10dc Generator

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CERTC-EE Review Guide Series Review Guide Series ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DC Generator 1 & 2

22. A 150-kW 250-volt compound 29. In a dc generator, the flux is seen to be sine of an angle between pairs of
generator is connected long-shunt. If the _______ at the trailing pole tips and quantities.
shunt field resistance is 20 ohms, what is _______ at the leading pole tips. TYPES of ARMATURE WINDINGS:
the series-field current at full load? A. weakened, weakened A dc generator is an electrical machine
A. 600 amp C. 612.5 amp B. same, same that converts mechanical energy to I. LAP WINDING:
B. 12.5 amp D. 587.5 amp C. crowded, weakened electrical energy.
D. weakened, crowded yb
23. The output of a shunt generator is 24 yc = m
kW at a terminal voltage of 200 V. Armature 30. Which of the following losses occur due Average EMF Induced in a Coil:
resistance is 0.05 Ω and shunt field to the rapidly changing magnetic fields in
resistance is 40 Ω. If the iron and friction the armature, resulting in heat? yb = yf m
In SI: Φ
losses equal to the copper losses at this A. Eddy Current losses
load, find the BHP of the driving engine. B. I2R losses t
C. Stray losses
A. 32.8 hp C. 38.8 hp
D. Hysteresis losses E - Average EMF induced in a coil in volts
B. 36.9 hp D. 42.2 hp yc
N - the number of turns in the coil
31. Eddy current losses in dc machines
24. Maximum efficiency in a rotating
varies  - flux in Webers
machine is attained upon which condition? t –timein seconds
A. Eddy current loss equals hysteresis loss.
A. directly with the lamination thickness Figu
B. directly with the square of the lamination yb– back pitch (an odd number)
B. Core losses equals iron losses
C. Constant losses equals variable losses
thickness In CGS:
Φ -8 re (an odd number)
yf – front pitch
C. inversely with the lamination thickness 10
D. Rotational losses equal friction losses
D. inversely with the square of the t + progressive type of winding
25. How does armature reaction affect the lamination thickness - retrogressive type of winding
core loss of a dynamo? E - Average EMF induced in a coil in volts
32. In a generator, the ratio of the prime II. WAVE WINDING:
A. It increases core loss N - the number of turns in the coil
mover power output to the power developed
B. It decreases core loss  - flux in Maxwells or Lines
in the armature gives __________
C. It stabilizes the core loss t –timein seconds yb yf
efficiency. yc =
D. It has no effect on core losses
A. mechanical B. electrical P
26. Why is the armature of a d-c generator C. commercial D. overall Induced EMF in a Conductor:
33. A low-resistance copper wire that joins In SI:
A. To insulate the armature
together the identical ends of the series
B. To minimize eddy currents
C. To enhance air cooling
fields in the parallel operation of two v yc
compound generators so as to enhance
D. To ease up the assembly process
stability is called ______________.
27. Interpole windings in a dc generator are A. Tirrill regulator C. equalizer β - Flux density inWebers/sq.m = Tesla Figu
Z re2
connected in series with the __________. B. interpole D. amortisseur  - length of the conductor in meters
A. starting resistor v -velocityin meters/sec y= yb  yf
34. Which type of generator has one of its y=
B. field poles P 2
field coils connected in series with the load?
C. load
A. Shunt generator In CGS:
D. the armature winding y– average pitch
B. Series Generator
28. The degree of compounding of a C. Long-shunt generator Z – the number of elements or coil sides
compound generator can be controlled by
 10 -8
P – number of poles
D. Short shunt generator
a/an_______. C – number of commutator segments
A. equalizer β - Flux density in Linews/sq.cm = Gauss + progressive type of winding
B. extra pair of brush  - length of the conductor in centimeters - retrogressive type of winding
C. diverter resistor v -velocityin centimeters/sec
D. starting resistor
Note: Parallel Paths:
β,  , v must be mutually perpendicular; if Type of Winding a’
not, the equation must be multiplied by the Lap Winding P

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CERTC-EE Review Guide Series Review Guide Series ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DC Generator 1 & 2

