Pharmacology NEW

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Evoke-ATII Nurse Review Center 7.

A hospitalized client with terminal cancer has been

CGFNS Boot Camp receiving morphine sulfate 5 mg IV q 4 h for the past 3
weeks for pain relief. She now states that the pain is still
Pharmacology present, even after the medication is given. The nurse
recognizes that this client:
1. A client asks the nurse about taking two medications A. has developed a physical dependency to the
together. The nurse recognizes that there will be an medication
antagonistic medication interaction and explains that B. is seeking attention for herself because of poor self-
when the two medications are taken together: image
A. Medication absorption will be increased C. resents the fact that the nurse is healthy
B. There will be a decrease in stomach acid and D. has developed tolerance to the narcotic
decreased absorption
C. One medication will decrease or eliminate the effect 8. A client asks a nurse what a medication is called that
of the other medication increases the force of the cardiac muscle. The best
D. One medication produces the same effects as the response by the nurse is, “ This medication is known as a:
other. A. positive chronotropic medication
B. positive inotropic medication
2. A physician orders an IV nitroglycerin drip to be titrated. C. negative inotropic medication
Which of the following would be the most likely D. negative dromotropic medication
parameters for this medication?
A. chest pain and level of consciousness (LOC) 9. Which of the following would be the most desirable diet
B. respirations and urine output for a patient taking cardiac glycosides?
C. blood pressure and pulse A. high-sodium, low potassium, high fat
D. headache and blood pressure B. low-sodium, low potassium, low fat
C. high-iron, high calcium, high potassium
3. In teaching a client about the side effects of a beta D. low sodium, high potassium, low fat
blocker medication to be taken at home, the nurse
explains that the atrioventricular (A-V) node is often 10. A nurse assess a client to be developing the late signs of
affected because the function of the A-V node in the heart lanoxin (Digoxin) toxicity, which include:
is to: A. Junctional dysrhythmia, A-V block
A. initiate depolarizing impulses B. Anorexia, headache
B. increase the force of myocardial contraction and C. Renal failure, aplastic anemia
increase myocardial oxygen demand D. Disorientation, vomiting
C. delay and block out extra impulses
D. allow for bypass of the normal conduction system 11. In assessing a client prior to administration of a calcium
channel blocker, which of the following elements from
4. Two medications taken at the same time produce an effect the client’s history would be a contraindication for the use
that is the sum of the effects of both medications. This of these medication? A history of:
interaction is called: A. liver failure
A. Additive B. severe hypertension
B. Antagonistic C. increased intracranial pressure
C. Interference D. asthma
D. Synergistic
12. An important nursing consideration when administering
5. A 78 year old client is hospitalized and receives digoxin nitroglycerin (NTG) IV is:
(Lanoxin) IV. The nurse should withhold the drug and A. place the medication in a glass bottle
notify the physician if the patient’s: B. moisten the patient’s mucous membranes first
A. respiratory rate falls below 14 C. follow the medication with a full glass of water
B. history reveals liver failure D. piggyback other medications directly into the NTG
C. pulse is 54 beats per minute line
D. blood pressure is 72/40 mm Hg
13. What is a major advantage of dobutamine (Dobutrex)
6. For which of the following reasons would a client be over dopamine (Intropine) for clients in cardiogenic
receiving furosemide (Lasix)? shock?
A. hypotension A. It produces less hypotension as a side effect.
B. myxedema B. Acute renal failure is rarely seen with this medication
C. anasarca C. It does not produce vasoconstriction
D. cerebral aneurysm D. The dosage of the medication is much smaller
14. The medication is to be given by injection within the 20. A client is to take furosemide (Lasix) at home. The nurse
subdural space and into the cerebrospinal fluid for the would know that the client requires more teaching if she
treatment of meningitis. The route is called: states:
A. intraspinal A. “This medication should be taken just before
B. intracutaneous bedtime.”
C. intra-articular B. “I need to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.”
D. intrathecal C. “I need to continue taking the medication even when
I start feeling really good.”
15. A client is to receive furosemide (Lasix) 60 mg IV push. D. “If I feel really dizzy or weak, I need to call the
The medication comes in a vial labeled “Lasix—100 mg physician.”
in 10 mL.” How much of the medication should the nurse
give? 21. A female client has bronchitis, so the physician orders
A. 16.6 mL guaifenesin (Robitussin). Which of the following client-
B. 0.6 mL teaching points should the nurse cover with her?
C. 6 mL A. avoid becoming pregnant during guaifenesin therapy
D. 6.6 mL B. to tell other physicians about the guaifenesin therapy;
it could alter thyroid function test results.
16. A 54-year old female client is receiving captopril C. Restricts fluids to 300 mL per day
(Capoten) for which of the following problems? D. Take the medication on an empty stomach
