.2 Classification. Coupling halves should be furnished in the types,

classes and sizes designated by the applicable MS or other engineering standard
drawings approved by the procuring activity (see 6.2).

Type I - Male, internal pipe thread. - MS27020

Type 11 - Male, hose shank. - MS27021

Type 111 - Male, external pipe thread. - MS27022

Type IV - Male, flanged. - MS27023

Size - 2 inch.
Size - 2-1/2 inch.
Size - 3 inch.
Size - 4 inch.
Size - 6 inch.
Class 1 - Aluminum.
Class 2 - Brass.

eneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent

ata which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: USA
Belvoir Research, Development, and Engineering Center, ATTN: STRBE-TSE, Fort
Belvoir, VA 22060-5606 by using the self-addressed Standardization Document
Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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Female, internal pipe thread= - MS27024

Type V

Female, hose shank. - MS27025

Type VI

Femalej external pipe threado - PIS27026

Type VII
- MS27027
Type VIII Female, flanged circular.
Size - 2 inch
Size - 2-1/2 inch.
Size - 3 inch.
Size - 4 inch.
Size - 6 inch.
Class 1 - Aluminum.
Class 2 - Brass.
- MS70091
Female, flanged, hexagon.
Size - 1-1/2 inch.
Size - z inch.
Size - 2-1/2 inch.
Size - 3 inch.
Size - 4 inch.
Size - 6 inch.
Class 1 Aluminum.
Class 2 Brass.

Cap, dust. - MS27028

Type IX

plug, dust,
- MS27029
Type X
Size 1/2 inch.
Size 3/4 inch.
Size 1 inch.
Size 1-1/4 inch.
Size 1-1/2 inch.
Size 2 inch.
Size 2-1/2 inch.
Size 3 inch.
Size 4 inch.
Size 6 inch.
Class 1 Aluminum.
Class 2 Bronze or brass.
- MS49000
Type XI Reducer, male by female and female
by male quick-disconnect, cam-
locking type.

Nominal end size

Female Male

Size -4 x 3 inch.
Size -4 x 2 inch.
Size - 3 x 2 inch.
Size - 2 x 1-1/2 inch.
Size - l-1~2 x 1 inch.

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Size -3 x 4 inch.
Size -2 x 4 inch.
Size - 2 x 3 inch.

Nominal end size

Fema.~e Male

Size - 1-1/2 x 2 inch.

Size - 1 x 1 inch.
Size - 1 x 1-1/2 inch.
Size -6 x 4 inch.
Size -4 x 6 inch.
Class 1 - Aluminum.
Class 2 - Brass.
- MS49001
Type XII Reducer, external pipe thread
by quick-disconnect, cam
locking type, males

Threaded Cam-lock
End End

Size -4 x 3 inch.
Size - 3 x 4 inch.
Size -3 x 2 inch.
Size - 2 x 1 inch.
Size -6 x 4 inch.
Size - 1-1/2 x 2 inch.
Size -2 x 1-1/2 inch.
Size - 1 x 1 inch. .
Class 1 - Aluminum.
Class 2 - Brass.

- Reducer, external pipe thread - MS49002

by quick-disconnect, cam-
locking type, female.

— Cam-lock

End End

Size - 1 x 1 inch.
Size - 1-1/2x 2 inch.
Size - 2 x 1 inch.
Size - 2 x 1-1/2 inch.
Size - 3 x 2 inch.
Size - 3 x 4 inch.
Size -4 x 3 inch.
Size - 6 x 4 inch.
Class 1 - Aluminum.
Class 2 - Brass.
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Type XV Adapter, 45 degree, female - W70088

thread, swivel COllar~ quick-
disconnect, cam-locking, male
(tank car).
Size 5 x 4 inch.
Class 1 Aluminum.
Class 2 Brass.

Female, quick-disconnect, car - MS70096

Type XVI
locking type to external
straight threads, (for use with
NATO equipment).