Pa– power developed in the armature in 13. For a six-pole generator, how many rated 2 kW at 115 volts. Neglecting the
Wave Winding 2 m watts mechanical degrees is the equivalent of effect of armature reaction, what power
V – output (terminal/load) in volts 200 electrical degrees? could be delivered to the load?
DC-GENERATOR VOLTAGE E– generatedemf in the armature in volts A. 33.33 C. 50 A. 1840 W C. 1310 W
EQUATION BETWEEN BRUSHES: IL – load current in amperes B. 160 D. 1.8 B. 1670 W D. 1925 W
If – field current in amperes
In SI: Ia – armature current in amperes 14. Two shunt generators A and B, with 18. The armature of a 6-pole separately
P Φ ZS RL– load resistance ratings of 100 kW and 150 kW, excited dc generator is lap wound with
E= Rf– shunt field resistance respectively, and having identical 534 conductors. This machine delivers
60  (a' )
Ra – armature resistance straight-line external voltage vs. percent power to the load at 250 volts while being
kW output characteristics, are connected driven at 1000 rpm. At this load, the
E – generatedemf in the armature in volts in parallel. If the no-load and full-load armature circuit dissipates 640 W. If the
EXTERNAL CHARACTERISTIC OF A voltages are respectively 255 V and 230 flux per pole of this generator is 30 mWb,
P –the number of poles SHUNT GENERATOR:
 –the flux per pole in Webers V, calculate the total load when the determine the kilowatt rating of the load
Z – the number of armature conductors terminal emf is 235 V. served. Assume a total brush contact
S – the speed in RPM A. 215 kW C. 200 kW drop of 2 volts.
a’ – number of armature parallel paths VNL B. 255 kW D. 245 kW A. 17.52 kW C. 10.67 kW
B. 13.56 kW D. 18.47 kW
Load Voltage
VFL 15. A 15-kW 230-volt shunt generator
In CGS: was run light as a motor to determine its 19. A compound dynamo supplies a load
P  Φ  Z  S -8
E= 10 stray power losses at rated load. The of 20 kW at 400 V through a feeder
60  (a' ) applied voltage across the armature, whose equivalent resistance is 0.1 ohm.
computed for test was 254 volts and the The shunt and series field resistances
Load Current armature current drawn is 2 amp. The are 85 ohms and 0.06 ohm respectively.
 –the flux per pole in Maxwellsor Lines armature and shunt field resistances are Determine the generated emf when the
0.25 and 100 ohms respectively. dynamo is connected short-shunt.
After the machine has been assembled, a’,
P, Z could be taken as a constant, thus
Figu Calculate the generator efficiency at half Assume a brush contact drop of 1 V per
A shunt generator is considered as
having a fairlyre
load. Assume stray power losses to be brush and an armature resistance of 0.1
constant output voltage. constant. ohm.
A. 81.43 % C. 89.33 % A. 416.23 V C. 411.42 V
S SERIES GENERATOR: B. 87.13 % D. 84.83 % B. 415.48 V D. 412.42 V
16. Two shunt generators A and B with 20. A short-shunt generator has a shunt-
TYPES of DC GENERATORS: Po IL ratings of 250 kW and 400 kW field resistance of 77 Ω, a series field
respectively, and having straight line resistance of 0.008 Ω, interpole-winding
1. Separately-Excited DC Generator:
external characteristic curves are resistance of 0.005 Ω, and an ar ature
2. Self-Excited DC Generator: Pa Ia E = V + Ia(Ra + Rs) connected in parallel. If the no load resistance, including brushes, of 0.02 Ω.
SHUNT GENERATOR: voltage is 260 volts and the full load When the armature current is 128 A, the
voltage is 240 volts for the two generated emf is 234.2 V. How much
Ia = I L generators, what is the kilowatt share of power is delivered to the load?
Po IL Pa Ia each machine when the terminal voltage A. 25.85 kW C. 28.75 kW
is 245 volts? B. 32.25 kW D. 32.75 kW
Pa = Po+ Losses A. 187.5 kW & 300 kW
Pa = Po+ Losses Ia = IL + If 21. A four-pole de generator runs at 750
B. 150 kW & 347 kW
rpm and generates an emf of 240 volts.
C. 168 kW & 352 kW
The armature is wave wound and has
D. 191 kW & 308 kW
E = V + IaRa 792 conductors. If the total flux from each
V Rs – series field resistance 17. A dc generator has a no-load output pole is 0.0145 Wb, what is the leakage
If =
Rf voltage of 120 volts. Its armature circuit coefficient?
resistance is 0.95 ohm and its field coils A. 2.1 C. 1.8
Po– power output in watts are separately energized. The load is B. 1.2 D. 0.4

