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Grundfos CIU 150 Profibus DP

for MP 204 motor protector
Functional profile and user manual
Original functional profile and user manual. 1. Introduction

CONTENTS 1.1 About this functional profile

Page This functional profile describes the CIU 150 for the Grundfos
MP 204 motor protector.
1. Symbols used in this document 2
The data in this document are subject to change without prior
1. Introduction 2
notice. Grundfos cannot be held responsible for any problems
1.1 About this functional profile 2 caused directly or indirectly by using information in this functional
1.2 Profibus DP-V0 2 profile.
1.3 Profibus DP-V1 2
1.4 Assumptions 2 1.2 Profibus DP-V0
1.5 Definitions and abbreviations 2
The Profibus interface conforms to the Profibus DP-V0 standard
1.6 System diagram 3
for cyclic data transmission.
1.7 Specifications 4
The option of setting the Profibus address via bus is not
2. Profibus interface 5
supported as the CIM 150 has two switches for setting the
2.1 Profibus bus topology 5 address.
2.2 CIM 150 Profibus module 5
2.3 Connecting the Profibus 5 1.3 Profibus DP-V1
2.4 Setting the Profibus address 6
Only the diagnostic part and the extra three bytes of
2.5 Termination resistors 6
parameterisation data are supported. Acyclic data transmission is
2.6 LEDs 6
not supported.
2.7 Communication watchdog 6
2.8 Reaction to PLC "Stop button" 6 1.4 Assumptions
3. Functional profile 7 This functional profile assumes that the reader is familiar with
3.1 Data types 7 commissioning and programming of Profibus devices.
3.2 Control module (ControlModule, module 1) 7
3.3 Status module (StatusModule, module 4) 7 1.5 Definitions and abbreviations
3.4 Alarm code module (AlarmCode, module 5) 9
3.5 Warning bits module (WarningBits, module 6) 10 CIM 150 Communication Interface Module 150
3.6 Measurement data modules 10 CIU 150 Communication Interface Unit 150
3.7 Device identification (DeviceIdentification, module 52) 12
Cyclic Redundancy Check, a data error
3.8 Alarm and warning simulation (EventSimulation, CRC
module 3) 12 detection method
4. Fault finding 14 Enumeration List of values
4.1 LED status 14 GENIbus Proprietary Grundfos fieldbus standard
4.2 Diagnostics 14 LED Light-Emitting Diode
5. Grundfos alarm and warning codes 23 MP 204 Grundfos motor protector
6. Profibus address 25
R100 Grundfos infrared remote control
Transmission speed Kilo bits transferred per second [kbits/s]

1.6 System diagram
Figure 1 gives an overview of how to connect the CIU 150 to the
Grundfos MP 204 that is to be connected to a Profibus network.
The CIU 150 is a box incorporating a power supply module and a
CIM 150 Profibus module. It can either be mounted on a DIN rail
or on a wall. See fig. 1.
One CIU 150 is required for each MP 204 that is to be connected
to the Profibus network.

CIU 150
MP 204 motor
MP 204
Profibus DP
Modbus RTU GENIbus
GENIbus protector

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Fig. 1 MP 204 connected to the CIU 150 via GENIbus

1.7 Specifications
The table below gives an overview of the specifications for the Grundfos CIU 150. For further details, please refer to the specific sections
of this functional profile.

General data
Ambient humidity 30 % to 95 % Relative, non-condensing.
Off, constantly green, flashing red, constantly red.
GENIbus visual diagnostics LED2
See section 2.6 LEDs.
Power supply 24-240 VAC/VDC Located in the CIU 150.
GENIbus connection type RS-485
GENIbus wire configuration Three-wire + screen Conductors: A, B and Y.
Profibus specifications
Data protocol Profibus DP
Profibus implementation class DP-V0 Intelligent pump profile.
Profibus connector Screw-type terminal A, B, DGND, VP (+5 V).
Profibus connection type RS-485
Profibus wire configuration Two-wire Lines: A, B.
Communication transceiver Integrated in the product
See section 2.3.1 Data transmission rates and
Maximum cable length 100 metres at 12 Mbps
cable length.
Set via rotary switches SW3 and SW4.
Slave address 1-126
See section 2.4 Setting the Profibus address.
Set via DIP switches SW1 and SW2.
Line termination On or off
See section 2.5 Termination resistors.
Supported data rates 9600 bps to 12 Mbps See section 2. Profibus interface.
Off, constantly green, flashing red, constantly red.
Profibus visual diagnostics LED1
See section 4.2 Diagnostics.
Maximum number of Profibus units 32 Up to 125 slaves if repeaters are used.

2. Profibus interface 2.3 Connecting the Profibus
2.3.1 Data transmission rates and cable length
2.1 Profibus bus topology
Grundfos recommends to use a cable according to IEC 61158.
The Profibus-preferred bus topology is daisy chaining as
illustrated in fig. 2. The end devices of a physical bus segment Example
must be terminated (LT = Line Termination). Each device must Siemens, 6XV1 830-0EH10.
have a unique physical address [1-126]. Up to 32 Profibus
Cable length
devices can be connected to a bus segment, and by using a
repeater another 32 devices can be connected. This can be
Maximum cable length
repeated until the maximum number of addresses are used. kbits/s
Make sure that each device is connected to a proper earth [m/ft]
9.6 1200/4000
19.2 1200/4000
45.45 1200/4000

TM04 9635 4810

93.75 1000/3300
Master Slave Slave Slave
187.5 1000/3300
500 400/1300
Fig. 2 Example of Profibus bus segment with line termination 1500 200/660
3000 100/330
2.2 CIM 150 Profibus module
6000 100/330
12000 100/330

Fitting the cable

See fig. 4.
1. Connect the red conductor(s) to terminal B (pos. 1).
2. Connect the green conductor(s) to terminal A (pos. 2).
3. Connect the cable screens to earth via the earth clamp
(pos. 3).

For maximum safety and reliability, connect the

8 cable screen to earth via the earth clamp, and
make sure that all CIU 150 units are properly
earthed via the mains supply earth wire.
TM04 1699 0908

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 3 CIM 150 Profibus module fitted in the CIU 150

TM04 1700 0908

Pos. Designation Description 3

Profibus terminal B
1 B (RxD/TxD-P)
(positive data signal)
Profibus terminal A
2 A (RxD/TxD-N) Fig. 4 Connecting the Profibus
(negative data signal)
Profibus terminal DGND
(only for external termination) Pos. Description
+5 VDC 1 Profibus terminal B
4 VP
(only for external termination) 2 Profibus terminal A
On/off switches for termination 3 Earth clamp
5 SW1/SW2
4 +5 VDC
Red/green status LED for
Profibus communication
Red/green status LED for
GENIbus communication
7 LED2
between the CIU 150 and the
MP 204
Hex switch for setting the
8 SW3 Profibus address (four most
significant bits)
Hex switch for setting the
9 SW4 Profibus address (four least
significant bits)

The power supply (pos. 4, fig. 3) must only be

used for external termination.

2.4 Setting the Profibus address 2.6 LEDs
The CIM 150 Profibus module has two hexadecimal rotary The CIM 150 Profibus module has two LEDs.
switches for setting the Profibus address. The two switches are See fig. 3.
used for setting the four most significant bits (SW3) and the four
• Red/green status LED (LED1) for Profibus communication
least significant bits (SW4), respectively. See fig. 5.
• Red/green status LED (LED2) for GENIbus communication
between the CIU 150 and the Grundfos product connected.

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Status Description
Off. The CIM 150 has been switched off.
The CIM 150 is ready for Profibus data
Fig. 5 Setting the Profibus address Constantly green.
transmission (Data Exchange State).
The table below shows examples of Profibus address settings. CIM 150 module fault.
Constantly red. The CIM 150 does not support the
The Profibus address must be set decimally from Grundfos product connected.
Note 1 to 126. The address 126 is normally used for
Wrong or missing Profibus configuration
special purposes and should not be used. Flashing red.
or no contact to the Profibus master.
Profibus address SW3 SW4
8 0 8
20 1 4 Status Description

31 1 F Off. The CIM 150 is switched off.

126 7 E GENIbus communication between
Constantly green.
the CIM 150 and the MP 204 is OK.
Profibus addresses
The CIM 150 does not support the
A restart of the CIU 150 has to be performed for a Profibus Constantly red.
Grundfos product connected.
address change to take effect.
No GENIbus communication between
For complete overview of the Profibus addresses, see section
Flashing red. the CIM 150 and the Grundfos product
6. Profibus address.
2.5 Termination resistors
During start-up, there may be a delay of up to
The termination resistors are fitted on the CIM 150 Profibus Note
5 seconds before the LED2 status is updated.
module. See fig. 6.

