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Workday Security
Workday Security

Introduction Regulatory compliance and certifications

Today’s technology leaders are tasked with securing Companies are responsible for complying with all
and protecting the customer, employee, and intellectual applicable laws, including those related to data privacy
property data of their companies in an environment and transmission of personal data, even when a service
of increasingly complex security threats. As cloud provider holds and processes a company’s data on its
computing has become more widely accepted, a number behalf. Workday maintains a formal and comprehensive
of information security concerns have been raised. security programme designed to ensure the security
This paper will help to guide you when assessing a and integrity of customer data, protect against security
prospective cloud vendor and provide an overview of threats or data breaches, and prevent unauthorised
Workday’s security in each area. access to the data of its customers. The specifics of
Workday’s security programme are detailed in its third-
party security audits and international certifications.

External audits (SOC 1 and SOC 2 reports)

Workday’s operations, policies, and procedures are
audited regularly to ensure Workday meets and exceeds
all standards expected of service providers. Workday
publishes a Service Organisation Controls 1 (SOC 1)
Type II report. The SOC 1, which is the successor to
the SAS 70, is issued in accordance with Statement
on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 16
(SSAE 16) and the International Standard on Assurance
Engagements No. 3402 (ISAE 3402). This dual-standard
report gives companies around the world confidence
that the service provider, such as Workday, has the
appropriate controls in place. The scope of the SOC 1
is limited to Workday’s production systems. The
intended audience for this report is a customer or
prospect who is required to have an understanding
of internal controls over outsourced critical business
tasks that have an impact on a customer’s financial
statements (Sarbanes-Oxley compliance). The SOC 1
audit is conducted every six months by an independent
third-party auditor. The report is available to customers
and prospects upon completion.
Workday also publishes a Service Organisation Controls 2 Cross-border data transfers
(SOC 2) Type II report. The SOC 2 addresses the Security, Strict data protection laws govern the transfer of
Confidentiality, Availability, and Privacy principles of personal data from the European Economic Area (EEA)
the Trust Services Principles and Criteria. The scope of to the United States. To address this requirement for
the SOC 2 covers any Workday system that contains data our customers with operations in the EEA, Workday
that the customer submitted into the Workday Service. has incorporated the European Commission’s approved
The intended audience for this report is a customer or standard contractual clauses, also referred to as the
prospect who is interested in understanding Workday’s “Model Contract”, into our Data Protection Agreement.
internal security controls. The SOC 2 audit is conducted The Model Contract creates a contractual mechanism to
once per year by an independent third-party auditor. meet the adequacy requirement to allow for transfer of
This report is available to its customers or prospects personal data from the EEA to a third country. Workday
upon completion. has also self-certified to the Privacy Shield, which is the
successor framework to the Safe Harbour for transatlantic
Both the SOC 1 and the SOC 2 audits validate Workday’s
transfers of personal data.
physical and environmental safeguards for production
data centres, backup and recovery procedures, software More information about the US Department of
development processes, and logical security controls. Commerce’s Privacy Shield programme can be found
at More information
ISO 27001 and 27018 certifications on the Standard Contractual Clauses can be found at
ISO 27001 is an information security standard originally
published in 2005 by the International Organization transfers/transfer/index_en.htm.
for Standardization (ISO) and the International
Additional information on Workday’s commitment to
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). In September 2013,
safeguarding the privacy of our customers’ data and
ISO 27001:2013 was published, which supersedes
details of our privacy programme can be found in the
the original 2005 standard. ISO 27001 is a globally
Workday Data Privacy Overview paper.
recognised, standards-based approach to security that
outlines requirements for an organisation’s Information
Security Management System (ISMS). Physical security
Workday co-locates its production systems in state-of-
ISO 27018 is a complementary standard published by
the-art data centres designed to host mission-critical
ISO/IEC in 2014, which contains guidelines applicable
computer systems with fully redundant subsystems
to cloud service providers that process personal data.
and compartmentalised security zones. Workday’s data
Workday is proud to say we have achieved certification centres adhere to the strictest physical security measures:
against ISO 27001 in September 2010 and ISO 27018 • Multiple layers of authentication before access is
in October 2015. Certification is achieved following an granted to the server area.
independent assessment of Workday’s conformity to the
• Critical areas require two-factor biometric
ISO standard. ISO recertification occurs every three years,
but to maintain certification, a business must go through
annual surveillance audits. These ISO certifications affirm • Camera surveillance systems at critical internal
Workday’s commitment to privacy and security and and external entry points.
demonstrate that our controls are operating effectively.
• Security personnel monitor 24/7.
Workday’s ISO certificates and ISMS Statement of
• Unauthorised access attempts are logged and
