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Review on the 2000 Revised Rules on Criminal Rule 116

Procedure 2002 Edition Arraignment and


RULE 116

The accused must be arraigned before the court. That is the manifestation of the right of the
accused to be informed as to the nature and cause of the accusation against him. The procedure is there
in [a].

SECTION 1. Arraignment and plea; how made. (a) The accused must be arraigned
before the court where the complaint or information was filed or assigned for
trial. The arraignment shall be made in open court by the judge or clerk by
furnishing the accused with a copy of the complaint or information, reading the
same in the language or dialect known to him, and asking him whether he pleads
guilty or not guilty. The prosecution may call at the trial witnesses other than
those named in the complaint or information.
x x x x x

You can even ask for a copy of the complaint and information there, although normally the lawyers
ask for it in advance, they do not merely ask during the arraignment, before the arraignment may
kopya na sila. Take note of the last sentence:

“The prosecution may call on the trial witnesses other than those named in
the complaint or information.”

Have you seen a criminal information? Normally, at the last potion – “Witnesses for the prosecution:
Aquiatan, Tormon, Salesa, Balite and others.” Mayroon man usually iyan “and others”. The prosecution
will sometimes not name all. So mayroong reservation.

Q: Now, can you question that reservation of the fiscal? If you are the accused, can you question
that procedure?
A: YES, puwede. Whether it is possible for the prosecution not to name everybody was the issue in
the case of


December 7, 1993

HELD: “There is nothing that could prevent the prosecution from presenting witnesses
in court not listed in the information, as it is well settled that the court has the undisputed
right to call on a witness whose name does not appear in the list of the fiscal, unless the
omission of said witness is intentional and tainted with bad faith. The established rule is
that the prosecution may call unlisted witnesses to testify.”
“Moreover, the purpose of the listing of the names of the witnesses in the complaint or
information is merely to avoid the presentation of surprise witnesses and to enable the
defense to examine their record, morality and character, but once placed on the witness
stand, it can no longer be disputed that the defense has already the opportunity to examine
the character and credibility of the unlisted witness.”
“Finally, it is beyond question, that it is the prosecution's privilege to present such
number of witnesses it deems sufficient. Their non-inclusion in the list of witnesses is of no
moment. In fact the omission of their names in the list of prosecution witnesses in the
information is commonly practiced for their own protection at least until the termination of the

(b) The accused must be present at the arraignment and must personally enter
his plea. Both arraignment and plea shall be made of record, but failure to do
so shall not affect the validity of the proceedings.

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Q: Now, what happens if a case is tried without arraignment?

A: The GENERAL RULE, that is irregular – the proceedings are tainted with irregularity because
arraignment is MANDATORY. (U.S. vs. Palisoc, 4 Phil. 207). HOWEVER, there was an instance where
the SC considered the proceedings as valid where the lawyer of the accused also did not object the
absence of the arraignment. This the case of


May 8, 1990

FACTS: Nag pre-trial, walang arraignment. But the parties presented evidence. And
when the case was about to end they noticed, “Teka muna, wala pang arraignment ito, ah? O
sige, i-arraign!” So, in other words, the accused was arraigned when the trial was about to
end, or I think already ended.

ISSUE: Is the trial valid?

HELD: What is the purpose of arraignment? – to inform the accused of the nature of the
charge against him. Now, if he does not know, how come he was able to participate in the
trial? He was able to cross-examine the witnesses against him, he was able to present
witnesses. So, the defect became a formal defect.
“We find that while the arraignment of the appellant was conducted after the cases had
been submitted for decision, the error is non-prejudicial and has been fully cured when
counsel for the appellant entered into trial without objecting that his client had not yet been
arraigned. Said counsel had also the full opportunity of cross-examining the witnesses for
the prosecution. There was, therefore, no violation of the appellant's constitutional right to
be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him.”

Now, accused are arraigned sa trial when the case is filed in court and about to be tried. Now, how
about preliminary investigation conducted by the MTC outside chartered cities, should the accused be
arraigned by the MTC judge?

Alam mo, I met that kind of situation years ago, in one of the MTCs in the North. There was a
preliminary investigation and then I noticed an arraignment. Actually the case was triable by the RTC.
The purpose there (MTC) was only to determine probable cause. So I asked, “Mayroon bang arraignment
ang preliminary investigation?” Sabi nung abogado doon, “Yes, mayroon.” DEAN: “Wala man sa Rules of
Court?” LAWYER: “Iyan man ang ginagawa ng mga judges dito.” In other words, MTC judges conduct
arraignment in preliminary investigation – matter of practice daw – you do not find a provision in the
Rules saying yes or no. However, in 1993, I came across a case where the SC commented on that – the
case of


224 SCRA 1

HELD: There is NO such thing as arraignment in a Preliminary Investigation. “There is

no law or rule requiring an arraignment during the preliminary investigation. Under
Section 1, Rule 116 of the Revised Rules of Court, the arraignment must be conducted by the
court having jurisdiction to try the case on its merits.”