+5V If the GENIbus address is changed (with the

R100) after connection to the CIU 150 and after
the CIU 150 has been powered on, GENIbus
390 Note
SW1 communication will be lost. The CIU 150 has to be
powered off and on again to re-establish GENIbus
220 SW2
TM04 1961 1508

2.7 Communication watchdog

390 The state of the Profibus communication watchdog can be
changed with a Profibus commissioning tool, e.g. Siemens
Simatic Manager. If the watchdog is enabled, all bits in the
ControlModule are automatically set to "0" if the Profibus
Fig. 6 Internal termination resistors
communication is broken. See section 4. Fault finding.
The CIM 150 has a DIP switch with two switches (SW1 and SW2) As a result, the MP 204 will be switched off (the connected pump/
for cutting the termination resistors in and out. Figure 7 shows the motor will be cut out).
DIP switches in cut-out state. If the Profibus watchdog is disabled, the breaking of the Profibus
communication will not lead to any reaction.

2.8 Reaction to PLC "Stop button"

TM04 1703 0908

If the PLC is stopped by the operator, all output registers will be

set to "0". As a result, the MP 204 will be switched off
(the connected pump/motor will be cut out).
Fig. 7 Cutting termination resistors in and out

DIP switch settings

Status SW1 SW2

Cut in ON ON
Cut out OFF OFF
Undefined state

To ensure stable and reliable communication,

it is important that only the termination resistors
of the first and last units in the Profibus network
are cut in.

3. Functional profile This control bit has the same function as the [R] button on the
MP 204.
3.1 Data types TestTrip
The Grundfos CIM 150 supports the following data types. Control bit that has the same function as the [T] button on the
All data types, except for data type 10, comply with specification MP 204.
IEC 61158-6 standard data types for use in Profibus profiles. • Opens relay 1 (motor control relay) and closes relay 2
(signal relay).
Data type Description
• Updates the operating mode to "TestTrip".
1 Boolean • The red "Trip" indicator light on the MP 204 is switched on
2 Integer 8 (follows relay 2).
3 Integer 16 • The MP 204 display shows "A18" (TestTrip alarm).
4 Integer 32 ResetStartCounter
5 Unsigned 8 Control bit that resets the NumberOfStartsTripCnt (module 41).
6 Unsigned 16 ResetRestartCounter
7 Unsigned 32 Control bit that resets the AutorRestartsTripCnt (module 42).
8 Floating point ResetOprTimeCounter
9 Visible string Control bit that resets the operatingTimeTripCnt (module 39).
10 Non-standard ResetEnergyCounter
Control bit that resets the EnergyTripCnt (module 36).
All multi-byte data types are transmitted with MSB
(Most Significant Byte) first. ResetLogs
Control bit that resets all maximum/minimum logs:
3.2 Control module (ControlModule, module 1) • LineVoltageMaxLog (module 45)
The control module is a Profibus output module used for the • LineVoltageMinLog (module 46)
control of the MP 204. Its data type is 10, non-standard.
• LineCurrentMaxLog (module 47)
Byte Bit Name Event trigger • LineCurrentMinLog (module 48)
• StartsPerHourMaxLog (module 49).
0 ResetAlarm Rising edge
1 TestTrip Rising edge
Control bit that switches the motor on and off.
2 ResetStartCounter Rising edge
With this bit the MP 204 operating mode can be switched
3 ResetRestartCounter Rising edge between "Started (On)" and "ActuatorStop (Off)".
4 ResetOprTimeCounter Rising edge If the MP 204 operating mode is "MotorProtectionTrip" or
5 ResetEnergyCounter Rising edge "TestTrip", the OnOff control bit has no effect.
6 ResetLogs Rising edge
0: Actuator stop, motor switched off.
7 - -
1: Start, motor switched on.
0 OnOff State
1-7 - - 3.3 Status module (StatusModule, module 4)
The status module is a Profibus input module used for reading
3.2.1 Explanation to event trigger status from the MP 204. Its data type is 10, non-standard.
Rising edge
Control bits with a rising-edge event trigger behave like a Byte Bit Name
command that is executed when a bit transition from "0" to "1" 0 ResetAlarmAck
occurs. Each of them has a corresponding acknowledge bit in the
1 TestTripAck
StatusModule which is set when the command is executed and
cleared when the control bit is written back to "0". 2 ResetStartCounterAck
State 3 ResetRestartCounterAck
Control bits with a state event trigger behave like a "state" that is 4 ResetOprTimeCounterAck
forced upon the MP 204. In the CIU 150, the "actual state" of the 5 ResetEnergyCounterAck
MP 204 as read from the StatusModule is continuously compared
6 ResetLogsAck
with the "requested" state in the ControlModule, and the CIU 150
writes the appropriate GENIbus command to the MP 204 to make 7 -
the two states correspond to each other. Due to state restrictions 0 Rotation
or priorities, this might not always be possible (see explanation to 1 ProtectionEnabled
the bit in question).
2 Ready
3.2.2 Explanation to control bits
2 3 Alarm
4 PTCInput
Control bit that resets alarms and warnings. If the motor is not in
5 PhaseSequence
operating mode "Started" and if no alarm conditions preventing
starting are present, the MP 204 will restart the motor and reset a 6-7 -
pending alarm indication, if any: OperatingMode [enumeration]
• Closes relay 1 (motor control relay) and opens relay 2 0: Started (On)
(signal relay). 3 1: MotorProtectionTrip
• Updates the operating mode to "Started". 2: TestTrip
3: ActuatorStop (Off)
• The red "Trip" indicator light on the MP 204 is switched off
(follows relay 2). SystemMode [enumeration]
0: PowerUp
If an alarm condition is present, the operating mode 4
"MotorProtectingTrip" will result (remain) instead. 1: Operating
2: MP204Fault

3.3.1 Explanation to status bits OperatingMode
ResetAlarmAck Status enumeration showing the MP 204 operating mode.
Acknowledge bit belonging to the ResetAlarm control bit. It will be
0: Started (On)
set when the control bit is set and the command has been This is the normal mode when the motor is running without
executed and will be cleared when the control bit is cleared.
alarms (warnings may be present).
TestTripAck The R1 motor relay is closed, the R2 alarm relay is open
Acknowledge bit belonging to the TestTrip control bit. It will be set and the red "Trip" indicator light on the MP 204 is off.
when the control bit is set and the command has been executed 1: MotorProtectionTrip
and will be cleared when the control bit is cleared. The MP 204 has detected an alarm condition and has
ResetStartCounterAck switched the motor off. Data module AlarmCode will
contain the related code for the alarm condition. This code
Acknowledge bit belonging to the ResetStartCounter control bit. It
is also shown in the display.
will be set when the control bit is set and the command has been
The R1 motor relay is open, the R2 alarm relay is closed
executed and will be cleared when the control bit is cleared.
and the red "Trip" indicator light on the MP 204 is on.
2: TestTrip
Acknowledge bit belonging to the ResetRestartCounter control This mode is the result of the TestTrip command or of
bit. It will be set when the control bit is set and the command has pressing the [T] button. The alarm code "18" is shown in
been executed and will be cleared when the control bit is cleared. the display. The behaviour is equal to MotorProtectionTrip.
ResetOprTimeCounterAck 3: ActuatorStop (Off)
Acknowledge bit belonging to the ResetOprTimeCounter control This mode is the result of the state control bit OnOff = 0.
bit. It will be set when the control bit is set and the command has The motor will be switched off, and the MP 204 display will
been executed and will be cleared when the control bit is cleared. show "OFF".
Protection function OnOff = 0
Acknowledge bit belonging to the ResetEnergyCounter control
bit. It will be set when the control bit is set and the command has
Started (On)
been executed and will be cleared when the control bit is cleared.
Acknowledge bit belonging to the ResetLogs control bit. It will be
set when the control bit is set and the command has been
executed and will be cleared when the control bit is cleared.
• ResetAlarm • OnOff = 1
• Reset button • ResetAlarm
Status bit indicating that the motor is rotating (consuming power).
• Auto restart • Reset button
0: No rotation.
1: Rotation. • TestTrip
• Test button
Status bit indicating whether the general protection function of the • ResetAlarm
MP 204 is enabled (the MP 204 operates as a motor protector) or • Reset button
disabled (the MP 204 just operates as a monitor and start/stop

TM04 9634 4810

0: Protection disabled. MotorProtection TestTrip ActuatorStop (Off)
1: Protection enabled.

Fig. 8 Operating mode state event diagram
Status bit indicating that the MP 204 is started or ready to be
started. During a test trip, the MP 204 will still be ready. SystemMode
Status enumeration showing the MP 204 system mode.
0: Not ready.
1: Ready. 0: PowerUp
In this mode, the MP 204 is powering up, and the "Power"
Alarm indicator light will be flashing green. A power-on delay
Status bit indicating that the motor has been switched off due to [1-254s] can be programmed with the R100 to prolong this
an alarm (operating mode equals "TestTrip" or period. After power-up, the MP 204 automatically enters
"MotorProtectionTrip"). the system mode "Operation".
1: Operation
0: No alarm. The normal system mode.
1: Alarm. 2: MP204Fault
The MP 204 has a hardware fault. Power-off is required to
PTCInput attempt restaring. It may be necessary to replace the
Status bit indicating the status of the PTC signal. MP 204.

