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5 Extension worksheet 1

1 Complete.

Last week I used technology to make a digital diary. I used my 1

and my 2
  to take photos. I used

to make short films. I wrote about them on my

  and recorded sound with a 5
  . This week

I presented my diary at school. I used a 6



2 Write the days. Match the sentences.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Friday Saturday Sunday

1 I couldn’t eat all of it.   2  We couldn’t play tennis in the end.

 3 I didn’t have any money, so I couldn’t buy anything.   4  My sister couldn’t watch the film.

On ‡aturday I was at the shopping centre with my mum and dad. 3

On I was at the park with my friends. 
I was at the cinema with my mum and sister on .
On I was at the restaurant with my mum and dad. I had a big pizza.

3 Use the notes to write sentences in the past.

1 Øn ‡unday ý was at the with

Sunday – swimming pool – Luke     . ý could swim
I can swim faster than him!
Wednesday – library – sister

I can’t stop reading the book.
Friday – café – friends
I can’t decide which cake to eat!

Oxford Rooftops 5   Unit 5   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press   Extension worksheet 1 23
5 Extension worksheet 2

1 Look and write Nick or Charlie.

Nick Charlie

1 is wearing a costume. 5 has got a handkerchief.

2 is wearing a suit. 6 is wearing a big bow tie.
3 is wearing a hat. 7 isn’t wearing a costume.
4 isn’t wearing a waistcoat. 8 hasn’t got a handkerchief.

2 Read. Complete with the correct form of have to.

I’m Nick Clark. I’m a musician – I play the violin in an orchestra.

This is a picture of me in my concert clothes. The men wear black
suits, white shirts and black or white bow ties. We don’t wear
waistcoats, because it’s hot on stage. The women wear black
dresses or trousers. When we practise, I wear jeans and a T-shirt.

1 The men wear a bow tie for concerts.

2 They wear a waistcoat.
3 The women wear dresses.
4 They wear black.
5 When they practise, the men wear suits.

3 Write about what you have to wear for different activities. Use the ideas in the box
and / or your own ideas.

swimming  ​
school  ​
PE lessons  ​
a fancy dress party  ​

1 ¥ou have to wear     for


Oxford Rooftops 5   Unit 5   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press   Extension worksheet 2 24
6 Extension worksheet 1

1 Write.

a barbecue  ​
camping  ​
find shells  ​
fishing  ​
a picnic  ​
sunbathe  ​
surfing  ​

On holiday …
We usually go
We always have
We sometimes

2 Read and answer.

Anna is going to go to Tom isn’t going to go

the beach. She’s going camping – he’s going
to go camping. She’s to stay in a hotel. He’s
going to sunbathe and going to swim in the
Anna go surfing. Tom sea and sunbathe.

Lily is going to visit her Jack is going to go

grandparents. She’s camping. He’s going
going to go surfing. to swim in a river and
They’re all going to go fishing.
Lily have a barbecue. Jack

1 Who’s going to go camping and swim? ¯ack

2 Who’s going to go camping and sunbathe?
3 Who’s going to stay in a hotel and swim?
4 Who’s going to go surfing and have a barbecue?

3 Write about what Ben and Kim are going to do tomorrow.

Ben Kim

1 ∆en is going to go fishing. 2

™e isn’t

Oxford Rooftops 5   Unit 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press   Extension worksheet 1 25
6 Extension worksheet 2

1 Read. Circle the things Lucy is going to take on her camping trip.

Next weekend, Lucy is going to go

camping with her friend Vicky. Lucy isn’t
going to take a tent, because Vicky’s got
one. She is going to take a torch and
they’re both going to take their bikes.
They’re going to the beach, so Vicky is
going to take a beachball and Lucy’s
going to take a bucket and spade. And
they’re going to take sunglasses – it’s
going to be hot and sunny!

2 Complete. Write one more question and answer.

1 åre ∂an and ¯im stay in a caravan?

Ben’s list
Yes, they are.
– tent
2 stay in a caravan?
– bike
No, he isn’t. He’s going to take a tent.
– football
3 take a bike?
– torch
Yes, he is.
4 take a football?
No, they aren’t. They’re going to take a beachball.
Dan and Jim’s list
5 take a bucket
– caravan
and spade?
– rubber dinghy
Yes, they are.
– bucket and spade
– beachball

3 Write a camping list. Answer the questions.

1 Are you going to take a caravan?

My camping list
2 Are you going to take a bike?
3 Are you going to take a
rubber dinghy?
4 Are you going to take a bucket
and spade?
5 Are you going to take a torch?
6 Are you going to take a beachball?

Oxford Rooftops 5   Unit 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press   Extension worksheet 2 26

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