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TITLE- NovaGold Resources, Inc.

(NYSEMKT:NG) Conference Call 2018 Earnings Call

NovaGold Resources, Inc. (NYSEMKT:NG)
Q2 2018 Earnings Call
28 June 2018, 11:00 AM ET

Melanie Hennessey – Vice President of Corporate Communications

Greg Lang - President and Chief Executive Officer

David Ottewell – Vice President and Chief Financial Officer


John Bridges - JP Morgan

Stephen Walker - RBC Capital Markets


Good day, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the NovaGold Second Quarter 2018
Conference Call. At this time all participants are in listen-only mode. Later, we will conduct
a question answer session instructions will follow at that time. If anyone requires
assistance during the conference please press * and zero on your touchtone telephone.
I would now like to turn the conference over to Melanie Hennessey, Vice President of
Corporate Communications. You may begin.

Melanie Hennessey, Vice President of Corporate Communications-

Thank you, Bruce, and good morning everyone. We appreciate you joining us for
NovaGold's second quarter results and to take a look at the key milestones achieved
during the quarter and also for an updated on Donlin Gold and Galore Creek projects. On
today's call, we have Greg Lang, NovaGold's President and CEO; and David Ottewell,
NovaGold's Vice President and CFO.
At the end of the webcast, we will take questions both by phone and by email. But before
we get started, I would just like to remind all of you that, as some of the statements today
and in the presentation do contain forward looking information such as projections and
goals which are likely to involve risks that are detailed in our various EDGAR and SEDAR
filings and in various forward looking disclaimers included in this presentation.
And with that, I have the pleasure of introducing Greg Lang, NovaGold's President and
CEO. Greg?

Greg Lang, President and CEO-

Thank you, Melanie and good morning everyone. Today we will be reviewing our second
quarter results and providing an update on our two projects. Our flagship asset in Alaska
down on is in the final throes of permitting. The project is poised to become one of the
largest producers in the gold industry. Galore Creek got 50% partnership with Teck is
located near Stuart in British Columbia and has the potential to be one of the largest and
lowest cost copper mines in Canada.
During the second quarter, we’ve provided support to the Army Corps of Engineers as they
completed the Donlin Gold final EIS and filed the Notice of Availability in the Federal
Register on April 30th. As per slide five, the next step in the federal process is the issuance
of the record of decision for which The Corps and Bureau of Land Management are
working on a single Federal Record of Decision along with Clean Water Act Section 404 and
Harbors Act Section 10 permits it in the second half of the year.
Progress has been made on other federal permits with the issuance of the special permit
for the natural gas pipeline on June 5th. Likewise for major state permits, we have made
significant progress with the completion of the state air quality permit and the water
discharge permit that were issued on May 24. Other key state and federal permit and
approvals are scheduled to be finalized concurrently with or shortly after the record of
We were also delighted to see the press release by the state of Alaska last April and the
governor's quote and support for Donlin is highlighted on slide 6. We are fortunate to have
a broad base of support from this state. Support from our native corporation partners
Calista and TKC has been a key factor in the success of this project.
Slide 7 highlights exert from Calista and TKCs final EIS letters to the Corps of Engineers.
NovaGold and Barrick's technical teams along with third party engineering firms are
optimizing the project as planned, studying opportunities to improve capital efficiencies
and integrating the results from the 2017 drill program into Donlin Gold's geologic and
resource model.
We're also evaluating enhancements to the project execution plan while maintaining the
projects upside potential, as highlighted on slide 8. One of the opportunities being studied
is the ability to mine more selectively which could improve the grade. They have also
identified innovative technologies in logistics and automation and modular construction
techniques to improve efficiency.
Another component to reduce the upfront capital costs would be evaluating third party
participation in certain infrastructure. These technical studies and cost savings
opportunities have the potential to benefit the project when the owners proceed to
update the feasibility study and initiate engineering work necessary to advance the design.
We expect to provide an update on our progress and the next steps in this program later
in the year.
Barrick and NovaGold remain committed to advancing the Donlin Gold project in a
financially discipline manner with a strong focus on environmental stewardship and social
On Slide 9, we have included a quote from Kelvin Dushnisky, Barrick's President,
addressing NovaGold's press release that was issued on April 30th in regards to the
publication of the Donlin Gold final CIS. Our engagement efforts with the broad
stakeholder base are the foundation of all our activities. The outreach efforts in the
broader Y-K region is an important and essential element of our day-to-day activities,
taking part in frequent engagements with the local communities by hosting and
participating in advanced presentations and workshops. We appreciate the level of
commitment and interaction with our partners TKC and Calista, the residents and the
organizations located in the projects region.
In the second quarter, some of the highlights included the best gold job center career fair,
presentations at the gatherings and conferences throughout the state, village and
stakeholder meetings throughout the Y-K region and a comprehensive economic
development strategy.
And with that, I'll turn the call over to our CFO, David Ottewell.

