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Journal of Human Evolution 45 (2003) 187–193

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The Early to Middle Stone Age Transition and the

Emergence of Modern Human Behaviour at site 8-B-11,
Sai Island, Sudan
P. Van Peer a*, R. Fullagar b, S. Stokes c, R. M. Bailey c, J. Moeyersons d,
F. Steenhoudt a, A. Geerts a, T. Vanderbeken a, M. De Dapper e, F. Geus f
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
University of Sydney, Australia
Oxford Luminescence Research Group, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, UK
Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium
University of Gent, Belgium
Section Française de la Direction des Antiquités du Soudan – Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, France

Keywords: Middle Pleistocene; Sudan; Nile Valley; Early Stone Age; Middle Stone Age; Sangoan; Modern behaviour; Pigments

Introduction Middle Stone Age transition by means of primary

context situations in direct stratigraphic super-
Site 8-B-11 at Sai Island in northern Sudan is a position (Clark, 2001; Tryon & McBrearty, 2002).
stratified site containing late Middle and early In contrast to the Acheulean, the early MSA
Upper Pleistocene occupation levels in excellent Sangoan levels show sophisticated behaviours
conditions of preservation. In Middle Pleistocene involving considerable technological and symbolic
times, the banks of a small gully were repeatedly investment. Quartzite cobbles were used in the
occupied by human groups leaving Acheulean and grinding of vegetal materials. Yellow and red
Sangoan material cultures in an interstratified ochre were exploited and ground to pigments using
pattern. Optical age determinations on aeolian shaped mortars and selected chert nodules. We
intercalations within the gully sediments range conclude that 8-B-11 is a key site with regard to the
between 220 and 150 ka. This sequence is trun- initial emergence of modern human behaviour
cated by Nile floodplain silts in which three occu- outside subsaharan Africa (McBrearty & Brooks,
pation levels with Lupemban-related Nubian 2000).
Complex assemblages (Van Peer, 1998) are strati-
fied. The long archaeological sequence at 8-B-11 is General description
a rare African case to document the Early to
Sai (Fig. 1a) is a 50 km2 island located between
* Corresponding author. Philip Van Peer, Laboratorium
the second and third Nile cataracts, 10 km south
voor Prehistorie, Redingenstraat 16bis, 3000 Leuven
of the town of Abri (Northern Sudan) whose
E-mail address: [email protected] archaeological importance was recognized in
(P. Van Peer). the mid 20th century (Arkell, 1949). It has
0047-2484/03/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
188 P. Van Peer et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 45 (2003) 187–193

Fig. 1. A: Simplified geomorphological map of Sai Island showing Nile gravel terraces in the centre and a Holocene silt plain at the
fringes. 1. B: Topographic map of site 8-B-11 with 0.5 m contour intervals. Line A-B represents the location of the section presented
in Fig. 2. Hatched areas indicate excavation sectors 2000–2002.

been the scene of investigations by a French level at 15 m above the present floodplain is mainly
archaeological mission since the 1950’s (Geus, composed of large quartz cobbles, serving as raw
1995). From 1993 onwards, an interdisciplinary material from Palaeolithic through protohistoric
research project was initiated aiming at a complete times. The later 10 m terrace, containing mostly
study of the island’s environmental history and small chert gravels and occasional rolled artefacts,
human occupation (Geus, 2000). forms the substrate at site 8-B-11, located at the
The geological substrate consists of steeply southern foot of Jebel Adu (Fig. 1b).
dipping Precambrian schist with quartz veins, dis- The 10 m-terrace deposits are incised by a gully,
conformably overlain by subhorizontal Nubian eroding into the Nubian sandstone and filled
sandstone strata. The latter are mostly only a few with a sequence of alternating gravels and sands
meters thick, except for the 75 m high inselberg (Fig. 2). This gully fill is overlain by black Nilotic
of Jebel Adu, in the centre of the island. North of silts at the deflated top of which a veneer of MSA
Jebel Adu, sediment cover is limited except at the quartz artefacts, intermingled with river gravels
fringes of the island. Nile gravel terraces are and angular sandstone blocks, occurs. Two in situ
present in the central southern part. A high terrace occupation levels are stratified within the black
P. Van Peer et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 45 (2003) 187–193 189

