SOT Mirror Issue 7

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Engineering achievements manufacturing



technology knowledge
proficient nuclear


Management magazine

growth resilience environment

Eco-friendly nuclear Ultra future

learning innovation mission

budding sustainable materials

renewable international accuracy

Conferences development inventions
legacy thermal workshop
Message………………………………..1 Research Papers……………………………9
Nuclear Energy : A Global Editor’s Note

A Plunge into Chemical


Industrial Orientation…………….4

Recent advances in control

biped robots …………………………6

HVAC for Pharmaceutical


Bracing Future with Nano

Message from the President

The onus of creating a world class educational institution is challenging and

embellished with a host of initiatives which validate them over an extended time
span. We focused on the energy domain a few years ago and worked to create a
talent pool to meet the human capital needs of the sector. The university today has
metamorphosed into a preeminent institution with significant national and
international visibility. It was only natural to give PDPU the look and feel of a more
complete academic environment and we have done that with the introduction of the
School of Technology and the School of Liberal studies in recent years. Each one of
these schools along with the School of Nuclear Energy, School of Solar Energy and
the School of Petroleum Management bring a lot of academic credibility to a
research led environment.

Today the corporate world seeks a generation of young people who are not only
enlightened, but also trained to think innovatively. They are expected to meet tough
challenges and create opportunities in uncharted areas with unprecedented success.
They soon settle in an advanced academic ecosystem which abets an innovative
approach to the evolving challenges of the academic world. They will be required to
acquire diverse skills and competencies, and take the extra step to understand the
parameters of leading a dignified quality of life and seek to achieve the same
through intellectual self-propelled pursuits.

I am sure that with our collective vision we will achieve the enshrined goals through
dynamic, participative and scholarly academic inputs duly complemented by
collaborative deployment of professionals of high repute and calibre. The university
has to serve as a cradle of innovation and research to facilitate this.

Once again, I extend my best wishes to the all the stakeholders of the university.

Dr. Mukesh Ambani

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Page 2

Nuclear Energy : On a Global Upfront

Department of Science, clean energy is rising. He also

PDPU had organized guest included the various
lecture by Padmashree Prof. applications of nuclear energy
C Ganguly, Distinguished in the other areas like for
Professor, PDPU on “The food security and in the field
Growing Importance of of modified genome of
Nuclear Energy” on 22nd July, agriculture. After the lecture
2016 for First year B.Sc students had very interactive
students.Prof. Ganguly and informative discussion on
delivered beautiful lecture on various queries with Prof. C
the prospectus and Ganguly.
limitations of nuclear energy
in the recent times where
demand of
Page 3

A plunge into the Chemical World

S TTP on “Instrumental Prof. Ahuja is well known for his research in

methods for chemical analysis computational condensed matter physics
“was organized by Department with 492 research articles in international
of Science, PDPu during 25- journals. (5 in Nature, 1 Science, 17
29July, 2016, at PDPU. As a part PNAS, 34 in PRL, 4 Nano-Letters and 3 in
of lecture series, an expert talk Ang.Chem). Prof. Ahuja had explained the
of Prof. Rajeev Ahuja, Uppsala procedure for Nobel prize selection
University, Sweden was planned process briefly to the students to inspire
on “Computational Studies in them to do better in the respective field.
material science” on He also explained various parameters and
26th July, 2016 for B.Sc computational techniques widely used in
students. the field of research to the participants.
Page 4

Industrial Orientation for Civil Dept.