David Ottewell, Vice President and CFO-

Thanks, Greg. Slide 11 highlights our second quarter operating performance. We reported
an $8.2 million operating loss and $9.6 billion net loss in the second quarter. For the
quarter and the first six months, an increase in Donlin Gold optimization costs were offset
by lower permitting costs while other expense increased due to higher expense on the
Barrick promissory note.
For the first six months, general and administrative costs were $1.9 million lower than the
prior year as a result of the lower share-based compensation costs for stock options and
PSUs, due to changes implemented in our share based compensation program in the first
NovaGold's cash flow highlights outlined on slide 12. During the second quarter of 2017,
we spent $6.5 million, of which $4.6 million was to fund our share of the Donlin Gold and
Galore Creek projects and $1.9 million was used for administrative costs, net of working
capital and interest. We ended the quarter with cash and term deposit of 70.5 million. We
continue to expect to spend the total of 28 million for the full year. Greg?

Greg Lang, President and CEO-

Thank you, Dave. Turning to our flagship asset on Slide 13. Donlin Gold has all the key
attributes that are required to build the modern cost effective mine.Donlin Gold has size
and grade and also league-leading output, a low-cost structure. This is a company making
mine with excellent exploration upside, strong local partnerships, and importantly
jurisdictional safety.
Donlin Gold represents tremendous value for our broad stakeholder base. Our largest
shareholders view NOVAGOLD as the best way to gain exposure to one of the richest gold
deposits in the industry with 39 million ounces of gold, nearly four times the average of its
peer group.Donlin is in the league on its own when compared to the other
developmentgold projects presented on Slide 14 with greater than 2.5 million ounces in
reserves located in North America.
Another key attribute shown on slide 15 is the excellent quality of the deposit. With
measured and indicated resource grade of 2.25 grams per ton, it’s double the industry
average. Donlin Gold is one of the highest grade known open pit gold deposits. Its grade
makes the asset more attractive in precious metals industries where reserve grades are
declining and sources of emerging production are becoming increasingly scarce.
Beyond the size and the quality Donlin Gold has longevity with an anticipated production
profile averaging more than 1 million ounces a year over approximately a 27 year mine
life. Clearly at the top of the list as shown on slide 16 when compared to the same gold
focus development peer group as presented earlier. Once in production, the project will
contribute great economic benefits to all of our stakeholders for decades to come.
Slide 17 depicts Donlin’s 8 kilometer mineralized belt and the ACMA and Lewis pits, which
are delineated in a white border, contain the 30 million ounce resource. During the years
of active exploration between 2006 and 2011, Donlin’s Gold resource grew by 135%. As
you can see the trend has multiple targets that warrant exploration in the future. Donlin
Gold is located in Alaska, the second largest gold-producing state after Nevada that offers
jurisdictional stability and a time on tradition of respect for the rule of law and responsible
As highlighted on slide 18 jurisdiction is an important issue today in the resources sector.
Mine development in many countries from Africa to Asia is getting increasingly more
challenging. Investing in the wrong region carries risks well beyond what you experience in
North America.
We have come a long ways in recent years as shown on slide 19, when we embarked on
the complex path of securing the state and federal permit which we need to proceed with
site activities. The time invested upfront to build a solid foundation from which to grow
responsibly and sustainably has been critical to our success today. When considering the
longevity of the future mine, it's worth investing the time needed to develop what is
expected to be a very important and long live operation.
It's very gratifying to be able to final stretch of Donlin Gold's permitting process. With the
core publishing the final EIS and the balance of the permitting activities winding down,
looking ahead we've outlined the next steps in Donlin Gold development on slide 20. The
optimization efforts focused on lowering upfront capital and enhancing the projects
execution plan will be reflected in an updated study. We expect to provide additional
information on our progress and the next steps for this program after receipt of the
Record of Decision. Barrick &NovaGold will take all this work into account before reaching
a construction decision. We remained very methodical in our approach to attain optimum
and sustainable value.
Moving to Galore Creek on Slide 21, the resource data base and optimization work was
completed in the second quarter. Mobilization of the camp for the summer care and
maintenance program and asset preservation work began with a week-long safety
orientation program. In many respectsGalore Creek is similar to the Donlin Gold project
with size, scale ,quality, longevity, exploration, potential and jurisdictional appeal and
equal ownership by NovaGold and Teck, a major mining company. However, since our
focus is advancing our Donlin Gold project, we are committed to objective -- our objective
to sell all for part of our interest in Galore to strengthen our balance sheet and to support
the continued development of the Donlin Gold Project.
As shown on Slide 22, we are fortunate to have an excellent shareholder base, who are
true believers in the opportunity and the leverage which NovaGold presents. Over half of
our shares are held by our top six investors.
Ahead of our Annual General Meeting of shareholders in early May, we engaged with
shareholders representing 82% of the company's issued and outstanding shares. Our
active shareholder engagement program continues to be a high priority and is an integral
part of our corporate governance practices. Regardless of financial need market trends or
economic condition, we are committed to investor engagement to update and listen to
our existing shareholders as well as attract new investors who we believe have an
opportunity to invest in a high quality vehicle that has the best and substantially de-risked
large scale project in North America.
To conclude we remain steadfast in our commitment to develop what will be one of the
most coveted precious metal assets in the world.
Thank you. Operator we can now open the line for questions

