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UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

UB-04 Billing Instructions

Revision Table

Revision Sections Description

Date Revised
7/1/02 Section 2.3 – Language is being added to clarify UB-92 billing instructions
Form Locator 42 for form locator 42 to reflect appropriate leave of absence
and 46 revenue codes for nursing homes and assisted living
facilities. Both state and non-state long term care facilities
will use leave of absence codes 0183, 0185, and 0189.
Assisted living facilities will use only 0189. In addition, form
locators 42 and 46 have been updated to reflect the 4-digit
revenue codes.
3/14/05 Section 2.6 Added instructions for billing emergency room co-pays.
11/14/05 Appendix C Updated to reflect the current patient status codes.
2/24/06 Section 2.3 Updated the instructions for completing Type of Bill.
3/21/06 2.3, Locator 4 Removed reference to claims containing more than 23 lines.
3/21/06 2.10 Added instructions for billing claims with over 23 lines.
6/26/06 Appendix C Revised to include effective and end dates for each code.
Also added codes 43, 64, 65 and 66.
3/10/07 2.3 Complete revision to reflect changes made to the UB-04
Claim Form on Instructions for Completion.
8/30/07 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, Clarification has been made to the billing instructions.
2.7 and 2.10
10/10/07 2.2 and 2.3 Updates to the UB-04 completion table and procedures.
2/8/08 2.5 Added instructions for billing inpatient services for recipients
with no Part A coverage or exhausted Part A coverage.
4/18/08 Appendix C Change to status code 05 and add a new status code 70.
7/1/08 Section 2.11 Added information for billing HCPCS Drug Codes on
Outpatient claims.
UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

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UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

UB-04 Billing Instructions

Table of Contents Main Menu
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Billing Instructions
2.1 Introduction
2.2 General Procedures
2.3 Completion of the UB-04
2.4 UB-04 Claim Form
2.5 Completion of Medicare/Medicaid Related Claims for UB-04
2.6 Billing for Emergency Room Co-Pays
2.7 Inclusions
2.8 Out-of State Providers
2.9 Sterilizations
2.10 Billing Claims with Over 22 Lines
2.11 Billing of HCPCS Drug Codes – Required for Outpatient Claims
3.0 Appendix A - Admission/Accident/Discharge Code Structure
4.0 Appendix B – Type of Admission Code Structure
5.0 Appendix C – Patient Status Code Structure
UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

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UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

1.0 Introduction
The Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance (DMMA) establishes all policies and
procedures governing the Delaware Medical Assistance Program. The General Policy and
Provider Specific Policy manuals are to be referenced for all program guidelines.
HPES is the Delaware Medical Assistance Program Fiscal Agent. Providers are to bill HPES for
the care and services rendered to DMAP clients.
This Billing Manual has been designed as a reference tool to be utilized by DMAP providers
when submitting claims for payment. This manual should be used in conjunction with the
General Policy and Provider Specific Manuals. The submission of proper and complete billing
documents by providers is essential for timely and accurate claims processing and payment.
Initially, providers should carefully read this manual to become familiar with the contents. The
manual should then be referenced when completing billing documents or forms. HPES will
periodically update the Billing Manual on the DMAP Web site. Providers can opt to have paper
updates sent through the mail. Revised pages should be promptly inserted into the manual for
quick and accurate future reference.
This manual includes a chapter on the completion of claim forms and billing documents for all
provider types that bill using the UB-04 claim form.
UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

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UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

2.0 Billing Instructions

2.1 Introduction
The UB-04 claim form is used by inpatient and outpatient hospitals, long term care and assisted
living facilities, hospice, and home health providers in billing DMAP programs for services
provided to eligible Medicaid clients. Each client's services must be billed on a separate form.
The provider should carefully read and adhere to the following instructions so that claims can be
processed efficiently. Accuracy, completeness, and clarity are important.

2.2 General Procedures

• Verify the client’s eligibility through the Voice Response
System, the Internet, Provider Electronic Solutions, or a
swipe card reader.

• File claims within time limits specified in the General Policy

Section of this manual.

• Use only original UB-04 claim forms with the red drop out
ink or file electronically.

• Include only what is required in Section 2.3 (e.g., no

stickers, no stamps, no unnecessary handwritten

• Ensure that a signed Trading Partner Agreement is on file

at HPES for providers that bill electronically.

• Ensure that handwritten claims are completed using dark

black ink.

• Ensure that all required inclusions are submitted, i.e.

Explanation of Medical Benefits (EOMB) from third party
insurance coverage.