Applicability are available for customer review.
monitored by data centre security.
All physical access to the data centres is highly restricted All data inserts, updates and deletes are committed to
and stringently regulated. Workday data operations use a persistent store on a MySQL database. This unique
security best practices such as “least access” hardened architecture means that Workday operates with only a
servers and regularly scheduled maintenance windows. few dozen database tables. By contrast, an RDBMS-based
application requires tens of thousands of tables, making
complete database encryption impractical due to its
Data segregation
detrimental impact on performance.
Workday is a multi-tenant Software-as-a-Service
(SaaS) application.
Encryption of data in transit (network security)
Multi-tenancy is a key feature of Workday that enables
Users access Workday via the internet protected by
multiple customers to share one physical instance of the
Transport Layer Security (TLS). This secures network
Workday system while isolating each customer tenant’s
traffic from passive eavesdropping, active tampering
application data. Workday accomplishes this through the
or forgery of messages.
Workday Object Management Server (OMS). Every user
ID is associated with exactly one tenant, which is then Workday has also implemented proactive security
used to access the Workday application. All instances of procedures such as perimeter defence and network
application objects (such as Organisation, Worker, etc.) are intrusion prevention systems. Vulnerability assessments
tenant-based, so every time a new object is created, that and penetration testing of the Workday network
object is also irrevocably linked to the user’s tenant. The infrastructure are also evaluated and conducted on a
Workday system maintains these links automatically, and regular basis by both internal Workday resources and
restricts access to every object based on the user ID. The external third-party vendors.
Workday system restricts access to objects based on the
user ID and tenant. When a user requests data, the system
Data backups
automatically applies a tenancy filter to ensure it retrieves
Workday’s master production database is replicated
only information corresponding to the user’s tenant.
in real time to a slave database maintained at an
offsite data centre. A full backup is taken from this
Encryption of data at rest (database security) slave database each day and stored at the offsite data
Workday encrypts every attribute of customer data within centre facility. Workday’s database backup policy
the application before it is stored in the database. This requires database backups and transaction logs to be
is a fundamental design characteristic of the Workday implemented so that a database may be recovered
technology. Workday relies on the Advanced Encryption with the loss of as few committed transactions as is
Standard (AES) algorithm with a key size of 256 bits. commercially practicable. Transaction logs are retained
Workday can achieve this encryption because it is an in- until there are two backups of the data after the last
memory object-oriented application, as opposed to a disk- entry in the transaction log. Database backups of systems
based RDBMS application. Specifically, Workday’s metadata that implement interfaces must be available as long
is interpreted by the Workday OMS and stored in memory. as necessary to support the interfacing systems. This
period will vary by system. Backups of the database and
transaction logs are encrypted for any database which
contains customer data.
Cloud data and disaster recovery Logical security
Workday warrants its service to its standard Service Workday security access is role-based, supporting LDAP
Level Agreement (SLA). The SLA includes a Disaster Delegated Authentication, SAML for Single Sign-On and
Recovery (DR) plan for the Workday Production Service x509 certificate authentication for both user and web
with a Recovery Time Objective (RTO) of 12 hours and a services integrations. Workday enables users to select
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) of one hour. The Recovery an authentication type in situations where organisations
Time Objective is measured from the time the Workday wish to use multiple authentication types for users due
Production Service becomes unavailable until it is to geographical and/or organisational variances.
available again. The Recovery Point Objective is measured
Delegated authentication
from the time that the first transaction is lost until the
Workday Production Service became unavailable. Workday supports delegated authentication via a customer’s
on-premise LDAP server such as Microsoft Active Directory.
To ensure Workday maintains these SLA commitments, This allows the customer’s security team to disable a user
Workday maintains a DR environment with a complete account centrally from the LDAP server without the need
replication of the production environment. In the event of to log in to Workday. Workday can also automatically
an unscheduled outage where the outage is estimated to update the LDAP server with new active user accounts
be greater than a predefined duration, Workday executes via new hires or deactivated accounts such as employee
its DR plan. The MySQL database is replicated to the DR separations and employees on leave of absence.
data centre, new OMS instances are started in the DR
data centre, and customers are redirected to the DR data Single sign-on support
centre. The DR Plan is tested at least every six months. LDAP allows for a unified username/password; SAML
takes the next step and enables an enterprise single
sign-on (SSO) environment. While LDAP Delegated
Unified security model
Authentication makes it possible for users to have the
Unlike legacy ERP systems, Workday operates on a
same username and password for both their internal
unified security model. This includes user access, system
applications and Workday, it still requires the user to
