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Stone & Steel

Rhulic Warcasters & Warjacks for
the Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game
By Matt Goetz, Doug Seacat, Will Shick, and Jason Soles
Art by Chippy, Alex Konstad, Luke mancini, Brian snoddy, Franz Vohwinkel, and Andrea Uderzo,

62 Stone & Steel

or centuries, Rhulic warcasters and their durable ‘jacks have played a role on the battlefields of western Immoren. Whether fighting as
mercenaries alongside armies of the Iron Kingdoms, engaging in inter-clan disputes, or defending their homelands from encroaching
multitudes of barbarians, trolls, or dragonspawn, the armies of Rhul have fought valiantly, proving as immovable as the mountains of
their rugged homeland. With talents refined by countless skirmishes alongside steamjacks that, while utilitarian, deliver crushing blows to an
enemy force, Rhulic warcasters have participated in many of the most significant conflicts in the history of the Iron Kingdoms.
The following pages present careers and steamjacks unique to the dwarves of Rhul for use in the Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy
Roleplaying Game.

New Career Option Rhulic ‘Jack Marshal

Only a Rhulic dwarf or ogrun with the ’Jack Marshal ability can
Unique career options are available to characters with specific be a Rhulic ‘Jack Marshal. This option must be taken when the
backgrounds. In addition to the warcaster option below available character gains the ‘Jack Marshal ability. A character cannot be a
only to the dwarves of Rhul, many more for characters native to Rhulic ‘Jack Marshal and a standard ‘Jack Marshal.
the Iron Kingdoms are described in the forthcoming Iron Kingdoms A character taking this option:
RPG: Kings, Nations, and Gods.
• Can only control Rhulic steamjacks. Only a Rhulic ‘jack
A player can choose as many career options as he wishes during marshal can marshal Rhulic steamjacks.
character creation and can take some or all of the options for which
his character meets the requirements. For example, a player creating
a Rhulic Field Mechanik/Warcaster might decide to take the Rhulic
Field Mechanik option but decide not to take the Rhulic Warcaster
option for his character.

Rhulic Field Mechanik

Since their first introduction to technologies like mechanika and
cortex production during the days of the Rebellion, Rhulfolk have
taken to mechanikal engineering with great enthusiasm. Rhul
is slow to innovate new technology but adept at creating new
applications for existing devices, and the mechanikal engineers of
Rhul take pride in their perfectionist approach to the work.

Rhul commands vast mineral wealth, and mining clans rely on the
talents of their field mechaniks to create the highest grade cortexes and
to keep their steamjacks at peak operation. Similarly, the mercenary
companies of Rhul have a constant need for skilled mechaniks to
effect repairs between military engagements. Rhulic metalcrafting is
second to none, and an experienced Rhulic field mechanik can return
a veritable pile of scrap to battle-ready condition.

Only Rhulic dwarves and ogrun can be Rhulic Field Mechaniks.

This option must be taken at character creation. A character
cannot be a Rhulic Field Mechanik and a standard Field

A character taking this option:

• Is a Rhulic ‘jack marshal, not a standard

‘jack marshal (see below).

• Starts with a Grundback Runner light

warjack (p. 66) with either a Grundback
light cannon (p. 66) or a hail shot cannon
(p. 67) weapon system instead of a light
laborjack with up to 200 gc of weapons.

