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Time : 25 minutes only
1. The theme for the Sunday school for the year 13. What is the name of the thanksgiving feast
2018 is inaugurated to celebrate the victory of the Jews
a. the finger of god over their enemies
b. the unseen hand of God a. Durim b. the Passover c. the Pentecost
c. the powerful hand of God d. Purim
d. the miraculous hand of God 14. The following events show the hand of God in the
2. The theme is taken from the scriptural passage book of Esther except
a. Exodus 6:19 a. the deposition (removal)of Vashti
b. Exodus7: 19 b. God answered the verbal prayers of Esther
c. Exodus 8:19 c. the death of Haman
d. Exodus 8:20 d. the remembrance of Mordecai ‘s loyal deed
3. Our study this year is based on the study of the 15. Esther is in perfect harmony with the book of
life of Esther as recorded in Nehemiah and
a. Esther chapter 1 only a. Ezra b. Ecclesiastes c. Job d. Jeremiah
b. Esther chapter 3 only 16. King Ahasuerus reigned from
c. Esther chapter 1 and 2 only a. 485 – 465 bc
d. Esther 2 and 3 only b. 485 – 463 bc
4. The book of Esther records events in the life of c. 485 – 462 bc
the Jews and the kingdom of d. 485 – 460 bc
a. Babylon b. Persia c. Media d. Egypt 17. Who was recognized as a holy man of God in the
5. The name of God is not mentioned in Esther. bible by the woman of Shunem even when the
Which other book of the bible shows this feature holy man of God had not spoken a word to her
a. Ecclesiastes b. psalms c. songs of Solomon a. Elijah b. Elisha c. Ezekiel d. Samuel
d. Lamentations 18. According Proverbs 21:1, what is in the lords
6. The following are bible commentaries that were hands ?
consulted in writing the Sunday school manual a. Power b. The heart of Kings c. Dominion
except d. An arrow
a. Matthew Henry b. John Barnes 19. There were seven days of additional feasting
c. Adam Clarke d. John Gill after the main feast for
7. The Sunday school manual this year, also took a. all inhabitants of Shushan the palace
learning from the book ___________ b. the male inhabitants of Shushan the palace
a. Quiet Labours b. Silent Labours c. all the female inhabitants of Shushan the
c. Gentle Labours d. Peaceful Labours palace
8. The book of Esther is classified with what portion d. all the princes only
of the old testament books 20. According to our manual ,why did Ahasuerus call
a. prophetic b. historical c. poetic d. legal for the main feast in the first place?
9. How many provinces make up the empire of king a. He wanted advice on the projected
Ahasuerus expedition to Egypt
a. 125 b. 126 c. 127 d. 128 b. he wanted advice on the projected
10. King Ahasuerus planned to invade the kingdom of exhibition to Israel
a. Greece b. Persia c. Egypt d. Babylon c. he wanted advice on the projected
11. Who planned the destruction of the Jews in the expedition to Greece
book of Esther d. he wanted advice on the projected exhibition
a. Hitler b. Haman c. Pharaoh d. Herod to Babylon.
12. Another name for Esther is 21. Philippians 4: 5 says, let your ______ be known
a. Dinah b. Hadassah c. Hagai d. Ruth to all men
a. gentleness b. purity c. carefulness
d. moderation


Time : 25 minutes only
22. According to the title of part 2 b of our manual, a. 1 b.2 c.3 d.4
the waste of wealth is 38. Select the most complete description
a. bad b. good c. disastrous d. ungodly a. Justification is the forgiveness of the believer
23. What we have is loaned to us and b. Justification is the forgiveness of the believer
a. not owned by us b. not given to us and the imputation of the righteousness of
c. owned by us d. for our use only Christ on him
24. Characteristics of vanity include all these except c. Justification is the forgiveness of the believer,
a. Emptiness b. grows quickly c. costly the forgetting of his old sins and the
d. can see clearly imputation of the righteousness of Christ on
25. All these make evil ambition destructive except him
a. It has an immoderate love of fame d. Justification is the forgiveness of the believer,
b. It has an immoderate love of power the forgetting of his old sins, the imputation
c. It has an moderate love for knowledge of the righteousness of Christ on him coupled
d. It has an immoderate love for display with a change in his nature
26. Vanity and ________ often go together 39. The righteousness of Christ is imputed to the
according to our manual believers nature through the process called
a. cruelty b. joy c. sorrow d. toughness a. Holiness b. Sanctification c. Keeping the
27. In what year of his reign did king Ahasuerus Mosaic Law d. Worship
make a feast for his officials 40. The search for virgins throughout the entire
a. first-year b. 2nd year c. 3rd year d. 4th province of Persia can be compared to_________
year in the new testament
28. How many eunuchs served in the presence of a. The great commission
king Ahasuerus at his feast in chapter 1 b. The Rapture
a. 5 b. 7 c. 12 d. 15 c. The second coming of Christ
29. Who suggested the plan that queen Vashti d. Man of Lawlessness
should be removed as punishment True/False
a. Mordecai b. Bigthan c. Memucan 41. Repentance can become too late
d. Carshena 42. Domestic peace in the home can be procured by
30. Who was in charge of the beautiful young virgins the law
a. Hegai b. Tarshish c. Memucan d. Bigthan 43. Anger is a sin against the Christian rule of life
31. Who was Mordecai's father? 44. Man has a nature that enjoys flattery
a. Kish b. Jair c. Shimei d. Jesse 45. Penalties can be used as instruments of
32. Which tribe was Mordecai from? vengeance
a. Judah b. Levi c. Benjamin d. Ephraim 46. Anger can be destructive
33. Who was the last king of Judah 47. Women are 2nd class citizens in the gospel of
a. Jeroboam b. Zerubbabel c. Jeconiah Jesus Christ
d. Hezekiah 48. Chronologically (time), the events in Esther
34. Who was Mordecai’s grandfather occurred before the events in Nehemiah
a. Kish b. Shimei c. Zethar d. Jair 49. Christians can reveal God through their character
35. Esther is what number in the order of books in 50. Every true Christian is an adopted Child of God
the old testament
a. 15th b. 16th c.17th d. 18th
36. In some ways, Hegai was to Esther what _____ is
to us believers in the new testament.
a. The Word of God b. Prayer c. The Holy
Spirit d. The Pastor
37. Justification and Sanctification of believer
through the finished work of Christ is Tenet no
______ of The Apostolic Church tenet

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