Q: Now, is there such a thing as arraignment by proxy?

A: Wala. The accused must be personally present. He must enter his plea.

(c) When the accused refuses to plead or makes a conditional plea, a plea of
not guilty shall be entered for him. (1a)

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Q: Halimbawa ayaw mag-enter ng plea? COURT: “What do you say—Guilty or Not guilty?”
ACCUSED: “No comment. I do not want to say anything.”
A: Under paragraph [c], a plea of "Not guilty" will be entered, or conditional plea, because a plea
must be absolute and unconditional.

I saw such situations before – Homicide, where the accused was arraigned. Siyempre, “on or about
something with the use of a knife stabbed so and so which caused his death.”:
COURT: “Kasabot ka?”
COURT: “What do you say? Guilty or Not guilty?”
ACCUSED: “Guilty – inunahan man niya ako ba.”

According to him, he is guilty. But actually, it is the deceased who tried to kill him first. It is self-
defense! so, within the “not guilty” plea din yan. Pag-guilty, guilty! Hindi puwede iyung guilty pero
may condition – so not guilty. Conditional pleas are not allowed. If you do that, we will enter a plea of
not guilty for you.

Now, paragraph [d] of Section 1 is new:

(d) When the accused pleads guilty but presents exculpatory evidence, his
plea shall be deemed withdrawn and a plea of not guilty shall be entered for
him. (n)

We will understand this more when we read the case of PEOPLE vs. MENDOZA (231 SCRA 264).
For example: You enter a plea of guilty. But sabi mo, (sometimes this happens eh) “may we be allowed
to present evidence to show mitigating circumstances?” And then the court will allow you. You will
present evidence to prove you are entitled to this or that mitigating circumstance para magbaba ang

Q: Halimbawa pag-present ng evidence, na prove na wala pala siyang kasalanan?

A: Then, under the rules, the plea of “guilty” is automatically withdrawn, and the court will order
the substitution of “not guilty” because, when you plead guilty, you are not supposed to present
evidence to prove your innocence, that is being inconsistent. But if you do it, then the court will change
it immediately from guilty to not guilty.

Paragraphs [e], [f], and [g] are new:

(e) When the accused is under preventive detention, his case shall be
raffled and its records transmitted to the judge to whom the case was raffled
within three (3) days from the filing of the information or complaint. The
accused shall be arraigned within ten (10) days from the date of the raffle. The
pre-trial conference of his case shall be held within ten (10) days after
arraignment. (n)

(f) The private offended party shall be required to appear at the

arraignment for purposes of plea bargaining, determination of civil liability,
and other matters requiring his presence. In case of failure of the offended
party to appear despite due notice, the court may allow the accused to enter a
plea of guilty to a lesser offense which is necessarily included in the offense
charged with the conformity of the trial prosecutor alone. (cir. 1-89)

(g) Unless a shorter period is provided by special law or Supreme Court

circular, the arraignment shall be held within thirty (30) days from the date
the court acquires jurisdiction over the person of the accused. The time of the
pendency of a motion to quash or for a bill or particulars or other causes
justifying suspension of the arraignment shall be excluded in computing the
period. (sec. 2, cir. 38-98)

Let’s go to paragraph [f], this is one of the important amendments here.

The private offended party is supposed to appear at the arraignment for purposes of plea bargaining.
Plea bargaining is explained in Rule 118 and also here in Section 2. Now, what do you mean by this –
Plea Bargaining?
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We will connect this right away to Section 2:

SEC. 2. Plea of guilty to a lesser offense – At arraignment, the accused,

with the consent of the offended party and prosecutor, may be allowed by the
trial court to plead guilty to a lesser offense which is necessarily included in
the offense charged. After arraignment but before trial, the accused may still
be allowed to plead guilty to said lesser offense after withdrawing his plea of
not guilty. No amendment of the complaint or information is necessary. (sec. 4,
circ. 38-98)

Plea bargaining – mag-tawaran ba! You are charged with murder, “homicide na lang [pliiiiiss].” Kung
homicide, plead ako “guilty” para at least mababa ang sentensiya.

According to the law if the prosecutor agrees and the offended party or the family of the deceased
agrees, puwede. Both of them must give their consent.

So from Robbery, mahulog sa theft. Qualified theft, maging simple theft. At least mababa di ba? Or,
from attempted homicide to physical injuries na lang. Meaning, tawaran ba! That is allowed under the
law provided the condition is, with the consent of the offended party and the prosecutor.

That is why during the arraignment, according to the previous section paragraph [f], the private
offended party shall be required to appear for purpose of plea-bargaining.

Q: Now suppose the offended party will not appear during the arraignment?
A: According to paragraph [f], “in case of failure of the private offended party to appear despite due notice,
the court may allow the accused to enter a plea of guilty to a lesser offense which is necessarily included in the
offense charged with the conformity of the trial prosecutor alone”. So, the consent of the prosecutor would be

Sabi ngayon ng private offended party, “But I did not give my consent.” Aba, kasalanan mo yan! You
should have appeared during the arraignment. Wala ka man, so there is a valid plea-bargaining.

