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The ABCs of safety

Biogas is really no more dangerous than other fuels such as wood, gasoline, or bottled gas. But
just as these fuels have their ways of being dangerous, so does biogas. Face it; anything that can
cook meals and fuel an engine can also burn people.

Certain precautions should be observed in the operation of biogas systems. Biogas can be
explosive when mixed with air in the proportion of one part biogas to 8-20 parts air in an
enclosed space. This situation can occur when a digester is opened for cleaning, when biogas is
released to repair a gas storage tank, or when there is a gas leak in a poorly ventilated room. In
such cases, avoid sparks, smoking, and open flames.

A biogas leak can be smelled if the hydrogen sulfide has not been removed from the biogas. It
smells like rotten eggs. No one should go inside large digesters unless they have a companion on
the outside who can get them out in case they need help. Although the methane and carbon
dioxide of biogas are not poisonous, a person may stop breathing if there is too much biogas and
not enough oxygen in the air they are trying to breath.

Never allow negative pressure in a biogas system. Negative pressure occurs when the force
created by the weight of the gases outside the biogas system is greater than the force inside the
system. In normal operations the pressure inside the system should always be greater. How much
greater should always be measured on a pressure gauge (see Diagram 14).

Negative pressure will pull air into the biogas system and the mixture of biogas and air might
explode. If that does not happen, the oxygen in the air will kill the biogas bacteria and the gas
production rate will drop. The only time the danger of negative pressure usually becomes a real
possibility is when a person wants more gas from a digester than it can produce or there is an
unnoticed gas leak.

When biogas is used at pressures below one column inch of water as measured on a pressure
gauge, it is very likely that the flame will go out. Even though there is not much gas left in the
system, biogas will continue to come out. Then the possibility for a spark or flame causing an
explosion in the room or negative pressure pulling air into the biogas system causing an
explosion in the system, becomes real (Maramba, 1978).

When opening a biogas digester for cleaning or repairing, do not use candles or smoke cigarettes.
For light inside the digester, use a flashlight or have a person standing outside reflect sunlight off
a mirror.

Make frequent smell checks for gas leaks in plastic pipes, Joints, clamps, and gate valves. Rats
have been known to bite holes in plastic pipes. Stoves and gas mantle lamps should be placed
with fire safety in mind. Special care must be taken in buildings with grass roofs to make sure
that gas lamps are a good distance from the roof.
If the rotten egg smell of biogas is noticed in a room, immediately open doors and windows in
order to get rid of the trapped gas before looking for the leak. On no account should anyone
smoke cigarettes in the room. In case of fire in a house or engine room, shut the gas off at the
gate valve just after the gas storage tank to keep biogas from feeding the fire.

When using any kind of gas, light the match first, then open the gas valve. If the valve is opened
first and gas is allowed to flow without being lit for any length of time, large amounts of gas can
escape and any flame might ignite a fireball.

Children must be taught not to play with fire close to biogas systems, in case there are any gas
leaks which could cause a fire or explosion (A Chinese Biogas Manual, 1976).

Brass gate valves and pipes used in biogas systems must be of a lead-free type. The hydrogen
sulfide in biogas will destroy lead, which will cause gas leaks.

The following flame arrester suggestion is adapted from the Guidebook on Biogas Development.
A flame arrester is a safety device that should be added to every gas line. It is usually placed
either just after the gate valve at the digester and just before the gas stove or stationary engine.
Its purpose is, in case of fire, to prevent the flame from travelling down the gas pipe into the gas
storage tank or digester and causing an explosion.

The arrester can be a ball or roll of fine mesh copper wire (iron and steel would rust) inserted
into the gas pipe. It is sometimes not realized that this forms a barrier to the free and full flow of
gas. It is recommended that the flame arrester be placed in a length of pipe of slightly larger
diameter than the gas pipe. For a 0.5 inch pipe use a 0.75 inch arrester pipe; for a 1.0 inch pipe
use a 1.25 inch arrester pipe.

It is very important that if a digester is built underground, that it is built in a place that never
floods. If an above ground digester is built in an area that sometimes floods, make sure that the
openings into the digester are above the high water mark. If a digester is built in an area that does
have floods, safety measures should be taken in advance so that the gas can escape in case the
digester and/or the gas storage tank are flooded. Failure to do so could result in dangerous,
uncontrolled release of biogas and if the digester is a plastic bag, it could float up and away. An
upside-down "T" pipe should be placed at the highest vertical point in the gas pipe line above the
gas outlet from the digester. A vertical pipe and a gate valve should be joined to the stem of the
upside-down "T" pipe. The gate valve can then be opened to release the biogas if a flood
threatens to cover either the digester or the gas storage tank.

The following is a list of safety measures that should be read with great care before a biogas
system is built.

1) Regularly check the whole system for leaks.

