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Month-to-Month Residential Rental Agreement

1. Identification of Landlord and Tenants: This Agreement is made and entered into on
______________________________ [DATE], between
______________________________ (Tenants") and
______________________________ [ORGANIZATION NAME] ("Landlord/Master
Tenant "), whose address and phone number are ______________________________
2. Identification of Premises and Occupants: Subject to the terms and conditions of this
Agreement, Landlord rents to Tenant, and Tenant rents from Landlord, for residential
purposes only, the premises located at: ______________________________ on a
month- to-month term. The premises shall be occupied by the undersigned Tenant and
the following minor children:
3. Limits on Use and Occupancy: The premises are to be used only as a private
residence for Tenants and any minors listed above in this Agreement, and for no other
purpose without Landlord's prior written consent.
4. Termination: Except as prohibited by law, This Agreement may be terminated by
Landlord or Tenants and may be modified by Landlord, by giving 30-days' written notice
to the other. Any holding over thereafter shall result in Tenant being liable to Landlord for
prorated daily rental damages. ______________________________ [ORGANIZATION
NAME] is a state funded temporary (24-month) housing program, and therefore this
tenancy may be terminated anytime on or after ______________________________
[SAME DATE AS ABOVE], by ______________________________ [ORGANIZATION
NAME] by giving the Tenant a written 60 day notice of termination of tenancy.
5. Rent: See Attachment A for rent amounts, schedule, and payment policies and
6. Amount and Payment of Deposits. On signing this Agreement,
______________________________ [ORGANIZATION NAME] will loan Tenants the
security deposit that was previously paid by ______________________________
[ORGANIZATION NAME] directly to the property owner in the sum of
$______________________________. See attached Promissory Note for monthly loan
payment amount and procedures. Tenants may not apply this security deposit to the last
month's rent or to any other sum due under this Agreement. If, upon vacating the
premises, Tenant’s loan has been paid in full to ______________________________
[ORGANIZATION NAME], ______________________________ [ORGANIZATION
NAME] will furnish Tenant with an itemized written statement of the reasons for, and the
dollar amount of, any of the security deposit retained by the Landlord, along with a check
for any deposit balance. Under Section 1950.5 of the California Civil Code, Landlord
may withhold only that portion of Tenants' security deposit necessary to: (1) remedy any
default by Tenants in the payment of rent; (2) repair damages to the premises or
appliances; and (3) clean the premises if necessary exclusive of ordinary wear and tear.
7. Utilities: Tenants shall be responsible for payment of all utility charges, except for the
following, which shall be paid by Landlord: water and garbage
8. Quiet Enjoyment: Tenants shall be entitled to quiet enjoyment of the premises. Tenants
and their guests or invitees shall not use the premises or adjacent areas in such a way

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as to: (1) violate any law or ordinance, including laws prohibiting the use, possession or
sale of illegal drugs; (2) commit waste or nuisance; or (3) annoy, disturb, inconvenience
or interfere with the quiet enjoyment and peace and quiet of any other tenant or nearby
resident. Any such action may result in the immediate termination of this agreement as
provided herein and by law.
9. Repairs and Alterations: Except as provided by law or as authorized by the prior
written consent of Landlord, Tenants shall not make any repairs, alterations or
decorations to the unit. Repairs, alterations include re-keying or installing any locks to
the premises or installing or altering any burglar alarm system. Decorations include, but
are not limited to, painting and wallpapering. Tenants shall provide Landlord with a key
or keys capable of unlocking all such re-keyed or new locks as well as instructions on
how to disarm any altered or new burglar alarm system. Tenant also agrees to pay all
costs resulting from the alteration.
10. Acceptance of Premises: Tenant has inspected the premises, furnishings, equipment,
and appliances and has found them to be satisfactory. All plumbing, heating and
electrical systems are operative and deemed satisfactory, except as noted on the
attached Move-In Move-Out Itemization.
11. Care, Cleaning, and Maintenance: Tenants agree to: (1) keep the premises, furniture,
and appliances clean and sanitary and in good repair, and upon termination of the
tenancy, to return the premises to Landlord in a condition identical to that which existed
when Tenants took occupancy, except for ordinary wear and tear; (2) immediately notify
Landlord of any defects or dangerous conditions in and about the premises of which they
become aware; and (3) reimburse Landlord, on demand by Landlord, for the cost of any
repairs to the premises or appliances damaged by Tenants or their guests or invitees
through misuse or neglect. This includes misuse that can lead to plumbing issues (i.e.
clogged toilet or sinks), broken appliances such as garbage disposals, or damaged
window fixtures.
12. Landlord's Access for Inspection and Emergency: Landlord (i.e. the property owner/
manager or ______________________________ [ORGANIZATION NAME] staff) may
enter the premises in the event of an emergency, to make repairs or improvements,
supply agreed services and show the premises to prospective buyers or tenants. Except
in cases of emergency, violations of the housing rules outlined in Attachment A, or
Tenants' abandonment of the premises or court order, Landlord shall give Tenants
reasonable notice of intent to enter. Tenant’s non-compliance with the Landlord’s lawful
request for entry is material breach of this Agreement that may be cause for immediate
termination as provided herein and by the law.
13. Prohibition of Assignment and Subletting: Tenants shall not sublet any part of the
premises or assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of Landlord.