0: Closed.
1: Open (high-temperature alarm).

Status bit indicating the actual phase sequence.

0: Phase sequence is right: L1-L2-L3.

1: Phase sequence is left: L3-L2-L1.

3.4 Alarm code module (AlarmCode, module 5)
In the AlarmCode module, the cause of a motor protection trip can be read in the form of an alarm code. The complete list of alarm codes
supported by the MP 204 is shown below.
Note that a few of the alarm codes are warnings only (W). They are included in the table for the sake of completeness. They can never
appear in the AlarmCode module, but only in the WarningBits module described in section 3.5 Warning bits module (WarningBits, module
The AlarmCode module has data type 5, unsigned 8.

Auto restart after Programmable

Code Alarm/warning description A/W Trip delay 3-phase 1-phase
alarm limit
2 Missing phase A - ● - Condition + delay Enabled
3 External alarm signal (PTC) A - ● ● Condition + delay E/D
4 Too many automatic restarts per 24 hours A - ● ● Reset required E/D + value
9 Phase sequence reversal A - ● - Condition + delay Enabled
12 Service warning W - ● ● - Value
15 Communication alarm, main system A - ● ● Condition + delay Disabled
Test trip (control module TestTrip)
18 A - ● ● Reset required -
not in alarm log
20 Insulation resistance low A+W ● ● - Condition + delay E/D + value
21 Too many starts per hour W - ● ● Condition Enabled
26 Load continues even if motor relay R1 is off W - ● ● Condition Enabled
32 Overvoltage A+W ● ● ● Condition + delay Value
40 Undervoltage A+W ● ● ● Condition + delay Value
48 Overload (current too high) A+W IEC ● ● Delay Value
56 Underload (current too low) A+W ● ● ● Delay Value
64 Overtemperature, Tempcon measurement A+W ● ● - Condition + delay E/D + value
71 Overtemperature, Pt100 measurement A+W ● ● ● Condition + delay E/D + value
91 Signal fault, Tempcon sensor W ● ● ● - E/D
111 Current asymmetry A+W ● ● - Delay Value
112 Cos(φ) too high A+W ● ● ● Delay Value
113 Cos(φ) too low A+W ● ● ● Delay Value
120 Auxiliary winding alarm A ● - ● Delay Enabled
123 Start capacitor, low A+W ● - ● Delay Value
124 Run capacitor, low A+W ● - ● Delay Value
175 Signal fault, Pt100 temperature sensor W ● ● ● - E/D

3.4.1 Explenation to alarm code table

Text Description
A/W Alarm (A), warning (W) or alarm and warning (A + W).
Delay between the appearance of an alarm until the MP 204 switches the motor off. This delay, which is
Trip delay common to all the bullet-marked alarms, can be programmed with the R100 remote control. Alarms without
Trip delay result in immediate reaction. Tripping due to overload is based on IEC standard trip curves.
1-phase/3-phase Type of motor.
Auto restart
• Condition This means that the conditions for the alarm must have disappeared before a restart is possible.
• Delay This means that restarting is delayed with the common restart delay which is programmable with the R100
remote control.
Programmable limit
• Enabled This protection is always enabled. It can only be disabled with a special programming tool.
• Disabled This protection is always disabled. It can only be enabled with a special programming tool.
• E/D Can be enabled/disabled with the R100 remote control.
• Value Value of protection limit can be programmed with the R100 remote control.

3.5 Warning bits module (WarningBits, module 6)
The WarningBits module shows all actual warning conditions, one bit for each. Contrary to alarms, there can be many simultaneous
warnings present. The complete list of warning bits and their equivalent codes are shown below.
The WarningBits module has data type 10, non-standard.

Byte Bit Bit name Equivalent code 3-phase 1-phase
0 Overvoltage 32 ● ● Value
1 Undervoltage 40 ● ● Value
2 Overload (current too high) 48 ● ● Value
3 Underload (current too low) 56 ● ● Value
4 Current asymmetry 111 ● - Value
5 - - - - -
0 Insulation resistance low 20 ● - E/D + value
1 Overtemperature, Tempcon measurement 64 ● - E/D + value
2 Overtemperature, Pt100 measurement 71 ● ● E/D + value
3 - - - - -
4 Cos(φ) too high 112 ● ● Value
5 Cos(φ) too low 113 ● ● Value
6 Too many starts per hour 21 ● ● Enabled
7 - - - - -
0 Start capacitor, low 123 - ● Value
1 Run capacitor, low 124 - ● Value
2 - - - - -
3 Signal fault, Tempcon sensor 91 ● - E/D
4 Signal fault, Pt100 temperature sensor 175 ● ● E/D
5 Service warning 12 ● ● Enabled
6 Load continues even if motor relay R1 is off 26 ● ● Enabled
7 - - - - -

3.6 Measurement data modules

Data Description
Module Name Unit Associated module(s)
type 3-phase motor 1-phase motor
7 PhaseVoltageL1 6 0.1 V L1 phase voltage Reference voltage (= 0) -
8 PhaseVoltageL2 6 0.1 V L2 phase voltage Phase voltage -
9 PhaseVoltageL3 6 0.1 V L3 phase voltage Auxiliary winding voltage -
For 1-phase motors, the
max. and min. values are
Mean of phase voltages
10 PhaseVoltageMean 6 0.1 V Phase voltage stored in
L1, L2 and L3
LineVoltageMaxLog and
11 LineVoltageL1L2 6 0.1 V L1-L2 line voltage -
For 3-phase motors, the
12 LineVoltageL2L3 6 0.1 V L2-L3 line voltage - max. and min. values are
13 LineVoltageL3L1 6 0.1 V L3-L1 line voltage - stored in
LineVoltageMaxLog and
Mean of line voltages
14 LineVoltageMean 6 0.1 V - LineVoltageMinLog.
L1-L2, L2-L3 and L3-L1
15 LineCurrentL1 6 0.1 A L1 line current Neutral current -
16 LineCurrentL2 6 0.1 A L2 line current Mains winding current -
17 LineCurrentL3 6 0.1 A L3 line current Auxiliary winding current -
Mean value of line Line current (= neutral
18 LineCurrentMean 6 0.1 A -
currents L1, L2 and L3 current)
Peak line current from Peak line current from the
19 LineCurrentStart 6 0.1 A -
the latest motor start latest motor start
Motor temperature Motor temperature
20 MotorTemp1 6 0.01 K -
measured by Tempcon measured by Tempcon
Motor temperature Motor temperature
21 MotorTemp2 6 0.01 K -
measured by PT resistor measured by PT resistor
22 LineCurrentAsym 6 0.01 % Line current asymmetry - -
23 CapacitorStart 6 1 μF - Start capacitor value -
24 CapacitorRun 6 1 μF - Run capacitor value -

Data Description
Module Name Unit Associated module(s)
type 3-phase motor 1-phase motor
Start capacitor reference
25 CapacitorStartRef 6 1 μF - -
Run capacitor reference
26 CapacitorRunRef 6 1 μF - -
27 LineFrequency 6 0.1 Hz Line frequency -
28 VoltageAngleL1L2 5 1° Voltage angle L1-L2 - -
29 VoltageAngleL1L3 5 1° Voltage angle L2-L3 - -
L1 current phase angle
30 CosPhiL1 5 0.01 - -
L2 current phase angle
31 CosPhiL1 5 0.01 - -
L3 current phase angle
32 CosPhiL1 5 0.01 - -
Mean phase angle Mean phase angle cosine
33 CosPhi 0.01 -
cosine (power factor) (power factor)
34 Power 7 1W Power consumption Power consumption -
35 Energy 7 1 kWh Energy consumption Energy consumption -
Energy consumption trip Energy consumption trip ResetEnergyCounter in
36 EnergyTripCnt 7 1 kWh
counter (resettable) counter (resettable) control module
37 OperatingTime 7 1h Operating time Operating time -
38 TotalPoweredTime 7 1h Total powered time Total powered time -
Operating time trip Operating time trip counter ResetOprTimeCounter in
39 OperatingTimeTripCnt 7 1h
counter (resettable) (resettable) control module
40 NumberOfStarts 7 1 Number of starts counter Number of starts counter
Number of starts trip Number of starts trip ResetStartCounter in
41 NumberOfStartsTripCnt 7 1
counter (resettable) counter (resettable) control module
Auto-restarts trip counter Auto-restarts trip counter ResetRestartCounter in
42 AutoRestartsTripCnt 7 1
(resettable) (resettable) control module
43 InsulationResistance 6 10 kW Insulation resistance - -
44 PhaseVoltageDistortion 6 0.01 % Phase voltage distortion Phase voltage distortion -
These values are stored
Logged maximum value Logged maximum value of until resetting with
45 LineVoltageMaxLog 6 0.1 V
of line voltage line voltage ResetLogs command in
control module
Logged minimum value Logged minimum value of
46 LineVoltageMinLog 6 0.1 V -
of line voltage line voltage
Logged maximum value Logged maximum value of
47 LineCurrentMaxLog 6 0.1 A -
of line current line current
Logged minimum value Logged minimum value of
48 LineCurrentMinLog 6 0.1 A -
of line current line current
Logged maximum value Logged maximum value of
49 StartsPerHourMaxLog 5 1 -
of starts per hour starts per hour
Starts per hour (moving Starts per hour (moving Maxaximum value stored in
50 StartsPerHour 5 1
average) average) StartsPerHourMaxLog
Auto restarts per hour Auto restarts per hour ResetLogs command in
51 AutoRestartsPer24h 5 1
(moving average) (moving average) control module

