c914 - 2016 Updates On DOSRI Rule PDF

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BaNexo SenrnaL Ne Plurprruas



Series of 2015

Subject: Amendments to Prudential Policy on Loans, Other Credit Accommodations,

and Guarantees Granted to Directors, Officers, Stockholders, and their
Related lnterests (DOSRll, Subsidiaries and Affiliates

The Monetary Board, in its Resolution No.974 dated 2 June 2OL6, approved the
revisions to prudential policy on loans, other credit accommodations, and guarantees
granted to directors, officers, stockholders, and their related interests (DOSRI), subsidiaries
and affiliates amending relevant provisions of the Manual of Regulations for Banks/Manual
of Regulations for Non-Bank Financial Institutions (MORB/MORNBFI) as follows:

Section 1. Chapter E of Part Three of the

MORB on Loans/Other Credit
Accommodations to Directors, Officers, Stockholders and their Related Interests is hereby
amended to read as follows:



Sec. X326 Policy Statement. The Bangko Sentral recognizes that transactions of its
supervised financial institutions (BSFls) with related parties, which include dealings
with directors, officers, stockholders, and their related interests (DOSRI), subsidiaries,
and affiliates, may be both productive and prudent. The Bangko Sentral also
recognizes the need to provide BSFIs with flexibility with respect to lending to DOSRI,
subsidiaries, and affiliates premised on the overarching principle that the transactions
shall at all times be kept above board and conducted on an arm's length basis, and
that BSFIs have adopted robust internal policies and procedures in handling related
party transactions that are compliant with the minimum requirements of law and

Subsec. X326.1 Definitions. For purposes of these regulations, the following

definitions shall apply:

e. Related interest shall refer to any of the following:
(3) Co-owner with the director, officer, stockholder or his spouse or relative within
the first degree of consanguinity or affinity, or relative by legal adoption, of the

A. Mabini St., Malate 1"004 Manila, Philippines . 1632]|7O8-/ /OL . www.bsp.gov.ph . [email protected]
property or interest or right mortgaged, pledged or assigned to secure the loans or
other credit accommodations, except when the mortgage, pledge or assignment
covers only said co-owner's undivided interest;

(4) Corporation, association or firm of which any or a group of directors, officers,

stockholders of the lending bank and/or their spouses or relatives within the first
degree of consanguinity or affinity, or relative by legal adoption, hold or own at
feast twenty percent (2O%l of the subscribed capital of such corporation, or of the
equity of such association or firm;

(5) Corporation, association or firm wholly or majority-owned or controlled by any

related entity or a group of related entities mentioned in ltems "e(2)" and "e(4)" of
this Section;

(6) Corporation, association or firm which owns or controls directly or indirectly

whether singly or as part of a group of related interest at least twenty-percent
(20%l of the subscribed capital of a substantial stockholder of the lending bank or
which controls majority interest of the bank pursuant to Subsec. X303.1;

(7) Corporation, association or firm which has an existing management contract or

any similar arrangement with the parent of the lending bank; and

(8) Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)/ foundations that are engaged in

retail microfinance operations which are incorporated by any of the stockholders
and/or directors and/or officers or related banks.

The general principles and standards that will govern the business relationships
between banks and their related NGOs/foundations engaged in retail microfinance
are found in Appendix 27.

f. Subsidiory shall refer to a corporation or firm more than fifty percent (50%) of the
outstanding voting stock of which is directly or indirectly owned, controlled or held
with power to vote by its parent corporation.

g. Affiliate shall refer to an entity linked directly or indirectly to a bank by means of:
(1) Ownership, control as defined under Subsec. XI46.L, or power to vote of at
least twenty percent (20yol of the outstanding voting stock of the borrowing entity,
or vice-versa;

(2) Interlocking directorship or officership, where the concerned director or officer

owns; controls, as defined under Subsec. XI46.L; or has the power to vote of at
feast twenty percent (2O%l of the outstanding voting stock of the borrowing entity;

(3) Common stockholders owning at least ten percent (LO%I of the outstanding
voting stock of the bank and at least twenty percent 120%l of the outstanding
voting stock of the borrowing entity;

PaSe 2 of 19
(4) Management contract or any arrangement granting power to the bank to direct
or cause the direction of management and policies of the borrowing entity; or

(5) Permanent proxy or voting trusts in favor of the bank constituting at least
twenty percent (20%l of the outstanding voting stock of the borrowing entity, or
vice versa.