Now, I noticed that the 2000 Rules went back to the original provision of the 1964 Rules. Under the
1964 rules, you are allowed to plead guilty to a lesser offense provided the lesser offense is necessarily
included in the offenses charged. Murder to homicide; Theft is part of Robbery; Qualified theft, simple
theft; from serious to less serious physical injuries; that is the condition – the lesser offense will be
included in the offense charged.

But when the Rules were amended in 1985, naiba – it became a very controversial provision
because the 1985 Rules said that, “You are allowed to plead guilty to a lesser offense, even if not
included in the offense charged”. That’s why it created a lot of problems. Halimbawa, I am accusing
you of serious physical injuries, you will plead guilty to slander, there is no connection. But the
language of the 1985 Rules as written, puwede.

Now, the SC went back to the original provision “which is necessarily included in the offense

After arraignment but before trial, the accused may still allowed to plead guilty to said lesser
offense after withdrawing his plea of not guilty. After you are arraigned you can still change your
mind for as along as the prosecution has not yet commenced the presentation of evidence. And there is
no need of amending the complaint or information, automatic na yan, less paperworks for the

Now, let’s look at some interesting cases decided by the Supreme Court. These cases were decided
before the amendment but we can see the philosophy is still there.

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[Adm. Matter No. RTJ-93-956] September 27, 1995

FACTS: The accused was charged with homicide. So obviously, he killed somebody.
During the plea bargaining, sabi ng accused, “We would like to plead guilty to the lesser
offense of attempted homicide (2 degrees lower).” The prosecutor and the widow agreed.
So the court rendered a decision on attempted. Nagalit ang pamilya ng namatay – ang
brother, “anong klase ito?!” The brother of the deceased brought a letter to Chief Justice
Narvasa at that time, questioning the judge, “Pwede ba yan?”
Of course, according to Judge Aujero, “Teka muna, under the new Rules (citing the 1985
Rules) you can plead guilty to a lesser offense whether or not included in the offense
charged, and even you, you have to consider that attempted homicide is related to homicide
kaya lang two degrees lower. The law is very clear.”
Ano sabi ng Supreme Court? The Supreme Court gave a lecture.

HELD: The fact of death of the victim cannot by simple logic and plain common sense
be reconciled with the plea of guilty to the lower offense of attempted homicide. (imagine,
namatay, ngayon buhay na? how can you reconcile these two?) The crime of homicide as
defined in Article 249 of the Revised Penal Code necessarily produces death; attempted
homicide does not.
However, the law is not entirely bereft of solutions in such cases. In instances where a
literal application of a provision of law would lead to injustice or to a result so directly in
opposition with the dictates of logic and everyday common sense as to be unconscionable,
the Civil Code, particularly Article 10, admonishes judges to take principles of right and
justice at heart. (Meaning, when a judge decides, do not look only at the letter of the law,
you look at the logic of your decision, the sense of right and justice.) In case of doubt the
intent is to promote right and justice. Fiat justicia ruat coelum. Stated differently, when a
provision of law is silent or ambiguous, judges ought to invoke a solution responsive to the
vehement urge of conscience.
These are fundamental tenets of law. In the case at bench, the fact of the victim's death, a
clear negation of frustrated or attempted homicide, ought to have alerted the judge not only
to a possibly inconsistent result but to an injustice. (In other words, the charge is he died, I
will convict him for attempted homicide which assumes he did not die, how can you
reconcile? Dapat pag-isipan mo yan, look at the effects of your decision.) The failure to
recognize such principles so cardinal to our body of laws amounts to ignorance of the law
and reflects respondent judge's lack of prudence, if not competence, in the performance of
his duties. While it is true, as respondent judge contends, that he merely applied the rule to
the letter, the palpably incongruous result ought to have been a “red flag” alerting him of
the possibility of injustice. The death of an identified individual, the gravamen of the charge
against the defendant in the criminal case, cannot and should not be ignored in favor of a
more expedient plea of either attempted or frustrated homicide. We have held before that if
the law is so elementary, not to know it or to act as if one does not know it, constitutes gross
ignorance of the law. (Where the law is so basic and you do not know it or pretend not to
know it, that is gross ignorance of the law.)
What happens now to Judge Aujero? Sinabon siya ng SC, “Finally, every judge must be
the embodiment of competence, integrity and independence. A judge should not only be
aware of the bare outlines of the law but also its nuances and ramifications, otherwise, he
would not be able to come up with decisions which are intrinsically fair.” (Wala namang
malice. Di naman sinadya or bad faith that he was paid to do it, so the SC said,)
“Nonetheless, the case at bench stands unique because of the potently absurd result of
respondent's application of the law.”

I think he was just censured or fined a minimal amount. Di naman sinadya, kaya lang pangit ba.
Iyan ang sinasabi ko, how do you get quality judges? That is the big problem – yung malawak ang
pag-iisip. Yaan!

