Unit 8 Extra Grammar: Oliver Twist

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Eyes Open 3 Unit 8 Extra Grammar

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1 Complete the second sentence so that it 4 Complete the text. Use the correct form
means the same as the first. of the past simple passive of the verbs in
1 Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist. the box.
Oliver Twist by
Charles Dickens. choose consider born influence sell bring up
2 We don’t write essays in class.
Essays in class. Norah Jones
3 Music is loved by teenagers.
New York in 1979.
Teenagers music.
When she was a girl,
4 Do you recycle plastic bottles in your house?
she 2 to
Are plastic bottles join the school choir
in your house? and she also played
5 He invites everybody to his parties. the saxophone. She
Everybody to his 3
parties. her mother after her
6 He is never asked questions in class. parents’ separation.
The teacher never She studied music at university. In 2002, her debut
him questions in class. album 4 one of the best albums of the
year. Her second album 5 by country
2 Write the sentences using the present simple music. More than four million copies 6
passive. and she became an international star.
1 They clean the streets every morning.
5 Write questions. Then match them with the
2 The government spends a lot of money.
1 When / the Empire State Building / open
3 Teachers recycle old paper in Art class.
2 When / America / discover / Columbus
4 Our school recycles paper and plastic.
3 What painting / paint / Velázquez
5 They build houses with bricks.
4 When / Beethoven’s / 5 Symphony / first /

3 Read the notes about a project to save ?
energy. Write sentences using the correct a in 1808
form of the present passive. b Las Meninas
c 1931
• reuse bottles d 1492
• use car tyres to build roads 6 Correct the mistakes.
• recycle materials 1 The first car was invent in 1886.

• switch off appliances 2 That house were design by a famous architect.

• don’t leave appliances on standby
3 Everything in this house are recycled by me.
2 4 Romeo and Juliet was wrote by Shakespeare.
4 5 That hotel is been used by local workers.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 8 Extra Grammar

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