Stone & Steel 63

Rhulic Warcaster
Warcasters fill a vital role within Rhulic society. Like other New Spells
warcasters in the Iron Kingdoms, Rhulic warcasters are COST RNG AOE POW UP OFF
fundamental to the military defense of both their clans and their
Bullet Dodger 2 6 — — Yes No
nation, commanding their utilitarian ’jacks on the battlefield.
However, Rhulfolk who have the warcaster talent also play an Target friendly character gains +2 DEF against ranged attack
important economic role. The coffers of many clans are filled rolls and Dodger. (A character with Dodger can advance up to
with coin earned through mercenary contracts with the Iron 2˝ immediately after an enemy attack that missed him is resolved
Kingdoms. A Rhulic warcaster, particularly one accompanied by unless he was missed while advancing. He cannot be targeted by
the surprisingly durable ’jacks of his homeland, can earn a very free strikes during this movement.)
good wage as a mercenary. Explosivo 1 6 — — No No
Target character’s next normal attack with a non-spray ranged
Only Rhulic dwarves can be Rhulic Warcasters. This option must
weapon becomes magical. If the weapon was AOE – it becomes
be taken at character creation. A character cannot be a Rhulic
AOE 3. Characters in the AOE other than the character that was
Warcaster and a standard Warcaster.
directly hit suffer blast damage but do not suffer any other effects
A character taking this option: of the attack. Explosivo expires immediately after resolving the
affected character’s next ranged attack. Explosivo lasts for one
• Begins with the Rhulic Warcaster ability (see below).
• Begins with any two of the following Military skills: Fire For Effect 3 6 — — Yes No
Great Weapon 1, Hand Weapon 1, Pistol 1, or Rifle 1. Boost the attack and damage rolls of target character’s ranged
• Can begin with a mechanika great weapon, instead attack during each of his turns.
of standard warcaster armor (light or medium), or a Ground Zero 3 SELF 5 13 No No
mechanika hand weapon or hand cannon. Center a 5˝ AOE on the spellcaster. Each character other than the
spellcaster in the AOE is hit and suffers a POW 13 damage roll.
• Begins with Connections (dwarven clan).
Characters damaged by Ground Zero are pushed d6˝ directly
• Uses the spell list below instead of the Warcaster spell away from the spellcaster in the order his controller chooses.
list in the Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying
Molten Metal 2 10 — — No Yes
Game: Core Rules.
Target steamjack suffers 1 point of fire damage to each column on
• Begins with Battering Ram and Molten Metal. If the its damage grid.
character gains Battering Ram from both of his starting Powder Keg 4 10 5 14 No Yes
careers, select one additional Cost 2 spell from either of On a critical hit, characters hit lose one attack during their next
the character’s spell lists. activation.

Cost 1 Explosivo (p. 64), Jump Start, Locomotion Stranglehold 2 10 — 11 No Yes

Battering Ram, Bullet Dodger (p. 64), A character damaged by Stranglehold forfeits either its movement
Molten Metal (p. 64), Redline, Refuge, or its action during its next turn.
Cost 2 Rock Wall, Snipe, Solid Ground, Stone Spray 3 SP8 — 12 No Yes
Stone Strength, Stranglehold (p. 64), On a critical hit, the character hit is knocked down.
Temper Metal, Unstoppable Force (p. 64)
Unstoppable Force 2 Self Ctrl — No No
Broadside, Fail Safe, Fire For Effect (p. 64),
While in the spellcaster’s control area, steamjacks in his
Grind, Ground Zero (p. 64),
Cost 3 battlegroup gain Bulldoze. Unstoppable Force lasts for one turn.
Inhospitable Ground, Iron Aggression,
Rock Hammer, Stone Spray (p. 64) (When a steamjack with Bulldoze advances into B2B contact with
an enemy during its activation, it can push that character up to
Cost 4 Earth Splitter, Powder Keg (p. 64), Tide of Steel
2˝ directly away from it. A character can be pushed by Bulldoze
only once per turn. Bulldoze has no effect if the steamjack makes

New Ability a trample power attack.)

Rhulic Warcaster
Prerequisite: None

Only a character with the Rhulic Warcaster ability can bond to

Rhulic steamjacks. A character with the Rhulic Warcaster ability
cannot bond to non-Rhulic steamjacks.

64 Stone & Steel

Rhulic Warjacks
Original Chassis Design: This is the original manufacturer or
designer of the chassis.

In the Iron Kingdoms the distinction between laborjack and Stock Cortex: This is the cortex that comes stock with the
warjack is more clearly defined, but the steamjacks of Rhul blur steamjack chassis. Though Rhulic cortexes are structurally
the line. There are a number of reasons for this, some technical different than those produced by the Iron Kingdoms, they are
and some societal. manufactured in equivalent grades.