integration, reporting, mobile device, and IT access.
log in twice. SAML takes the next step and allows for
Everyone must log in and be authorised through the
a seamless, single sign-on experience between the
Workday security model. By contrast, in legacy ERP
customer’s internal web portal and Workday. Specifically,
systems there is typically an applications layer of
users log in to their company’s internal web portal
security which IT and DBA personnel can bypass to
using their enterprise username/password and are then
access the data directly at the database level. This is not
presented with a link to Workday, which automatically
possible with Workday. Workday is an object-oriented
gives them access without having to log in a second time.
in-memory system with an encrypted persistent data
store. This ensures that all accesses and changes are Workday native login
tracked and audited. This uniquely robust security model,
For customers who wish to use Workday’s native login,
combined with Workday’s automatic ability to effectively
Workday only stores their Workday password in the
date and audit all data updates, lowers the time and costs
form of a secure hash as opposed to the password
associated with governance and compliance and reduces
itself. Unsuccessful login attempts are logged as well as
overall security risk.
successful login/logout activity for audit purposes. Inactive
user sessions are automatically timed out after a specified
time, which is customer configurable by user or role.
Customer-configurable password rules include length, One step in that business process is performed by
complexity, expiration, and forgotten password the HR Partner role. This business process is context-
challenge questions. sensitive so that Workday security only looks for a
worker in the HR Partner role who supports the US Sales
Step-up authentication Division Supervisory organisation. Context-free access
Organisations that use SAML as an authentication type means that there is no restriction by organisation type
and wish to ensure data is secured against unauthorised and membership is defined by role only, such as Any
access in the event of someone leaving their console open Managers or Any HR Partners.
or multiple users accessing Workday from the same device
Workday does not attempt to match the worker’s
have the ability to identify items within Workday deemed
organisation to the organisation of the secured item.
critical. This forces a secondary authentication factor
Customers can leverage Workday’s powerful, flexible
that users must enter in order to access those items.
organisation structures and security groups to control
access to various types of data, business processes, and
Authorisation transactions in accordance with their unique requirements.
The Workday application enforces group policy-based
security for authorisation. The application prevents System-to-system access
customer end users from directly accessing the production In Workday, system-to-system access is via public web
database. Workday security groups combined with service or Reports-as-a-Service (RaaS). Regardless of
predefined security policies grant or restrict user access method, the data results are controlled by Integration
to functionality, business processes, reports, and data. System Security Groups. These security groups offer
either context-sensitive or context-free access. For
Customer-configurable security groups are based on
example, you can set up an integration that exports
users, roles, jobs, organisations, or business sites, and
data only for workers who are members of a specific
can be combined into new security groups that logically
pay group, while a separate integration can return all
include and exclude other groups. System-to-system
supervisory organisations. Data results can also be
access is defined by integration system security groups.
further filtered by element or row. For example, the
Customers can thereby tailor these groups and policies
public web service filters by element so the Workday
to meet their needs, providing as finely grained access
integration that returns worker data may filter out some
as required to support complex configurations, including
data for that worker (e.g. compensation or personal data).
global implementations.
RaaS integrations filter by row based on the security of
the underlying Report Data Source, which can also be
Context-sensitive and context-free access support
configured to filter its results contextually.
Workday allows for both context-sensitive and context-
free role-based security. A context-sensitive role-based
security group is associated with an organisation
type such as a Supervisory organisation, Cost Centre
organisation, or a Company organisation. Workday
security is ‘sensitive’ to only accessing secured items in the
same organisation type. For example, a manager initiates
the Hire Employee business process to hire a new worker
into their organisation called US Sales Division.
About Workday
Workday is a leader in enterprise-class, Software-as-a-
Service (SaaS) solutions for managing global businesses,
combining a lower cost of ownership with an innovative
approach to business applications. Founded by PeopleSoft
veterans Dave Duffield and Aneel Bhusri, Workday
delivers unified Human Capital Management, Payroll,
and Financial Management solutions designed for
today’s organisations and the way people work.
Delivered in the cloud and leveraging a modern
technology platform, Workday offers a fresh alternative
to legacy ERP. More than 1,350 customers, spanning
medium-sized organisations to Fortune 50 businesses,
have selected Workday. Visit us at

Workday  |  Hong Kong: +852 2359 5600  |  Malaysia: +603 2615 7812
Singapore: +65 6809 5098  |

©2016. Workday, Inc. All rights reserved. Workday and the Workday logo are registered trademarks of Workday, Inc. All other brand and product names are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. 20160810WDSECURITY-ENAP

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