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210 SCRA 226

FACTS: The accused is charged with, let’s say, murder. Then the case was tried and the
prosecution rested. Afterwards, the accused argued, “You have not proved any qualifying
circumstance, so I will not present any evidence anymore. I will just plead to a lesser offense
of Homicide.”

ISSUE: Can plea bargaining still be entertained at that stage? Because normally plea-
bargaining is done before the trial. Is that allowed?

HELD: YES. There is nothing wrong with that, provided the prosecution does not have
sufficient evidence to establish the guilt of the accused for the crime charged. The only basis
for allowing a plea of guilty to a lesser offense is nothing more and nothing less than the
evidence already in the record. There is nothing wrong with that procedure.

Take note also that under Section 1 [f], the private offended party should be required to appear in
the arraignment precisely because of a possible plea of guilty to a lesser offense which requires his
consent. That is why under the new rule in Section 1 [f], if he does not appear, the plea-bargaining can
proceed and only the consent of the prosecutor is necessary. The consent of the offended party is no
longer required according to the present rules on criminal procedure, i.e. if he does not appear.

Q: What happens if an accused enters a plea of guilty?

A: The GENERAL RULE is that there would be no trial anymore. No more presentation of evidence
because the accused has already admitted the crime.

Q: What is the implication of a plea of guilty?

A: That the accused is admitting the essential elements of the crime as charged in the information,
and according to the SC, including the aggravating circumstances. Especially now, under the new
Rules where the prosecution is mandated to allege also the aggravating circumstances. So, as a general
rule, judgment of conviction can proceed immediately.

HOWEVER, according to the SC, even if there is a plea guilty, certain facts alleged in the
information are not deemed admitted. What are those facts that are deemed not admitted? These are:
1.) Facts not alleged in the complaint or information;
2.) Mere conclusions of facts;
3.) The jurisdiction of the court. So even if I plead guilty, I can still question later the
jurisdiction of the court;
4.) The sufficiency of the complaint or information is not considered even if there has been a
plea of guilty.

Q: So what happens if I plead guilty and it turns out there is no crime?

A: There can be no conviction because the sufficiency of the complaint or information is not
admitted by a plea of guilty.

On the other hand, when the accused pleads not guilty, then the issues are joined and the case is
ready for trial. That is the counterpart of an answer in civil procedure because there is no Answer in
criminal cases. Your plea is your answer.

As already emphasized in some cases, when you enter a plea of not guilty, you are considered to
have waived any previous defect, like lack of preliminary investigation or validity of arrest. Those
things are deemed cured by entering a plea of not guilty.

Now, going back to the GENERAL RULE, when a person pleads guilty, no more trial, he can be
convicted, EXCEPT when he is charged with a capital offense. Let’s read Section 3:

SEC. 3. Plea of guilty to capital offense; reception of evidence. – When the

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accused pleads guilty to a capital offense, the court shall conduct a searching
inquiry into the voluntariness and full comprehension of the consequences of his
plea and shall require the prosecution to prove his guilt and the precise degree
of culpability. The accused may present evidence in his behalf. (3a)

Q: So when a person pleads guilty to a capital offense, can the court sentence him to death based on
his plea of guilty?
A: NO. The correct procedure is:
1.) The court shall conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full consequences of
his plea. The court must determine whether he really understood it and its effects;
2.) Even if the accused pleads guilty, the court will still require the prosecution to prove the
guilt of the accused. Thus, the plea of guilty is not accepted anymore in capital offense. That
is only corroborative because the prosecution is still required to present evidence;
3.) The accused may still present evidence in his behalf.


What do you mean by “the court shall conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full
comprehension of the consequence of his plea”? Section 3 is actually taken from decided cases, even before
the 1987 Constitution. Prior to the 1987 Constitution, there were so many people sentenced to death
based only on a plea of guilty. The SC said, di pwede ito. Thus, all these jurisprudence are culled and
embodied in Section 3. Of course it became dormant for a while when the death penalty could not be
imposed. But na naman eh. It’s now back to life [alleluia!] because of the restoration of death penalty.

I remember before, there was even a time before the 1987 Constitution, where:

JUDGE: “Guilty or Not guilty?

ACCUSED: “Guilty.”
JUDGE: “Do you understand what you are doing by pleading guilty?”
JUDGE: “Do you understand by pleading guilty, you are admitting all the elements of the crime
as alleged in the complaint?”
JUDGE: “And still you are pleading guilty?”

Sabi ng SC: Kulang ang mga tanong mo! Why are you asking those questions? What does the
layman know about those elements of the crime? Use simple language para maintindihan niya!