In cases where the borrowing entity is linked to the lending bank both as DOSRI
and as a subsidiary or affiliate, the DOSRI rules shall apply.

h. Unencumbered deposits x x x

i. Book volue of the poid-in copital contribution x x x

j. Net worth xxx

k. Totol loon portfolio xxx

l. Secured loan, borrowing or other credit occommodotion shall refer to any loan, or
credit accommodation or portion thereof referred to in Sec. X327 which is secured by
physical collateral, financial guarantee, or other instruments, that are enforceable,
reafizable, and marketable and meets the standards prescribed under Subsec. X178.7
and Sec. X311.

m. Unsecured loan, borrowing or other credit dccommodotion xxx.

Sec. X327 Transaction Covered. x x x

Sec. X328 Transactions Not Covered. x x x


Subsec. X328.5 Lodns, other credit accommodations ond guorantees gronted to

su bsi di a ries a nd/o r offiliates.

o. Ceilings. The total outstanding loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees
to each of the bank's subsidiaries and affiliates shall not exceed ten percent lll%l
of the net worth of the lending bank: Provided, That the unsecured loans, other
credit accommodations and guarantees to each of said subsidiaries and affiliates
shall not exceed five percent (5o/ol of such net worth: Provided, further, That the
total outstanding loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees to all
subsidiaries and affiliates shall not exceed twenty percent (2O%l of the net worth
of the lending bank: Provided, finally, That these subsidiaries and affiliates are not
refated interest of any of the director, officer, and/or stockholder of the lending

Loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees granted by a bank to its

subsidiaries and affiliates engaged in, or for the purpose of undertaking

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infrastructure, energy and power generation, and other priority programs and
projects, including those under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Program of the
government, consistent with the Philippine Development Plan/Public Investment
Program of the National Government, duly certified as such by the Secretary of
Socio-Economic Planning, shall be subject to a separate individual limit of twenty-
five percent (25%l of the net worth of the lending bank: Provided, That the
unsecured portion thereof shall not exceed twelve and one-half percent (12.5%l of
such net worth: Provided, further, That these subsidiaries and affiliates are not
related interest of any of the director, officer, and/or stockholder of the lending
bank: Provided, finally, That the total outstanding loans, other credit
accommodations and guarantees to all subsidiaries and affiliates shall be subject to
the aggregate limits for related party transactions.

b. Exclusions from the ceilings. Loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees
secured by assets considered as non-risk under existing Bangko Sentral regulations
as well as interbank call loans shall be excluded in determining compliance with
the ceilings prescribed under ltem "a" above.

c. Procedural requirements. x x x.

Sec. X329 Direct or Indirect Borrowings. x x x


Subsec. X330.1 Exclusions from individual ceiling. x x x

Subsec. X330.2 Exclusions from the thirty percent l30%l unsecured individual ceiling
for project finance

Loans, other credit accommodations, and guarantees granted by a bank to its DOSRI
for the purpose of project finance, shall be exempted from the thirty percent (3O%l
unsecured individual ceiling during the project gestation phasel: Provided, That: the
lending bank shall ensure that standard prudential controls in project finance loans
designed to safeguard creditors' interests are in place, which may include pledge of
the borrower's shares, assignment of the borrower's assets, assignment of all
revenues and cash waterfall accounts, and assignment of project documents.

For this purpose, "project finance" is defined as a method of funding in which the
lender looks primarily to the revenues generated by a single project, both as a source
of repayment and as security for the exposure. lt possesses all the following
characteristics either in legal form or economic substance:

a. The exposure is typically to an entity (often a special purpose entity or SPE) which
was created specifically to finance and/or operate physical assets;

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b. The borrowing entity has little or no other material assets or activities, and
therefore little or no independent capacity to repay the obligation, apart from the
income that it receives from the asset(s) being financed;

c. The terms of the obligation give the lender a substantial degree of control over the
asset(s) and the income that it generates; and

d, As a result of the preceding factors, the primary source of repayment of the

obligation is the income generated by the asset(s) being financed, rather than the
independent capacity of a broader commercial enterprise.

This refers to the pre-operational phase ofthe project that does not yet generate cash flows.

