Exercises On Basic S-V Rule

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Underline the correct verb that agrees with the subject in each sentence.

1. Linda (dye, dyes) her hair brown.

2. Dindo (send, sends) Mely a wonderful surprise.
3. The old man (beg, begs) for coins in front of the church.
4. The devotee (pray, prays) the rosary.
5. Paul (offer, offers) the most helpful suggestions.
6. The guest (proceed, proceeds) to the podium.
7. My friend (feel, feels) desperate about the sad news.
8. My mother (tastes, taste) the chicken stew.
9. The carpenter (covers, cover) the walls with wallpaper.
10. Joey’s uncle (makes, make) a kite.

Practice 2. Below are sentences with singular and plural subjects. Underline the verb that agrees with the
subject in each sentence.

1. The airplane (circle, circles) once before taking a landing.

2. Mosquitoes (bite, bites) the sleeping scouts.
3. His mother (lose, loses) her favorite earrings.
4. The mice (eat, eats) cheese on the table.
5. This restaurant (serve, serves) delicious green salad.
6. The hostess (ask, asks) everyone to eat more.
7. The lawyers (say, says) the trial will be a test case.
8. Most people (believe, believes) in life after death.
9. Greg’s parrot sometimes (fly, flies) outside the house.
10. The man (paint, paints) a mural on the back of the building.
Observer correct subject and verb agreement. Choose the correct verb that agrees with the
1. The barber (but, cuts) my hair.
2. The cat (chase, chases) the mouse.
3. Vicky usually (go, goes) home after school.
4. The guard (closes, close) the gate.
5. His teacher (ask, asks) him a question.
6. The consumer (complain, complains) for high prices of basic commodities.
7. The judge (listen, listens) attentively to the witness testimony.
8. Our grandparents (meet, meets) us in the waiting room.
9. Leaves (drop, drops) from the tree.
10. The gardener and his son (fill, fills) the trash bags.

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