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URBANISM [ ARC 61303 ]



1.0 Introduction
1.1 Introduction of Jalan Besar, Klang
1.2 Contact point at Jalan Besar, Klang
1.3 Introduction of Nanjing Pedestrian Road, Shanghai
1.4 Contact point at Nanjing Pedestrian Road, Shanghai

2.0 Introduction of Comparative Analysis

2.1 Comparative Context of site analysis
2.2 Comparative types of activities analysis

3.0 Conclusion

4.0 References

1.0 Introduction to project/ Site Study

In accordance to Project 1 (case study) as well as thelocal site analysis, this essay
attempts to uncover the comparative analysis between Jalan Besar in Klang and
Nanjing Pedestrian Road in Shanghai. Both of the areas hold significant historical value
to their receptive cities.The analysis will focus on the similarities and dissimilarities
based on the pattern of social activities, types of contact points as well as the quality of
outdoor spaces, specifically adhering to Jan Gehl’s methodology.

First and foremost, the scenes and perceptions of both streets seem to be different in
terms of social aspect, culture, and design of the urbanscape. Based on Jan Gehl’s
methodology, life between buildings need a contact point to create an opportunities for
meetings and daily activities in the public space of the city. Even though both of the
cities have their own differences in terms of the big picture of the ‘life’ between
buildings, yet the concept of varying degrees within the intensity of contact still sticks on
the basis of various contact forms.

At the end of the analysis, we should have a clear understanding on the similarities and
differences between both streets and a framework of design improvements of urban
designs in an Asian city.

1.1 Introduction of Jalan Besar, Klang

Klang was referred to as a ‘Shanty town’ in the 1870. The town was deemed as
mistriven and lifeless, as well as being characterised with clusters of Chinese and Malay
houses on stilts. The Chinese community was brought in by the British and local Malay
officials to work in tin mines located in Klang Valley. During the early 1890’s, increasing
proportions of urbanization occured in Klang when the KTM was first built there, causing
a rise in the indian population and people from out-station. A popular shopping area
among Indians that provides one with everyday needs, seasonal goods or imported
goods from India that is situated within the area is called Little India. The growth of
demographic in Klang causes the Chinese and Malay population to begin moving out of
Klang due to them losing customer priorities to the Indian population.
The town plan produced in 1949 shows the conditions of the urban fabric before
rapid modernization took place. Most of the built forms we see are present today.The
building typology in the past is different as the shophouses features air wells and wider
back lanes. The building typology in Klang included commercial business streets that
integrated food, textile and tourism sport.The traditional shop house in Klang has a mix
uses function where the ground floor is for business purposes whilst the first floor is for
The building’s height is around 3 to 5 stories and it is car scale city.Transitioning
heights down to adjacent areas, with particularly attention on the transitions to the
southwest and west in the lower scale south of Jalan Besar. The architecture style in
Klang is Malay and fusion architecture style due to the influence of the different
communities in Klang.

Jalan Besar, Klang
1.2 Contact point at Jalan Besar, Klang

Contact point 1 : KTM Station

The Klang KTM station is located close to the
central part of Klang town. It is served by a
dedicated taxi and mini bus service. Klang
Komuter Station is within walking distance of
Klang's Central Bus Hub, which provides
connectivity to the whole of Klang and the
surrounding areas. As a result, the station
become a high intensity contact point especially during peak hours,whereby the Klang
Station is served by the KTM Komuter service via the Port Klang Line, half-hourly
service are scheduled daily with 4 trains per hour during peak. The interaction mostly

passive as most of the people are stranger to each other due to the people waiting for
the KTM come from different port of Klang. Therefore, KTM station is also a frequent
meeting point or landmark for local acquaintances planning to commute to other parts of
the city. It also used by students who study in Kuala lumpur travel back to Klang. In this
situation, close friendship interacting happen at this contact point.
Contact point 2 : Chong Kok Kopitiam
Chong Kok Kopitiam, the 76-year-old kopitiam. It
sells fusion breakfast food and it is a popular
breakfast spot in Klang. The traditional and culture
architecture design still remain in Chong Kok
Kopitiam. Therefore, ​Chong Kok Kopitiam become 
come a high contact point where attracts retirees 
and tourists in equal measure during breakfast hours and teatime. During weekdays , 
passive contacts will happen due to most of the customer are office worker and senior 
citizen. They have to prepared to share tables with strangers at the same time will 
create chance of contacts to communicate with strangers. During week end, most of 
the customer is family and friend where become close relationship contact point. 
Contact point 3 : High Court Klang  
The high court complexes, which are located at a 
higher topography and characterized with the 
largest form within Jalan Besar. It is a low 
intensity contact point where only people who 
involve will be visit at court. It is an acquaintance 
contact point which is a possibility for 
maintaining already established contact. People who only gather at high court when he 
or she involve lawsuit.  

