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CBSE VII | Mathematics

Sample Paper 1

CBSE Board
Class VII Mathematics
Term II
Sample Paper - 1
Time: 2 hour Total Marks: 50

General Instructions:

1. All questions are compulsory.

2. The question paper consists of 28 questions and it is divided into three sections A, B
and C.
3. Section A comprises of 10 questions carrying 1 mark each.
4. Section B comprises of 14 questions carrying 2 marks each.
5. Section C comprises of 4 questions carrying 3 marks each.
6. Question numbers 1 to 10 in Section A are multiple choice questions where you are to
select one correct option out of the given four.

Section A
(Questions 1 to 10 carry 1 mark each)

1. If there is a discount of 40% on an article costing Rs 7000, then the priceafter

discount is:
A. Rs 4500
B. Rs 4200
C. Rs 4400
D. Rs 4600

2. Which of the following is the greatest rational number?


3. To construct an equilateral triangle, the minimum requirement is:

A. Measure of one angle
B. Measure of one side
C. Measure of two sides
D. Measure of one side and one angle 1
CBSE VII | Mathematics

Sample Paper 1

4. The figure below is made up of 3 squares of sides 5 cm. What is the perimeter of the

A. 15 cm
B. 30 cm
C. 40 cm
D. 50 cm

5. Choose the constant term in the expression "x4 - 6x2 + 2x - 3".

A. 1
B. -6
C. 3
D. -3

6. a  a  a  a  y  y  y  y  z  z can be written as
A. a4y4z2
B. ayz10
C. ay8xz2
D. ayz8

7. Which of the following figure has 7 lines of symmetry?

A. Regular hexagon
B. Regular octagon
C. Regular heptagon
D. Regular triangle 2
CBSE VII | Mathematics

Sample Paper 1

8. Net for the following solid is:




D. 3
CBSE VII | Mathematics

Sample Paper 1

9. A regular hexagon has ______ center of rotation.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

10. For what value of k, we have 7x2 - 5x + k = -4, given that x = -2,
A. 22
B. -42
C. -22
D. 42

Section B
(Questions 11 to 24 carry 2 marks each)

11. A family reduced the consumption of sugar from 10 kg to 8 kg per month due to
increase in price. Find the percentage decrease in consumption.

12. Write the rational form of the decimal and represent it on a number line:
(i) -0.25 (ii) 0.8

13. Is it possible to construct triangles with the following sides?

(a) 8 cm, 3 cm and 4 cm
(b) 9 cm, 5 cm and 4 cm.

14. Find AB, if the area of the triangle ABC is 48 m2 and the height CD is 12 m.

15. Simplify: 3(a + b) - 2(2a - b) + 4a - 7.

16. If 52x + 1 25 = 125, find the value of x.

17. Give an example of an alphabet which has 2 lines of symmetry as well as

rotational symmetry of order 2. 4
CBSE VII | Mathematics

Sample Paper 1

18. Count the number of unit cubes in the following solid.

19. Complete the following images whose one half and axis of symmetry is given.

20. Express the following numbers in exponent form.

(i) 343000
(ii) 2048

1 1
21. Find the value of expression (x + y)2 - (x - y)2, if x  ,y  .
2 4

22. Given is an oblique sketch of a cuboid. Draw an isometric sketch for this
cuboid. 5
CBSE VII | Mathematics

Sample Paper 1

23. A student has got following marks in five subjects:

30, 35, 40, 25, 45
The maximum marks for each subject is 50. Find his percentage of marks.

24. What number must be divided by 15 so that the quotient is 15?

Section C
(Questions 25 to 28 carry 3 marks each)
25. Raju owns a plot which is 1 acres in size. If the value of land in his area is Rs
48,000 per acre, what is the value of his plot?

26. Mohan purchased an old scooter for Rs 12000 and spent Rs 2850 on its
overhauling. Then, he sold it to his friend Sohan for Rs 13860. How much
percent did he gain or lose?

27. Draw an angle ABC of 60o such that BC = 3 cm, through B draw a line parallel to AB.

28. In triangle ABC, AC = 10 cm, BC = 4 cm and AD = 6 cm. Find the length of BL. 6

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