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CERTC-EE Review Guide Series Review Guide Series ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DC Generator 1 & 2

3. A 4-pole wave-wound shunt A. 96.52 % C. 97.65 % EXTERNAL CHARACTERISTIC OF A EXTERNAL CHARACTERISTICS

generator supplies a load of five motors B. 97.30 % D. 95.15 % SERIES GENERATOR: COMPOUND GENERATORS:
each taking 40 A and a lighting load of 8. The following information is given for a cumulative
one hundred 100-W lamps at 220 V.
300-kW 600-volt long-shunt flat-

Load Voltage
over compound

Load Voltage
Shunt field resistance is 88 ohms and
compounded generator: shunt-field VNL
armature resistance is 0.05 ohm. The flat compound
resistance = 75 ohms; armature
output of the prime mover is 62.89 kW. under compound
resistance including brushes = 0.03 ohm; differential
Calculate the overall efficiency of the
commutating field winding resistance =
generator. Rated
0.011 ohm; series-field resistance =
A. 85.88 % C. 84.4 % 0.012 ohm; diverter resistance = 0.036 Load Current Load current
B. 81.78 % D. 88.16 % ohm. When the machine is delivering
4. A 115-V constant-potential d-c rated load, calculate the voltage
Figu Figu
generator delivers power to three loads generated by the armature.  = f ± s
connected in parallel. Load A is a resistor A. 245.82 volts C. 625.4 volts
A series generator could either be used
as a voltage booster or a constant +
cumulatively compounded
of 5.75 Ω, load B consists of 21 60-W B. 760.0 volts D. 257.75 volts
current generator. -differentially compounded
lamps, and load C is a storage battery on
9. A 110-volt d-c generator delivers 50
charge whose open-circuit emf and
kW at rated load. If the driving engine LONG SHUNT COMPOUND Parallel Operation of DC Generators:
internal resistance are 104.5 V and 0.35
develops 104.2 bhp at this condition, GENERATOR:
Ω respectively. Calculate the power of
determine the efficiency of the generator. Reasons:
the generator. A. 64.3 % C. 86.2 % Po IL Pa Ia 1. Continuity of Service
A. 7,010 W C. 7,100 W
B. 75.2 % D. 67.5 % 2. Efficiency
B. 7,557 W D. 7,750 W
10. A shunt generator has an external 3. Maintenance and Repair
5. Two shunt generators A and B, with 4. Additions to Plants
characteristic whose terminal voltage is Ia = IL + If E = V + Ia(Rs+ Ra)
ratings of 100 kW and 150 kW,
given by the equation Vt=(250 – 0.4I),
respectively, and having identical Conditions:
where I is the load current. What power
straight-line external voltage vs. percent
will be supplied by the machine to a load Pa = Po+ Losses 1. Same External Characteristic
kW output characteristics, are connected
resistor of 5.85 Ω? 2. Same Polarity
in parallel. If the no-load and full-load
A. 9,306 W C. 9,360 W 3. Same Voltage
voltages are respectively 255 V and 230
B. 9,036 W D. 9,630 W
V, calculate the terminal voltage when V IL = IA + IB
the total load is 280 kW. 11. The armature of a four-pole shunt If = PA = VBUSIA
generator is lap wound and generates Rf
A.Vt = 221 V C. Vt = 227 V
B. Vt = 207 V D. Vt = 217 V 216 volts when running at 600 rpm. The
armature has 144 slots with six PB = VBUSIB PL = VBUSIL
6. A shunt generator has an external SHORT-SHUNT COMPOUND
conductors per slot. If this armature is GENERATOR:
characteristic whose terminal voltage is
rewound wave connected, find the emf
given by the equation Vt=(250 – 0.4I), generated at the same speed and flux PL = PA + PB
where I is the load current. What current
per pole.
Po IL Ia = IL + If
will be supplied by the machine to a load
A. 432 V C. 482 V
resistor of 5.85 Ω?
B. 412 V D. 421 V Pa Ia
A. 34 A C. 48 A E = V+ ILRs + IaRa
B. 40 A D. 27 A 12. When a dc generator is being driven
at 1200 RPM, the generated emf is 125 VBUS– Bus Voltage
7. The armature of a separately-excited
V. What will be the generated emf if the IL– Load Current
shunt generator has 0.05 ohm effective V  IL  RS
resistance and a brush resistance of 0.02 field flux is decreased by 10% with the Pa = Po+ Losses If = IA– Current delivered by GenA
speed remaining unchanged? Rf IB– Current delivered by GenB
ohm. If this generator delivers a current
A. 98.6 V C. 112.5 V PA – Power delivered by GenA
of 40 amp at 100 volts to its load, what is
B. 142.5 V D. 172.5 V PB – Power delivered by GenB
its efficiency? PL – Power delivered to the load.