3.7 Device identification (DeviceIdentification, module 52)
The data type is 10, non-standard.

Byte Name/description

UnitFamily [enumeration] UnitType [enumeration]

5: UPE, 3-phase
1: UPE/MAGNA circulator pump 7: MAGNA, 1-phase
9: MAGNA, 1-phase, small
2: MGE, 1-phase
3: MGE, 3-phase
2: E-pump, 1-phase/3-phase, based on MGE motor or
4: MGE, 3-phase, large
CUE frequency converter
5: CUE frequency converter
6: MGE, 3-phase, model G
7: MP 204 motor protector 1: MP 204
1: With 3-phase pumps
17: Hydro Multi-E
2: With 1-phase pumps
1: Hydro MPC/Control MPC, CU 351
21: Hydro MPC/Control MPC, Hydro Multi-B
2: Hydro Multi-B, CU 323
25: CR Monitor 1: CR Monitor, CU 351
26: Dedicated Controls 1: Dedicated Controls, CU 361
30: Smart Digital Dosing, DDA 1: Smart Digital Dosing, DDA
UnitType [enumeration]
According to description above.
UnitVersion [enumeration]
Used by Grundfos.
4 CIMSoftwareVersion [number]
5 CIMSoftwareRevision [number]
6 CIMModel [enumeration]

3.8 Alarm and warning simulation (EventSimulation, module 3)

This is a Profibus output module used to activate the alarm and warning simulation function in the MP 204.
The data type is 10, non-standard.
The bits for simulation of warnings and alarms have the same interpretation as the bits in the WarningBits module. See section
3.5 Warning bits module (WarningBits, module 6). Some extra bits are added for simulation of the alarms that cannot appear as warnings.

Byte Name Description Event trigger

1 WarningSimBits1 Same bit interpretation as WarningBits byte 1 Value change
2 WarningSimBits2 Same bit interpretation as WarningBits byte 2 Value change
3 WarningSimBits3 Same bit interpretation as WarningBits byte 3 Value change
4 AlarmSimBits1 Same bit interpretation as WarningBits byte 1 with extra bits Value change
5 AlarmSimBits2 Same bit interpretation as WarningBits byte 2 with extra bits Value change
6 AlarmSimBits3 Same bit interpretation as WarningBits byte 3 with extra bits Value change

Byte Bit Bit name Warning simulation Alarm simulation

1 WarningSimBits1 AlarmSimBits1
0 Overvoltage 32 ● ●
1 Undervoltage 40 ● ●
2 Overload (current too high) 48 ● ●
3 Underload (current too low) 56 ● ●
4 Current asymmetry 111 ● ●
5 Phase sequence reversal 9 - ●
6 Missing phase 2 - ●
7 Communication alarm, main system 15 - ●
WarningSimBits2 AlarmSimBits2
0 Insulation resistance low 20 ● ●
1 Overtemperature, Tempcon measurement 64 ● ●
2 Overtemperature, Pt100 measurement 71 ● ●
3 External alarm signal (PTC) 3 - ●
4 Cos(φ) too high 112 ● ●
5 Cos(φ) too low 113 ● ●
6 Too many starts per hour 21 ● ●
7 Too many automatic restarts per 24 hours 4 Cannot be simulated
WarningSimBits3 AlarmSimBits3
0 Start capacitor, low 123 ● ●
1 Run capacitor, low 124 ● ●
2 Auxiliary winding alarm 120 - ●
3 Signal fault, Tempcon sensor 91 ● ●
4 Signal fault, Pt100 temperature sensor 175 ● ●
5 Service warning 12 Cannot be simulated
6 Load continues even if motor relay R1 is off 26 Cannot be simulated
7 - - - -
The simulation of an alarm or a warning can be stopped as
• Clear the simulation bit.
• Execute the ResetAlarm command.
• Press the [R] button on the MP 204.
• Switch the MP 204 off and on.
To simulate a current asymmetry alarm, set AlarmSimBits1
(byte 4, bit 4) in the EventSimulation module to "1".
To simulate a Pt100 sensor signal fault warning, set
WarningSimBits3 (byte 3, bit 4) in the EventSimulation module to

4. Fault finding
Faults in a CIM 150 Profibus module can be detected by observing the status of the two communication LEDs. See the table below.

4.1 LED status

Fault (LED status) Possible cause Remedy

1. Both LEDs (LED1 and LED2) remain off a) The CIU 150 is defective.
Replace the CIU 150.
when the power supply is connected.
2. The LED for internal communication a) No internal communication between the • Check the cable connection between the
(LED2) is flashing red. CIU 150 and the MP 204. CIU 150 and the MP 204.
• Check that the individual conductors have
been fitted correctly.
• Check the power supply to the MP 204.
3. The LED for internal communication a) The CIM 150 does not support the
Contact the nearest Grundfos company.
(LED2) is constantly red. connected MP 204.
4. The Profibus LED (LED1) is constantly a) Fault in the CIM 150.
Contact the nearest Grundfos company.
5. The Profibus LED (LED1) is flashing a) Fault in the CIM 150 Profibus • Check that the Profibus address
red. configuration. (switches SW3 and SW4) has a valid
value [1-126].
See section 2.4 Setting the Profibus
• Check that the GSD file used is correct.
• Check that the Profibus cable has been
fitted correctly.
• Check that the Profibus termination is
See section 2.5 Termination resistors.

4.2 Diagnostics
Besides WarningBits and AlarmCode, the device can also
actively send information about its own state. Diagnostics are
important information which an automation system can use to
initiate corrective measures.
To transmit diagnostic information, the standard mechanisms of
the Profibus DP are used, and messages are actively sent to the
class 1 master. Profibus DP provides a protocol to transmit
information to the class 1 master with a higher priority than the
user data.

4.2.1 Structure of diagnostic message

Byte 0
Byte 1 Station status 1-3
Byte 2

Byte 3 Master Profibus address

Byte 4 High byte

Manufacturer ID
Byte 5 Low byte
Extended diagnostics
Byte 6

Byte 7

Reserved Reserved for DP-V1

Byte 13

Byte 14
Diagnostics Mask
Diagnostics Mask

Byte 17

Byte 18 Diagnostics
Byte 19 Hardware

Byte 20 Diagnostics
Byte 21 Software

Byte 22 Diagnostics
Byte 24

Byte 25 Diagnostics
Diagnostic Profile-specific diagnostics
Byte 27

Byte 28 Diagnostics
Byte 29 Liquid

Byte 30
Byte 34

Byte 35

Byte 39

Byte 40

Manufacture Grundfos extended diagnostics
TM04 2383 4710

Byte 68

Fig. 9 Diagnostic message

4.2.2 Station status
The station status 1 to 3 provide an overview of the status of a DP slave.
Structure of station status 1 (byte 0)

Byte Bit Description Remedy

• Is the correct Profibus address set on the DP slave?
• Bus connector/FOC connected?
The DP slave cannot be addressed by the • Voltage on DP slave?
DP master. The bit in the DP slave is always 0. • RS-485 repeater set correctly?
• Has a reset been performed on the DP slave
(switch off/switch off)?
1 The DP slave is not ready for the data exchange. • Wait for the DP slave to complete start-up.
The configuration data sent to the DP slave by the • Correct station type or correct configuration of the
2 DP master does not match the actual configuration of DP slave entered in the configuration software?
the DP slave.
• Evaluate the identifier-related module status and/or
channel-related diagnosis. As soon as all errors are
3 External diagnostics available. remedied, bit 3 is reset. The bit is reset when there
is a new diagnostic message in the bytes of the
diagnostics indicated above.
The requested function is not supported by the • Check the configuration.
DP slave.
The DP master cannot interpret the response of • Check the bus configuration.
the DP slave.
The DP slave type does not correspond to the • Was the configuration software set for the correct
software configuration. station type?
• The bit is always 1, for example if you access the DP
The DP slave was configured by a different slave with the programming device or another DP
7 DP master (not by the DP master that currently master. The Profibus address of the DP master that
has access to the DP slave). configured the DP slave is located in the "Master
Profibus address" diagnostic byte.

