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Sheet Metal Stamping 101

Parts I - V

December 15, 2009

By: Art Hedrick
Editor's Note: This series presents an overview of metal stamping. Part I focuses on the various
careers in the metal stamping industry. Part II discusses stamping materials and equipment. Part
III focuses on dies and cutting and Part IV offers more detail about cutting processes. Part V, the
final installment, investigates forming methods.
The author of the "Die Science" column in STAMPING Journal®, Art also has written several other
series that appear at, including:

 Solving Punch Breakage Problems

 Die Basics 101
 Cutting Tooling Costs
Sheet Metal Stamping 101, Part I

Who does what?

April 14, 2009

By: Art Hedrick
Metalworking professionals who possess diverse proficient skills have an edge in a tight job market.
In this first installment in a series, tool-and-die expert Art Hedrick presents an overview of the
metal stamping industry and describes the various careers available in the sector.
Editor's Note: This series presents an overview of metal stamping. Part I focuses on the various
careers in the metal stamping industry. Part II discusses stamping materials and equipment; Part
III focuses on dies and cutting and Part IV offers more detail about cutting processes. The final
installment, Part V, investigates forming methods.
To remain employed in today's economy, you must be diversified with respect to your skills. With
cutbacks, companies now have fewer resources to get the work done. Employees often wear many
hats. One minute you're a tool and die maintenance technician, the next you're in quality control,
and then you're in the quoting department. You get the idea.
Because my "Die Basics 101" series is so popular, I decided to launch a new series that expands
upon the fundamentals of stamping dies and processes and provides a more in-depth view of the
overall metal stamping process.
You probably are reading this article because you either work with stamping dies, or would like to
in the future. This introductory article is intended for those individuals with very little or no sheet
metal stamping experience. As a process engineer, die designer, diemaker, setter, or die
maintenance technician, you will find it helpful to know which piece of the larger puzzle you are.

How Stamping Affects Our Lives

There is no doubt that stamping has dramatically changed our lives. Common household items such
as washers and dryers are made using a sheet metal stamping process. Items that we often take for
granted, such as the flatware we use for eating, the pots and pans we cook with, and the car we
drive, are manufactured partially by sheet metal stamping. Beverage cans, cigarette lighters, gun
shells, even certain types of solid gold jewelry are manufactured using this process. The computer
on which you are reading this article contains stamped parts.

How Stamping Is Viewed

It's very interesting to me how the perception of sheet metal stamping and diemakers varies from
person to person. Some people think of stamping as a typically dirty "factory-type job," while
others think diemakers are highly skilled individuals who are good with their hands. The truth is,
die designing and -making, troubleshooting, and maintenance are professional career paths. Good
die designers and -makers are better with their brains than with their hands. Many of the hands-on
skills needed in the past have been replaced with new processes, such as wire burning and CNC.
In any case, as stampers, we must be masters of the trade and accept nothing less than perfection.
Keep in mind that perfection in the tool and die industry means that everything important must fit
and function properly. Fit and function is the key. Some die components must be manufactured with
extreme dimensional accuracy, while others do not require as much accuracy. The key is to take the
time to make precision components dimensionally correct, and don't waste time on less critical

Beauty Goes Only So Far

As a consultant, I find it somewhat frustrating to see a die that looks as good as jewelry when only
parts of it need to be so. Although the toolmaker may be proud of the appearance of the tool,
spending time polishing things in the die that don't need to be polished is wasteful. Companies
typically don't purchase dies based on their physical appearance but rather their performance. Take
pride in the performance of the tool, not its appearance.