Contact point 4 : The Royal Gallery
The Royal Gallery was called ‘Muzium Kenangan’
(Memorial Museum) and was built in 1988 at Jalan
Kota, Kampung Jawa in Klang. It is a landmark of
Klang Valley . This is a medium intensity contact point
where only attract tourism visit this museum. It is a
source of the information about the social world outside. At the same time, it is contact
point where sharing and delivered the historical information to the tourism.Tourism can
get to know and more understand about an insight of the history of Klang and Malaysia

Contact point 5 : 5 foot walkway

In front of the shop house, people walk along five foot
walkway where is the only shaded walkway along Jalan
Besar. The 5 foot walkway become a high contact point in
Klang where people walk from one KTM station to another
destination. It consider as a passive contact point for
people to pass by the shop houses. Along the 5 foot
walkway, shop owner display their items as a business
strategy to attract people to buy their product. Its form a
possible starting point for contact at another level. This is because people who pass by
the 5 foot walkway do not have any communication with each other, yet the selling
items beside the pedestrian walkway will create a chance of contacts among the people
and the shop owner.


1.3 Introduction of Nanjing Pedestrian Road, Shanghai

Nanjing road is main shopping street of Shanghai, China which has a historical value
preserved. In 90’s, following China’s economic reconstruction and reconstruction and
reformation the street from small-scale business stall to new multidisciplinary
commercial building. Before road designed to be pedestrian street, it accessible by
vehicles. The commercial building arrange in close proximity sense of enclosure 2:1
and from a linear form street. Therefore, Nanjing Road become a pedestrian city scale
where increasing proportion of urbanized population not only local but also tourism.

The height of building in Nanjing pedestrian road all are above 5 stories. The
architecture style are mix of european and modern architecture style. The building
typology of Nanjing Road are commercial street integrating food, clothing and tourism.

Nanjing pedestrian road, Shanghai

1.4 Contact Point in Nanjing Pedestrian road

Contact point 1 : Status

The three sculpture located in different
location along the street to create a
of the street. This is a medium intensity
passive contact point. Most of the user
gather at the status are tourists. They
taking pictures with sculptures and it
create a stopping point of Nanjing pedestrian street. At the same time, the sculpture
become chance of contact when the flow of tourists and locals photo taking tourists
asking stranger to take photo for them. It become gather point where friends and close
friends meet up and interaction between tourist when gathering around the status.

Contact point 2 : outdoor sitting area
The branches with trees shading located along
the entire pedestrian street. This sitting area
exhibits medium human intensity at noon and
night as it is the resting area along the street
for the pedestrian to rest amidst their active
shopping routines. The provided public area
seating area allows for passive and chance interaction whereby meeting new people on
the street.

Contact point 3 : Shen Da Cheng

Shan Da Cheng is a high density at the
Nanjing street road. With the huge sign
board above above the takeaway counter
promote chance contact among the crowds
while they are deciding what food buy.
Shen Da Cheng is packed with either
passive contact who looking at what other people purchase and concern on the food
selling or close relationship contact between friends who queuing up for food. The
chance interaction occurring when the takeaway counter face the pedestrian street and
attracting people to this contact point and promoting interacting between restaurant
workers and customers when the business activities takes place.

Contact point 4 : century square
Century square located at the middle
part of Nanjing pedestrian street. The
intersection is considered a high
intensity contact point at morning with
mostly passive interaction whereby
pedestrian looking at the screen and
other people who have a friend and
close friend interaction for example
playing Taichi, skateboarding and meeting point. However, its strategic location also
helps to create chance of contact where century square become even space and
become an open space for kids playing together.

Contact point 5 : Bar Tazza

Bar Tazza D’oro located next to
the intersection of Fujian Middle
Road and the pedestrian street,
the bar is easily accessible and
identifiable. Therefore, it have a
high intensity at night where friends and close friends spending their time at this bar.
However, pedestrian walking past by the bar and sitting along entrances stairway
whereby the passive contact point occur.

2.0 Comparative Analysis

Comparative analysis of context between Jalan Besar and Nanjing Pedestrian Road in
term of the similarities and differences of transportation and urban form. The urban
transport modes base on the context of both street and urban transport user who have
different lifestyle and culture.