2) Provide ventilation around all gas lines.

3) Always maintain a positive pressure in the system.

4) The engine room floor must be at or above ground level to avoid the buildup of heavier- than-
air gases.

5) The engine room roof must be vented at its highest point to allow lighter-than-air gases to
escape. This is also true for greenhouses that have biogas digesters, engines, or burners in them.

6) The engine exhaust pipe must be extended so that the dangerous and deadly exhaust gases are
released outside the building.

7) Metal digesters and gas storage tanks must have wires to lead lightning to the ground.

8) Gas lines must drain water into condensation traps.

9) No smoking or open flames should be allowed near biogas digesters and gas storage tanks,
especially when checking for gas leaks.

Methane, the flammable part of biogas, is a lesser danger to life than many other fuels. However,
in the making and using of an invisible fuel, dangerous situations can arise unexpectedly and
swiftly--such as when a gas pipe is accidently cut. On the other hand, precaution can be
exaggerated. When cars first appeared on the roads, a man waving a red flag came
first. Remember the ABC's: Always Be Careful (Fry, 1974).

Health hazards

Health hazards are associated with the handling of night soil and with the use of sludge from
untreated human excrete as fertilizer.

In general, published data indicate that a digestion time of 14 days at 35 C is effective in killing
(99.9 per cent die-off rate) the enteric bacterial pathogens and the enteric group of viruses.
However, the die-off rate for roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) and hookworm (Ancylostoma)
is only 90 per cent, which is still high. In this context, biogas production would provide a public
health benefit beyond that of any other treatment in managing the rural health environment of
developing countries.