A. chronic hypertension
B. venous thrombosis 22. In teaching a 64-year old client about acetylcysteine
C. hypertensive crisis (Mucomyst), the nurse should include the fact the
D. unstable angina pectoris effectiveness of this drug results from its ability to:
A. alter the molecular composition of mucus and
17. A client admitted to the hospital in hypertensive crisis is decrease its viscosity
ordered to receive hydralazine (Apresoline) 20 mg IV for B. enter the bronchial glands and stimulate their cells to
a blood pressure greater than 190/100. The best response secrete watery mucus
of the nurse to this order is to: C. stimulate ciliary activity and the salivary glands
A. call the physician because the dose is too small D. increase the viscosity of bronchial secretions
B. give the medication as ordered
C. give half the dose first to see how it affects the blood 23. While taking care of a client who is receiving IV
pressure antibiotics, the nurse suspects that he is having a delayed
D. hold the medication, and call the physician because hypersensitivity reaction. The nurse understands that the
the dose is too large delayed hypersensitivity reactions:
A. are usually fatal and must be treated immediately
18. In teaching a client about methyldopa (Aldomet), the B. occur within 3 to 6 hours after administration of the
nurse would be correct in stating that it is classified as a : medication
A. Peripherally-acting vasodilator C. are produced by T lymphocytes
B. alpha2-adrenergic agonist D. always produce anaphylactic shock
C. cholinergic agonist
D. anticholinergic, anti-hypertensive 24. The nurse assesses a client who is receiving a
theophylline medication. Which of the following
19. A 23-year old female college student who takes birth assessments would indicate that the client was responding
control pills and is a heavy smoker develops a thrombus positively to the medication?
in her leg. She is admitted to the hospital and is started on A. respiratory rate of 18 bpm
heparin. Which of the following nursing actions would be B. urine output of 450 mL per shift
the most important for this client? C. heart rate of 92 beats per minute (BPM)
A. allow her to go to the designated smoking area to D. blood pressure of 138/82
prevent nicotine withdrawal
B. give her aspirin for headaches and joint pain
C. maintain her on strict bed rest
D. have her walk every 4 hours to prevent pneumonia
and joint stiffness
25. Which of the following statements made by a client who 31. A 28 year old female client is to receive her first dose of
is to take an antitussive with codeine at home would chlordiazepoxide (Librium) after her admission. She says
indicate to the nurse that her teaching about the to the nurse: “Is that Librium? I can’t take Librium!” The
medication had been effective? nurse’s best response would be:
a. “I should take this anytime I start to cough.” a. “It’s the hospital policy not to tell the patients what
b. “This medication may make me anxious and medications they are receiving.”
nervous.” b. “Go ahead and take the pill now. It’ll make you feel
c. “I should call the physician if I develop diarrhea better.”
while taking this medication.” c. “You have to take this pill—the doctor ordered it.”
d. “Driving my car after taking this medication could be d. “What happens when you take Librium?”
32. All of the following are important considerations when
26. A client has just received morphine sulfate 5 mg IV for providing total parenteral nutrition (TPN) to clients,
chest pain. Which of the following would be the most except:
important side effect of the medication to monitor her for? a. Increase the infusion rate of the solution to “catch
a. diaphoresis and flushing up” if it should get behind.
b. constipation b. Blood glucose level should be monitored daily and
c. hypotension liver function tests should be performed.
d. suppressed cough reflex c. Monitor the client for weight and hydration status
d. Change the tubing every 24 hours
27. A client has both morphine sulfate (MS) and meperidine
(Demerol) ordered for pain. Which of the following 33. The base solution for TPN is usually:
client assessments would lead the nurse to decide to give a. D5W
the morphine instead of the meperidine? b. NS
a. pain is much more severe than the last time the c. LR
medication was given d. D50W
b. BP 110/58, pulse 60
c. Temp 97.9, respirations 12/min 34. Because of its osmotic nature, one important
d. Peripheral pulses weak, skin color flushed consideration of TPN solutions is:
a. it needs to be run through a central vein
28. In instructing a client about the home use of the b. it is a good growth medium for bacteria
medication acetazolamide (Diamox), which would be the c. it provides all the nutrients a client needs
most important element for the nurse to include in the d. the tubing should be changed every 24 hours
teaching plan? .
a. The medication is safe to use and has few side effects 35. Which of the following clients would be most likely
b. Two drops should be put in each eye twice a day placed on an increased potassium diet?
c. If the client develops weakness, heart palpitations, or a. one who is in renal failure
paresthesia, he or she should notify the physician b. one who is being treated for diabetes insipidus
d. The medication may cause dim vision in low light, so c. one who is taking aspirin for rheumatoid arthritis
night driving could be dangerous d. one who has tumor lysis syndrome

