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Lesson 1: Reflection, Refraction, Transmission and Absorption of Light

Identify what is being asked.

1. It occurs when light bounces back as it hits a reflecting surface, such as a mirror.
2. It is the bending of light due to the change in its speed when it obliquely passes
to different media.
3. It is the passing of light through a material without being absorbed.
4. _____ of light when light strikes a material, and the energy that it carries is
absorbed by the atoms of the material and is converted into thermal energy.
5. The law that states that the angle of reflection is illustrated in the law of _____.
6-7. Give the2 ray under the topic of reflection.
8. It is the absorption that describes the tendency of an object to absorb specific
frequencies of light.
9. The ray of light that hits the reflecting surface.
10. The 2 angles formed in reflection of light.

1. Reflection
2. Refraction
3. Transmission
4. Absorption
5. Law of Reflection
6-7. incident and reflected
8. Selective Absorption
9. Incident ray
10. Angle of incidence and reflection
Lesson 2: The Emergence of Light
Newton and Descartes
1). A French Philosopher, Mathematician who studied and explained the concept
of refraction.
2). An English Physicist and Mathematician who was famous because of
describing the motion and the nature of light.
3). He explained that refraction of light caused the formation of rainbow.
4). He explained that the difference in refraction occurred due to the differences in
the mass of the colors of the light.
True or False Write true if the statement is correct and false if the statement is
5). The red light refracted than the blue light.
6). Descartes used the concept of the plenum to explain the emergence of the
colors of the light.
7). Plenum particles pictured as a “tiny balls and it is rotating with a same speed.”
8). Newton explained that the colors of the light which have different mass and
inertia will be deflected at varying degrees.
9). Newton believed that particle of matter exert equal force to the particles of light
regardless of its color.
10). Descartes studies the emergence of colors as light passes through prism.

1. Rene Descartes 6. True
2. Sir Isaac Newton 7. True
3. Rene Descartes 8. True
4. Sir Isaac Newton 9. True
5. False 10. False
Light: A Wave and a Particle, Physical Science
Lesson 3: Waves

Modified True or False

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is wrong, if the statement is wrong,
change the Underlined word that made the statement Incorrect.

1. Waves are disturbances produced by vibrating particles of matter. (TRUE)

2. Seismic Waves is a wave which can travel fastest on solids. (SOUND
3. Stadium Waves which can propagate through the movement of the people in
a stadium. (TRUE)
4. Electromagnetic waves are produced by the vibration of charged particles.
5. X-Ray is type of electromagnetic wanes which has a medical application in
detecting heat leaks. (INFRARED)
6. Ultraviolet is a type of electromagnetic waves which is blocked by the ozone
layer because too much of this can skin cancer. (TRUE)
7. Infrared which are more penetrating than X-rays and also used for medical
purposes. (GAMMA RAYS)
8. Longitudinal waves propagate parallel to the direction of the energy transfer.
9. Compressions are regions where the particles are furthest from each other.
10.Transverse waves propagate perpendicular to the direction of the energy
transfer. (TRUE)
Lesson 4: Dual Nature of Light

I. True or False.
1. According to wave theory, when a beam of light travels into one different
refractive indices, the beam undergoes refraction.
2. The shape of the waves depends on the distance of light from the mirror.
3. The orbital value of Io is 1.768 earth days.
4. Ole Roemer tried to measure the speed of light, but needed much longer distance
to have significant measure.
5. Galileo Galilei was able to measure the speed of light by studying the changes in
time of orbit of Io, a moon of Jupiter.
6. In 1960 Isaac Newton propose the corpuscular theory also known as particle
7. According to Christiaan Huygens light travelled through a vacuum in a straight
line, and cannot be considered as a wave.
8. When the light passes from air (less dense motion) to water (denser medium),
it’s slow down and bends towards the normal which means away from the surface.
9. There were four prominent theory about the nature of light back in the 17th
10. The moon is eclipsed by Jupiter twice every orbit.

1. False 6. True
2. True 7. False
3. False 8. True
4. False 9. False
5. False 10.False
Lesson 5: The Photon Theory

1-3).What are the 3 types or elements that is to compose an atom?

4). It is refers to the ejection of electron for a surface as metal?
5).It is the unique set of frequencies emitted by an atom?
6). States that a photon is a discrete bundle of electromagnetic energy?
7). what kind of light has the least frequencies in the color of spectrum of light?
8). It is the higher frequency and the visible light?
9).It is the color that are not innate to object?
10). He propose that light is consistent of individuals photon?

1. Electron 6. Photon Theory of Light
2. Neutron 7. Red Light
3. Proton 8. Ultra Violet
4. Photoelectric Effect 9. Color Spectra
5. Atomic Spectra 10. Albert Einstein
Lesson 6: The Relationship between the Speed of Light, Wavelength and

1). It is the distance between two consecutive through or peaks in a wave.

2). It is the number of wave cycles or oscillation that passes a specific point in a
specific point in a given period of time.
3). The_______ has a constant value of approximately 3.00x108 m/s in vacuum.
4). _____________is the other forms of electromagnetic radiation is characterized
by its wavelength, frequency and speed.
5). It is a device to measure wavelength.
6). A specific light wave has a wavelength of.
7). What is the wavelength of red light?
TRUE OR FALSE. Write true if the statement is correct and false if the statement
is incorrect.
8). All forms of electromagnetic radiation, including the visible light which is
perceived with our eyes, travel at a constant speed in vacuum.

9). Frequency is the distance between two consecutive troughs or peaks in a wave.

10). The speed of light has a constant value of approximately 3.00x108 m/s.


1. Wavelength 6. 675 nm

2. Frequency 7. 690 nm

3. Speed of Light 8. True

4. Light 9. False

5. Nanometer 10. True


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