Male, quick-disconnect, cam- - MS70095

locking type to internal
straight threads, (for use with
NATO equipment).
Size 3/4 inch
Size 1 inch.
Size 1-1/2 inch.
Size 2 inch.
Size 2-1/2 inch.
Size 3 inch.
Size 4 inch.
Size 6 inch.
Class 2 Brass.

Type XVIII Reducer, quick-disconnect, - MS70097

cam-locking type, by internal
pipe thread.

Cam-lock Threaded
End End

Size 3 x 2 inch.
Size 4 x 3 inch.
Size 6 x 4 inch.
Class 1 Aluminum.
Class 2 Brass.

Nipple, adapter, quick- - MS701OO

Type XIX
disconnect, cam-locking type,
male, by external grooved pipe.
Size 4 inch.
Size 6 inch.
Class 1 Aluminum.
Class 2 Bronze or brass.

Type XX Y connection, quick-disconnect, - MS39336

cam-locking type, flange.

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Size -3x3x3 inch.

Size -4x4x4 inch.
Size -6x6 x6 inch.
Cla8s 1 - Aluminum.
Class 2 - 13ras8.

Type ~1 Adapter male by male, quick- - MS39352

disconnect, cam-locking type.
Size - 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 inch~
Size - 1-1/2 x 2 inch.
Size - 1-1/2 x 3 inch.
Size - 1-1/2 x 4 inch.
Size - 2 x 2 inch.
Size - 2 x 3 inch.
Size -2 x 4 inch.
Size -3 x 3 inch.
Size -3 x 4 inch.
Size -4 x 4 inch.
Size -6 x 6 inch.
Class 1 - Aluminum.
Class 2 - Brass.
Class 3 - Aluminum bronze.


2.1 Government documents.

2.1.1 Specifications and standards. The following specifications and

standards form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.
Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents shall be those listed
in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards
(DoDISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation.



PPP-B-636 - Boxes, Shippingj Fiberboard.


MIL-P-775 - Packaging of Hose Assemblies; Rubber,

Plastic, Fabric or Metal (Including Tubing);
and Fittings, Nozzles, and Strainers.



MIL-STD-105 Sampling Procedures and Tables for

Inspection by Attributes.
MIL-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage.
MIL-STD-889 - Dissimilar Metals.

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MS27019 - Coupling Assembly, Quick Disconnect,

Cam-Locking Type.
MS27020 - Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Type, Male, Internal Pipe Thread, Type 1.
MS27021 - Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Type, Male, Hose Shank, Type 11.
MS27022 - Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Type, Male, External Pipe Thread, Type III.
MS27023 - Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Type, Male, Flanged, Type IV.
MS27024 - Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Type, Female, Internal Pipe Thread, Type V.
MS27025 - Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect, Ca~-Locking
Type, Female, Hose Shank, Type VI.
MS27026 - Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Type, Female, External Pipe Thread, Type VII.
MS27027 - Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Type, Female, Flanged, Type VIII.
MS27028 - Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Type, Cap, Dust, Type IX.
MS27029 - Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Type, Plug, Dust, Type X.
MS27030 - Gasket-Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect,
Cam-Locking Type.
MS27031 - Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Type, Drilling Template.
MS39336 - Y Connection, Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Type, Flange, Type XX.
MS39352 - Adapter Male by Male, Quick-Disconnect,
Cam-Locking Type, Type XXI.
MS49000 Reducer, Male by Female and Female by Male,
Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking, Type XI.
MS49001 - Reducer, External Pipe Thread by Quick
Disconnect, Cam-Locking Type, Male, Type XII*
MS49002 - Reducer, External Pipe Thread by Quick
Disconnect, Cam-Locking, Female, Type XIII*
MS70088 Adapter, 45°, Female Thread Swivel Collar,
Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking, Male (Tank
MS70091 - Coupling Half, Quick-Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Type, Female, Flanged, Type VIII (for D-l
MS70095 - Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Typej Male, Internal Straight Threads, Type
XVII (For Use With NATO Equipment).
MS70096 - Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Type, Female, External Straight Threads,
Type XVI (For Use With NATO Equipment)”

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MS70097 - Coupling Half, Quick Di8COnnt2Ct, Cam-Locking

Type, Female Reducer (Internal Pipe Thread),
MS701OO - Coupling Half, Quick Disconnect, Cam-Locking
Type, Nipple Adapter, Male by External
Grooved Pipe, Type XIX.