• Mail the completed claims to the following address:


P.O. Box 909, Manor Branch

New Castle, DE 19720-0909

UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

2.3 Completion of the UB-04

This section provides specific instructions for completing the UB04 claim form for the DMAP
programs. The numbered items correspond to the form locators on the claim form. Ditto marks
(" ") are not allowed to reference the information on the preceding line. Items that are required
for all UB04 billing are indicated with an A. Optional items are indicated by an O and items that
are required based on provider type and specific policy are indicated with an R.

Form Name Requirement Instructions for Completing

Locator Code
1 Provider Name, Address A Enter the provider’s name, address,
and Telephone Number city, ZIP code and telephone number
2 Unassigned Data Field O Not required
3a Patient Control Number O The provider may enter a patient
control number in this field for
accounting purposes. Enter the client's
account number, if applicable. Up to
twenty numeric or alphabetic
characters will be accepted. The
patient control number will appear on
the Remittance Advice (RA).
3b Medical Record Number O This number may be entered for
accounting purposes. Up to twenty four
numeric or alphabetic characters will
be accepted.
4 Type of Bill A Listed below are the valid types of bills

Inpatient Hospitals - 111, 112, 113,

114, 117 and 118

Home Health – 331, 332, 333, 334,

337, 338

Hospice – 813, 817, 818, 823, 827,


LTC and Assisted Living –212, 213,

214, 216, 217, 218

Outpatient – 131, 137, 138

PPEC – 891, 897, 898

5 Federal Tax ID O Not required
6 Statement Covers A Required field. Enter the beginning
and ending dates of the period
included on this bill using a MMDDYY
7 Unassigned Data Field O Not required
8a Patient ID Number A Enter the client’s Delaware Medical
UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

Form Name Requirement Instructions for Completing

Locator Code
Assistance Identification Number.
8b Patient Name A Enter the client’s last name and first
name exactly as it appears on the
Medical Assistance Card.
9 Patient Address O Enter the client's full mailing address.
10 Patient Date of Birth O Enter the client’s date of birth.
11 Patient Sex O Enter M for male or F for female
12 Admission Date R Required for Inpatient and LTC. Enter
the date of admission for inpatient
services in MMDDYY format.
13 Admission Hour R Required for Inpatient and LTC. Enter
the national code that corresponds to
the hour during which the client was
admitted for inpatient care. Refer to
appendix A for valid codes.
14 Type of Admission R Required for Inpatient and LTC. Enter
the national code indicating the priority
of this admission. Refer to Appendix B
for valid codes.
15 Source of Admission O Not required
16 Discharge Hour (DHR) R Required for Inpatient. Enter the hour
that the client was discharged from
inpatient care. Refer to Appendix A for
valid codes.
17 Patient Status R Required for Inpatient, LTC and
Hospice. Enter the code indicating the
client's status as of the statement
covers through date. Refer to
Appendix C for valid codes.
18 - 28 Condition Codes O The code(s) used to identify conditions
relating to this bill that may affect payer
processing. Must be two characters.
29 ACDT State O Not required
30 Unassigned Data Field O Not required
31 - 34 Occurrence Codes and O Refer to the UB04 National Billing Data
Dates Element Specifications Manual for the
code and associated date defining a
significant event relating to this bill.
Use MMDDYY format for the dates.
35 Occurrence Span Code O Code must be 70 – 99 or M0-Z9. Dates
and Dates must be in MMDDYY format.
36 Occurrence Span Code O Not required
and Dates
37 Unassigned Data Field O Not required
38 Responsible Party Name O The provider may use this field to enter
the name, address, county and
UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

Form Name Requirement Instructions for Completing

Locator Code
telephone number of the responsible
39-41 Value Codes R Hospice, Inpatient and LTC Covered
Days = 80
Inpatient and LTC Non-Covered Days
Amounts R = 81
Co-insurance Days =82
Lifetime Reserve Days = 83

Value codes 80 – 83 must be whole


42 Revenue Codes A Hospital: Enter the revenue code that

corresponds to the revenue description
in Form Locator 43. Refer to the UB04
National Uniform Billing Data Element
Specifications Manual for valid revenue
codes. The last entry on the claim
detail lines should be 0001 for Total

PPEC: Use the revenue code that

appears on the approved prior
authorization letter for covered

LTC State Facility: Use revenue code

0100 for room and board, plus ancillary

LTC Non-State/Assisted Living Facility:

Use revenue code 0101 for room and
board, without ancillary. Use
appropriate revenue code for covered
ancillary service

Leave of Absence Codes

LTC – State and Non-State Facilities:

Use leave of absence revenue codes
0183, 0185 and 0189 as appropriate.