Science—Not Art
Pursuing a career as a tool- and diemaker or designer can prove to be a great choice for many
individuals. First let's dismiss some of the vicious rumors about the die building and stamping trade.
Despite what some toolmakers may tell you, the occupation is not an art form. It is a science and a
professional career path. Good diemakers and designers don't make decisions based on an
inspiration they had earlier that day. Their intent is not to build something that is intended to
"inspire" emotion.
Don't confuse creativity with art. Toolmakers and designers must be very creative in their thought
process. Unlike an artist, who intends to inspire emotion, a die designer must create something that
functions correctly.
To be a good diemaker or designer, every decision that you make with respect to the die must be
based on a good understanding of physics. It's very simple: If you throw an apple in the air, it will
fall. It doesn't matter how artistic you are.
A career as a tool- and diemaker is not only very challenging, but also requires a great deal of
education. Some of that education is in an academic form, while the bulk of your learning will come
with actual shop floor experience. Although you may not end up with a degree from the University
of X, rest assured, this is a professional career path. I work with many academic professionals, some
with Ph.D.s, who consult with me on projects. It is only through the combined efforts of academic
and real-world experience that we can realize success.
As a diemaker or designer, you could be responsible for making decisions that end up costing
thousands and sometimes millions of dollars. Judgments should not be taken lightly; a poor decision
can devastate an organization. A baker can eat his mistakes, but a bad die can't even be used as a
boat anchor. More the reason to strive for perfection.
Why Sheet Metal Stamping?
The System. You've heard the phrase "necessity is the mother of invention," which can be
summarized in one word: need. Large companies, such as automotive, aircraft, or appliance
manufacturers, often drive the need for sheet metal tooling. These companies are called original
equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
If an OEM sees a need for a part or a new product line, it will go about determining the best way to
produce it. This is where a great deal of knowledge about the many different processes is important.
For example, if a large-volume part can be stamped as opposed to casting, the part can be produced
at a significantly lower cost.
Some OEMs have the capacity to build the tooling and run the dies themselves; however, they often
outsource their part production needs. This means they may hire a company to provide the parts to
fill their need. These outside companies that work directly with the OEMs are called Tier 1
In the sheet metal stamping business, a Tier 1 supplier generally owns several stamping presses and
hopes to get a contract to supply parts to an OEM. But the OEM doesn't just give supplier contracts
away. The Tier 1 supplier has to bid on the contract. Once the company has landed a contract to
supply parts, it must build the stamping die that runs in its presses to create the parts. The company
may have a division that builds dies, but many must find a tooling source to supply the die, which in
turn must bid on the contract to build it.
What Is a Sheet Metal Stamping Operation? A sheet metal stamping operation is one in which
sheet metal is cut and formed into a desired shape or profile. Although a sheet metal stamping
process may utilize numerous types of special machines, three basic items are essential: the sheet
metal from which the part is to be made; the stamping press; and the stamping die.
With the exception of a specialized sheet metal stamping process commonly referred to as hot
stamping, most sheet metal stamping operations involve cold forming. This essentially means that
no heat is intentionally introduced into the die or the sheet material. However, keep in mind that
although stamping is a cold-forming process, heat is generated. Cutting or forming sheet metal
creates friction between the die and the metal—much like the friction and heat that occur when you
rub your hands together.
Because heat is generated from friction during the cutting and forming process, stamped parts often
are very hot when they exit the dies.
What Are Some of the Different Professions Associated With Sheet Metal Stamping? You can
pursue many stamping-related careers, such as process engineer, die designer, machinist, diemaker,
or die maintenance technician.
A process engineer is responsible for determining the steps needed to turn a flat sheet of metal into
a finished part—a critical task and an important position. A single process error can quickly spell
Die designers are responsible for designing the tools to effectively execute the process that has been
established. Many individuals serve as both process engineers and die designers. Effective die
designers have a good understanding of mechanical motion, as well as material strengths and tool
steel types. They are skilled at operating CAD or computer-aided software.
Machinists are responsible for cutting die components from specified materials to their proper
Diemakers assemble and construct the tool. They also must test the die to make sure it functions
properly and consistently produces an acceptable piece part.
Production die maintenance technicians maintain, repair, and troubleshoot stamping dies.

Sheet Metal Stamping 101, Part II

Material and equipment

June 9, 2009
By: Art Hedrick

Why Sheet Metal?

First let's begin with the basics. Sheet metal is one of the strongest materials that can be readily
shaped and cut. Because of its strength, it is an ideal candidate for making parts that require good
load-bearing ability. Also, many metals have good corrosion resistance, as well as good electrical
conductivity. This makes metal a good candidate for electrical components.
Sheet metal is recyclable, so it can be reused indefinitely. Items made from sheet metal can be
aesthetically pleasing (Figure 1), which makes the material a great candidate for products that
require both good visual appearance and strength.