Sec. X331 Aggregate Ceiling; Ceiling on Unsecured Loans, Other Credit

Accommodations and Guarantees x x x


Sec. X336 Supervisory Enforcement Actions. The Bangko Sentral reserves the right to
deploy its range of supervisory tools to promote adherence to the requirements set
forth in the foregoing rules and bring about timely corrective actions and compliance
with Bangko Sentral directives. The Bangko Sentral considers abuses in credit to
related parties (including credit to DOSRI, subsidiaries, and affiliates) as serious
offenses and shall be dealt with severely. In this regard, abuse shall be interpreted to
include extending credit to related parties without adopting appropriate internal

For this purpose, the Bangko Sentral may among others, issue directives or sanctions
on the Bank and responsible persons, which may include restrictions or prohibitions of
lending to related parties or from certain authorities/activities, restrictions or
prohibitions on dividend declarations; and warning reprimand, suspension, removal
and disqualification of concerned bank directors, officers, and/or employees. In
addition, the Bangko Sentral may apply the borrowing director/ officer/stockholder's
share in the bank's profit sharing program against the excess of credit extended over
any of the prescribed DOSRI ceilings.

In case of imposition of monetary sanction for violations of the foregoing provisions,

the penalty shall be computed as follows:

(a) Loans to DOSRI

For the duration of each violation, imposition of a fine of one-tenth of one percent
(ULO of L%l of the excess over the ceilings per day but not to exceed P30,000 a
day on the following:
(1) The lending bank;
(2) The director, officer or stockholder whose borrowing exceeds his individual
ceiling; and

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(3) Each of the directors voting for the approval of the loan or other credit
accommodation in excess of any of the ceilings prescribed in Secs. X330 and
The penalty for exceeding the individual ceiling, aggregate ceiling and ceiling on
unsecured loans shall be computed on the average amount of loans in excess of
said ceilings during the same week.

(b) Loans to subsidiaries and affiliates

For the duration of each violation, imposition of a fine of one tenth (l/t}l of one
percent (l%l of the excess over the ceilings per day but not to exceed P30,000 a
day on the following:
(1) The lending bank; and
(2) Each of the directors voting for the approval of the loan, other credit
accommodation or guarantee in excess of any of the ceilings prescribed in
Subsec. X328.5.

Sec. X337 Waiver of Secrecy of Deposit x x x


Sec. X340 Applicability of DOSRI Rules and Regulations to Government Borrowings in

Government-Owned or - Controlled Banks. The provisions of Secs. X325 to X337 shall
also apply to loans, other credit accommodations, and/or guarantees granted to the
National Government or Republic of the Philippines, its political subdivisions and
instrumentalities as well as GOCCs, subject to the following clarifications:


b. Loans, other credit accommodations, and/or guarantees to: (1) Goccs; and
(2) corporations where the Republic of the Philippines, its agencies/departments/
bureaus, and/or GOCCs own at least twenty percent (20%l of the subscribed capital
stock shall be considered indirect borrowings of the Republic of the Philippines and
shall form part of the individual ceiling as well as the aggregate ceiling: Provided,That
the following loans, other credit accommodations, and/or guarantees to GOCCs and
corporations where the Republic of the Philippines, its agencies/departments/
bureaus, and/or GOCCs own at least twenty percent (20%l of the subscribed capital
stock, shall be excluded from the thirty percent l3|%l ceiling on unsecured loans
under Secs. X330 and X331:

(1) Loans, other credit accommodations, and/or guarantees for the purpose of
undertaking infrastructure and other priority programs and projects consistent
with the Philippine Development Plan/Public Investment Program of the National
Government, duly certified as such by the Secretary of Socio-Economic Planning;


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Section 2. Chapter E of Part Three of the MORNBFI on Loans/Credit Accommodations
to Directors, Officers, Stockholders and their Related Interests is hereby amended to read as



Sec. 4326Q (2008-4356Q1 Policy Statement. The Bangko Sentral recognizes that
transactions of its supervised financial institutions (BSFls) with related parties, which
include dealings with directors, officers, stockholders, and their related interests
(DOSRI), subsidiaries, and affiliates, may be both productive and prudent. The Bangko
Sentral also recognizes the need to provide BSFIs with flexibility with respect to
lending to DOSRI, subsidiaries, and affiliates premised on the overarching principle
that the transactions shall at all times be kept above board and conducted on an arm's
length basis, and that BSFIs have adopted robust internal policies and procedures in
handling related party transactions that are compliant with the minimum
requirements of law and regulations.