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CERTC-EE Review Guide Series Review Guide Series ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DC Generator 1 & 2

Example 11.The _________ rectifies the Example 6. A self-excited dc generator speed was reduced to 750 rpm, at the
SAMPLE PROBLEMS alternating current generated in the fails to build up its voltage for the same field current, the total iron loss
armature of a dc generator following reasons: (a)_____, (b) ______, went down to 6 kW. Calculate the
Example 1. A single conductor having a and facilitates the collection of armature (c) _______. hysteresis loss, eddy current loss, and
length of 1meter cuts a uniform magnetic current through pairs of armature the total iron loss at a speed of 500 rpm,
Example 7. The voltage regulation of an
field of 30,000 gauss at a velocity of brushes. ideal dc generator is _____________. assuming that the hysteresis loss is
30m/sec. Determine the voltage induced directly proportional to the speed and the
Example 12. A 4-pole dc machine Example 8. What is the standard
in the conductor. eddy current loss is proportional to the
generates a no-load voltage of 220-volts direction of rotation of a dc generator?
Example 2. A flux of 7.5x106 lines is when driven at 1,500-RPM. The armature square of the speed.
linked by a coil of one turn. The given flux Example 9. A 20-kW short-shunt Example 14. Two shunt generators A
has 40 slots and 2 parallel paths. If the
compound generator has a full-load
collapses to zero in 0.25 seconds. flux per pole is 1.833x106maxwells, and B are to be operated in parallel to
Calculate the voltage generated in the terminal voltage of 250-volts. The supply a common load. Generator A has
determine the number of conductors in
loop. armature resistance Ra=0.1-Ω, series a no-load voltage of 240 and a voltage of
each slot.
field resistance Rs=0.05-Ω and shunt 220 when it delivers a load of 60 A.
Example 3.Determine the number of Example 13. A 2-pole dc generator field resistance Rf=115-Ω. Determine the Generator B has a no-load voltage of 230
parallel current paths of a 12-pole containing 40 conductors in its armature generated emf when the machine is and a voltage of 220 when it delivers the
machine if the armature is (a) simplex arranged in two parallel paths is driven at operated on full-load. same current as A. Assuming straight-
lap-wound, (b) duplex wave-wound, (c) 30-RPM. The flux per pole is 6.5x108
triplex lap-wound, (d) duadruplex wave- Example 10. A short-shunt compound line characteristics for both machines,
lines. The resistance of its conductor is
wound? generator has a full-load current of 50 calculate: a) the line voltage and total
0.01-Ω and the current carrying capacity
amps. If the series filed resistance load in kilowatts when generator B is
Example 4. A dc machine has 6 poles of each conductor is 5-amps. At this Rs=0.05-Ω and a diverter carries a “floating”; b) the total load delivered by
and a rated current of 100 A. Calculate condition, determine the terminal voltage
current of 24-amps, determine the both machines when the line voltage is
the current in each path at rated across the armature.
diverter resistance Rd. 225 V.
condition if the armature is (a) simplex Example 14. A 4-pole dc generator
Example 11. A 150-kw, 250-volts long- Example 15. Two shunt generators
