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L-21607 January 30, 1970

Rafael Macailing, Silvestre Macailing Dominico Andrada Necesito and Rafael Necesito, plaintiffs-appellees,
Tomas Andrada, Maria Andrada, Federico Andrada, Florencia Vda. De Andrada, Jesus Andrada, Andrea R. Guarana
( Heirs of Salvador Andrada) and Assistant Executive Secretary Enrique C, Quema (in behalf of the President),

A dispute over four (4) parcels of land in Lebak, Cotabato, arose between plaintiffs, settlers thereon occupying four hectares
each, and Salvador Andrada (later substituted by his heirs), sales applicant of a bigger parcel, which includes the lands occupied by
plaintiffs. The District Land Officer of Cotabato decided in plaintiffs' favor, excluded the four parcels of land claimed by plaintiffs.
The Director of Lands, however, reversed, declared that the portions adjudged to the four plaintiffs "shall be restored to the heirs (of
Salvador Andrada) who should include them proportionately in the new application to be filed by them respectively."

Appeal having been taken to the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the latter, on October 27, 1956, in turn
reversed the Director of Lands by awarding to plaintiffs the lands they claimed. Defendants sought reconsideration. On May 30, 1957,
the Secretary denied. Defendants moved once more to reconsider. On September 12, 1957, the Secretary rejected the reconsideration,
ruled that his judgment in the case "had long become final and executory," and said: "Upon a review of the records, we found that the
decision sought to be reconsidered in the present motion had long become final and executory. Consequently, this Office has no more
jurisdiction to entertain the said motion." The Secretary categorically stated that the case was "considered a closed matter insofar as
this Office is concerned." Defendants received copy of this denial on October 14, 1957.

On October 23, 1957, defendants appealed to the Office of the President.

On August 20, 1959, in a letter-decision, Assistant Executive Secretary Enrique C. Quema, "[b]y authority of the President
reversed the decision of the Secretary and declared that the lands involved "should be restored to the heirs of Andrada to be included
in their individual applications."

Plaintiffs, on December 23, 1959, started the present suit in the Cotabato court. They raised the issue of finality of the
decision of the Secretary.

On January 21, 1963, upon a stipulation of facts entered into by the parties, the court rendered judgment, viz:

WHEREFORE, the Court hereby declares the decision of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, dated October
27, 1956, marked as Exhibit "G" of the STIPULATION OF FACTS valid, final and executory, and is hereby given due course and
effect. A copy of said Exhibit "G" of the STIPULATION OF FACTS is hereby attached and appended as part and parcel of this
decision, as Annex "A" thereof.

The decision signed by Assistant Executive Secretary Enrique C. Quema by authority of the President dated August 20, 1959,
marked as Exhibit "L" of the Stipulation of Facts is hereby declared null and void and without any effect.

The Court refrains from making any special pronouncement as to costs.

Defendants appealed direct to this Court.

1. Whether or not the plaintiff avail the proper remedy.
2. Whether or not the decision of the office of the President was binding and valid despite the finality of the decision of the
Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

1. In the matter of judicial review of administrative decisions, some statutes especially provide for such judicial review;
others are silent. Mere silence, however, does not necessarily imply that judicial review is unavailable. Modes of judicial review vary
according to the statutes; appeal, petition for review or a writ of certiorari. No general rule applies to all the various administrative
agencies. Where the law stands mute, the accepted view is that the extraordinary remedies in the Rules of Court are still available.2

Deducible from the foregoing is that where administrative agencies have original jurisdiction in the premises, the court's
interference with administrative action is necessarily limited. A review thereof cannot be done through an ordinary civil action if
constitutional or legislative authority therefor is wanting. The remedies that can be availed of where the statute is silent, as in the
present case, are the special civil actions for certiorari, prohibition and/or mandamus specified in the Rules of Court. In this case,
therefore, we have no alternative but to hold that the plaintiffs' appropriate remedy is certiorari, not an ordinary civil action.

Certiorari appears to be the real course of action here taken by plaintiffs. While the petition by itself does not conform to the
formal requirements, the allegations thereof show that plaintiffs charge defendant Assistant Executive Secretary with grave abuse of
discretion in upholding defendants' appeal "in desecration of a solemn decision" of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources
"that had already become 'final and executory'." No necessity there was for plaintiffs to aver that there was no plain, speedy or
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law. This can be clearly read from the factual narration in the complaint. After all, the case
has already reached the administrative
peak — the Office of the President has already acted thereon. The fact that the petition was not verified may be excused. The case
presented was one which shaped out a question of law. There were no facts that really needed confirmation under oath. In fact, no trial
was conducted by the court below. Absence of verification here is not fatally defective. 3

Thus it is, that plaintiffs' case, as we see it, is the special civil action of certiorari.
2. The provisions of Lands Administrative Order No. 6 are thus brought to the fore. Section 12 thereof provides:

12. Finality of decision promulgated by the Secretary.—The decision of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce (now
Agriculture and Natural Resources) or the Under Secretary on an appealed case shall become final, unless otherwise
specifically stated therein, after the lapse of thirty (30) days from the date of its receipt by the interested parties.