(Copies of specifications and standards required by contractors in connection

with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting
activity or as directed by the contracting activity.)

2.2 Other publications, The following documents form a part of this

specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the
issues of the documents which are DOD adopted shall be those listed in the issue
of the DoDISS specified in the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the
issues of documents not listed in the DoDISS shall be the issue of the
non-Government documents which is current on the date of the solicitation.


B46.1 - Surface Texture.

(Application for copies should be addressed to the American National Standards

Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.)


D 3951 - Standard Practice for Commercial Packaging.

E18- Tests for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of
Metallic Materials.

(Application for copies should be addressed to the merican Society for

Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, pA 19103.)

(Non-Government standards and other publications are normally available from

the organizations which prepare or which distribute the documents. These
documents also may be available in or through libraries or other informational

2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this
specification and the references cited herein, the text of this specification
shall take precedence. Nothing in this specification, however, shall supersede
applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.


3.1 Description. me coupling halves, quick-disconnect, cam-locking type

(hereinafter called “coupling(s)”) shall be in accordance with mi~itarY
standards as applicable, and shall consist of coupling body, wire rings, cam
arms, and gasket(s), as specified herein.

3.2 First article. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), a sample shall be
subjected to first article inspection (see 4.3 and 6.3). Any changes or



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deviations of couplings halves from the approved first article during production
will be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. Approval of the
first article will not relieve the contractor of his obligation to furnish
coupling halves conforming to this specification.

3.3 Material. Material shall be as specified herein and as shown on the

applicable standards. Materials not specified shall be selected by the
contractor and shall be subject to all provisions of this specification.

3.3.1 Material deterioration prevention and control. fie couplings shall be

fabricated from compatible materials, inherently corrosion resistant or treated
to provide protection against the various forms of corrosion and deterioration
that may be encountered in any of the applicable operation and storage environ-
ments to which the coupling may be exposed.

3.3.2 Dissimilar metals. Dissimilar metals shall not be used in intimate

contact with each other unless protected against galvanic corrosion. Dissimilar
metals and methods of protection are defined and detailed in MIL-STD-889.

3.3.3 Identification of materials and finishes. The contractor shall

identify the specific material, material finish or treatment for use with
component and subcomponent and shall make information available upon request to
the contracting officer or designated representative.

3.3.4 Recovered ❑aterials. For the purpose of this requirement, recovered

materials are those materials which have been collected from solid waste and
reprocessed to become a source of raw materials, as distinguished from virgin
raw materials. The components, pieces and parts incorporated in the couplings
may be newly fabricated from recovered materials to the maximum extent
practicable, provided the couplings produced meets all other requirements of
this specification. Used, rebuilt or remanufactured components, pieces and
parts shall not be incorporated in the couplings.

3.4 Construction.

3.4.1 Male couplings. Male couplings shall be fabricated to the dimensions

and tolerances specified on applicable standards (see 1.2). After fabrication,
male couplings shall not leak or distort when hydrostatically tested as specified
herein and on applicable standards (see 1.2).

3.4.2 Female couplings. Female couplings shall mate with the male coupling
gage specified herein. t?hen tested as specified herein, the torque required to
completely close each cam arm and amount of gasket compression shall be in
accordance with the values specified in table I. Female couplings, complete
with gaskets, shall not leak or distort and the cam arms shall not visually show
movement toward the unlocking direction when hydrostatically tested as specified
herein and on applicable standards (see 1.2).

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TABLE 1. Torque values.

