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This Contract of Sublease, made and entered into by and between:

[NAME], [marital status], of legal age, with postal address at [address], hereinafter
referred to as the SUBLESSOR;

- and -

[NAME], [marital status], of legal age, with postal address at [address], hereinafter
referred to as the SUBLESSEE.


WHEREAS, the SUBLESSOR is the [designation] of the owner of [address of the

house/apartment], hereinafter referred to as the ‘Property’;

WHEREAS, the SUBLESSOR is authorized by the owner of the Property to sublet

the same, or a portion thereof;

WHEREAS, the SUBLESSEE desires to sublease the portion of the Property

designated as the ‘Master’s Bedroom,’ and the SUBLESSOR is willing to sublet the same
unto the SUBLESSEE subject to the terms and conditions herein specified;

NOW, AND THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual
covenants herein contained, the SUBLESSOR has sublet and by these presents does hereby
sublet unto the SUBLESSEE the portion of the Property designated as the ‘Master’s
Bedroom,’ and the SUBLESSEE hereby accepts the same by way of sublease subject to the
following terms and conditions:


The subject of this Contract of Sublease is the portion of Residential Unit #

designated as the ‘Master’s Bedroom’, consisting an approximate area of #
square meters, semi/fully-furnished, located at [address of the
house/apartment], Singapore (hereinafter referred to as the “Leased


The lease shall be guaranteed for a period of five months commencing on

July 3, 2018 and ending on December 3, 2018. This Contract shall be deemed
to have been automatically renewed for a period of one month for every
month the SUBLESSEE remains in the Leased Premises beyond the period
provided herein.


The parties agree that the monthly rental of the Leased Premises shall be
One Thousand and Nine Singaporean Dollars (SGD1,009.00), exclusive of

Upon execution of this contract, the SUBLESSEE shall pay to the

SUBLESSOR the following:

 Five (5) installments of One Thousand and Nine Singaporean Dollars

(SGD1,009.00) as five-month advance rental dues and shall be in the
form of post-dated checks addressed to the SUBLESSOR as the payee.
It shall be dated on the date of move in (ex. If date of move in is May
15, the check for May will be dated on the 15th and the rest will be
dated the 15th of the succeeding months)

 One check amounting to One Thousand and Nine Singaporean

Dollars (SGD1,009.00) as security deposit dated on the day of move-in.

 The SUBLESSOR shall issue an acknowledgement receipt upon the

turnover of the post-dated checks.

The SUBLESSOR reserves the right to increase the rental rate after the five-
month period provided there be a month’s prior notice to the SUBLESSEE.


The SUBLESSEE agrees to deposit with the SUBLESSOR the amount of One
Thousand and Nine Singaporean Dollars (SGD 1,009.00), to be held without
interest by the SUBLESSOR as security deposit, which may be drawn upon by
the SUBLESSOR to the extent of any unpaid bills for water, gas, electricity,
internet or telephone, or damages to the Property or Leased Premises,
including all furnishings, appliances, and decorative items therein, caused by
the fault or negligence of the SUBLESSEE, members of his/her household and
guests; Provided that damages to the Property or Leased Premises, including
all furnishings, appliances, and decorative items therein, due to ordinary
wear-and-tear shall be for the account of all the occupants of the Property in
equal portions; Provided further that the SUBLESSEE has the option of paying
the unpaid bills or damages in cash instead of being drawn upon the security
deposit. If the unpaid utilities or bills; or damages to the Property or Leased
Premises, including all furnishings, appliances, and decorative items therein,
exceeds the security deposit, the SUBLESSOR reserves the right to demand a
reimbursement from the SUBLESSEE of any expenses she incurs from settling
the unpaid utilities or bills; or paying the repairs or replacements for the
damaged Property.

The Security Deposit cannot be applied or used for payment of the rental dues.
The Security Deposit shall be returned to the SUBLESSEE within fifteen (15)
days from the date the SUBLESSEE actually vacates the Leased Premises after
the SUBLESSOR shall have deducted whatever amount might then be due
from the SUBLESSEE under the immediately preceding paragraph.


All charges and expenses for gas, water, electric current, telephone, cable
fees, internet, and other public utilities and amenities which involve monthly
payments now installed or hereinafter to be installed during the term of the
sublease shall be for the account of all the occupants of the Property in equal

In determining the number of occupants for purposes of allocating utility

expenses, every person actually occupying the Property shall be counted as
one occupant, regardless of age; Provided that a guest staying in the Property
for more than five (5) days or two or more guests, regardless of duration of
stay, shall be considered as one occupant.