Subsec. 4326q.1 (2008 - 4356Q.11 Definitions. For purposes of these regulations, the
following definitions shall apply:


f. Secured loan, borrowing, or credit accommodation shall refer to any loan,

discount, credit or advance, or portion thereof referred to in Sec. 4327Q which is
secured by physical collateral, financial guarantee, or other instruments, that are
enforceable, realizable, and marketable and meets the standards prescribed under
Subsec. 4L78Q.7 and Sec. 4311Q.

g. Unsecured loon, borrowing or credit occommodotion x x x.

Sec. 4327Q (2008 - 43571 Transactions Covered. The terms loon, borrow, money
borrowed and credit occommodatrons as used herein shall refer to transactions which
involve the grant, renewal, extension or increase of any loan, discount, credit or
advance in any form whatsoever, and shall include:

a. Outstanding availments under an established credit line;


i. Any other transaction as a result of which a director, officer or stockholder becomes

obligated or may become obligated to the lending QB, directly or indirectly, by any
means whatsoever to pay money or its equivalent.

No QB shall grant, renew or extend any credit accommodation to its DOSRI whenever
its combined capital accounts is deficient relative to risk assets held under Sec. 4115Q
and 4116Q, or whenever its paid-in capital is deficient relative to the required
minimum capitalization. Neither shall it grant, renew or extend any credit
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accommodation to any of its DOSRI who has past due credit accommodations with the

Sec. 4328Q {2008 - 4358q Transactions Not Covered. x x x


Subsec. 4328Q.5 (2008-4328Q1 loons, other credit accommodations and guorontees

granted to subsidiaries and/or affiliotes.

a. Ceilings. The total outstanding loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees
to each of the QB's subsidiaries and affiliates shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of
the net worth of the lending QB: Provided That the unsecured loans, other credit
accommodations and guarantees to each of said subsidiaries and affiliates shall not
exceed five percent (5%l of such net worth: Provided, further, That the total
outstanding loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees to all subsidiaries
and affiliates shall not exceed twenty percent (20%l of the net worth of the lending
QB: Provided, finally, That these subsidiaries and affiliates are not related interest
of any of the director, officer, and/or stockholder of the lending institution.

Loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees granted by a QB to its

subsidiaries and affiliates engaged in, or for the purpose of undertaking
infrastructure, energy and power generation, and other priority programs and
projects, including those under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Program of the
government, consistent with the Philippine Development Plan/Public Investment
Program of the National Government, duly certified as such by the Secretary of
Socio-Economic Planning shall be subject to a separate individual limit of twenty-
five percent (25%l of the net worth of the lending QB: Provide4 That the
unsecured portion thereof shall not exceed twelve and one-half percent (L2.5%l of
such net worth: Provided, further, That these subsidiaries and affiliates are not
related interest of any of the director, officer, and/or stockholder of the lending

b. Exclusions from the ceilings. xxx

c. Procedurol requirements. xxx

Sec. 4329Q (2008 - 4359Q1 Direct or Indirect Borrowings. x x x

Sec.4330Q (2008 - 4350Q1 Individual Ceiling; Single-Borrower Limit. x x x

Subsec. 4330Q.1 Exclusions from the thirty percent (30%l unsecured individual
ceiling for project finance

to its DOSRI for

Loans, other credit accommodations, and guarantees granted by a QB
the purpose of project finance, shall be exempted from the thirty percent (30o/ol
unsecured individual ceiling during the project gestation phasel: Provided, that the QB
shall ensure that standard prudential controls in project finance loans designed to

Page 8 of 19
safeguard creditors' interests are in place, which may include pledge of the borrower's
shares, assignment of the borrower's assets, assignment of all revenues and cash
waterfall accounts, and assignment of project documents.

For this purpose, "project finance" is defined as a method of funding in which the
lender looks primarily to the revenues generated by a single project, both as a source
of repayment and as security for the exposure. lt possesses all the following
characteristics either in legalform or economic substance:

a. The exposure is typically to an entity (often a special purpose entity or SPE) which
was created specifically to finance and/or operate physical assets;

b. The borrowing entity has little or no other material assets or activities, and
therefore little or no independent capacity to repay the obligation, apart from the
income that it receives from the asset(s) being financed;

c. The terms of the obligation give the lender a substantial degree of control over the
asset(s) and the income that it generates; and

d. As a result of the preceding factors, the primary source of repayment of the

obligation is the income generated by the asset(s) being financed, rather than the
independent capacity of a broader commercial enterprise.