Sheet Metal Basics

Sheet and coil material is produced by progressively squeezing a red-hot, large, rectangular block of
metal between rollers (Figure 2)—much like an old-fashioned clothes ringer on a washing machine.
This metal-squeezing process commonly is referred to as the rolling process. Each time the metal is
rolled, it gets thinner and thinner. The space between the final set of rollers determines the final
metal thickness.
After the desired thickness is obtained, the sheet metal then is rolled into a large coil. Typical sheet
metal thicknesses used in stamping are 0.001 in. to 0.625 in. Although most stamping operations
use sheet steel, special dies can cut and form steel bars up to 3 in. thick.
Many different types of metal can be cut and formed in a die. Everything from gold to special
superalloys used in the aerospace industry can be stamped (Figure 3). However, of all the materials
stamped today, steel is the most common. Hundreds of steel types—from mild to special grades of
advanced high-strength steel—are available for stamping.
Stainless steel is used in many stamping applications. Certain grades of stainless steel, such as the
types that are used to make kitchen sinks, offer great formability, while others offer great corrosion
and heat resistance. Some stainless steels can be hardened after they are stamped. These types often
are used to make surgical tools and high-quality knives.
The metal selected for a stamping application must be the type and thickness that can be cut and
formed into a part that fits and functions properly. Before a process can be established or a die to
perform it can be made, you must have a good understanding of the material's mechanical
properties. Specific critical properties will be discussed in greater detail in a later article. Knowing
them helps you determine if the metal can be formed or cut in a die; how many operations are
required; which tool steel type is needed; the press capacity; and other die design parameters.
Attempting to develop a process without understanding the material you are cutting and forming is
very risky and can result in catastrophic failure.

What Is a Press?
It takes a great deal of force and energy to cut and form sheet metal. For example, to cut a 10-in.-
diameter circle out of a sheet of 0.125-in.-thick mild steel, it takes approximately 157,000 lbs. of
pressure. To help put this in perspective, you would have to stack approximately 13 elephants on
top of a cutting punch for it to penetrate through the sheet metal.
A press is a special machine that supplies the necessary force to form and cut the sheet metal.
Consider this: One ton equals 2,000 lbs. Achieving a force equal to 157,000 lbs. requires a press
with a minimum force of 78.5 tons. By today's standards, this is a very small, low-tonnage press.
Presses range in tonnage from 10 to 50,000; 50,000 tons equal 100 million lbs. Press safety
procedures are critical. Even the smallest press will not stop for an arm or a finger.
The numerous presses in use today can be grouped into three basic types: crank-drive, hydraulic-
drive, and servo-drive. Many variations exist. Some of the most common are gap-frame, straight-
side, and eyelet presses.

Figure 4: Stamping pressesImages courtesy of: Minster Machine Company

Some presses can run at speeds in excess of 1,500 strokes per minute. These commonly are referred
to as high-speed presses. Other presses may cycle very slowly and produce fewer parts in a given
amount of time. The speed at which a press cycles is based on many factors, including the sheet
metal type, the shape and size of the part, the type of die that is used, as well as the type of
automated equipment used in the stamping process.
All presses utilize a moving component or portion of the press called the ram. One half of the die is
attached to the ram, while the other half is attached to a stationary part of the press called the bolster
plate (Figure 4). The distance that the ram travels in one direction is referred to as the stroke of the
press. Presses have stroke lengths from 0.250 in. to 40 in. depending on the intended application.
To accommodate a large variety of die thicknesses, the press's shut height must be adjustable. The
shut height can be defined as the distance from the bottom surface of the ram to the top surface of
the bolster plate when the press ram is at its lowest point. We call this ram position bottom dead
Don't confuse the stroke length of the press with its shut height. With the exceptions of hydraulic
and servo presses, the stroke length is a constant distance, while the shut height can be altered. For
example, if your press has an 8-in. strokelength, the ram travels a distance of 8 in. downward and 8
in. upward for a total cycle distance of 16 in. The position in which the ram starts this motion is
adjustable, but the 8 in. of travel distance or stroke length is not.
The press's total shut height adjustability changes with respect to the type, size, and purpose of the
press. For example, a 500-ton tryout press, typically used by die builders, may have a great deal of
shut height adjustment; 10 in. to 20 in. is not uncommon. This allows the die shop to build and try
out many different die types and sizes.
High-speed presses typically have short stroke lengths and, therefore, very little shut height
adjustability. Using a press with an excessive stroke length can result in lower part output. This is
because the ram travels an excessive distance before the die is actually performing work.
As mentioned earlier, hydraulic- and servo-drive presses are the exceptions to these basic rules.
These presses have both adjustable shut heights and stroke lengths and are good candidates for a
variety of stamping operations.
Great care must be taken when selecting a press. Variables such as tonnage, stroke length, bed size,
deflection rates, ram speeds, drive types, and shut height adjustability are very important. However,
one of the key things to remember is that the press is a very crucial part of the metal stamping
process. The wrong type or a poorly maintained press may result in failure regardless of the die
quality. When I am conducting a public seminar, I tell my attendees, "You can have a jewel of a die,
but if you put it in a glorified 200-ton trash compactor, you will make trash." Don't dismiss the
importance of the press.