Structure of station status 2 (byte 1)

Byte Bit Description

0 The DP slave must be re-configured.
1 The slave is in start-up phase.
2 The bit in the DP slave is always 1.
3 Response monitoring has been enabled for this DP slave.
4 The DP slave has received the "FREEZE" control command.
5 The DP slave has received the "SYNC" control command.
6 The bit is always 0.
7 The DP slave is deactivated, i.e. it has been removed from the current processing.

Structure of station status 3 (byte 2)

Byte Bit Description

0 to 6 The bits are always 0.
7 There are more channel-specific diagnostic messages than can be represented in the diagnostic frame.

4.2.3 Master Profibus address 4.2.6 Diagnostics Mask
The Profibus address of the DP master is stored in the master This is part of the Profibus profile for intelligent pumps from
Profibus address diagnostic byte. Profibus International. This mask is used to specify the structure
This diagnostic byte has been configured by the DP slave and of the extended diagnostics.
has read- and write-access to the DP slave. Unsupported bits are read as 0.
The master Profibus address is located in byte 3 of the slave Structure of Diagnostics Mask
FFH in byte 3 Byte Bit Description
If the FFH value in byte 3 is given as the master Profibus address, 0 0
the DP slave is not configured by the DP master.
1 0
4.2.4 Manufacturer ID
2 0
The manufacturer ID contains a code that describes the type of
3 0
the DP slave. 14
4 0
Byte 4 Byte 5 Manufacturer ID for 5 0
0BH 5AH CIM/CIU 150 - MP 204 6 0
7 0
4.2.5 Extended diagnostics
0 0
Byte 6 is the number of bytes following, including byte 6.
1 0
Byte 6 has this structure:
2 0
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 0
Always 0 Number of extended diagnostic bytes (0-63) 4 0
5 0
Byte 6 always has the value 3FH.
6 0
7 0
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
1 DIA_AUX_DEVICE (4.2.13)
2 DIA_OPERATION (4.2.12)
3 DIA_PROC_LIQUID (4.2.11)
4 DIA_ELECTRICS (4.2.10)
6 DIA_SOFTWARE (4.2.8)
7 DIA_HARDWARE (4.2.7)

4.2.7 Diagnostics Hardware 4.2.8 Diagnostics Software
Additional diagnostic information about the device, related to the Additional diagnostic information about the device, related to the
device hardware. More than one message possible at the same device software. More than one message possible at the same
time. time.
Only the bits supported by Grundfos are shown. Only the bits supported by Grundfos are shown.
A particular device type (e.g. MP 204) does not support all bits. A particular device type (e.g. MP 204) does not support all bits.
Unsupported bits are read as 0. Unsupported bits are read as 0.
Structure of Diagnostics Hardware Structure of Diagnostics Software

Byte Bit Description Cause Byte Bit Description Cause

0 0 Indicates a failure of
0 SoftwareFault
1 0 device software.

2 0 1 0

3 0 2 0

Indicates a fault in the 20 3 0

18 4 MeasureCircuit measurement elements of 4 0
device hardware. 5 0
5 0 6 0
Indicates a 7 0
6 Communication
communication fault.
0 0
7 0
1 0
0 0
2 0
1 0
3 0
2 0
4 0
3 0
21 5 0
4 0
6 0
19 5 0
Indicates additional
6 0 manufacturer-specific
Indicates additional 7 software diagnostics in
diagnostic information
manufacturer-specific the manufacturer-specific
7 hardware diagnostics in area.
diagnostic information
the manufacturer-specific

4.2.9 Diagnostics Mechanics 4.2.10 Diagnostics Electrics
Additional diagnostic information about the device, related to the Additional diagnostic information about the device, related to the
device mechanics. More than one message possible at the same device electrics. More than one message possible at the same
time. time.
Only the bits supported by Grundfos are shown. Only the bits supported by Grundfos are shown.
A particular device type (e.g. MP 204) does not support all bits. A particular device type (e.g. MP 204) does not support all bits.
Unsupported bits are read as 0. Unsupported bits are read as 0.
Structure of Diagnostics Mechanics Structure of Diagnostics Electrics

Byte Bit Description Cause Byte Bit Description Cause

0 0 0 0
1 RotorBlocked Indicates a blocked rotor. Indicates an unacceptable
Indicates unacceptably 1 InstallationFault electrical installation,
2 ExcessVibration e.g. mixed-up phases.
high mechanical vibration.
Indicates a generic 2 0
22 3 BearingFault
bearing failure. Indicates too high supply
3 SupplyVoltHigh
4 0 25 voltage.

5 0 Indicates too low supply

4 SupplyVoltLow
6 0
5 0
7 0
Indicates too high supply
0 0 6 SupplyCurrHigh
1 0 7 0
2 0
0 0
3 0
23 1 0
4 0 2 0
5 0
Indicates a phase failure,
3 PhaseFailure
6 0 e.g. missing phase.
7 0 4 0
0 0 Indicates unacceptable
5 CurrentInDevice
1 0 current inside the device.
2 0 6 0
3 0 7 0
4 0 0 0
24 5 0 Indicates an unacceptably
1 InsulationResist
low winding resistance.
6 0
2 0
Indicates additional
manufacturer-specific 3 0
7 software diagnostics in 4 0
diagnostic information
the manufacturer-specific 27
5 0
6 0
Indicates additional
7 software diagnostics in
diagnostic information
the manufacturer-specific

4.2.11 Diagnostics Liquid Structure of Diagnostics Operation
Additional diagnostic information about the device, related to the
device liquid. More than one message possible at the same time. Byte Bit Description Cause
Only the bits supported by Grundfos are shown. 0 0
A particular device type (e.g. MP 204) does not support all bits. 1 0
Unsupported bits are read as 0. Indicates that the pump is
Structure of Diagnostics Liquid 2 TurbineOp working as a turbine
(reverse flow).
Byte Bit Description Cause 30 3 0
0 0 4 0
Indicates cavitation of the 5 0
1 Cavitation
pumped liquid. 6 0
2 0 7 0
3 DryRunning Indicates dry running. 0 0
28 4 0 1 0
5 0 2 0
6 0 3 0
Indicates an abnormal 4 0
7 Temperature temperature of the
5 0
pumped liquid.
6 0
0 0
7 0
1 0
0 0
2 0
1 0
3 0
2 0
4 0
Indicates a problem with
29 5 0 3 Lubricant
32 the lubricant.
6 0
4 0
Indicates additional
5 0
Manufacturer-specific 6 0
7 software diagnostics in
diagnostic information
the manufacturer-specific 7 0
0 0
4.2.12 Diagnostics Operation 1 OverLoad Indicates overload.
Additional diagnostic information about the device, related to the 2 0
device operation. More than one message possible at the same
3 0
Indicates a leakage
Only the bits supported by Grundfos are shown.
33 4 Leakage problem, e.g. leakage of
A particular device type (e.g. MP 204) does not support all bits. the mechanical seal.
Unsupported bits are read as 0.
Indicates a generic
5 TemperatureFault temperature problem of
the pump.
6 0
7 0
0 0
1 0
Indicates overheating of
2 MotorOverheat
the motor.
Indicates overheating of
3 ContrOverheat
the controller.
Indicates overheating of
34 4 ConvOverheat
the frequency converter.
5 0
6 0
Indicates additional
7 software diagnostics in
diagnostic information
the manufacturer-specific