Based on Jen Gehl philosophy, there are three types of activities that occur in which
divided into necessary activities,optional activities and social activities. Necessary
activities are the activities will take place under all conditions and it compulsory for the
participants independent of the exterior environment. Optional activities will occur under
favourable exterior conditions. Social activities are depending on the presence of others
in public spaces, occur spontaneously,as direct consequence of people moving around
and being in the same spaces. Social and Cultu nnfkkjds re will be depended the
demand, economy of community.

Both Jalan Besar and Nanjing pedestrian road contain the three type of activities under
different condition of outdoor activities and quality of outdoor space.

2.1 Comparative Context of Site Analysis

The similarities of context of Jalan besar and Nanjing pedestrian road both located
nearby public transportation station. Jalan besar located beside Klang KTM station of
the Jalan Besar. The entrances of subway station located end of the Nanjing Pedestrian
street with the statues. Both of the the public transportation station as a nodes of the
cities where a contact point for most workers in the area, similar function which act as a
transition point to bring people in and out from the cities. They are similar in terms of
proximity to the sites, both approximately not more than 300m away from the respective

Next, both of the street located at tourism spot. The tourism spot become a landmark of
the cities. Nanjing pedestrian road used statues and shopping spot as a attraction of
tourist. However, Royal gallery located at Jalan Besar as a historical attraction for
tourist. The differences of both tourism spot target different user. Nanjing Pedestrian
walkway target most of the tourist who interested in shopping and nightlife whereby
Jalan Besar attracted most of the tourist who interested in historical and local culture of

Linear tourist spot circulation in Nanjing Pedestrian Organic tourist Circulation in Jalan Besar

On the other hand, the collective transport (public transit) and individual transportation
of both cities are the same types of transportation which are motor,car, walking and
public transport. The spatial imprint of urban transportation differences in both of the
street. Nanjing Pedestrian road not allow car and motors enter to the pedestrian
walkway. The condition of the walkway with paving create a welcoming and comfortable
walking environment for the user. However, Jalan Besar have mix use transportation in
street which allow car and pedestrian moving around the street at the same time.
Although the 5 foot walkway had prepare for pedestrian to move long the street. Yet,
due to the congested of the road condition create a threat walking condition for the user.
Therefore, Nanjing and Jalan Besar using the same types of transportation but its
create the different user experiences for both cities. Nanjing Pedestrian road setting a
district of the car and pedestrian walkway which did not apply in Jalan Besar where
pedestrian walkway located beside road and parking. As a conclusion, Nanjing more
safety and welcoming while klang feel congested and not environmental friendly.

Mix use urban transportation in Jalan Besar Pedestrian walkway in Nanjing Road

Jalan Besar in Klang experiences tropical climate,open space and open sitting area
urban design not suitable and not friendly under the raining and hot weather. However,
Nanjing pedestrian road in Shanghai with 4 season context, suitable to design an open
space and open sitting area along the street and become a path to lead the shopping
stop point along the street. The softscape in Klang and Nanjing have different purpose.
Softscape in Nanjing pedestrian street including for shading open sitting area while the
softscape in Jalan Besar front of royal garelly for only for aesthetic purpose.

Softscape in front of Royal garelly Softscape shaded open sitting area in Nanjing

2.2 Comparative Activities Analysis

According to Jen Gehl philosophy, the seeing of distance create the opportunities for
seeing other people area. The overview and the sensory command of large, diverse sense
if highly valued in most situations. Both of the street have similar necessary activities yet
there have difference of optional activities and social activities because of the distances
between observer and the proximate of the spaces between building which affect the
pedestrian ‘seeing’ of the street.

The opportunities of ‘seeing’ in Jalan Besar The opportunities of ‘seeing’ in Nanjing road

First of all , the necessary of activities for Jalan Besar and Nanjing Pedestrian road are
similar. Klang and Nanjing pedestrian road walking passed by white collar and foreign
worker communities going in and out of the public transportation station area.
Jalan Besar and Nanjing pedestrian road are primarily a business district with a number
of commercial outlets, whereas the necessary activities occur at breakfast spot.Chong
Kok located at Jalan Besar and Shen Da Cheng located at Nanjing road as a major
node and contact point. Majority of the people are having their breakfast at these both
restaurant. Although the functionally is similar, both area consider as a breakfast spot
but the way of conduct activities are differents. Customer in Chong Kok restaurant are
sitting on chair and sharing table with other people while having breakfast wherears
customer at Shen da Cheng queue up and grab their breakfast.