Sheet Metal Stamping 101, Part III

Dies and cutting

August 25, 2009

By: Art Hedrick
What Is a Die?
A stamping die is a special, one-of-a-kind precision tool that cuts and forms sheet metal into a
desired shape or profile. Dies often are referred to simply as tooling.
Usually only one die is made to stamp out a certain part shape or type. The exception to this rule is
when the volume of parts is so high that a stamper needs to run a die continually to meet the
quantity requirements. In this case, it may be necessary to create two identical dies. When one die is
in need of repair or maintenance, the other die can take its place.
Often dies are designed with inserts to produce many variations on a single part, such as adding or
removing holes or achieving slight form changes.
A die basically consists of two halves: a punch and a cavity (Figure 1). Both the punch and cavity
components typically are attached to precision guided metal plates call die shoes. The shoes
assembled with the die is referred to as a die set. The die set is the foundation on which all of the
working die components will be mounted. Die sets can be made from steel or high-strength
aluminum (Figure 2).
Although many commercially available components are used in manufacturing dies, most of the
die's cutting and forming sections usually are made from special types of hardenable steel called
tool steel. Areas of the die that are not intended to cut or form the metal most often are made from
low-cost mild steel. Dies also can contain cutting and forming sections made from solid carbide or
various other hard, wear-resistant materials. These components will be discussed in greater detail
later in this series.

Die Size
Dies range in size from those used to make microelectronics, which can fit in the palm of your
hand, to those 20 ft. square and 6 ft. thick that are used to make entire automobile body sides.
Not all dies are used to form sheet metal. Some dies can cut and form plastic, paper, rubber, and
other materials. You probably have seen embossed letterhead or raised impressions on a brochure or
marketing piece. These are made with embossing dies. You may have seen pennies smashed into
souvenir coins from attractions, such as Walt Disney World, which often contain raised images.
These trinkets are made using coining dies. Even the coins in your pocket are made using dies.
The part a stamping operation produces is called a piece part. Certain high-speed dies can make
more than one piece part per cycle and can cycle as fast as 1,500 cycles (strokes) per minute.
All stamping dies perform one of two basic operations: cutting or forming. Many dies can handle
both operations.

Metal Cutting Basics

Cutting is perhaps the most common operation performed in a stamping die. During cutting, the
metal is severed by placing it between two bypassing tool steel sections that have a small gap
between them. This gap, or distance, is called the cutting clearance. The process of metal cutting
not only takes a great deal of force, but it also produces a great deal of shock. For this reason, metal
cutting is one of the most severe stamping operations. Excessive shock can cause die sections to
break, punches to snap, and presses to fail.
Imagine this scenario.If you had a hammer in your hand and I instructed you to set it on a nail and
push it into a piece of wood, you most likely wouldn't have a great deal of success. However, if I
told you to lift the hammer and strike the nail, it would go into the wood with very little effort. The
energy of the hammer falling combined with the shock performed the necessary work.
If you have ever been in a stamping plant that is cutting thick, high-strength steel, you literally can
feel the floor shake every time the press cycles. Presses intended for cutting heavy or high-strength
materials usually are designed with extra-heavy-duty frames and components that can withstand this
tremendous shock. Certain presses even have special dampening units installed to help dissipate and
absorb the shock.

What Happens During Metal Cutting?