Now, if we follow the jurisprudence after the 1987 Constituition, lalung mahirap! Ito yung mahirap
– shall conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full comprehension of the consequence of his plea .”
That is a very general term and we do not really know what is really the effect of that or its scope. If we
will follow all the guidelines of the SC, it would seem that all judges will not pass the test of conducting
a searching inquiry. There are some tests like the case of


251 SCRA 136

HELD: “The controversy over improvident pleas of guilty dates back to the early years
of the American administration, developed into a furor over the succeeding years, subsided
during the martial law regime, and was sidelined but occasionally invoked when the 1987
Constitution proscribed the imposition of capital punishment. With the return of the death
penalty for heinous crimes, it is high time for the trial courts to review and reflect upon the
jurisprudential and statutory rules which evolved over time in response to the injustice

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created by improvident pleas acknowledging guilt, at times belatedly discovered under the
judicial rug, if at all.”
“The rationale behind the rule is that courts must proceed with more care where the
possible punishment is in its severest form — death — for the reason that the execution of
such a sentence is irrevocable and experience has shown that innocent persons have at times
pleaded guilty. The primordial purpose then is to avoid improvident pleas of guilt on the
part of an accused where grave crimes are involved since he might be admitting his guilt
before the court and thus forfeit his life and liberty without having fully understood the
meaning, significance, and consequences of his plea. Moreover, the requirement of taking
further evidence would aid the Supreme Court on appellate review in determining the
propriety or impropriety of the plea.”


251 SCRA 293

HELD: “To show the voluntariness of the plea of guilt of the accused and that the court’s
questions demonstrate the accused full comprehension of the consequences of his plea, the
records must reveal information about the personality profile of the accused which can
serve as a trustworthy index of his capacity to give a free and informed plea of guilt. The
age, socio-economic status and educational background of the accused must be plumbed by
the trial court.”

So, you must get the personality profile of the accused – the age, socio-economic status as well as
his educational background. Now, are the judges doing that? I don’t think so.


256 SCRA 421 (1996)

HELD: “Although there is no definite and concrete rule as to how a trial judge may go
about the matter of a proper "searching inquiry," it would be well for the court, for instance,
to require the accused to fully narrate the incident that spawned the charges against him, or
by making him reenact the manner in which he perpetrated the crime, or by causing him to
furnish and explain to the court missing details of significance.”
“The trial court should also be convinced that the accused has not been coerced or
placed under a state of duress either by actual threats of physical harm coming from
malevolent or avenging quarters and this it can do, such as by ascertaining from the accused
himself the manner in which he was subsequently brought into the custody of the law; or
whether he had the assistance of competent counsel during the custodial and preliminary
investigations; and, ascertaining from him the conditions under which he was detained and
interrogated during the aforestated investigations. Likewise, a series of questions directed at
defense counsel as to whether or not said counsel had conferred with, and completely
explained to the accused the meaning of a plea and its consequences, would be a well-taken
step along those lines.”

So, the judge must be very, very patient in conducting a searching inquiry. Kung sundin mo ito, it
may take one or two days. Just take note that we are talking about capital offense.

According to one commentator: Before, the plea of guilty constituted the main evidence
of guilt and the evidence taken during the further inquiry was merely to aid the trial court
in exercising its discretion as to whether the lighter or graver penalty is to be imposed. That
is the original principle. But under the new procedure, a plea of guilt is only a secondary
basis, the main proof being that which the court requires the prosecution to establish the
guilt of the accused. The plea of guilty by the accused can only be used as supporting
evidence for a finding of culpability. (So, baliktad ‘no?) In short, once an accused, in a
charge of capital offense enters a plea of guilty, a regular trial shall have to be conducted.
Just the same as if no such plea of guilty was not entered. The only effect of a plea of guilty,

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if ever, is to serve as an additional mitigating circumstance in case the penalty imposable is

less that an indispensable penalty and if the guilty plea is entered before the prosecution
starts to present evidence.

So if we follow that guideline: MURDER, or other heinous crime; “Guilty!” Disregard it! Trial! So,
bale wala yung plead of guilty because you still have to conduct a trial just the same.

SEC. 4. Plea of guilty to non-capital offense; reception of evidence,

discretionary. – When the accused pleads guilty to a non-capital offense, the
court may receive evidence from the parties to determine the penalty to be
imposed. (4)

Q: Can there be reception of evidence if the accused enters a plea of guilty to a non-capital offense?
A: YES. There is no need for the presentation of evidence but if the court wants it, pwede rin, the
court can till require it. That is why reception of evidence is discretionary to determine the penalty to
be imposed.


231 SCRA 264

FACTS: The accused was charged with Robbery before the RTC of Malaybalay,
Bukidnon. During the arraignment, the accused pleaded guilty. Instead of pronouncing
judgment, the court conducted trial. The prosecution failed to present evidence that the
accused is guilty of the crime, so Judge Mendoza acquitted the accused. The prosecution
argued that the judge should not have acquitted him because he already pleaded guilty.

ISSUE: Was the acquittal of the accused proper?

HELD: YES. Under the Rules, when the accused pleads guilty to a non-capital offense
the court may receive evidence from the parties to determine the penalty to be imposed.
This rule is at most directory.
Was the judge correct? “It will certainly be a clear abuse of discretion on the part of the
judge to persist in holding the accused bound to his admission of guilt and sentencing him
accordingly when the totality of the evidence points to his acquittal. There is no rule which
provides that simply because the accused pleaded guilty to the charge that his conviction
automatically follows.”
However, there is something wrong here because the records will show that he pleaded
guilty and yet he was acquitted, so let us harmonize the record. The correct procedure,
according to the SC, is for the judge to order the withdrawal of the plea of guilty and
substitute it with a plea of not guilty.