Coupling Maximum allowable Minimum gasket
size torque-to-close compression
(inch) (inch-pound) (inch)

1/2 and 3/4 60 0.030

1 70 0.030
1-1/4 to 2-1/2 100 0.030
3 115 0.025
4 130 0.025
6 200 0.025

3.4.3 Male gage for gasket compression. A gage for each size female coupling
shall be fabricated of steel, and shall have a hardness from 60 to 65 Rockwell C
when tested as specified herein, and shall conform to the dimensions and
tolerances specified in figure 1.

3.5 Safety. Unless otherwise specified herein and on applicable standards

(see 1.2), nonfunctional sharp edges, projecting points, and excessive length of
fastening devices shall be avoided.

3.6 Identification marking. The couplings shall be legibly marked by either

casting, die-stamping or embossing, stenciling, or by attaching an aluminum tag
not less than 0.03 inch in thickness by a soft annealed wire. The marking shall
.w include the symbol MS, standard number and dash number, the manufacturer’s
identification, and size.

3.7 Interchangeability. All parts having the same part number of any single
type, size, and class coupling shall be functionally and dimensionally interchange-
able. Interchangeable parts are defined as two or more like parts possessing such
functional and physical characteristics as to be equivalent in performance and
durability, and capable of being exchanged one for the other without alteration
of the parts themselves or of adjoining parts, except for adjustment, and without
selection for fit or performance.

3.8 Finish. Class 1, class 2, and class 3 couplings shall be finished as

specified on applicable standards (see 1.2).

3.9 Workmanship. All parts, components, and assemblies of the couplings,

including castings, forgings, stampings, and machined surfaces, shall be clean
and free from sand, dirt, pits, sprues, scale, and other harmful extraneous
material. External surfaces shall be free from burrs, sharp edges, and corners,
except where sharp edges and corners are required.

3.9.1 Castings. Castings shall be sound and free from blowholes, patching,
misplaced coring, warping, and any other defects which might render the castings
unsound or unsuitable for their intended use.

3.9.2 Machining. Tolerances and gages for interface fits shall conform to
the limitations specified herein and on applicable standards (see 1.2).

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3.9.3 Threads. Threads shall be as specified on the applicable standards (see


3.9.4 Cleaning. The couplings shall be thoroughly cleaned of all machining

oil, residue of tests, grease, dirt, metal shavings and filings, and other
contaminants. Cleaning shall be accomplished in a manner that will not leave a
residue or otherwise render the couplings unsuitable for use.


4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract

or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all
inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in
the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other
facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements speci-
fied herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the
right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such
inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to
prescribed requirements.

4.1.1 Responsibility for compliance. All items must meet all requirements of
sections 3 and 5. The inspection set forth in this specification shall become a
part of the contractor’s overall inspection system or quality program. The
absence of any inspection requirements in the specification shall not relieve the
contractor of the responsibility of assuring that all products or supplies
submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all requirements of the
contract. Sampling in quality conformance does not authorize submission of known
defective material, either indicated or actual, nor does it commit the Government
to acceptance of defective material.

4.1.2 Component and material inspection. The contractor is responsible for

insuring that components and materials are manufactured, examined and tested in
accordance with referenced specifications and standards, as applicable.

4.2 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified

herein are classified as follows:

a. First article inspection (see 4.3).

b. Quality conformance inspection (see 4.4).
c. Inspection of packaging (see 4.6).

4.3 First article inspection.

4.3.1 Examination. The first article couplings shall be examined as specified

in 4.5.1. Presence of one or more defects shall be cause for rejection. Inspection conditions. Unless otherwise specified in a test, test

instruments , coupling parts, and other devices used in dimensioning, gaging, and
performance testing shall be stabilized at, and used in, an ambient temperature
of 75 “F, +15 ‘F. -


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4.3.2 Tests. Gages. Hardness. Gages shall be tested for hardness as specified in Failure of the test shall be cause for rejection. Accuracy. Gages shall be tested for accuracy as specified in Failure of the test shall be cause for rejection. Couplings. The first article female and male couplings shall be
tested as specified in and using the gage(s) that have
successfully completed the tests specified in Failure of either test
shall be cause for rejection.