The art of metallurgy is advanced in Rhul, with several clans The cost of this cortex is included in the cost of the chassis. It
having innovated versatile, light, and durable alloys for a variety is assumed the cortex has been wiped and has no lingering
of industrial applications. Combined with the Rhulic work ethic personality at the time of purchase. The cortex can be replaced,
and high standards, “ordinary laborjacks” in Rhul are produced but the original personality of the steamjack will be lost as a
to similarly uncompromising requirements as military grade result. For cortex descriptions, see the Iron Kingdoms Full Metal
warjacks in other nations. Similarly, the mineral wealth of Rhul Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Core Rules.
provides a surplus of the rare metals and minerals required for
Stats: These are the chassis’ stats. The steamjack’s INT and PER are
high-grade cortexes, allowing these to be installed in a greater
determined by its cortex. The stats listed below assume a stock cortex.
number of steamjacks. Added to this are top-quality steam
engines noted for exceptional fuel efficiency. Special Rules: These are the special rules that apply to the chassis.

Perhaps the most important reason laborjacks fill double-duty Damage Grid: This is the chassis’ damage grid.
in Rhul is cultural. Rhulic society relies on fierce competition—
lawful feuds are a legitimate and widespread method of
resolving disputes. Inter-clan feuds can be lawfully instigated
to compete for construction work, for the rights to mine-specific
claims, and to contest ownership of prized plots of land. The An Exacting Cortex
most industrious clans must be prepared to field able-bodied
warriors to defend their work, and the steamjacks employed in
for an Exacting Race
construction projects, mines, or quarries must also be relied upon Rhulic steamjack cortexes are built to exacting
specifications by some of the most brilliant
to defend these sites from rival clans as well as external threats.
mechanikal engineers on the face of Caen.
Thus, ’jacks like the Ghordson Driller and Wroughthammer While a Rhulic cortex shares fundamental design
Rockram are found as often in the mines and quarries of Rhul as elements with those manufactured by human
they are on the battlefields of western Immoren. nations, they differ in numerous respects and
interface with other Rhulic components in
Chassis and Weapon Systems distinctly different ways. A Rhulic cortex will not
function in a non-Rhulic steamjack and vice versa.
Like the armies of the Iron Kingdoms, Rhul approaches its
warjacks as integrated weapon systems. Each chassis has a host Rhulic mechaniks have access to sufficient
of weapons developed specifically for it. materials to produce higher-grade cortexes in
greater quantity than some other kingdoms.
Rules Though the simplest dedicated Rhulic laborjacks
have lesser cortexes, others invariably use cortexes
The following attributes define different steamjack chassis in the
that are equivalent to arcanum grade cortexes of
game. the Iron Kingdom.
Cost: This is the cost of the cost of the chassis in Cygnaran gold In addition to distinct differences in physical
crowns. Despite having a cost in Cygnaran gold crowns, there architecture and a potential language barrier,
are no producers of Rhulic warjacks in the Iron Kingdoms, Rhulic cortexes are secured with locks designed
though cities with a large mercenary presence may have specifically for certain cultural ideations shared
only by Rhulfolk. A Rhulic steamjack can only be
secondary markets for Rhulic warjacks, which cater to dwarven
bonded to a Rhulic warcaster. Likewise, only Rhulic
warcasters abroad.
‘jack marshals can marshal a Rhulic steamjack.
Description: This is a description of the chassis. When a non-Rhulic character with the Mechanikal
Engineering skill attempts to repair a Rhulic
Height/Weight: The chassis’ technical specs.
cortex, the target number of the skill roll is raised
Fuel Load/Burn Usage: This describes the chassis’ standard fuel to 20. Paying to have catastrophic damage to a
load and burn rate. Rhulic cortex repaired by a non-Rhulic mechanik
costs an additional 50 gc.
Initial Service Date: This is the date the chassis first entered service.

