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Installation/Place of

Type of Crane:__________________________________



Pass Mark 80%

Total mark = /52
Assessment carried out by: Result


Q1 When operating a pneumatic winch, when you release the control it

should? 1

a) Stay where it is
b) Return to neutral
c) Go in the opposite direction

Q2 Unless otherwise marked what is the maximum angle between any

two legs of a
Multi-leg Sling? 1

a) 120 Degrees
b) 90 Degrees
c) 60 Degrees

Q3 At the above angle, lifting a load of 10 tonne, approximately how

much tension is in each sling?

Q4 Which type of eyebolt is used in the Onshore/Offshore Industry? 1

a) Dynamo
b) Collar

Q5 Which Legislation Governs Lifting Equipment Onshore/Offshore? 1

a) Factories Act
b) Construction (Lifting Regulations)Act 1961
c) Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations SI 2307
1998 (LOLER)

Q6 A hook with a latch across the opening is called? 1

a) A quick release hook

b) A main hook
c) A safety hook
Q7 Onshore/Offshore, what two markings must be evident on any item
of lifting equipment before you can use it? 1

Q8 Lifting Appliances must be inspected by an independent competent

person 1
at least

a) Every six months

b) Every twelve months
c) Every two years

Q9 When must Lifting equipment for lifting persons or an accessory for

lifting be 1
inspected by an Independent Competent Person?

a) Every year
b) Every month
c) Every six months

Q10 12,000 Kilos is equal to? 1

a) 12 short tons
b) 12 long tons
c) 12 tonne

Q11 What is a tag line and what is it used for? 1

Q12 When must you the user inspect lifting equipment? 1

a) Every week
b) Each time before use
c) Every 6 months

Q13 What can affect the capacity of the crane when lifting a load across
the ground/deck? 1

a) The dimensions of the load

b) The crane boom operating radius
Q14 When connecting two or more slings to a shackle, which type of
shackle would you use? 1

a) Dee
b) Bow

Q15 When raising a load, what safety action must the slinger take? 1

a) Guide the Crane Driver

b) Watch the Banksman
c) Keep his hands off of the slings

Q16 When using lifting equipment, what must you never exceed? 1

a) The weight of the load

b) The factor of safety
c) The Safe Working Load

Q17 A Man Made fibre sling should not be used for raising loads of the
following description: 1

a) Loads with an Offset Centre of Gravity

b) Loads with Sharp Edges
c) Fragile Loads

Q18 Where on a single leg wire rope sling would you find the SWL,
ID/Ser.No and Colour Code? 1

Q19 What is the current colour code for Lifting Gear on your
Installation/Workplace? 1

Q20 What is the recommended deration of the Safe Working Load when
using a sling in the choked mode? 1

a) 50%
b) 20%
c) 25%

Q21 Who is responsible for issuing Lifting Equipment on your

Installation/Workplace? 1
Q22 Name the six items of information you should look for on a
Containerised Cargo Unit (CCU) prior to preparing it for backload


Q23 Name four areas you would include in a visual examination prior to
preparing a CCU for backload


Q24 How many days certification should there be remaining on a

container’s inspection plate prior to sending it offshore?

This section is designed to assess the candidate's knowledge and

understanding of both radio communications and hand signals.

Q25 On Marine Radios, what is the number for the Emergency Channel?

Q26 What is the purpose of the Emergency Channel and why should this
channel be kept clear? 1

Q27 What type of radio do you use to communicate with the Crane
Operator, is it UHF or VHF? 1

Q28 When one of the Crane Operator communicates with you by radio,
how must he complete the communication and why? 1

Q29 When he has completed the communication and said "over" what
must you the Deck Operator/Banksman then do and why? 1

Q30 What would you do if you did not understand the communication? 1

Q31 How many people should be designated as Banksman for Radio

Communications? 1

Q32 Who advises you of which channel you have to use to talk the
Crane Operator? 1
Q33 Which channel do you use to communicate with the Port Crane and
which for the Starboard Crane? 1

Q34 In the possible event that your radio should break down, what steps
would you take to ensure effective communications and the safety
of personnel and equipment. 1

Q35 The Drill Floor has requested Radio Silence because they are about
to perforate the well, what must you the Deck Operator do with
regard to the radio you are using. 1

Q36 What is the hand signal for taking the strain on the load? 1

Q37 What is the hand signal for stop?


Q38 What is the signal for Emergency Stop, and who can give you this
signal? 1

Q39 What is the signal for hoisting the load? 1

Q40 In your own words, can you describe the hand signal for "Boom
Up"? 1
Q41 In your own words, can you describe the hand signal for Boom
Down? 1

Q42 the person who was designated as the Banksman has been called
away to another operation, what should he tell the Crane Operator
before he goes? 1

Q43 Two people on the deck give the Crane Operator conflicting hand
signals, what should he do? 1

Q44 What is the hand signal for completion or end of Crane Operations.1

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