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1. Ifa say that it foresees the Ire of a compatible spouse for the person for whom this Odu is
revealed. The couple will produce many children of their own through this relationship.
Ifa advises them to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two hens and money. On this, Ifa

Gbemigedegedeki n ma tesebo’mi
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifanlo re gbe Ide niyawo
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o rubo
E waewawomo Ide weere
Afedefeyo, Edutigbe’Deniyawo
E wa, e wawomo Ide weere

Carry me up for me not to touch water with my legs
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going to have Ide as wife
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Come and behold the many children of Ide
AfedefeyoEdu has married Ide as wife
Please come and see the many children of Ide
2. Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed has many people conspiring against
him/her. Ifa however assures him/her of resounding victory over all this people. Ifa
advises this person to offer ebo with three roosters and money. After this, this person will
look for the skin of Esu, Antelope, the skin of Etu, Antelope, the skin of Ekulu, bush ram,
plenty of chewing stick, plenty of Alligator pepper. The root of a tree that run across the
road dew droplet. The dew droplet will be gathered in a container. All the remaining
items will be pounded together and mix with soap. The dew droplet will be use as water to
mix the soap properly. The person for whom this Odu we use the soap to bath and
incision will also be made on his/her head with the soap. On this, Ifa says:
Hunnuhunnulota see ro
Hun nuhunnunile see kan
Ota kiifibiriro pa Babalawo
Odukii ye kop’awonagbaisegun
Dia fun Olofinti won nsehun-hun-hun le lori
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o rubo
NjeEsuoigbo o
Etuniyooba mi tumo o rikisi
Orin niitu’moenu
Bosan-an bap on o, imoenini a tu
Esuoigbo o, ekuluodan
Etuniyooba mi tumo o rikisi

Hunnuhunnulota see ro
Hun nuhunnunile see kan
The rock cannot collapse to kill a babalawo
An Odu cannot kill a great herbalist
Ifa’s message for Olofin
Whom people are conspiring against
He was advised to offer ebo
Now Esu of the wilderness
And ekuru of the savannah region
Etu the antelope will help scatter all their conspiracies
It is the chewing stick that scattered the conspiracies in themouth
And it is the root that crosses the root path
The scattered the conspiracies of the feet
Atare the guinea pepper that scatter the conspiracy of the herbalist
When it is afternoon time the conspiracy of the dew will be scatter
Esu of the forest and ekuru of the savannah land
Let etu help me scatter all their conspiracies
3. Ifa says that there are some women where this Odu is revealed and one of them had stolen
something that belongs to the head of the family. Ifa says that the person that everybody
is suspecting of the theft is not the person who had stolen what they were looking for. Ifa
says that the thief will very soon be exposed and be put to shame. It is however is the best
interest of the person who stole what they were looking for to confess and return the
stolen item. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with one matured he-goat and money. On
this, Ifa says:

Dia fun Orunmila
Ti yoosoko Adie
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o rubo
Obajio, bi mo bag be o nideree
Kide o so lorun mi dogbodogbo
Amo bi mo o bagbe o nideree
Kide o ma so lorun mi dogbodogbo

He who stayed on the stage and act like an influencial person
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
Who will be the husband of Eyele
He who stayed on the stage and act like an influencial person
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
Who will be the husband of Adie
He who stayed on the stage and act like an influencial person
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
Who will be the husband of Ewure
The day that they stole is Ide bead
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Obajio, if I was the one who stole your Ide bead
Let the Ide form a knot on my neck
But if I do not steal your Ide bead
May the Ide fail to form a knot on my neck
4. Ifa says that the first business that the person for whom this Odu is revealed will engage in
will make him/her very sad and uncomfortable at the initial stage in the end he/she will
have course to smile and celebrate. This is the reason why this person needs to be
patience, persistent and consistent. He/she should not at anytime display anger or
impatience. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two pigeons, two
hens, two guinea-fowls, two roosters and money. On this, Ifa says:

Sango n gb’ara Oyo

Yemoja n gb’araojo
Awononsona n gb’Onibode Ife
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti nlooraArikusaba-Ogogoleru
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o rubo
Ito tiOnigboori to won o l’aare
Onigbigbo, gbogbo yin le je Baba
Alaaja , baba ni
Ojamba baba ni
Pekepeke baba ni
Baba-lagure baba ni
AwonArikusaba-ogogoni won da bode sile
Won nikigbogbo aye o maaba won naa
Ito onigboori to won o l’Aare
Oribigbo, gbogbo yin le je baba o