14. Possession of the Premises: If, after signing this Agreement, Tenants fail to take
possession of the premises, they shall still be responsible for paying rent and complying
with all other terms of this Agreement by delivering a 30-day written notice for
termination of tenancy to ______________________________ [ORGANIZATION NAME
AND ADDRESS]. In the event Landlord is unable to deliver possession of the premises
to Tenants for any reason not within Landlord's control, including, but not limited to,
failure of prior occupants to vacate or partial or complete destruction of the premises,
Tenants shall have the right to terminate this Agreement.

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15. Damages to the Premises. In the event the premises are partially or totally damaged or
destroyed by fire or other cause, the following shall apply: In the event that Tenants, or
their guests or invitees, in any way caused or contributed to the damage of the premises,
Landlord shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, and Tenants shall
be responsible for all losses, including, but not limited to, damage and repair costs as
well as loss of rental income. Landlord shall not be required to repair or replace any
property brought onto the premises by Tenants.
16. Tenants' Financial Responsibility and Renters' Insurance. Tenants agree to accept
financial responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property belonging to Tenants
and their guests and invitees caused by theft, fire or any other cause. Landlord assumes
no liability for any such loss. Landlord recommends that Tenants obtain a renter's
insurance policy from a recognized insurance firm to cover Tenants' liability, personal
property damage and damage to the premises.
17. Waterbeds. No waterbed or other item of water-filled furniture shall be kept on the
premises without Landlord's written consent.
18. Pets: No pets shall be kept on the premises without Landlord's prior written consent,
except for service or companion animals requested for individuals with disabilities.
19. Smoke Detector Device: The premises are equipped with a functioning smoke
detector device(s), and Resident shall be responsible for testing the device weekly and
immediately reporting any problems, maintenance or need for repairs to the property’s
owner/ manager or ______________________________ [ORGANIZATION NAME]’s
Housing Specialist. If battery operated, Resident is responsible for changing the
detector’s battery as necessary. The property owner/management or
______________________________ [ORGANIZATION NAME] staff shall have the
right to enter the premises to check and maintain the smoke detection device as
provided by the law.
20. Moving Services: Tenant assumes all responsibility for the moving of items done by
______________________________ [ORGANIZATION NAME] hired vendors. Tenant
Agrees to inform your case manager/youth advocate of the amount of belongings you
will be moving (esp. large items like dressers, entertainment centers, wine racks,
armoires, curio cabinets, china cabinets, buffets, big screen TVS, chest of drawers,
etc.) before the move, and securely pack their contents in separate boxes.

Tenant also agrees to pack ALL items to be moved securely in boxes or appropriate
containers and have any disassembling or reassembling of items done prior to the
move. If your belongings are not packed you will NOT move in and your move will be

In the event any item to be moved cannot be moved safely from the area where the
item is located or to an area where the item is to be moved or relocated and you wish to
have the item moved anyway ______________________________
[ORGANIZATION NAME] and / or Moving Service will not be liable for any
damages to the item or to the walls, floors, stairs, railings, ceilings, or other structures

21. Addenda: By initialing as provided, Tenant acknowledges that they have received and
read copies of the following applicable addenda, which are attached and incorporated
as part of this Agreement:

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In Your Home Pamphlet
____ Landlord
____ Mold Addendum
Policies and Regulations,
Attachment A ____ Loan Promissory Note
____ Move-In Move-Out Itemization ____ Rent and Loan Calculation
____ Smoke Detector Agreement
____ Drug-Free Addendum
____ Asbestos Agreement
____ Lead Disclosure Addendum
____ Protect Your Family from Lead
22. Notice: Pursuant to Section 290.46 of the Penal Code, information about
specified sex offenders is made available to the public via an Internet Web site
maintained by The California Department of Justice at
Depending on an offender’s criminal history, this information will include either
the address at which the offender resides or the community of residence and
ZIP code in which he or she resides.
23. Entire Agreement: This Agreement, which includes all attachments, constitutes
the entire Agreement between the parties, and no promises or representations,
other than those contained here and those implied by law, have been made by
Landlord or Tenants. Any modifications to this Agreement must be in writing
signed by Landlord and Tenants. The failure of Tenants or their guests or
invitees to comply with any term of this Agreement is grounds for termination of
the tenancy, with appropriate notice to tenants and procedures as required by
24. Grounds for Termination of Tenancy: The failure of Tenant or Tenant's
guests or invitees to comply with any term of this Agreement, or the
misrepresentation of any material fact on Tenant's Rental Application, are
grounds for termination of the tenancy, with appropriate notice to Tenant and
procedures as required by law.
25. Payment of Attorney Fees in a Lawsuit: In any action or legal proceeding to
enforce any part of this Agreement, the prevailing party [x] shall not/ [ ] shall
recover reasonable attorney fees and court costs.
26. Authority to Receive Legal Papers: Any person managing the premises, the
landlord and anyone designated by the landlord are authorized to accept service
of process and receive other notices and demands, which may be delivered to:
[ ] a. the manager, at the following address: ____________________
[ ] b. the Landlord, at the following address: _____________________
[ ] c. the following: _________________________

______________________________ [ORGANIZATION NAME]

Landlord/Master Tenant

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