29. For which of the following conditions would a client most 36. Which of the following clients would the nurse question if
likely be receiving timolol maleate (Timoptic)? a narcotic analgesic medication was ordered?
a. gastric ulcer a. A 68 year old client with rheumatoid arthritis
b. glaucoma b. A 42 year old three-day postoperative gall bladder
c. lung cancer client
d. urinary tract infection c. An 8 year old burn client
d. A 22-year old car accident client with head injury
30. Medications that cause the pupil of the eye to constrict are
called: 37. The nurse should be most concerned if a client develops
a. mydriatics which of the following side effects while on levodopa
b. vasoconstrictors (Dopar)?
c. miotics a. nausea and vomiting
d. diuretics b. blurred vision
c. tachycardia
d. edema
38. A child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder would 45. What do atropine, benztropine (Cogentin),
most likely be receiving which medication? trihexyphenidyl (Artane), and dicyclomine (Bentyl) all
a. phenytoin (Dilantin) have in common?
b. methylphenidate (Ritalin) a. all are used in GI disorders
c. dexamethasone (Decadrom) b. all are classified as anticholinergics
d. Cimetidine (Tagamet). c. all are given only PO
d. all are classified as analgesics
39. Following surgery, a client has an order for nalbuphine
HCl (Nubain) for moderate to severe pain. The 46. A client is receiving propylthiouracil (Propacil) for which
assessment for possible adverse reactions should include condition?
observing for a. Grave’s disease
a. blurred vision, palpitations, and urinary retention b. Cushing’s syndrome
b. decreased pulse rate, drowsiness, and nausea c. Cretinism
c. increased confusion, tachycardia, and anorexia d. Myxedema
d. irregular pulse, hypotension, and oliguria
47. A client mistakenly receives a dose of insulin twice as
40. The nurse teaches the client that a synergistic interaction large as was ordered. Symptoms he most likely will
is likely if which of the following medications are taken experience are:
together? a. deep slow respirations, dry skin
a. alcohol and diazepam (Valium) b. low blood pressure, increased urine output
b. tetracycline and magnesium hydroxide (Maalox) c. diaphoresis, disorientation
c. Cimetidine (Tagamet) and prochlorperazine d. edema, tachycardia
d. Vincristine (Oncovin) and penicillin 48. In teaching a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic client about
insulin, the nurse should include the fact that the peak
41. A 32 year old male client is admitted to the unit. During action of NPH insulin will occur:
the initial assessment, the nurse notes that he has gingival a. 1 to 2 hours after administration
hyperplasia. Although he does not remember the names b. 3 to 4 hours after administration
of the medications he is taking at home, it is very likely c. 6 to 8 hours after administraton
that one of the medications is: d. 10 to 12 hours after administration
a. oxazepam (Serax)
b. phenytoin (Dilantin) 49. To which of the following clients would the nurse be
c. diazepam (Valium) administering glyburide (Micronase)?
d. chlordiazepoxide (Librium) a. Type 1 diabetic client
b. Type 2 diabetic client
42. Which of the following nursing implications would be the c. Gestational diabetes
most important for a client receiving amphetamine d. DKA patients
a. give the last dose at bedtime 50. Teaching for clients who are receiving tetracycline
b. monitor the patient’s blood pressure (Sumycin) should include instructions on how to:
c. monitor the patient for depression a. avoid taking with milk or antacids
d. give medication on an empty stomach. b. stay in the direct sunlight as much as possible to
increase the production of natural vitamin D
43. Which of the following side effects should the nurse c. eat fresh fruits to prevent constipation
monitor for the client who just received atropine IV? d. reduce fluid intake to prevent renal failure
a. moon face, hirsutism
b. tachycardia, dry mouth 51. A female client with a history of multiple sclerosis has
c. edema of the extremities, bradycardia orders for dantrolene sodium (Dantrium). The nurse will
d. constricted pupils, diarrhea know the client understands the action of the drug when
she says
44. Which of the following medications would the nurse a. “I need to use a sunscreen when I go outside”.
expect to be used for the client who has a gastric ulcer? b. “I can’t take any other medications when I’m on this
a. Ipratropium (Atrovent) drug.”
b. benztropine (Cogentin) c. “I take this drug only when my spasms are bad.”
c. trihexyphenidyl (Artane) d. “I should see a marked change in my muscle strength
d. dicyclomine (Bentyl) within two to three days”
52. Bethanecol chloride (Urecholine) is ordered PRN for a 58. A client with urinary tract infection is given an
client following a transurethral resection of the prostate aminoglycoside (Gentamicin) antimicrobial therapy. The
(TURP). Which of the following conditions would need nurse understands that this drug is more effective when
to be present for the nurse to administer this drug? the urine is
a. Complaints of bladder spasms a. concentrated
b. Complaints of severe pain. b. dilute
c. Inability to void c. alkaline
d. Frequent episodes of painful urination d. acid