The Leased Premises shall be used for residential purposes. The Property
shall not be converted to any other purpose without the prior written
consent of the SUBLESSOR. Any liability as to noise, nuisance or disturbance
caused by the SUBLESSEE shall be his/her own responsibility, whether
his/her guests or him/herself causes it.

The Property is a NON-SMOKING AREA. Any odor that would stick to the
Leased Premises shall be removed at the expense of the SUBLESSEE.

The SUBLESSOR undertakes that the SUBLESSEE shall be entitled to

peacefully and quietly hold, use, occupy, possess and enjoy the Leased
Premises, and the SUBLESSEE shall be maintained in such lawful, peaceful,
and quiet use, occupation, possession and enjoyment of the Leased Premises
during the term of this Contract.


SUBLESSEE may not directly or indirectly assign, sublease, transfer, convey,

mortgage or in any way encumber its right of possession and sublease over
the Leased Premises without the prior written consent of the SUBLESSOR.


The SUBLESSEE shall not paint, make alterations or additions to, or

improvements upon the Property or the Leased Premises, including electrical
and plumbing installations thereon, without first obtaining the written
consent of the SUBLESSOR.

Upon the expiration of the sublease, all fixed and permanent improvements
introduced or built on the Property or the Leased Premises by the
SUBLESSEE with the consent of the LESSOR can and may be removed by the
SUBLESSEE without defacing or causing damage to the Property or the
Leased Premises.

In case of the SUBLESSEE’s failure to remove the improvements at the

expiration or termination of the sublease, or in case it is not possible to
remove the improvements without defacing or causing damage to the
Property or the Leased Premises, it shall be the SUBLESSOR’s right to
appropriate the improvements without any obligation on the latter’s part to
pay for its value or cost to the SUBLESSEE or the SUBLESSOR can ask for
reimbursement for the repair of damage due to the removal of the


The SUBLESSEE may install movable furnishings, appliances, and decorative

items within the Property and the Leased Premises, which shall remain the
property of the SUBLESSEE. The SUBLESSEE shall take care that the
removal of the items shall not cause any damage to the Property or the
Leased Premises. In case of the SUBLESSEE’s failure to remove the movable
improvements at the expiration or termination of the lease, the SUBLESSOR
may, upon two weeks’ prior written notice to the SUBLESSEE, signify its
intent to appropriate the movable improvements.

Should the SUBLESSEE fail to respond to the SUBLESSOR within said two-
week period or should the SUBLESSEE otherwise provide its written consent
to the appropriation of the movable improvements by the SUBLESSOR, then
the SUBLESSOR may appropriate the movable improvements without any
obligation on the latter’s part to pay for its value or cost to the SUBLESSEE.


The SUBLESSEE has inspected the Property and the Leased Premises and
found the same to be in good and tenantable condition. The SUBLESSEE has
inspected all the walls, floorings, tiles and other items such as furniture,
equipment inside the Property and the Leased Premises and found the same
to be in good condition.

The SUBLESSEE shall strictly maintain the Leased Premises in clean and in
sanitary condition and keep it in good condition, free from any damage and
waste at all times. The SUBLESSEE shall keep the Leased Premises free from
undue accumulation of waste materials and remove any facility, equipment,
machinery, improvements and any other materials, which in the opinion of
the SUBLESSOR constitute nuisance, fire and health hazards, and danger to
the Property. This obligation shall extend to the common areas of the
Property which the SUBLESSEE uses such as, but not limited to, designated
kitchen cabinet and drawer, dining area, and the living room.

The SUBLESSEE has the obligation to maintain the cleanliness of the Leased
Premises and shall, at the end of the sublease, return the Leased Premises in
a clean and sanitary condition free from any waste materials, dust, grime and
molds. If the SUBLESSEE fails to return it in that state, the SUBLESSOR shall
ask for reimbursement from the SUBLESSEE the expense of having the
Leased Premises cleaned.

All occupants shall be responsible for all repairs on the Property, water,
electrical and sewage installations when such damage is caused by force
majeure or natural calamity.

The SUBLESSEE shall be responsible for repairs due to the fault or

negligence of the SUBLESSEE, members of his/her household, and guests. If
the item, furnishing, flooring, wall or any part of the Property cannot be
repaired, it must be replaced with an item of equal quality and qualification.