lap-wound, (b) duplex lap-wound, (c) having 4 parallel paths and a flux per
shunt compound generator has an running in parallel supply a load current
simplex wave-wound? pole of 10x106 lines is driven at 1500-
armature resistance, shunt field of 5000 amperes.
Example 5. Determine the number of RPM. If the generator has 1 turn/coil,
resistance, and series field resistance of Each machine has an armature
electrical degrees of a 6-pole dc calculate the total number of series-
connected conductors required to 0.25-Ω, 125-Ω, and 0.01-Ω. The diverter resistance of 0.03 ohm and a field
machine. resistance of 60 ohms. If the generated
produce a voltage of 120-volts across its carries a current of 54-amperes.
Example 6.A full-pitch is equivalent to Calculate the (a) diverter resistance (b) emf of the first machine is 600-volts and
______ electrical degrees. full-load generated voltage. the second one is 640-votls, calculate the
Example 15. A 12-pole dc generator is power each machine supply. (Ans:
Example 7._________ is referred to as Example 12. A long-shunt compound
wound triplex-lap and has 80 coils of 9
the distance between two sides of a coil generator has a shunt field winding of Problems to Solve:
turns per coil. When driven at 3600-RPM,
and is measured in terms of armature 1200 turns per pole, and a series field 1. A 150-kW 250-V compound generator
the armature generated voltage is 120-
slots. winding of 5 turns per pole and a series is connected long-shunt. If the shunt field
volts. Calculate the required flux per pole
Example 8.When the coil sides have a field resistance of 0.06-Ω. In order to resistance is 20 ohms, what is the series
to produce the rated generated emf.
distance of less than a pole-pitch, the have the same rated voltage at full-load field current at full load?
Example 16.A four-pole generator has as at no-load, when the machine is A. 175.8 amp C. 612.5 amp
winding is referred to as 360 conductors and each generates a
operated as a shunt generator, there is a B. 50.44 amp D. 856.12 amp
_________________. voltage of 3-volts and is capable of
need to increase the field current by 0.2 2. The no-load voltage in a laboratory is
carrying 30 amp of current. Neglecting
amp. If the full-load armature current of 232 volts and rated load voltage is 220
Example 9._________ is referred to as the internal armature voltage drop,
the machine operated as a volts. The armature resistance including
the distance between commutator determine the total generated emf and
compoundgenerator is 80 amps, brushes is 0.026 ohm and the resistance
segments to which the coil ends are the maximum kW output of the generator
calculate the resistance of the diverter of the shunt field is 52 ohms. What is the
if the armature were a) wave-connected
connected. required for flat-compound operation. induced electromagnetic force at rated
b) lap-connected. Example 13. The total iron loss in a
Example 17.This is a type of dc load?
Example 10.The generated emf in the certain dc generator was found out to be A. 212 V C. 255 V
generator that gets its excitation from its
armature of a dc generator is 10 kW at an armature speed of 1000 rpm B. 226 V D. 230 V
own armature.
__________. for a constant field current. When the

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CERTC-EE Review Guide Series Review Guide Series ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DC Generator 1 & 2