4.4 Qual ity conformance inspection.

4.4.1 Samplin~. Sampling for examination shall be in accordance with


4.4.2 Examination. Individual. Each coupling shall be examined for the critical defects
specified in 4.5.1. presence of a critical defect shall be cause for rejection. Samples. Samples selected in accordance with 4.4.1 shall be examined

for the major and minor defects specified in 4.5.1. AQL shall be 1.0 percent
defective fo,rmajor defects and 6.5 percent defective for minor defects.

4.4.3 Tests. Individual.Each female coupling shall be tested as specified in and Each male coupling shall be tested as specified in Failure of any test shall be cause for rejection.

4.S Inspection procedure.

4.5.1 Examination. The couplings shall be examined as specified herein for

the following defects:


1. Evidence of blowholes, or pits in castings, which would render part

unsound or unsuitable.
2. Noncompliance to interchangeability.

101. Material not as specified.

102, Materials are not resistant to corrosion or deterioration or treated
to be made resistant to corrosion or deterioration for the applicable
storage and operating environment.


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1030 Dissimilar metals as defined in MIL-STD-889 are not effectively

insulated from each other.
104. Contractor does not have documentation available for identification
of material, material finishes or treatments
1050 Used, rebuilt, or remanufactured components, pieces, or parts
incorporated in the coupling halves,
106. Dimensions and tolerances not as specified.
107● Gage(s) not as specified.
108. Gasket(s) not as specified.
109. Fasteners (cam arms) not functioning or not functioning properly.
110. Noncompliance to environmental conditions.
111. Threads not as specified.


2010 Noncompliance to safety conditions.

202. Identification or special marking missing, illegible, misleading or
203. Treatment, painting, or finish not as specified on the applicable
204. Cleaning not as specified.
205. Workmanship not as specified.

4.5.2 Tests. Gages. Hardness. The hardness test method shall be conducted in accordance

with the applicable requirements of ASTM E 18. Indentations shall be made on the
end face or flat surface of the gage. Three equally spaced indentations,
approximately 1/8 inch in from the gage outside diameter, shall be made on each
end surface. Nonconformance to 3.4.3 shall constitute failure of this test. Accuracy. Each dimension of each gage shall be verified by means of

calibrated instruments with the applicable dimensions and tolerances specified on
figure 1. Nonconformance to figure 1 shall constitute failure of this test. The
furnishing of a written certification from an independent laboratory that the
gage(s) conforms to figure 1 may be accepted by the contracting officer in lieu
of the above verification (see 6-2)0 Closing torque and gasket compression test procedure, female

couplings. The female coupling shall be washed of any residual lubricant and
dried prior to being coupled with the gage specified in 3.4.3. The coupling and
measurement of coupling action and gasket compression shall be as follows:

a. After insertion of the male gage into the female coupling to the maximum
penetration without using the cam arms or any other gasket compression
force, measurement shall be made of the distance from the outside end of
the male gage shown in figure 1, to the insertion end of the female
coupling at three points spaced equidistant around the face circumference.
The average distance shall be computed to the nearest thousandth of an


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b. After insertion to the maximum penetration, each female coupling cam-arm

shall be subjected to a closing torque. This closing torque shall be
applied simultaneously to each cam arm and shall be sufficient to
completely close the female coupling over the male gage. Measure the
maximum closing torque during the closing movement of each cam arm.
Closing torque in excess of the maximum allowable torque specified in
table I shall constitute failure of this test.
c. When the cam arms are completely closed, measurement shall again be made
as in “a”, and the average distance computed to the nearest thousandth of
an inch. This average distance shall be deducted from the average
distance computed in “a”. The resultant difference is representative of
the amount of gasket compression. Nonconformance to table I shall
constitute failure of this test. Hydrostatic. The male and female coupling shall be subjected to an

internal hydrostatic pressure as specified on applicable standards (see 1.2).
The hydrostatic pressure shall be sustained for not less than 45 seconds.
Gaskets shall be in place during testing of female couplings. The fluid used for
the test shall be distinctly dyed to facilitate visual examination for leakage.
Evidence of leakage, distortion, or movement of cam arms shall constitute failure
of this test.