First, understand that you sometimes must shift your paradigm or thought pattern with respect to
sheet metal. Despite its physical appearance, density, strength, and weight, sheet metal is an
elastomer, which essentially means that when it is subjected to a great deal of force, it behaves
much like rubbery plastic. Think of it like Silly Putty®. You know the rubbery stuff that came in a
red egg that you may have played with as a kid. Some metals are far more rubbery than others.
Harder metal, such as high-strength steel, are less like Silly Putty.
In most cutting operations, the metal is stressed to the point of failure between two bypassing die
sections or components. To cut metal, the die must first have a cutting punch and a mating section
into which the punch enters. The cutting clearance, the distance between the cutting sections, varies
with respect to the metal type, thickness, hardness, and desired edge quality.
The cutting clearance often is expressed as a percentage of the metal's thickness. Although
clearances can vary from zero to as much as 25 percent of the metal thickness, the most common
cutting clearance used is about 10 percent. For example if you were to design a die to cut metal that
is 0.050 in. thick, the distance between the upper and lower cutting sections would be 0.005 in.
Excessive or insufficient clearance between cutting sections can produce an excessive burr on the
part (Figure 3). To minimize the burr height, the cutting sections not only must have the proper
cutting clearance between them, they must be ground periodically to maintain a perfectly square
edge. Diemakers and technicians refer to this process of grinding die sections simply as sharpening
the section.
After the punch and mating sections have been ground as necessary, they often have to be shimmed
back up to their working height. Shimming is the process by which thin sheets of material—
typically stainless steel—are placed underneath the ground section in an effort to compensate for
the amount that has been ground off. Grinding and shimming are normal tasks in a basic
maintenance procedure.

Metal Cutting Step by Step

First the metal cutting punch travels downward and hits the sheet metal At this point a great deal of
shock is transferred up through the punch. As the punch begins to enter the metal, it deforms it
slightly. Remember that metal is an elastomer. Imagine driving your finger into a marshmallow.
The amount of deformation is a product of the metal's ductility, thickness, and the clearance
between the mating cutting sections.
As the punch continues to travel downward it begins to push out, or cold extrude, the metal. When
the metal's shear strength is met, it begins to fracture or break away. Shear strength can be defined
as the maximum strength that a metal can withstand when subjected to two bypassing planes.
This process produces a cut edge with a shiny portion referred to as the cut band, or shear zone, and
a portion called the breakout, or fracture zone. In most conventional cutting operations, the
thickness of the cut band is about 20 to 40 percent of the metal's thickness, with the exception of
specialized processes, such as fineblanking.
Conventional cutting processes don't produce a perfectly square cut edge, but rather a smooth, small
flat, followed by a slightly angled, rougher surface. This is an important characteristic for product
designers to understand, because this angle means that the part's dimensions will differ from one
side to another.
Selecting cutting clearances and other engineering guidelines and specialized processes will be
covered in greater detail later in this series.
After the cutting punch performs the necessary work, the metal decompresses and has a tendency to
stick to the punch. For this reason, a punch stripper is necessary. A stripper is a spring-loaded or
urethane component that functions to pull the metal from the punch. Because the sheet metal is
interfacing with the cutting punch and the mating die section, these items usually are made from
premium, tough, wear-resistant tool steel or carbide.

Sheet Metal Stamping 101, Part IV

Cutting processes

October 27, 2009

By: Art Hedrick

Figure 1
Many types of cutting operations exist. Although most of these operations employ the basic
principles outlined in Part III of this series, each has a special purpose. Some common metal cutting
operations are trimming, piercing, blanking, notching, shearing, lancing, and pinch trimming.

Trimming is a process in which the outer perimeter of a formed or flat part is cut away to give the
piece part its finished or partially finished profile. The excess material, commonly called addendum
or offal, often is recovered, collected, and resold as scrap. However, sometimes the scrap from one
part can be used to make a different, smaller part in another die. Using excess material in this
fashion is smart engineering, because the cost of coiled material often is 10 to 15 times greater than
the amount paid for scrap.
The size of scrap that is allowed to be produced is a function of the stamper's scrap handling
capability. While most stampers use belts and shakers to remove the scrap from the dies, some have
through-the-bolster scrap removal methods in which the scrap falls directly through the die and
bolster plate of the press. The scrap is collected and discarded through mechanical methods under
the bolster plate of the press (Figure 1).

Usually associated with progressive dies, notching can be defined as a metal cutting operation in
which the outside edges of the strip are cut in an effort to create the flat starting shape of the piece
part, or the blank. Notching and trimming are very similar in their function (Figure 2).