B. 200 V D. 288 V resistance is 0.2-Ω, determine the a density of 2.8 tesla at a speed of 0.4
A. 250 V C. 270 V 40. The voltage build-up in a shunt rotational (stray power). meters per second?
B. 225 V D. 288 V generator is generally restricted by Example 18. A _________ dc generator A. 2.24 x 10–8 volt C. 0 volt
34. A 6-pole generator has a lap-wound A. speed limitations gets its excitation from a separate dc B. 2.24 volts D. 7 volts
armature with 40 slots with 20 B. saturation of iron source.
5. A four-pole dc shunt generator with a
conductors per slot. The flux per C. copper heating Example 19.A separately excited dc shunt field resistance of 100 ohms and
pole is 25 mWb. Calculate the speed D. brush resistance generator generates an armature an armature resistance of 1 ohm has 378
at which the machine must be driven voltage of 150-volts when driven at 1800- wave-connected conductors in its
to generate an e.m.f. of 300 V. rpm. Calculate the same if this machine armature. The flux per pole is 0.02 Wb. If
A. 750 rpm C. 15 rpm is driven at 2000-rpm. Assume that the a load resistance of 10 ohms is
B. 1200 rpm D. 900 rpm field excitation remains unchanged. connected across the armature terminals
35. A short-shunt compound generator Example 20. A separately excited dc- and the generator is driven at 1000 rpm,
supplies 50 A at 300 V. If the field generator when driven at 1600-rpm and calculate the power absorbed by the
resistance is 30 Ω, the series excited by a field current of 2.1 amps load.
resistance 0.03 Ω and the ar ature generates a no-load terminal voltage of A. 8215 W C. 1278 W
resistance 0.05 Ω, deter ine the 125-volts. If the same is excited by 2.8 B. 4450 W D. 5153 W
e.m.f. generated. [304.5 volts] amps and driven at 1450-rpm, determine
6. A four-pole shunt generator with lap-
A. 308.5V C. 325 V DC Generator Part 2 the new generated emf. Assume that the
connected armature having field and
B. 300 VD. 304.5 V generator operates at its linear region.
Example 1. A 200-kw, 250-volts shunt armature resistances of 50 ohms and 0.1
36. For a six-pole generator, how many generator has a field resistance of 50-Ω ohm respectively supplied sixty 100-volt
mechanical degrees is the and an armature resistance of 0.05-Ω. 40-watt lamps. Calculate the generated
equivalent of 210 electrical degrees? Problems to Solve.
Determine the full-load generated emf.
A. 35 C. 70 voltage. A. 128.5 V C. 212.8 V
1. The armature of a separately-excited
B. 10.28 D. 3.5 B. 104.6 V D. 145.5 V
Example 2. As load is increased in a shunt generator has 0.05 ohm effective
37. A shunt generator supplies a 50 kW shunt generator, the terminal voltage resistance and a brush resistance of 0.02 7. A generator is connected to a 50 Ω
load at 400 V through cables of decreases due to (a)_____, (b) ohm. If this generator delivers a current load and a current of 10 A flows. If the
resistance 0.2 Ω. If the field winding ______, (c) _______. of 40 A at 100 volts to its load, what is its ar ature resistance is 0.5 Ω, deter ine
resistance is 50 Ω and the ar ature efficiency?
Example 3. A shunt generator has a the terminal voltage.
resistance is 0.05 Ω, deter ine the A. 96.52 % C. 97.65 %
terminal voltage of 110-volts when it A. 455 V C. 505 V
e.m.f. generated in the armature. B. 97.30 % D. 95.15 %
delivers a current of 50-amperes. The B. 500 V D. 510 V
A. 431.68 V C. 425.25 V
armature resistance with brush included 2. A generator assembled with six pole- 8. A separately excited generator
B. 413.68 V D. 452.52 V
is 0.1-Ω. If the power developed in the shoes and six interpoles when driven to a develops a no-load e.m.f. of 180 V at an
38. A 4-pole armature of a d.c. machine armature is 120% of the power in the
has 1000 conductors and a flux per speed of 1,800 rpm should generate a armature speed of 15 rev/s and a flux per
load, determine the armature current. frequency of _________ hertz. pole of 0.20 Wb. Calculate the generated
pole of 20 mWb. Determine the
Example 4. The no-load voltage of a A. 90 C. 60 e.m.f. when the speed remains at 15
e.m.f. generated when running at
shunt generator is 140-volts while its full- B. 50 D. 180 rev/s and the pole flux is decreased to
600 rev/min when the armature is
load voltage is 120-volts. Determine its 0.125 Wb.
wave-wound. 3. Determine the terminal voltage of a
per cent voltage regulation. A. 112.5 V C. 275.40 V
A. 450 V C. 400 V generator which develops an e.m.f. of
B. 245 VD. 488 V Example 5. A 10-kw, 230-volts, 1750- 240 V and has an armature current of 50 B. 244.2 V D. 125.8 V
39. A separately excited generator rpm, shunt generator was tested to A on load. Assume the armature 9. A d.c. generator has a generated
develops a no-load e.m.f. of 180 V at determine its rotational loss. The resistance is 40 Ω. e.m.f. of 210 V when running at 700 rpm
an armature speed of 15 rev/s and a generator was run light as a shunt motor A. 215 V C. 125 V and the flux per pole is 120 mWb.
flux per pole of 0.20 Wb. Calculate with a 245-volts applied across its B. 238 V D. 218 V Determine the generated e.m.f. at a
the generated e.m.f. when the speed terminals. At this condition, the armature speed of 1155 rpm and a flux of 132
current is 2 amperes. If the field 4. What is the average voltage generated
increases to 20 rev/s and the flux per mWb.
resistance Rf is 230-Ω and the armature across a 2-meter conductor if it is moved
pole remaining unchanged. A. 318.2 V C. 381.2 V
in parallel to a uniform magnetic field with
A. 240 V C. 225 V B. 328.1 V D. 342.6 V