53. Which of the statements is most accurate about the drug 59. A client with the diagnosis of systemic lupus
cimetidine (Tagamet) and should be discussed with clients erythematosus is placed on hydroxychloroquine
who take the medications? (Plaquenil), an antimalarial drug, to reduce skin
a. Tagamet should be taken together with an antacid to inflammation. A toxic reaction to this drug that the nurse
decrease GI distress will teach the client to report is
b. Tagamet should be used cautiously with clients on a. muscle cramps
Coumadin b. decreased visual acuity
c. Tagamet should be taken on an empty stomach for c. cardiac arrhythmias
better absorption. d. joint pain
d. Tagamet is usually prescribed only for long-term
prevention of gastric ulcers. 60. A male client is currently taking Digitalis 0.25 mg daily,
Lasix 100 mg daily, Acyclovir 10 mg QID and Tagamet
54. A 60-year old male client with chronic osteroarthritis is 300 mg QID. Which one of the following drugs has
severely debilitated. Betamethasone (celestone) therapy potential side effects that are the most life-threatening?
has been ordered for him. The nurse will advise the client a. Digitalis
to take a single, daily dose of the drug. b. Lasix
a. At bedtime with a glass of milk c. Acyclovir
b. With orange juice at bedtime. d. Tagamet
c. With milk in the morning
d. On an empty stomach in the morning 61. The nurse suggests which of the following foods to
minimize the risk of digitalis toxicity to a patient who is
55. A client is receiving lithium carbonate for manic behavior. on digoxin?
Administration of this medication should be guided by A. Turkey, green beans, and Italian bread
a. Maintaining a therapeutic dose of 900 mg TID B. Cottage cheese, cooked broccoli, and roast beef
b. Encouraging regular blood studies (serum lithium C. Fish, green beans, and cherry pie
levels) until the maintenance dose is stabilized. D. Whole grain cereal, orange juice, and apricots
c. Telling the client that a lag of 7 to 10 days can be
expected between the initiation of lithium therapy 62. A patient with chronic renal failure is receiving
and the control of manic symptoms. hemodialysis treatments 4 times per week. Patient
d. Telling the client that muscle weakness indicates complains of headache, muscle cramping, and fatigue.
severe toxicity and the physician should be notified. Which medication is contraindicated and will not alleviate
these problems?
56. A client with liver cirrhosis is receiving spironolactone. A. Acetylsalicylic acid
An unexpected outcome when this drug is given is B. Quinine sulfate
a. Increased urine sodium C. Trimeprazine tartrate (Temaril)
b. Increased urinary output D. Epogen
c. Increased potassium excretion
d. Gynecomastia in males 63. A patient is instructed to report which of the following
side effect of neomycin administration?
57. A client with a fractured right hip has Buck’s traction A. Deafness
applied and orders for prophylactic anticoagulant therapy. B. Nausea
The nurse anticipates that the physician will order C. Diarrhea
a. aspirin D. Anaphylaxis
b. dextran
c. heparin 64. What drug may the nurse administer to prevent
d. coumadin pseudoparkinsonism?
A. Chlorpromazine HCl (Thorazine)
B. Trifluoperazine HCl ( Stelazine)
C. Isocarboxazid (Marplan)
D. Trihexyphenidyl (Artane)
65. Most adverse drug effects in the elderly occur because 72. The nurse prepares to teach the parents of a newborn
A. The amount of body water is decreased infant with an unrepaired cardiac defect about the side
B. Hormone activity is generally diminished effects of digoxin. Which side effect should the nurse
C. The amount of body fat tends to increase with age exclude from the teaching plan?
D. CNS effects decrease in the elderly A. Dysrhythmias
B. Yellow-green visual halos
66. The nurse administers preop medication, atropine 0.15 mg C. Bradycardia
IM. Fifteen minutes later, the patient is breathing rapidly D. Vomiting
and has a flushed, red face. The nurse should
A. Administer the atropine antidote stat. 73. In evaluating a patient’s response to beta-mimetic therapy
B. Give the patient a cool sponge bath used to inhibit premature labor, to which sign of side
C. Tell the patient these are normal side effects of effects must the nurse be alert?
atropine A. Maternal hypertension
D. Page and advise the surgeon of the patient’s condition B. Fetal bradycardia
before transporting the patient to the OR. C. Maternal and fetal tachycardia
D. Uterine hypertonia
67. Under usual circumstances, nitroglycerin taken
sublingually should relieve pain in 74. Meperidine (Demerol), a synthetic opiate, is a commonly
A. Less than 1 minute used narcotic for women in labor. The nurse must time the
B. 2-3 minutes administration of this drug so that birth ideally occurs
C. Over 5 minutes A. 1 hour after administration
D. 7-8 minutes B. 2 hours after administration
C. 3 hours after administration
68. The plan of care for a patient on clozapine (Clozaril) D. 4 hours after administration
includes monitoring what side effects?
A. Seizures due to reduction in seizure threshold 75. Theophylline and 5% dextrose are being infused IV for a
B. WBC above 3000/mm³ patient in acute distress from asthma. The patient is