Section 13 following reads:

13. No reconsideration of final decision or order.—After a decision or order of the Secretary of Agriculture and [Natural
Resources], the Under Secretary or the Director of Lands has become final, no motion or petition for reconsideration of such
decision or reinvestigation of the case shall be entertained by the Secretary of Agriculture and [Natural Resources] the Under
Secretary or the Director of Lands, as the case may be, except as provided in Section 14 hereof.

And Section 14 is to this effect:

"Upon such terms as may be considered just, the Secretary of Agriculture and [Natural Resources], the Under Secretary or
the Director of Lands may relieve a party or his legal representative from a decision, order, or other proceeding taken against
him through his mistake, inadvertence, surprise, default or excusable neglect: Provided, That application therefor be made
within a reasonable time but in no case exceeding one (1) year after such decision, order or proceeding was taken."

Defendants did not move to reconsider or appeal from the Secretary's decision of October 27, 1956 — within 30 days from
their receipt thereof. Indeed, they attempted to appeal only on October 23, 1957. They merely contend that their appeal was but 9 days
after October 14, 1957, the date defendants received the September 12, 1957 ruling of the Secretary denying their second motion for
reconsideration. That ruling, it must be remembered, drew attention to the fact that the Secretary's decision "had long become final
and executory." By reason of which, declaration was made that "this (Secretary's) Office had no more jurisdiction to entertain the said

Controlling in this case is Desiata vs. Executive Secretary, supra. Desiata was also a public lands case originating from the
Bureau of Lands and appealed to the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources. After the decision of the Secretary, the case was
taken to the Office of the President outside the 30-day period mentioned in Section 12 of Lands Administrative Order No. 6 afore-
quoted. The Executive Secretary revoked the decision of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Whereupon, the
aggrieved party went to the Court of First Instance of Agusan on a special civil action for certiorari and prohibition. The Agusan court
and this Court on appeal both held that there was grave abuse of discretion on the part of the Executive Secretary in entertaining the
appeal from a decision of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources which has become final; and, therefore, the decision of
the Executive Secretary was null and void. This Court stressed in clear terms that - "The decision having become final, the Executive
Secretary had no more power to review it . . .."[8]

Argument has been made in Desiata "that Administrative Order No. 6 itself recognized certain exceptions wherein decisions
of the Secretary of Agriculture do not become final even after 30 days, particularly citing Section 14 thereof." Nonetheless, this Court
pronounced: "But this proviso is unavailing to him because he does not contend that in his case there obtains any of the recognized
exceptions to finality listed thereunder, to wit: mistake, inadvertence, default or excusable negligence."

We find no reason to retreat from the foregoing precepts enunciated by this Court in Desiata. Indeed, it is not contended that
Lands Administrative Order No. 6 does not have the force and effect of law. Nor can it be, with success. In administrative law, an
administrative regulation adopted pursuant to law, is law.

Administratively speaking then, 30 days after receipt by the interested parties, the decision of the Secretary of Agriculture
and Natural Resources becomes final, except in cases of mistake, inadvertence, surprise, default or excusable neglect. In which case,
the Secretary may relieve a party of a decision, order or other proceeding taken against him upon application made within a reasonable
time but in no case exceeding one (1) year after such decision, order or proceeding was taken. Defendants do not come within the
exception just noted.

The executive power itself has laid down the rules for the parties in administrative conflicts to follow. To be borne in mind is
that a Department Secretary is the alter ego of the President. We must assume then that an administrative rule laid down by a
Department Secretary is, to all intents and purposes, that of the President, unless countermanded by the latter. It is illogical,
unreasonable and unfair for the executive branch of the government itself to set aside administrative rules - unless previously changed
beforehand - in a specific case for the convenience of one of the parties thereof. Closed proceedings should remain closed; vested
rights should not be unsettled. A contrary view would, as correctly pointed out by plaintiffs, throw the rule of law to the winds.

Indeed, "[t]he rule which forbids the reopening of a matter once judicially determined by competent authority applies as well
to the judicial and quasi-judicial acts of public, executive, or administrative officers and boards acting within their jurisdiction as to
the judgments of courts having general judicial powers."

We, accordingly, hold that the August 20, 1959 letter-decision of the Assistant Executive Secretary "by authority of the
President" reversing the decision of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources in this case is null and void and of no force
and effect.

Prepared by:
Administrative and Election Law

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