Stone & Steel 65

Grundback Runner Chassis
Grundback Runner Light Warjack Chassis
Cost: 6,700 gc (with stock cortex), 2,200 gc (chassis only)
Description: Originally designed to carry messages quickly through tunnels
and mines, the squat, compact Grundback Runner is unquestionably lethal
when commanded by a skilled ’jack marshal or warcaster.
Height/Weight: 4´10˝/3.0 tons
Fuel Burn/Load Usage: 350 lbs/16 hours general, 4 hours combat
Initial Service Date: 513 AR
Original Chassis Design: Aruhn Grundback
Stock Cortex: Rhulic arcanum grade cortex equivalent


STR 6 1 2 3 4 5 6


Grundback Light Cannon (Grundback chassis only)
H H C M Cost: 350 gc
H H C C M M Type: Ranged
Initiative 11
Location: Grundback chassis back hard point
Ammo: 10
RAT 6 Effective Range: 72 feet (12˝)
DEF 12 Extreme Range: 360 feet
ARM 18 Attack Modifier: 0

Special Rules: POW: 12

AOE: -
Initiative is only rolled in the case of an uncontrolled steamjack,
otherwise the ’jack activates on its controller’s initiative. Description: The Grundback light cannon has been perfectly
designed for the small, compact frame of the Grundback Runner
Initiative, MAT, RAT, and DEF assume a stock Arcanum grade
chassis. While stout in appearance, the Grundback cannon packs
impressive power and accuracy. Furthermore, thanks to an
Weapon Hard Points: The Grundback Runner does not have ingenious design mechanism, the cannon becomes even more
arms. Instead it was designed to house one of several impressive lethal when amplified by a warcaster’s arcane might.
weapon systems developed especially for the chassis. A
Special Rules: The Grundback cannon may be fired only once
Grundback Runner can have only one of these weapon systems.
per round.
Removing or replacing one of these weapon systems requires
When attacking with this weapon, the steamjack can spend 1
five hours of labor and access to a crane and a mechanik’s tool
focus point to boost both its attack and damage roll for the attack.
kit. After the time has passed, the mechanik must make an INT +
Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 14. If the Reloading a Grundback cannon outside of combat takes 20
roll succeeds, the character has successfully removed or installed minutes and can be accomplished by any character with the
the weapon system. If the roll fails, the weapon system either Mechanikal Engineering skill without a die roll.
cannot be removed without additional labor or was improperly
The cannon fires light artillery rounds in metal casings. Light
installed and will not function. Either way, the character must
artillery rounds cost 5 gc each.
spend an additional hour of labor before attempting the roll again.

Having one of these weapon systems installed or removed costs

75 gc in labor.

66 Stone & Steel

Hail Shot Cannon (Grundback chassis only)
Ghordson Driller Chassis
Cost: 450 gc
Type: Ranged Ghordson Driller Heavy Warjack Chassis
Location: Grundback chassis back hard point Cost: 10,300 gc (with stock cortex), 5,800 gc (chassis only)

Ammo: 8 Description: Originally designed as an industrial laborjack, the Ghordson

Driller chassis has proven itself time and time again on the field of battle.
Effective Range: SP 8 ThemultipurposeengineeringfavoredbytheRhulicengineershasallowedthe
Ghordson chassis to adapt to a myriad of different roles. Its variants include
Extreme Range: — the Ghordson Avalancher and the Wroughthammer Rockram.

Attack Modifier: 0 Height/Weight: 11´ 6˝/8.8 tons

POW: 10 Fuel Burn/Load Usage: 915 lbs/12.5 hours general, 2.5 hours combat

AOE: — Initial Service Date: 446 AR

Original Chassis Design: Unknown, attributed to Varl Ghordson
Description: This rapid-fire cannon was designed to tear through
Stock Cortex: Rhulic arcanum grade cortex equivalent
masses of troops with each thunderous salvo. For added lethality,
a calculated weapon design allows controlling warcasters to PHY 14 DAMAGE GRID
increase the killing potential of the cannon with a minor flex of
STR 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
Special Rules: A steamjack can fire the blaster only once per turn.

When attacking with this weapon, a steamjack can spend 1 focus
point to boost all attack and damage rolls for the attack.
Reloading a hail shot cannon outside of combat takes 20 minutes L R
and can be accomplished by any character with the Mechanikal L L M C R R
Engineering skill without a die roll. PER 3
Initiative 11
The cannon fires volleys of tiny projectiles. An attack with this
weapon uses 8 gc in ammunition and blasting powder. MAT 6
Driller ARM 19

Special Rules:

Initiative is only rolled in the case of an uncontrolled steamjack,

otherwise the ’jack activates on its controller’s initiative.