The term blanking can be somewhat confusing, because it has more than one definition. The blank
is defined as the flat piece of sheet metal that eventually turns into the finished piece part.
Blanking is a method in which the sheet metal is cut and the slug is saved for further pressworking.
The size and the shape of the blank are proportional to the size and shape of the part.
Blanking through refers to a method in which a formed part is cut free from a strip of material and
pushed through the die.
Three basic types of blanks are used in sheet metal stamping: fully developed, partially or
semideveloped, and undeveloped.
A fully developed blank does not require any additional trimming operations after it is formed. In
other words, the net shape of the part is established during forming. Because of normal sheet metal
variables, such as small differences in mechanical properties and thicknesses, as well as
inconsistency in frictional values, fully developed blanks often exhibit minor inconsistencies in the
part's edge dimensions. If precision edge location is desired, secondary trimming is usually
However, keep in mind that because a fully developed blank requires no additional trimming, no
extra scrap is produced, which saves material and costs. Fully developed blanks often are used
when there is a reasonable amount of profile tolerance in the finished part (Figure 3).
A partially or semideveloped blank is shaped using just enough material so that a minimum amount
must be trimmed away later. This type of blank is popular when the trim tolerance is very small on
the part. A semideveloped blank requires slightly more material to produce a piece part than a fully
developed blank.
A blank also can be fully developed in certain areas and partially developed in other areas. This
allows the process engineer to hold tight tolerances in areas of the part that require it and save
material and the cost of additional cutting operations in areas that have greater tolerance
(Figure 4).
An undeveloped blank starts off as a basic shape, such as a square, rectangle, trapezoid, or any other
shape that can be created using straight-line cuts. The advantage to using an undeveloped blank is
that you don't have to purchase a special blanking die to cut out a special shape. A simple shearing
die can do the job.
Keep in mind that utilizing an undeveloped blank can result in forming problems, especially when
deep drawing. The reason for this will be explained in a future article about deep drawing
(Figure 5).

The best way to understand piercing is to think of it as the opposite of a blanking operation. In other
words, unlike blanking, the slug is discarded and the hole is saved.
Often called perforating, piercing is a metal cutting operation that produces a round, square, or
special-shaped hole in flat sheet metal or a formed part. The cutting punch that produces the hole is
called the pierce or perforating punch, and the hole into which it enters is called the matrix or the
Unlike blanking, piercing is usually done on a smaller scale. The holes created by piercing can be
used for fastening parts and making parts lighter. Some examples are holes that hold special clips,
clearance holes for wiring, and liquid drain holes (Figure 6).

Lancing is a metal cutting operation in which the metal is sliced or slit to free up metal without
separating it from the original sheet. Unlike other metal cutting processes, lancing does not create a
slug. This process can save material and eliminate the need for expensive scrap removal systems.
Lancing often is done in progressive dies to create a part carrier called a flex or stretch web. This
special flex design allows the metal to move freely or flow in the die when the part is formed
(Figure 7).

Shearing slices or cuts the metal along a straight line and is a popular process for creating square or
rectangular blanks. Much like lancing, shearing does not produce a slug. Think of a shear as a giant
pair of scissors.
Most large stamping operations have at least one shearing die that can cut various sizes of square
and rectangular blanks.
An oscillating die is an example of a specialty shearing die. This die actually rotates in the press
around a center pivot point. Unlike conventional shearing dies, the top half of an oscillating die is
not attached to the ram of the press. These dies contain return springs that force the die to open
during the return stroke of the press. This movement also allows the coil to be fed into the die.
Oscillating dies can produce trapezoid blanks (Figure 8).

Pinch Trimming
Pinch trimming is a rather unconventional metal cutting process, because it does not employ some
of the basic guidelines associated with conventional cutting. Think of pinch trimming as a metal
squeezing process in which the metal is pinched on a vertical wall to the point at which it is
separated from the scrap.
Unlike conventional cutting, pinch trimming is not performed on flat sheet but on fully formed—
typically drawn—parts. It is commonly used to trim deep-drawn round cups.
A problem associated with pinch trimming is that it often causes excessive burrs on the part. These
burrs can be removed by using a secondary burr removal process, such as abrasive tumbling
(Figure 9).