This principle has been embodied in Section 1[d] – “When the accused pleads guilty but presents
exculpatory evidence, his plea shall be deemed withdrawn and a plea of not guilty shall be entered for him. (n)”

SEC. 5. Withdrawal of improvident plea of guilty. – At any time before the

judgment of conviction becomes final, the court may permit an improvident plea
of guilty to be withdrawn and be substituted by a plea of not guilty. (5)

Q: Can a plea of guilty be withdrawn?


Q: Suppose there is already a judgment of conviction, can he still withdraw?

A: YES, as long as the judgment of conviction is not yet final.

SEC. 6. Duty of court to inform accused of his right to counsel. – Before

arraignment, the court shall inform the accused of his right to counsel and ask
him if he desires to have one. Unless the accused is allowed to defend himself

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in person or has employed counsel of his choice, the court must assign a counsel
de officio to defend him. (6a)

Section 6 should be read with the ruling of the SC in the leading case of PEOPLE VS HOLGADO
(85 Phil. 752). In the said case, SC enumerated the duties of the court when the accused appears before
it without a lawyer. The following are the duties of the court:

1.) The court must inform the accused that it is his right to have an attorney before being
2.) After giving him such information, the court must ask him if he desires the aid of an
3.) If he desires but is unable to employ an attorney, the court must assign an attorney de oficio
to defend him; and
4.) If the accused desires to procure an attorney of his own, the court must grant him a
reasonable time therefor.

SEC. 7. Appointment of counsel de oficio. – The court, considering the gravity

of the offense and the difficulty of the questions that may arise, shall appoint as
counsel de officio such members of the bar in good standing who, by reason of their
experience and ability, can competently defend the accused. But in localities where
such members of the bar are not available, the court may appoint any person,
resident of the province and of good repute for probity and ability, to defend the
accused. (7a)

SEC. 8. Time for counsel de oficio to prepare for arraignment. – Whenever a

counsel de oficio is appointed by the court to defend the accused at the
arraignment, he shall be given a reasonable time to consult with the accused as to
his plea before proceeding with the arraignment. (8)

SEC. 9. Bill of particulars. – The accused may, before arraignment, move for a
bill of particulars to enable him properly to plead and prepare for trial. The
motion shall specify the alleged defects of the complaint or information and the
details desired. (10a)

Section 9 is similar to Rule 12 on bill of particulars. If the complaint is vague and ambiguous, the
defendant in a civil case can more for a bill of particulars. Counterpart, if the allegations in the
information are also vague and ambiguous, “I cannot understand it, so I cannot intelligently enter my
plea.” The accused, before arraignment, can move for a bill of particulars to enable him to prepare
properly for the trial. Then he must specify the defects. Civil case, pareho.


202 SCRA 726

FACTS: A motion for bill of particulars was filed by the lawyer of the respondent in the
fiscal’s office when the case was under preliminary investigation. (In preliminary
investigation, you are given the affidavit of the complainant and his witnesses. And then
you are given 10 days to submit your counter-affidavits.) Here, the affidavit is vague
according to the accused, so he is filing a bill of particulars. He wanted to compel the
complainant to make his affidavit clearer.

ISSUE: Is Section 9 applicable when the case is still in the fiscal’s office for preliminary

HELD: NO. It is only applicable when the case is already in court for trial or
But suppose during the preliminary investigation, “I cannot understand what the
complainant is saying in his affidavit?” The SC said, that is simple! If you cannot
understand what the complainant is saying in his affidavit, chances are, the fiscal also will
not understand it. And consequently, he will dismiss the case. Eh di mas maganda! Wag ka
nalang mag-reklamo! [gago!]

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SEC. 10. Production or inspection of material evidence in possession of
prosecution. – Upon motion of the accused showing good cause and with notice to
the parties, the court, in order to prevent surprise, suppression, or
alteration, may order the prosecution to produce and permit the inspection and
copying or photographing of any written statement given by the complainant and
other witnesses in any investigation of the offense conducted by the prosecution
or other investigating officers, as well as any designated documents, papers,
books, accounts, letters, photographs, object, or tangible things not otherwise
privileged, which constitute or contain evidence material to any matter involved
in the case and which are in the possession or under the control of the
prosecution, police, or other law investigating agencies. (11a)

Section 10 deals also with a mode of discovery – production and inspection of material evidence in the
possession of the prosecution. Not only that, the accused can have access to all evidence in the possession
not only of the prosecution but including those in the possession and control of the police and other
law investigating agencies. Take note, if we follow the case of LIM VS FELIX, JR, when the case is filed
by the fiscal, meron namang kaunting ebidensya na dun, so that, the judge can review and find out if
there is probable cause, but it is not really all.