Bottlenecks, considerations, and research and development

Bioconversion of organic domestic and farm residues has become attractive as its technology has
been successfully tested through experience on both small- and large-scale projects. Feeding
upon renewable resources and non-polluting in process technology, biogas generation serves a
triple function: waste removal, management of the environment, and energy production.
Nevertheless, there are still several problems (14, 19, 20) that impede the efficient working of
biogas generating systems (Table 5).
TABLE 5. Considerations Relating to Bottlenecks in Biogas Generation
Aspect Bottlenecks Remarks
Planning Availability and ease of transportation Use of algae and hydroponic plants offsets high
of raw transportation costs of materials not readily at
materials and processed residual hand. Easily dried residual products facilitate
products transportation.
Site selection Nature of subsoil, water table, and availability of
solar radiation, prevailing climatic conditions, and
strength of village population need to be
Financial contraints: Digester design; Use of cheap construction materials, emphasizing
high low capital and maintenance costs and simplicity o
Transportation costs of digester operation; provision of subsidies and loans that are
materials; not burdensome.
installation and maintenance costs;
increasing labour costs in distribution
biogas products for domestic purposes
Necessity to own or have access to Well-planned rural community development,
relatively ownership and biogas distribution schemes
large number of cattle necessary.
Social contraints and psychological Development of publicity programmes to
prejudice against the use of raw counteract contraints compounded by illiteracy;
materials provision of incentives for development of small-
scale integrated biogas systems.
Technical Improper preparation of influent solids Proper milling and other treatment measures (pre-
leading to blockage and scum soaking, adjustment of C/N ratio); removal of iner
formation particles: sand and rocks.
Temperature fluctuations Careful regulation of temperature through use of
low-cost insulating materials (sawdust, bagasse,
grass, cotton waste, wheat straw); incorporation of
auxiliary solar heating system.
Maintenance of pH for optimal growth Appropriate choice of raw material, regulation of
of C/N ratio and dilution rate.
Methanogenic bacteria Appropriate mixing of N-rich and N-poor
C/N ratio substrates with cellulosic substrates.
Dilution ratio of influent solids content Appropriate treatment of raw materials to avoid
stratification and scum formation.
Retention time of slurry Dependent upon dilution ratio, loading rate,
digestion temperature.
Loading rate Dependent upon digester size, dilution ratio,
digestion temperature.
Seeding of an appropriate bacterial Development of specific and potent cultures.
Population for biogas generation
Corrosion of gas holder Construction from cheap materials (glass fibre,
clay, jute-fibre reinforced plastic) and/or regular
cleaning and layering with protective materials
(e.g., lubricating oil).
Pin-hole leakages (digester tank, Establishment of "no leak" conditions, use of
holder, external protective coating materials (PVC,
inlet, outlet) creosotes
Occurrence of CO2 reducing calorific Reduction in CO2 content through passage in
value of biogas lime-water
Occurrence of water condensate in gas Appropriate drainage system using condensate
supply system (blockage, rusting) traps
Occurrence of H2S leading to On a village scale, H2S removed by passing over
corrosion ferric oxide or iron filings
Improper combustion Designing of air-gas mixing appliances necessary
Maintenance of gas supply at constant Regulation of uniform distribution and use of gas;
pressure removal of water condensate from piping systems;
appropriate choice of gas holder in terms of weigh
and capacity
Residue Risks to health and plant crops Avoid use of chemical industry effluents; more
utilization resulting research on type, nature, and die-off rates of
from residual accumulation of toxic persisting organisms; minimize long transportation
materials period of un-dried effluent
and encysted pathogens
Health Hazards to human health in Linkage of latrine run-offs into biogas reactors
transporting promotes non-manual operations and general
night soil and other wastes (gray- aesthetics
Safety Improper handling and storage of Appropriate measures necessary for plant
methane operation, handling, and storage of biogas through
provision of extension and servicing facilities
Rural communities using the integrated system are appropriate examples of recycled societies
that benefit from low-capital investments on a decentralized basis and such communities are
attuned to the environment. The technology thus seeded and spawned is, in essence, a populist
technology based on "Nature's income and not on Nature's capital."
Biogas generated from locally available waste material seems to be one of the answers to the
energy problem in most rural areas of developing countries. Gas generation consumes about one-
fourth of the dung, but the available heat of the gas is about 20 per cent more than that obtained
by burning the entire amount of dung directly. This is mainly due to the very high efficiency (60
per cent) of utilization compared to the poor efficiency (11 per cent) of burning dung cakes
Several thousand biogas plants have been constructed in developing countries. A screening of the
literature indicates that the experience of pioneering individuals and organizations has been the
guiding principle rather than a defined scientific approach. Several basic chemical,
microbiological, engineering, and social problems have to be tackled to ensure the large-scale
adoption of biogas plants, with the concomitant assurances of economic success and cultural
acceptance. Various experiences suggest that efficiency in operation needs to be developed, and
some important factors are: reduction in the use of steel in current gas plant designs; optimum
design of plants, efficient burners, heating of digesters with solar radiation, coupling of biogas
systems with other non-conventional energy sources, design of large-scale community plants,
optimum utilization of digested slurry, microbiological conversion of CO2 to CH4, improvement
of the efficiency of digestion of dung and other cellulosic material through enzyme action and
other pre-digestion methods, and anaerobic di gestion of urban wastes
We may summarize some of the research and development tasks that need to be undertaken as
In basic research:
a. Studies on the choice, culture, and management of the micro-organisms involved in the
generation of methane.
b. Studies on bacterial behaviour and growth in the simulated environment of a digester
(fermentation components: rate, yield of gas, composition of gas as a function of variables - pH,
temperature, agitation - with relation to substrates - manure, algae, water hyacinths).
In applied research:
a. Studies on improving biogas reactor design and economics focusing on: alternative
construction materials in stead of steel and cement; seeding devices; gas purification methods;
auxiliary heating systems; insulator materials; development of appropriate appliances for
efficient biogas utilization (e.g. burners, lamps, mini tractors, etc.).
b. Studies for determining and increasing the traditionally acknowledged fertilizer value of
c. Studies on quicker de-watering of sludge.
d. Studies on deployment of methane to strengthening small-scale industries, e.g., brick-making,
welding, etc.
In social research:
a. Effective deployment of the written, spoken, and printed word in overcoming the social
constraints to the use of biogas by rural populations.
b. Programmes designed to illustrate the benefits accruing to rural household and community
hygiene and health.
c. Programmes designed to illustrate the need for proper management of rural natural resources
and for boosting rural crop yields in counteracting food and feed unavailability and insufficiency.
d. On-site training of extension and technical personnel for field-work geared to the construction,
operation, maintenance, and servicing of biogas generating systems.
e. Involvement and training of rural administrative and technical personnel in regional, national,
and international activities focusing on the potentials and benefits of integrated biogas systems.
Table 6 shows a number of the benefits of biogas utilization, set against the related drawbacks of
presently used alternatives.
Present problems Benefits of Biogas
Depletion of forests for firewood and causation of Positive impact on deforestation; relieves a portion of the
ecological imbalance and climatic changes labour force from having to collect wood and transport
helps conserve local energy resources
Burning of dung cakes: source of environmental Inexpensive solution to problem of rural fuel shortage;
pollution; decreases inorganic nutrients; night soil improvements in the living and health standards of rural
transportation a hazard to health and village communities; provides employment
opportunities in spin-off small-scale industries
Untreated manure, organic wastes, and residues lost Residual sludge is applied as top-dressing; good soil
as conditioner; inorganic residue useful for land reclamation
valuable fertilizer
Untreated refuse and organic wastes a direct threat to Effective destruction of intestinal pathogens and parasites
health end-products non-polluting, cheap; odours non-offensive
Initial high cost resulting from installation, System pays for itself
maintenance, storage, and distribution costs of end-
Social constraints and psychological prejudice to use Income-generator and apt example of self-reliance and
of human waste materials self-

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