This refers to the pre-operational phase ofthe project that does not yet generate cash flows.

Sec. 4331Q (2008-4361Q) Aggregate Ceiling; Ceiling on Unsecured Loans. x x x


Sec. 4336Q (2008-4365Q) Supervisory Enforcement Actions. The Bangko Sentral

reserves the right to deploy its range of supervisory tools to promote adherence to the
requirements set forth in the foregoing rules and bring about timely corrective actions
and compliance with Bangko Sentral directives. The Bangko Sentral considers abuses
in credlt to related parties (including credit to DOSRI, subsidiaries, and affiliates) as
serious offenses and shall be dealt with severely. In this regard, abuse shall be
interpreted to include extending credit to related parties without adopting appropriate
internal policies.

For this purpose, the Bangko Sentral may among others, issue directives or sanctions
on the Bank and responsible persons, which may include restrictions or prohibitions of
lending to related parties or from certain authorities/activities, restrictions or
prohibitions on dividend declarations; and warning reprimand, suspension, removal
and disqualification of concerned bank directors, officers, and/or employees. In
addition, the Bangko Sentral may apply the borrowing director/ officer/stockholder's
share in the QB's profit sharing program against the excess of credit extended over any
of the prescribed DOSRI ceilings.

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In case of imposition of monetary sanction for violations of the foregoing provisions,
the penalty shall be computed as follows:

(a) Loans to DOSRI

For the duration of each violation, imposition of a fine of one-tenth of one percent
(L/LO of t%l of the excess over the ceilings per day but not to exceed P30,000 a
day on (1) the lending QB and the director, officer, or stockholder whose
borrowing exceeds his individual ceiling and (2) each of the directors voting for the
approval of the loan or credit accommodation in excess of any of the ceilings
prescribed in Secs. 4330Q and 4331Q.

The penalty for exceeding the individual ceiling, aggregate ceiling and ceiling on
unsecured loans shall be computed on the average amount of loans in excess of
said ceilings during the same week.

(b) Loans to subsidiaries and affiliates

For the duration of each violation, imposition of a fine of one tenth (LlLOl of one
percent lL%l of the excess over the ceilings per day but not to exceed P30,000 a
day on the following:
(1) The lending QB; and
(2) Each of the directors voting for the approval of the loan, other credit
accommodation or guarantee in excess of any of the ceilings prescribed in


Sec. 4340Q (2008-4366q Bank DOSRI Rules and Regulations Applicable to

Government Borrowings in Government-Owned or - Controlled Quasi-Banks. The
provisions of Secs. X326 to X337 of the Manual of Regulations for Banks (MORB), to
the extent applicable, shall also apply to loans, other credit accommodations, and
guarantees granted to the National Government or Republic of the Philippines, its
political subdivisions and instrumentalities as well as GOCCs, subject to the following


b. Loans, other credit accommodations, and/or guarantees to: (1) GOCCs; and
(2) corporations where Republic of the Philippines, its agencies/
departments/bureaus, andf or GOCCs own at least twenty percent l2Oo/ol of the
subscribed capital stock shall be considered indirect borrowings of the Republic of the
Philippines and shallform part of the individualceiling as well as the aggregate ceiling:
Provided, That the following loans, other credit accommodations, andlor guarantees
to GOCCs and corporations where the Republic of the Philippines, its
agencies/departments/bureaus, andlor GOCCs own at least twenty percent (2O%l of
the subscribed capital stock, shall be excluded from the thirty percent l3l%l ceiling on
unsecured loans under Secs. X330 and X331 of the MORB:

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(1) Loans, other credit accommodations, and/or guarantees for the purpose of
undertaking infrastructure and other priority programs and projects consistent
with the Philippine Development Plan/Public Investment Program of the National
Government, duly certified as such by the Secretary of Socio-Economic Planning;


section 3. sections x3LL/43tto/4311N of the MORB/MORNBFI on secured loans and

other credit accommodations are hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. X311l43LlQl4311N Secured Loans and Other Credit Accommodations. A loan

may be considered secured by collateral to the extent the estimated value of net
proceeds at disposition of such collateral can be used without legal impediment to
settle the principal and accrued interest of such loan: x x x

A loan may also be considered as secured to the extent covered by a third party
financial guarantee or surety arrangement where the credit enhancement provider is
itself considered to be of high credit quality (credit rating of at least AA or equivalent)
or is recognized by the Bangko Sentral as eligible guarantor under existing regulations.