Assisted Living Facilities: Use only

0189 as a leave of absence code. No
payment is made for days billed with
revenue code 0189. This revenue
code should be used for any days
when the client is out of the facility for
the entire day.
UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

Form Name Requirement Instructions for Completing

Locator Code
43 Revenue Description A Enter a narrative description of the
related revenue categories (FL 42)
included on this bill. Accommodations
must be entered in revenue code
sequence on the UB-04.
44 HCPCS Rates/Codes A For inpatient and nursing home claims,
record any applicable accommodation
rate in this field. For outpatient claims,
record any applicable HCPCS codes in
this field.
45 Service Date O Enter the date of service provided in
MMDDYY format. Each date of service
must be billed on a separate detail line
when billing with procedure codes.
Exceptions: Multiple-day service
codes, codes requiring an RR modifier.
46 Units of Service A Enter the quantitative measure of
services by revenue category provided
to the client including such items as
number of accommodation days or
special treatments. The cumulative
units for accommodation revenue
codes 0100-0210, as shown in Form
Locator 46, must equal the units billed
in Form Locator 39-41.
47 Total Charges A Enter the total charges pertaining to
the related revenue code for the
current billing period as entered in the
statement covers period.
48 Non-covered Charges O Non-covered charges may be entered
in Form Locator 48.
49 Unassigned Data Field O Not required
50 Payer R Required if other insurance had paid.
Enter the name of the payer and the
NEIC. The EOB or remittance from the
third party carrier must be included with
the claim before payment can be
made. The client should be questioned
to determine if other coverage is
51 Health Plan ID R Enter the health plan ID for primary,
secondary and tertiary insurances
(NEIC). Must be 5 characters.
52 Release of Information – O Not required
Certification Indicator
53 Assignment of Benefits – O Not required
Certification Indicator
54 Prior Payment R Required if a commercial insurance
UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

Form Name Requirement Instructions for Completing

Locator Code
carrier made payment. Indicate the
amount paid by the other insurance
carrier. Do not indicate Medicare
payments in this field.
55 Estimated Amount Due O Not required
56 NPI A Enter the 10 digit NPI or A-typical
57 Other Provider ID O Not required
58 Insured’s Name R Required if a commercial insurance
carrier made payment.
59 Patient’s Relationship to R Enter the appropriate code as
Insured referenced in the UB04 National
Uniform Billing Data Element
Specifications Manual indicating the
relationship of the client to the
identified insured.
60 Insured’s Unique ID O Not required
61 Insurance Group Name R Required if other insurance has paid.
Enter the insured's group plan name if
another payer insures the client.
62 Insurance Group R Required if other insurance has paid.
Number Enter the insured's group plan number
if another payer insures the client.
63 Treatment Authorization R Acute Care Inpatient Hospitals and
Code Certified Physical Rehab Wings of
Acute Care Inpatient Hospitals must
obtain Prior Authorization for services
provided outside of DMAP’s region that
includes Delaware, Maryland, New
Jersey, Pennsylvania and the District
of Columbia.

Inpatient Rehabilitation hospitals and

Specialty hospitals must obtain prior
authorization for all services provided
(see specific billing information in the
Inpatient Provider Specific Policy
64 Document Control O Not required
65 Employer Name O Not required
66 DX O Not required
67 Principal Diagnosis A Enter the ICD-9-CM principal diagnosis
Code code.
67 a – q Other Diagnosis codes A Enter the ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes
corresponding to additional conditions
that co-exist at the time of admission,
UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

Form Name Requirement Instructions for Completing

Locator Code
or develop subsequently, and which
have an effect on the treatment
received or length of stay.
68 Unassigned Data Field O Not required
69 Admitting Diagnosis R Required for Inpatient and LTC. Enter
the ICD-9-CM diagnosis code
corresponding to the diagnosis of the
client's condition that prompted
admission to the hospital.
70 Patient Reason O Not required
71 PPS Code O Not required
72 ECI O Enter the External Cause of Injury
73 Unassigned Data Field O Not required
74 Principal Procedure R If applicable, enter the primary
Code procedure code and date on which the
procedure was performed during the
billing period as shown in the client's
medical record. Use a MMDDYY
format for the dates. In determining
which of several procedures is the
principal, refer to the UB04 National
Uniform Billing Data Element
Specifications Manual.
74 a - e Other Procedure Codes O Required if a principal procedure code,
and dates have been entered in FL 74.
75 Unassigned Data Field O Not required
76 Attending A Enter the 10 digit NPI number and first
and last name for the physician
attending the client. It is the provider’s
responsibility to obtain the attending
physician's NPI number. This is the
physician primarily responsible for the
care of the client from the beginning of
the hospitalization or long-term care
77 Operating R Required if field 74 has been
completed. Enter the 10 digit NPI
number and first and last name for the
operating physician. It is the provider’s
responsibility to obtain the surgical
physician’s NPI number.
78 – 79 Other O Not required
80 Remarks O This field may be used to include
information relative to processing the
UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