Q: So if the accused wants to see other evidence and the fiscal refuses, can the accused file a motion
to compel the fiscal to reveal?
A: YES, because take note of Rule 112, Section 8 [b], the records of the preliminary investigation do
not form part of the records of the case when it reaches the court. That is why your remedy is to have
them inspected. Let us good back to Rule 112, Section 8:

Rule 112, Section 8[b] Record of preliminary investigation. – The record of the
preliminary investigation, whether conducted by a judge or a prosecutor, shall not
form part of the record of the case. However, the court, on its own initiative or
on motion of any party, may order the production of the record or any of its part
when necessary in the resolution of the case or any incident therein, or when it is
to be introduced as an evidence in the case by the requesting party.

Another interesting case here on Section 10 is the ruling in


247 SCRA

FACTS: You know the story of Hubert Webb, the convict in that Vizconde rape-
homicide case. Somehow the defense discovered that there were two (2) affidavits of Jessica
Alfaro (the State witness) which were executed before the NBI. Of course what was
presented by the NBI to the DOJ was only one. So, the defense filed a motion to compel the
NBI to produce the other affidavit. This happened when the case was under preliminary

ISSUE: Can you apply Section 10 when the case is still in the fiscal’s office? Because if
you read Section 10, it applies when the case is already in court. The same with Section 9.
Can the mode of discovery under the Rules of Court in criminal cases apply during the
preliminary investigation?

HELD: “The issue is novel in this jurisdiction as it urges an expansive reading of the
right of persons under preliminary investigation. It deserves serious consideration. So, the
SC was intrigued: can you invoke the rights of an accused during the trial when he is still
under preliminary investigation?”
“To start with, our rules in criminal procedure does not expressly provide for discovery
proceedings during a preliminary investigation stage of the criminal proceeding. But the SC
noted, “This failure to provide discovery procedure during preliminary investigation does
not, however, negate its use by a person under investigation when indispensable to protect
his constitutional fight to life, liberty and property. Preliminary investigation is not too early
a stage to guard against any significant erosion of the constitutional right to due process of a
potential accused. that the finding of a probable cause by itself subjects the suspects life,
liberty and property to real risk of loss or diminution. The fact that the law is silent does not

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mean that it does not apply. (Meaning, even if it is under preliminary investigation, your
liberty is already in danger.) The right to discovery is rooted on the constitutional protection
of due process which we rule to be operational even during the preliminary investigation of
potential accused.”
“In laying down this rule, the Court is not without enlightened precedents from other
jurisdictions. The rationale is well put by Justice Brennan in Brady – “society wins not only
when the guilty are convicted but when criminal trials are fair.” Indeed, prosecutors should
not treat litigation like a game of poker where surprises can be sprung and where gain by
guile is not punished.”

So, the prosecutor should not hide anything because his job is not to convict but to see to it that
justice is done. I’ve been reading lately SC recent decisions along that line na naman, where the SC said
that your job Mr. Fiscal is not to convict, but seek that justice is done. When you have no evidence, do
not file. When there is no evidence in court, you move to dismiss the case – ikaw mismo! Do no insist in
trying the case.

And there was one decision where the SC said, “What is the greatest achievement or moment of a
prosecutor?” Some may say when pagna-convict niya ang accused. That is an achievement but is it not
the greatest on your part. The greatest achievement on you part is when you ask the court to dismiss
the case because there is no evidence to convict the accused. That is the greatest achievement because
that is your job – to see to it that justice is done.

SEC. 11. Suspension of arraignment. – Upon motion by the proper party, the
arraignment shall be suspended in the following cases:
(a) The accused appears to be suffering from an unsound mental condition
which effectively renders him unable to fully understand the charge against him
and to plead intelligently thereto. In such case, the court shall order his
mental examination and, if necessary, his confinement for such purpose;
(b) There exists a prejudicial question; and
(c) A petition for review of the resolution of the prosecutor is pending at
either the Department of Justice, or the Office of the President; provided, that
the period of suspension shall not exceed sixty (60) days counted from the
filing of the petition with the reviewing office. (12a)

What are the grounds for suspending an arraignment? There are three and let’s go over them one
by one.

(a) The accused appears to be suffering from an unsound mental condition

which effectively renders him unable to fully understand the charge against him
and to plead intelligently thereto. In such case, the court shall order his
mental examination and, if necessary, his confinement for such purpose;

When the accused is in an unstable condition, you cannot properly, intelligently inform him of the
nature of the charge. So example: Buang, unstable condition, Let us suspend the arraignment. Let us
wait for his recovery and as long as he is not yet recovered, the arraignment is suspended indefinitely.
For as long as he has not recovered, the arraignment remains suspended.