Sango supports the inhabitants of Oyo town
Yemoja supports the farm dwellers
The antisance support the sentries in Ile Ife
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going to purchase Arikusabaogogo as slave
As big and Onigbori his they have no leader
Oribigbo you are all leaders
Alaaaja is a leader
Ojanba is a leader
Pekepeke is a leader
Babalagure is a leader
It is arikusabaogogo people who initiated the work of boundary sentries
They invited the whole world to come and participate
As big as onigboyi is they have no leader
Oribigbo you are all leaders
5. Ifa says that there is babalawo where this Odu is revealed who is fund of tying Ide round
his wrist and his neck. This babalawo is not well versed in Ifa .ifa warns the association of
babalawo never to chase away this particular babalawo as a result of his lack of deep
knowledge of Ifa. If they do so they will all meet with disgrace and humiliation. Ifa also
advises this babalawo to be behaving as a true child of Ifa at all time. Ifa will always come
to his support. Ifa advises this awo to offer ebo with two pigeons, two hens, two guinea-
fowls, two roosters and money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa as appropriate. On this, Ifa
Ejeomotitunni o rogbaara-gbooroninuawotannganran
Dia fun Asode-ma-gbofa
Ti nsaworeleOlofin
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o rubo

Agbe the blue touracco is it that land on Odan tree from the thickest part of the tree
Aluko, the maroon turacco is it that lands on Osu tree
The blood of a new born baby does not flow on a plate
Ifa’s message for he who ties the Ide bead without having deep knowledge of Ifa
When they were going on Ifa mission to Olofin palace
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long and not too far
Join us in the midst of all Ire of life
6. Ifa promises that the person for whom this Odu is revealed shall be given authority in life.
Ifa says that all what he/she says shall be accepted and be made to come to pass. Ifa says
that this person shall be turned into an inflencial and important personality in the
community. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two hens, two
pigeons, two guinea-fowls, two roosters and money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa with
either one hen or one guinea-fowl or one she-goat. On this, Ifa says:

Ilasowodeere, ilasogun
Agbonoyinboniisoriyetuyetu bi oriomotitun
Dia fun Ata
Ti nlooba won setutun’Ife
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o rubo
Ada o gbofa o
Aworere lo metutu

The okra tree spread its branch and germinated 20 seeds
The garden egg tree spread its own branch and germinated 30
The pineapple has plumes on its head like that of an new born baby
Ifa’s message for Ada
When going to perform ritual in Ife
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ada is not versed in Ifa
But Ada understands how to perform etutu rituals
A good and competent awo knows how to perform etutu
7. Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed is suffering presently and he is
finding everything difficult. Ifa assures this person that he/she will soon smile and all
his/her suffering shall soon become things of the past. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo
with two rats, two fish, two pigeon, two hens, two guinea-fowls, two roosters and money.
He/she also needs to feed Ifa with one guinea-fowl. On this, Ifa says:

Dia fun koiromi
Igbati to njayeinira kaka
Eboni won kowaa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Kope, kojinna
E banibayo
E waawo’re

Yunyun tree stays in the forest and wears a crown
The matured millipede is it that works alone
Ifa’s message for koiromi, I am not yet comfortable
The awo of ologunsese
When he was in the midst of untold hardship
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Travelers to Ipo and Ofa land
Join us in the midst of joy
Come and perceive all ire of life
8. Ifa assures the person for whom this Odu is revealed that he will travel to another land on
business and he/she will succeed there beyond his/her widest dream. Ifa advises this
person to offer ebo with four pigeons, four hens and money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa
with either one she-goat or pig. On this, Ifa says:

Okanransode so galanga
Dia fun Orunmila
Baba nloajo to jingbooro bi ojo
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Kope, kojinna
E banilatule ire gbogbo

Okanransode so galanga
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going on Ifa mission to a long distance land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of success

1. Ifa– for protection, direction, success, victory, accomplishemnet and self actualization
2. Esu –Odara – for victory, protection and direction
3. Egbe – for success, leadership and general wellbeing


1. Must never go without tying Ide, Ifa beads round his wrist, neck or waist – to avoid
unconsummated fortune or lack of support from the Irunmole
2. Must never show excessive anger or impatience – to avoid unconsummated fortune
3. Must never conspire with anyone against others – to avoid unconsummated fortune and


1. Ifa/Orisa Priest/Priestess
2. Trading/Marketing/Salesmanship


1. Ifadowo – Ifa accords me respect

1. Ifayemi – Ifa befits me

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