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Professional Development Needs Assessment



Professional Development Needs Assessment

The profession of nursing relies on moral and ethical guidelines. Throughout history,

nurses have played a pivotal role in the provision of care, protection and quality healthcare to

patients. Like any other profession, leadership and management skills are the most important tools

for effectiveness in nursing. The nurse is the primary caregiver to the patient. The nurse has to

monitor the condition of the patients on a daily basis. It is their duty to comfort the patients and

their families. In case of an emergency situation, the nurse has to be capable of handling the

situation. This requires adequate leadership and management skills. Professional communication

skills are also of as much importance as other skills.

Differentiation between leadership and management

Although leadership and management are often interchangeably used terms. The main

difference between them is the role they play in an organization. It is not necessary for a good

manager nurse to be a good leader and a good leader nurse may not nessecarily be an effective

leader. A leader makes people believe in his vision and follows him in order to achieve the goal.

A manager, on the other hand, is concerned more with the administration and the fulfilment of the

day-to-day tasks within the organization (Kelly & Tazbir, 2014). He or she holds a specific

position among the organizational hierarchy of a medical establishment. A manager basically

executes the vision by developing a roadmap to the achievement of the goal (Antrobus & Kitson,


Key nursing leadership, management and communication concepts


The same concept applies to the nursing profession. As a lead nurse one has to have a

strong vision and should be highly spirited to make the employees follow him. A good lead nurse

is has a commitment that turns to perseverance. The real test of this commitment is when the nurse

knows that no matter how difficult it may be, he has to get up and serve with a smile. A good

leader includes the staff in the setting up of priorities and takes into account their insights. This

makes the staff have a stake in the strategic plan (Kelly & Tazbir, 2014). No doubt, commitment

to the vision starts with the leader. The lead nurse has to evaluate his moves and should be open

to criticism and re-evaluation.

As indicated by Sellgren, Ekvall and Tomson (2006), quick decision power plays a central

role in good leadership. For instance, a patient already suffering from cardiac disease suffers from

cardiac arrest, an ordinary person may be panicked in such a chaotic situation. An effective nurse

leader, on the other hand, will immediately apply CPR to save the patient. This is a classic example

of the chaotic nature of the medical establishment environment.

A nurse in the leading position knows that patient satisfaction is inter-related to patient

satisfaction. In order for its realization, the nurse should develop a realistic plan. He should

incorporate the limitations of the staff and should be able to project the fact that quality standards

and effective patient safety are a way of life. The lead nurse should evaluate the productivity of

the staff be examining their progress on the atleast weekly basis. An example might be a case of

a 20-bed monitored surgical unit, it is wise to develop a plan for the addition of another service

synonymous with the pre-existing service (Kelly & Tazbir, 2014). Combining nephrology with

kidney or cardiac transplant services would increase productivity in such case.


All this might be necessary for the nurse to play an effective role in leadership, but a

dominant factor in this regard, often neglected, is the finance. A good lead nurse should also take

into account money-related problems. The action plan should be able to save money after the

payment of salaries and other expenditures. These savings, in turn, might be invested back into

the services. In the end, the leader should reward good service and should not hesitate to

vituperate upon inadequate service.

A good lead nurse is pivotal to the provision of good service, but if the managing nurse is

not effective, then the quality of health care will no doubt suffer. The first requirement for an

effective manager is adequate training. A good manager should be able to effectively manage

and keep under control an otherwise chaotic environment of the healthcare system. The manager

is the one who develops the key plan to realize the vision set forth by the lead nurse (Kelly &

Tazbir, 2014). A successful managing nurse formulates the plan; coordinates with different team

members; control the situation to make the environment favourable; delegate the duties to a

respective team member, and effectively communicates with different departments and between

the team members and the lead nurse.

The managing nurse plays the role of a bridge between the leader and the staff. A good

manager plans and monitors day-to-day tasks and is adept to work under strict deadlines. Good

management is the key to the smooth operation of the medical establishment.

Personal leadership and communication style

The manner in which a nurse exerts his or her leadership over the staff has far-reaching

repercussions on the running of the medical establishment. The personal leadership style of the

nurse impacts the staff productivity, turn-over rates and teamwork of the staff. One of the most

effective and productive styles of leadership is the Democratic one. The staff has an active

participation in the decision-making process, thus having a higher stake in the organizational

structure. The lead nurse gathers input from the staff and incorporates the best ideas in the

strategic plan. This style thrives in the medical environment as the skills and knowledge of team

members from differing backgrounds come together resulting in the establishment of the most

effective plans to move forward. Although generally considered the most effective style, some

facts make this style not so desirable; such as incorporating everyone's input and ideas makes it a

rather time-consuming method. Furthermore, the team members with an aggressive nature may

result in the holding back of the non-aggressive ones (Tomey, 2009).

Therefore some degree of autocracy may also be necessary for effective leadership and

management. The lead nurse should have the final say in the end. An effective leader should also

reward or punish the team members on their respective performances.

Future professional development

There is always a place for improvement of skills for a leader or a manager. Nurses

should continue their educations to keep up with the advancing field of medical science. A good

nurse should develop and enhance his or her listening and communication skills. It is a job

requiring patience and a good manager nurse should be able to adapt in this regard. The manager

should continue self-improvement by developing common interest communities for the staff to

share their experiences and information. Lack of arrogance and willingness to learn are the keys

to improvement.


Antrobus, S., & Kitson, A. (1999). Nursing leadership: influencing and shaping health

policy and nursing practice. Journal of advanced nursing, 29(3), 746-753.

Kelly, P., & Tazbir, J. (2014). Essentials of nursing leadership and management (3rd ed.).

Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.

Sellgren, S., Ekvall, G., & Tomson, G. (2006). Leadership styles in nursing management:

preferred and perceived. Journal of Nursing Management, 14(5), 348-355.

Tomey, A. M. (2009). Nursing management and leadership. Elsevier, Missouri.

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