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10. A six-pole lap-wound d-c 15. The armature of a six pole generator 22. A 15 kW shunt generator having an B. 180 mWbD. 0.08 Wb
generator has 144 slots with 4 carries a total current of 350 amp. What ar ature circuit resistance of 0.4 Ω and a
28. The armature of a 4-pole, 128-slot
conductors per slot. The effective flux current flows in each path if the winding field resistance of 100 Ω, generates a shunt generator is lap-wound with four
between each pole face is 36 mW. If the is duplex lap? terminal voltage of 240 V at full load.
conductors per slot. The flux per pole is
armature of this machine is driven by its A. 58.33 amp C. 175 amp Determine the efficiency of the generator
50 mWb. The armature and shunt field
prime mover to a speed of 1,400 rpm, B. 29.17 amp D. 14.58 amp at full load, assuming the iron, friction
resistances are 0.04 ohm and 50 ohms
how much voltage is generated in a and windage losses amount to 1 kW.
16. A four-pole shunt-connected respectively. Determine the speed of the
single conductor in the armature? A. 88.12 % C. 80.4 %
generator has a lap-connected armature machine when supplying 400 amp at a
A. 1.32 V C. 0.55 V B. 82.14 % D. 78.92 %
with 728 conductors. The flux per pole is terminal voltage of 250 volts.
B. 0.84 V D. 1.72 V 25 mWb. If the generator supplies two 23. A separately excited generator A. 580 rpm C. 624 rpm
11. A four-pole lap-wound d-c shunt hundred 110-V 75-watt bulbs, determine develops a no-load e.m.f. of 180 V at an B. 645 rpm D. 634 rpm
generator has a useful flux per pole of the speed of the generator. The field and armature speed of 15 rev/s and a flux per 29. An 8-pole dc shunt generator with
0.07 Wb. The armature winding consists armature resistances are 110 Ω and pole of 0.20 Wb. Calculate the generated 778 wave-connected armature
of 220 turns each of 0.004-ohm 0.075 Ω respectively. e.m.f. when the speed increases to 25 conductors and running at 500 rpm
resistance. Calculate the terminal voltage A. 450 rpm C. 396.6 rpm rev/s and the pole flux is decreased to supplies a load of 12.5 ohms resistance
when running at 900 rpm if the armature B. 725 rpm D. 525 rpm 0.18 Wb. at a terminal voltage of 250 volts. If the
current is 50 amp. A. 112 V C. 270 V armature resistance and field resistance
17. The armature of a six pole generator
A. 458 V C. 384 V B. 240 V D. 250 V are 0.24 Ω and 250 Ω find the flux per
carries a total of 350 amp. What current
B. 540 V D. 440 V pole.
flows in each path if the winding is lap? 24. The armature resistance and shunt
12. A d.c. generator running at 25 rev/s A. 175 amp C. 50 amp field resistance of a d-c shunt generator A. 0.085 WbC. 2.045 mWb
generates an e.m.f. of 150 V. Determine B. 58.3 amp D. 356 amp are 0.625 ohm and 55 ohms respectively. B. 9.83 mWbD. 12.6 mWb
the percentage increase in the flux per Determine the power developed in the 30. A four-pole lap-wound dc generator