4.2.13 Diagnostics Auxiliary 4.2.14 Diagnostics Manufacturer-specific
Additional diagnostic information about the device, related to the Additional diagnostic information about the device, related to the
device auxiliary. More than one message possible at the same manufacturer-specific diagnostics. More than one message
time. possible at the same time.
Only the bits supported by Grundfos are shown. The bits supported by the MP 204 are marked with a bullet.
A particular device type (e.g. MP 204) does not support all bits. Structure of Diagnostics Manufacturer-specific
Unsupported bits are read as 0.
Byte Bit Description
Structure of Diagnostics Auxiliary
0 Missing phase ●
Byte Bit Description Cause
1 Too many restarts ●
Indicates a generic failure 2 Regenerative braking -
0 AuxDeviceFault
of an auxiliary device.
3 Mains fault -
1 0 40
4 Too many hardware shutdowns -
2 0
5 PWM switching frequency reduced -
35 3 0
6 Water-in-oil fault (motor oil) -
4 0
7 Moisture alarm, analog -
5 0
Electronic DC-link protection activated
6 0 0 -
7 0 1 Communication fault, main system (SCADA) ●
0 0 2 Other -
1 0 41 3 Performance requirement cannot be met -
2 0 4 Commanded alarm standby (trip) ●
3 0 5 Diaphragm break (dosing pump) -
4 0 6 Too many starts per hour ●
5 0 7 Moisture switch alarm, digital -
6 0 0 Smart trim gap alarm -
7 0 1 Setup conflict -
0 0 Load continues even if the motor has been
2 ●
1 0 switched off
2 0 External motor protector activated
3 ●
42 (e.g. MP 204)
3 0
37 4 Battery low -
4 0
Change varistor(s) (specific service
5 0 5 -
6 0
6 Automatic motor model recognition failed -
7 0
7 Undervoltage transient -
0 0
0 Cut-in fault (dV/dt) -
1 0
1 Voltage asymmetry -
2 0
Motor protection function, general shutdown
3 0 2 -
38 (MPF)
4 0 3 Motor slip high -
5 0 43
4 Kipped motor -
6 0 5 Motor protection function, 3 sec. limit -
7 0 6 Motor current protection activated (MCP) -
0 0 Electronic rectifier protection activated
7 -
1 0 (ERP)
2 0 0 Electronic inverter protection activated (EIP) -
3 0 1 Underload ●
4 0 2 Low flow -
39 5 0 3 No flow -
6 0 4 Thermal relay 1 in motor (e.g. Klixon) -
Indicates additional 5 Thermal relay 2 in motor (e.g. thermistor) -
manufacturer-specific 6 Motor temperature 2 (Pt100, t_mo2) ●
7 software diagnostics in
diagnostic information 7 Motor temperature 3 (Pt100, t_mo3) -
the manufacturer-specific

Byte Bit Description Byte Bit Description
Bearing temperature high (Pt100), 0 Signal fault, extra temperature sensor -
0 -
in general or top bearing 1 Signal fault, general-purpose sensor -
Bearing temperature high (Pt100), 2 Unknown sensor type -
1 -
middle bearing
3 Limit exceeded, sensor 1 -
Bearing temperature high (Pt100), 51
2 - 4 Limit exceeded, sensor 2 -
bottom bearing
5 Limit exceeded, sensor 3 -
45 Motor bearing temperature high (Pt100)
3 -
in drive end (DE) 6 Limit exceeded, sensor 4 -
Motor bearing temperature high (Pt100) 7 Limit exceeded, sensor 5 -
4 -
in non-drive end (NDE) 0 Limit exceeded, sensor 6 -
5 Hardware fault, type 1 - 1 Setpoint signal outside range -
6 Hardware shutdown (HSD) - 2 Signal fault, setpoint input -
7 Internal supply voltage too high - 3 Signal fault, input for setpoint influence -
0 Internal supply voltage too low - 4 Signal fault, input for analog setpoint -
1 Internal communication fault - 5 Software shutdown -
2 Communication fault, twin-head pump - 6 Skew load, electrical asymmetry -
3 Fault, speed plug - 7 Current asymmetry ●
4 Functional fault, add-on module - 0 Cos(φ) too high ●
5 Communication fault, add-on module - 1 Cos(φ) too low ●
6 Fault, analog output - Auxiliary winding fault
2 ●
7 Communication fault, display - (single-phase motors)
0 Inrush fault - Auxiliary winding current too high
3 -
Communication fault, internal frequency (single-phase motors)
1 - 53 Auxiliary winding current too low
converter module
4 -
(single-phase motors)
2 Real-time clock out of order -
Start capacitor, low
3 Hardware fault, type 2 - 5 ●
47 (single-phase motors)
4 Verification error, data area (RAM) -
Run capacitor, low
5 Verification error, code area (ROM, FLASH) - 6 ●
(single-phase motors)
Verification error, FE parameter area 7 Application alarm -
6 -
0 External sensor input high -
7 Memory access error -
1 External sensor input low -
Verification error, BE parameter area
0 - 2 Alarm on all pumps -
3 Inconsistency between sensors -
1 Sensor fault - 54
4 Level float switch sequence inconsistency -
2 Signal fault, (feedback) sensor 1 -
3 Signal fault, speed sensor - 5 Water shortage, level 1 -
6 Non-return valve fault -
4 Signal fault, temperature 1 sensor ●
7 Overpressure -
5 Calibration fault, (feedback) sensor -
6 Signal fault, sensor 2 - 0 Underpressure -
Diaphragm tank precharge pressure out of
7 Limit exceeded, sensor 1 - 1 -
0 Limit exceeded, sensor 2 -
2 VFD not ready -
1 Signal fault, pressure sensor -
55 3 Water shortage, level 2 -
2 Signal fault, flow sensor -
4 Soft pressure build-up timeout -
3 Signal fault, water-in-oil (WIO) sensor -
5 Pilot pump alarm -
49 4 Signal fault, moisture sensor -
6 Alarm, general-purpose sensor high -
5 Signal fault, atmospheric pressure sensor -
7 Alarm, general-purpose sensor low -
Signal fault, rotor position sensor
6 - 0 Pressure relief not adequate -
(Hall sensor)
1 Network alarm -
7 Signal fault, rotor origo sensor -
2 Ethernet: No IP address from DHCP server -
0 Signal fault, temperature 2 sensor (t_mo2) ●
1 Signal fault, temperature 3 sensor (t_mo3) - 3 Ethernet: Auto-disabled due to misuse -
56 4 Ethernet: IP address conflict -
2 Signal fault, Smart trim gap sensor -
Time for service (general service
3 Signal fault, vibration sensor - 5 -
Signal fault, bearing temperature sensor
50 4 - 6 CIM fault (Communication Interface Module) -
(Pt100), general or top bearing
7 - ●
Signal fault, bearing temperature sensor
5 -
(Pt100), middle bearing
6 Signal fault, PTC sensor (short-circuited) -
Signal fault, bearing temperature sensor
7 -
(Pt100), bottom bearing

5. Grundfos alarm and warning codes
This is a complete list of alarm and warning codes for Grundfos products. For the codes supported by the MP 204, see section 3.4 Alarm
code module (AlarmCode, module 5).

Code Description Code Description Code Description

Gas in pump head, deaerating
1 Leakage current 35 76 Internal communication fault
Communication fault, twin-head
2 Missing phase 36 Discharge valve leakage 77
3 External fault signal 37 Suction valve leakage 78 Fault, speed plug
4 Too many restarts 38 Vent valve defective 79 Functional fault, add-on module
5 Regenerative braking 40 Undervoltage 80 Hardware fault, type 2
6 Mains fault 41 Undervoltage transient 81 Verification error, data area (RAM)
Verification error, code area
7 Too many hardware shutdowns 42 Cut-in fault (dV/dt) 82
PWM switching frequency Verification error, FE parameter
8 45 Voltage asymmetry 83
reduced area (EEPROM)
9 Phase sequence reversal 48 Overload 84 Memory access error
Verification error, BE parameter
10 Communication fault, pump 49 Overcurrent (i_line, i_dc, i_mo) 85
area (EEPROM)
Motor protection function,
11 Water-in-oil fault (motor oil) 50 88 Sensor fault
general shutdown (MPF)
Time for service
12 51 Blocked motor/pump 89 Signal fault, (feedback) sensor 1
(general service information)
13 Moisture alarm, analog 52 Motor slip high 90 Signal fault, speed sensor
Electronic DC-link protection
14 53 Kipped motor 91 Signal fault, temperature 1 sensor
activated (ERP)
Communication fault, main system Motor protection function, Calibration fault, (feedback)
15 54 92
(SCADA) 3 sec. limit sensor
Motor current protection activated
16 Other 55 93 Signal fault, sensor 2
Performance requirement cannot
17 56 Underload 94 Limit exceeded, sensor 1
be met
18 Commanded alarm standby (trip) 57 Dry running 95 Limit exceeded, sensor 2
19 Diaphragm break (dosing pump) 58 Low flow 96 Setpoint signal outside range
20 Insulation resistance low 59 No flow 97 Signal fault, setpoint input
Signal fault, input for setpoint
21 Too many starts per hour 64 Overtemperature 98
Motor temperature 1 Signal fault, input for analog
22 Moisture switch alarm, digital 65 99
(t_m or t_mo or t_mo1) setpoint
Temperature, control electronics
23 Smart trim gap alarm 66 104 Software shutdown
Temperature too high, internal Electronic rectifier protection
24 Vibration 67 105
frequency converter module (t_m) activated (ERP)
External temperature/ Electronic inverter protection
25 Setup conflict 68 106
water temperature (t_w) activated (EIP)
Load continues even if the motor Thermal relay 1 in motor
26 69 110 Skew load, electrical asymmetry
has been switched off (e.g. Klixon)
External motor protector activated Thermal relay 2 in motor
27 70 111 Current asymmetry
(e.g. MP 204) (e.g. thermistor)
Motor temperature 2
28 Battery low 71 112 Cos(φ) too high
(Pt100, t_mo2)
Turbine operation
29 72 Hardware fault, type 1 113 Cos(φ) too low
(impellers forced backwards)
Change bearings Auxiliary winding fault
30 73 Hardware shutdown (HSD) 120
(specific service information) (single-phase motors)
Change varistor(s) Auxiliary winding current too high
31 74 Internal supply voltage too high 121
(specific service information) (single-phase motors)
Auxiliary winding current too low
32 Overvoltage 75 Internal supply voltage too low 122
(single-phase motors)