Other Cutting Terms

Cutting shear can be defined as angularity that is machined or ground on the face of cutting
punches and sections. This angle creates a scissor like motion when the punch travels through the
sheet metal. The cutting shear angle helps to reduce the amount of force needed to cut the sheet
metal, as well as reduce the shock loading of the cutting components. It also helps to reduce die
noise levels.
Cutting land, or die life, refers to the amount of straight section left on the lower cutting sections
above the slug relief area. This relieved area often is called the slug-drop/slug-clearance area.
The straight section, or cutting land, must be designed so that the lower cutting section can be
sharpened numerous times yet still maintain the proper clearance between the cutting punch and the
lower cutting section (Figure 10).
Hopefully, you now have a fundamental understanding of the different types of cutting dies and

Sheet Metal Stamping 101, Part V

Forming operations

December 15, 2009

By: Art Hedrick
How are bending, flanging, coining, embossing, stretching, curling, hemming, ironing, necking, and
drawing related? They all are common metal forming operations. Find out more about these
processes in this final installment of stamping expert Art Hedrick's sheet metal stamping series.
Editor's Note: This series presents an overview of metal stamping. Part I of this series focused on
the various careers in the metal stamping industry. Part II discussed stamping materials and
equipment; Part III focused on dies and cutting and Part IV offered more detail about cutting
processes. The final installment, Part V, investigates forming methods.

Bending is one of the most common die forming methods. It can be defined simply as a forming
operation in which the metal is deformed or bent along a straight axis. Items such as tabs and
channels are created with this process. Creating a U-shaped part by bending is called U forming or
channel forming.
Because different materials and thickness have different springback values, achieving the correct
bend angle in a bending operation sometimes can be very difficult. Many methods can be used to
compensate for springback.
Three of the most common bending methods performed in a die are wipe bending, V bending, and
rotary bending. All three are very popular, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.
Wipe bending utilizes an upper forming section, a pressure pad, and a lower forming section. The
pressure pad holds the metal tight to the punch while the metal is bent and wiped tight along and
over the forming punch.
V bending uses a V-shaped block, a lower block, and a punch shaped like the cavity.
Rotary bending uses mechanical rotary motion to fold the part around the forming punch.
Both compression and tension occur during bending (Figure 1).

Flanging is bending metal along a curved axis. The two basic types of flanges are tension, or
stretch, and compression, or shrink. Tension flanges are susceptible to splitting and thinning, and
shrink flanges are susceptible to wrinkling and thickening.
Like bending dies, flanging dies use a pressure pad to hold the material while flanging takes place.
Flanges are created with a flanging die that wipes the metal between a punch and a lower die
section. Because tension flanging stretches the metal, it is best-suited to parts made from metals that
have good stretchability.
Both tension and compression occur during the flanging process. Flanges often are used to make a
part stronger, stiffer, or more rigid; they also serve as a way to assemble parts (Figure 2).
Embossing can be defined as a process in which the metal is stretched into a shallow depression.
Embossing often is used to create lettering, logos, small depressions, strengthening features,
textured nonslip surfaces, and other geometric features.
Because stretch or tension is the main deformation mode used to emboss, the metal is subject to
excessive thinning or fracturing. For this reason, the depression depth is limited by the material's
stretchability and thickness; the emboss geometry; and frictional values (Figure 3).

Coining is a process in which the metal is compressed or squeezed into the desired shape or profile.
The coins that you have in your pocket are a classic example of items made by coining.
Coining has several advantages and disadvantages. It can produce sharp, crisp corners; well-defined
features; and a brilliant surface finish. Because coining uses compression to form the part, tension
failure is unlikely.
One disadvantage is that it takes a great deal of force to coin metal. Special coining presses or
knuckle presses are often used. Minting presses are used to make metal currency. These presses
apply significant force in the small localized area where the actual coining takes place. Although
many different materials can be coined, softer metal such as brass, copper, gold, and silver are best-
suited for coining (Figure 4).

Drawing is a process in which the surface area of a blank is displaced by tension into an alternate
shape via controlled metal flow. Metal flow can be defined as metal feeding into the cavity.
Chances are, if a blank's outer profile changes as the metal is deformed, drawing is taking place.
Drawing is one of the most complicated yet effective means of shaping sheet metal. Some metal
stretching does take place during this process, so the key is to try to limit it as much as possible.
In drawing, a punch pulls the metal into the forming cavity. For this reason, drawing can be
considered a method that forms the metal in tension. Items such as oil filter pans, deep-formed auto
parts, kitchen sinks, cookware, motorcycle gas tanks, and fenders, as well as thousands of other
parts, are made using this process.
Almost any metal with reasonable formability characteristics can be drawn. Materials such as spring
or ultrahigh-strength steel are not well-suited for drawing (Figure 5).