Form Name Requirement Instructions for Completing

Locator Code
81 a – d Qual/Code/Value O Not required

2.4 UB-04 Claim Form

The National Uniform Billing Committee is responsible for the design of the UB-04 (Form CMS-
1450) form.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) equipment is utilized in Delaware to process paper claims.
Those providers submitting paper claims must use the scannable, red ink version of the UB-04.
These red ink versions of the form can be purchased from the Standard Register Company.
Their phone number may be found in your local yellow pages.
UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

2.5 Completion of Medicare/Medicaid Related Claims for UB-04

If medical services are provided to a client who is entitled to Medicare under the Social Security
Act and also to Medicaid benefits, it is necessary that you file a claim with Medicare first. After
you receive payment from Medicare, you may file a claim to Medicaid, either on paper or
electronically as appropriate, for reimbursement consideration.
In order to submit a Medicare/Medicaid claim to HPES, you must submit an original UB-04 claim
with the following fields altered from what you sent to Medicare:

• Field 56 - complete this field with the billing NPI number,

• Field 58 - complete this field with the name of the client,

• Field 60 - complete this field with the client's identification

You must include a copy of the Medicare EOMB to the claim with the client's name circled.
Highlighting your EOMB is discouraged as it will not scan well. Each Medicare/Medicaid client
listed on the EOMB must have a separate claim filed with an EOMB included with his or her
claim form.
Any charges denied by Medicare will not be paid by Medicaid with the exception of:

• Those services not covered by Medicare but covered by

Medicaid, or

• Services covered by both Medicare and Medicaid but with

different limits or criteria. In these instances Medicaid will
determine coverage on the basis of its own policy.
When billing for inpatient services provided to a Medicare recipient who has no
Part A coverage:

• If billing electronically, contact the HPES Provider

Relations Manager for instructions.

• If billing on paper, enter a remark in field 80 that states

“Batch as Inpatient – No Part A” and enter the total
Medicare paid amount in field 54.
When billing for inpatient services provided to a Medicare recipient who has
exhausted Part A coverage:

• The claim must be submitted on paper with an EOMB

attached that clearly indicates Part A benefits are

• Enter a remark in field 80 that states, “Batch as Inpatient –

Part A Exhausted” and enter the total Medicare paid
amount in field 54.
UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

2.6 Billing for Emergency Room Co-Pays

To bill an emergency room co-pay the following fields need to be completed:

• Field 42 – Enter the correct emergency room revenue code

• Field 44 – Enter the procedure code

• Field 47 – Enter the amount of the ER co-pay

A copy of the TPL voucher must be included. Indicate on the voucher the column that shows
the co-pay or patient responsibility amount.
Providers who bill electronically would follow the same procedures by completing the Procedure
Code and Billed Amount fields. In the Other Insurance Reason Code field, fill in the appropriate
code for co-pay billing.

2.7 Inclusions
When a client has third party insurance coverage, you must include a copy of the remittance
advice from the third party insurance carrier. If the carrier denied the claim, you must include
the denial remittance advice to show you have filed the claim.
Refer to the Provider Specific Section of this manual for a list of services that require inclusions.
If the claim does not have the appropriate inclusion, your claim will deny.

2.8 Out-of State Providers

Out-of-State providers must bill the Delaware Medical Assistance Program following the
instructions outlined in the manual. You must utilize the Delaware Medicaid HCPCS procedure
codes when billing the Delaware Medical Assistance Program.

2.9 Sterilizations
Charges for deliveries and sterilizations must be combined on the same claim form. Please
refer to the Provider Specific Section of your Provider Manual for proper completion of
Consent/Awareness Forms.

2.10 Billing Claims with Over 22 Lines

Claims containing more than 22 lines must generally be submitted electronically.