D uring the Industrial Orientation of the 14 He provided answers to the frequently
asked questions regarding the aftermath
Batch Civil Engineering students, 4 Guest
of B. Tech through information regarding
Lectures were organized by the Department of
field jobs, research, consultancy and
Civil Engineering under the aegis of the faculty-
marketing. He also gave the students a
Mr Sudhanshu Dixit, Mr. Dhruvesh Patel, Mr.
brief outline of the pre requisites of
Naimesh Bhatt, Dr H.R Dhananjaya, Mr. Shobit
useful internships and training through
Chaturvedi and Mr. Someraj Ray.
practical knowledge. But he accentuated
on the major role played by young Civil
The first Guest Lecture was held on 9th of May
Engineers across the country with great
2016. The main objective of the program was to
significance on honesty and conduct.
improve knowledge and impart wisdom on the
subject of “Water resources scenario in India”
presided by Shri V P Kapadia, Additional The students attended the third guest
Secretary & Chief Engineer, Narmada, Water lecture on the 18th of July 2016 which
resources department. He highlighted the scope was on the most sought area of Civil
of water resources engineering in India and Engineering on super infrastructure of
Gujarat and also guided the students to pursue “SMART CITY” by Prof. Rajnikant Patel
several career genres in the Water Resource of Project Management
Discipline. He mainly emphasized on the fact Consultant, Director of GTU Graduate
that regarding the hydrological point of view, the School of Smart City. He introduced the
planet is in a very precarious condition. students with the concept of Smart
Therefore utmost importance has been Cities built across the world and India
enumerated on the field of “Conservation of since its inception, planning and its
water and its Methods.” execution. The term smart city was
coined by IBM in the 2000’s. He gave a
The second guest lecture was organized on 13th list of unique characteristics that a
of July 2016 and it was presided by Mr. S H Vora smart city needs to have viz.
, Regional Manager L&T Ahmedabad. Through investments in human and social capital,
his invigorating lecture the students were aware traditional and modern communication
about the career aspects and scope of Civil
Engineering in today’s date.
Page 5

infrastructure, fuel sustainability and

economic growth. He also mentioned
about the plans taken by the government
of India when they declared 100 smart
cities in their budget. According to him, it
is quite a new concept in Indian society
pertaining to the issue of space but we
have a lot of examples of Smart Cities
across the world and hence totally

The fourth and the final Guest Lecture was

conducted on 19th of July 2016 and it was
headed by Prof. V R Shah of Managing
Director, Vinod Shah Consulting Engineer
Pvt. Ltd.

He flooded in the concept of Innovation

and Creativity amongst the students. It
also involved solving a few drills in the
lecture which helped understand the
meaning of “Thinking out of the Box.” In
addition to that he revealed the new
and unexpected yet strong materials
used in major constructions across the
Page 6

Recent advances in control biped robots

Organizer’s name- Mr. Jaydeep Patel Joint space and the so-called task space
Expert- Dr. Harshal Oza, Professor- control of robots will be discussed
Ahmedabad University where simulation of a walking biped
robot will be presented as an example.
The event Titled “Recent advances in Biped robotics as a test bed for
advanced control will also be briefly
control biped robots” was all about
bringing attendees information on the discussed.
state of the art related to the Advances
in robotics engineering. Robotics is a
multi-disciplinary area attracting
interest from various branches of
science such as electrical, mechanical,
computer science engineering and bio-
medical sciences. The talk will cover
basic concepts of control systems
engineering and attempt to show its
application to robotics
Page 7

"Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Systems for Pharmaceutical Industries"

There was a expert lecture Organizer’s name- Dr. Jatin Patel

Expert- Mr. Sanjay Adhvaryu (President -
on "Heating, Ventilation and Air
ISHRAE Ahmedabad Chapter
Conditioning (HVAC) Systems for
Pharmaceutical Industries" by Mr.
Sanjay Adhvaryu. The lecture
presented was about necessity and
importance of HVAC in
Pharmaceutical Industries. Also
presented about AHU (Air Handling
Unit) and various sized filters such as
HEPA Filters which can fine particles
upto 10 microns. The lecture was
attended by the B.Tech 3rd year
students and M.Tech 1st year
students of Mechanical Department
Page 8

Bracing a Step Ahead with Nano-

A lecture on Nano / Micro
Sized Organic – Inorganic
Materials and Their
Applications in Defence”
was organised for students


D epartment of Solar Energy

Carbon nanomaterials are an enabler for
technology with seemingly endless potential
applications: detecting cancer before it
organized a special lecture spreads, self-repairing buildings and bridges,
entitled "Nano / Micro Sized filtering water, powering mobile devices
Organic - Inorganic Materials from body heat or movement and of course
and Their Applications in in defence because of their tremendous
mechanical, thermal, electrical, chemical
Defence", delivered by Dr.
and optical properties. For example, carbon
Kingsuk Mukhopadhyay, nanotubes (CNT) are incredibly small and
Scientist 'F', DMSRDE (DRDO), incredibly strong, 100 times stronger than
Kanpur on 16th June, 2016. It steel at one-sixth of the density and 10,000
was a successful event and times smaller than one human hair.
about 40 people including Similarly, Graphene is a carbon material
students and faculties were which is just one atom thick, stronger than
steel and can tolerate wide temperature and
attended the lecture. The
pH ranges. The aim of this lecture will be to
students got a deep insight of highlight some of the potential applications
the working at DRDO of new forms of carbon in future defence
Page 9

Research Papers Presented

Department of Electrical Engineering

Venkata Rama Raju Rudraraju, Chilakapati Nagamani, Ganesan Saravana

Ilango, “A Simple Copper Loss Minimization Control Algorithm for a Grid
Connected Squirrel-Cage Induction Generator Through Indirect Flux
Optimization”, Electric Power Components and Systems, pp. 324-335, Feb. 2016.
Impact Factor: 0.66.