4.6 Inspection of packaging.

4.6.1 Military. Preservation, packing, and marking for military levelS Of

protection shall be examined to determine compliance with the quality assurance
provisions of MIL-P-7750

4.6.2 Commercial. Preservation, packing, and marking for commercial degree of

protection shall be examined for compliance with ASTM D 39S1.


5.1 Preservation. Preservation shall be level A or commercial, as specified

(see 6.2).

5.1.1 Level A. Couplings shall be preserved in accordance with the level A

preservation and packaging requirements of MIL-P-77S.

5.1.2 Commercial. Couplings shall be preserved in accordance with ASTM D 3951.

5.2 Packing. Packing shall be level A, level B, or commercial, as specified

(see 6.2).

5.2.1 Level A. Couplings, preserved as specified in 5.1, shall be packed in

accordanc~the level A packing requirements of MIL-P-775.

5.2.2 Level B. Couplings, preserved as specified in 5.1, shall be packed in

accordanc~the level B- packing requirements of MIL-P-77S. Closure of
fiberboard boxes for level B-packing shall be in accordance with method V closure
requirements of PPP-B-636.

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5.2.3 Commercial. Couplings, preserved as specified in 5.1, shall be packed

in accordance with ASTM D 3951.

5.3 Marking.

5.3.1 Military. Marking for military levels of protection shall be in

accordance with MIL-STD-129.

5.3.2 Commercial. Marking for commercial degree of protection shall be in

accordance with ASTM D 39S1.


6.1 Intended use. The quick-disconnect couplings covered by this

specification are primarily used in suction hose, discharge hose, and nozzles
for various fittings or manifolds for handling of liquid petroleum products.

6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents should specify the following:

a. Title, numb er, and date of this specification.

b. Military standard part number required (see 1.2 and applicable MS)*
c. Time frame required for submission of first article couplings and number
of couplings required (see 3.2).
d. When the Government will conduct any or all of the first article model
examination and tests. When the Government will conduct some but not all
of the first article examination and tests, the contracting officer
should specify which examination and test will be conducted by the
Government and which examination and tests shall be conducted by the
contractor (see 3.2).
e. When certification will be accepted in lieu of verification (see
f. Degree of preservation and degree of packing required (see 5-1 and 5s2).

6.3 First article. When a first article inspection is required, the items
should be initial production. The first article should consist of one or more
couplings. The co~tracting officer should include specific instructions in
acquisition. documents regarding arrangements for examinations, tests, and
approval of the first article test results and disposition of the first article.

6.4 International standardization. Certain provisions of this specification

and referenced standards (see 1.2) are the subject of international standardiza-
tion agreement (QSTAG 240 and STANAG 2761). When amendment, revision, or
cancellation of this specification is proposed which affects or violates the
international agreement concerned, the preparing activity will take appropriate
reconciliation action through international standardization channels, including
departmental standardization offices, if requiredc

6.5 Classification change. Type XIV, Y Connection, MS49003, with all sizes
and classes has been deleted as no longer required.

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6.6 Sub~ect term (Key word) Iistin&a

Coupling, quick disconnect

coupling, ha~ves
Fue 1, transport of
Water, transport of

6.7 Changes from previous issue. Asterisks (or vertical lines) are not used
in this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to
the extensiveness of the changes.

Custodians: Preparing activity:

Army - ME Amy - ME
Navy - YD
Air Force - 99 Project 4730-0778

Review activities:
Army - AV, GL
Air Force - 82
DLA - Cs

User activity:
Army - AT
Navy - MC


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US Army Mobility Equipment Research & Development
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
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