Section 4. Subsection XI92.L2 of the MORB on reports required of foreign

subsidiaries/affiliates/banking offices or non-bank entities of domestic banks is hereby
amended to read as follows:

"Subsec. XL92.L2 Reports required of foreign subsidiaries/affiliates/banking offices

or non-bank entities of domestic banks. The submission of periodic reports of a
foreign subsidiary / affiliate / banking offices or non-bank entities of domestic banks
shall be governed by the following rules:


l. For purpose of this Subsection, affiliate shall refer to an entity linked directly or
indirectly to a bank by means of:

(1) Ownership, control as defined under Subsec. XI46.L, or power to vote of at

least twenty percent l2!%l of the outstanding voting stock of the borrowing
entity, or vice-versa;

(2) lnterlocking directorship or officership, where the concerned director or officer

owns; controls, as defined under Subsec. XL46.L; or has the power to vote of at
least twenty percent (20%l of the outstanding voting stock of the borrowing

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(3) Common stockholders owning at least ten percent (Llo/ol of the outstanding
voting stock of the bank and at least twenty percent (2Oo/ol of the outstanding
voting stock of the borrowing entity;

(4) Management contract or any arrangement granting power to the bank to

direct or cause the direction of management and policies of the borrowing
entity; or

(5) Permanent proxy or voting trusts in favor of the bank constituting at least
twenty percent (20%l of the outstanding voting stock of the borrowing entity,
or vice versa.

For purposes of this Manual, the above definition of offiliote shall be adopted
except where the provision of the regulation expressly states otherwise."

Section 5. Section 4002Q of the MORNBFI on the definitions is hereby amended to

read as follows:

"Sec. 4002Q Definitions


b. Affiliate is an entity linked directly or indirectly to a QB by means of:

(1) Ownership, control as defined under Subsec. X145.1 of the MORB or power to
vote of at least twenty percent (20%l of the outstanding voting stock of the
borrowing entity, or vice-versa;

(2) Interlocking directorship or officership, where the concerned director or officer

owns; controls, as defined under Subsec. X146.1 of the MORB; or has the
power to vote at least twenty percent (2O%l of the outstanding voting stock of
the borrowing entity;

(3) Common stockholders owning at least ten percent (IOo/ol of the outstanding
voting stock of the financial intermediary and at least twenty percent l20%l of
the outstanding voting stock of the borrowing entity;

(4) Management contract or any arrangement granting power to the financial

intermediary to direct or cause the direction of management and policies of
the borrowing entity; or

(5) Permanent proxy or voting trust in favor of the financial intermediary

constituting at least twenty percent (20%l of the outstanding voting stock of
the borrowing entity, or vice versa.


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Section 6. Subsection X146.1 of the MORB on definition of terms is hereby amended
to read as follows:

"Subsec. X146.1 Definition of Terms. For purposes of this Section, the following
definitions shall apply:

a. Reloted porties shall cover the bank's subsidiaries as well as affiliatesl and any
party (including their subsidiaries, affiliates and special purpose entities) that the
bank exerts direct/indirect control over or that exerts direct/indirect control over
the bank; the bank's directors, officers, stockholders and their related interests
(DOSRI) and their close family members, as well as corresponding persons in
affiliated companies. This shall also include such other person/juridical entity
whose interests may pose potential conflict with the interest of the financial
institution (Fl), hence, is identified as a related party.

The above definition shall also include direct or indirect linkages to a bank
identified as follows:

(1) Ownership, control or power to vote, of ten percent (L0o/ol to less than twenty
percent (20%l of the outstanding voting stock of the borrowing entity, or vice-

(21 Interlocking directorship or officership, except in cases involving independent

directors as defined under existing regulations or directors holding nominal
share in the borrowing corporation;

(3) Common stockholders owning at least ten percent (10%) of the outstanding
voting stock of the bank and ten percent (LO%I to less than twenty percent
(20%l of the outstanding voting stock of the borrowing entity; or

(4) Permanent proxy or voting trusts in favor of the bank constituting ten percent
(L}o/ol to less than twenty percent (20%l of the outstanding voting stock of the
borrowing entity, or vice versa.

b. Close lamily membersxxx

As defined under Subsec. X326.1

Section 7. Subsection X145.5 of the MORB on supervisory enforcement actions is

hereby amended to read as follows:

"Subsec. X146.5. Supervisory Enforcement Actions. The Bangko Sentral reserves the
right to deploy range of supervisory tools to promote adherence to the
requirements set forth in the guidelines under this Section and bring about timely
corrective actions and compliance with Bangko Sentral directives. The Bangko Sentral
considers abuses in credit to related parties as serious offenses and shall be dealt with
Page 13 of 19
severely. In this regard, abuse shall be interpreted to include extending credit to
related parties without adopting appropriate internal policies. For this purpose, the
Bangko Sentral may, among others, issue directives or sanctions on the Bank and
responsible persons, which may include restrictions or prohibitions of lending to
related parties or from certain authorities/activities, restrictions or prohibitions on
dividend declarations; and warning, reprimand, suspension, removal and
disqualification of bank directors, officers and/or employees concerned."

Section 8. Section XILI/4LILQ of the MORB/MORNBFI on minimum required capital

is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. X111 (2008 - X1O6l Minimum Required Capital. The following provisions shall
govern the capital requirements for banks

The term capitol shall be synonymou s to unimpoired copitol ond surplus, combined
capitol occounts and net worth and shall refer to the total of the unimpaired paid-in
capital, surplus and undivided profits, less:


b. Total outstanding unsecured credit accommodations, both direct and indirect, to

directors, officers, stockholders, and their related interests (DOSRI) granted by the
bank proper;

c. Total outstanding unsecured loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees

granted to subsidiaries;

granted to
d. Total outstanding loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees
related parties that are not at arm's lengh terms as determined by the appropriate
supervising department of the Bangko Sentral;

e. Deferred income tax;

Appraisal increment reserve (revaluation reserve) as a result of appreciation

or an
increase in the book value of bank assets;

g. Equity investment of a bank in another bank or enterprise, whether foreign
domestic, if the other bank or enterprise has a reciprocal equity investment
in the
investing bank, in which case, the investment of the bank or the reciprocal investment
of the other bank or enterprises, whichever is lower; and

h. ln the case of RBs/Coop Banks, the government counterpart equity, except those
arising from conversion of arrearages under the Bangko Sentral rehabilitation


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"Sec. 4111Q (2008 - 4106Q1 Minimum Required Capitalization. A QB shall have a
minimum combined capital accounts of P300.0 million.

Combined copital accounts shall mean the total capital stock, retained earnings and
profit and loss summary, net of (a) such unbooked valuation reserves and other capital
adjustments as may be required by the Bangko Sentral, (b) total outstanding
unsecured credit accommodations, both direct and indirect, to directors, officers, all
stockholders and their related interests (DOSRI), (c)total outstanding unsecured loans,
other credit accommodations and guarantees granted to subsidiaries, and (d) total
outstanding loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees granted to related
parties that are not at arm's lengh terms as determined by the appropriate
supervising department of the Bangko Sentral. x x x


Section 9. Paragraph 4 of Part ll of Appendix 63b/Q-46 of the MORB/MORNBFI on

Qualifying Capital under Basel lll
Risk-Based Capital (section X115/4115Q of the
MORB/MORNBFI) is hereby amended, as follows:

"Part ll. Qualifying capital

Section A. Domestic banks
CET1 Capital

Regulatory adjustment to CET1 capital
4. The following must be deducted from/(added to) CET1 capital:

d. Total outstanding unsecured credit accommodations, both direct and indirect,

e. Total outstanding unsecured loans, other credit accommodations and

guarantees granted to subsidiaries;

f. Total outstanding loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees granted

to related parties that are not at arm's length terms as determined by the
appropriate supervising department of the Bangko Sentral;
g. Deferred tax assets x x x;
h. Goodwillx x x;
i. Other intangible asset x x x;
j. Gain on sale x x x;
k. Defined benefit x x x;
l. lnvestment in equity of unconsolidated subsidiary banks x x x;

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m. Investment in equity of unconsolidated subsidiary securities dealers x x x;
n. Significant minority investments (LO%-50% of voting stock) in banks x x x;
o. Significant minority investments ILO%-SO% of voting stock) in securities x x x;
p. Minority investments (below IO% of voting stock) in banks x x x;
q. Minority investments (below t0% of voting stock) in securities dealers x x x;
r. Other equity investments x x x;
s. Capital shortfalls x x x;
t. Reciprocal investments x x x;
u. Materiality thresholds x x x;
v. Credit linked notes x x x;
w. Securitization tranches x x x; and
x. Credit enhancing interest x x x.