Fig. 2. Synthesis of the stratigraphic succession at 8-B-11. Numbers 1–7 represent the position of archaeological levels (large triangles
are primary context situations, small triangles indicate levels affected by a degree of post-depositional reworking): 1–3: Nubian
Complex; 4–6: Sangoan; 7: Acheulean.

silts. The lithic assemblages from both the surface Several archaeological levels are situated in the
and the in situ levels are very similar. Their most gully fill below the black silts, typically at the
prominent typological feature is the presence of interface between fine gravel and sandy facies.
thin bifacial foliates. Blanks were produced Human occupations took place on the channel
according to Levallois, Nubian and discoidal banks, apparently at times when the river regime
reduction strategies (Van Peer, 1992). Techno- changed to low-energy, perhaps seasonal, activity.
typologically, the black silt assemblages are similar Mostly, the occupation debris occur in primary
to those associated with the eastern Saharan OIS 5 context and post-depositional disturbance is
paleolakes (Wendorf et al., 1993) and others from limited. The artefacts are in fresh condition and
the Lower Nile Valley. They all belong to the early there are several refits of pieces found close to each
Upper Pleistocene Nubian Complex bearing affini- other. Organic remains, however, are virtually
ties with the sub-Saharan Lupemban (Barham, lacking and small lithic chips are rare presumably
2001). In a few places, the black silts show struc- due to slight fluvial sorting.
tures like slickensides, dessiccation cracks and The lowermost level contains a typologically
bows, organised in plan in polygonal-like con- late Acheulean industry with large lanceolate
figurations. These structures indicate past local handaxes in extremely fresh condition. Its spatial
vertisol development (Coulombe & Wilding, 1996; distribution is mostly limited to the Jebel Adu
Nyssen et al., 2000). pediment slope well above the ancient stream
190 P. Van Peer et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 45 (2003) 187–193

Fig. 3. Worked Nubian sandstone slab found in Lower Sangoan level (level 6 of Fig. 2). White areas represent subrecent fractures.

channel. This may indicate a rather important extraordinary object (Fig. 3) was found in trench
river activity and a humid climate. An OSL- 02/C, near the southern edge of the Middle
assessment of the overlying aeolian sands (ES) Pleistocene gully (Fig. 2). The overall shape of this
produced quite scattered results but indicates a 10 cm thick Nubian sandstone slab is the result of
maximum age of 22319 ka. human action. Steep flake negatives are present on
Three occupation levels with lithic assemblages its sides, except for the lower right part of the
that can be qualified as Sangoan, were found in perimeter where oblique flake scars occur. Two
the gully fill sediments above the ES-sands. Their of these flakes were found near the slab and
designation as Lower, Middle, and Upper refitted onto its right side. Apparently, these scars
Sangoan only refers to their relative chronological represent posterior reworking.
position at this site. The Lower Sangoan occurs in Except for small areas in the centre and to the
a fine gravel deposit (BLG) attesting to a new right, the upper face of the slab is made perfectly
fluvial phase. This BLG-gravel has eroded flat by pecking. A large depression, of which the
archaeological material from the top of the ES- sides have suffered both ancient and recent frac-
sands. In some areas upslope, however, these ture, was cut out and seems to be surrounded by a
artefacts are still in their original stratigraphic series of small pits. This object may have served as
context. Handaxes are not present in this a grinding stone or mortar. Several small chert
assemblage. Blanks are produced from discoidal pebbles with particles of yellow/red ochre adhering
and globular cores, but flake tools are very rare. to one of their faces are present in this level. They
Heavy-duty equipment is well represented, includ- are similar in size and appearance, displaying a
ing hammerstones, grinding stones, and several brown/red colour with black inclusions. One of
core-axes (Clark & Kleindienst, 2001). In this them shows a thick wear polish. Another one has
Lower Sangoan level, we observed the presence streaks of red and yellow pigment applied on one
of a dense concentration of red and yellow of its faces. As chert pebbles of this appearance are
ochre lumps, some with ground surfaces. An rare in the natural gravels of the gully fill sequence,
P. Van Peer et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 45 (2003) 187–193 191

Fig. 4. The distribution of artefacts in the Middle Sangoan level in excavation sector 02/A (level 5 of Fig. 2). The topography of the
top of the underlying sediment is shown by contour lines at 2 cm intervals.