BAR QUESTION : What are the legal effects of insanity or unsound mental condition of the
A: It DEPENDS as to when was he insane –
1. Suppose he was insane at the time he committed the crime but now he is OK, then that is
not a ground for the suspension of the arraignment, not even a ground for a motion to
quash unless the information admits that he is insane when he committed the crime in
which case you can move to quash under Rule 117, Section 3 [h] – that the information
contains averments which in truth would constitute a legal excuse or justification.
But there is no prosecutor crazy enough to file an information admitting that the accused
was insane when he committed the crime. That is tantamount to admitting that he is exempt
from liability. It is the defense who will prove insanity. So what is the effect? You enter your
plea of not guilty and let’s go to trial and I will prove insanity as my defense.
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2. Suppose he became insane when the case is set for arraignment but he was normal when he
committed the crime? Then we apply Rule 116, Section 11 – you move for the suspension of
the arraignment.

3. Suppose he became insane after the arraignment? You move to postpone the trial because he
cannot adequately defend himself if he is crazy. The trial should be suspended.

4. Suppose he became insane when he is already convicted and serving sentence? Let us go
back to the Penal Code, Article 86 – it is a ground for a motion for the suspension of the
execution of the sentence.

Second ground:
(b) There exists a prejudicial question;

When there is a prejudicial question. Just connect this with Rule 111, Section 6 – what do you mean
by a prejudicial question, the elements, when do you raise them. When the case is in court, suspend
the trial, suspend the arraignment, lets wait for the civil case to be decided.

The third ground is new:

(c) A petition for review of the resolution of the prosecutor is pending at

either the Department of Justice, or the Office of the President; provided, that
the period of suspension shall not exceed sixty (60) days counted from the
filing of the petition with the reviewing office.

Based on existing jurisprudence, when the prosecutor says “File the case,” technically, the accused
can appeal that although generally that is not appealable because of the MOGUL doctrine. As a general
rule, the DOJ should no longer entertain an appeal from the resolution of the fiscal stating that the case
should be filed because the court may not follow the DOJ. That is what happened in the case of
Mogul. Sabi ng DOJ, ”no probable cause, Fiscal, you dismiss” Sabi ng court, “No, Fiscal, you continue!”

The problem is when the case reaches the court, in most cases, the lawyer of the accused will move
for the suspension of the arraignment because he will say, “I have a pending petition for review of the
resolution in the DOJ.” According to the circular of the DOJ, the petition for review can only be
entertained if the accuse has not been arraigned, kung na-arraign na, wala na. But normally courts will
honor that. That court will say, “alright, let us suspend and wait for the resolution of the DOJ.” That is why
it is a ground for suspension.

The trouble is this: how long does it take for the DOJ to resolve it? If they can resolve it within 2 or
3 years, you are lucky, the case cannot go on because the DOJ is not done yet. This has been the cause of
delays. That’s why the new rules says, “provided, the suspension will not exceed 60 days counted from
the filing of the petition with the reviewing office.” This is tantamount to the SC indirectly telling the
DOJ or the reviewing office (Provincial State Prosecutor) na “bilisan ninyo”. If the petition is not acted
within that period, let’s proceed with the arraignment, “bahala na kayo dyan!”

At least there is now a deadline. And that is good. I really like this amendment. It is the accused
who filed the petition for review who is under pressure – to pressure the DOJ to resolve because the
suspension is only good for 60 days. Unlike before where the pressure is in the offended party because
the case cannot run while the petition for review is pending. Now, I do not know whether the DOJ
right now, can do in 60 days what they have been failed to do for years.

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editor-in-chief: mortmort editors: jayceebelle balite • j-j torres • michael peloton • maying dadula • jessamyn
agustin • lyle santos • paul ryan ongkingco • dynn gutierrez • maya quitain • riezl locsin • patrick tabar •
maritess gonzales • maricel culpable • kenneth leyva • jenny namoc • ferdinand vido • melissa suarez •
rayda sullano • rucel cayetano • rod quiachon • hannah examen • myra montecalvo • genie salvaña • grace
salesa • leo gillesania • gemma betonio • jenny aquiatan • michael pito • karen de leon • elma tormon •
judee uy • pao angeles • jet pascua • contributing editors: bathsheba baldoza • marlo masangkay


Late one night, Jack took a short cut through a graveyard. Hearing a tapping sound, he felt a little scared, but
kept going. As the tapping grew louder, he became more frightened. Finally, he found a man chiseling at a
“Thank goodness,” Jack said to the man with relief. “You gave me quite a fright. What are you doing?”
“They spelt my name wrong,” replied the man.

Source: Reader’s Digest, January 2001

“Man has not invented a reliable compass by which to steer a marriage in its journey over troubled waters.
Laws are seemingly inadequate. Over time, much reliance has been placed in the works of the unseen hand of
Him who created all things.
“Who is to blame when a marriage fails?
“Love is useless unless it is shared with another. Indeed, no man is an island, the cruelest act of a partner in
marriage is to say “I could not have cared less.” This is so because an ungiven self is an unfulfilled self. The
egoist has nothing but himself. In the natural order, it is sexual intimacy which brings spouses wholeness and
oneness. Sexual intimacy is a gift and a participation in the mystery of creation. It is a function which enlivens
the hope of procreation and ensures the continuation of family relations.”

– Justice Torres, Jr. on the issue of psychological incapacity

G.R. No. 119190, January 16, 1997

Lakas Atenista 136

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