Section 10. Parts ll and lll of Appendix 63c of the MORB on Qualifying Capital and
Credit Risk-Weighted Assets, respectively, under the Revised Risk-Based Capital Adequacy
Framework for Stand-Alone Thrift Banks, Rural Banks, and Cooperative Banks (Section X118
of the MORB) are hereby amended, as follows:

"Part ll. Qualifying capital

A. Tier l Capital
3. Core Tier 1 capital consists of:

j. Minority interest x x x

v. Total outstanding unsecured credit accommodations, both direct and
indirect, to DOSRI, net of allowance for credit losses;
vi. Total outstanding unsecured loans, other credit accommodations and
guarantees granted to subsidiaries, net of allowance for credit losses;

vii. Total outstanding loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees

granted to related parties that are not at arm's length terms as
determined by the appropriate supervising department of the Bangko
Sentral, net of allowance for credit losses;

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viii. Deferred tax asset, net of deferred tax liability: x x x; and
ix. Goodwill, net of allowance for losses, x x x.

Part lll. Credit Risk-Weighted Assets

A. On-Balance Sheet Assets
2. The risk-weighted amount x x x
gl LOO%riskweight-
xii. Foreign currency checks and other cash items not acceptable as
international reserves, except those which are deducted from capital, as
(1) Total outstanding unsecured credit accommodations, both direct and
indirect, to DOSRI - net of allowance for credit losses;
(21 Total outstanding unsecured loans, other credit accommodations and
guarantees granted to subsidiaries - net of allowance for credit losses;
(3) Total outstanding loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees
granted to related parties that are not at arm's length terms as
determined by the appropriate supervising department of the Bangko
Sentral - net of allowance for credit losses;
(4) Deferred tax asset, net of deferred tax liability: x x x;
(5) Goodwillxxx;
(6) Sinking fund for redemption of limited life redeemable preferred
stock with the replacement requirement x x x;
(71 Sinking fund for redemption of limited life redeemable preferred
stock without the replacement requirement x x x;
(8) Investment in equity of unconsolidated subsidiary x x x;
(9) Investment in other regulatory capital x x x;
(10) lnvestment in equity of subsidiary non-financial x x x;
(11) Significant minority investments x x x;
(12) Reciprocal investments in equity x x x.

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Section 11. Subsections 4116Q.2 and 4115Q.3 of the MORNBFI on qualifying capital
and risk-weighted assets, respectively, are hereby amended, as follows:

"Subsec. 4LLGQ.2 (2008 - 4116q.11 Qualilying capitol. The qualifying capital shall be
the sum of --
a. Tier 1 (core)capital-
(10) Minority interest x x x

Provided, further, That the following items shall be deducted from the total of
Tier l capital:
(e) Total outstanding unsecured credit accommodations, both direct and indirect,
(f) Total outstanding unsecured loans, other credit accommodations and
guarantees granted to subsidiaries;
(g) Total outstanding loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees granted
to related parties that are not at arm's length terms as determined by the
appropriate supervising department of the Bangko Sentral;
(h) Deferred income tax; and
(i) Goodwill.

"Subsec. 4116Q.3 (2008 - 4116Q.21 Risk-weighted assets. x x x

(1) general loan loss provision x x x
a. On-bolance sheet ossets. The risk-weighted x x x
(Ll Zero percent (O%) risk weight
@l One hundred percent (100%) risk weight -
(p) Foreign COCIs not denominated in foreign currencies acceptable as
international reserves, except those which are deducted from capital, as
(i) Total outstanding unsecured credit accommodations, both direct and
indirect, to DOSRI;
(ii) Total outstanding unsecured loans, other credit accommodations and
guarantees granted to subsidiaries;

Page 18 of 19
(iii) Total outstanding loans, other credit accommodations and guarantees
granted to related parties that are not at arm's length terms as
determined by the appropriate supervising department of the Bangko
(iv) Deferred income tax;
(v) Goodwill;
(vi) Sinking fund for redemption x x x;
(vii) Equity investments in unconsolidated subsidiary banks x x x;
(viii) lnvestments in debt capital instruments x x x;

(ix) Equity investments in subsidiary insurance x x x;

(x) Reciprocal investments in equity of other banks/enterprises; and
(xi) Reciprocal investments in unsecured x x x.

Section 12. Effectivity. This Circular shall take effect fifteen (15) calendar days
following its publication either in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general


!3 June 2015

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