we assume that they were deliberately selected. were studied microscopically and a soft white
This may suggest that their use as pigment coating was analysed using X-ray diffraction.
grinders was surrounded with a degree of symbolic Three major components were identified: major
connotation. quartz and calcite with minor feldspar (R. Pogson,
The Middle Sangoan occupation level rests on personal communication). Areas of polish on both
top of the TLG-gravel separated from BLG by a artefacts were also analysed, and aqueous solu-
thin layer of coarse sand. An intricate horizontal tions were removed in a sonic bath for transmitted
network of large calcified roots is present here, light microscopy. Phytoliths and starch granules
remnants of an extensive vegetation cover in the were recovered. Their presence in association with
ancient black silt floodplain. Artefacts are packed very bright flat polished surfaces supports the
in a thin lens of clay. Quartz core-axes of Khor hypothesis that the cobbles were used to pro-
Abu Anga type are present (Guichard & Guichard, cess siliceous and starchy plant tissues, possibly
1965). Two slabs, forming part of a more or grass seeds. Identification studies are currently
less circular arrangement with a radius of 2.5 m underway.
(Fig. 4), show similar cut-out depressions as the In the eastern part of trench 02/A, a discrete
one found in the Lower Sangoan. Possibly they are concentration with two lanceolate handaxes and
mortars that were re-used as structural elements. sandstone flakes belonging to one handaxe pro-
Furthermore, a number of imported quartzite duction sequence, occurs among the scatter of
cobbles with wear facets are present. Two of them Middle Sangoan quartz artefacts (Fig. 4). This is
192 P. Van Peer et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 45 (2003) 187–193

the only instance where the presence of handaxes is between Acheulean and Sangoan assemblages.
attested in any of the Sangoan levels. One handaxe These two material cultures were produced con-
is out of chert and the other out of ferrocrete temporaneously by groups who occupied the same
sandstone, raw materials that are practically land surfaces in the period around 200 ka ago. In
absent in the Sangoan. Furthermore, a complete East Africa, the ESA/MSA transition is now
lithic reduction sequence as found here has never placed before 285 ka ago (Tryon & McBrearty,
been met in the Sangoan. We infer that the 2002). Such evidence may suggest that the appear-
archaeological debris found at this land surface are ance of the Middle Stone Age in northern Africa is
the result of two separate events of human activity, a consequence of population replacement.
one leaving a Sangoan assemblage and the other Third, recent evidence for the high antiquity of
an Acheulean. The profound differences in terms modern behavioural features in Africa (McBrearty
of typology, raw material use, and site use suggest & Brooks, 2000; Barham, 2001) is amplified. At
that this palimpsest situation represents the occu- site 8-B-11, complex processing of plant foods and
pation of the site by two different behavioural symbolic pigment treatment are attested from the
systems. earliest Sangoan occurrences onwards. In the tran-
The final infilling of the gully is represented by a sition to the Middle Stone Age, modern behaviour
0.5 m thick unit of sands with intercalated gravel can be seen to emerge and the geographical distri-
lenses. A sand sample from the base of this unit, bution of the Sangoan may be the reflection of its
right above the Middle Sangoan produced an early dispersal in large parts of Africa.
optical age of 18220 ka. Another one taken at
the top, above a gravel lens (UG) in which the
Upper Sangoan occurs in secondary context, is Acknowledgements
optically-dated to 15210 ka. The gully sequence
is finally capped by the black silt floodplain. The interdisciplinary project at Sai Island is
co-sponsored by the French Ministry of Foreign
Conclusions Affairs and the Research Council of the
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (grant
Site 8-B-11, the first in the northern Nile Valley OT/01/10). We thank Francesco D’Errico for pre-
to present an archaeological sequence spanning the liminary comments on the object in Fig. 3. We
late Middle and the early Upper Pleistocene, leads thank the National Corporation for Antiquities
to several conclusions. Together with Kalambo and Museums of Sudan and its inspectors in the
Falls (Clark, 2001; McBrearty, 2001), it strength- field for good collaboration. The drawing shown in
ens the case for identifying the long-debated Fig. 3 is by Sigrid Missotten. Optical dating was
Sangoan as a valid taxonomic entity for the early supported by a grant from the UK NERC under
Middle Stone Age, with a geographical distri- the EFCHED.
bution extending far beyond the Congo basin
(Cahen, 1976; McBrearty, 1987). Earlier sugges-
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