Leaks, cracks on walls, posts, and other structural walls of the Property are
the responsibility of the owner of the Property and the SUBLESSOR shall
communicate any such need for repairs to the owner upon such reasonable
time from the notice of the SUBLESSEE.


The SUBLESSOR may enter the Leased Premises at reasonable times and
with 24 hours’ notice to the SUBLESSEE to inspect the Leased Premises
and/or cause the repairs as provided in this Contract.

The SUBLESSOR may enter the Leased Premises, in the absence of the
SUBLESSEE, without being liable to any prosecution, in case there is a risk
of great damage to the Leased Premises or the Property due to external
conditions which include, but not limited to, typhoons, thunderstorms, fires
and earthquakes.


The SUBLESSEE guarantees the completion of the lifetime of the sublease,

which is five months, wherein no rental refund shall be made to the

The SUBLESSEE may pre-terminate this Contract of Sublease by giving the

SUBLESSOR a thirty-day notice before the intended move-out date. The
SUBLESSEE shall use the thirty-day period to look for a replacement who
shall continue the unexpired portion of the sublease in his/her place;
Provided that the replacement shall subject to the approval of the
SUBLESSOR. If the SUBLESSEE fails to find a replacement, he/she shall
continue to pay rental dues until the completion of the lifetime of the
sublease or until he/she finds a replacement, whichever comes first.


Upon expiration or termination of the terms of this contract for any reason
whatsoever, the SUBLESSEE shall immediately vacate the Leased Premises
and return possession thereof to the SUBLESSOR, upon the latter’s request,
unless this Contract of Sublease is extended.

Thirty (30) days prior to the return of the Leased Premises, the SUBLESSOR
may show the premises to prospective tenants through its representatives at
reasonable hours and with 24 hours’ notice to the LESSEE.


The parties agree that all covenants and agreements herein contained shall be
deemed conditions as well as covenants. Any default or breach thereof shall
be sufficient ground for the termination of this Contract, at the option of the
non-defaulting party, without need of judicial action and without prejudice
to any claim arising therefrom.


Failure of either party to insist in one or more instances upon strict

performance of any of the covenants of this lease or exercise any portion
therein contained, shall not be construed as abandonment or cancellation or
waiver of such covenant or option. No waiver by either party shall be
deemed to have been made unless expressed in writing and signed by the
party or parties concerned.


In case the Leased Premises shall be abandoned or vacated by the

SUBLESSEE without surrendering the same to the SUBLESSOR, the latter
shall have the right in addition to its right to cancel the Contract of Sublease,
by reason of abandonment, to forfeit the security deposit, and any unused
advanced rental dues, to enter the Leased Premises without being liable to
any prosecution, and the SUBLESSOR shall furthermore have the right to re-
let the same to another person. It shall be deemed a case of abandonment if
the SUBLESSEE leaves the Leased Premises without making any further
payment of his obligations for at least one month.

The SUBLESSOR is hereby appointed as the attorney-in-fact of the

SUBLESSEE to sell at a private or public sale, the properties of the
SUBLESSEE found in the Leased Premises the proceeds of which shall be
applied to such obligations and the excess to be turned over to the
SUBLESSEE or whoever is entitled thereto, and to place the same as a
deposit, if necessary, without prejudice to the right of the SUBLESSOR to
collect the deficiency, if any, from the SUBLESSEE. Absence from or
abandonment of the Leased Premises shall not relieve the SUBLESSEE from
its obligations under this Contract of Sublease.


This Contract constitutes the entire agreement of the parties and no

amendment or modification may be made hereto unless the same is reduced
in writing and signed by both parties.


Any dispute regarding the interpretation and implementation of this Contract

shall be brought only and exclusively in the proper courts of Singapore.


The provisions of this Contract are hereby deemed separable. It is agreed that
if any part of this Contract should be declared invalid, the remaining part shall
remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto signed the Contract of Sublease on
________________ at [District], Singapore.


____________________________ ________________________________


________________________ _________________________



I certify that on this date before me, a notary public duly authorized in the
municipality named above to take acknowledgments, personally appeared:

Name Community Tax Date / Place

Certificate / ID No./ Passport No. of Issue


who are personally known to me to be the same persons described in the foregoing
instrument, who acknowledged before me that their respective signatures on the
instrument were voluntarily affixed by them for the purposes stated therein, and who
declared to me that they have executed the instrument as their free and voluntary act
and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this _____________.


Doc. No. _______;

Page No. _______;
Book No. _______;
Series of 2018.

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