Stretching is a metal forming process in which the surface area of a blank is increased by tension.
Don't confuse stretching with drawing. During drawing, the metal is flowing in the die and the
blank is changing shape. During stretching, there is no inward movement of the blank edge.
Stretching dies are very similar to embossing dies with the exception that, unlike most embossing
operations, stretch dies use a high-pressure binder to restrict and stop metal flow. A binder is very
similar to a drawing pad, except that a binder intentionally restricts the metal from moving inward.
Parts such as automobile hoods, roofs, and fenders are often made using stretching dies.
Stretching the metal over a well-finished, smooth punch is a cold-work process that produces a
good surface finish suitable for painting and makes the metal dent-resistant. Parts requiring smooth,
aesthetically pleasing, defect-free surfaces often are designated as Class A surfaces. Exposed body
panels, such as hoods and doors, are classic examples of Class A surface requirements.
Some dies create significant metal stretching along with flow to obtain the finished part shape.
These dies often are referred to as stretch drawing operations (Figure 6).

If you have ever looked at a beverage can and wondered how it's made, welcome to ironing. Ironing
is a process in which the metal is squeezed and reduced in thickness along a vertical wall. The main
purpose of ironing is to increase the height of a vessel and to unify its wall thickness. Ironing also
gives the metal a polished appearance.
Unlike drawing or stretching, ironing uses compression to form the metal. This makes it an ideal
process to use when the metal is soft but has reasonably poor stretchability, such as aluminum, the
material of choice for making beverage cans. Most ironing operations begin as a drawn shell that is
later subjected to an ironing process.
Ironing can reduce the walls of an aluminum beverage can to approximately 0.002 in. thick. In
addition, because ironing is a cold-working operation, the metal gets harder and stronger each time
it is formed, which creates a thin, lightweight, strong, very shiny beverage can.
Gun shells also are made with this process. A gun shell starts as a thick-walled, small brass cup.
The cup goes through several ironing operations. With each, it gets taller and taller as the walls get
thinner and thinner, while retaining the metal's original thickness at the bottom or closed portion of
the gun shell. This portion later is coined and machined into the finished working end (Figure 7).

The reducing/necking process gradually reduces the diameter of the open end of a vessel. Gun
shells are a classic example. The smaller necked-down area holds the bullet, while the larger portion
holds the gun powder.
Although necking sometimes can be achieved in a die, it is best performed using special rotary
spinning machines. This is because metal has a tendency to buckle or wrinkle when forcibly
compressed into a smaller diameter. Beverage cans are necked using a rotary process (Figure 8).

Curling deforms metal into a tubular radial profile. Door hinges are a good example of parts that are
made using this process.
Curling also is used to smooth edges and add strength and rigidity to a part. Although some curling
can be done in dies, like necking, it also can be performed using rotary curling machines, which are
ideal for curling round part edges (Figure 9).
Hemming is a process in which the metal is folded over onto itself to create a smooth edge or
strengthen the part. Hemming also can be used to join two parts together. An automobile door is a
good example of a hemmed product. Although the door consists of many parts, two main parts
make up its basic assembly: the inner door and the outer door.
The outer door has a Class A surface, while the inner door does not. Hemming is used to attach the
inner door to the outer door. The bent or flanged portion of the outer door panel is folded around the
inner door and crimped is such a manner that it does not mark the surface of the outer door, yet
sufficiently holds the two parts together.
The three basic hem types are closed, open, and rope. A closed hem is fully shut; an open hem is
open or wrapped around another part. A rope or loop hem is used when the larger radius is needed
on the part or the metal does not have the ductility to be formed into a closed hem. Designing a
closed hem in a high-strength-steel part is asking for trouble as the probability of cracking is high
(Figure 10).
Art Hedrick
Contributing Writer
Dieology LLC
8730 10 Mile Rd. SE.
Rockford, MI 49341
Phone: 616-894-6855
Contact via email

More Content by Art Hedrick

Author of the "Die Science" column in STAMPING Journal®, Art also has written technical articles
on stamping die design and build for a number of trade publications. A recipient of many training
awards, he is active in metal stamping training and consulting worldwide.

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