18. How many parallel paths are there in
pole required to generate 180 V at 20 armature if the load of this machine takes has 48 slots. How many coils does it
an eight-pole triplex-wave armature?
rev/s. 44 amperes at 220 volts. have if there are 4 elements per slot?
A. 6 C. 8
A. 20 % C. 60 % A. 12 kW C. 11.5 kW A. 192 C. 96
B. 4 D. 2
B. 25 % D. 50 % B. 8.5 kW D. 10 kW B. 12 D. 52
19. A d.c. generator has a generated
13. Two permanent magnets with a 25. A four-pole duplex lap wound dc 31. A shunt generator supplies a 50 kW
e.m.f. of 210 V when running at 700
circular cross-section are mounted in a generator has 48 slots with 4 elements load at 400 V through cables of
rev/min and the flux per pole is 120
position such that the N-pole of one faces
mWb. Determine the generated e.m.f. (a)
per slot. When driven by its prime mover resistance 0.2 Ω. If the field winding
the S-pole of the other. Determine the
at 1050 rev/min, assuming the flux
at a speed of 1,500 rpm, the flux per pole resistance is 50 Ω and the ar ature
average flux density between the pole
remains constant.
is 2.5 x 106 maxwells. Solve for the resistance is 0.05 Ω, deter ine the
faces if a wire moving through the gap at output voltage. terminal voltage.
A. 300 V C. 381 V
a speed of 2.5 meters per second A. 110 V C. 89 V A. 431.68 V C. 425.00 V
B. 315 V D. 175 V
generates an average voltage of 3.2 B. 60 V D. 57 V B. 413.68 V D. 452.52 V
volts. The area of either pole face is 20. A 250 V d.c. shunt-wound generator
has an ar ature resistance of 0.1 Ω. 26. Two 6-pole generators A and B have 32. Which part of a generator provides
78.54 cm2. similar operating characteristics except the path for the magnetic flux?
A. 23.2 Tesla C. 12.8 Tesla Determine the generated e.m.f. when the
their windings. Find the ratio of their A. Armature C. Field winding
B. 10.8 Tesla D. 7.25 Tesla generator is supplying 50 kW, neglecting
generated voltages if A is wound duplex B. Yoke D. Interpole
the field current of the generator.
14. A shunt generator delivers 50 amp of lap and B is wound duplex wave.
A. 270 V C. 205 V
current to a load at 110 V, at an A. 2 : 3 C. 1 : 3 33. A 4-pole, wave-connected armature
B. 350 V D. 225 V
efficiency of 85 percent. The total B. 3 : 4 D. 1 : 2 of a d.c. machine has 750 conductors
constant losses are 480 W, and the 21. A generator is connected to a 50 Ω and is driven at 720 rev/min. If the useful
27. Determine the flux per pole of a six-
shunt-field resistance is 65 Ω. Calculate load and a current of 10 A flows. If the
pole generator required to generate 240 flux per pole is 15 mWb, determine the
the armature resistance. ar ature resistance is 0.5 Ω, deter ine generated e.m.f.
V at 500 rpm. The armature has 120
A. 0.185 Ω C. 0.235 Ω the generated e.m.f.
slots with eight conductors per slot and is
B. 0.558 Ω D. 0.114 Ω A. 455 V C. 505 V
B. 500 V D. 510 V lap-wound.
A. 0.015 WbC. 30 mWb

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