C. Granulocyte count above 1500/mm³ experiencing hypotension and an irregular pulse. The first
D. Decreased salivation nursing action would be to
A. Stop the medication and call the ED physician
69. Health teaching regarding uncomfortable signs and B. Check the BP and pulse frequently while the drug
symptoms of side effects of oral antibiotic therapy infuses
includes C. Increase IV rate to reverse possible hypovolemia
A. Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) D. Slow infusion rate and notify the ED physician
B. Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain
C. Nausea and glossitis 76. Dietary instructions for a patient on long-term
D. Nausea, diarrhea, and vaginal yeast infections corticosteroid therapy include
A. Increase calcium and vitamin D supplements to
70. In teaching parents about giving oral tetracycline to a 10- reduce osteoporosis.
year-old, the nurse would be most correct in advising B. Increase sodium intake to prevent dehydration
them to C. Reduce potassium to avoid cardiac complications
A. Keep the child out of direct sunlight. D. Increase carbohydrate intake to maintain ideal
B. Give it with dairy products to avoid GI upset weight.
C. Not report common side effects such as diarrhea and
rash 77. Which drug should the RN withhold before hemodialysis?
D. Have the child brush teeth often, because this A. Digoxin
medication interferes with tooth enamel formation B. Verapamil
C. Norpace
71. In administering 0.4 mL to a 4-month-old infant, the nurse D. Ibuprofen
should select which size syringe and needle?
A. Insulin syringe, 21-gauge needle 78. A patient with a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is given
B. 1 ml syringe, 21-gauge needle Nimotop 60 mg PO every 4 hours. What expected
C. Tuberculin syringe, 25-gauge needle outcome will the nurse anticipate as a result of this
D. 3 mL syringe, 23-gauge needle medication?
A. Increased BP
B. Tachycardia
C. Decrease in cerebral vasospasm
D. Focal seizure activity
79. What nursing intervention is essential when administering 86. A patient admitted with a diagnosis of chronic atrial
nitroprusside sodium (Nipride)? fibrillation is on a daily dose of Coumadin 2.5 mg. The
A. Assess liver function tests. serum INR level is 4.7. What intervention should the
B. Dilute and administer with normal saline. nurse be prepared to initiate?
C. Assess for elevated systolic BP. A. Observe the patient for the possibility of an embolic
D. Cover the IV solution with aluminum foil. event.
B. Have a PTT drawn to completely evaluate the level
80. The nurse is to give meperidine 75 mg and scopolamine of anticoagulation
0.3 mg preoperatively to a patient with a history of C. Prepare to give the patient protamine sulfate.
glaucoma. What would be the nurse’s response to the D. Monitor the patient for signs of bleeding.
A. Give the drugs as ordered. 87. The doctor orders an IV fluid to infuse at 320 mL every 8
B. Teach the patient the side effects. hours. If the nurse hangs a 500 mL bag at 10:45 AM,
C. Dim the lights and raise side rails after injection. when will this bag need to be changed?
D. Do not give and call the MD. A. 3 PM
B. 6:45 PM
81. The physiological effect of using dobutamine (Dobutex) C. 8:30 PM
and nitroglycerine (Tridil) together for the patient in D. 10:45 PM
cardiogenic shock is to
A. Increase both renal perfusion and BP 88. Specific nursing intervention for a client who is receiving
B. Increase cardiac output and decrease myocardial doxorubicin (Adriamycin) for acute myelogenous
workload leukemia should include
C. Increase myocardial oxygen consumption and A. Giving frequent oral hygiene and increasing oral
decrease BP fluids
D. Increase both peripheral vascular resistance and B. Administering medications IM and encouraging
cerebral blood flow activity
C. Serving hot liquids, such as broths or tea, with each
82. What should be the nurse’s priority in monitoring the meal
patient who is taking risperidone (Risperdal)? D. Emphasizing that the disease will be cured with this
A. Hypertensive reaction treatment
B. Hormonal effect
C. Gastrointestinal reaction 89. A client who is immunosuppressed is receiving filgrastim
D. Anticholinergic effects (Neupogen). When assessing the client’s response to this
medication the finding that would be considered
83. The nurse anticipates that the backbone of treatment for significant is an increase in
patients with myasthenia gravis will be A. Platelets
A. Adrenergic drugs B. Erythrocytes
B. Anticholinergic drugs C. Thrombocytes
C. Anticholinesterase drugs D. WBC
D. Cholinergic drugs
90. A client with Hodgkin’s disease is to receive the cyclic
84. What should a patient with Parkinson’s disease be taught antineoplastic vincristine (Oncovin) as part of a therapy
about levodopa? protocol. The nurse understands that Oncovin helps
A. Take the medication on an empty stomach. destroy the malignant cells by
B. Ongoing therapy brings continuous symptomatic A. Arresting mitosis in metaphase
relief B. Inhibiting the synthesis of pyrimidine
C. Signs of toxicity include muscle flaccidity C. Alkylating nucleic acids needed for mitosis
D. Avoid multivitamins with pyridoxine D. Inactivating DNA and inhibiting RNA synthesis