Botta Ravi, Sanket Raval, Venkatat Rama Raju Rudraraju, C. Nagamani,

“Performance Analysis of MVAC and MVDC Offshore Wind Farm Distribution
System Using Direct Load Flow Method”, International Conference on Advances in
Electrical, Electronics,, 27th & 28th February 2016Information, Communication
and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB16), Chennai

Markana Anilkumar, Padhiyar Nitin, Moudgalya Kannan, “Lexicographic

Optimization based MPC: Simulation and Experimental Study", Computers and
chemical Engineering, Vol. 88, pp 135-144, 2016.
Vedant Mehta , Yash Gandhi, Mayuri Patel, Bhargav Gadhvi, Markana
Anilkumar, Jay Vora, “A novel approach in designing PID controller for semi-
active quarter car model" ICMACE, March 2016.

Miyani Piyush, Markana Anilkumar, Pandya Vivek, Desai Vaibhav, “ Transient

stability enhancement of SMIB using AVR and PSS”, third National conference on
Recent trends in Electrical and Electronics Communication Engineering, ITM
Universe, Vadodara, April, 2016
Siddharth Joshi, Dr. Vivek Pandya, Dr. Bhavesh Bhalja, “Simulations on
Standalone Wind Solar Hybrid Generation System”, on 4th, 5th and 6th March, 2016
(paper accepted) in IEEE conference, ICPS 2016 at IIT Delhi
Page 10

Department of Industrial Engineering

Evaluation of Skill International Journal of

Development Humanities and
Dr.M.B. Kiran Management (IJHMS)
Programmers: Project
Volume 3, Issue 5 (2015)
Management Perspective ISSN 2320-4044 (Online)

Proceedings of the 2016

Dr. Poonam Optimal Aggregate International Conference on
Industrial Engineering and
Savsani Production Planning by
Operations Management
Using Genetic Alogrithm Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March
8-10, 2016

Influence of Friction Stir October 2015

Processed Parameters on
Superplasticity of Al-Zn-Mg-
Cu Alloy
Kumar July 2015
Burr formation and control Inidan Technology Congress,
Bangalore, INDIA

Electrochemical discharge
machining – a future COPEN 9
prospect December 2015
Page 11

Interpretive Structural World Academy of

Modeling Technique for Science, Engineering and
Hierarchal Ranking of Technology
Barriers in Implementation International Journal of
of Green Supply Chain Industrial and
Management-Case of Manufacturing
Indian Petroleum Industry Engineering Vol:3, No:5,
Mr. V. Balaji
Supply Chain Network Design
for Perishable Products in World Academy of
Developing Science, Engineering and
Countries Technology
International Journal of
Industrial and

Department of Civil Engineering

Bodana, D., Dixit, S., Desai, S., Agarwal, S., Dixit, S. and Bhatt, N (2016)
"Turbulence Characteristics of Hydraulic Jump in Open Channel" Proceedings of
National Conference on Water Resource & Hydropower, 17-18th June, 2016.

Sarkar, D and Babu,R (2016) "Applications of Critical Chain Project Management

and Buffer Sizing for Elevated Corridor Metro Rail Project" International
Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering & Technology,
Sarkar,D and Raghavendra, H.B. (2016) "Achieving Academic Excellence through
Project Risk and Complexity Management" NICMAR Journal of Construction
Management, Vol. XXXI, No. 1&2, pp. 19-27.
Page 12

Thaker, T and Dave, T (2016) "Liquefaction Assessment for Surat Region"

Proceedings of Asian Geotechnical Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May
29th -3rd June.
Editor’s Note

It gives me immence pleasure in presenting the SOT MIRROR

ISSUE 7. A special thanks to our Faculty Advisor, Mr Manoj
Kumar, who has been a constant motivation throughout the
process. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Dipal Patel,
who has whole heartedly helped in compiling data and
facts.And I would also like to thank all our readers for
encouraging us.

-Shreya Panchal

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