Code Description Code Description Code Description
Start capacitor, low Signal fault, extra temperature
123 183 215 Soft pressure build-up timeout
(single-phase motors) sensor
Run capacitor, low Signal fault, general-purpose
124 184 216 Pilot pump alarm
(single-phase motors) sensor
Motor temperature 3 Alarm, general-purpose sensor
144 185 Unknown sensor type 217
(Pt100, t_mo3) high
Bearing temperature high (Pt100), Alarm, general-purpose sensor
145 186 Signal fault, power meter sensor 218
in general or top bearing low
Bearing temperature high (Pt100),
146 187 Signal fault, energy meter 219 Pressure relief not adequate
middle bearing
Bearing temperature high (Pt100),
147 188 Signal fault, user-defined sensor 220 Fault, motor contactor feedback
bottom bearing
Motor bearing temperature high
148 189 Signal fault, level sensor 221 Fault, mixer contactor feedback
(Pt100) in drive end (DE)
Limit exceeded, sensor 1
Motor bearing temperature high
149 190 (e.g. alarm level in WW 222 Time for service, mixer
(Pt100) in non-drive end (NDE)
Communication fault, add-on Limit exceeded, sensor 2 Maximum number of mixer starts
152 191 223
module (e.g. high level in WW application) per hour exceeded
Limit exceeded, sensor 3
Pump fault (due to auxiliary
153 Fault, analog output 192 (e.g. overflow level in WW 224
component or general fault)
Communication fault, pump
154 Communication fault, display 193 Limit exceeded, sensor 4 225
155 Inrush fault 194 Limit exceeded, sensor 5 226 Communication fault, I/O module
Communication fault, internal
156 195 Limit exceeded, sensor 6 227 Combi event
frequency converter module
157 Real-time clock out of order 196 Operation with reduced efficiency 228 Not used
Hardware circuit measurement
158 197 Operation with reduced pressure 229 Not used
CIM fault (Communication Operation with increased power
159 198 230 Network alarm
Interface Module) consumption
Process out of range (monitoring/ Ethernet: No IP address from
160 GSM modem, SIM card fault 199 231
estimation/calculation/control) DHCP server
Ethernet: Auto-disabled due to
168 Signal fault, pressure sensor 200 Application alarm 232
169 Signal fault, flow sensor 201 External sensor input high 233 Ethernet: IP address conflict
Signal fault, water-in-oil (WIO)
170 202 External sensor input low 236 Pump 1 fault
171 Signal fault, moisture sensor 203 Alarm on all pumps 237 Pump 2 fault
Signal fault, atmospheric pressure
172 204 Inconsistency between sensors 238 Pump 3 fault
Signal fault, rotor position sensor Level float switch sequence
173 205 239 Pump 4 fault
(Hall sensor) inconsistency
Lubricate bearings
174 Signal fault, rotor origo sensor 206 Water shortage, level 1 240
(specific service information)
Signal fault, temperature 2 sensor
175 207 Water leakage 241 Motor phase failure
Signal fault, temperature 3 sensor Automatic motor model
176 208 Cavitation 242
(t_mo3) recognition failed
Motor relay has been forced
177 Signal fault, Smart trim gap sensor 209 Non-return valve fault 243
(manually operated/commanded)
178 Signal fault, vibration sensor 210 Overpressure 244 Fault, On/Off/Auto switch
Signal fault, bearing temperature
179 sensor (Pt100), general or 211 Underpressure 245 Pump continuous runtime too long
top bearing
User-defined relay has been
Signal fault, bearing temperature Diaphragm tank precharge
180 212 246 forced (manually operated/
sensor (Pt100), middle bearing pressure out of range
Signal fault, PTC sensor Power-on notice (device/system
181 213 VFD not ready 247
(short-circuited) has been switched off)
Signal fault, bearing temperature
182 214 Water shortage, level 2 248 Fault, battery/UPS
sensor (Pt100), bottom bearing

6. Profibus address
Decimal to hexidecimal conversion table for setting of the Profibus address switches. See section 2.4 Setting the Profibus address.

Profibus address SW3 SW4 Profibus address SW3 SW4 Profibus address SW3 SW4
1 0 1 46 2 E 91 5 B
2 0 2 47 2 F 92 5 C
3 0 3 48 3 0 93 5 D
4 0 4 49 3 1 94 5 E
5 0 5 50 3 2 95 5 F
6 0 6 51 3 3 96 6 0
7 0 7 52 3 4 97 6 1
8 0 8 53 3 5 98 6 2
9 0 9 54 3 6 99 6 3
10 0 A 55 3 7 100 6 4
11 0 B 56 3 8 101 6 5
12 0 C 57 3 9 102 6 6
13 0 D 58 3 A 103 6 7
14 0 E 59 3 B 104 6 8
15 0 F 60 3 C 105 6 9
16 1 0 61 3 D 106 6 A
17 1 1 62 3 E 107 6 B
18 1 2 63 3 F 108 6 C
19 1 3 64 4 0 109 6 D
20 1 4 65 4 1 110 6 E
21 1 5 66 4 2 111 6 F
22 1 6 67 4 3 112 7 0
23 1 7 68 4 4 113 7 1
24 1 8 69 4 5 114 7 2
25 1 9 70 4 6 115 7 3
26 1 A 71 4 7 116 7 4
27 1 B 72 4 8 117 7 5
28 1 C 73 4 9 118 7 6
29 1 D 74 4 A 119 7 7
30 1 E 75 4 B 120 7 8
31 1 F 76 4 C 121 7 9
32 2 0 77 4 D 122 7 A
33 2 1 78 4 E 123 7 B
34 2 2 79 4 F 124 7 C
35 2 3 80 5 0 125 7 D
36 2 4 81 5 1 126 7 E
37 2 5 82 5 2
38 2 6 83 5 3
39 2 7 84 5 4
40 2 8 85 5 5
41 2 9 86 5 6
42 2 A 87 5 7
43 2 B 88 5 8
44 2 C 89 5 9
45 2 D 90 5 A

Subject to alterations.