85. A patient is awaiting the insertion of a pacemaker. The BP 91. The nurse is reviewing a list of current medications with
is 128/60. Which medication should the nurse have an 80-year-old client who has developed GI bleeding. The
available during this patient’s pre-operative period? medication that should be questioned would be
A. Lidocaine (Xylocaine) A. Ibuprofen (Advil)
B. Atropine sulfate B. Digoxin (Lanoxin)
C. Digoxin C. Furosemide (Lasix)
D. Propranolol HCl (Inderal) D. Spironolactone (Aldactone)
92. A client with DKA is initially treated with IV fluids 99. The physician prescribes cholestyramine (Questran) to
followed by an IV bolus of regular insulin. The nurse treat a client’s persistent diarrhea. This drug reduces the
anticipates that the physician probably will order a absorption of fat, which may produce a deficiency of
continuous infusion of A. Thiamine
A. Humulin N insulin B. Vitamin A
B. Humulin R insulin C. Riboflavin
C. Semilente D. Vitamin B6
D. Ultralente
100. A chelating agent used for lead poisoning would be
93. The nurse should monitor a child receiving vincristine A. Calcium gluconate
(Oncovin) for untoward reactions affecting the B. Lomustine (CCNU)
A. Emotional status C. Sodium bicarbonate
B. Neurologic status D. Calcium disodium edentate (EDTA)
C. Respiratory status
D. Cardiovascular status