Initiative, MAT, RAT, and DEF assume a stock cortex.

Ghordson Driller Warjack

The Ghordson Driller comes stock with a rock drill mounted on
its right arm and a grappler mounted on its left.

Grappler (Heavy Warjack chassis only)

Cost: 300 gc
Type: Melee
Location: Left Arm
Attack Modifier: 0
POW: 4

Description: The grappler is a heavily reinforced cargo clamp.

Special Rules: The grappler has the Open Fist rule and can be
used to make Headlock/Weapon Lock, Push, Throw, and Two-
Handed Throw power attacks. The grappler cannot be used to
pick up other weapons.

Stone & Steel 67

Mounting this weapon on steamjack chassis requires the Ghordson Avalancher Warjack
mechanik to first remove the steamjack’s old arm and replace The Ghordson Avalancher comes stock with an Avalanche Cannon
it with the grappler. Mounting a grappler on a heavy steamjack mounted on its right arm and an shield system mounted on its left.
chassis other than a Ghordson Driller chassis takes double the
normal amount of time and increases the target number to 16. A Avalanche Cannon (Heavy Warjack chassis only)
character who wishes to pay to have a grappler integrated into
Cost: 500 gc
a heavy steamjack chassis other than a Ghordson Driller chassis
must pay double the normal rate. Type: Ranged
Location: Right Arm
Paying to have an arm system removed and a grappler mounted
Ammo: 5
on a Ghordson Driller chassis in its place costs an additional 60
gc unless the character does the job himself. Paying to have an Effective Range: 90 feet (15˝)
arm system removed and a Grappler mounted on a chassis other Extreme Range: 450 feet
than a Ghordson Driller chassis costs an additional 100 gc. Attack Modifier: 0
POW: 14
Rock Drill (Heavy Warjack chassis only)
AOE: 3
Cost: 450 gc
Description: The avalanche cannon is a dedicated weapon of war
Type: Melee
with no industrial utility. The powerful weapon can obliterate
Location: Right Arm
targets at great range.
Attack Modifier: 0
Special Rules: A warjack can fire the avalanche cannon only once
POW: 5
per turn.
Description: This industrial rock drill can be turned to deadly
Reloading the avalanche cannon outside of combat takes 20
and destructive effect in combat.
minutes and can be accomplished by any character with the
Special Rules: During the steamjack’s turn, when it makes an Mechanikal Engineering skill without a die roll.
attack with this weapon against the last character hit by the
The avalanche cannon fires standard artillery rounds in metal
weapon this activation, the attack automatically hits.
casings. Standard artillery rounds cost 15 gc each.
Mounting this weapon on steamjack chassis requires the
Mounting this weapon on steamjack chassis requires the
mechanik to first remove the steamjack’s old arm and replace it
mechanik to first remove the steamjack’s arm and replace it
with the rock drill. Mounting a grappler on a heavy steamjack
with the avalanche cannon. Mounting an avalanche cannon on
chassis other than a Ghordson Driller chassis takes double the
a heavy steamjack chassis other than a Ghordson Driller chassis
normal amount of time and increases the target number to 16.
takes double the normal amount of time and increases the target
A character who wishes to pay to have a drill integrated into a
number to 16. A character who wishes to pay to have a avalanche
heavy steamjack chassis other than a Ghordson Driller chassis
cannon integrated into a heavy steamjack chassis other than a
must pay double the normal rate.
Ghordson Driller chassis must pay double the normal rate.
Paying to have an arm system removed and a drill mounted on
Paying to have an arm system removed and an avalanche cannon
a Ghordson Driller chassis in its place costs an additional 60 gc
mounted on a Ghordson Driller chassis in its place costs an additional
unless the character does the job himself. Paying to have an arm
60 gc unless the character does the job himself. Paying to have an
system removed and a drill mounted on a chassis other than a
arm system removed and an avalanche cannon mounted on a chassis
Ghordson Driller chassis costs an additional 100 gc.
other than a Ghordson Driller chassis costs an additional 100 gc.