• If the submission contains more than 22 lines and also

requires an inclusion and is from an inpatient or outpatient
hospital, contact the HPES Provider Relations Manager for

• If the submission contains more than 22 lines and also

requires an inclusion and is not from an inpatient or
outpatient hospital, divide the claim into multiple paper
claims and submit with needed inclusions.
UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

2.11 Billing of HCPCS Drug Codes – Required for Outpatient Claims

• Field 43 description – Enter the 11-digit numeric NDC

(National Drug Code) associated with the HCPCS code
that is entered in field 44.

• Maximum of one NDC per drug code. If billing a compound

drug, enter the NDC for the primary ingredient.

• Qualifier N4 must precede each NDC.

• No space, hyphen, or other separator should be entered

between the qualifier and the NDC number. Example:

• Do not enter a revenue code description if you are entering

an NDC.
UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

3.0 Appendix A - Admission/Accident/Discharge Code

Code Time (am) Code Time (pm)
00 12:00 - 12:59 midnight 12 12:00 - 12:59 noon
01 01:00 - 01:59 13 01:00 - 01:59
02 02:00 - 02:59 14 02:00 - 02:59
03 03:00 - 03:59 15 03:00 - 03:59
04 04:00 - 04:59 16 04:00 - 04:59
05 05:00 - 05:59 17 05:00 - 05:59
06 06:00 - 06:59 18 06:00 - 06:59
07 07:00 - 07:59 19 07:00 - 07:59
08 08:00 - 08:59 20 08:00 - 08:59
09 09:00 - 09:59 21 09:00 - 09:59
10 10:00 - 10:59 22 10:00 - 10:59
11 11:00 - 11:59 23 11:00 - 11:59

99 - Not acceptable
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UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

4.0 Appendix B – Type of Admission Code Structure

1. Emergency -The patient requires immediate medical

intervention as a result of severe, life threatening or
potentially disabling conditions. Generally, the patient is
admitted through the Emergency Room.
2. Urgent - The patient requires immediate attention for the
care and treatment of a physical or mental disorder.
Generally, the patient is admitted to the first available and
suitable accommodation.
3. Elective - The client's condition permits adequate time to
schedule the availability of a suitable accommodation.
4. Newborn - Use of this code necessitates the use of special
Source of Admission codes - see Form Locator 15.
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UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

5.0 Appendix C – Patient Status Code Structure

Code Description Effective Date End Date

01 Discharged to home or self care 01/1/1990
(routine discharge)
02 Discharged/transferred to a short-term 01/1/1990
general hospital for inpatient care
03 Discharged/transferred to skilled nursing facility 01/1/1990
(SNF) with Medicare certification in anticipation of
covered skilled care
04 Discharged/transferred to an intermediate care 01/1/1990
facility (ICF)
05 Discharged/transferred to another type of institution 01/1/1990 03/31/2008
not defined elsewhere in this code list
05 Discharged/transferred to a designated cancer center 04/01/2008
or children’s hospital
06 Discharged/transferred to home under care of 01/1/1990
organized home health service organization in
anticipation of covered skilled care
07 Left against medical advice or discontinued care 01/1/1990
08 Discharged/transferred to home under care of home 01/1/1990 10/01/2005
IV provider
09 Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital 01/1/1990
20 Expired 01/1/1990
30 Still Patient 01/1/1990
40 Expired at home 01/1/1990
41 Expired in a medical facility (e.g. hospital, SNF, ICF, 01/1/1990
or free standing hospice)
42 Expired - place unknown 01/1/1990
43 Discharged/transferred to a federal health care 10/01/2003
50 Hospice – home 01/1/1990
51 Hospice – medical facility 01/1/1990
61 Discharged/transferred to hospital-based Medicare 01/1/1990
approved swing bed
62 Discharged/transferred to an inpatient rehabilitation 01/1/1990
facility (IRF) including rehabilitation distinct part units
of a hospital
63 Discharged/transferred to a Medicare certified long 01/1/1990
term care hospital (LTCH)
64 Discharged/transferred to a nursing facility certified 10/01/2002
under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare
65 Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or 04/01/2004
psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital
66 Discharged/transferred to a Critical Access Hospital 01/01/2006
70 Discharged/transferred to another type of institution 04/01/2008
not defined elsewhere in this code list
71 Discharged/transferred/referred to another institution 01/1/1990 04/01/2003
for outpatient services as specified by the discharge
UB-04 Provider Billing Manual

Code Description Effective Date End Date

plan of care
72 Discharged/transferred/referred to this institution for 01/1/1990 04/01/2003
outpatient services as specified by the discharge
plan of care
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