94. A client with lymphosarcoma is receiving allopurinol and

methotrexate. The nurse can help the client prevent
complications related to uric acid nephropathy by
administering the
A. Methotrexate after providing an antacid
B. Allopurinol and promoting urine acidity
C. Methotrexate and restricting the intake of fluid
D. Allopurinol and encouraging the intake of fluid.

95. An adolescent with allergies has been using

oxymetazoline (Afrin) nasal spray. The nurse explains
that if more than the recommended dose is taken, the
client may develop
A. Nasal polyps
B. Ringing in the ears
C. Bleeding tendencies
D. Increased nasal congestion

96. A nursing care plan for a client on benazepril

hydrochloride (Lotensin) for hypertension would include
A. Monitoring the client’s EEG
B. Observing the client for dizziness
C. Administering the drug after meals
D. Varying the time of administration daily

97. A pediatric client is receiving busulfan (Myleran). The

child’s blood tests should be monitored for side effects
A. Polycythemia
B. Hyperuricemia
C. Aplastic anemia
D. Hypoalbuminemia

98. A client with pulmonary tuberculosis is to receive more

than one anti-tubercular medication. Which of the
following drugs could damage the eighth cranial nerve?
A. Isoniazid (INH)
B. Rifampin (Rifadin)
C. Ethambutol ( Myambutol)
D. Streptomycin

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