Rock drill

68 Stone & Steel


Shield System (Heavy Warjack chassis only) to have an arm system removed and an assault shield
Cost: 400 gc mounted on a chassis other than a Ghordson Driller
chassis costs an additional 100 gc.
Type: Melee
Location: Arm Wroughthammer Rockram Warjack
Attack Modifier: 0 The Wroughthammer Rockram comes stock with a
POW: 2 sledge cannon mounted on the right arm and a fist for
its left. It is armed with a pulverizer.
Description: The shield system is a mount that integrates an
assault shield directly into the steamjack’s arm. The reinforced Sledge Cannon (Heavy Warjack chassis only)
steel shield is designed to protect a warjack from harm and
Cost: 550 gc
deliver punishing blows to any enemy that gets too close.
Type: Ranged
Special Rules: A steamjack armed with an assault shield gains +2
Location: Right Arm
ARM against attacks originating in its front arc.
Ammo: 5
Mounting this weapon on steamjack chassis requires the mechanik Effective Range: 48 feet (8˝)
to first remove the steamjack’s old arm and replace it with the
Extreme Range: —
shield system. Mounting an assault shield on a heavy steamjack
Attack Modifier: 0
chassis other than a Ghordson Driller chassis takes double the
normal amount of time and increases the target number to 16. A POW: 15
character who wishes to pay to have an assault shield integrated AOE: —
into a heavy steamjack chassis other than a Ghordson Driller
Description: The sledge cannon was designed to
chassis must pay double the normal rate.
crack open rock walls during mining operations. The
Paying to have an arm system removed and an assault shield hardened ammunition used by the sledge cannon
mounted on a Ghordson Driller chassis in its place costs an makes it extremely dangerous on the battlefield. The
additional 60 gc unless the character does the job himself. Paying sledge cannon also integrates protective metal plates
that grant a machine armed with it some protection.

Stone & Steel 69

Special Rules: The sledge cannon integrates a buckler that grants Pulverizer (Heavy Warjack chassis only)
a steamjack armed with it +1 ARM against attacks originating in Cost: 1660 gc
its front arc.
Type: Melee
A warjack can fire the sledge cannon only once per turn. Location: Arm
On a critical hit on a warjack or warbeast, fill in the unmarked Attack Modifier: 0
damage boxes or circles of the last column or branch damaged. POW: 6

Reloading the sledge cannon outside of combat takes 10 minutes Rune Points: 4
and can be accomplished by any character with the Mechanikal Description: The pulverizer is a massive mechanikally enhanced
Engineering skill without a die roll. hammer specially designed to shatter hard stone in one powerful blow.
The sledge cannon fires specialized ammunition costing 10 gc This weapon is powered by an arcanodynamic accumulator.
per round.
Special Rules: A steamjack must have a non-crippled arm system
Mounting this weapon on steamjack chassis requires the with an Open Fist to pick up the pulverizer. While wielding the
mechanik to first remove the steamjack’s old arm and replace it pulverizer, the steamjack cannot make attacks with the fist that
with the sledge cannon. Mounting a sledge cannon on a heavy holds the weapon. If the arm system holding the pulverizer is
steamjack chassis other than a Ghordson Driller chassis takes crippled, the steamjack can continue fighting with the weapon
double the normal amount of time and increases the target but suffers the penalties for the crippled system.
number to 16. A character who wishes to pay to have a sledge
cannon integrated into a heavy steamjack chassis other than a On a critical hit, the character hit loses his initial attacks and
Ghordson Driller chassis must pay double the normal rate. cannot make special attacks for one round.

Paying to have an arm system removed and a sledge cannon If this weapon does not does not have a functional accumulator,
mounted on a Ghordson Driller chassis in its place costs an its POW is reduced to 4, it suffers –1 on attack rolls, and it loses
additional 60 gc unless the character does the job himself. its critical effect.
Paying to have an arm system removed and a sledge Fabrication: The material cost of the
cannon mounted on a chassis other than a Ghordson pulverizer housing is 300  gc. It takes
Driller chassis costs an additional 100 gc four weeks to construct the device. The
pertinent Craft skill for construction is
Craft (metal working).

The pulverizer’s runeplates require four

weeks to inscribe and a successful
INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll
against a target number of 16.

wroughthammer rockram

70 Stone & Steel

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