Argentina Estonia Latvia Slovenia
Bombas GRUNDFOS de Argentina S.A. GRUNDFOS Pumps Eesti OÜ SIA GRUNDFOS Pumps Latvia GRUNDFOS d.o.o.
Ruta Panamericana km. 37.500 Lote 34A Peterburi tee 92G Deglava biznesa centrs Šlandrova 8b, SI-1231 Ljubljana-Črnuče
1619 - Garin 11415 Tallinn Augusta Deglava ielā 60, LV-1035, Rīga, Phone: +386 1 568 0610
Pcia. de Buenos Aires Tel: + 372 606 1690 Tālr.: + 371 714 9640, 7 149 641 Telefax: +386 1 568 0619
Phone: +54-3327 414 444 Fax: + 372 606 1691 Fakss: + 371 914 9646 E-mail: [email protected]
Telefax: +54-3327 411 111
Finland Lithuania South Africa
Australia OY GRUNDFOS Pumput AB GRUNDFOS Pumps UAB Corner Mountjoy and George Allen Roads
GRUNDFOS Pumps Pty. Ltd. Mestarintie 11 Smolensko g. 6 Wilbart Ext. 2
P.O. Box 2040 FIN-01730 Vantaa LT-03201 Vilnius Bedfordview 2008
Regency Park Phone: +358-3066 5650 Tel: + 370 52 395 430 Phone: (+27) 11 579 4800
South Australia 5942 Telefax: +358-3066 56550 Fax: + 370 52 395 431 Fax: (+27) 11 455 6066
Phone: +61-8-8461-4611 E-mail: [email protected]
Telefax: +61-8-8340 0155 France Malaysia
Pompes GRUNDFOS Distribution S.A. GRUNDFOS Pumps Sdn. Bhd. Spain
Austria Parc d’Activités de Chesnes 7 Jalan Peguam U1/25 Bombas GRUNDFOS España S.A.
GRUNDFOS Pumpen Vertrieb 57, rue de Malacombe Glenmarie Industrial Park Camino de la Fuentecilla, s/n
Ges.m.b.H. F-38290 St. Quentin Fallavier (Lyon) 40150 Shah Alam E-28110 Algete (Madrid)
Grundfosstraße 2 Tél.: +33-4 74 82 15 15 Selangor Tel.: +34-91-848 8800
A-5082 Grödig/Salzburg Télécopie: +33-4 74 94 10 51 Phone: +60-3-5569 2922 Telefax: +34-91-628 0465
Tel.: +43-6246-883-0 Telefax: +60-3-5569 2866
Telefax: +43-6246-883-30 Germany Sweden
Belgium Schlüterstr. 33 Bombas GRUNDFOS de México S.A. de Box 333 (Lunnagårdsgatan 6)
N.V. GRUNDFOS Bellux S.A. 40699 Erkrath C.V. 431 24 Mölndal
Boomsesteenweg 81-83 Tel.: +49-(0) 211 929 69-0 Boulevard TLC No. 15 Tel.: +46(0)771-32 23 00
B-2630 Aartselaar Telefax: +49-(0) 211 929 69-3799 Parque Industrial Stiva Aeropuerto Telefax: +46(0)31-331 94 60
Tél.: +32-3-870 7300 e-mail: [email protected] Apodaca, N.L. 66600
Télécopie: +32-3-870 7301 Service in Deutschland: Phone: +52-81-8144 4000 Switzerland
e-mail: [email protected] Telefax: +52-81-8144 4010 GRUNDFOS Pumpen AG
Belorussia Bruggacherstrasse 10
Представительство ГРУНДФОС в Greece Netherlands CH-8117 Fällanden/ZH
Минске GRUNDFOS Hellas A.E.B.E. GRUNDFOS Netherlands Tel.: +41-1-806 8111
220123, Минск, 20th km. Athinon-Markopoulou Av. Veluwezoom 35 Telefax: +41-1-806 8115
ул. В. Хоружей, 22, оф. 1105 P.O. Box 71 1326 AE Almere
Тел.: +(37517) 233 97 65, GR-19002 Peania Postbus 22015 Taiwan
Факс: +(37517) 233 97 69 Phone: +0030-210-66 83 400 1302 CA ALMERE GRUNDFOS Pumps (Taiwan) Ltd.
E-mail: [email protected] Telefax: +0030-210-66 46 273 Tel.: +31-88-478 6336 7 Floor, 219 Min-Chuan Road
Telefax: +31-88-478 6332 Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Bosnia/Herzegovina Hong Kong E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +886-4-2305 0868
GRUNDFOS Sarajevo GRUNDFOS Pumps (Hong Kong) Ltd. Telefax: +886-4-2305 0878
Trg Heroja 16, Unit 1, Ground floor New Zealand
BiH-71000 Sarajevo Siu Wai Industrial Centre GRUNDFOS Pumps NZ Ltd. Thailand
Phone: +387 33 713 290 29-33 Wing Hong Street & 17 Beatrice Tinsley Crescent GRUNDFOS (Thailand) Ltd.
Telefax: +387 33 659 079 68 King Lam Street, Cheung Sha Wan North Harbour Industrial Estate 92 Chaloem Phrakiat Rama 9 Road,
e-mail: [email protected] Kowloon Albany, Auckland Dokmai, Pravej, Bangkok 10250
Phone: +852-27861706 / 27861741 Phone: +64-9-415 3240 Phone: +66-2-725 8999
Brazil Telefax: +852-27858664 Telefax: +64-9-415 3250 Telefax: +66-2-725 8998
Av. Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco, Hungary Norway Turkey
630 GRUNDFOS Hungária Kft. GRUNDFOS Pumper A/S GRUNDFOS POMPA San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
CEP 09850 - 300 Park u. 8 Strømsveien 344 Gebze Organize Sanayi Bölgesi
São Bernardo do Campo - SP H-2045 Törökbálint, Postboks 235, Leirdal Ihsan dede Caddesi,
Phone: +55-11 4393 5533 Phone: +36-23 511 110 N-1011 Oslo 2. yol 200. Sokak No. 204
Telefax: +55-11 4343 5015 Telefax: +36-23 511 111 Tlf.: +47-22 90 47 00 41490 Gebze/ Kocaeli
Telefax: +47-22 32 21 50 Phone: +90 - 262-679 7979
Bulgaria India Telefax: +90 - 262-679 7905
Grundfos Bulgaria EOOD GRUNDFOS Pumps India Private Limited Poland E-mail: [email protected]
Slatina District 118 Old Mahabalipuram Road GRUNDFOS Pompy Sp. z o.o.
Iztochna Tangenta street no. 100 Thoraipakkam ul. Klonowa 23 Ukraine
BG - 1592 Sofia Chennai 600 096 Baranowo k. Poznania ТОВ ГРУНДФОС УКРАЇНА
Tel. +359 2 49 22 200 Phone: +91-44 2496 6800 PL-62-081 Przeźmierowo 01010 Київ, Вул. Московська 8б,
Fax. +359 2 49 22 201 Tel: (+48-61) 650 13 00 Тел.:(+38 044) 390 40 50
email: [email protected] Indonesia Fax: (+48-61) 650 13 50 Фах.: (+38 044) 390 40 59
PT GRUNDFOS Pompa E-mail: [email protected]
Canada Jl. Rawa Sumur III, Blok III / CC-1 Portugal
GRUNDFOS Canada Inc. Kawasan Industri, Pulogadung Bombas GRUNDFOS Portugal, S.A. United Arab Emirates
2941 Brighton Road Jakarta 13930 Rua Calvet de Magalhães, 241 GRUNDFOS Gulf Distribution
Oakville, Ontario Phone: +62-21-460 6909 Apartado 1079 P.O. Box 16768
L6H 6C9 Telefax: +62-21-460 6910 / 460 6901 P-2770-153 Paço de Arcos Jebel Ali Free Zone
Phone: +1-905 829 9533 Tel.: +351-21-440 76 00 Dubai
Telefax: +1-905 829 9512 Ireland Telefax: +351-21-440 76 90 Phone: +971-4- 8815 166
GRUNDFOS (Ireland) Ltd. Telefax: +971-4-8815 136
China Unit A, Merrywell Business Park România
GRUNDFOS Pumps (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Ballymount Road Lower GRUNDFOS Pompe România SRL United Kingdom
50/F Maxdo Center No. 8 XingYi Rd. Dublin 12 Bd. Biruintei, nr 103 GRUNDFOS Pumps Ltd.
Hongqiao development Zone Phone: +353-1-4089 800 Pantelimon county Ilfov Grovebury Road
Shanghai 200336 Telefax: +353-1-4089 830 Phone: +40 21 200 4100 Leighton Buzzard/Beds. LU7 8TL
PRC Telefax: +40 21 200 4101 Phone: +44-1525-850000
Phone: +86-021-612 252 22 Italy E-mail: [email protected] Telefax: +44-1525-850011
Telefax: +86-021-612 253 33 GRUNDFOS Pompe Italia S.r.l.
Via Gran Sasso 4 Russia U.S.A.
Croatia I-20060 Truccazzano (Milano) ООО Грундфос GRUNDFOS Pumps Corporation
GRUNDFOS CROATIA d.o.o. Tel.: +39-02-95838112 Россия, 109544 Москва, ул. Школьная 17100 West 118th Terrace
Cebini 37, Buzin Telefax: +39-02-95309290 / 95838461 39 Olathe, Kansas 66061
HR-10010 Zagreb Тел. (+7) 495 737 30 00, 564 88 00 Phone: +1-913-227-3400
Phone: +385 1 6595 400 Japan Факс (+7) 495 737 75 36, 564 88 11 Telefax: +1-913-227-3500
Telefax: +385 1 6595 499 GRUNDFOS Pumps K.K. E-mail [email protected]
Gotanda Metalion Bldg., 5F, Usbekistan Представительство ГРУНДФОС в
5-21-15, Higashi-gotanda Serbia
Czech Republic Shiagawa-ku, Tokyo GRUNDFOS Predstavništvo Beograd Ташкенте
GRUNDFOS s.r.o. 141-0022 Japan Dr. Milutina Ivkovića 2a/29 700000 Ташкент ул.Усмана Носира 1-й
Čajkovského 21 Phone: +81 35 448 1391 YU-11000 Beograd тупик 5
779 00 Olomouc Telefax: +81 35 448 9619 Phone: +381 11 26 47 877 / 11 26 47 496 Телефон: (3712) 55-68-15
Phone: +420-585-716 111 Telefax: +381 11 26 48 340 Факс: (3712) 53-36-35
Telefax: +420-585-716 299 Korea
GRUNDFOS Pumps Korea Ltd. Singapore
Denmark 6th Floor, Aju Building 679-5 GRUNDFOS (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
GRUNDFOS DK A/S Yeoksam-dong, Kangnam-ku, 135-916 24 Tuas West Road
Martin Bachs Vej 3 Seoul, Korea Jurong Town
DK-8850 Bjerringbro Phone: +82-2-5317 600 Singapore 638381
Tlf.: +45-87 50 50 50 Telefax: +82-2-5633 725 Phone: +65-6865 1222
Telefax: +45-87 50 51 51 Telefax: +65-6861 8402
E-mail: [email protected]

Addresses revised 29.09.2010

Being responsible is our foundation
Thinking ahead makes it possible
Innovation is the essence

97799171 0411
Repl. 97799171 0211

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