Operator- [Operator Instructions] And our first question comes from the line of Lucas
Pipes from B. Riley. Your line is now open.
 Unidentified Analyst-Hey good morning everybody. Ted Beachley, here for Lucas.
Thank you for taking my questions. And Greg and team first I want to say
congratulations on hang of remarks once again this quarter. So my first question is,
after the Record of Decision is complete and optimization project wraps up. How
soon after can we expect the construction decisions for Donlin? Do you have any
rough idea right now?
 Greg Lang- No, I think we're you know working with Barrick to conclude the
optimization studies after the Record of Decision is released. And then we'll assess
where the markets are and go from there.
 Unidentified Analyst- okay great and then just secondly, how is interest been for
Galore Creek? And do you see it picking up at all in the current copper
 Greg Lang- Interest in our Galore Creek project which were known to be interested
in selling, has picked up in the last year as copper prices have moved higher. So,
we're evaluating that and we'll take it as it comes in the second half of the year.
 Unidentified Analyst-Thanks, guys. Greg Lang-Thanks. Good.

And our next question comes from the line of John Bridges from JP Morgan. Your line is
now open.
 John Bridges- Good morning Greg, everybody. Again congratulations on the
progress. We're looking forward to that Record of Decision. Interesting detail on
the new outlook for the Phase 1 scale of development and third-party
participation, where would you that could be helpful?
 Greg Lang- Well, good morning, John. The opportunities we're looking at for third-
party participation. Some of them are pretty standard such as leasing, the mining
equipment or entering into agreement for the oxygen plant. But we're also looking
at maybe it make sense to bringing a partner on the gas pipeline and other aspects
of the infrastructure. Those are the major ones. But there is also opportunities in
the ownership and operation of the ports that will supply the mine. So, all of those
things are being contemplated as we wrap up the optimization work.
 John Bridges- I was just wondering. All this with stable funding arrangements for
First Nation's companies that set up to help you with some of the developments?
 Greg Lang-John, there are opportunities along those lines that we're looking at and
there has been some interest there.So we'll continue to look at those and all other
opportunities to reduce the upfront capital.
 John Bridges- And you've mentioned the gas pipeline. You’ve got the permit now.
How long is that permit open for? Do you have to start building it by any particular
 Greg Lang- No, john, most of the permitswhen you think about it we’re requesting
approval for a mine that will have a mine life in decade. So most of the permits are
for the life of mine and don’t really have a sunset. Some of the permits, such as air
quality need to be renewed periodically, generally on a two to three year horizon.
 John Bridges- And then there has been some talk about third parties coming in,
maybe too early, but I just wonder. Are there any CAs in place at the moment
without the parties, you might be sort of thinking about coming into join you?
 Greg Lang- Nothing that we would comment on John, but thank you.
 John Bridges-Okay, understand. Congratulations. Best of luck for second half.
 Greg Lang- Thank you, John.

And our next question comes from the line of Stephen Walker from RBC Capital Markets.
Your line is now open.
 Stephen Walker- Good morning, Greg. Just a couple of follow-up questions on
Galore Creek. Last technical study was published in September of 2011 and I know
Teck has been talking about optimizing the value on some of, it’s assets including
or at least getting recognition for the value in some of its asset and its asset
undeveloped assets including Galore Creek. Is there any plan or other any plans to
update that technical study or provide a broader update given the work that’s been
done over the last several years on the property?
 Greg Lang-Stephen, well, thank you for listening in on our call today. We’ve been
very been methodical in our approach to Galore. Certainly, as copper prices have
moved up, we’ve seen -- it’s a much more visible asset with our partner, which we
think is certainly very helpful for what we want to do. But we’re not really planning
on any updated studies in the near-term.
 Stephen Walker- And then just as a follow-on presumably two things. Is there a
formal process going on for Galore at this point? And secondly, is there,
presumably Teck has a right of first refusal, should something happen and
somebody look to buy a portion or all of your share in Galore Creek?
 Greg Lang-Stephen, there is no formal process underway at this time. But to your
question on the right of first refusal, yes, if we present an offer to Teck, they have
90 days to exercise their right of first refusal and match any offer that we would
present them.
 Stephen Walker- Great, thanks very much. That's my all my questions.
 Greg Lang- Thank you.

And at this time, I’m showing no further questions. I would like to turn the call back over
to Greg Lang for any closing remarks.

Greg Lang, President and CEO-

All right, well, everyone, thank you for joining our call today, and we look forward to
updating everybody in a couple of months when we receive the Record of Decision.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your participation in today’s conference. This does
conclude the program and you may all disconnect. Everyone have a great day.

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