Shen Da Cheng in Nanjing road

Chong Kok kopitiam in Jalan Besar

The most optional activity that happen in both sites are sightseeing, casual
observations, photo taking and reading description. Jalan besar, with traditional textile
shop and goldsmiths shop not every community but most of the them only pass by
those traditional shop.For indian community, textile shop play an important role among
the indian community in Klang where it defines their cultural traditional and identity. It
used to produce traditional costumes not only used in daily wear but also festive
occasions during performances. In Nanjing Pedestrian road, most of the customers are
window shopping and the target customer not only the specific community but the
majority of the community which the selling item is more comment for every user such
as modern clothes shop, facial shop, IT shop and so on.

Modern commercial shop in Nanjing pedestrian road

Traditional and cultural commercial shop in Nanjing pedestrian road

Since both of the sites are tourist spot, the similarities of the optional activities is photo
taking along the street. In Nanjing Pedestrian road, the activities of tourist taking photo
are more obvious compare to Jalan Besar. Nanjing Pedestrian road have a liner and
statues and significant engrave sighborad organizedly located along the pedestrian
walkway. However, tourist spot in Jalan Besar not arrange in the organize circulation
where the the Royal Gallery located at the main street and the mural art located at
different back alley of the site. Although both of the sites have the similar optional
activities yet the pattern movement of the activities and pedestrian are different. Nanjing
Pedestrian road is linear activities pattern while Jalan Besar is more organic orientation
which have less common system compare to Nanjing Pedestrian road.

Tourist taking photo along Nanjing pedestrian road

Social activities happened depend in different context and living culture of the sites.
Most of social activities happen at stopping point of both sites. Nanjing Pedestrian road
with comfortable stopping area where the sitting area shaded with trees and places in
front of the shopping. This open space sitting area conversing with friends and
conversation tourist asking for direction. In Jalan Besar, the demographic of the site is
driven by its traditions and purpose. Mostly noticeable for its functional value that are
the most prominent aspects along the street. Therefore, the stopping point at Jalan
Besar in Klang are depending the purpose of the pedestrian such as bank, restaurants
and pos office. The differences of social activities in Nanjing and Klang are the
community have different purpose and intention when contact with one another. At
Nanjing pedestrian road, people are more relaxing and having more optional activities to
create social activities among the communities. For example, the century square design
for community to gathering and transform to event space for special festival used to
engage community gather and social. On another way, communities in Jalan Besar in
Klang most of them are rushing and busy for working. The commercials shoplots and
ktm station have become the space where social activities happen.The back alley
become and open space for them to having business. As a conclusion, social activities
in Nanjing mostly occur in open space for gather people while the social activities occur
in Klang mostly for business and waiting purpose.

Movement pattern and social activities in Jalan


Movement pattern and social activities in Nanjing road

3.0 Conclusion

As a conclusion, Nanjing pedestrian road and Jalan Besar have different sense of street
life. Nanjing pedestrian road have higher social possibilities in physically oriented
planning compare with Jalan Besar in Klang due to the urban form and urbanscape
design. In Nanjing pedestrian road, the open sitting area and linear circulation of the
street create a effective functional aspect. Especially the century square and the open
sitting area create stopping point for pedestrian to rest and become a main social
contact of the street. These open space create a lively street life in Nanjing. Beside that,
social activities naturally happen in open space along the Nanjing road and using
activities to attract population.

Jalan Besar have lack of open space and stopping point. This is because the congested
and topical whether in Klang not suitable to create an open stopping point yet the open
plaza with shaded roof and green porket garden can be replace open stoping point in
Nanjing which still create the same effect in Jalan Besar. The open plaza can represent
as a century square in Nanjing where community will gather and transform as a event
space for festival. Besides, the porket garden in Jalan Besar not only can soften the
environment but also create a new stopping point for community to rest and become a
new social contact point in Klang rather than the commercial purpose stopping point
along the street.

4.0 References

Lumpur, K. (2016, September 25). Chong Kok Kopitiam. Retrieved from

Malaysia Airport klia2. (n.d.). Retrieved from ​

The Sultan Abdul Aziz Royal Gallery. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Topic 6 – Urban Transportation. (n.d.). Retrieved from​ ​

Group B Studio 5 Site Analysis Presentation slide. Retrieved from

Nanjing Pedestrian road map,121.480124,3a,75y,204.94h,88.69t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNg

Group 9 Site analysis presentation board

Life between buildings using public space by Jen Genl


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